ranking every book trope from worst to best (with @caricanread)

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it's giving Primary School arts and crafts and that's okay I can read like one of those per year it's forbidden because of the law um no I just want peace and happiness for everyone hello everyone and welcome back to my YouTube channel we have a very special guest hello Karen can read nice to be here I'm Seoul yes in South Korea so we had to make this happen because all the stars aligned yes we were having coffee and talking about book tropes and how they can kind of make or break a book yes and I was like wait shut up let's do this on camera this would be so fun to talk about book tropes so so have book tropes ever made you buy a book like you've seen that it's a certain Trope and then you've been like yes straight in the basket yeah yeah you can stop talking yes I understand the assignment yeah yes no um I'm well I can't tell you which Trope but like there is one that I will I feel like if if you know me from my channel you know but I think that it's definitely interesting now how there's such a focus on it yeah so I don't know there's like pros and cons to books like marketing themselves with the Trope um at like the Forefront but it definitely if it's a certain Trope it will get me to buy them maybe also because of like books social media yeah it's easier to like hashtag it it's you know true so um this is very high production value we have written out 12 tropes on these Post-it notes and we are going to rank them individually from one to twelve and then reveal the tropes to each other in our order of preference does that make sense and I can't rank things like even with my favorite books of the Year anything I can't rank so this is like this is tough the worst this is so budget you would not catch this on Mr Beast but you know it's giving Primary School arts and crafts crafts and that's okay okay so the tropes that we will be ranking are friends to lovers found family villains perspective just watch me lose all of these instantly when I only have nine it's because I'm throwing them around they don't end up together at the end I'm trying to keep a poker face giving nothing away I'd be terrible in a casino because I you can literally read every emotion I have for my eyebrows like you will know how I'm feeling grumpy and Sunshine Love Triangle Forbidden Love we also have a Chosen One false proximity character dies at the end so like one of the main characters if not the main character gets gets the chop enemies to lovers and fake dating those are the tropes I'm already confused and stressed yeah do we have like a time limit as far as like right we should put like a timer on because I could be here that is such a good point all day because the video will be 12 hours long while we deliver it and I've got a flight wait but don't look at me I'm not I'm not no spoilers I'm covered in Post-its I'm putting them in piles of like ones I like versus ones I don't like I like so many I'm shaking I literally literally I feel like I'm gonna break someone's heart it could be mine I feel like ours are gonna be real opposite really I think so this is a whole booktube reputation on the line that I've got more in my dirt light pile than in my life I have more in my like while am I being honest be honest kid come on this is making me look and see yeah this is making me look insane oh my God okay okay now it's tough because it's like which of these do I like the least which of these do I not like the least oh you're done yeah stop right well I don't agree with myself you contain multitude yeah oh no okay throw them all together okay so we're gonna have a lovely leaderboard yeah maybe we'll see if editing Jack in the future good luck hates me for saying that do you want to reveal first or should I reveal first you go first you're the guest okay my so least favorite least favorite treatment out of these 12 this is your least favorite trope they don't end up together really you're like I want this to be happy I just want to know I don't like ambiguous endings and I feel like when they don't end up together there's always that maybe oh yeah I just want I want everyone to be happy are you ready for my am I you're like smiling really big fake dating I still okay so for me yeah yeah and it's fake dating I'm like I know you're gonna end up together if on page one they're gonna be in a fake relationship I'm like what do we think is gonna happen on page 201 or 301 or 401 and we know we already know yes so then for me it's like we already know what a is we know what B is so you've got to give us C D E and F in the middle and I think often the middle of it is just like waiting to get to the end yes you know as as a big as a big fan of Yearning in general I don't mind okay like if I know that they're gonna be together at the end that's fine as long as we get like some good like Slow Burn okay yearning just read a fake dating yes cute okay The Bodyguard uh read it on an airplane have you read any fake dating that is like no but I've also never fake dated anyone do you know what I mean like is this even a thing isn't it real so I don't know for me I'm like okay it's it's bottom of my list I respect it number 11. character dies at the end oh you don't want to cry yeah I just don't I don't no no thank you I think of you when you said the Bible yeah yeah that was like this Tick Tock that I posted I said it's my friends I just had the stupidest idea for a tick tock what I want to do like a book where the main character dies and then it flips over and it's the Bible yeah no when when you said this as like a Trope I was like oh my God not the King James Edition okay my next one chosen one okay I'm like okay yeah you're special we get it I feel like I spent so long waiting for my damn acceptance letter to Hogwarts as a child in like the Chosen One era and it never came yeah you are not the chosen one so it's gone ten is love triangle okay going with the theme of I want everyone to be happy in the end oh in this case there's always someone who's not always someone who isn't before like I found that most recently love triangles that are written the other person always finds someone so they're not oh okay but people always correct me and say that most love triangles that I think of aren't actually love triangles because if it were to be a true triangle it would mean that everyone has to be oh actually in love with each other so usually we talk about like two guys interested in one girl or something like that but so what's that like a love Arrow oh rectangle yeah but either way I just want peace and happiness for everyone so you're gonna see from my list that I don't okay false proximity I think that I kind of like the idea of this situation I think it does bring up interesting Dynamics because you can bring two completely different people together in like an elevator for example but when it's like there's only one bed oh yeah I'm like come on you know for me like the whole one bed thing doesn't do it for me yeah so did you read the love hypothesis yeah did you I I actually liked the scene where she actually is like no you don't understand there's only gonna be one bed he's like I booked two beds and she's like you don't get it there's only gonna be so I appreciate when a book actually like okay is the reality of that situation that's not a spoiler the other point of false possibility in the love hypothesis is when they go to a lecture and there's only one seat and so she has to sit on his lap and like that kind of thing I'm like that is so hard pass silly no and everyone in the lecture theater would have been like yeah no especially like in the front row you're blocking people behind you the floor is right there exactly I'd be like who is this girl the lecturer's lap so for me false proximity Is that 10 that was number 10. before we discuss the next Trope I just wanted to let you know that today's video is very kindly brought to you by Squarespace because Squarespace is one thing 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head to squarespace.com Jack Edwards and use the code Jack Edwards to 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain thank you so much to Squarespace for sponsoring this video they will always be top of my list but now on with our Trope ranking you're gonna be so mad at me like this is why I was so scared um next up is of course proximity okay same basically same points it's overdone and it feels like a out right yeah it's like too easy to just be like oh no yeah oops we're in a cabin my next one grumpy and sunshine okay there's pain in your eyes okay sure why mostly because I feel like it makes the characters sometimes too one-dimensional so we have to make them so stereotypical to make one the polar opposite of the other when really most people have a little bit of both yeah there's um a duology one is the queer principles of Kit web and the second one is the Name Escapes me but in that one it's like one of the best grumpy instructions I've ever read because they're actually written in like such nuanced okay ways but it's also hilarious and like a fun romance so a grumpy assumption that I do like is It Happened One Summer because I thought that was fun it's a romp it's silly and it asks in its own silliness I like that yeah and the grumpy has the most horrific traumatizing dirty talk I've ever read so true I pity him but okay it's okay it's okay okay this is the one where you're gonna get mad at me but it's right in the middle okay okay all right I can take average eight seven eight villains perspective oh I feel like I just haven't read enough of them and sometimes it just gets cheesy maybe yeah like also my genre of choice I read a lot of young adult fantasy so the villains can be a little just like comically villainous right I see um so I just I need recommendations maybe I just haven't okay I would highly recommend boy parts which is this like blood thirsty it's like the reverse of American Psycho so it's about a woman who finds men to take like erotic photos of and then just [Music] so that one's fun and then I'm reading one right now which is a Korean book called The plotters oh yes yeah and the plotters is about this like group of group of essins who kill people but it's told in a very endearing human way so it's honestly really good in defense of the villain in this essay I will yeah mine here is love triangle okay so again I agree with your points like I feel that someone is kind of then discarded and I think you're right maybe I've been looking at love arrows not love triangles because everyone's attracted to everyone that's a fun time yeah everyone says coming again from the young adult fantasy world everyone references the relationship in Cassandra Clare's um Clockwork Princess and female devices okay that is an actual love triangle oh noted okay and it's rips your heart out and it's hard to read okay love triangle made I don't want to see any shapes I'm done with squares Primal Cycles I just want the words thank you seven is chosen one ooh as well I just feel admit about it and it's just kind of annoying when you get a character that all of a sudden has like all of the powers or all of whatever it just feels like a cop-out I don't know I don't think that chosen ones tend to be very different true in their kind of hero story that's a good that's a good reason seven Forbidden Love [Laughter] it okay okay I can't even really think of that many stories I've read that I've been in love but maybe that's because I don't read much fantasy yeah it's it's big yeah big and fantasy I mean Cassandra Clare is like the queen the queen of forbidden love yes in all of its um a few scandals for that but um I mean she goes hard on the Forbidden oh if you know you know it's forbidden because of the law um um do you want me to tell you yeah so she's known for the first series that she ever wrote was based off of her fan fiction work and she wrote a Ron and Ginny yeah yeah no yeah no no no and so the whole like Mortal Instruments that got a film by the way and a full TV show um part of it is that they like the two lovers think that they might be actually siblings that were separated at Birth and so it's a whole thing of like but I love you but you might be my brother yeah so like that kind of forbidden love that's what I'm saying she she writes those oh that's forbidden from my bookshelf oh my God other books are great no but like leave Ron and Jenny out of this yeah they deserve they deserve just peace six found family I just put it in the middle yeah I don't know why I put in the middle it's I enjoy reading about it but it's not like wow I love this and I read a lot of found family oh Books Okay so not against it that's what it's like right in the middle yeah mine is enemies to lovers I sometimes I find within this Trope that I don't always believe why they are enemies I can't already think of many people I would consider like an enemy yeah I can't leave anyone don't have a nemesis I don't have a nemesis right so I guess I can't picture this straight off the bat I'm thinking like the Spanish love deception okay because like it wasn't not that convincing why they hate each other yeah so I was like they were just like co-workers right they were literally just co-workers yeah maybe I just don't have that energy to hate someone as much as some of these characters do but I often just can't get into their heads yeah yeah I think that's one that's like very easily poorly done um because there there are a few especially ones that kind of Market themselves as enemies to lovers yeah you know that it's not you know how it's gonna end yeah kind of thing um I did read we free the Stars which is a really cool fantasy duology and like their enemy-ness their competitiveness makes so much sense okay and it like is so built into their characters and I thought that that did a really wonderful job okay but there are about a billion that are just like that oh here's the thing it's usually a misunderstanding Trope yeah it's not enemies to lovers it's just that they don't communicate and so there was like one incident where like actually they could be really great friends yeah okay well look it's in the middle of me yeah I can accept yeah begrudgingly speaking of talk to me number five friends to lovers oh number five as well great job oh the person we like agreed yeah it doesn't really do a whole lot for me that's all I got to say in my like personal relationships I always have a friendship yeah as well as like the relationships maybe maybe then I like reading about things that isn't in my into the top four this is big Forbidden Love is my number four not Ron and Jenny Forbidden love that that's a separate thing right not illegal yeah we're thinking like Romeo and Juliet like very innocent Forbidden Love okay okay I have found family because for me this is so heartwarming yeah like for me this is when I do want something that's gonna make me happy which is rare I love seeing a good group of friends who have each other's back and support each other and look out for one another and I really for me I think friendships have been like the great love of my early twenties yeah and late teens and so I think when I see like a found family in a book I'm just really rooting for them yeah and it makes me feel nostalgic and makes me like think about my friends so I think fan family maybe I should maybe I should raise mine I'm I'm gonna take that as a win that I can yeah yeah and how platonic love can often just be as strong yeah as a romantic love they just make places feel like home and rest my case yeah yeah maybe it's just it might drop I just need to read more of them perhaps it's gonna be my excuse for everything yeah number three fake dating I don't mind it they don't end up together right no no for me I think it's such an interesting study on like human emotions and what we are willing to put up with and also when we have to put ourselves first I think it's such an interesting scenario when two people realize that in order for them both to be happy individually they have to be separate even though it maybe has been a good thing they can't both thrive in a relationship like the compromise is too much I gobbled up like all you can eat buffet number two is grumpy and sunshine I think I'm in a grumpy and sunshine relationship so that might be why so you're like tag yourself it's me yeah but no I I just enjoy it I like how it usually lends itself to a lot of humor yeah that's true so yeah mm-hmm what was it yours like six seven I wish I could remember because I've just been throwing them around the room it'll be on the screen yeah my number two uh-huh is villain's perspective I kind of love when someone is just a little bit evil yeah I think what I enjoy is like being in someone else's head that is so who has such different like such a different moral compass to me yeah and almost always a Villa's perspective is really funny and I like that so I think I kind of like dark themes in books and the villain provides those moments I'd rather be in the villains having the hero's head ooh and that's my toxic trait my favorite color is morally Gray wow yeah put that on a t-shirt I should the red flags are flying over here and we are colorblind okay number one for me is enemies Rivals to lovers I feel like no one who knows me is surprised yeah like academic Rivals is that a big one I love academic Rivals um did you have an academic rival no I don't think I did I don't think I did but I am like very competitive um and so I do like I I enjoy that maybe it's not necessarily enemies but there's like some sort of competitiveness again I think it can lend itself to a lot of humor yeah when it goes into more humorous route I enjoy it okay when it's not miscommunication have you had an enemies to lovers situation ever in my real life in your real life no IRL I just like reading about them yeah no it's always been friends first okay you're like that's really stressful so yeah a lot of times also with if it's in like fanfi it can to go into like political Intrigue as well because they might be from you know Warring kingdoms or something like that right so I like it when there's like you said like there needs to be a really good reason okay so maybe that's why because for me I haven't read many not just co-workers yeah like every item used to love his room every enemies to lovers book I've ever read has always just been like they're co-workers or they work for rival companies yeah and for me I'm like these Stakes feel very low and then my favorite of all the character Dies at the End sickness it's just sick you're like you're wrong for that yeah no no I can read like one of those per year oh okay so you just have to like rationally I do yeah I spend all my tears and then that's it back to enemies to love her I love that yeah I if the book isn't tear stained by the end was it a five-star book I don't think so I need my books to be laminated so when I cry yeah that protected yeah no this is the thing I can't give you all my favorite examples because that would be a complete spoiler and I think that's fun yeah no thank you I have read many a book in which a character like main character does at the end and I never enjoy it really I want the book to rip my heart out of my chest okay throw it on the floor stamp on it pick it back up as confetti and blow it in my face is that too much to ask for on that note this is uh finished ranking we literally did not agree at all yeah and you know what that's the beauty of it because we'll have different tastes one we had one hey and this can kind of be interactive too you can leave your personal ranking yes Down Below in the comment section I cannot wait to read them who do you agree with more whose tastes do you align with more we will see I like people to be happy at the end and I like to suffer yeah thank you so much for watching this video I hope that you enjoyed it make sure you head over to Carrie's Channel I will leave it linked down below this is like old school collab style I know this is I hate this I might actually be my first collab oh my God welcome thanks so much for being here no one ever everybody come to Korea nobody ever comes over here yeah my videos talk about books yes and have a wonderful time thank you so so much for watching this video all the best stay in touch have a wonderful day and I'll catch you very very soon bye bye
Channel: Jack Edwards
Views: 500,404
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Id: 0J1_lGWp0gY
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Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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