The FACE OF FEAR - BG3 Wyll / Warlock Honour Build Guide

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hello my friends and welcome back to another balers Gate 3 character building guide hope you're all doing well today we're covering the most terrifying character in balder's Gate this character will leave enemies reeling in fear trapped in clouds of darkness and unable to act in fact it will shut down enemies for the first three turns of combat usually leaving them completely unable to act trapped in their own nightmares and if they should somehow Escape you can simply shove them right back in again this character is uh extremely powerful against any enemy that is susceptible to fear which is most non- Undead enemies so there is a slight dip in terms of power in act two but of course you're just going to have full spell casting to get uh through act two and in act one and three you're going to be terrifyingly unstoppable in just about every single combat this character uses a bunch of warlock levels in order to maximize our fear and also give us some of the best casting damage and defensive capabilities in the game and mixes them with an interesting character mix that can let you really shine with some of the Warlock class features let's jump in and start talking about the build before I do begin though I do want to say thank you so much to Pierre for the for the 15 Dr Raz for the $20 uh a Matson for the €1 15 Cheney X for the 22 and Dante 977 for becoming a channel member thank you so much my friends it really does mean a lot to me and I really do appreciate apprciate it all right let's jump in and start building the face of fear I'm using will as the example character here both because this is primarily a warlock build um and because also I think that human is one of the better picks for race for this build uh although I think in some ways flavor-wise it actually fits aaran better because it's all about hiding in darkness and scaring people which is a little more aaran thing than Will's thing um but either character I think works pretty well in terms of flavor and of course if you're building this for a main character then like most warlock builds the best pick for race is going to be half Dr because it gets you Shield proficiency which is very important as well as uh the additional cast of Darkness per day which is very helpful when you're playing a warlock other good options include dwar because the outof combat invisibility is extremely valuable since this is going to this build is going to be in stealth an awful lot and that lets you position yourself perfectly for stealth um and half wood elf for the shield proficiency and bonus movement speed is also an excellent pick gith Yankee for bonus misy step and medium armor I think is slightly worse because you will probably want to be in robes for this build so the medium armor proficiency is less important than the shield proficiency but as always that's always a good pick so uh any of those options are always good for will himself we get shield and light armor proficiency and the bonus skill point which is also pretty nice when playing a human we're going to begin with a level of Rogue and the reason for this is twofold one we're going to need Rogue levels for this build and two uh or I guess three-fold one we're going to need Rogue levels for this build so we got to take them somewhere two this lets us get a bunch of extra skill points which lets this character provide a ton of additional utility to your team because you can have both party face skills and lockpicking and stealth skills and we're going to need the stealth skills as well getting early stealth and slight of hand expertise is very useful for every uh party and this lets this character fill both the part face Ro and the stealth and lockpicking Ro meaning that your skill requirements are basically entirely covered by this one character you also want to take Rogue first and the leveling order is somewhat important here because the key class feature of this build the warlocks mortal reminder uses the same save DC rules that items in uh balers gate do where it keys off of your most recent new class so we need to take our first level in Rogue before we take our first level in Ro in warlock so that that will KY off our Charisma if you uh are confused by that statement don't worry about it just follow the order given here and everything will work out just fine so we're going to have our initial level be Rogue but we're going to take a somewhat unusual attribute spread because we are looking to take most of our levels in warlock so we want to have an attribute selection that keep that helps with that so we are going to clear all of these attributes and pull these out we are going to put 16 points in Charisma because that will be important for our warlock spells 12 in wisdom just for saving throws uh 16 in Constitution because that gives us our maximum possible number of hit points and also makes our constitution saves good which is great when we're trying to maintain concentration on spells this character will always be concentrating on a spell usually Darkness or hunger of Hadar but uh having high Constitution saves means that you can maintain those concentrations even if you take damage and then we take 14 dexterity for ACN Initiative for a skill collection we get to take an awesome set of skills meaning we get slate of hand and stealth expertise this is incredibly useful and then we get to take our our pick of dialogue skills uh will comes with persuasion by default that's his human pick and so we can have him have persuasion um deception and intimidation we can get all three dialogue skills you could also take one fewer of these and put this point into Insight if you wanted because Rogues get access to that and get uh the other important dialogue skills there with a different background selection like Guild Artisan you could have all of the dialogue skills if you wanted to do this for a Tav build um but for will you can still have him be a party face with all the dialogue skills as well as light of hand and stealth using this setup which I think is really cool because this character covers all of our skill needs in a single character that's it for our level one picks uh other than that nothing to change here there you may be wondering if we're going to struggle at level one on the the Nautilus just cuz we only have 14 dexterity the answer is no you'll be you'll do just fine on the Nautilus as a rogue with 14 dexterity if you're really worried about it you can Respec later but I think that this is a a totally reasonable way to get through the Nautilus it will not penalize you in any way at level two we immediately Branch out and start taking warlock levels now we get to have eldrich blast which was going to be our primary damage source for the entire game and one of the great things about this build is that already at level two the core uh play pattern of the build is online and that is hitting things with eldrich blast and using great old one warlocks mortal reminder to frighten enemies when you score a critical hit with eldrich blast which you're more likely to do when you're hidden so if you're in stealth you are you'll have Advantage which makes you more likely to get Critical Hits an enemy has to pass a saving throw or become frightened this is an incredibly powerful ability because frightened is a brutal condition enemies cannot move while frightened and they have disadvantage on uh all their attack roles so it's really good against ranged enemies as well this completely shuts down all melee enemies and makes ranged enemies significantly less dangerous to you and as a warlock in a couple levels we're going to completely shut down ranged enemies with Darkness so uh as long as you can consistently land mortal reminder fears you are going to keep enemies from acting ever this is incredibly powerful for our second cantrip selection we are going to take minor illusion this is really useful for all stealth builds because it can turn enemies around so you can use it to uh have enemies look away from you so you can stealth into the correct position and also it can be used to group enemies for the AOE spells that will get at later levels minor illusion is incredibly powerful I think it might be the single best spell in the game and uh because there's no saving throw and repositioning enemies is just so valuable in so many fights the creative uses with the spell are endless and I recommend using them the fact that this is a rogue build or a stealth build that also gets access to this on the same character means this character kind of gets allinone of all the best things for stealth builds in the game great old one gets us mortal reminder which is uh incredible so that's the reason that we're here cuz this is a fear-based build and then for our spell selection we are going to take hex because all warlocks should take hex it's a core part of your damage you can use a bonus action to cast hex and then eldrich blast and that is kind of the Baseline damage for Dungeons and Dragons a warlock with hex and eldrich blast does like the amount of damage that you should measure as being good damage that's that's what uh that is the yard stick for measuring good damage is this character class um and for our second spell it's a choice here between armor of agius and dissonant Whispers I like having dissonant Whispers at level one uh this can help with um adding in more fear which is very powerful and it can shut down really dangerous melee enemies in particular this is useful against some of the really scary enemies that you'll face in early levels like the null or the owl bear that you can just completely shut them down with disant Whispers for two turns and that's extremely powerful um and will help you win a lot of those early combats much more smoothly at character level three we get to take our second level of Warlock and we get agonizing blast increasing our Elder blast damage by our Charisma modifier and then we take devil site because devil site lets us see in darkness these are going to be I would say 98% of warlocks are going to take these two eldrich invocations at uh warlock level two and this build is no exception we want to be hiding in darkness and we want to be eldr blasting things so these are the natural for our spell selection at this level we're going to grab armor of agathys or uh dissonant Whispers if we haven't picked it up yet um picked the other one up yet those are both very useful so it is really nice to have both of them we don't need to replace a spell cuz we already have the three perfect spells so we are very happy here and can go to level three at warlock level three we get access to second level spells and we also get to take our packed Boon for second level spells of course the one we're going to select first is Darkness um darkness is what we're going to be concentrating on in most combats and is just an incredibly powerful effect it makes you almost completely immune to ranged enemies and because we can see through it we will have Advantage we be hidden inside it so we'll have advantage on all of our attacks and enemies will have disadvantage on all of their attacks this means we're much more likely to trigger mortal reminder Critical Hits which is uh incredibly useful for us as well since that means just more fears that we're spreading around the Battlefield you can at this point also replace dissonant Whispers with another spell I like hanging on to armor of agius for a couple more levels that we may want to replace it later uh cuz we'll just have better use for our spell slots but I don't think there's anything critically important to grab at this level the best is probably misy step just for a defensive uh ability so whether you want Misty step or whether you want dissonant Whispers really depends on whether you're still actually casting dissonant Whispers if you aren't just grab Misty step and it uh will pick it up next level regardless because distant Whispers damage is going to start falling off pretty quickly so just for the make the sake of making things easy we're just going to do that now then for our packed Boon um we're not a pack to the blade build we don't we are not going to be making melee attacks so it's really your choice between chain or toome chain is uh the better one if you aren't getting the um the the unique imp the unique quasit um because the Imp is very good and can help uh threaten enemies which can keep them uh you can scout with it invisibly which is very useful for setting up combats and it can help threaten enemies it does a little bit of damage uh if you are getting the unique closet then just grab the pack to the toome because these abilities are all useful guidance is really nice to have on your lockpicking character because sometimes you'll want them to be doing lockpicking and things like that away from the rest of your party so having guidance on them specifically can help a lot uh the other two canant trips aren't amazing though pulling enemies with Thorn whip does come up a surprising amount with warlock because if an enemy backs off off to the other side of your hunger of Hadar or other damaging AOE effect you can pull them back into it provided that you can get within 30t of them sometimes you can't manage that but it is uh pretty useful to be able to do this and repositioning enemies is is always powerful so keep an eye out for situations where you want to use this of course pulling enemies down from Cliffs is the most common one but there's a lot of opportunities to do cool stuff with Thorn whip as well we have already replaced our spell so that's it for level three let's go to level four at warlock level four we get to take a feat and the feat that we're going to take is charisma um this character does additional damage based on its Charisma you're also a dialogue character so you want to max out your charisma as much as possible and that is of course incredibly powerful you could even go for a 17 Charisma build and take uh actor here if you really want to lean into the dialogue skills so you could have started 17 Charisma and 10 wisdom and taken actor um that is an option to get expertise into dialogue skills and get even more skills for this character which lets you be an even uh better party face and may even be the better way to build the character if that's what you're looking to do um but just make sure that you hit 18 charisma at this level for a can selection here we can take friends if that's something that we are potentially interested in casting if you're using this as a party face friends is always nice to have um and especially at this level you're about to enter act two where there's a lot of Charisma based dialogue checks where you don't care if the person gets mad after because you're trying to talk them into uh fighting you usually or um just talk your way through an encounter and so friends doesn't even have a disadvantage at all in Moes of act two and is a very powerful skill as a result uh if you're not using this character as a party face you can take blade Ward blade Ward is really nice for protecting armor of agius hit points but I'm going to recommend taking friends um and you could even grab minor illusion on a different character and take friends at level one if you want to do that for our spell selection here we should pick up cloud of daggers just because it's so useful to have no save damage um we'll probably end up you'll be concentrating on Darkness most of the time but cloud of daggers is a great alternative for a lot of these levels very good at finishing off low Health enemies and is incredibly powerful as a result uh of that some other options are invisibility if you really want to lean into to the stealth aspect of the character but I don't recommend I don't think you need it invisibility it's uh you more useful to get this from uh Wizard or something who can prepare it as needed rather than have to spend a warlock spell known slot on it uh hold person is also good because you can guarantee Critical Hits and then they will get feared by the Mortal reminder of course if they're already paralyzed then you don't need to guarant you don't need to fear them from Mortal reminder um so hold person is a little bit unreliable but still very very powerful if you have save DC increasing gear it's a very powerful effect and definitely a good option as well and then at warlock level five we get a huge power Spike for our Warlock because we get third level spells all warlocks get a massive boost to power at this level well all spellcasters do but warlocks especially do because they get access to two of the very best spells in the entire game and they can cast them many times per day more times per day than any other character Ken thanks to uh how warlock spell slots work and that lets you take hunger of Hadar and then replace another spell we're probably going to replace either armor of agius or cloud of daggers at this point um with counter spell counter spell is so good and so important and warlocks can always cast it with their highest level spell slot meaning it's very reliable for warlocks whether counter spell works or not is based on the spell slot of your spell compared to the spell slot of enemy spells and so countering spells with warlocks always uses your highest level spell slot meaning you will always counter spells now level six spells warlocks are going to struggle with so you still want counter spell on a full Caster somewhere in your party probably but this just makes your party so much safer because any of the most dangerous effects in the game you can stop immediately with counter spell an incredibly powerful effect that gives you a ton of additional options for eldrich invocation here we're going to grab repelling blast because if enemies Escape our hunger of Hadar then we can push them back into it with repelling blast and if enemies are feared and we're pushing them away they're not moving and we're pushing them away which means that melee enemies are never going to actually reach us to attack us this character therefore shuts down melee enemies almost single-handedly and all melee enemies are going to struggle massively against this character and against ranged enemies you have Darkness so uh you can basically single-handedly shut down either all ranged or all melee enemies in any given combat combats with mixes of the two are going to be a little bit more dangerous but if there are combat sorts only one or the other you kind of auto win with with this character because you get to uh push them away and lock them down with fear trap them in hunger of Hadar until they just tick out to the damage over time or cast darkness and bunch up your party inside the darkness making yourself immune to ranged attacks either way you have the perfect answer to what the enemies are doing and even in combats with mixed enemies dropping hunger of Hadar on a bunch of ranged enemies and melee enemies is still very very powerful at Warlock uh at character level seven we are going to go back to levels of Rogue we now have the best things from warlock third level spells is what we really wanted to get to as soon as possible so that's why we took five warlock levels in a row but now we're going back for rogue and to get the the core combo of this build online level two Rogue is actually really good for warlocks or all casters just in general because the bonus action hide Dash and disengage are all incredibly valuable for warlocks warlocks only really have one bonus action that they want to be using and that's hex um and then at at these levels you're going to be concentrating on other spells most of the time anyways so adding in relevant bonus actions for your warlock is incredibly useful this means that if an enemy gets into melee with you you can bonus action disengage and just walk away and then push them further away with a repelling blast if you need to hide and gain advantage on your next attacks you can bonus action hide and the fact that you can cast darkness and then bonus action hide in your own cloud of Darkness means you'll always have uh the availability of cover you can always hide because you can darkness and then hide in your own Darkness so you'll always have potential obscurement for your hiding and that's a very synergistic build as well bonus action dashes give you a ton of additional Mobility which is very very powerful for obvious reasons but especially so for a character like this that's going to be kiting enemies backwards across the battlefield stopping them from moving and pushing them backwards as you go having more Mobility yourself means that melee enemies will never ever reach you because you can bonus action Dash still make your attacks still move and push the enemies away lock them down with fear and continuously Retreat or run enemies in circles thanks to your incredible Mobility Advantage this is a very powerful combination that is somewhat underused I think for uh Caster builds just getting a second level of Rogue works very well on these characters but that's not really what we're here for is just a nice bonus what we're really here for is Rogue level three where we get to take Assassin Rogue assassin Rogue has uh guar assassinate Ambush which guarantees Critical Hits against any surprised enemy critical hits of course have mortal reminder attached to them and so any surprised enemy is going to be locked down for a minimum of two turns because we get guaranteed Critical Hits against them locking them down with Mortal reminder fear and then we can continuously apply that preventing the enemy from ever acting um you can also because of Assassin's uh assassin's alacrity where when you begin a combat any actions you spent before combat start get refunded to you this is very powerful for warlocks who often want to open their their combat with casting a a concentration based spell like Darkness or hunger of Hadar and then uh spend subsequent turns of combat casting Eldridge blasts well with Assassin's alacrity on this character you can open with Hunger of Hadar which surprises the enemy inflicting the surprise condition that means that they are then trapped in the Hunger of Hadar for a minimum of two turns because they're going to uh begin their turn and stay stay in it and then P pass the turn because they're surprised and stay in it until the next turn where they will then have to start the their second turn in hunger of Hadar so you're getting double value out of your hunger of Hadar as a result of that but then also you get all your actions back so you can do that and fire Eldridge blasts on your first turn of combat so you can lock down widely spaced enemies or just concentrate on hitting all of the enemies at once with fears Critical Hits and hunger of Hadar damage it's very powerful to be able to lead with an AOE spell and then refund all your actions um with assassin and then add in a bunch of additional ELD eldrich blasts uh and of course you can also get your bonus action back so you can bonus action hide again and stuff like that all of those together make for an incredibly powerful opening turn of combat and whenever you get to initiate combat you're going to place hunger of Hadar on enemies slowing and blinding them because they're in difficult terrain and trapping them in darkness and then uh surprising them so they're going to pass their first turn hit them with Mortal reminder Critical Hits which uh Stacks fear on them preventing them from moving even longer and so enemies are going to be trapped in the darkness then when they get out you can push them back in with repelling blast so you can keep them consistently trapped and feared inside of your hunger of Hadar an extremely powerful combination that just guarantees the Mortal reminder criticals um which is very valuable not to mention that it just does great damage to be getting additional damage dice on your Eldridge blasts and for combats where you just want more damage you can use hex instead of hunger and get guaranteed hex criticals doubling the damage Dice from hex as well which is very powerful um and is going to result in opening damage salvos of like 80 or or 90 damage uh even at this level which is pretty good plus all of the crowd control effects that you're applying from here the core combination of the build is online so there's a couple different directions we could take it I think the best Direction honestly is just to continue on down warlock but you could add in fighter levels for Action Surge and even um even more powerful opening novas in combat um but overall just getting access to higher level spell slots from warlock I think is going to be our best bet at level six uh great old one warlock also you get entropic Ward which just lets you give disadvantage to an enemy um it's basically warding flare which is an extremely powerful defensive ability doesn't have a cool down or anything or it's not doesn't use a resource so just once per turn enemies are much more likely to miss you now granted enemies will usually have disadvantage because you'll usually be hiding in darkness and they won't attack you that often but this does make you even more resilient and then we also get to take higher level spells uh spells here you can grab hypnotic pattern just a great disable something like that is always very useful to have and is something that I think that most character most parties should have access to um hunger of Hadar is going to be your ual go-to but hypnotic pattern makes an excellent backup or we could be on theme and just take fear uh fear is very powerful and very good against enemies who get close to you though the fact is that you have lots of ways to apply fear already and your main struggle is enemies who are immune to fear so I recommend grabbing hypnotic pattern just so that uh you can hit most other enemies who are immune to fear with that instead at warlock level s we get access to fourth level spells as well as another invoc so for a fourth level spell selection I think there's really two choices that make sense one is banishment and banishment is so good because it targets the enemy's Charisma save lots of very powerful enemies in the game have very low Charisma saves so this can be used to pull them out of a combat and um make your combat significantly easier while you clean up all the the ads or additional enemies in the combat and a lot of extremely dangerous late game bosses have very P have very very weak Charisma saves so you can basically guarantee Landing management the other option is evard's black tentacles which while normally not an amazing spell just because it U uses a very high level spell slot and uh mostly duplicates the effect of entangle which is a level one spell on warlock it doesn't matter what level your spells are cuz they all use the same resource the same level spell slot so evard's tentacles is still pretty good and in fact I think uh is worth replacing one of these spells with probably it it at this level you are likely not casting hex that often and you probably have better uses for your spells than armor of agius I'd most likely replace hex with iards if you want it and this can be used to trap enemies in other effects if you have other party members who have damaging effects most of the time you're going to be using hunger ofar and Mortal reminder to just keep enemies trapped in place but this is a good alternative if that's something that you want for our invocation here we are going to there's a lot of utility options you could take if you are really feeling like you want uh Proficiency in deception and persuasion you could grab those and Respec your skills into other skills or something like that but the best one is almost certainly just taking confusion confusion is just another very powerful disable this can be cast into grouped allies and enemies um and one thing that this character does struggle with is it has some collateral damage with Hunger of Hadar so it can sometimes be difficult to place your damaging AOE effects if your allies and enemies are all mixxed up together especially relevant as people sometimes have pointed out in my comments in co-op mode where your your buddies may be moving their characters somewhat at random and this can help you to mitigate that uh if your if your cool pal is running their Barbarian willy-nilly into all the enemies as they are want to do confusion is just a very powerful debuff and the fact that this cast with a warlock spell unlike a lot of the other in warlock slot unlike a lot of the other invocations which are once per day uses means that it's just basically adding another spell to your list which is very good then at warlock level eight we get to max out our Charisma and that's obviously great because it increases the saf DC of our spells and the damage of our eldrich blasts in addition you can add more Charisma using uh the mirror of loss and Ethel's hair to get up to a possibility a possible total of 24 which makes your save DCS incredibly high and gives you plus s to damage damage on every eldr blast attack which is obviously very valuable as well so uh that's an additional option if you feel like you don't need more Charisma alert is also very good on this character so if you wanted to use um like stop at 20 or 22 Charisma with some of the story-based Charisma bonuses you can have or the items that increase your charisma alert is so good for this character that it it may be worth reducing your charisma by two to get it um even though this is one of the most hungry characters in the game it's very good with eldrich blast but alert is just an incredible feat for this character since enemies the only thing that enemies uh will that will ever put you in danger is if enemies ACT first cuz once you've gone they won't be able to take a meaningful action for the rest of the combat because they'll be frightened and trapped and surprised and so on and then for our spell selection here we're just going to grab the other um the other AOE disable spells there I like having a large selection of these AOE disable spells so you can pick the perfect one for these fights although if you're still casting hex you can go back and grab that again if you feel like you need um other utility spells like invisibility there's definitely other options for me personally I think that the way that warlocks play out is you're going to be choosing the perfect spell for the encounter and then casting that and then eldrich blasting for the rest of the encounter so having a wide array of these concentration spells means that you'll all always have the the perfect spell the A+ spell for that encounter and never have to settle for second best uh and I think that impacts your characters combat potential more than having something like a one- shot damaging spell um or something along those lines would since eldrich blast is such a good default action the thing that makes warlock strongest is just having the best opening action possible for that combat and then finally it character level 12 we get access to fifth level spells and the best of these is probably hold monster this gives you access to uh another very powerful concentration disable it works on anything it doesn't matter that it's a fifth level spell because um although whole person can be multicast with warlock spell slots you can hit anything with it but we already have lots of multicast disables so I'm not that worried about hold person having one that works really well against single enemies is pretty nice so hold monster is good telekinesis is also pretty cool you can throw enemies off cliffs with it it's another way to fling enemies backwards away from you uh which is thematic for the build of course as well um but in general I think that hold monster is going to be the better pick of the two but either of these are very good and then for our eldrich invocation we're absolutely taking condra Elemental condra Elemental lets us turn our fifth level warlock slots into the uh Elementals and those are incredibly valuable for this character just giving you a way to turn a short rest resource a warlock spell slot into something that lasts all day the fact that minions of chaos summons with a warlock spell slot means you can use these Elementals to tank or whatever very effectively it basically gives you 200 more hit points per short rest because the you can always replace them when they die and so that's very strong as well um and of course they add a bunch of additional damage tanking utility and blocking up enemy movement which is very valuable the all four of the different Elementals I think are very strong so which you take is up to you and I recommend experimenting with them by default I think the water Elemental is the best of them if you have any Synergy with uh water effects in your party but overall any of the four are very strong and it's definitely worth playing around with them to see which fits your particular party comp the best that's the build so most of the time you are going to open combat from stealth and then you are going to We Can't stealth there you're going to open combat from stealth and then you are going to cast hunger of Hadar to surprise an enemy um and then on the surprised enemy you're going to cast a series of eldrich blasts which will frighten them you will have a conjure Elemental and an armor of agathist up from your first short rest of the day potentially if you if that's something that you wanted to maintain all day um and you can also have animate dead because your uh to warlock so all of the the summon options are available to you which is very powerful as well and you're going to be locking down enemies in debilitating field effects preventing them from ever acting we can power up this build even more of course with items but one of the great things about it is that it's extremely item independent you are just going to want mostly critical hit gear just anything that increases your critical hit um and obviously best in slot for the for warlocks is always the uh potent robe this character wears the gloves of dexterity very well as well just for bonus initiative and armor class extremely useful if you are in the potent robe um and the potent robe gives you additional damage equal to your kusma on your eldrich blasts this character also benefits very heavily from just wearing a shield which is why we wanted to grab Shield proficiency and uh the Sentinel Shield or other Shields that give you it bonus initiative are very good or the ones that give you bonus save DC are very powerful as well a fun game option for mainhand weapon also is the Nature's snare this uh has a chance to ins snare enemies it's a dc13 check every time they get hit by an attack from you and that works on spell attack roles so it works with eldrich blasts so if you have Nature's snare it's just an additional uh chance it's a relatively low saf DC but it's an additional chance every time you fire an eldrich blast and it works against things that are immune to fear of trapping enemies in place so that can make your combo even more reliable other than that you're just looking for Save DC gear and critical hit Gear to to make your Critical Hits more likely after your opening round of guaranteed criticals but uh for the most part this character is going to be very item independent and not conflict with any other items that your party might need all right my friends hope you've enjoyed this video and of course as always if you have feel free to leave a comment and uh like the video both of those things help me out a ton with the algorithm which cares very much about people interacting with the videos so I really appreciate people taking the time to do that it means a lot for uh people getting to see these and for the success of my channel uh especially in the long term as the boulders gate community continues on into the more mature phase of the game and uh you can of course subscribe to my channel for more of this and other strategy game guides and Analysis and I'll catch you next time cheers folks GG
Channel: Cephalopocalypse
Views: 17,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etarran, Cephalopocalypse, Baldur's Gate 3, Larian, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Build, Guide, Strategy, Tactics, Tutorial, Jaheira, Minsc, Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Shadowheart, Minthara, Wyll, Halsin, Lae'zel
Id: PkroRnXbNgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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