Rank 1 Warlock definitive guide to Warlord : Dark and Darker

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yep when second pizza Pizza down man I can group them so tight though I can overlap the [Music] pizza there's on here nice find you love sa over are are you yeah out down right now second pizza p is [Music] down it's on you nice what I'm mate where you at you want to try and do it yeah oh dude [Music] sus I think I'll just have you your crystals you try and keep that and play [Music] more is [Music] behind oh God kill him going out clearing Crystal [Music] sh nice leaving this about to get like [ __ ] H you think we've done any damage pizzas what did you say pizzas tell when I can come in Crystal's going to spawn around here Tel on you on me you again on you on me but like on you a dude curs no Sur we got be close now are there even any more mobs [Music] spawning one his sword is [ __ ] huge right now though isn't it let me crystals coming in I think flame Walker maybe build all these crystals jumping on you nice [ __ ] let's go did see the [Music] [Music] Bola second pie is down I'm coming in just we can leave the crystal that's going to spawn Northeast clear the other two okay just clear this one and then we could oh [ __ ] be careful Isaac on you nice good DOD on you again Isaac just one hand W back okay back now on you Isaac all right nice get out nice Dage I guess full proof way of dodging is to crouch and like go in circle yeah yeah I mean also you can just take it really easy you know just tap once tap once tap once instead of ever going for a second yet all right second piece are down now coming in play Crystal another one will spawn where it where it was and then another one like May okay I'm clearing this one crystal is like you can fight the boss I'll take AG nice [Music] is on you I don't know you need to you need to stay on l oh too close yeah yeah stay on distance or like jump on I think it might instant one the pizzas because of maybe go in wait there wait for the next p we need to wait for two all right going in teleported on me oh he's on you Isaac kniv on Me Maybe y knives knives oh no not ni ni now no way he's not dead it's crazy bro what the [ __ ] is going on with this guy I mean you did we've did so so much in the first round bro yeah but nothing in a lot he seems to be just like [ __ ] teleporting a ton as well second pizza he's going to be [ __ ] long sword boy now literally be very cautious yeah one turb maybe SP how manys how much HP does he have I'm just going to go back nice luck as well I luck I had 157 oh a it's so bad man drink a heal potion first all doors [Music] open they didn't T him I and make the boss like second P down down uh yeah your your is kind of [Music] up oh my God [Music] f are you Isaac he's on Isaac just H once don't that hit me but I was outside the room I want to make him [ __ ] but for that he need to teleport on me kind of hard to make he's like to kill all right I need second pizza down I need someone to get there's one more spawning next to it so can kind of chill so oh no he wasn't going you yep ISAC Dam crazy okay this is a um warlord uh guide the definitive one for every warlock players out there and whoever they might be playing with um preferably you want to be playing with a Melee character that can dish out like a you know physical damage or a ranger doesn't matter as long as they deal a lot of physical damage and uh I'm going to be going through every step of the way and um from the beginning to the end starting with the initial preparation which is going to be well you're depending on your spawn point which is outlin in the blue circles and then you see the uh the Octagon uh in red that's the that's the rest shines depending on your spawn you want to clear out one rest Shine for yourself and for your teammate basically so uh if you get like the top one that one's easy to clear leave that open if you spawn the bottom right you know get rid of the skeletons covering the rest Shrine and in the bottom middle there's a there's a big Horseman there if you get the spawn there you should clear that as well so once you have one rest Tri like ready to go that's when you can start the boss and uh what we like to do as I'm about to show you guys is we would like making a loot pile so if you looted a bunch in Ruins and CPS you you you know you fillter the brim or half full make a pile because it's going to make your body recovery uh so much easier if [ __ ] goes wrong you know so you like your teammates only have to pick up your gear essentially and then after uh begin the boss so as a warlock you you do the heavy lifting with the initial phase which is clearing all the ads which is um going to spawn uh the floor is going to be like 10 of them or something worry not you can clear them with flame Walker you don't need magic heal you don't need anything you know fancy you just you need to Flame walk and phantomizer knives at you straight for the head and it like it locks on and it's very hard to dodge so that's why I recommend running Phantom I cuz if you don't do that then you have to be a God or you need to have a heater Shield to block the knives so you can't do it without phantomizer uh doing it with Phantom I and once you've clear all the ads um every time the uh like the ads spawn out of the floor the warlord will attempt to place these thick blue pizza slices on the floor which will uh lock you up every time you stand in it and you gain up to five stacks of debuffs you'll be cage and it will yeah it will mess you up if you're like in a bad situation if there's mobs chasing you or the boss is running after you not good these pizzas has to be placed precisely away from where you initially prepped your loot pile like where you you made your little uh you know your loot pile before walking into the bus you want to be making the make sure the pizza slices go away from um the doors that you came in from okay so I think there's some things you need to mention as well I do you need to mention don't do the pizzas over here cuz they can spawn in the BOS in this room all right okay yeah let let me add that in so so uh like the pizzas you should keep them like to this area because if you start doing the pizzas over here they can spawn behind you or basically just don't go near this wall this wall is [ __ ] this is death wall all right can can you mark it with like an X or something okay so that's the no ghost you don't want the pizzas to spawn there so when you clearing the ads um you don't want to be near the treasure room because sometimes the ads will actually teleport behind you and then they end up inside the treasure room so you can't kill them and whatever ad that you don't manage to kill will empower the warlord's weapons and make it longer so it's the same as him getting a kill so like he get a huge sword he's he gets a his sword gets thicker and meteor so you you just don't want that that to happen so preferably you don't want to position near the treasure room cuz that's what can happen the the ads teleport into a room and all of the sudden you know he his weapon gets empowered so yeah say you're coming in here this is where you'd want it to be yeah or yeah and then you stack all the pizzas on this side of the rim so then you have so then this is like your go Zone you have this entire space to [ __ ] um kite him and everything I'll be show you guys footage of uh the warlock's job which is yeah we clear the PVE and after that we just ban spells and bolts and melee whatever we got the the melee DPS will be doing most of the boss fighting actually like you're you're basically just a support character for him after that you can do this with basically any uh like Melee character preferably you want them to be mobile because warlord swings are no joke they will usually One-Shot you or close to it depending on your build and you want someone that can be very fast that that can get away from those swings because the the warlocks attack patterns are very uh dodgeable if you have a lot of movement speed just explain explain to them how you like uh yeah how you fight the warlord basically okay okay sure um okay so I normally play Bard or I play fighter and the way that I deal with warlord is I like kin going alone and basically do his business and that's where he jumps in the circle he gets the pizzas on one side of the room I'll go to the other side of the room so say for instance we started in the bottom bottom room here um we'd clear everything have the revive ready just in case something goes wrong um and then we have two entrance points here and here we normally either take the boss from either the top room or the bottom room okay and that means that I always have two entrance points so if one of them gets covered up I can just run to the other door and then come through that door instead if one door's covered by pizzas um I come in the room once the crystals have spawned or like as kasm will give me like the go-ahead okay both the pizzas are down as soon as I hear that I come in the room and I kill the closest Crystal to me I'll be on the side of the room where it's the most clear so say for inance in this situation where the pizza's on the left hand side of the room I'll come into the right side of the room and I'll clear normally a crystal will spawn about here or here I'll clear the crystals and then we have all the space to clear so I normally hit the boss walk back hit the boss and I'll be a I'll have Agro of him the entire time and I'll I'll just I'll be very very cautious because with a with a warlock you have time right it's there's no you're not losing any HP the only way you're going to lose HP is if you get hit by the boss so just be very cautious one hit walk back one hit walk back try and not let him do the combos as soon as you see him go back into his red bubble run out the room like immediately as soon as you see him going into that red bubble you run back out the room you have both door like we normally open both doors so say we're doing it from the bottom room both of these doors will be open or if you're doing it from the top room both doors will be open and I can run to whichever door's closest and I can be out of the room and then I let Karin do the business again he gets two more pizzas down and then basically rinse and repeat the crystal will spawn again I come clear the crystal then I do the boss and that way I don't like the only thing I'm afraid of when it comes to doing warlord is the ad and having a warlock gets rid of that whole kind of that whole headache of dealing with ads and then I can just deal with the boss the faster you are like say for instance if you're playing Bard is probably the easiest because you just you can lament and shriek him and then just tap him with a Rapier um I've done it as well play I think we did it as well doing as fighter and I was using a fan um so even with like big heavy weapons you can do it I'm pretty sure I could do it as plate fighter as well but you just need to be super patient cuz you're going to get one shot like if if one [ __ ] up and you get one shot um so just be patient one hit walk back one hit walk back you know kin's permanently cursing him permanently bolting him not having aggro so you know he's still taking damage even if you're not and you can yeah I guess that's basically it this is going to be covering the uh the gear recovery part okay so let's let's remove some pizzas okay somebody's dead okay something went terribly wrong and somebody died right right there's a there's a prerequisite to doing warlord everybody needs an invis pot okay um so if you go into the boss room you can go into um let me just clear all of this actually and I'll make another one real quick all right so when it comes to gear recovery um everybody needs to have an invis pot okay if a if there's a body in this area in this area or in this area what you can do is you can go into the boss room and jump into one of these sections and invis pot behind the statues or like next to the statues you can go in here and invis pot and you'll be able to loot the body um if you like kind of shimmy all the way to the edge of this line if the bodies are here you can um you can grab them if not what we normally do is just run in the room do the circle mechanic and then pick up just the person's soul or as much as they can normally there's not a lot of Loot on them because we've made the loot piles previously right before the boss you make the loot pile just to make this process easier um you pick up everything you can you run to your revive they get revived easy peasy like recovering from a death in the warlord is is now easy um this normally leads to us being able to do it again because our recover is so fast
Channel: Kazaren_TV
Views: 7,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark and Darker, DarkandDarker, Dark, and, Darker, DND, DnD, Dnd, dnd, Wizard, Phonk, $UICIDEBOY$, INTROVERSION 2.0, Playtest, Music, Epic Highlights, Epic highlight, Epic clips, Epic clip, Best moments, Best moment, Funny moments, Team Play, Team work, Best plays, Outplay, Outplays, Outplayed, Wizardry, Fighter, Barbarian, Rogue, Ranger, Cleric, Magic, Rank 1, High Roller, Skillissue, Highlight, Montage, Epic montage, BOP, GOES HARD, Enjoyer, Warlock, Guide, How to play Warlock, Warlock Guide, Build
Id: JwkTAi24eng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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