Ranking Couples by Compatibility

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I mean we definitely felt like there was a certain couple that liked to Yap a little more than others I thought everyone else was really good couples it was really hard to determine like who wasn't a good couple really no it was easy for me there was one that we should have put at the very end [Music] my name is Vanessa I'm 20 years old and this is I'm Drew I'm also 20 and we met like 7 years ago like in middle school and it's like a slow burn thing so we just started dating yeah a year ago yeah but we've known each other for a really long time all right my name is Alex I'm Simon we've been married for 3 years we actually met on Bumble a little bit after Co I'm 27 and you are oh I'm 31 all right guys I'm Max oh I'm Daisy hi yeah and I'm um I'm 22 I just turned 22 today so happy birthday thank you um I'm 19 and we met on hinge but that's only the meeting part I'm Henry bone this is I'm Kaa um I'm 21 I'm also 21 but I'm older by 6 months um we met on Bumble actually too so shout out bud we've been together for like a year and a month um I'm tiia um I'm Aaliyah um I'm 20 I'm 22 and we met on Tinder yeah but like the one success story from there so we've been together for like a year and a half coming up on that I definitely want to put them like number one like yeah I think so they're married like they win but also look like but look they're matching they're matching do you guys have any kids we do we have a son he's going to be two in July so two oh they're definitely FR aesthetically you guys like match go in front of appreciate that and then I'd have to second that you guys are probably in the best spot right there just cuz you guys have known each other the longest and it's kind of been like that slowburn kind of kind of love stor feel like up here like we all kind of like look similar like siblings are dating right I actually thought like as soon as I saw Drew and Vanessa I just thought that they like looked like a very compatible couple based on appearance wise and I also thought that Simmon and Alex looked very just cohesive going by that logic I think they should move up because they're also siblings are dating you guys I think for individuality we're different we're different guys we're different you can only go up from here true only go up from here you know I prefer not to look like my significant other that's just up to me but to each their own you know some people you know are into the twin Vibes you guys ready I think we're it look cute make cute um do you guys believe that sex without love is satisfying this is my first boyfriend so he's like my first you know good good stuff you know and all that in my personal experience this is like what I imagine like the best being anything that like I like I want I want to try anything he's like always is very very open and it's like the environment that I always saw myself being in so well I want to move them to Second just cuz I like their and you guys are still first cuz I mean you guys made a baby and like you guys like yeah cuz they're each other's first love so I feel like their sex is like more passion skip I would also like to add um I you know have had sex with men in the past um but I think that there's like a deeper Connection in it's more like I don't know just emotional like with women um for me yeah so I think you should go right in between between us cuz when it's love it's love you know I for a long time I was just not in a good space um and like I've always knew I liked women but I was just I think the validation and wanting to feel like wanted um like put me in some situations um with like men that I didn't you know really want to be in but then it's like when you like accept yourself and and like um are able to like experience what you actually like feel inside and like me with that was like with women um and then with like aiyah it's just been like it just feels right like you know how many times a week do you guys have SE oh Lord I knew someone was going to ask this question so is this pre or post baby you give us both pre- baby it was like probably five six times a week post baby now it's we'll get lucky if it's like once a week once a week once a month yeah I mean it it honestly depends like when we have more free time like we'll try to get it in as much as possible baby sleeping yeah but like when when it's crazy like sometimes it could be once a month and it's like there's just nothing you can do about it kind of thing like Yeah The Urge is there and like you're like I wish I could do it but it's like you get busy with the baby and whatever so we do live together so even before it was like he's either at my house or like I'm at his house and even then it was like every time got to end the night off you know yeah I feel like we're always on the same page and actually we don't like live like near each other at all we take turns to like Drive each to each other but to us it's like if we're up for it we're up for it but we're very strict like very like emotional it's still great you know kind of different Kinks but that's just we're very compatible in that aspect I think we're the same Kinks but what about you guys like do you see each other often what about you guys like 2 minutes away from each other so I mean we can go over to each other's houses like whenever and like we go to the same school right now so we're kind of how important is it to you guys I mean it's kind of like if if it happens it happens it's like it's We Don't Force It or anything so if it it happens and it does and then like oh yeah nice dude nice we live together um so I don't know I would say like every other day I would say and depending on the week it could be like like every day right or every other day yeah I do think that um I don't know I feel like it's an emotional connection like I've cried during like just because of being so like emotional and so like just thankful for her and like I don't know I think it can be a really like powerful experience in my in our situations are you crying after like you guys we're both really really emotional people I'm the type of person well I never want to get vulnerable unless somebody gives me something first so he kind of just like lays it out and then I'm like oh my baby like I feel like this too and it's like stuff like that yeah based on sex comp compatibility I'd move them to the front yeah in agreement with that yeah yeah I mean you guys you guys cry too if you go there I'd move in a second I would move the Baseline I think maybe you guys can move up honestly cuz the way it looks right now is just like kind of like how often just by that case I guess you guys can move up I mean yeah okay three sure we had this conversation not too long ago where I'm like I thought I was looking for physical affection from you but what I really wanted was just to have your undivided attention to talk to you to get down to a level where you know if I'm feeling a certain type of way just be able to cry in front of you to just let all my emotions out and I was confusing that with the physical intimacy I feel like we should hear from them since they're like medium like longdistance kind of couple and like how does that like affect this I feel like like physical intimacy it does when we do see each other it does help us like rebond and connect us a lot more I feel like since we're not able to see each other like as often every time I see oh we actually like sleep on FaceTime every day so like I feel like I have a virtual boyfriend but whenever I see him in person again like I just fall in love with him like over it's different like you just want to like like keep touching them I feel like they should move up since they don't get to do it and it's like more special for them when they get to see each other and like cuz they're long distance you just maybe above us I don't know how do what do you think I think it's good right there I mean I like their answer cuz they're just saying like you don't need the physical touch like you have like the intimacy like just socially like you don't need you can mimic yeah you don't need it [Music] obviously today we learned that what's on the outside doesn't count on the inside oh the nectar up [Music] okay now we are going to move into the reveal of where you actually score based on the nectar assessment that you did oh there scores I didn't even know that [Music] damn you know what I'm not surprised I'm kind of surprised like what like that we're here cuz like your guys' answers like I was like they're for sure going to be like up more it's very much so I would say when it comes to like our intimacy it's very much me more so like oh I want to try this I want to do this I want to do that he's like okay yeah cool yeah occasionally he'll be like babe let's try this and I'm like I don't really talk about sex often and it kind of just makes me like you know and I don't really like putting it out there so I I I feel like maybe I just undersold in my my scoring sheet you know but I'm I'm kind of fine with just being in the middle I'm okay with this relationships are not traditional and they're not the way they used to be so physical is what can really throw that the sex and all of that can throw everything off in a relationship [Music] yeah has any couple like have challenges with trust in the relationship a little bit I just think that I naturally in my life I've never really fully allowed myself to trust anybody I would say family members are very limited with my trust as well I only trust like two people in my family with my entire heart and being I would say I trust like maybe one or two friends fully so I've never trusted anyone on the extent that I've trusted him so I feel like there's some things where I do get very weary but once I do talk about it and I you know communicate that with him like the trust is like there I feel like I'm the same way I trust her with my whole life like if my life was on the line and had to call anybody or pick anybody it would be her but I'm the same way like a lot of my family I don't trust them with my feelings just because of past traumas and things that have happened so to have somebody in my life that I can 100% trust and know that she's always going to be there for me like that's that's worth more than it's weight and gold so I think I you guys should move up yeah can we have you number one like you guys are for life or like like all the way you guys can probably be number one what kind of boundaries do you guys have for like a close friend if like that they could be interested in I feel like with guys at least from like people I know like it's pretty easy to tell when there's like like kind of a malicious intent in a man like oh like what's up girl I'm your boy best friend like where my hug at you know that's different you know you can tell those type of guys of V away I don't know if it's ever that obvious though because I don't know Drew was my guy best friend and like I fell in love with with him and I don't know it's never like that obvious well he's not allowed to have any girl best friends I'm that's just not allowed oh yeah I mean and I'm the same way I'm not going to have a guy best friend like that's crazy when you are the guy best friend in a situation you know you're always there you're very reliable and you don't really want that when you're the boyfriend because who do you think is hearing all the drama in your relationship this guy right here this guy right here and who do you think is going to know how to be better when they want to date you this guy I like a trial period like like I got like literally a cheat sheat I think compatibility wise I feel like they're like on the same page like she's like okay you have you can't have a gr best friend like period and him him too so it's like I feel like I should definitely go up I felt we didn't like hear enough from like you guys so I want to hear like what you guys have like well I don't in our relationship it doesn't matter like I don't care who she hangs out with as long as she tells me communicates with me and as long as it's not an ex but we're very communicate but yeah I don't care who she hangs out with I trust her okay as lesbians it's a very like common occurrence for lesbians to be friends with their exes and it's so normalized and it's not okay it's not okay like I don't I don't care that we're all wom like it doesn't matter no I feel like it's easier to ask like how do you guys feel about porn in a relationship like are you guys cool with it are you guys not cool with it like I mean me personally I don't care if she watches porn or not I feel like watching porn is way better than going out and cheating on your significant other with somebody so it's like if you have an itch or if you have an urge it's better to watch porn and have that type of release so we actually have a very interesting thing that we do uh we don't mind porn at all and sometimes we watch it together on FaceTime yeah we do that we do that yeah and then like um I would say we both started watching it like relatively young cuz I don't know I'm like immigrated so I just discovered it on the internet one day I was like oh wow this is this is fun I let him do whatever he wants to do he lets me do what I want to do we're both very free Souls so we don't like when other people Hold Us Down or like tell us not to do something I think we should move them up because I like their answer about the poor answer that was funny I also think you guys should move up as well cuz you guys like just don't give a [ __ ] I put you a three I personally would yeah and we're back here cuz you know we're not allowed to do stuff not like we're I think it's pretty accurate just because like with marriage there are a bunch of boundaries to a certain extent not not spoken but you just know you're not supposed to do things when you're married so it makes sense if we're at the way bottom for that for me personally I have a lot of trust in her um like she's given me no reason not to I know I trust her at the end of the day we've talked about it and like mentioned things that we're like comfortable with and not comfortable with and we just went over it and like I respect [Music] it how long did it take everybody to get like locked in like cuz I know you guys know each other but when you guys like first knew that you're like oh I'm I'm into them so how long was that mini talking like romantic talking stage uh probably like years um well we both were like dating other people at the time but we were like still friends and stuff so it was kind of just like weird but I don't know what do you want to say like a couple months like when it was like when we were both single it was like it was like 3 months he asked me on the second date so is this going to be for real I'm down are you down and I was like oh my gosh I've never had somebody liked me this much that they were like I'm willing to lock down literally before her date I just like I think like a week or two ago I had a date with another girl and like it was cool but I never really like I never felt that connection with her and then I went to her date and oh my God like I immediately was like this woman is like everything I was so geeked it showed me like wow this is someone that I actually dig compared to like someone I didn't really feel too much for you know and then immediately like after that date like I tried to hit her up for another one I was like hey I'm I want to be in a relationship with you like I don't want to just talk let's just do it and she was like okay how old are you guys again uh we were both 21 21 have you lived on your own at any point like without before him I lived with just my sisters what about you I've always lived with my parents with your parents I would say that it could like you'd push him in that right direction cuz you know how to be independent um when you're at home you have a lot of cushion a lot of cushion a lot of love some people don't get a lot of love but there's still a comfort zone there so if you're willing to commit and just drop everything which meaning like home to be with each other then totally can make it work I've seen it happen and then you're both living together right now yeah we both live together right now at uh like at your own house or uh we live I moved in with him at your parents house yeah at my parents house yeah we have our own like room downstairs so that's like another big thing is like even though you do have your own room like your own section having your own like whether it's an apartment or a studio or something when it's just you two in the house and you both had a bad day and you got under each other's skin like things can go south very fast so it's just learning like each other's boundaries when you do have confrontation and there's nowhere else to go well I definitely think you're first you have like rose-colored glasses on so obviously it's going to be the best because you haven't had anything else yeah I mean like if it's a race and you're racing against nobody of course you're going to get first I'm actually a like a person that is really hard to like commit prior to this and I never thought about marriage I really did not want to get married at all before this relationship and I actually gave him an 8year plan I told him that if you do not marry me in 8 years I will leave you cuz I'm a person that I mean obviously prioritizes my career and I don't want a man that's not going to commit to me and not going to like fulfill his promises so I told him that and he's going to fulfill it this guy has literally a time limit to figure his [ __ ] out but you can't force things like that everything needs to happen organically like some people never get married and she's like putting unnecessary pressure in a relationship it's just how we work you know everybody works in a different way hopeless Romantics might be like oh we're going to love each other forever but I don't like making promises I can't keep in my past like past relationships it was hard to um I guess motivated cuz you always like you know give your off track cuz you know you guys are doing other things but for me and Daisy our relationships it keeps me motivated so I I do enjoy it okay I'm very happy with them at number one cuz good too I like ADV what do you guys think our ranking should be because I think you guys are like you guys have the most let's make them do it yeah you guys do I feel like you two can still be up forward because you live by yourselves right you so did you live together uh we liveed with her her mom and you guys like in the same place yeah in the same place yeah I feel like you two can move up because you guys have made that commitment to live with each other and then yeah you two to three I feel like yeah we can move you two to three right here [Music] welcome I mean I'd hope we were first since we're married but I think it makes sense because um we've been together probably the least amount of time in the group so I think that that speaks for I don't like live together either yeah so but the atye plan no I think a lot of them were still in like their honeymoon stage except for the married couple they they got their [ __ ] together yeah they're real they're badass some of the younger people I mean we're young too but like we can't really talk as well yeah like it is hypocritical for us to say like oh we haven't experienced as much for that but I just feel like some people are so like rose-colored glasses like oh my God he's literally my first boyfriend and we're going to be together forever and ever cuz like I said the same thing about like my first boyfriend and he said the same thing about his first girlfriend it's like once you're with that first person like you're like oh my gosh like they're my person but like you don't [Music] know okay so has everyone had the children talk like if you want kids like does anyone have any like disagreements as a couple in that aspect I guess for us one of the biggest issues we're both from different cultures I'm full Indian I come from a really Indian background and he's Guatemalan so um when our cultures had to come together it's two different religions Hindu Christian so um we did kind of experience a little bit of friction when trying to get the families together to understand like the different Customs the different cultures but eventually like when you want something to work you find that compromise and that balance to be make it work it's a Melting Pot we make it mesh I think as because we're pretty early on our relationship too and I'm I come from like Christian background I'm pretty Christian I grew up Christian and um Daisy's actually like he's a I'm not really I'm not yeah really yeah she like currently we have like some like disagreements on that aspect well it's just where I was raised my family had like a kind of different view on it I'm not like aund cuz right now it's really early on but in the future I'm not like completely closed off to the idea cuz I accept that that is his religion and that if that is what he want wants I will support him so it's not really like a huge issue if you want want things to work out like you will compromise somehow you know like if we meant to be then it's going to work out no matter what have you guys ever experienced like people kind of disagreeing with like you just being together or like kind of just been like like about anything you know um my dad's Muslim and my mom's Christian everyone always ask like how does that work it doesn't they're not together but um my mom's really supportive but my dad's a little you know like it's going to take some time I like he still calls her like my friend and like you know um so it's just kind of that's something we've had to like I've come to terms of like I'm not going to I can't force you to accept me like I'm this is my person and like accept it or don't um so I think that that's one like challenge that we face with that I definitely think for that they should probably move up to number two cuz despite all the like challenges you guys are facing and everything like you guys are living together you guys are setting up for your future despite what anyone says no I agree I agree very happy get on up here for me whenever I do go over to her home um her mom's mostly there and so I'm really cool with her mom like but I do get nervous when I see her dad um just cuz like the things that you know she's told me and everything but still cordial still respectful and nice and he's still nice to me treats me good and hopefully leads to you know getting over the like the friend or thinking it's a phase but just taking it day by day as long as I'm staying nextra I don't care what spot I'm [Applause] in I feel like this makes sense because it not only went off of like how we felt about each other but how we felt about ourselves and me as a person I do struggle with my own self image so as soon as it was made aware that this was based off ourselves as well I was not expecting the first one because it is something that I work on on a daily basis and it's something that he helps me with as well I actually I thought you guys would have been higher honestly I'm on the same boat I I have a lot to work on on myself then I through her I've been working on it little by little and I I still know I have a lot to accomplish when it comes to working on myself so it can only go up from here like you said at the beginning so I'm not really too surprised cuz if it is based on ourselves there are a lot of things that I would like to improve and change about myself so I guess like shows how much we love each other's imperfections at the same time because not all of us are going to be T to te compatible we're going to have things that say I'm more introverted you're more extroverted he's going to bring that out of me so there's going to be a difference but that doesn't mean that's bad yo [Music] congrats I know like for me like when it comes to like personal um obviously I'm not perfect but like prior to getting into a relationship I celibate for like 6 months um and I did a lot of like work I went to therapy for like years before and I just I feel like I'm very self-aware and I know what I need to work on and need to improve and um I've used like a lot of the techniques and everything that I've learned like in therapy and just like experiences in life um and like to really like make this relationship like work and make it really healthy um it's like the most healthy relationship been like we we don't fight we like argue but like even then it's like but we like together we talk it out and like we just have slight disagreements and then we just work through [Music] it I think we're really compatible the very very and I just don't think that people understand how compatible we really are I think we both have the same sense of humor we both have the same goals in life and like just just you wait just you wait I don't even know where I was going with that I'm talking circles like somebody like somebody body else suck circles
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 280,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd One Out, Game Show, Dating Show, Nectar, Ask Me Anything, Gen Z, Millennial, loveprint, jason y lee
Id: QI6G8UiKt08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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