Ranking Every Exotic Primary Weapon In Destiny 2 (PvE Tier List)

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there are a lot of Exotics in Destiny now so I figured it would be fun to rank them all on their PVE capabilities this one is all about primaries and I have Heavies and specials already up on the channel this one's going to be a long one so I'll try to get through each weapon as fast as possible so sit back relax and I hope you enjoy all right starting off with the tier list we're going to have f is never used D is just bad C is mid which doesn't mean bad it's just kind of okay B is going to be good a is very good then s is going to be metad defining starting off we're going to have Ace of Space Ace of space is a very very fun hand Cannon it's pretty strong it basically is just a bunch of perks in one it has Firefly it has third eyye it has kill clip essentially on it it has so many perks just built into this hand Cannon alone and it makes it just pretty good in most scenarios of P you aren't really going to take this over anything else a lot of legendary hand cannons are going to be better because they just can open up your exotic slot so that's why I'm going to throw it in C tier this I think is a perfect representation of C tier it's not bad it's not that good is just kind of in the middle ground it has a bunch of decent perks on it and if it's the only gun you have you can definitely use it but you're almost going to want to take any other option now next up is bad juju now pulse rifles in the current season are not the greatest this is going to be based on the current season Once final Shake comes out I'll probably have another tier list towards the end of that but right now pulse rifles aren't the strongest but even with that bad juju is still pretty good this is going to feed you a ton of super it reloads the gun when you get kills and it also grants more damage a bunch of very good perks stacked on top of each other and get getting that extra super energy is very nice if you are playing a build around that with this pair with Celestial Nighthawk is extremely fun this season with the buff Nighthawk G that's why I'm going to throw it in the B tier with pulse rifles get a buff I definitely think this could be moved up to a tier potentially even s tier depending on how everything's going to work out with Prismatic and such cuz kinetic will also Grant you Transcendence energy and this does do kinetic damage right now though it's just kind of good you don't really see a lot of people use it but you cannot deny the perks on it are very very strong the next up is cuse and this weapon on paper seem pretty good you can charge it up and then you're going to Blind enemies when you get kills with it the problem is you can't reload you have to Sprint to reload the gun you have to keep that meter up it could be a little hassle to play into if you do play into it correctly it can be pretty decent but in my opinion guns with volt shot can do what this gun can already do just a little bit better yes theault shot can't blind enemies but me personally if I'm ever going to Blind something I normally would just use a disoriented grenade launcher so for me I'm just going to throw it in the C tier it is a decent weapon I just don't think you're going to use it over other options that we do have next up is curus plus one this is basically a shotgun Auto rifle it's really not that good on paper it sounds like it could be cool cuz it's just a fully automatic shotgun but it does do like primary levels of damage it's not anything like a special weapon as of right now in the game I would recommend probably to never use this thing at all in PVE it is going to be getting a buff but I think that's more so for PVP there are way way better options and if you're pulling up with a serus plus one yes I guess you can make it work but overall just use any other Auto rifle and you'll be completely fine next up is collective obligation this kind of falls into the same category pulse rifles aren't the strongest right now but even with that this one is still very very good it could do all the void debuffs with volatile suppress and weaken it plays into your Void sub class extremely well and I think just for the sure built crafting potential alone it's going to go in the a tier yes you do have to play into void with Prismatic this could potentially be even better because you can use void even more often while running the other subass but even in the game currently it is still one of the best pulse rifles again if you do play into void and having your primary just be able to apply all those effects is very very strong the next up is Crimson now Crimson is the Red Death that we currently have in the game we are going to be getting red death in the final shape but this gun is just kind of okay it can work well with lucky pants with this burst fire rate when you get kills you heal you can also reload the gun on Precision kills it is pretty good has some pretty good perks also hand cannons are obviously very strong in The Meta right now as well and overall I think I'm just going to put this in the B tier I could see the argument moving in for a I think there are better hand cannons out there having the healer is is very nice but again you can just get something like Luna how Hill clip that can also heal you and provide incandescent play into solar builds it's still a very very good option especially if you do pair up with lucky pants and again I could see the argument moving in for a but for me personally I'm just going to throw in in B now next up is cryia now this is a pretty fun sidearm you get a kill you can reload you can freeze enemies this works really well with Whisper of rening but in my opinion there are a lot of better freeze options out there you have things like Acres you have things in this tier list that we'll get into later that are for sure going to be better so I think overall I'm going to throw this in the C tier it is decent and you definitely can play into it and it's fun but I would almost recommend always using one of the other freeze options that we will get into later down the list next up is dead man's to now this is mainly a PVP exotic it does get a damage increase if you're hip firing it can also increase that rate of fire but even with all that other Scout rifle options are pretty much going to be better and I would almost recommend not really ever using this thing it is very fun there are some use cases with things like vpal maybe just shooting a champion down with this so I'm just going to throw it in D tier it's not that good for PVE again it is fun it's one of my favorite Exotics it's definitely one of the coolest Exotics but no one is really going to be using this a PVE when there are just better options out there the next up is Double's Ru now this one pretty interesting because it has the chart shot and it can St Unstoppable Champions even with that though it's still not the greatest thing in the game yes I guess it's kind of cool if you want to shoot down a major it's like a mini 1,000 voices it doesn't do as much damage as 1,000 voices it it's just kind of all right so again I'm just going to throw this one in C tier I don't think it's anything too crazy but I know there's some builds out there if you pair this to something like mecher trick sleeves I know it can do a ton of damage but you really have to build into it to get to that and just on its own it's usable it's just not the greatest thing in the game next up is fighting Lion now you can do some fun things with this with something like RIS rending but the ad clear on this is just kind of e the single Target is just kind of eh it's really really not the strongest thing in the game I would pretty much always recommend taking anything else over this so I'm just going to throw it in the D tier I'm just going to put it in bad because again you can kind of do some cool things with it but they're still not going to be the greatest things at the game it's more just a fun exotic build around and not really a good exotic now next up is final warning now final warning actually got a lot of play this season due to a lot of the artifact perks on its own this weapon is also still very very good you can unravel targets it has a lot of precision damage and again in those artifact perks make threat Lads everything like that it is one of the strongest sidearms in the game in my opinion and you can also play into strand builds with it even if you don't play into a strand build it's still very very good and I think going to rank this in the a tier I maybe can see the argument for moving it to B tier cuz I know the artifact perks are making it shine a lot this season currently but again even without those it's still nice cuz you're going to have the unravel effect it still does a ton of damage on its own and if you need a decent sidearm to use I would definitely give this one a shot now next up is graviton Lance now graviton Lance has gotten so many Buffs its catalyst is also crazy you get Bal and you get turnout it add clears an entire room it is one of the best primary V Exotics in the game I think this is going to be our first s tier it is for sure metad defining it like I said it can do pretty much anything you want it to do it plays into volle rounds or any void build also extremely well I pretty much would always take graviton over Collective obligation unless you are really really playing into those void BBS and even with that just the sure add clear potential of graviton I think makes it more crazy it is going to be received on Nerf in final shape but I still think it's going to be very good it probably will still be S tier and overall it is one of the best and coolest looking Exotics in the entire game now next up is hardlight and this is pretty much just an auto rifle that can change elements this used to be pretty strong when Match Game was a thing but now that match game's out you don't really need to match elements a lot anymore it can Ricochet and the ricochets do a little bit more damage if you hit an enemy but overall again the main appeal of this is just to change elements I'm just going to throw it in D tier you're not really using this at all anymore I guess if you do want to change elements or really playing this rickochet you can make it work and it does have a little used potential so that's why again just going to throw it in D I don't think it's a never used but it definitely isn't good the next up is Hawk moon now Hawk moon is a very fun exotic you can build up those shots the last shot does a lot of damage overall in PVE though this thing is definitely not the greatest it's at clear as pretty bad compared to other Exotics or just other legendary primaries in general that chart shot you get is very very strong but overall even if you use this something like lucky pants other hand Canon options are going to be better and I don't really see a world where I'm ever going to be taking this into PVE so that's why I'm going to throw it in the D tier yes if you do play into that shot it can be kind of decent but playing into that shot is just not worth it you could just use literally anything else and it will do better in my opinion just running something that can add clear and then just having a sniper for that high damage shot is going to be better pretty much every single day now next up is higher Arc and needs now this came out a lot of people kind of just rode it off but it did gain some popularity and it is one of the strongest bows in the game in my opinion you can build up those charges you can make your circle then just have your tracking arrows that can do a ton of damage you can pretty much just have that up infinitely if you are playing into it correctly and overall it is a very very strong and very very fun to use weapon you do have to be pretty stationary with it that is the kind of downside of it you can't really move a lot with it because you really want to sit in the spot but in something like a GM that's obviously pretty easy to do that's why I'm going to throw it in the a tier in my opinion it is one of the best EXC just to sit in the back of the map and just lay down a barrage of arrows and you could just pretty much kill anything now next up is LAM Monarch now Lam Monarch is another exotic bat you can apply poison this works extremely well with void builds that also has overload which is very very nice I don't think this is a meta defining exotic but with all the stuff built into its kit the way it can play the volatile the poison everything I think this is definitely an a tier this is going to be a common theme with the bows almost all the Exotic bows are very very good for PVE and with that you pretty much just have the solar one and the void one and we'll get into the other ones later now next up is Lumina now Lumina is an interesting exotic on its own it's pretty much just a hand Canon but when you get those Noble rounds it becomes one of the best support weapons in the game you can reload the gun when you get Noble rounds and when you shoot a noble round at a teammate you will heal them and give them a 35% damage buff one of the highest damage Buffs in the game and you can constantly shoot this you can hold up to six charges and it is used on a lot of speed runs day ones even things like Pantheon I even ran this to Pantheon it is very very strong and I think this is very much a metad defining exotic just being able to passively give your teammates a 35% damage increase and the ability to kill them and it also plays into some builds like with Ember of benevolence it is ridiculously strong it can even play in the rounds and with the new exotic warlock com coming it's only going to get better and I think I forgot to mention that that damage bu that your teammates gets it also applies to you too so inherently the hand Cannon just does 35% more damage at all time and obviously in DPS situations it is just ridiculously good now next up is mouth vence now Malin is very very strong it's really good against taken it's also just really good against everything else if you shoot five shots in it all the shots will blow up does a ton of damage you can get voral for the Catalyst and if you play into lucky pants it is one of the strongest hand cans you can use for that that specific build on top of all that it also has Unstoppable and if someone is using wither horde it will do more damage to the Target that's affected by wither hord again overall I think this is going to be a s tier exotic being able to stun a champion being able to do a ton of single Target damage it's also just decent for acto too being able to play into a build like lucky pants it is very very strong and it can also synergize with things like with a horde as well and next up is maida this is a pretty basic Scout rifle it has bad ad clear it doesn't really do anything super great pretty much any legendary Scout rifle is going to do better but you do get a Mobility boost so in that case I'm going to throw it in D tier it's definitely a bad weapon but if you want to use it just to run faster you know you can do that this plus eager Edge you'll be zooming around the map and next up is Monte Carlo now Monte Carlo is a very fun exotic you get melee energy back you can prop the bayonet now with Catalyst it does a ton of damage it is very very heavily played into melee builds and if you are playing into that it gets even stronger if pist was an exotic it is this one and I think I'm going to throw it in the eight tier spot bayonet d damage is very nice on top of that you also are going to be getting that increased damage when you get a melee kill so your gun could kill things your melee could kill things overall it's just a very very fun build crafty weapon and it's just also a pretty solid gun in general and next up is necrochasm now necrochasm was one of my favorite Exotics in D1 still one of my favorite Exotics in D2 but it's really not the greatest yes it can chain curse through all and it can also pair with necrotic grips it's very very fun but bunching themselves do even said this gun is weaker than what they want it to be they are going to be buffing it in final shape they're also giving it a new Catalyst as well very excited for that I think it might potentially even go to an S tier exotic but for now it's just kind of B tier it's decent for ad clear but if you need a solid ad clear exotic primary there are way way better options right now the next upep is no time to explain now this weapon it does refund ammo on Precision hits you can get your little buddy to also help you shoot even with all that it's not the Crea is I feel like this is more for a PVP exotic or just having like a fun buddy build with something like arxl but again it's not going to be the craziest thing so I'm just going to throw this in DTR I can see the argument movement for C but for me personally it's just kind of bad I absolutely never use this thing in PVE at all I imagine most of you all are the same and the other interesting thing is that it plays into stasis so if you shoot something that's frozen it refunds ammo but it does kinetic damage it' be cool maybe if it did stasis damage you could play into something like head stone if they gave it that I I'm I don't know it's just it's just kind of a weird gun in my opinion and I think they're pretty much a lot better options but if you do want to play into that buddy build build it has that going for it the next up is Osteo sugar now this with the Catalyst can get a huge mag it spreads poison it's pretty decent at clear I think there are better at Clear options now with some of the Nerfs that it has gotten but even with those Nerfs it can still play into necron XS everything like that I'm going to throw it in the at tier I still think it is a very very good SMG I would recommend using some of the other s tier options now but overall it's still very very strong for that kinetic slot now outbreak perfected now this is an interesting one because you can craft it now it can get things like rewind rounds which is probably its best ins slot option it is very good for taking out single targets right now in the game it is honestly very very strong and it's getting buffed in final shape so I think in final shape it could potentially become an S tier exotic right now in the game I'm definitely going to throw it an a it's very very good for doing additional DPS if everyone's out of ammo it's also just good for ACT clear you spread nanites everywhere if you're taking something like a GM with three people running it you could just pretty much use your primary the entire time you don't have to really do anything else very very strong love this weapon this was my favorite weapon in Destin one and it's slowly becoming my favorite one of D2 especially when the Buffs come out now next up is Polaris Lance now polarus Lance with this season for sure is an S tier it is very very strong if we strip the artifact perks away it's obviously going to drop down some so I'm going to base off the fact that we don't have artifact perks but even with that it is still good and most builds with Polaris Lance that did work with the season can still work in the future it's just going to take a lot longer to get those ignites instead of five shots it's going to take you shooting around 10 but if you are playing into it I guess it kind of can be okay just to spread ignitions everywhere so I'm just going to throw it in the B tier it has Firefly it's decent for at Clear it's decent for single Target because again you are just applying the score it has unlimited ammo if you are landing Precision shots but again if you do use those artifact perks it is for sure an S tier but if you don't I think it's just kind of be exotic a quick silver storm now this used to be an S tier exotic they did Nerf it even with the Nerf it's still very very good I definitely think it did knock it down to a cuz it does take a lot longer to load those grenade shots up but those grenade launcher shots are very very powerful it's basically a primary weapon that has infinite Special ammo you just have to build the charges up for it and I could even still see the argument of moving it to S tier but I think I'm just going to put it in eight with the Nerf that it did get now next up is Rat King now rat king is in my opinion a very very strong exotic obviously it's just sidearm is going to kind of get looked over but with Rat King if you have the Catalyst when you get a kill you're going to get a ton of benefits I mean you're going to heal you're going to go invisible if you stack this with a bunch of teammates it just shreds through enemies you get such an increased fire rate increased magazine size when you reload it can do so much for you and just taking this into a rate with six people and just like an ad playar encounter I mean it can shred you all heal you all go invisible nothing can shoot you you're pretty much unkillable it's very very strong now do I think this is strong at some other Exotics in a tier of course not but it is definitely a good B tier contender in my opinion I could see the argument moving it to a if you are running with a six stack but overall it is very very good even on its own just having that ability to proc invisibility and heal very very good and it's definitely something I would not look over now next up is revision zero now this weapon's in an interesting spot it has barrier capabilities but there is a better barrier option and there's also another exotic here that kind of does what this does pretty much the same way it's a little different and I think that exotic is also better right now what this does is if you just get Precision shots you can build your sniper shot up and it can do some okay damage you can craft this you can build around that but overall I don't really foresee any want really running rision Z that much yes the two burst also did get buffed it can do a pretty good amount of damage but overall I'm just going to throw this in the C tier spot it's kind of just mid in my opinion I I think you're going to take pretty much any other option over this thing and just to skip around a little bit I guess to further slidify that point you have things like wishender which is the other barrier exotic it does an absurd amount of damage it has barrier it can see through walls which I guess is kind of whatever but this is definitely a metad defined exotic it is one of the strongest exotic primarities in the game for things like GMS and if you ever need a barrier option you're not going to be taking revision zero you're always going to be taking Wisher and then if we jump over to Vex SMI the class this is the other gun where you can build up your Char shots you can turn it into a linear Fusion whereas your vision Z is a special but in my opinion Vex is going to be better than revision zero yes you don't have to get kills with revision zero whereas Vex you do I think it's easier to get the Vex sacks in my opinion and the Vex also does more damage in my experience so that's why I'm going to throw Vex and B tier I don't think Vex is an a tier exotic it is I guess pretty decent but you're really never going to take Vex over some of these other options and then if you just take a look at the three right here where you basically have your primary weapon trying to be a special Quicks is for sure better than both of these and it is way way easier to get the Special ammo shots in that compared to these two you literally just shoot an enemy body shot head shot whatever you want don't have to get a kill and it will just load grenade launchers up into it whereas these you have to get kills or you have to land Precision shots and they don't do nearly as much as something like Quicks in my opinion and then for the bigger capabilities again just take wish Ender it's literally a metad defining exotic it does so much damage and it's just so good now next up is risk Runner now this one's also very strong when you take Arc damage you do get Arc damage resistance it will proc its perk so you can chain lightning everywhere every time you get a kill that chain lightning will constantly REO so you pretty much have a very very high up time of that you can even proti this on yourself if you do throw something like an AR grenade with something like Prismatic coming out that could potentially be play CU you can still use other stuff but still have something to proc risk grunner I don't know how strong that's going to be but I think riskrunner is definitely an a tier exotic there's ever an arc heavy encounter especially if it's an ad clear encounter this is pretty much your go-to option you're going to take reduced damage and it just shreds a ton of enemies and next up is scers oath now this weapon has never really been the greatest thing in the game it's never really had a place it can Scorch enemies now which is pretty nice it can play into solar builds with that and since it is a primary weapon that is a pretty good feature it does more damage to Kabal but in reality pretty pretty much any other Scout rifle is going to be better but I think since it can't play into Scorch in your solar builds I'm going to throw it in C tier it's definitely not the best option and just running something like incandescent can kind of do the same thing but just being able to just shoot the gun and Scorch a Target to proc some of your fragments it's very very nice but in reality I don't really foresee using this over some other options but it is definitely better than something like maida the next up is Sturm and Sturm is pretty much a PVP exotic it's honestly just an F tier it doesn't really do anything special if you do pair it with a drink I could maybe moving it to D the overcharge shots aren't really that great you could just take pretty much anything else but if you aren't using the drain I'm going to throw an F tier you're definitely taking almost anything else on this list over this and any legendary hand candy is going to be better too now next up is sunshot and I think we all know where this is going to go regardless of the artifact perks this season it is still one of the strongest Exotics in the game it's for sure an S TI it's at Clear is just insane it can also apply Scorch on the aob explosions which you can play in solar builds there's not much you really have to say about this this is obviously going to be a metad defining exotic very very strong and I think it's still going to be good even after the Nerf it's receiving the next up is shuros now on paper this seems pretty good because you can ramp the fire rate up you can heal on kill sometimes but even with all that it's still not the greatest thing in the game since it is a random chance to heal in my opinion that is going to make it go down some the ramping up fire rate is very nice I guess it's kind of okay for AAR other stuff is going to be better for sure and I'm just going to throw it in the C tier I could see the argum moving it to D I don't really think it's the greatest thing I think it is better than some of the Exotics down here though so I'm just going to throw it in C tier having the ability to heal is nice but again things like Crimson just guarantees the heal with r death coming out that is going to be the best option to heal so overall it's just kind of in the middle if it's the only thing you got sure you can run it but I would pretty much always take something else the next up is sweep business now as fun as this exotic is it's really not that good if you take something like AC moig you can for sure shoot forever but the damage you get from it really isn't that good you're not really using this thing for ACT clear it has to charge up to get that fast fire rate you're definitely not using this single Target damage and if you're using a primary single Target damage just run something like outbreak or even some other things that we're going to get later down list so I'm just going to throw it in D tier it's a fun exotic it's really not that good though but if there ever becomes a day where they buff sweep business and this becomes meta I think it will be a very very fun time the next up is symmetry now symmetry you can build up your shots then you can you charge the gun up it can hipfire it tracks enemies the tracking does do more damage but overall I I don't really see you ever using this in PVE it's it's not really even use the PVP that much I guess it's a fun option but this taking your exotic slot up over some other stuff you grun I think is a pretty bad idea they are going to be buffing it in final shape but for now I think it's just a DTI option it's really not the greatest yes you can definitely use it with this charge shot I don't think it's F but it's definitely bad and next up is taba or terab however you want to say it this thing it's been through a lot it can now just proc its thing with the little animation instead have to reload the gun which is nice once you do have his perk proed it will straight up shred things but you do have to take damage to get the perk proc and it doesn't work in the background so you have to basically use this gun at all times if you want to take advantage of the Exotic perk again the Exotic perk if proc can do a ton of damage but it just has such a weird play style I can't Force ranking it any harder than something like B tier it is just kind of decent for ad clear yes it can sh a single Target if you do play into it but overall it's a good option I just think you're going to take other stuff pretty much all the time and next up is Huckleberry now you get a kill it's going to refill the magazine has OG Rampage so you get the higher damage stacking it's a pretty good option for at CLE I don't think it's as good as something like riskrunner because Risner also gives you damage reduction but I think it kind of sits nice with terab but it's just kind of a be to Exotic they're just kind of both good again I think there are going to be better AAR options something like Osio sugar outbreak but it is fun and when you get that fire ramped up it can definitely TR out with the Rampage Stacks but it also just kind of falls into the same ballpark with necro kasm where there are just better atar options for the primary slot and next up J rabbit now this is just an F tier exotic it's mainly a PVP exotic it encourages getting body shots which is something you should almost just never do in PVE so it's definitely just a never used one and next up is the last word another PVP exotic yes you can use it with lucky pants but outside of that it's pretty atrocious I would never recommend anyone use this for PVE I'm going to throw it in the F tier if you do use lucky pants maybe I can see moving it to D but even if you are using lucky pants there are way way better hand can options on here that you can run even legendary options and I would just almost never recommend the last word at all next up is the man cor now the manord has gotten a ton of changes you do get a pretty hefty damage increase if you do have the proc perked in the air but it's kind of like traba it just has such a weird play style that you have to play around you have to keep the gun out you have to float in the air to get the damage increase if you do play around it it is a pretty good option it's just kind of another good SMG that we have in this B tier slot with the other three it's not going to outdo anything else in the A and S tier spot but if you do play a something like Vols or void it can definitely shred but it still kind of just feels anti use overall but if you get the feel for it you like the F for it it's definitely a pretty good option now next up is Thorn now Thorn with the hand Cannon Buffs is very very good in my opinion it can pair with the c grips it's honestly what I like to pair with the c grips the most now but outside of that it's just a decent option it can do dot damage and every time you pick your soul devours up it can reload the magazine on top of that with Catalyst it can overflow the magazine out so they can have so many shots built into it and I think with all that I can definitely throw it into B tier having to never reload having dot damage having pretty just high damage General pair with narcotics it's very very fun it's very good and I would definitely give Thorn a shot if you haven't tried it with all the Buffs that it has gotten plus his Catalyst and next up is tiu's divination this is pretty much hierarchy of need's brother you can HIIT fire it to apply a little dot then you can shoot the things you hitfire they will explode it's very good for a it's also pretty strong strong for single Target damage as well it's a crazy good GM weapon again sit in the back just like hierarchy pretty much the exact same things I was talking about for hierarchy is the exact same way you're going to use this thing and it's very very very strong for ingame Content the next up is Tommy's matchbook now this can Scorch enemies when you do Scorch enemies you unfortunately are going to hurt yourself it can cause ignition stuff like that but with the fact that you have to literally hurt yourself to get this damage per to proc you really have to play into healing and even if you play into that healing I think there are going to be better options so overall Tommy SM book it's just kind of a c tier option in my opinion it's kind of like Sky bur zo they can both apply scorge for Primary Weapons where Sky burners you don't have to hurt yourself this one you do but this one is better for applying more scores to get it I conditions faster but again overall you have to hurt yourself you really have to play into healing and I don't ever foresee myself running this unless I'm just doing a fun build and almost every other option is going to be better if you just are taking it into end game B the next up is touch aalice now touch aalice is a very cool exotic in this game it still has the function D1 where you get tell the last shot you're going to hurt yourself but you do a lot more damage it is a lot easier to heal with this and something like Tommy smash because if you get three kills you will heal with it you can also build up the giant take and blight you can shoot out this pairs with the c it has very very strong paramid DPS again you do have to play in something like a well or Rift or anything to keep you alive but if you do all that stuff correctly I definitely think this is a b tier exotic I think just with the ease of use of outbreak just everybody can swap to it and you don't really have to worry about living you can just shoot the gun whereas this you really have to focus on trying to keep yourself up you're really only going to use it for primary DPS yes there are some fun builds if you do play it that healing but again guns that hurt you you're really not going to take these just on a day-to-day basis is they're really really niche in playing to specific things and I definitely think touch aalice is the best one out of the other options and with this Tak and blight that it can form it does add an extra little benefit compared to the other guns that hurt you but overall with all that I still think I would recommend using any other exotic up here now next up is traveler chos now this exotic is very fun it is the Exotic that just gives you all your abilities back you get kills and you can basically charge the reload up to get a lot of your ability energy back that's pretty much the only thing it's used for if you want abilities use this gun I don't think it's the strongest thing by any means I would even argue it's probably more of a PVP exotic than a PVE one but I think with the ability to get your abilities back I definitely think you could throw it in the B tier spot it is a decent option it can also play into your subass since it does have osmosis with Catalyst but again overall I would take pretty much anything else unless you are just building into your utility and now next up is trespasser now trespasser is another sidearm I love this thing this was also one of my favorite Exotics in D1 you can get unrepented proc and now you can just keep it going chain it over and over again and it can absolutely slay out in an act clear scenario but again if we're taking something like trespasser you're missing out something like sunshot which is just a way way way better at Clear weapon it's fun and I guess if you do build into Arc it can be kind of okay but it's just going to kind of be C tier it's just a decent ad clear option it doesn't really specialize in anything but if it's the only thing you have it can definitely get the job done the next up on the list is Trinity gold now fitting with the theme of the bows being the best exotic PES in the game this is just like that this is one of the best act clear options in the entire game you get an AR you get a kill with the bow if you have the Catalyst it will load an arc ER up if you don't have the Catos you just get an arc kill with anything else you really want the Catos with this weapon but you're literally going to be able to chain lightning just on every single kill you get it destroys an entire room of ads it is very very strong I definitely think that is an S tier exotic it definitely can compete with things like sunshot and graviton Lance and it's arguably better in some ways this is just the arc version of those two really go wrong with using it next up is vergas curve another bow you can probably imagine where this is going to go it is very very good for playing into stasis bills when you get a kill you can load stasis shots up to make stasis crystals it is so good for playing into fragments and overall it's just a very strong bow in general for ad clear and I think it's going to go in the a tier I don't think it's metad defining in any way there are other states Exotics that you can play into and it will still do very well but this being a bow and just primary ammo you can really not go wrong with this is very very good the next up is VIs swing and pulse rifles are getting a buff but right now in the game it's really not that good I would almost recommend to never use this it's more of a PVP exotic you literally want your teammates to die to get benefits out of this and that's something you never want to happen anywhere in the game especially PVE so I would almost never recommend using this thing the next up is wicked Implement now I think this gun is a lot better than the hate it gets I don't think it's metad defined in any way but being able to slow and freeze enemies just by shooting them you don't really have to get a kill or anything then if you get a kill you crack headstone with the Catalyst you get station shards which are going to going to be very strong when the stasis rework comes through I think Wicked Implement definitely deserves to go in the beater spot is a good option if you are playing into stasis I definitely think vergal curve is a better option but for harder content something like GMS just being able to apply slow on tankier targets is very very good and I would highly recommend giving this a shot if you don't use it or if you don't have it I would definitely recommend getting it CU I think with final shape it could be very very good and then finally we have wish keeper again another weapon that a lot of people I guess don't really talk about a lot I think it is very strong you can build craft into it depending on how you craft it it's good for threading builds it's good for spin builds I've used this build a lot with my threading warlock build I know a lot of Titans have used the suspend build with things like a bay and leap I would highly highly recommend giving this bow a shot if you haven't tried it and I definitely going to throw it in the a tier to me wish keeper is pretty much the veress curve but wish keeper strand where is veress curve is stasis they're both just extremely strong options specifically for playing into those builds and pretty much every other weapon just can't even compete with the amount of utility that these but that is it for my exotic tier list on season of The Wish like I said specials and Heavies are on the channel if you would like to go watch those I really hope you all enjoyed and be sure to let me know where you rank stuff as well anyways so that's going to do it all for me I can't wait to see each and every single one of you in final shape thank you all so much for watching and I hope you all have a great day peace [Music]
Channel: RestAssured
Views: 43,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, exotic tier list, exotic weapon tier list, exotic primary tier list, primary, tier list, exotic, weapon, best primary weapon, best ad clear primary, best ad clear weapon, best primary, best primary exotic, primary tier list, destiny tier list, destiny 2 tier list, weapon tier list, exotic ranking, exotic weapon ranking, exotic primary ranking, best exotic primary, best exotic weapon, tier, list, sunshot, graviton lance, trinity ghoul, exotic primary, best, new, op, OP, dlc
Id: 3QHrIdV7Gm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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