Ranking All 5 Star Burst Animations (while slowly going mad)

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as some of you might already know from my previous video i recently reformatted my computer and in that process i was dum-dum and i forgot to back up my channel folder which had all of my assets that i've used from my previous videos including my eula outro and while i've been slowly rebuilding and adding new things to my repertoire of assets i have not gotten to an outro yet and i i think it's about time i've had time to grieve and i think it's time to move on and in that process i decided hey let's just record all of the five-star bursts and see what i have to work with maybe there's something i would like to do instead of eula maybe i just want to do the same one again i was quite happy with it i i think i could do better now at least i hope so if i'm going to record everyone's bursts anyway why not rank them and see if i can upset anyone with opinions first up on the list albedo witness a great undertaking now i think the start of alberto's burst is freaking amazing looking but the payoff at the end with the spikes is just not it's so underwhelming especially when you factor in how weak it is but like i'm not going to judge the animation or the damage of the burst his is like a c for me you're stuck now eloy also has a really sick wind up and i gotta admit the bursa pie look a little bit cooler if i gave her something better than a gray bow but regardless nice startup really nice explosion finish overall solid i give it a big now the startup for ayakas is beautiful the burst of cryo that happens after the little cinematic part is really nice looking but then after that you just kind of watch a cloud just slowly go forward and slaughter everything around which is cool and all but it's not the prettiest after the startup i give her like a b you can run but you can't hide you shouldn't let your guard down you know i didn't even notice until i started doing this that child's range burst doesn't even take away the ui like a typical five-star burst animation does which i guess is fitting because the range burst is kind of lame as hell but the melee burst is a lot better looking but since i'm going to rate these both together the range burs is going to drag child down to a c [Music] this is the first easy s rating everything about this burst is amazing the startup the big fire explosion the bird flying across the battlefield carrying all the small enemies to their death up into the sky and then setting his sword on fire easy easy ester do i even really need to say anything to let you guys know how i feel about this burst there's a reason it was my first outro it is beautiful looking the whole animation is just so smooth even without an immediate payoff another easy yes and honestly this might be my outro again we'll see this is long overdue kanye's purse is honestly nothing that special looking but the the effect is really cool and i don't want to give it an a just for that so yeah i'm gonna give it a name [Music] you know i'm giving hoothouse points literally just for the cute ghost and the butterflies in the fire they're just a nice detail and i'd say that like that gives her an a oh coming through now i know what some of you are thinking i love ito and i'm going to be biased well you're wrong i think utah's burst is ok looking the splash screen is kind of cool but that's about it and for that i'm going to give him like a c [Music] poor gene will unfortunately be earning my first d ranking because it kind of just looks like a four star that got the five-star cutscene treatment but yeah d i'm so damn torn on cosmos because it looks so cool especially when it infuses but god you can't see when it's active and infused like literally anything outside of it you can barely see so like honest i would give this an s but i'm docking it points down to a for being a little extra nowhere to hide kaching's burst is just one of those bursts that's just oozing with style it looks so awesome and it's so satisfying to watch it hit everything around you it's just a shame it's not as strong as it is amazing looking because this thing is zestier clay's got a decent enough burst the explosion at the beginning is really cool with the clove relief and whatnot and some pretty effects but other than that you know pretty average i would say it's like gonna be real here i'm giving this thing an s just for the first one second alone it is goddamn gorgeous when she's underwater and you can see like fish and turtles behind her and all the beautiful water effects decided by destiny bonus burst has a lot of nice effects with like the constellations and the stars and stuff but if it had a little bit more detail i would give it an s but i think she just like barely doesn't make the cut and like solid a sacred name fortune preserver look i know i crap on chichi in a lot of ways but the burst is not going to be one of those ways this thing is amazing looking her starting pose hovering up in the air the gigantic cry explosion around her the spirits that are swirling around and all the snowflakes all of it is just amazing looking just like everything else about chichi except her state in the meta this is easily one of the best looking bursts in the entire game another easy esteer [Music] bryden's burst is easily easily my favorite one in the entire game everything about this is just amazing looking like i love the full screen slash effect the glass break effect and especially the sword slashes after she actually starts attacking all of it is just gorgeous another s cryo incarnate so i was definitely ready to give shanghai's like a d or an f until i started editing this and i realized the little clone just flies around and slashes every once in a while and that's a pretty cool effect and for that i give it at least a b time for takeoff bendy's another one of those bursts that i get to appreciate a little bit more while i'm here editing and watching in slow-mo because you get to see the gigantic burst when it first forms and the little feathers just flying all around the place when i don't really notice those but i'm too busy just killing everything that he's sucking up what was initially going to be a b is it's an s lament now if i were to judge shao's purely on the burst animation alone when you cast it it would be an f because there's like nothing going on here he puts on a mask and then there's some particle effects but with the plunge which i think is only fair to judge because that basically is his burst i would say it's at least a beat [Music] a sight to behold now i know a lot of people would give yays an s just because of the bedroom high she gives you at the start but that's that's not why i like it i love the detail when it starts up and i especially love the detail the little foxes that come out of the lightning blast from destroying the totem ah this one's another s and i'm really getting tired of doing this s rank animation [Music] as much as i really don't want to keep doing the s-tier animation i just i i love her first so much but why why did i do this to myself i could have just i could have done a normal tier list like everyone else just screen record my browser order we all know john lee's is an s the sky opening up is sick the colors are awesome the meteor itself is cool like why why what else can i the voice lines are awesome you know it's nice to hear them say something does not as mantas wine for once it's an s i think we all knew it was going to be an s and to just like peel back the curtain for a bit and let you know why this would drive me so crazy by the end is because the way i decided to do this it became increasingly more annoying and tedious to do anything more than the bare minimum as time went on but oh well i hope you enjoyed the little bit of eye candy and the list and uh i would love to hear what you think is the best and the worst purse in the game because honestly most of them ended up being pretty good not many real bad ones like even gene who i put at the bottom i think is still pretty good looking she just doesn't really quite hold up to the other five stars so yeah if you want to really rate the entire list down in the comments do it i'll read it or maybe you just want to say what your least favorite and your most favorite is either way like i'm interested to see what you guys have to say because it's a very subjective thing it's it's visuals and everyone has their own preferences and these these were mine and if they upset you well i'm not sorry regardless of what you decide to do i hope you enjoyed this thank you for watching like subscribe all that stuff join my discord patreon you know if you want have a wonderful day and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Ratheil
Views: 479,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 Star Burst, 5 star, burst animations, Genshin, Impact, Tier, List, Genshin Tier List, All Burst Animations, All 5 star bursts, tier list, genshin impact 2.5, Raiden, Childe, Ayaka, Diluc, Keqing, Qiqi, Jean, Mona, Kokomi, Itto, Albedo, Yoimiya, Klee, Hu Tao, Yae Miko, Zhongli, Venti, Xiao, Ganyu, Shenhe, Aloy, Kazuha, Eula, Bursts
Id: x9IbIy42mSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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