i organised 1000+ books 3 ways (rainbow, alphabetical, genre)

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there are so many different ways that I could choose to organize my home library and I want to try all of them so far you've seen me try to organize this by red versus unread which looked insane and was diabolical and immediately reversed I also organized this whole room to look like an independent Bookshop which was so much fun and I do still really love having my little cloth bun Classics displayed like this but right now this is a little bit chaotic and honestly a bit of a mess and so today I thought we would fix this I can fix it and so I am going to try and organize this home Library three different ways firstly as a rainbow mostly because I think it will be very very satisfying to do and will scratch An Itch in my brain and then secondly I'm going to organize it by alphabet so by the alphabetical order of the author's names I think that one is going to be incredibly frustrating to do but will look great and that will probably be the easiest way to find books within the home library and then the final way and I think the way that I'm probably going to stick with but we'll see you know I'm going in open-minded the final way I'm going to organize the bookshelf is by genre or kind of by Vibe which basically means that my fantasy books will all be together my romance books will all be together my sci-fi books will all be together that kind of thing and as a mood reader I think that makes the most amount of sense for me but first and foremost let's organize this bookshelf as a rainbow so I'm going to start by just pulling out all of the red books so we'll take these and these this one that guy right there then it gets difficult cuz is that more orange or red it's kind of confusing to know like what should go where but I think I can get a rough kind of vibe if you're watching this video and you're color blind this next segment is going to be very confusing for you but I'm intrigued to see how this looks people have very strong opinions about color coordinated bookshelves so I already know this could ruffle some feathers the trouble is books that have like dual tones I guess we add it and then decide later so many red books and also so many unread books hey I'm here all day okay already this is just from one shelf how crazy does that look there are actually so many iconic red books like look at these isn't that very very satisfying to watch guys these are my red books versus my unread books it's so weird when you just remove one color kind of looks way more dull and then this is kind of crazy the next color is orange starting with this one nice okay so it turns out I have considerably less orange books orangey glad to be here and now we go in with yellow I can already see a bunch so let's begin I think it's going to get tricky when we get to green and blue cuz they kind of start to look a bit too similar like sometimes deciding is that yellow or orange no that's yellow it's those kind of colors that could pass us either that are difficult the thing is right now I have so many random books right next to each other like death and the Penguin next to the kiss quotient yellow how are you I'm finding I have a surprising lack of Green books maybe my t-shirt is making up for it the t-shirt is compensating but honestly if I could have predicted what I would have the least of I would not have predicted green like I said I think it is hard because sometimes green and blue are a little hard to distinguish okay a bunch of these are green at least that's another three sometimes I realize I've missed very obvious ones like how did I miss that speaking of which how did I not put that one in the yellow pile blue is a lot easier but then there's also dark versus light blue which are very very different blue I think is going to rival red cuz also the um penguin modern Classics are blue and I have a lot of these bonus point for every time I find a book that is not only the color but also has the color in the title The Bluest Eye by Tony Morrison oh and another one Blu it by Maggie Nelson see where it gets on comfortable is having to split up a series like Heart Stopper because these are all different colors so these all need to go in different places this is blue wdw die a little bit of blue going on for the Teen Vogue party God the bookcases look so dull now we're pretty much just left with okay not that one that definitely should be in a pile yeah pretty much just left with the colorless spines so just black and white really the weird thing is that I just kept finding more and more Green books all of these also have green spines and it's weird cuz I guess I'm not so good at picking out green from a color liner I've realized in this video that green is my weak spot maybe because there's so many shades of green like this is the least kind of cohesive collection like they're all green but they're all completely different whereas like the orange is a little more obvious I also unexpectedly had so many pink books there we go that's easier to visualize so there's all of the pink books and the green ones it looks really odd just like glancing around the room we have purple we have yellow we have red we have blue plus orange pink and green green it's just this is madness this is Bonkers okay the shelves are clear and now it's time to add the books I'm going to go red orange yellow green blue pink and purple and then maybe like black or white so this is kind of how we're doing so far I think that red and blue are the only colors I have enough to go all the way around cuz I have so many of those but um with yellow and orange it kind of run out at this point same with green so I've quite even number of of these books but it does look really really cool green is the only one I think that is a little unsatisfying whereas blue yellow orange and red are quite distinctive kind of color blocks green a little bit messy I won't lie update so I added in the pink I think it looks kind of cool and so now I have two shelves left so I'm going to do black and white because there are so many more books and I just think it would be satisfying to have those two finished off and then I can kind of take a picture of like this section this is insane I know this makes so many people so angry but honestly I think it looks great I'm not going to keep it this way but I do think that is really cool okay guys what do we think what have we done I have to say I don't hate it as much as I thought I would I really really thought this would freak me out but honestly I'm kind of here for it it's too much it is too much like presenting my videos like this would just be so unserious this yeah it's got to go so the next one the next plan is to do that whole thing again but this time by letter so now instead of like seven colors I have 26 letters to sort these into this is going to take me such a long time this already took all morning to do and the thought of taking this down when I just put it up breaks my little heart so I actually bought these uh letters from Hobbycraft I think they were like Β£250 each but they did have bigger sizes I went for these ones I thought these were kind of cute and the idea is to have Letter book book book book book Letter book book book do you know what I mean there's a vision there call me that so raven cuz I am I do be having visions visualize it think about it I think it could look great and actually the letters kind of match the color of the bookshelf pretty well the trouble is this is going to take a really long time to organize so now I just have to go through and alphabetize all of these books oh Lord okay a put that there that's a d another a c another d g a another G oh that one's an A C the thing is I'm only doing the first few letters of the alphabet because I'm not actually keeping it like this so it's kind of more for your benefit than mine I mostly just want to see what it would look like um there's another D J didan David Bal that is my Class B Mitch album that's an a aone doy that's a d you know what I'm going to finish doing this and then I'll get back to you in a little bit honestly the piles of books are pretty aesthetically pleasing because they are going up in a kind of color gradient because of the way I'm going down the order Okay so organized these we've got b a c d g and F I appreciate that isn't how the alphabet works I accidentally put these on the wrong steps the original plan was to go a b c and then I realized that was not practical so that's why those are in the wrong order and they didn't have an e Block in Hobbycraft so I just have G and F we are ignoring e for the time being this is some e eraser I appreciate my own surname begins with e so that will just have to be enough for now okay e enough okay I have once again cleared the shelves imagine how tired we are imagine how tired we are of it so we're going to put a letter on there and then I have a bunch of books where the author's name begins with a I'm not going to alphabetize it more than just the first letter because I can't be asked oh wait hang on because I see ba a cuz that will just take so long that is oh no it's surv fall it's okay that is time that I don't have quite frankly so the a is up let's do it okay so I have to say the vision is kind of coming to life this actually looks great and now the next letter is D with all of the D books so we'll continue with d down here I reckon G will start there and then F I've got to say I kind of love it and the benefit of this is that you end up with series together obviously this one all matches but imagine like Heart Stopper they would all be together in this system for example here I've got all of my Margaret Atwood books literary siblings would be together I think this is quite a cool system and I think the little wooden letters aren't too kind of offensive to the eye you know the rainbow is like smack in the face organization this is subtle this is also totally exposing the fact that I have three copies of the list by yumy adoke and they're all different somehow two of them were sent to me and one I bought myself but it's not even a book that I liked so having three copies of it is kind of mental okay so that is the end of day one of organizing my bookshelves I did not expect this to be like a multiple day Endeavor but that's kind of the way it's gone by the way do you like my um little alligator I got sent a book about alligator and they included this little toy and that's my baby now that is my child I would die for my little Gator I'm so serious anyways this took much longer than I anticipated it would take because it really does take a long time to clear all the books off and then put them back on again I also did take many many breaks I won't lie there was some procrastination so anyway it's now going to be a 2-day thing and tomorrow I think is going to take even longer but this is the perfect opportunity to let you know that today's video is very kindly brought to you by Squarespace and Squarespace is the all-in-one plan platform for building a website or an online brand they have literally hundreds of beautiful and incredible templates which can help you have a bit of a starting point for your website you know if you need a bit of extra inspiration or if you're worried about having to have like coding experience don't worry you don't Squarespace has pretty much done all of the hard work for you so now you can focus on bringing your dream to life there's great features included with Squarespace for example there's a blogging feature so you can let people know what is going on behind the scenes there is also an Analytics tool so you can see what is performing well and therefore what you should make more of so if this all sounds good to you then you can head to squarespace.com right now for a free trial have a play around and get excited about building this website and then when you're ready to launch you can head to squarespace.com sjck Edwards and use the code Jack Edwards to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain thank you so so much to Squarespace for working with me on this video and now I'm going to sleep and recover I'm being so dramatic I'm literally just playing with a bookshelf but I will see you in the morning okay so it is a new day today it is time for my third and final reorganization of these bookshelves which I am actually quite sad about because I really think this looks great I actually got some book mail this morning so I thought I would share that with you firstly I got the official book a priz versions of the book a priz short list so it has the beautiful like Booker priz branding on it I'm actually hosting the official live stream of the book apprise this year which is mental and nuts and crazy so I got to do my homework and read these books so we have if I survive you Western Lane this other Eden profit song The beasting now if you watch my second Channel you'll know I did a quiz to see which of these books I should read first and this was the one that I got so I think this will be my first one that I dive into and we also have study for obedience and then I got three books for upcoming videos so I have a million little pieces this is by James Frey I'm doing a video on the Oprah Winfrey Book Club so I'll have a little video essay about this book and then I'm also going to be working on a video about hockey smarts so you'll see that very soon but I'm going to read Icebreaker and pucking around so that's going to be a fun one you know I like to I just dropped them you know get yourself a boy who can do both hockey smart and Booker prize so you know it's it's about range look it up and now my job for today is to organize these bookshelves by genre so over here we have alphabetized here we have the remnants of the rainbow but I think that the way that I personally would find it most helpful to organize my shelves is by genre and kind of by Vibe and while the rainbow and the alphabet took ages to organize I already know that genre is going to take even longer because this requires a lot of brain power a lot of thinking about books that I have read and also books I haven't yet read so I will see you in a little bit and hopefully I'll have made some progress so here's the update I think it's one of those situations where it's going to get worse before it gets better at the moment I just have piles and that's never good news am I right so I have like essay collections poetry mini clothbound Classics these are romance these are kind of like thriller books mythology War literature contemporary stuff these here are all classics some of my favorite authors are getting their own section because I have so many books by them so Joan didan is an example same with Tony Morrison I've got a bunch of translated books but then specifically Korean and Japanese short story collections Memoirs and non-fiction dystopias so it's all kind of coming together it really is just a process of going through every single book but we're having fun so it's all good okay so to give some order to the chaos I've started to add little um Post-it notes so I can kind of roughly start organizing so I have like War novels dystopias here's where things get a little confusing so these are the graphic no s that I own I have one more heart stoer book somewhere not sure where and so my initial Instinct was to group all of my graphic novels together however the Vibes are quite different between Mouse and Heart Stopper so does Mouse belong more in War I would say probably yes and then these ones probably belong more with my ya so there's a bit of like kind of negotiation and working things out going on so there's a little bit of negotiation going on in terms of like categorization but I'm thinking as a general rule I'm going to do modern on this shelf here and then Classics on this shelf here and then these will be kind of like cuz these shelves are a bit smaller I'm trying to do kind of sub categories and then this will be non-fiction here so I've started by putting all of my poetry on this shelf just here and then I need to add plays somewhere as well and at the moment the wrong things are on the wrong shelf so I need to take everything off and put it back on in the right place so oh boy okay time has passed this is the update I am buzzing it looks so good in my humble opinion I think it looks good this is my dream of like how I wanted to organize this bookshelf and so to see it see my home Library organized in this way is so cool I really didn't film anything while I was doing this because I was just like concentrating so hard there was a lot of mental gymnastics that went into like organizing this cuz at first I started with like the Poetry here but then of course as I filled the shelves different categories started to like bleed into each other and so I ended up Moving Poetry to up there let me give you the whole tour it all all makes sense cuz I think things sort of flow quite nicely in the way that I've done it so let me show you so we start with two shelves of my translated fiction and the best way about this method of organization is that I got to keep different types of additions together so these are all of my Charco press additions I think they look absolutely incredible like that so this shelf right here is translated fiction and this shelf is two but I had so much Japanese fiction and Korean fiction that I wanted to give them like whole sections and as time goes on I'll definitely organize this into country but for right now this is good enough I also have all of my Fitz coraldo editions together and I still kept certain authors work together like I have both my home and H books right here and then moving on to modern contemporary fiction specifically in this corner I have my kind of like I support women's rights but I also support women's wrongs books so these are all books that Center women and I thought that was interesting to kind of keep those together then this whole section is modern lit but I have a shelf of romance books and I included kind of like Taylor Jenkins Reed my Emily Henry books that kind of things and I also included L less which is a book about being asexual but I think it ultimately is a story about love so maybe instead of saying this is a romance shelf I would say it's a shelf about love it's a shelf of love stories not necessarily romances so yeah that's how I would categorize that next we have more modern fiction and then this is my kind of like young adult shelf so I have all of the heartstopper books together I also have another graphic novel right next to them and then a bunch of young adult novels and then the bottom shelf is again a bit more miscellaneous moving on now this shelf in the middle was super helpful because these shelves are smaller and that meant I could kind of have little selections of almost like micro genres sub genres if you will so for example here I have my mythology retellings I tried to kind of keep all of my Greek mythology together and then we go into more like General mythology and folklore above that are my penguin little clothbound Classics and then here and on this top shelf are my short story collections I just thought that was interesting to kind of keep together and also you know when I'm making content and I'm like oh I really want to recommend a short story collection it's so easy to to find or if someone says to me you know I really want to read some good short stories I'm like well we now we know where to go so it's kind of bringing a lot of order and organization to the chaos of My Life um this shelf is kind of like crime Thriller murder mystery that kind of thing so you've got your Agatha Christie your Arthur Conan Doyle moving on to this shelf these are all stories from the first and second world war we have some World War I and then some World War II moving on to the next shelf these are all dystopias so you've got like The Hunger Games but you've also got the handmaid's tail 1984 Wii which was like the original dystopia and I think it's really fun having those all grouped together cuz you can kind of see like the development of the genre below that as you know I do not have a lot of fantasy and sci-fi books so I've grouped them all together on this tiny little shelf the Lord of the Rings books Al together like that looks incredible I probably should have The Hobbit that side side of the Lord of the Rings actually since it is a prequel and then that kind of spills over onto this shelf as well and then there's just some more kind of like miscellaneous books this bottom bit is very miscellaneous very eclectic and then we reach the classics shelf now I have been collecting books for years and years and years you know I did a degree in literature so I have had a lot of these classic books for years and years but I've never displayed them like this they've always just been kind of scattered in my bookshelf but it's so nice to display them like this so these are the Oxford World Classics some miscellaneous Classics and then we get on to the penguin Classics the Wordsworth classic selection the penguin mini Classics so annoying that this one doesn't really line up with the rest but so be it and then here you might be wondering what this massive bulk of red is right in the center this is actually my collection of Christopher isherwood novels now I wrote my final year University dissertation on Christopher isherwood and so that is why I have so many of his Works they're all tabbed as well so this is really really special and important to me and I'm so happy that I finally get to display play them and it's also making me realize quite how many novels I read for my dissertation that definitely wasn't necessary but I loved kind of diving into his era and reading everything so that is that and so this is the point where we start to move into more like contemporary Classics and it's kind of signposted by the modern Classics um penguin editions here the blue ones it's kind of funny having like the white editions the Black Edition red and then blue but kind of rewarding as a collector to get to actually display them like that I've got my little Shrine to Tony Morrison in that corner then we kind of get to my like mini Shrine to Sally Rooney and that sort of signifies a return back to Modern literature and that's kind of what the rest of the Shelf is actually this shelf here is all sort of like world literature so lots of stories from India from Cyprus from Nigeria from Ghana from Sudan and I thought I was interesting to group those together as well cuz this is kind of world literature so set in all different countries and by writers from all different countries but written in English so unlike the translated section up here um these have been translated into English the books on this shelf were written in English originally and then we move up here to my poetry collection so this is all poetry on this shelf which kind of bleeds into this bit this is my proudest moment in the whole space cuz basically we have like poets and then we get to Shakespeare's poetry then we get into Shakespeare's plays and then we get into plays and I was like damn that was smooth that was a smooth transition and then this section is non-fiction with the exception of some of Joon dian's work but I really wanted to keep her essays and her fiction all together because I would am just so fascinated by Jon didan and I grouped her with Eve babbits cuz they were kind of like the it girls of writing I've got some really interesting essay collections we've got a lot of Memoirs and autobiographies that kind of thing more non-fiction down here my random collection of dictionaries as well this stack here is my kind of like horror and Thriller shelf so there are some short stories and some translated books here but I thought like these needed to be grouped together um it's kind of like if you want something that's going to freak you out a little bit this is the place to go and then beneath that I also have my dark Academia books as well and then these ones here are books that I have duplicate copies of so basically if anyone ever needs a book to read I would be able to give them one of these so this pile will be going down but yeah that is the Home Library in its final form I guess and while aesthetically it maybe isn't as satisfying as like the rainbow or having the little alphabet um statues I guess I think this is for me this is the most practical way to organize my home library and I'm going to get so much use out of this it's going to make making content a lot easier it's going to make recommending books a lot easier and so this is why I built it this is this is why we started this whole project and I am buzzing so thank you so so much for watching this video all the best stay in touch subscribe if you're new and I'll catch you very very soon and also follow me on Tik Tok cuz I made a bunch of videos whilst filming this whole thing I was also filming on Tik Tok so there's loads of content over there and I'll see you there and Instagram too okay anyway bye-bye love you
Channel: Jack Edwards
Views: 499,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u0jZiFtD9y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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