tier ranking popular book tropes 📚 (why do some of these exist?)

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hi everyone it's me welcome to another video today we are doing another tier rank video but this time we are going to be ranking book tropes so far all of my tier ranking videos on my channel have been like for books specifically but this one I feel like is going to be a lot more fun because we're just going to be talking about General tropes so like if you haven't read all the books I'm tier ranking it'll still be entertaining for you I hope so let's just like get right into it let's see what we're working with okay so here we are I have actually just chosen a tier list template that was already on tiermaker.com I just feel like it would be a lot more fun to like go into this blind use someone else's template and show you like more First Reactions to the book tropes that we're going to be ranking instead of me like collecting them and already having a feeling of like where I'm going to put things you know what I mean so this was just like one of the top most popular fictional tropes tier list makers on the website and so this is what we're going to work with I do think though I want to change these headings rank tier tier titles because I don't really resonate on what these are called like I don't really say heck yes I don't really say fattest no like that's just not me so we're going to make these more relevant to myself so our s tier or top tier whatever you want to call it is going to be eats every time meaning whenever I read this Trope like I ate it up second tier is going to be top Trope meaning that it is a very good Trope but like it's not top top top tier doesn't eat every single time third tier I'm going to call only if it's done well this is going to be reserved for those tropes that like have worked sometimes but like not all the time next tier is going to be absolutely not and then my last tier I do want to reserve a tier just for tropes that like maybe I'm not sure of or tropes that I've never experienced or read or like I just don't know what it means so I'm going to save this tier for those I'm going to call it no idea what this is okay so we're ready let's just start right off the bat we have abusive parents oh my gosh I thought this was going to be like more of a light-hearted video but this is um okay I guess that's the mood so I'm guessing this is like our main character having abusive parents and then just like dealing with that this is done in quite a few books I'm going to say if it's done well this can be a great Trope to like push a plot forward or like for character development so I don't know I'm going to put it there that's kind of a tough one to be honest AI relationship what AI relation I don't oh is this like in that movie her where like he dates like an AI person like you date some sort of a robot um I'm going to put this in absolutely not not my cup of tea her I think was a good movie but I felt really uncomfortable throughout the whole thing and I don't think I've actually read a book with that Trope yeah I don't know I'm just going to say absolutely not that's just kind of weird falling in love with like a robot Ally turn antagonist ooh this one's pretty good I'm going to say this is a top Trope sometimes it breaks my heart when like I really love the Ally or the friend but like this can be done really well Amnesia okay I have read a couple books where our main character like forgets everything and then has to like be reminded of things I feel like whenever I read a book or like watch something that has this Trope I get so frustrated because it's one of those tropes that makes you really like scream it makes you really frustrated it makes you feel like you need to like scream at the main character and like remind them of things that they have forgotten so I'm going to say only if it's done well sometimes it can get too frustrating sometimes it can be used very very cleverly and it gets you like really immersed and emotional about it antagonist turned Ally okay this is the opposite of Ally turned antagonist I think this is another one like only if it's done well because I just feel like with some antagonists I can't get myself to like them or trust them ever so sometimes I just like I'm not with it but it can be done well it can be done well especially if there's romance involved but that's a completely different Dr apocalypse I don't know like we all went through our dystopian phase I feel like these days I'm not really an apocalypse girly I'm not really like an end of the world girly anymore it doesn't really get me these days I would prefer to be whisked away to a completely different make belief World versus like the end of the world that we are currently living in if that makes sense arranged marriage ooh this one is another tough one because arranged marriage or like forced marriage can be so good and a fantasy if it's done in like I don't know contemporary romance or something like that I'm not really into it so this is going to be only if it's done well I feel like I feel like this middle tier is going to be a big one I feel like most of these tropes are going to go in there avenging dead friend or family oh eats absolutely eats every time like we have like a friend a family member or a loved one that just like gets killed and then we just like rage and get revenge yeah yeah yeah yeah yes absolutely yes bad boy and good girl okay we're getting into some romance ones now this is fun I feel like this can be very overdone sometimes these days like honestly I prefer bad girl good boy like in thrown of glass like when we have this really like like Assassin character as our female main character and then everyone she dates is more like Tamer than her and has to like actually bring her down I feel like I've been preferring that I don't know I'm going to say if it's done well beautiful MC doesn't realize she's pretty oh my go this one is is so annoying absolutely not I mean this strope is used in most books I feel like but I just I get really annoyed at it like most books you read you have like at least an above average looking main character right but sometimes they like always talk themselves down just like constantly believe that they're like not attractive and don't deserve anything and like why would this guy even like take a double look at me like he's so out of my league it's so overdone I get annoyed at it being F sibling romance no no I'm just going to say no betrayal top Trope it hurts in the best way possible would not want that done to me but if I'm reading about it or like watching it happen then sure body swap like a Freaky Friday situation I enjoyed the movie Freaky Friday but it just kind of like freaks me out I'm going to say no to the body swap I would prefer people to stay in their bodies unless they're like shifting like unless it's a fantasy and they're like shifting into their like animal form or their like fave form or something I like that but if you're actually like fully swapping bodies with someone else then like no it's kind of strange Patty crazy X I'm going to say no whenever the ex is brought into the occasion in a romance it just like annoys me like I don't want to focus on the ex I want to focus on like the present and where we are currently so no child of MC sequel have I read anything like that I've read like sibling of the MC sequel I don't know if I've actually read like a child of the MC becoming like the MC I'm going to put this in no idea what this is or I'm going to add have not read I don't know I've never experienced this so I can't say anything about it chosen one I'm going to say this is a top Trope like I love a good chosen one story it hits every time it's not like an eats every time because it's like so expected but I'm going to say it's good I know a lot of people get get annoyed at the whole chosen one thing it's like fun for me it's exciting it's like when the chosen one is forced on this journey that they don't want to go on I Like It Coming of Age if it's done well I don't think have any like extreme feelings about that so sure controlling dystopian government again only if it's done well like I enjoy a good controlling government I'm not really into the whole dystopian thing these days anymore although one could argue like fourth wi is a little bit dystopian I feel like I don't seek it out but when it's done well I enjoy it Damsel in Distress H this might be like very backwards of me to say but I I love a good damsel and distress story but like I love having like a main character who like needs to be rescued but then like also along the story like builds her own strength and like is able to rescue herself you know what I mean but if there's like a damsel in distress scene in like a romance or Romany I don't hate it darkhaired hot male villain I'm married you guys okay this eats every time dark mysterious brooding Li I dark mysterious brooding love interest Li okay I'm kind of like behind with the slang so I apologize but eats every time and again I'm married dead or missing girl yeah sure and a nice like Thriller like a mystery I love that I'm going to say this is a top Trope dead parents oh I'm going to say only if it's done well for this one because it can be done well but sometimes I feel like the dead parent Trope can become like the entire personality of a character or like become the only issues of a character and I know that like obviously in real life like that's a very tough thing to deal with but like sometimes in books this Trope can kind of overpower everything in the rest of the story so I'm going to say if it's done well dragons eats every time we know I love a good dragon enemies to lovers I would totally put this in eats every time but I do think this may be controversial that enemies to lovers is being overdone these days I think okay and this is coming from someone who like some of my favorite books of all time are enemies to lovers like I love this Trope but only if it's done well because I feel like every book these days especially in the Romany genre tries to do enemies to lovers and sometimes it just feels like we are doing enemies to lovers to do enemies to lovers and it just feels forced and like we get the same lines like the whole like who did this to you line which is a whole Trope in itself but like sometimes it just it doesn't eat it doesn't eat every time but when it eats it eats so I'm going to put it there sorry not sorry X BFF to popular mean girl um only if it's done well it's not the Trope that like I don't seek out necessarily but like that can hurt fairy tale retelling top Trope fairy tale but make it dark fake relationship okay I have read some good fake dating books but most of them I dislike for example happy place really loved happy place and it was like kind of a fake dating story but it only worked for me because the two main characters had a past already like they already knew what it was like to date each other it wasn't just like two random strangers coming together to like date for like you know whatever reason I'm going to put this in absolutely not but there are exceptions fem fatal character like an alen I'm going to say top Trope I feel like this could also maybe be overdone sometimes but in general I I love a good like strong female lead Forbidden Love eats every time I'm Just a Girl and I love a good Forbidden Love Story which this is another controversial topic and might make make people a little bit mad but aatar 6 for sure is going to be forbidden love Trope that's what I think it's going to be forbidden love Trope and I'm so excited for that book found family eats every time friends to lovers honestly kind of bores me sometimes I'm going to put this in absolutely not but again similar to fake relationships I have read F to lovers that I like but I feel like I've disliked it more than I've liked it so I'm going to put that in absolutely not I don't know I feel like in real life I love a good friends toover story it's great but when I'm reading a book I want something with like a little more zest than that I feel like when characters are friends for so long there's a reason why they're friends for so long and like not anything more I don't know I just don't eat I just don't eat gay BFF sure I'm going to say if it's done well again it's not like a Trope that I seek out I don't know it's fun it lightens up the mood and we get support at the same same time so like I don't know I don't have anything bad to say about that one it's not something I like look for in a book Heist I'm going to put it in top Trope I feel like when you are on a heist like on a mission it just makes the book so much more exciting like you have this one goal that you're working for and then it all comes together and it's really fun so top Trope High School clicks I'm going to say absolutely not just because I feel like in this day and age like I don't really like reading High School books I appreciate a good ya sometimes but when it's set in high school and it's like so teenager ya I don't really enjoy that anymore maybe because I'm old so I'm just going to say no for high school clicks these days hurt Comfort huh um I don't really know what this means does it mean like when our main character is hurt and then someone's comforting them I don't know I don't know what this one means I'm going to say I don't know what this is insta love no you guys know my thoughts on that I need a good slow bird so we are not doing install love here LGBT plus struggle I'm going to be honest with you guys I have not read a lot of LGBT plus books and maybe I need to I do have prior of the orange tree on my shelf and I believe that's an LGBT story so I'm excited to read that and I have read song of Achilles but other than that I can't think of any other LGBT books that I've read I've definitely read a lot of books where we have like LGBT plus like Side characters and side stories but not as like the main plot but I'm going to say if it's done well I don't have that much experience with them and I guess it's not something I naturally seek out but maybe I should get more into them long lost Royal yes I'm going to say top Trope I love a good long lost Royal then they like find who they are like they're like a nobody and then they like find this like big secret that they've been like hidden or they're just like they've been born from a lost powerful bloodline M it's just so fun love at first sight no no no no no no no no love triangle you know what I'm so up and down with the love triangles because if you asked me last year I would say absolutely not just because it hurts me but it makes for good reading I'm going to say only if it's done well because it can also be done very poorly but a good love triangle where like you're rooting for the both of them and you don't know who our main characters going to choose and like the pain you feel when she chooses one and the other one is Left Behind It Hurts So Good the love triangles I don't like are when it's like so obvious the entire time who our main character is going to choose and that's what bugs me is like when she's stringing along someone else for the ride but like it's so obvious she's not going to choose them that's when I hate it but a good love triangle when our main character is like actually torn between the two love interests like I love that Mafia gang leader love interest um I'm going to say absolutely not but it's not really an absolutely not I feel like I should have made another tier maybe I'll make another tier can I do that okay guys I've added another tier I'm going to I'm going to revise things okay I've added and it's fine but I don't seek it out tier because I feel like I need that middle tier Mafia gang leader I'm going to put LGBT struggle I'm going to put apocalypse coming of age dead parents we have done some edits okay so we have put these cards or like what whatever you want to call them tier items I have moved to it's fine but I don't seek it out because I just feel like we needed that middle category so sorry for the in between edit but I just I needed to do that I was feeling kind of weird putting certain things in these polarizing categories okay next magicaly eats every time we love a good Hogwarts yeah eats makeover I'm going to say it's fine but I don't seek it out because I feel like why do we need to like makeover someone you know like aren't we all just beautiful in our natural selves in our natural bodies in our Natural Essence we don't need makeovers why can't we just stay as who we are and like do inner growth Mary Sue or Gary St I know what a Mary Sue is I don't know what a Gary Stu is at all so I'm going to say I don't know what that is oh like a Gary stew like a male version of a Mary Sue okay I get it I get it I'm going to say it's fine I don't seek it out we get a lot of Mary sus and fantasy just like naturally and like I don't hate it I know other people like really get annoyed when we have a Mary Sue character but I don't hate it I don't seek it out I do love quite a few books that have a Mary Su type character I guess but um yeah meet cute a meet cute is a top Trope I love a good like funny chance meeting Mentor dies during Grand Journey the way I'm like getting emotional just reading the words like the title of this Trope like what it's called eats every time in the worst way mirror description I don't know what that is miscommunication I'm going to say absolutely not but there have been miscommunication books that I like like happy place maybe happy place is like the only miscommunication Trope book that I've enjoyed I feel like whenever we have a miscommunication Trope I just I just get annoyed at it I'm just like talk to each other like what's wrong with you for example Violet and Zaden in Iron flame like I feel like there's just a lot of miscommunication there and it really bugs me and I love Iron flame and I still love the entire fourth wi like the imperion series and I still love the characters and love the story but I just could not stand the relationship in Iron flame I liked everything else that was going on like the fantasy Politics the battles the plot like the buildup to what we were doing like I loved everything in that book but their relationship in that book just was not it so I don't love a miscommunication Trope Misfit Outsider protagonist again I feel like this is just something that happens in a lot of fantasies especially so I'm going to say it's fine but I don't seek it out mommy daddy issue I feel like this goes along with the abuse of parents I'm just going to put it beside there Mutual pining yes yes yes yes now I'm going to move into top trip I love a good pining I love a good Slow Burn as I mentioned I love like feeling that yearning but I feel like sometimes it can drag on for a little bit too long and this Trope can very easily turn into the miscommunication Trope as well so eats mostly so it's a top Trope mysterious new guy yes I love a good mysterious new guy and I'm married naive new girl um it's fine I don't seek it out I love a good naive new girl that like builds her strength and like learns things and has like this great progression but I also love when our girl starts out really strong to begin with next door neighbor like I love interest like a nextdoor neighbor love interest um if that's what this means I am not so into it I feel like this goes kind of along with friends to lovers I don't know I'm just not into that like next door neighbor Vibe when it comes to romance in books like in fictional stories again in real life in the real world it's great it's healthy we love it but in fiction we like different things so don't really get excited about that normal F paranormal creatur what does f mean oh like f like FF no no I mean like I've read like cross creature romances right like in fantasy that happens like I don't know we have a vampire and a werewolf or we have like a human in a fay so it happens but like I don't want to read about the F like I don't want to read the details of those scenes you can tell me they did it and fade to Black and I'll be fine with it but like I don't really want to like hear the details of how you like touch Tails I'm going to say absolutely not old Warrior reluctantly helping protagonist sure I don't seek it out but sure no you know what it's going to get promoted to only if it's done well because sometimes it's just such a nice lovely moment Opposites Attract I'm going to say this is fine but I don't seek it out past trauma this is just something that happens in all books isn't it like we all have our trauma so it's fine I don't seek it out Personal Diary in the wrong hands oh no only if it's done well this can be very exciting poor girl rich guy um I mean like technically like aatar is all about poor girl Rich guys isn't it I'm going to say it's fine I don't seek it out I don't like I don't think I've ever read a billionaire romance that specific genre where like I'm guessing it's like poor people meeting like really really rich people pretty me cheerleader I don't seek it out but like it happens prophecy eats every time like when we get that prophecy we realize that our main character has to like do these things very similar a chosen one but I feel like prophecy is just like it has one step up above chosen one because it's like a prophecy you can't go against the prophecy the prophecy is what creates the chosen one you know like you can have a chosen one without the prophecy but when you get the chosen one plus the prophecy like that's why you have the chosen one that eats not like the other girls protagonist it's fine like I don't hate it it's not something I seek out it's fine reluctant hero if it's done well we love a good reluctant hero we love a modest queen or King Rivals to lovers I feel like this one is like one step lower than enemies to lovers but I'm going to put it in the same category I feel like these can be very similar but like Rivals to lovers works better in real life like contemporary romances and then enemies lovers works better in fantasies I feel like a lot of like real world contemporary romances are advertised as enemies to lovers but I'm like in the real world like are you actually enemies with anyone like is it really that serious where you're enemies or like are you just Rivals you know so yeah I feel like these two are basically the same Trope but one is like real world and one is like fantasy world sassy ethnic friend is this a Trope I guess like anything could be a Trope I don't know it's another one that's fine but I don't seek it out I do love a lot of sassy ethnic friend characters but it's not something I like look for Second Chance romance M I'm going to say only if it's done well this is a step up above friends to lovers but like with second chance there was that spark to begin with so it's like a bit better than friends to lovers so I'm going to say yeah sure if it's done well self-loathing protagonist no no no no no no we don't do that here we love ourselves I feel like with a a lot of these self-loathing protagonists they end up they grow to love themselves and that's like the point of the story but yeah I don't know I this just bugs me so no slowburn eats no explanation needed soulmates eats like mated fantasy characters yes every time I love a good like mating Bond spunky comic relief BFF there's like a lot of these BFF tropes I say it's fine but I don't seek it out I love a good BFF character like when they appear but I feel like I don't like pick up a book to read about a BFF character like I'm not going to pick up a book read the synopsis and be like wow that BFF sounds really hilarious I want to read this book I usually pick a book are you okay oh my gosh I just got too excited okay Huffy just died we're almost done this tier list so um what was I saying yeah I don't really pick up a book to read about a BFF but like when it happens I like it so I don't know I don't seek it out stalker love interest no no no no no no I feel like this happens a lot in like dark romances but like I have not read a lot of dark romances I'm not really like a dark romance reader so no Stockholm love no it's just not my vibe strong female protagonist yes you know what I really want to put this in each every time but I feel like similar to enemies with lovers this can be so overdone especially like these days with romantic being a very trendy genre I'm going to say only if it's done well I'm sorry it just got demoted Summer Fling sure I love a good Summer Fling like romance palette cleanser where I can just like turn my brain off and like read about a little cute Summer Romance so sure if it's done well there's only one bed there's only one bed there's only one bed how many toilets are there um probably one is it a sky toilet coffee eats we love there's only one bed scene I love watching our main characters like squirm you know token minority character um I don't know I feel like I don't have strong feelings about this one but like if you're calling it token like they have to be there like they're there just to be a minority I'm going to say no like reading this card wrong like a token minority character sounds like it has a negative connotation to me like if there's a minority character there I like it but if it's like a token minority character like it's just there to play the purpose of the minority character then like why like why can't they just be a person right why do they have to be a token minority I don't know maybe I'm not reading that card right undiscovered fantasy world yes yes I love love discovering a new fantasy world I love like reading first impressions of like stepping into this new world and like needing to learn more about this world I feel like I love when this happens in fantasies because when we already have an established World We tend to get a lot of info dumping like we have to learn a lot very quick at the beginning of the book but when we're like discovering it along with our main character we like Discover it as they are like as they experience things so it tends to be like a more natural form form of World building and I love it unknown superpower yeah yeah eats every time we love when we come into our powers and discover that we are a lot more strong than we ever thought we were and that is the final prob that we are ranking on this list this was a very interesting list I don't know who put this together because it was just one of the like public templates as I said on the tiermaker.com webbsite and so I don't know who put this together so we had a lot of like random tropes I feel like but we had like some of those main tropes that you know everyone talks about as well so I thought this was fun I hope Huffy is still alive out there but that is my tiar rank for tropes I will leave the link to this template in the description box if you want to like take a look and like do it yourself but there we have it so I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you liked it let me know if there's anything else you would like to see me tearing I feel like I want to do like book boyfriends or something I feel like that would be a really funny one but yeah if you did like this video please leave me a like and a comment if you don't know what to comment down below let me know what your absolute favorite Trope is and what your least favorite Trope is if you like me subscribe do that Bell thing and I will see you in the next one [Music] bye
Channel: Jaime Fok
Views: 3,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: read, reading, booktube, cozy, books, recommendations, tier rank, tier, ranking, ranks, blind, rank, trope, tropes, romance, enemies to lovers, one bed, fantasy, romantasy, booktok, goodreads, chat, chats, podcast
Id: roE7LyDRyPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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