Do All Couples Think The Same?

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if Tara said like let me look through your phone right now I'd be like no who's this [ __ ] photo you like back in 2012 I'm like okay not 2012 but like 20 20 21 when we were broken up we're not married like we're not even engaged um just to clarify she she would be the pregnant one well maybe I need a break to go see if I need to [ __ ] around with other people then that's what I gotta do I'd rather just end it or be together we took a break for a week we broke up we took a break for a week all right guys before we start this video I want to give a big shout out to today's sponsor the biggest brand in the world right now the hottest thing and the owner's here yeah and I got the owner the CEO the artiste guys this video is sponsored by Tio you heard it correctly and we just dropped a new vintage tee right in the shop right now click the link in the description to go get it now also teasing new products coming we got scarves and bandanas and we got beautiful hats that David loves wearing yeah 85 of my clothes is TL really is for sponsoring this video of course you know he paid me hundreds of thousands of dollars for this 60 second invitation enjoy the video enjoy the video oh make sure to like share and subscribe because I'm picking two people who come within the first 500 comments to win 50 buckaroons here they are and then you get to tea with it and get the to with it boom question number one I believe in taking breaks in a relationship three two one thank you Chelsea you want to start why you agree with this um yeah I think relationships can get a little overwhelming sometimes and uh breaks are healthy to kind of figure out where you are kind of check in with yourself and your path and I mean from personal experience it's worked for me so I do agree uh yeah I don't know my brakes I don't know I just feel like that's kind of off to me like is that just like a breakup I don't know if there's like a fine line there well I think a break is essentially a breakup but just it's like a pause right like it's a pause knowing that you're gonna get back together another time no it's like 50 50 if you guys are gonna get back together or not oh I think that's what I think a break is right okay I like that I think you actually learn a lot while you're taking a break things you realize that you didn't realize while you were together so being in that break can teach you a lot if you guys are ready to be together to show if you guys have grown or if you guys are still going back to bad habits or whatever it was that you made the break Yeah we actually took a break make I mean I ended up calling back to her like two weeks later let's go so it was a short break it was a short break I broke up with her and then she was like wait so that's a breakup yeah that's not great but it's essentially it was a break because it was too short to really be a breakup there's a difference between I think a break and a break up that's what I'm saying what is a break we took a break for a week we broke up we took a break for a week we did the exact same thing that they did wait when did we take a break for a week do you remember that one time I said I need a week to myself and I was like I don't want to talk and you wrote me letters two letters oh yeah that was a break I know and then when I kicked out of the house we take a break for a weekend is a break where you just don't see each other but you are still together because then sure why not I think it it might mean if it's a break that's a breakup right I don't know breaks are just like it's either broke up or you're together either way I think if you both decide hey I think we need some distance and like I think this will be two weeks two weeks to just reset to miss each other is it called a break or is it just like let's just not hang out for them because there's a break add-in that you go like that's a break like you're taking a separate time from each other like you're not can you bring up with other girls no because I thought right that's the whole Ross and Rachel yeah the Ross and Rachel thing yeah we're on a break yeah you have to talk it's it's based on your own personal decisions yeah it's different a couple yeah I for me I'm very like I either want to not be with someone or I do want to be with someone so if I'm going to do a break I probably want to break up with them so yeah if there's a reason that would probably I would rather just not the people that I've been on and off with like I'm I just wish I would have cut it from the start I think everyone's different if you want take to take breaks and like feel like you need that for your relationship and that's completely fine too but I I can't do that break or else I'm gonna get more confused I'd rather just end it or be together I believe in breaks we've done it in the past and it works like like David was saying like you just gotta take a little break from each other every once in a while I think it's I think if anything it's healthier for the relationship uh we went through something during covid which I'm sure a lot of other couples did as well covid was pretty hard but you know we made it out alive and I think we're stronger than ever did you guys say let's take a break or was it like a breakup no so we broke up we've had break we've we broke up twice we've had a break once yes but both are beneficial you both are beneficial it's dependent on your relationship for sure and like honestly now I don't think we would ever do another we would never have another break dang it can I'm just kidding no more breaks ever a list of beneficial well we may have a break after this so are we canceling the club this Friday or what I guess so what can people from the agree side say about a break that will help people on the disagree side to understand what a brick is makes you stronger makes the relationship stronger it makes you feel like makes you go to the gym more yeah I feel like sometimes people people can go through like stagnant times where it's just like this and a break will make you think okay am I okay being without this person or can I just feel like a break feels like it's like oh I just want to take a break so I can just go like mess around and it's like no it's like that's why either you're breaking up or you're with someone well yeah that dirt if someone like you take a break and then you go [ __ ] someone it's [ __ ] up okay but sometimes you have to do that let's all fight I feel like sometimes you have to if you're like oh my God is this my person I'm freaking out well maybe I need a break to go see if I need to [ __ ] around with other people then that's what I got to do to to know that this is my person break up that's fine break up wait did you do that no breaks did I do that no no Grace I was like did you do that does anybody want to change their answer no all right please go back to Baseline Baseline all right question number two white lies in a relationship are okay three two one stay in the middle yeah Elias can be good in instances where I'm trying to validate my partner and make him feel more secure like for example we have a huge dick so you don't think David's hot when he's like oh am I the best Kiss You Ever Had I'm like yeah sure or whenever he's like did you watch my last video what'd you think about it I'm like loved it have not even seen it that's true if you watch my videos there's a fact okay that kiss one was we have to talk about that later [ __ ] up it's a joke no I think they're healthy you know sometimes you just you're looking for validation like I know sometimes we're in bed and I'm like that was great huh and she was like yeah and I know it was like mid but that's okay because there will be great times same with her like she was like do you like my [ __ ] cow shoes and I'm like sure um I don't like strongly disagree but I feel like yeah like all the cow shoe the little things those those don't really matter but like at what point do those little white lies like Venture off into lying and become an actual problem I'd just rather not start with the I don't know but at the same time I I don't think they're bad to lie about nasty cow shoes like who cares I'm I'm only in the middle because of surprise birthday parties I feel like that's the only white lie but like other than that it's like I would much prefer like honestly I think Honesty is the best thing so I agree that's the only reason I came here is because little surprise things like I will lie I'd want you to lie to me too about a surprise about a surprise yeah yeah I feel like I'm pretty honest with everything that I tell Kian don't you look at me like that I was looking at what you were wearing because you wear the same stuff every day so like sometimes you know you look really nice they can he looks nice today looks you nice look every day for my clothes and stuff like how it look because it's like I would genuinely want to you can't pick and choose when people if I look good or not you know like I'd rather have that honestly for sure yeah I agree uh the reason I stepped over here is because of the surprise because I do a lot of surprises for her so I have to like sometimes like be like oh you know no one's coming and ends up everyone's being there for like a surprise birthday party or something I hate it but I guess what's the definition of white lies right is it just like small little things that you know just it's like for fun it's like a funny little lie whatever it's something that wouldn't matter like at the end of the day does Grace care that much if he likes her shoes no because she likes her shoes well I do like her shoes that was just a joke guys putting it out there I love the shoes shoes TL sponsored also I wouldn't mind it if I asked a lot of questions and sometimes I ask inappropriate questions that I really don't want the answer to but for some reason my mind's like ask him like what he was doing when you guys broke up and then I even though I don't want to hear it I'm like I hope he lies to me and doesn't tell me something I don't want to hear because I'm toxic like that but I don't um that's where I'm okay I know I'm okay if he lies I'd say the honesty there I was I would I wouldn't lie about it even if it will come out later and then it's even worse yeah for stuff like that you got to tell the truth even though you yeah for sure yeah but that's like my toxic trait like just lie to me because I will ask and ask and ask and then hurt my own feelings but what about at the end when you're like when you're mentally you're like lie to me lie to me like don't tell me and then late like one day A year later you're asking the same question and he tells you the truth you're like why the [ __ ] have you been lying to me no because I know myself and I know I like push him to like that's what I want in the moment I'll get it and then if it happens later on a year from now I will deal with it then and there and like go through the motions but in that moment and it's not like it happens a lot it's just I go into details sometimes I get a little insecure and I can ask questions when I shouldn't does anybody want to change their answers I guess I would go here and just be like yeah okay question number three I sometimes worry about my partner's friends who are of the opposite sex three two one I just feel like I trust him I mean girls could do anything and I trust his friends but at the same time it's not really about the friends to me it's like whether or not I trust him and I do so I'm not worried he does have some which he doesn't hang out with really much anymore but he's had like other friends you know that he doesn't hang out all the time and even if he went to go hang out with those girls I wouldn't be like sitting at home like worried because at the end of the day I'm pretty confident that he would just break up with me if he didn't wanted to you know do something else I I wasn't always perfect but I feel like I've changed and like I've you know I've become more trusting and better in the relationship I used to be pretty like wonky you know kind of like over there yeah free icy over there a little bit but you know we've been together for a while I trust everything you used to be over there meaning like I used to I used to like kind of have doubts or just like think get in my head overthink you know what I mean but I feel like I've changed I trust all of her friends you know I trust her more than anything so I think that's what it comes down to I trust Grace but like at the end of the day like who knows like she has guys that she goes to the gym with I'm okay with that but you know why why do they need a teacher every day how to re-squat no she she gets it you know she gets it yeah they're personal trainers and they're portraying it for free but like I don't know these guys that well you know they're not my friend never anytime I tell you about anything you don't express that it bothers you so for the video no no it doesn't really bother me but like I the reason why I don't strongly disagree because I don't know a true guy's intentions I know you'll hopefully say no if a guy passes at you hopefully yeah yeah I I personally I like the fact that he's able to be friends with girls and not make things weird because I know a lot of guys who do have friends that are girls they make it uncomfortable for the girl or they aren't able to hold like a genuine friendship so I actually value that he is able to be friends with girls and genuine friends like never makes anything weird um and it helps that like I know all of his friends and they've actually become like my friends as well so I have never felt insecure in that department yeah if I was worrying about her friends then I feel like that's like an issue Within Myself and I feel like it wouldn't be fair to like project that onto her if she does have friends that are like assessed like that then I'd like expect her to tell me about that or uh yeah like Grace was saying I'm happy that if Jake has girlfriends because it makes me realize that like you know he can actually hold a friendship with a girl and not see them as just like you know something that's like hot or like you read like places that uh guys only end up being friends with girls that they find attractive I know that's not the case with at least Jake yeah we don't like we don't like separate the world like boys girls yeah I just think it's like a friend is a friend and if it's anything more than that then that's the problem you know what I'm saying I don't think it should friendship's friendship no matter who it is whether it's a girl or guy um yeah I agree with what Jake said about you know if you are if you have an issue you're portraying your insecurities and the reason why I'm standing here is because there are some self issues that I'm dealing with it's not that I'm worried about his girlfriends it I just again I like to ask a lot of questions and sometimes it comes off like like I'm worried but I just I like I don't like to know things but my mind is like you're just curious I'm very curious yeah and I'm also a little insecure so curiosity and securities that's why I'm just a little disagreeing but I'm so nosy it's okay I just want to know everything even if it's not something I shouldn't know oh I'm so nosy same I mean I'm pretty secure also I don't know many I don't know she has a lot of friends you know she still follows people from like high school and stuff and like it's fine like whatever gives a [ __ ] yeah none of them are harder than you baby so I'm saying baby we're secure I know I'm messing around with her sometimes yeah I was like I want to box that guy like she oh that was actually a picture of her and Ayla with two guys yeah she was getting on ayla's shoulders but there was two guys helping her up with like I'm like who's this guy holding your hand I want to box him oh yeah yeah but it's but it was just a joke wait you're in the picture I was holding hands I'll show you the pick cut the video all right cool does anybody want to change their position he started to walk in all the way over there if anything I would switch over there because like at the end of the day maybe like there's that [ __ ] one guy or like yeah you know you can't trust everyone for sure you put trust down there I do trust her enough but it's it's not but it's not that like I trust daily with my heart she could take it out like a heart surgery I feel it keep it up if there is someone like worth worrying about then I feel like you should expect your like the trust within your partner but if it was like someone that wasn't really a friend can I what if it's like a friend with benefits back in the day or he's just trying to like like I feel like I'm actually gonna switch it might be a guy who's like oh like yeah I'm Grace's friend but I dude if her and David break up yeah he was first in line kind of thing yeah I guess you could worry then but right now you're good right yeah I'm good I feel like it's almost like driving I trust him as a driver but I don't trust that other drivers are [ __ ] coming in and out of the lane no I dodge him baby yeah I know but I always think of that it's like I don't trust one of these parts you can still get hit by another car he could get rear-ended I got insurance no no but the the other drivers have to be his friends on a road trip somewhere together wait wait there's a girl who rear-ended you dude oh my God what's going on question number four I'm okay with my partner looking through my phone whenever they want three two one and stay here on neutral oh that's a good little splitter we can start with you strongly disagree yeah that's my phone if he wants to look at it he can ask me and I can hand it to him anytime he wants but he has to ask me first I don't know I feel like I've never given him a reason to want to go through my phone it's my private thing I have my family stuff on there I have girlfriends who will text me with personal stuff that it's not for his eyes you know what I'm saying if he had a trust problem then he could ask me and I could show him my phone but I've never looked through his phone you know what I'm saying so I would expect the same yeah I feel like you know there's like my life there's Tara's life and then there's our life and like my phone is my privacy like I deserve you know everyone deserves like some privacy she could look through my phone if she wants to but if she was to like take my phone and look through it I feel like it's like an invasion of my privacy it's like disrespectful yeah I feel the same way like Grace can look through my phone whenever she wants but if she's like if I'm waking up and she's going through my phone I'm like why do you think I'm being sus and why do you feel the need to go through my phone let's attack the situation situation like let's use communication to do that I have stuff there that probably you know conversations with guys that maybe I just don't want her to look at you know not even talking about her like we're talking [ __ ] about [ __ ] me and Jace here talking [ __ ] about [ __ ] Jake and Kian you know then she's gonna know wait [ __ ] us yeah yeah I mean I wouldn't be upset but everyone wants to look through someone's phone for a reason so like might as well just tell me the reason like if it's something suspicious then we can talk about it and if you really need to see it then I'll show you but let's hear your phone not on me like I just don't really like the idea of like going behind someone's back and looking through their phone anytime we've ever been like hey can I see your phone for like it's not even like a question of like having to like cancel out of something or whatever it's just like here there's nothing to hide but I just I like the respect of just asking like hey can I see your phone obviously if there's something like super bad like in a past relationship of mine I felt like something bad was really happening and I needed to know and he wasn't telling me the truth and I had to check and I found something but like I was consistently asking him to tell me the truth and he wasn't so I needed to like kind of figure it out and luckily I figured it out but you know that's like the only circumstance where I have personally gone through someone's phone the question wasn't like going through it while you're sleeping or like doing it without them knowing that wasn't the question I feel like everyone's misinterpreting the question the question was like are you okay with your partner going through your phone right anytime they want whenever they whenever they want yeah if you if you bring it up and you tell me go through it at two in the morning you know yeah I have absolutely nothing to hide so if you want to do it cool do I strongly agree no that's [ __ ] weird to do but do I agree yeah I have zero to high yeah like go through my phone but do you think you need to ask or do you think if I'm surprising a free birthday and you look at it that's how you gives a [ __ ] I mean you ruin for yourself you look at my embarrassing photos I mean you've seen my butthole dude what's what's embarrassing well what if like you're going to the doctor and you took like a picture of like a growth on your Gooch she would you know that's like your privacy like you don't look at my growth on my gooch I mean but she walked into it it's like I I put my hand in a bear trap and it gets set off I mean that's on me so I don't strongly agree because I think it's weird if you're setting an alarm to go through my boyfriend's phone it's also like an insult if they ask a little bit don't you yeah I feel like it is like it's like yeah don't you get taken it back if somebody like you're singing to me I was like let me see your phone that's what I'm saying it's weird like okay yeah yeah so I'm not in strong I agree if Tara said like let me look through your phone right now I'd be like no really it's like I have like my boundaries and like you know because then I feel like it's a slowly falls into more and more if he ever gave me a reason to not trust him and then I asked and he said no then I'd be like yo why but because he's never given me a reason not to trust him I don't care if he says no I don't think I even ask because I don't care what he talks about with his friends yeah I would never ask I don't care um yeah no I I think the respecting someone's privacy is like very valid for sure but you know say I'm like over here getting ready and Chelsea's phone's dead and my phone's next to her like oh I need to look up the time when or what the address is yeah yeah for sure but if she yeah if I caught her like kind of snooping through if I was like asleep I think that'd be so weird that'd be such a weird turn off and I'd be like what the hell why are you doing that like you do not trust me or you know I think that's where the communication of the comes into play it's just fully based on trust and it's fully based on like if it's if it's a weird situation if I was just you know having a good old time and I'm like on stream and she's back there like like I'm rifling through my phone that's that's for sure not cool that's something weird but I mean same time I don't have a problem with it because I'm not in the hide um yeah I think my mind automatically went to am I okay with him going through my phone or using my phone and automatically I said I think yes like kind of like he said I feel like we're always using each other's phones to like look something up or call someone or whatever you know what is a fear of mine if Grace ever goes let me look at your phone and she's like trying to Google something and then she just pushes Safari and there's like a porn tab up there like that's just that's happened to me like Keaton asked me to Google something once and then it just clicked it at a point I was like yeah I was joking earlier sorry about that David like if she did that it just would be more embarrassing actually that's awesome anybody want to change their answer nope nope all right back to Baseline thank you question number five my partner is the jealous one in the relationship three two one what some booty David you're in the strongly agree why is that just because there's no jealous bone in my body I mean obviously there is there could be and I might have some like thoughts here and there but I think the more jealous one is definitely her like she'll be like yeah what did I do she just you know things will happen when like I'll be like remember we went to go watch this movie and she's like wrong [ __ ] that wasn't me you know I mean I do do that but I don't like actively it's like more so as a joke yeah but you joke about it a little bit more than I do because it's funny that's why you're here yeah so I'm like you know I don't really care she'll be like who's this girl's photo you liked still a joke wait me I've never once done that wrong [ __ ] there you go wrong I hate you so much what about you Grace he said he has no jealous bone in his body how do you feel about that I mean he does I don't know why he's saying he doesn't I don't know Jim is David I don't I swear he does but it's not like extreme it's also we both kind of joke about it we never get too butt hurt because we don't cross any boundaries I feel like so it's never been like a real issue um but I think we both do yeah for now yeah I'm not going to go to strongly agree because I think it's pretty even so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt of thinking that it's me and yeah out of us too I mean maybe probably just because I feel like I'm just like very much so like not at all but I don't think she's jealous until a point where it's unhealthy at all so yeah that's why I don't want to do like I strongly agree or whatever yeah he's not the jealous one in our relationship I wouldn't say I'm super jealous but I out of us too for sure I mean we were at the club once and and recently and this guy comes and grabs my waist right in front of Jay-Z and JC well I grabbed his hand and kind of just like tossed him to the side but JC the way he reacts he's yeah I really like it he really handles himself sometimes he's a dork yeah I know but even if a dorks him up to you I would be like what the [ __ ] like I would yeah react completely which also get jealous of like [ __ ] that happened like 19 years ago she's like who's this [ __ ] photo you like back in 2012 I'm like okay not 2012 but like 2021 when we were broken up the difference break uh we were on a break it was a break yeah it's a weird one I'm super neutral on this one I have no yes I have no no like I'm super right in the middle like I don't think she's jealous I only have one story of me being jealous that so you want me to walk over there all right there's there's been a couple stories that I I can I can mention but do I think she's the more jealous type no so I'm gonna stay neutral oh so you're these you're the mother jealous no I'm not the I'm not the more jealous one I don't think I maybe I used to be oh beginning relationship I would have been over there for sure why are you over there now because you're getting better so I'm moving okay maybe maybe 2023 over there dude you were jealous back in the day for sure was I but now you're confident now you're good I'm more confident in the relationship now I have full trust there's nothing wrong with being jealous it's a good little characteristic Nick Jonas is I feel like at this point like in a relationship we can't really be jealous yeah like if I were to see her hitting on a guy that's not me being jealous that's like deep rooted and like that's that's me being like hurt being jealous is of someone that's doing something that you're not that you could be doing no he's gone so much better like we and and it's weird because we actually talked about this like at one point there's a difference between being like jealous and then just like not being happy with something like he's not we had like a discussion one time about like oh if a guy came up to you and massaged your back because your back hurt or something if it was your friend yeah you'd be like I would not be okay with that like blah blah but that's not like a jealousy like it's weird it's just a boundary wait what if it was a masseuse not cool what if it was a masseuse that was a dude I wouldn't be like oh I wish that was me right that's not a jealousy thing it's more of like a oh that that kind of hurts like that's your boundary and that's fine that should be yeah I don't think either of us are ever jealous uh the only sense of jealousy I'd say that I have if you're missing out fomo like if she's doing something really fun I'm jealous if I wasn't there I kind of agree with Kiana Naila where it's like I don't think there should be jealousy in a relationship as much as boundaries so if like a girl is doing something to Jake I wouldn't be jealous I'd be like well that's not my that's my boundary you know what I'm saying I like what Jake said sometimes I'm jealous of I think it was more fun than me sometimes I'm jealous of that like I wish I had her social skills not her height though dude all right cool does anybody want to change your position no all right perfect let's get back to Baseline thanks question number six I want to have kids in the next three years three two well sorry sorry Ayla runs all wait what I'm here all right you're not even gonna strongly agree get over it Grace only one standing in neutral dude what the [ __ ] we've talked about it but it's hard I think it's hard to put a timeline on it especially if like we're not married like we're not even engaged so it's like you don't know maybe in three years if you put a ring on it no I'm kidding we need news for money to get this ring yeah there you go view so I can buy her a ring please like And subscribe yeah boom I just think it's hard to put a time stamp on it because honestly I would love to have kids I just can't say exactly one I feel like it's gonna happen in three years it could and I won't be upset if that's the case if it's in three years I'm not going to be upset I feel like it's different for her because like I'm old as [ __ ] I'm 30. she's like young tender sweet she's ripe you know she's right she's 25 you know I'm a senior so like at 33 I'm like God damn you know that's old I should be having kids by then you're 30 now so hopefully by then I have a million Subs you have a ring we have kids you know goals I finally paid my taxes or something I don't know he and Ayla both and strongly agree let's go oh is there something you want to tell us any popping out baby soon y'all trying to start a family channel um just to clarify she's she would be the pregnant one yeah okay wait don't you I'm trying really hard um three years come on bro I think I'm I think I'm ready next three years yeah tomorrow I mean I don't know we're practicing what practicing on how to have a baby we need to get that down first okay um I mean three years yeah you have a key in junior or what are we Stefan Stephanie we're thinking of names sounds like a character or Gregorio Gregory Gregorio Ayla ready tomorrow are you ready tomorrow she's ready yesterday dude no basically long story short we are pretty we've talked about it recently um just because we're both in very good places in our lives and there was one time where it was like a little bit of a scare moment on my end I had like a little bit of a scare and instead of us being totally like not okay with it we were kind of like okay if this happens we're actually okay with it which then totally changed our minds into being like wait actually we are kind of in a really good place in our life if something happened so that's where we're at I don't know if I'd ever be a good mom I don't want to put a baby out into the world that I wouldn't be cool to take care of maybe my mind will change in the future I'm only 22. mom no I wouldn't I just don't see motherly instincts in me and I just don't really like babies or kids that much so for me like I don't mind having a mini me I think a mini me would be an awesome idea but within the next three years I feel like I have too many like dreams and goals and like I need to like focus on myself because Tara got a dog and like that thing is already like a baby and it already like restricts some of our lives and we hate that I mean like we love sugar but it's hard to plan your life around something yeah when you have so many things you want to do yeah like I just it's not fair to pop something out that you can't be 24 7 with I don't know if we had like an accidental baby I don't know we wouldn't I we wouldn't and if we did I'd be a really bad dad because I'd be out partying you're pregnant is that what you said in the last video surprise surprise the rest guys uh no I never wanted to have kids until maybe two years ago and I think it's when I started seeing my cousins having kids and getting married and I grew up with so many cousins and it was the funnest thing I had the best childhood and so I kind of want that for my kids his sister just popped a baby my cousins they're on like their third fourth and I'm like oh my gosh I'm in my late 30s I feel really good like 20s late 20s sorry I was like I knew it yeah if we were to if we were to have like a baby I'd say 30 is like good time yeah well that's my first in my late 20s so I feel like in the next three years I should at least be somewhere close to that I feel like we've talked about it a lot um I'm always kind of like on the fence about like obviously timing stuff out I think just things will happen naturally and just kind of have to go with the flow right you do a stream when she's like giving birth so like 12 hours but I feel like yeah same with them we're in a really good spot in our lives and uh we we wouldn't mind it you know at all but as far as like staying in this line rather than going to strongly disagree it's like yeah just putting a Time on it um really kind of puts pressure on things and I just don't want that for myself and well I work great Under Pressure so if it works yeah so do I so you know yeah I feel I feel like if I was to I want it to be the moment where I could give them Absolute full attention like I could give them everything that they would need also you got nine months to prepare so yeah something to keep in mind write that down nine months to prepare so we're gonna do a big bow yeah ready we're about ready one two three boom all right guys make sure uh make sure to like share and subscribe thank you to These Guys these amazing couples I love the relationships go follow them go check them out how did you guys like the video it's a good conversation good conversation you guys gonna argue about anything [ __ ] yeah just kidding I'm gonna go through her phone I'm gonna have children exactly three years from today hey
Channel: David Alvareeezy
Views: 2,594,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knj, kian and jc, kian lawley, david alvareeezy, davidalvareeezy, do all men think alike, do all black men think alike, do all men think the same, do identical twins think alike, do all teens think the same?, do all gay men think the same?, do all women think the same, do all women think alike, do all muslim women think the same, do all christians think alike, do all women think the same reaction, David alvareeezy, blind dating
Id: TyLGyE_z1K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 36sec (2016 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.