Ranking Every Exotic Special Weapon In Destiny 2 (PvE Tier List)

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there are a lot of Exotics in Destiny now so I figured it would be fun to rank them all on their PVE capabilities this one's going to be all about exotic specials and I have Heavies already on the channel and primaries will be coming out soon all right starting off with that first weapon we're going to have Ager scepter this is a very very strong special weapon it is very good for at clear and if you have the Catalyst you can actually transfer your super to have a very high power beam can slow and freeze targets it does okay DPS overall it is a very very strong Trace rifle and if you pair this with something like a cotap warlock you can get a lot of Mage out of it you don't have to run cotap for to be good on its own it is still very strong cuz it can refill ammo on its own so in my opinion I think this is a solid a tier Trace rifle as you see s tier is going to be metat defining I don't think agres is meta defining but it obviously is a very very strong option and that's why I'm just going to put it in the very good category now as you see with these other categories we do have good mid bad and never used mid is not being bad I know a lot of people correlate to Mid being bad it's just kind of in the middle of the pack and that's why it's going to be C tier but next up we're going to have aralis now aralis was once an S tier weapon in my opinion with match game being in the game but now that that's out it's not as strong as it used to be but it is still a very strong barrier option and it can also just take Shields out too on something like ghost to the Deep it's extremely strong because all the bosses have Shields and this can just one shot them off but there really isn't that many encounters in the game other than ghost to the Deep or that is really a thing so I don't really want to count for that but overall this is still a strong special weapon option it does very good single Target damage that's why I'm going to rate it in a tier it has a lot of ammo it's a linear Fusion rifle it can take out pretty much any Shield that you need to and again it is also good against barrier Champions now next up is Bastion now this is just going to be what is currently in the game I know when final shap comes out it's getting some new changes but this is just going to be rankings for this season so Bastion right now is a pretty solid Fusion rifle it does a good amount of damage and on top of that it can also stun Unstoppable Champions now I don't think this is going to be a a tier exotic but I definitely think it can go in the B tier spot a lot of people don't use Bastion but it honestly does have some pretty decent damage output it's not going to be the best DPS option in the game but if you need to kill a single Target this thing can absolutely shred and again it does have Unstoppable Champion capabilities so I think that's why it's a pretty good B tier exotic now next up is Bor Alice now the functionality of this is the fact that it can change elements and depending on whatever element it has it gets some bonus stats the bonus stats are honestly more for PVP in my opinion than PVE but overall it's an okay option when you break a shield it will refill the magazine and you get increased damage and in reality you aren't going to use this over pretty much any other sniper but it is a high impact sniper with five in the mag and crazy High stats so a lot of people do use it in PvP if that's your thing but for PVE I think I'm just going to rank it in CTI it can definitely get the job done and the fact that it can switch elements is also a pretty unique benefit it doesn't apply too much in the game right now since match G's not really a thing anymore but it does get that extra damage if you do match the correct shield and it again it's it's okay if for taking some single targets out but pretty much any other sniper you probably going to use but it's okay now next up is berry bloodline now I know a lot of people love this thing and rightfully soow it has a bunch of utility it's mainly going to be used to heal you and when you get multikills you can proc devour when you deal damage with the gun it heals you and on top of that it also just does pretty good damage in general it's a special sidearm so it has a lot of ammo and on top of that if you have the Catalyst when you have devour and if you shoot someone with it it will weaken an enemy so overall it can do things like an exotic heavy can do say something like terminis to chaos it weakens enemies this can weaken enemies if you have the Catalyst it does a pretty solid amount of damage and it gives you one of the strongest buff the game being devour which will also heal you and give you Grenade energy every time you get a kill so in my opinion I honestly believe Barry bloodline is an S tier exotic now if you're just looking at strictly damage numbers sure there are going to be other special weapons that can out damage it but with the pure utility that this does have no other exotic in the game I feel like can even come close to this again it can give you Buffs it can weaken enemies it can heal you it does so much stuff it also does okay damage and that's why I think it definitely deserves to go in the S tier spot and next up is cloud strike if you land multiple Precision hits you'll make a lightning storm if you get a Precision kill you make lightning storm so it's decent for DPS it's decent for at clear and if you get the Catalyst it has triple tap so it makes that DPS option even better now this isn't strictly going to be the best DPS option in the game but if you do pair this with a heavy weapon so your heavy weapon runs out you can swap to this thing and it can actually put out a decent amount of DPS snipers in the game currently aren't the greatest that's why they're buffing them in final shape but even with that this is still one of the strongest options especially if there's something like an arc surge on that's why I think I'm going to rate it in the a tier it is very very strong for what it is it has a lot of ammo it's really good at act clear too most people just use it for the DPS option but just remember if you get a Precision kill with this it will make a lightning storm exactly the same way it does when you're doing DPS with it Landing those multiple Precision hits so overall it is a very very good exotic and it's definitely one I would recommend running if you just need an exotic special now next up is cold heart now cold heart got some changes it can now make onic traces and when you pick up an onic trace it Maxes the charge out to do Max damage and cold heart is honestly a pretty good option now I don't think cold heart is going to be an a tier option but it is good and I think if you run something like a vault shot weapon you can get almost the same mileage out of it as say something like cold heart I know cold heart can make more ionic traces and if you pair that with something like geomx it can be some fun built setups but overall if you don't really build into it it's just an okay option if you build into it maybe I can see movement it to a but overall even if you do that again volt shot can still do what this can do I don't think it's going to do it as good but it is still a very strong option and that's why I'm just going to throw it in the B tier but with Trace rifles getting a buff next season I could potentially see this moving up to a tier for every single build in the game now next up is conditional finality now this is a very strong PVP exotic it's also very strong in PVE it's very fun in PVE I don't think this is metad defining but it can stun unstoppables you can freeze enemies with it you can ignite enemies with it it's very very very good good single Target damage and if you know how to use it correctly with the ignite it's also very strong for ad CLE overall this is one of my favorite Exotics in the game currently and I'm going to rank this in the a tier spot again it's really not metad defining it doesn't really do anything unique it doesn't give you too much utility it's not like the craziest damage it is just a very strong Workhorse shotgun with very fun benefits of igniting and shattering to get that extra at Clear if you do know how to use it correctly now next up is dead masterer now this is craftable it can get things like demo on it which is good and it's okay for act clear it can change elements just like Borealis and it just sends out three wave frame grenades right now in the game currently it's okay but if you just use forbearance is honestly just better it has Chain Reaction you can heal off of it or you can get even more Grenade energy with the new one overall I think this is a good exotic I don't think it's anything crazy I don't really think you're ever going to use your special slot for this but if it is the only thing you have it is definitely a good option I would take it over something like Borealis and maybe with the wave frame changes coming next season this could potentially be moved to cuz it will be a lot stronger than it is now and next up is delicate to now this kind of works like cold heart when you pick up an onic trace it kind of overcharges the weapon and this Exotics whole thing is that you want to jolt a lot of enemies but in my opinion things like volt shot can already do that if not better sometimes in this but it's still a pretty decent Fusion rifle option it is built for a clear and other things definitely are better so that's why I'm just going to rank it into C spot it's just kind of mid I don't think it's bad I don't think it's anything crazy cuz there are other better options namely stuff we already have in here or vol shot but if it's the only thing you have kind of like Borealis it is usable and I think it can get the job done but you're almost always going to want to take something else now next up we have Divinity and I don't even think we really need to have a conversation about this one Divinity is an S tier option it is completely B defining it makes the giant cage everyone can crit it it applies a debuff it's literally getting nerfed again in final shape and overall it's just it's just crazy it enables play styles that normally aren't available say if a boss moves around a lot something like r you can just make a crit spot on him and now you can use things like snipers lers whatever you want to use it is extremely strong it's one of the best support weapons in the game and the utility comes from it kind of like Barry bloodline is just unmatched over anything else now next up is Duality now this is an interesting shotgun because you can hit fire for buck shot aim down sight for a slug overall this thing is kind of okay I know it does have some pretty interesting setups cuz it does have a perk to increase his damage but you also have to remember shotguns really aren't the greatest right now in the game maybe with the Buffs coming in final shape this thing potentially be a lot stronger but overall I'm just going to rank this in the C tier again I don't think it's anything crazy but also don't think it's bad if you do build into the damage I know you can kind of pop off with it but just on its own it's really not the greatest thing so that's why I'm just going to go in C tier now next up we have the three glaves now I'm just going to kind of speedrun through these we have the Hunter and warlock one I'm going to just go through these in fer the hunter one it's okay it's it's used for ad clear but in reality any other option is going to be better I don't think you would ever want to take your Exo IC slot for this GLA for at clear and things like the Warlock being able to apply the healing turret it's cool but I don't really again think you're going to want to take this over literally anything else you could just throw a healing grenade there's multiple different options you can take something like Lumina which is way better because it also gives a damage buff but then you also have the tight one now the tight one is arguably a little bit better because you can make the bubble to defend yourself it canare with Helma 14 but it also gives you a 5% damage increase globally that will stack on top of everything which obviously it's only 5% it's not a lot but since it can stack with other stuff I guess it is decent so I'm going to rank it in D tier I still think it's a bad option I really don't think you're going to see people run this I know there are some Combos and some strategies people do with speedr running but overall just in a normal six-man raid I don't think you're going to really ever see someone pull this glaive out to put a bubble down let's be honest and overall these glaves still just aren't the greatest the utility they provide really aren't the best Titans being a little bit better than the other two in my opinion overall again you're really not going to use these things over anything else and next up is Ariana's Val this is a gun that's got power CP they are going to be buffing it in final shape and I think it will be a lot better since it can ignite enemies but right now in the game currently it's really not the greatest and things like Aris just outperforms it but it's still a decent option in my opinion it has aut loading with the Catalyst it can do crazy amount of damage to a single Target it can also work with lucky pants the downside of this weapon is that you do have to worry about your aim if you miss you will miss out on a lot of damage and overall with all that combined I'm just going to throw it in the C tier it's kind of just a mid- exotic it's still decent if you don't have something like Aris arbis is going to be better but again with final shape I definitely think this could be bumped up when they add the ignite capabilities now next up is X Deus now this is a fun exotic it's really not that good in my opinion but if you have the catalst you can get Amplified on a kill on top of that it can also pair with The Oath Keepers to play into a moth build that's really the only thing you're using this for I don't think you're going to see anyone just run around with X Deus as an act clear option it is okay it has kind of okay single Target damage I'm just going to kind of rank it in CT here it's just kind of mid it doesn't really excel at anything it's fun to build into you can also get amplify if you get a kill with callus overall the utility is not the greatest it's kind of like thunderlord it's just kind of decent at like everything it doesn't really shine at anything so it's just kind of mid but overall it is a fun weapon so I'm just going to throw in C tier now next up is 4Runner now this is another very solid option it's just like Barry bloodline it's a special sidearm so it's going to have a lot of ammo this one's heavily based on doing a lot of precision damage and if you need a special weapon just you have a ton of ammo and take out Precision targets something like a Tormentor this is a go-to option especially if you're soling content or just doing low man options even if you're not it's still very very good the Catalyst on it isn't the greatest I guess it's fun to play around but you never really want to use your ammo to make that grenade when your grenades on your subass typically are already going to be better it can't do a lot of damage though and it's fun to play around but I would never recommend using it but overall this sidearm just on its own having a lot of ammo a lot of precision damage damage it's really fun to shoot sounds really cool I think it's going to be an AER option it is used in a lot of people's loadouts just because the amount of ammo it has the damage output it has it's kind of like in dead kindness it just has a lot of ammo it can do chunk damage this one's more so just based around Precision where something like in dead kindness you can kind of just shoot the body obviously doing Precision does more but if you need to kill something like a Tormentor if you're solo 4Runner has you covered and next up is is anagi now is anagi is still one of the strongest Exotics in the game in my opinion you can load up that charge shot it does an absurd amount of damage it's very good for single Target damage you could just pretty much instant whatever you look at and it's also insanely good for DPS swapping in my opinion this is going to be a meta defining exotic because when it comes to doing extra DPS especially if you're proing something like bait and switch you can shoot an isagi shoot your primary or double special whatever you're running then go with your bait and switch this just outputs a lot of extra damage and like I was saying even if you aren't using it for DPS swapping if you need to kill something like a Tormentor just any tanky Target a champion you can just in to delete them if you get a head shot and it is very very strong and next up is yoton now the toaster it's a meme weapon it's okay it can apply Scorch with incadescent it tracks enemies I think pretty much every other fuse rifle in the game is going to be better than this for DPS maybe even single Target as well it's a fun option but I'm just going to throw it in DTI I don't think it's that good I think delicatum is a better Fusion rifle than something like yoton but in reality you're never going to use this thing over something like an aramite or kesian cornate and I'm sorry for the Yon T lovers out there I'm sorry if that offended you but overall again you're not really going to use this for your special slot when you have other legendary options that can outperform it pretty much everywhere in the game now next up is Lord wolves and kind of like yoton pretty much any other shotgun is going to outperform this you can charge it up to have that crazy burst and it is pretty fun it also looks very very cool but overall this shotgun is just kind of okay it eats through ammo it doesn't do a crazy amount of damage it is a fun option but again pretty much any other shotgun is going to be better even something like Duality will be better now next up is Lorent driver and this used to be a mince in PvP it's pretty good in PVE although it has an interesting perk to it where you have to pick up the three little things that spawn after it marks a Target it can be kind of tedious to proc but once you do proc it it does do a crazy amount of increased damage and it also makes the explosion that it normally does on a Precision kill you just do it on a body shot now so if you do get that buff going it can keep it up it is very strong but with how tedious it is to get that going and to keep up I don't really know if I can rank this higher than something like C in my opinion I pretty much would use anything else over this and whereas something like AR bless is good for I guess for single Target taking out barriers this does have the capability of act clearing if you do get a Precision kill you can suck a lot of people in make that explosion but overall again keeping the buff up for that specific play style it's really tedious and I don't really think you're going to use it over literally anything else now next up is merciless and this used to be one of the best weapons when Destiny 2 first came out and it's still one of the best weapons but it's now a special weapon instead of a heavy you can charge it up and get that increased fire rate if you get a kill reload you get that increased damage and I honestly believe that this weapon is meta defining it is what a lot of people use to solo things like Nez or just kind of any other boss in the game it's used in low mans it is overall just a very solid Fusion rifle in general and if you use it correctly you get that damage buff you can then charge up the charge rate you're going to sit there you're going to just blow all your ammo with that increased damage and then on that last shot you can get another kill reload you can keep this damage R up permanently if you are using it correctly and it just melts through enemies even if you aren't using it to solo rate bosses it's still a very strong Contender for just doing single Target damage or something like a major especially if you do play into the damage buff and overall it is one of the best special weapons in the game the next up is Prometheus lands and this is basically just a solar 3.0 Trace rifle if you shoot a Target it will expand the laser beam so it can hit more enemies it also applies Scorch it doesn't apply a lot of scorch but it can play into your builds which is very cool but kind of like delicate to with Jolt things like incadescent can also apply scorge and in my opinion I don't think you're ever going to take an exotic Trace rifle so I'm just going to throw this in the C tier spot if you do compared to stuff like cold heart I do think that plays better into Arc 3.0 whereas Polaris doesn't play into Soul 3.0 that well again it can apply Scorch but other weapons can also do it I guess it's okay for accar since it does add ammo back when you get a kill but overall again you're pretty much going to take literally anything else over this that's why I'm just going to throw it in C tier next up is ruus FG now this is another Trace rifle I honestly think this one is a little bit better than Prometheus lands when you get a kill you can make a ball that ball can suppress enemies to stun overloads it also gives you damage reduction while you're guarding with it it does pretty good single Target damage if you slam the ball down it's also good for a clear if you are guarding with it as well the guard will also disorient enemies so if it's a lower tier enemy they're just not going to shoot you so you can get a kill pick this ball up you're going to have damage reduction you're going to make every single enemy not be able to shoot you you can slam the ball you could use it for AAR whatever you want to with it you do just have to play around the ball and I it's a little interesting gameplay Loop it is fun though and again it can suppress if you do slam but again I don't really think you're going to take this over pretty much anything else in the game but it is a good option though it is good if it's the only thing you do have if you build into it correctly it can be a ton of fun now next up is Testo now Testo is honestly just a basic Fusion rifle it can shoot little sticky bombs out which is pretty cool but they don't do a crazy amount of damage the other benefit of this is that it can reload itself when it gets a kill can also reload your kinetic weapon too when you get a kill with it but perks like shoot loot exist so you don't really even have to use this to do that you can just shoot an ammo Breck or something and it reloads all your ammo so overall I think this is just a d tier it's just a basic Fusion rifle with an exotic perk that doesn't really do anything crazy for PVE and again just Legendary perks can pretty much do what this can do better now next up is testation now this is a super cool concept but in practice it really isn't the greatest if you get kills you get Grenade energy then you can charge your grenade up into the gun to do a ton of damage it's kind of like a isagi but a fusion rifle but since it uses your grenade you can't just use it whenever you want to you have to have your grenade on cool down so you do have to build into grenade Focus builds to take a lot of advantage of this Fusion it can change the elements based on whatever subass you have equipped so if you want to run something like a triple strand or stasis build you could absolutely do that but overall I don't really think we're going to be taking advantage of that too much and that's why I'm just going to throw this in the C tier if you do build into it it can do a ton of damage I just don't think it's going to be as better as other options especially on its own if you're not building to it pretty much anything else is going to be better but it is fun if you do but overall I don't really think you're going to take this over other options but maybe what final Shake comes out if it does get a catalyst maybe this will be pretty good Catalyst speculation maybe whatever element you put into the gun see something like Arc it can jolt enemies I think that could be pretty cool or obviously you know solar can Scorch not exactly sure what they're going to do with it but if it does get a catless this could definitely be bumped up a little bit and fusions are also getting a buff and final shape now next up is the chaperon and the chaperon is basically a PVP exotic it does get a Precision damage increase but if you're going to run a Precision shotgun pretty much any legendary option is going to be better you can also just run Duality if you want to do that as well so in my opinion this is just going to be fer this is strictly a PVP weapon you should almost never use the PVE although it does look and sound really cool but you're really not going to get that much knowledge out of it compared to other shotguns and one of those other shotguns is going to be fourth Horseman now fourth Horseman is a great shotgun it has insanely High burst DPS you're really only going to use it for that you're just going to kill a single Target with it you're going to do extra boss damage with it for something like DPS swapping and overall this thing's whole identity is just to delete whatever you're looking at so in my opinion I think this is a a tier exotic it is very very good again very good for DPS swapping very good for just taking out any single Target you look at it it deletes it that's pretty much all it's use for though if you're using it for add clear or literally anything else you're not going to do good with it whatsoever the other thing is that it is also a very close-range weapon so you do have to be very close to a boss which obviously could be a little dangerous but overall if you get the fu for it it is very very good for swap and very good for just deleting something now next up is the Navigator now this is another Trace rifle this is a strand Trace rifle and this is going to be kind of like bar bloodline this thing has a lot of utility it can apply woven Mel it can apply sever you can make grapple Tangles with it with the Catalyst it's also just okay for doing damage in general it's a very very strong support weapon if you pair this something like a cotap warlock you can get so much mileage out of it I think this is a metad defined exotic it is what a lot of people use for something like strand Titan so you can just grapple melee all the time with it it's also just used in general for its utility as well for apply on wol and melon sever it there's really not much this exotic can't do and it's even getting buffed in final shape when tra rifles are getting a damage buff so all the utility all the damage it's getting this is for sure an S tier exotic it is what enables play Styles like strin Titan and it is one of the best support weapons in the game now next up is Vex caliber and honestly out of all the Exotic glaves this is one of the best ones but even then it's still an exotic laa and I don't really think you're going to take this over anything else but I guess if is decent it can give you a void overshield it has a pretty unique firing pattern and if you do build into it with something like a Titan it can do some decent damage but overall I'm just going to throw it in C tier it it's good for utility of given the overshield and I guess if you do build into it again it can pop off but you're never going to use this over pretty much anything else in almost any PVE scenario it's more of just a fun option it's not bad it's not crazy good but it's just kind of in the middle so that's why I'm throw it in C tier now next up is wave splitter now wave splitter is another Trace rifle this this one's pretty unique though when you pick an orb up it will overcharge kind of like cold heart does when you pick an onyx Trace up but you could just pick an orb up now which is arguably easier than cold heart on top of that it can also suppress enemies which will stun overload Champions which is nice when it is overcharged so if you do play into a void build this thing can absolutely pop off especially if you give it volar rounds as well that's why I'm going to throw it in the B tier it is one of the better Trace rifles in the game in my opinion but again Trace rifles really aren't the greatest right now except something like Navigator and Divinity because your utility but again with the damage buff coming in final shape this could be moved up even higher because it is already a good option and I'm excited to see what this thing can do when final shape comes out now finally we have wither horde now wither horde has been one of the best Exotics in the game for a while in my opinion they nerfed it it's still very good it's really good for ad clear you can just lock down an area if you know where ADS are spawning it's really good for doing extra damage on a boss you can shoot it on a boss it sticks to him on top of that it can also buff things like malit because this technically does make an enemy taken once you stick it to them so that's also very very very cool with ma also being an S here weapon and it also pairs extremely well with any dot damage build with something like unravel you can constantly proc unravel you can constantly proc jolt and if you do pair this with something like a necrotic grip on rvel build you just have a ton of dot damage and overall I think this is going to be a meta defining exotic it is very very good for aclear it's very good for builds it's very good for just doing extra damage on a boss it's very good in DPS swap rotations anything to FR bait and switch it's very very strong it's one of the coolest looking Exotics in the game it's of the strongest in my opinion even after they nerfed it and I would almost recommend having a with a hold on your team pretty much anywhere in the game but that is my exotic special weapon tier list let me know what you all think about it in the comments below and let me know where you would rank stuff as well I will have this tier list Linked In the description if you would like to put one together for yourself and once again these Exotics were ranked off this current season I know with final shape there will be some new changes coming out and I will have a new tier list for Final shape once it slows down a little bit but for right now this is my definitive ranking and I hope you all enjoy anyways that's going to do it all for me thank you all so much for watching and I hope you all have a great day peace [Music]
Channel: RestAssured
Views: 26,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, tier list, tier list destiny 2, destiny 2 tier list, weapon tier list, destiny 2 weapon tier list, best weapons, best weapons tier list, best craftable weapons, ranking, tier lists, best dps, special weapons, special weapon tier list, best special weapons, special dps, special weapon dps, new, exotic tier list, exotic special tier list, best exotic specials, exotic specials, special weapon, exotic special weapon tier list, best exotics special weapons, special, op
Id: 9wgH9Y3wLCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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