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hey hey hey how are you welcome back to my second Channel welcome back to Jack in the books this is my Series where I'm trying to bring back the book tag because I miss them I feel like book doesn't have enough book tags anymore and so this wonderful creator zzy with books has a WordPress blog where she has basically collected curated all of the book tags and this is just something I've never really done properly on my Channel I didn't even do the like book to newbie tag which I feel like is sad and now it's too late for me to do it cuz I'm like years into this now but this tag is called the 20 questions tag and so I thought it would just be fun to go through them and answer some questions so question number one is how many books is too many books in a series and this has really got me thinking about how many series I've actually read looking behind me I can see Heart Stopper so that's five hungry games which is three Harry Potter is not on display but I that's is it six books and seven movies or seven books and eight movies I think seven books and eight movies right I do think that Harry Potter is a real exception to the rule because the world was just so brilliant and there was so much to do with that world that had been created like also the fact that it was set out of school and in the first year we see them enroll in that school like it makes total sense that each book would be another year in his school in his education in Academia um wizard Academia but uh I think that made sense I don't think many book series have good enough World building to justify that number of books I think that my Optimum would be three I think three books in a series is really really perfect I know that um the before the coffee gets cold series I think is on its fourth book and I know a lot of people are saying it's time to wrap that one up babe and I liked book one but I in fact I loved book one but I've really had no inclination to read any more of the books I've heard that book two is really great so maybe I will um give it another go but in general I love a standalone and this applies to pretty much everything I love a limited series on TV I can't think of any movie sequels I've been to see outside of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games and often when I do go to to see a sequel I just don't like it as much so for me honestly how many books is too many in a series more than one just keep it as one that is not going to be a popular take um that's just my opin I think it's because I prefer literary fiction which generally doesn't have um sequels so that's probably why how do you feel about Cliffhangers okay so I like a cliffhanger in the sense that I love an open ended book I love when the ending is a little bit ambiguous so examples the beasting the ending it kind of we kind of know what's about to happen but I like that it doesn't ever have to spell it out and instead our imagination runs wild and we think about all the possible conclusions of what could have happened um what I'll say is there's like one decisive thing and then a series of outcomes from that one decisive thing so I kind of like that my brain after turning that final page then spent the rest of the next day and maybe then the rest of the next week or month thinking about all the different conclusions that could have been drawn then also I think of the guest by Emma Klein which I can see behind me that book is left kind of open-ended as well and then the handmade sale I think is one of the best examples um and here is a book that I was really mad when Margaret atw wrote a prequel to it because I felt like it was such a cash grab um CU it to me it's so obvious that a sequel was never part part of the plan the Ham's tale ends so perfectly with this really ambiguous ending she says she stepped into the darkness or otherwise the light and so we can our minds just go absolutely crazy and this sticks with us for ages and I remember being blown away by that ending and then in the next book basically just explains what happens and I was like so annoying cuz I liked that we there were things we didn't know I like it when we have to be left with unanswered questions um because that's fun to theorize about and talk about in book clubs and discuss and Etc anyway hard back or paperback aesthetically I love a hardback and I do think that my hardbacks are obviously going to last longer um because they won't get as damaged by the Sun and um the the books are more protected and sturdy but there's something about a paperback that you can just throw around a little bit that you can bend you can break the spine I don't know I just I love a paperback I love the way it feels in my hands and it's easier to carry around it's less heavy like so you can read laying down etc etc read on the beach like 100% paperback but all books are great books the next question is favorite book I think my favorite book of all time is Sula by Tony Morrison oh I wish I had it to hand but my friend got me a key ring my friend Elena got me a key ring of Sula by Tony Morrison um of the book cover to put on my keys and I thought that was such a thoughtful gift um um so that was really really kind and sweet she went through my videos to work out what my most frequently mentioned book was and she said that's the one I seem to talk about the most the next and she's right the next question is least favorite book and isn't it crazy that I've never considered what is the least favorite book of mine like what is the absolute lowest of the low maybe it is the Spanish love deception it might just be because that book made me viscerally very angry like I felt like it was Trope Bingo Trope Roulette by the end of the book I didn't find it believable like none of the tension really existed for me because I couldn't believe in these characters I felt like the plot was really flimsy it annoys me that the man does like two lessons on duo lingo and suddenly he goes from being number one enemy hater to being like the love of her life just CU he can speak a couple words in Spanish like Ola Amigo is like he's not Dora the Explorer and I think in terms of that book having so much hype like I just can't get behind it so maybe it really is the Spanish love deception love triangles yes or no okay I had a really interesting conversation with my friend Jordan about this and also with my friend Carrie we spoke about this too that often love triangles or love triangles as they're presented are not triangles but arrows because a love triangle would imply that all three people are attracted to one another so there's got to be like let's say there are two girls interested in the same guy but maybe the two girls also are a little bit into each other or two guys and a and a girl and the two guys are also kind of interested in each other or three girls three guys or three non-binary people you know like whatever combination that you have it has it's only a triangle only a true complete triangle if all three people are attracted to one another now if if it's two people interested in one love interest that's an arrow not a triangle because the bottom part of the triangle isn't filled in so I'm going to go with with no to love arrows but yes to love triangles CU that's messy and interesting what's a book that has a love triangle truly AXS of service AE of service is about this like thropple and that I think is a true love triangle also I'm a fan by Sheena Patel has traces of the love triangle because she's obsessed with both a man and a woman I think yeah that completes the triangle um but love arrows the most recent book you just couldn't finish who good question because I'm pretty good at finishing books like I really really force myself to finish a book um I actually still haven't finished the great Believers which is such a shame because it was a book I was really really enjoying basically what happened was I accidentally left it behind on holiday and so I was halfway through the book and then had to buy a new copy of it because I'd left the original copy I owned behind and in the time that it took me to replace this book and realized I'm never getting the original copy back that I annotated and everything I just because I it had been such a huge gap in terms of reading it and I'd moved on to other things I just never picked it back up again so it's probably the great Believers even though everyone who's read it loves it and the half that I read I thought was absolutely incredible and could have ended up being a five-star book last year but I couldn't include it in anything because I didn't finish it so yeah it's going to be the great Believers a book you're currently reading okay so I just finished it I just finished this book it's called roaming it's actually a graphic novel um it's about these three friends who go to New York City and I think it perfectly captures the essence of a group holiday a group holiday where it's like the holiday made it out of the group chat but the group chat make it out of the holiday do you know what I'm saying because these people end up really finding there's a lot of tension between them and you know some people you realize on a trip you're just not compatible to travel with and it's day one and you you still have like six days of the trip left like that's a very real thing especially when you're young and this book just perfectly captures that Essence where one of the characters her name is Fiona is the worst like if Fiona has zero haters I'm dead I was so mad at Fiona the entire book and should I even say this she really reminded me of some people I went to school with um like we all know a Fiona like we've all been in a friend group where there's a Fiona she's basically the one who's like super negative really obnoxious and like this is a tangent but I sometimes feel like really really negative people end up being popular in a superficial sense that like no one really really likes them but people get a lot of validation from them if you have a mean negative friend when they are nice to you it's so validating because it feels like they hate everyone in the world except you like you must be doing something right in order to gain their trust to gain their affection I definitely think this happens a lot more when you're young but I when I was at school I found this happening all the time like there would be people in my circle who actually I would realize maybe in hindsight were just mean and very very negative and rude and because I had earned their respect in some way you kind of like see past the fact that they're actually not that nice a person and it's not until they eventually decide that you are the target of their viciousness that you realize actually they were mean all along you know to everyone um I definitely have a few people who I know that I was like at school with who were like that and it's such an awful part of like growing up when you realize that you do not need to be around those people like well it's a good thing about growing up and maturing that you realize that but it's such a heartbreaking thing realizing that you wasted so much time gaining people's affection who were never going to reciprocate it truly cuz to their core they're like a little bit rotten I I do think people can change so I'm not saying that they're like it's like Eternal damnation like destined to be like that forever I think that as those people grow up hopefully they will evolve too but in that specific moment in time their Vibes were rened and you might have like seen past it a little bit because it felt nice to know that they thought you were cool just for a just for a little bit you know or cooler than other people or more worthy of their time and respect it's I don't know if I'm just rambling here but that's what Fiona in this book is like she's because she's so negative ative and mean um and nasty and self-absorbed like when one of the characters Zoe kind of like finds a common ground with her and finds a way to bond and realizes that she has softness under her hard exterior she really clings on to that um because she obviously gets validation from it um so I thought that was really interesting anyway all that to say I thought that book was interesting the other book that I am currently reading is the Rachel incident and I am loving it so many people told me I needed to read this book and you know that I love Irish fiction and I just think it is so brilliant so detailed so textured I really really I'm falling in love with the writing and I'm listening to it as an audio book which I'm really enjoying and actually that brings me on to talking about today's sponsor which is listening. comom listening. comom has been an absolute GameChanger for me because it basically can turn anything you want to read into an audio file so textbooks academic papers PDFs web pages you name it they can turn it into an audio file for you to listen to and that makes listening. comom perfect when you're cooking when you're working out when you're walking around or even when you're just relaxing and instead of scanning a page like let's say you've been at work all day and you've been like reading on a paper the entire time sometimes it is way more relaxing just to listen to something or even the other way around you know when I worked as a researcher I would have found this so useful to be able to break up my day by being able to listen to things or have someone like read it to me even as a companion like while I was reading along as well this kind of thing really helps me to stay focused and diversify the way I'm consuming information so I think listening. comom is so cool it can also read matths equations it can skip citations for you it can help you with pronunciation of words it has a one-click note taking feature so if you want to quickly make a note of something that you're reading it can help you do that you just hit the plus note button and it will do everything for you and so you know how it is I had to get you guys an exclusive deal and a discount so I spoke to the guys at listening. comom and just for this community we have a very very special offer so normally at you can get a free twoe trial but through my link which is down below in the description box you can get three fre weeks of listening. comom so give it a go see how it transforms your experience and I highly recommend I think it's such an Innovative idea so head to listening. comom jainthe books to get 3 weeks for free the next question is the last book you recommended to someone ooh bad diaspora poems I posted on my Instagram story today saying I thought it was excellent so probably that one the oldest book you've ever read by publication dates well that's really tough probably when I studied Latin at school so like some cisero I have it like all down it's right at the very bottom of my bookshelf because really and truly it's the thing I reach for the least do I remember any Latin no I so in the UK we have a thing called D which is like Duke of Edinburgh a w and basically you have to like learn a skill go on a hike do some volunteering work do some physical activity blah blah blah and then you get this award and so I did the silver Award with three of my best friends and we just had an absolute blast doing it it was so much fun and me and my friend Ed for the learning a skill section we decided to take Latin classes after school basically at my college while I was doing my a levels there was an after school club for people doing their GCS where they could do an extra GCSE in Latin and so I never did that when I was um in year 11 doing my actual gcss and I've kind of regretted it and so alongside my a levels I decided to take on an extra GCSE and I went two days after school every week studied Latin um in this class with people who were like two three years younger than me but me and my friend we were like so committed we were like we have to do this we we really want to get this extra GCSE and we did it we got to the end of it we translated some Latin it was hard I'm not going to lie but I ended up really loving it in the end and uh super random but yeah I did this extra GCSE alongside my a levels why did I do that no idea it was very very stressful newest book you've read by oh the newest book I've read by publication date is the next one oh have I read any books that haven't come out yet that are coming out in 2024 oh I've read an unpublished manuscript how about that I read my friend Dakota's book um which was so excellent um my wonderful friend Dakota Warren is a fantastic writer she has a poetry book called on sun swallowing and it's one of my favorite poetry collections I think she is just I'm biased because she is my best friend but I just love her brain I think she is one of the most special people I know so insanely gifted so so brilliant she is a force to be reckoned with and when this novel comes out it is going to blow your mind it is so incredibly good I can already see it being made into a movie because it is just so visually stimulating like there was a movie playing in my head while I was reading it there are so many iconic moments that would just be incredible to see portrayed on a big screen I mean the writing is just so vividly descriptive it's an absolute Masterpiece and this is just the first manuscript like this is the first draft that's you know being sent to um editors Etc and agents right now so by the time this book is ready to be published it is just going to be a genuinely I think one of the best pieces of literature I ever read because I will be rereading um but what I've read so far is excellent and you're in for such a treat when it comes out so I guess that how cool and it's my friend too favorite author um maybe CLA Keegan recently Tony Morrison James Baldwin love Joan didan I can see all of her books right here yeah that's my answer and I love Caleb asum Nelson too buying books or borrowing books buying books a book that you dislike that everyone else seems to love I recently read this book called Idol wild and I rated it like 3.5 out of five like I did still like the book but I think there were a lot of issues with it um and yet I went on good reads and every single review was five stars I was blown away I couldn't actually believe that so many people thought thought it was like an unflawed piece of literature because to me a lot of the flaws were so glaringly obvious like things that could so easily have been edited and changed um just in like the structure in the style um there's this chorus voice that is used um every like three chapters I think it didn't work at all I would have changed how all of those scenes were written it did this thing at the end of pretty much every every chapter where it was like and then my life changed and then we move on to another POV and so it's like obviously meant to keep you reading but after a while I thought it was just so annoying that it would be like and I wasn't expecting what happened next and then you move to something else and I'm like it's so annoying it's such a gimmick to keep doing that it's so like well it's kind of what you would do in like a ya novel but this is not a ya book like it's it's for adults so I just think it's like it's a little bit like how you would write at school so there were just like a few easy tweaks that could have been made to make the book better so I was really surprised that other people thought like five stars absolute perfection you know I didn't think it was absolute perfection so I guess I was just surprised to see such an overwhelmingly glowing response to it the next question is bookmarks or dog ears uh yeah I dog a pages I like to that I want to reread in every book I own so I'm I'm I'm a dog era I'm in my dog era era uh a book you can always reread the book I've reread the most times is the hamade tale can you read while hearing music yeah absolutely not music with words um but music in general like I love listening to jazz or classical music um lowii when I'm reading it actually really helps me to stay engaged and stay focused um so actually read with music a lot one or multiple povs um I don't mind I like a mix I would I wouldn't read like a bunch of books that all had multiple povs all in a row um I like I would probably space those out more so generally maybe one person but really I'm fine either way do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days uh usually over multiple days unless it's like quite a short like if it's like a 160 page Zinger then I'll read it all in one setting a book you've read because of the cover this is the final question too oh the one I can literally see in my eyeline is this hold on hold on hold on I saw this recommended by belletrist this is they're going to Love You by Meg Howry literally saw this on bellat trist's Instagram account and was like yeah no I need to read that one just purely based on the cover and then it ended up being really good so you know sometimes you can judge a book by its cover and it works out so anyways thanks for joining me for these 20 questions I hope that you enjoyed this video let me know if you agree with my takes or if you disagree um we can have a little conversation in the comments section I'm really sorry if this Shadow from my mic has been annoying you I've been kind of looking at it in my viewfinder the entire time and it's actually been kind of annoying me I don't know why I didn't do something to fix it like right at the beginning of the video but we're at the end of it now so I guess it's too late I'll fix it for next time so you'll have to subscribe and come back that was so corny ah but thanks for being here I appreciate you a lot and I will catch you in the next video Mah bye-bye
Channel: Jack in the Books
Views: 113,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fM7AnXgxtVE
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Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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