Ranking ALL 47 Splash Arts in Genshin Impact

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it's show time [Music] splash our tier list this one was really really difficult to make unlike all the other things i've ranked so far this one only has one thing to go by and that's just a picture that's all granted they're really really good looking pictures in a lot of cases and i actually ranked them in order this time so the right most in the f tier is going to be the worst and the leftmost in the s tier is going to be the best and remember these are all personal opinions which means we're all gonna like different things that's just something you should probably keep in the back your mind when you're writing your thousand word hate essay down below which you know i totally get i get the same way when somebody says bulbasaur isn't the best pokemon starter which how can you refute he's literally number one i think even the most die-hard noel sims can agree that her splash is really nothing special it's not bad but the pose is meh the skill effect is you know it's okay and somebody has to be in last place so you know it's noelle [Music] despite being second from the bottom i think we already had a big step up from noel again because they're at the bottom doesn't mean they're bad just means somebody has to be down here and i think lisa is a pretty good candidate because it is very simple and even if you like the fact that it is simple i like a little bit more of the fancy splash arts and next in the line of starter characters getting no love is kaya not much i can say other than i like it it's just a bit boring to me compared to others you know i can't i can't remember why i put this above lisa and caya's cause it's almost as bland as noelle's so i don't know she can stay here for now cute doggo neat pose that's about it um i really like the coloring and the swords really about it not the most exciting start of the detail but there's almost 50 characters i got to keep it short sometimes i have absolutely nothing to say here first five star i do think coswos is a little bit messy and i do wish they textured all the wind effects like they did on the bottom half i just don't like it a lot i'm sure there's a lot of people out there who probably love it nice little look at beto shield and little weird fish dragon thing i'm assuming it's supposed to be a fish because she's a pirate a barracuda maybe i don't i don't freaking know someone in the comments will tell me pretty cute little poster daruma but more importantly i can relate to both of their facial expressions at basically any given moment one thing i really don't like about this razor splash is how polygonal the claw looks i'm not alone in this right like it looks weird like like almost kind of incomplete and just out of place other than that it's fine supers actually the very nice gasha splash but i gotta admit that it looks a lot better the darker background you put it on and when i initially rated it i had it against a much lighter background than it is here and i think i would have rated a little bit higher if it was against like pure black in any case i'm too lazy to change it now glee's is nice and all you know portrays her nice happy personality but i feel like they really missed an opportunity with putting just a bunch of explosions and death and fire in the background like ultimately wouldn't something like this make so much more sense for her he's an arsonist she's a happy little arsonist [Music] am i being too generous to bennett maybe my little monkey brain just says i like it and he belongs here i think we can all agree this is a pretty damn cute splash art and what's what's not to like about it the fire looks good too [Music] i actually really like when they include some terrain on the splashes like they did here in aloys just a little bit can look really nice sometimes this one might surprise some people but i honestly don't i'm not a massive fan of this one i do like it but much like cause i find it a little bit messy and unfocused and i just i don't know i could like it more yeah that's right i am putting amber above viewing me and not by much but she's above her amber's is simplicity done really really well it's got a nice action pose it's got baron bunny included which is you know core part of amber's identity and not much going on in terms of effects but still managed to be really nice looking i'm still low-key holding a grudge against this gacha splash just for being a little bit of a to work with in thumbnails other than that it's fine looking i just think in all like the visual departments he's not really excelling here cool splash moving on a lot of beautiful art going on here but i feel like a higher contrast in the flowers and the frost effects at her feet could have done this a lot of good something a little like this oh man just look at this coloring it's so beautiful hopefully i felt the same way about the rest of it much i gone use i feel like a chains could have benefited from a little bit more contrast i just don't like all that pastel purple pink going on in the background i'd like a little bit more variety very beautiful artwork though moving on to beat here we got ningy wingy with just some beautiful artwork i mean what else is there to say obligatory appreciation of sarah's awesome wings that we do not get to see nearly enough with a cool pose two words color scheme i've got a weakness for cotton candy like color schemes like blue pink purple any combination of those i love it and well this is just more of that [Music] nice art nice to write nice pose all that you know just good looking splash you look me in this right now and tell me that cute little whatever the that animal stamp thing is cute as that it does not deserve to be at least this high if not higher if you say anything other than that you are a liar and a scoundrel can we all agree that for a four-star showing you got one hell of a splash like this seems way over the top for your average four star but like in the best way possible because it looks good it is it's a little hard to explain why i don't like iato's as much as you think i might because i love water effects so much and the color blue but i don't know i guess i just like the shapes and what's going on in the background as much it almost seems like an amalgamation of a few ideas with the pools of water in the background the flowers from his burst and then the little rain droplets and they're all just kind of over the place a little bit even though the splash is now my worst nightmare since i just recently got her c6 i do still love it it is beautiful looking i love the colors love the pose love the terrain it is just an all-around fantastic looking splash but please don't show up on my account anymore my boy i do love ito splash a lot i love the brush strokes in it i love the oni i love all of it i just i don't love it as much as the ones above it it's color that's mostly holding it back i just i like vibrant colors now this splash has the nice contrast i wish ones like kaching and ganyus had at least a lot closer than they are anyway the color in the spirit really stands out but why why does she have a talisman covering her face i don't know if this is supposed to be like this it doesn't exactly look like it's attached to her head like chi-chi's chaos is just so cool they used high contrast between darks and lights very very well here just as with sucrose's earlier honestly xiao's benefits greatly from viewing him against a dark background and i don't think i rated him as high as i would have if i had judged them based on this who tao's got one of those births that is just thematic as hell you got the ghost you got the butterflies you got her showing off her little prankster personality with her wing and top it off just a nice little freeze frame of her burst one of the worst sights any would-be wishers could possibly see in their wishing session a silhouette that strikes the fear in almost every gentian player known to man except for the sociopaths who actually want to lose 50 50s and get chi-chi's however it's near possible to deny just how good-looking chi-2 splash is as well as literally every other aspect of chichi it's really easy to understand why people want a player even if she's not very good i mean that's the only thing really holding her back [Music] it is 100 the colors that got rosaria this high the dark blues in the spear really contrast nicely with the burgundies and reds in her actual character and even got the highlights of the blues along like the edges of her legs and stuff like this really just makes for a beautiful piece of artwork just in general most characters end up getting spell effects and stuff that actually match the color of their outfit so you know this this isn't a thing that comes up very often even for characters that did like beto earlier it just didn't quite have the same effect as rosario's does at least not to me seeing albedo's splash just immediately makes me think gigaflare from sephiroth and smash like that pose is pretty goddamn cool and because of the angle he's i actually like to imagine him like surfing along the ground rather than just standing on the elevator that's way more cool but regardless it is an awesome looking splash man the coloring of the phoenix looks nice onto luke splash if all of the fire looked like that i think it would still look awesome but i get why they would want to keep the phoenix special so it at least pops a little bit more rather than just blends in with all the fire as with any terrain in a splash the cobblestone at the feet really anchors them and really just it makes the whole thing look whole and uh please show up on my account or to luke i need your final two constellations [Music] oh yeah look at them deep blues if the constellation themes behind mona were all like high saturation galaxy themed like a lot of lights light purples dark purples blues etc oh that should be straight to the top but don't get me wrong it is still amazing looking the way it is honestly they did a phenomenal job with all the standard five star characters like they didn't age poorly they looked fantastic from the start and they still look fantastic for today good job art team now maybe they can put you to work more often and get you make some more skin splashes too if they release skins more than once every like half a year to all you unfortunate non-venti owners out there who have never gotten venture or maybe just never looked at the gacha splash outside the game either generally noticed that there's actually a little scenery of monsted inside the scene below him if you did notice good job good for you you're a lot better than me because i sure never noticed and i probably spent more time looking at these things than the average player and that's just sad on my part i mean i've definitely seen the windmills i noticed those but what i really didn't notice was the tiny default god appreciate the small details xinyin recognition time because she's always high on these lists and she's the winner of the four stars i think a lot of people are actually going to disagree with this one quite heavily especially citing characters like de lucas being better having better fire effects whatever blah blah blah i just love the theming of xinyan the musician aspect the rocker the punk rocker you know she's got pyrotechnics as a burst it's in her splash art here you got the visualizer effect around her head it's just an amazing looking splash art especially for a four star now we're getting into some of the ones that just kind of like paint a big scene which i could see an argument for being a downside as it's almost kind of lazy just have a big blob but if they were just a big flat circle without anything coming out of the borders i would totally agree that would be awful looking luckily that's not what they did and i think they did a really good job with these the purple fox down below looks really nice and i think it's one of the best parts about this whole image i just wish they extended it even further to cover most of the circle like like a crescent moon it's a very minor nitpick [Music] everything the eyes did well i think bryden's just does better not only in the choice of colors the color balance but i also love the asymmetry of the background where it's not just a big circle kind of like yais is even if she's not a flat circle yeah ryden still has a lot more going on and as cool and iconic as her pose in this is it is not as iconic as what's coming next [Music] the positioning of jean lee and ryden could probably change from day to day depending on when you ask me however i think zhong li would win more often than not i just think the sky opening up behind him is badass the way he's holding out his hand as if he was holding the meteor also awesome got that beautiful contrast i love so well and uh yeah it's just a great looking splash [Music] i love this splash there is only one i like more than it and uh they both have something in common i can't say enough good things about my boy tartagle's splash it's just it's perfect but there's one that's more perfect people who have watched my other lists and if you haven't should go do that after this you might have been able to guess who i'd put on top or you might had a couple guesses or you know if you're just good at keeping a mental checklist you'd know who's left it's kokomi and admittedly it is actually really hard for me to verbally defend why she's here number one i'm not particularly good at articulating why i like something especially something so visually subjective like art i can tell you that i love the blues that they used in this image so much that i want it injected directly into my eyeballs most of you already know if you've seen my videos that i love water themed things i just think that kokomi's did it the best i mean the colors are very vibrant and that's one thing i love i love the fish and i love the fact that there's like an ocean floor backdrop down at the bottom [Music] i don't think anybody was forgotten luckily the travelers don't have a splash so i didn't have to talk about them any day i don't have to talk about the traveler is a good day once again if you have not checked out the other list check them out they will be in a playlist down below links to socials and things like patreon and youtube membership down below if you would like a direct way to support me which would be greatly appreciated but ultimately thank you for watching and i will see you in the next tournament
Channel: Ratheil
Views: 177,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ranking all splash arts in genshin impact, Genshin, Impact, Raking, Tier List, Tier, List, Teir list, teir, Genshin list, Genshin all characters, Genshin art, art list, Ratheil, Rathiel, genshin impact tier list, genshin impact character tier list 2.6, genshin impact reacts, genshin impact, hu tao, genshin impact ayato, genshin 2.5 livestream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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