Rank 1 Dark and Darker Ranger teaches me how to play Ranger

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in this video I'm playing Dark and darker with the number one Ranger player Vincent right there we're going to go over perks builds how to play Ranger tips tricks the differences between him and I which spoiler alert are massive he plays recurve bow he likes agility movement speed uh being agile Swift um kiting enemies whereas I play Longbow I'm very aggressively uh moving forward pushing in when they get close I shotgun totally different play style and I wanted to see what would happen if the number one Ranger sacrifices his play style and his gear and uses mine instead so he's going to take all of my gear he's going to take my perks my skills and go into a um demig good Lobby a solo Lobby High Roller and we're going to see how he does so stay tuned and if you want to see some awesome Clips if you want to be a part of a community where we're doing clip of the week you want to be a part of a community where you can submit your great sweaty Clips or you killing the streamers or maybe you got absolutely bodied there's a place for all of it it's in the Discord I'm going to put the Discord in the description let's get on to the video yo hey Vincent how you doing doing great how about you I am amazing I just got 1,600 AP in an ex Templar one run damn so I'm on the last little climb to uh to demigod that's sick you want to know my record what's uh what's your record wait I I got an image let me let me let me guess let me guess wait first of all what rank were you when you got the record Demi God okay so your record would be it would be ruins to [ __ ] to solo ghost King kill you'd have a couple Royals from the ghost King treasure were you rocking any luck gear or did you just have 150 uh I don't actually remember I'm gonna say I always run luck potions so yeah yeah um I I've tried out the Grim Smiles um but I lost that big kit that was probably my biggest hitting kit um o I don't know are did you beat 1600 that's a lot really 1600's a lot oh my God is that not a lot I I mean I mean it is Jesus you're not getting 1,600 in a uh in a in a goblin caves run right oh no no no no Goblin is like if you kill Max onek yeah if that's if you kill both bosses right uh I the the rooms are too far from each other you just you're better off killing mobs and one boss I've seen one person kill both bosses and they show their AP and it was like 900 yeah you just you just got to get the troll get all the completely loot the pile and just Lo all the chests and kill the mobs that's all you do in that map okay is it don't say don't say it's over you've never hit 3K right no no no no I it's minus 750 yeah whatever the score is so you want me to tell you yeah yeah let's hear it with the minus it's 2.2k oh my God 2.3 you said 2.2 2.2 is that with a ghost King kill uh I think so is that with a team wipe and you took all the Trinkets and hell no only two kills wow the low kill games are always the most lucrative that's insane dud well so I've been I have different thought process about it I like killing people so that they don't go down to Hell oh yeah of course of course and also like portal AP do you think portal AP is gonna get nerfed yeah 100% that's what I thinked yeah I think they're going to do like the first portal you open is going to give you the same amount but after that it's going to diminish so let me let me run something by you real quick I have a um I have a PVP update that a lot of has told me his dog [ __ ] because Reddit absolutely hates PVP but this is this is my thought proc on process on it first kill 10 AP second kill 20 AP third third Kill 30 AP and and so on so I mean yeah that your first team wipe if you and and assists are only half of that so if you wipe one team and you get the final hit for each of those for each of those kills that's only 60 AP 60 AP is not a lot yeah now if you wipe a Lobby if you wipe a Lobby that's what like if you wipe three teams that's when it gets up there so it's not really I mean I don't know I guess that would kind of incentivize spawn rushing and people hate spawn rushing but I mean what I was thinking and there was there's two main ideas I was one of them actually exact same idea and the other one is just by ranking you get it so like wander you get zero AP maybe Pathfinder you get like 10 AP a kill and demigod you get like 20 or something oh like if I kill a demigod then it gives me 20 points yeah or if you are demigod and you kill someone then you get extra points either way so higher rank you get more points for so if you're yeah for kills so but if you're like low so if you're a little Neo fight or whatever you don't get any AP for PVP kills nah damn no I mean no but like if you kill a demigod then of course you'll get a lot but if you kill a low level as a low level oh okay okay and if you're a demig guy and you kill a low level you also don't get anything yeah basically huh that's interesting um I thought that's like a cool way you might be able to do it are you what do you think about the whole Arena update Arena yeah the did you hear about the um devs talking about the arena oh yeah well I mean I'm looking forward to any kind of update not yeah not that like they went into any depth but like cuz I love PVP I think PVP I think trade and PVP are the two most fun aspects of this game yeah I I can't agree on trade but I mean I do you don't like Trad I I think I think uh economy is cool like facet of a game I think if there was no trade this would kind of be a boring game oh yeah of course well the thing is for me I I just like farming AP so like trade is just a chore but when I didn't form AP of course it was like really fun that's true just like I just want a kit you know I just don't want to sit here well my competitor is gaining points I'm just in trade chat you know so so speaking of a kid you're a ranger main um Ranger obviously is your favorite class uhhuh when you so the way that we were introduced is you hit me up in chat I bought something from you and you're like hey I saw your video what did you think about that Ranger guide what could I have added to it okay I thought every like all the points were good on Duos and trios but I like almost completely disagree on solos okay you didn't really touch on it that much but no no not at all I mean I don't I don't uh I mean well okay well sometimes you said like solos but that's about it like to the extent but like I was like you didn't spe really specify those Duos and trios a lot of the time yeah that's true no way no way this is going to work in a Solo solo game it's like no for sure I played like three solo games and it was when weapon damage meta was a thing and Rogues were able to One Tap everybody and uh I just got land mined too much and so I stopped playing solo that's that's like I just didn't have fun like I don't know like you know sometimes you just get in an unfortunate circumstance and you lose a couple of kids too many times in a row and it just makes you not want to play at least that's happened to me yeah I have those jobs sometimes as well so I was thinking if you're up for it we could do a couple of um of uh normal Duos and um I could kind of get a feel and and ask you some questions about how you like to play how you think Rangers should be what you think about the game and then I was GNA hop into a solo Ranger game and have you um like spectate me through Discord and kind of uh like coach me through your thought process on a solo match how does that sound that sounds great okay and and and even okay let me invite you um um I'll be in gathering Hall uh Brazil okay yeah so I played with um I played with Nela earlier really yeah yeah he was super cool super cool guy we played a couple of norms he taught me a lot about fighter learned some stuff that I didn't know I didn't know about smiting torches oh really that's [ __ ] crazy yeah cuz I I thought it would be the same as like a blow of corruption a torch you know you can't blow of corruption torch well in Solo that's like the the Strat for clerics like you have no range you just buy a ton of torches cuz you have no range I just didn't think that they would play uh cleric in solos yeah I don't ever look at the leader board it's like a fighter counter not really a Barb counter but I mean it's it's viable if you're good so one thing one thing I didn't go over uh in my video I there's actually a lot that I didn't go over but I was at like 45 minutes and I didn't want to just keep on going so I'm going to make a followup like more advanced uh Ranger video and um a big part of that that I've read that people want to see through comments and messages is uh thresholds right stats Ranger stat thresholds for kits for builds do you have um do you have like a certain build kit or threshold uh that you try and hit when you make a kit yes so okay well starting from the top move speed definitely 100% above 305 it's like this is no question like unless you're I mean in solos this is solos it doesn't matter that much but in solos you have to have at least 305 okay in my experience um let's see what is 305 like 101% yeah 101 almost 102 it's just a like an arbitrary number but that's what like people it's just to get be above the people who have 300 which is like the most common so the reason that you need 305 is for you getting aped by like a fighter or well like thees you get to run away from a lot of classes like um warlocks you should have like 300ish you just have to be barely faster than them for move speed Wars like usually have 300ish like Rogues I mean um okay so with higher move speed like you could jump further a bit and what I like to do you know you always jump look back shoot jump look back shoot right yeah so you're K oh yeah of course okay the extra distance is like gamechanging even though it's like subtle but that's that's basically the reason okay so kiting so that's that's a good point um my play style is more like uh ballista run then I do the exact opposite of kiting I shoot them I close the distance and then I shotgun and a lot of Rangers were commenting that they want to know the appropriate strategy for using um for using like the perk that slows on hitting uh legs for using survival bow which in my opinion survival bow is absolutely dog [ __ ] but if you have another thought about it you like survival bow no yes okay survival bow is terrible R alone but you stack 11 Tru is and it works it works really well H so truth let me get this straight truth fiz doesn't deal 11 extra damage it just it just mitigates 11% armor right no no no no no no it's 11 extra damage so true so true physical D but then there's no difference between true Fizz and additional damage so the difference is true physical it like it ignores armor ignores it it ignores like if it's a limb shot or if it's like a head shot it will always do the same damage to that person no matter what like whatever number you have yeah so it ignores all armor it ignores you could shoot a fire you can't okay so then you can't get head shot you're not getting your headshot multiplier through with true fiz correct yeah yeah yeah okay but yeah yeah so it'll always just be the same damage but additional phase is like uh armor does count and but head shots it does the multipliers head shot leg shots so yeah okay in my opinion Troopers is just better cuz you can't really spec like it your hard counter is fighter always and it makes him bearable so and you say you never deal with Rog I say Fighters a a defense it's the biggest defensive counter it's going to have the PDR they're going to rush you they'll have the shields uh they have the armor they can eat your shots but you're and you tell me you don't have problems with Rogues yeah right cuz yeah I wonder if that's a solos thing I don't play solos I don't know how many roges are in solos but it's a it's a perk thing no one no one's runs hearing but trust me it's like insane well I see I love that you say that because no one runs Chase and I have I have almost 150 videos uploaded to YouTube and dozens of them are me killing people because I can see their footsteps oh yeah I used to run Chase as well but I swapped Chase is really good like it's one or the other for me what did you swap it for uh enhanced hearing okay so you run let me I'm I'm assuming range weapons mastery Sharpshooter uh enhance hearing and then Nimble hands uh swap Mastery with reload oh really you don't take the 5% bonus damage it's well if you think about it it's five strength or just five fizd bonus on a Gear a gear like piece right I got I got to the point where I'm like I get enough gear that I don't really like I could cover the gaps with gear interesting do you use quickfire to make your reloading quicker yeah cuz I saw you playing with quickfire and you would activate it and then you'd reload real fast yes definitely okay well that's in combination with it Stacks with quick reload so it's like almost instant it it it's faster than shooting a shot your reload okay let me get a a couple more pots and then I'm ready so um okay so you said move speed is Big this is so funny your play style and my play style are just literal Polar Polar Opposites I think move speed is a very ex I think move speed is one of the most important stats for every class except for specifically my play Sol a ranger uh because I I don't care like if you run up on me if you're running away I'm either going to shoot you while you run away or I'm going to shotgun you in the face as you uh move up towards me yeah yeah yeah that's that's I get that but you said you what's your opinion on shotgun I okay all your points are like very very valid in Duos and trios and they don't work in solos basically what's going on here okay like shotgun move speed doesn't really matter in Duos trios shotgun is great like it's very good over there but the second you go to solos it's like uh you need survivability and like that's you can't you have to sacrifice them stuff now how much of you being a ranger causes lobbies to team a lot I mean especially when I have gold gear yeah that's why so I I actually just stashed my gold gear I'm not even running anymore because it's just causes people to ape me yeah well I mean I like the challenge I usually win so it doesn't really doesn't really affect me that's true and solos is a little different because in Duos the problem is I run with a Barb right I actually think the strongest uh Duos uh team right now is Barb Ranger and my problem is if you get a in solos it's a 1 V one maybe it's a 2v one but they're still contemplating whether or not they're going to fight each other if I get aped in Duos it's always a 2v one because they're avoiding my Barbarian at all costs and a rogue will just Ambush me a ranger is obviously prioritizing me a cleric is just running at me with Smite a Barb is trying to Achilles me like I just get I just get Sue e on I just feel like I'm always the the bait and then I see these videos on Reddit of uh solos and it's just seven people hanging around together and it's never the Rangers it's never the Rangers uh I've never seen that many most I've seen is like five and you play on uh which server Japan Tokyo Tokyo oh the closest to a country that we shall not name okay thou shall not be named okay okay so do you have different builds or do you play the same uh play style every time you go in um I like to have fun but for AP grinding I just go with my best like goate to uh Divine bow is that what you run yeah Divine bow Rapier Lantern yeah that's that's it how often do you uh run up against a enemy Ranger not that much actually it Ranger is probably the most rare next to cleric and you typically win the 1 V one Ranger fight oh yeah of course is it more difficult when the enemy Ranger has field rations yes yeah that's the that's the one time where I say the field rations is decent do you fight the stronger enemies in Hell uh or do you cheese them I cheese The Wraith and the demon Berserker yeah demon Berserker is a little scary I cheese I Chee everything that I can I mean dogs I don't dogs die to one shotgun which is nice I didn't think about a shotgun PVE ever oh yeah yeah it's it's it's insane damage against a wraith it's good damage uh you don't need to use it against Skelly champ that's easy to um pull shotgun one hit one Taps direwolves it one Taps uh hell hounds what's your opinion on scouting uh I don't really like that in the game I wouldn't mind if okay so you would you want to remove this whole uh Tavern uh yeah I think it' be better without it but with it being here do you utilize it yes of course like checking roges for double jump and uh corruption uh oh yeah warlocks I check if the phantomizer blow uh Fighters I check their PDR and HP and move speed it's mostly I just check the move speed of people and see if I can out run them or not that's smart okay what do you think about the uh shooting legs to slow perk I think it's it's good in teams like uh you have to be good though I don't think kind yeah like sure you can slow them but you're right kind of is for teams like if you're I don't know dude it's like I don't want to be shooting legs it all works with truth is if you have truist survival bow it's the strongest build you know the you know the most strong strongest build in the game that no one uses it's Force for shot quick shot survivable truth is you just push them ever kite them forever and you just shoot the legs if truth is Works how you're saying it works that's kind of like makes me change how I think about that okay because that's busted like it is busted it's the I think it's the best damage set to your right okay wait push it from this side or not hit hit him yeah if you go left I got right uh it's a wizard also hit wizard yes I'm going to FOC yeah's dead shot like twice good job okay okay so what's your um inventory look like when you go into a game um in solos usually two surges so yeah utility bar two surges Health pot uh strength I mean not sh blue pot and traps and torch how many traps do you ring two I watched you play for a while and you didn't use straps at all oh I never used straps I when I do the troll balls I put them in front of the door that's about it or if there's like a or if like a in h it's a Fighter 1 V one or like something like it's just a zoning tool that it's just an extra tool that you might may or may not need Ranger to the right okay I I don't really play normal I don't know how this is like like these people are like I just feel bad I know I know that's why R that's why uh I basically wanted to play normals while I'm you know getting information understanding how you like to play G stuff and then we'll hit up with the uh the solo High Roller it is it's better with a a big thing like if you stand on the very top look almost straight down okay and then shoot it at the ground what what wow where you that's why they said that bro what about what about the castle can I snipe someone on top the castle like the they basically stack on each other how close they are there's a strategy where you put like a trap right here or like a trap here oh my God are you serious he just oh I got to make that video that's I just recently started streaming so that's when I'm starting to get used to it so what is just recently cuz you're already at over 100 followers this Saturday last Saturday gosh it's amazing dude you're doing aw well I already uh you said you already uh wait there's people I could hear them they're uh is it Warlock who hello is this what normal's like I can't dude I can't what is Shield bashed me with the p yeah he he hit me with it too was was he invis what oh my God I have no clue oh tell me this uh can you shoot the cyclop from outside of the doorway or no no what if your teammate is inside fighting it no you have to be inside so what you do is you just like if this is the doorway yeah oh there's people too South but okay if this is the Dory yeah you have your you and your teammate both go in you shoot them and whoever goes to like when when the boss comes to right here you just leave once and make it go to your your teammate and you go in and shoot it oh so if you shoot from out here doesn't do damage no no no I think it might even actually heal him but that's just it that's just the running Theory okay hit him hit him nice he should be one he's a long he's long sword he's running killed him nice okay this is like a what did you think about the The Meta where everything could give you plus three Alles uh when that was the thing I didn't I wasn't really good at the game okay so I didn't really like have the have the gear or I didn't really like play with anyone and that was when solos wasn't there and stuff right how often do you play um like I play like a couple hours on weekdays maybe like I play okay three out of the five days a week I can't play cuz I've worked in school and stuff okay but the other two I play like maybe 2 hours is and weekends I just grind so weekend's like what 10 hours yeah maybe okay around that much I'm a weekend player yeah you uh Nel was like double your score and it looks like you're catching up what did he say about the play time when you asked him uh him oh he he plays every single day all day every day is what he told me wow yeah I was like wait do you do it for a living He said I don't I don't even make money to do he said before dark and darker he only averaged two to three viewers on Twitch oh yeah I actually talked to him and he told me said the same thing yeah he he was a super super cool guy I can't wait to to um to play some more games with them I mean I think I think shoot I'll I'll even hit both you guys up and see if we can all do like a threes one day it'll be a nice good laggy video he's he's uh Europe I'm Asia you're America yeah exactly yeah the Three Musketeers it's like why good okay all right all right I believe oh yeah that was my bad I body blocked you I want to make like there's so like Ranger is I feel like has the most builds in the game you think more Rogue yes okay like the the combinations you could do is okay where are we going we just pick a direction um but I want to just like showcase all the builds and you know have a montage or something of me playing I saw that you had a video like with the repos on J in the P oh just a montage right of them no it's um it's oh wait hold let's team team coming uh North okay I'll play fighter we're going to have fun if he comes in sh it I'm Shing Barbarian oh two shot me yeah that one's over this this is like the worst match up yeah pretty bad there's not much I can do here this is what I want to do when you play a solo game I want to give you um you know Longbow with the perks that I run with the shotgun with with the with the um quick shot and I want to see how you feel about that and how you perform can you see yep we're good yeah so we got Vincent he's running completely different play style uh he's trying out my Ranger build which is involves Chase and a spear and a long bow he's used to playing the Divine bow uh with a Rapier and um and he doesn't run the uh Chase perk so we'll see what happens um and then can you just look at the kit real quick so a little every piece just has a little bit of damage um a little bit of decks what is that 27 decks and uh some agility um 108 health and uh a legendary Longbow so he's going to be hitting very fat head shot my guess is this build is hitting like 135 damage on a head shot on the dummy so we'll see we'll see what happens and he's running um that was dangerous o uh he's running a demigod demigod solo all right cool let's check it out what do you think the rewards are going to be for demigod uh probably a gold coin chest so your your um your game looks brighter than mine I think of the brightness maxed out it's just in game settings okay I'll have to I'm pretty sure you had it too but I play at low Graphics because my PC can't handle it yeah I actually was looking at my settings and uh I noticed everything was on low also no Nimble hands huh no no Nimble hands no Nimble hands you're not shooting fast but you're shooting strong there's someone there but if I have to run I need to make a an area I that first yeah so they spawn North I Hest see if they're going to notice this you have an archering oh if they could hear me I could hear them I'm not used to that okay this person's naked nice double shot damn Dem God shot him not not even a pickaxe I'm allowed to use the oh yeah yeah use whatever you pick up yeah cuz I'm not used to not having a protection you're not used to not having what protection potions hit that uh use that luck poot oh yeah you saw nothing those shrines I only use them for the AP it's like exactly yeah enough the power shrine's good though yeah like that's like 35 damage [Applause] someone smashing pot it's the Barbarian or Fighter the Barbarian yeah he to heal that must have hurt so with a Barb the problem is that I can't push it cuz no but if but if you hit a Barb with three shots I don't even care where you hit him the shotgun is going to kill him all right [Applause] good I hope he does yep nice no this guy's smart I go that the skeleton are going to wake up I'm two skell as as wander and a swordsman there's no reason to like no you don't have to you don't have to push him yeah yeah like I see a lot of people like too thirsty for a kill it's like why yeah I mean if he gets a good uh affiliate Dr on you then you will die yeah that's scary oh looks like he's fighting someone else now it's a Time use his rage so either way if he's not fighting exactly oh I'm not us long he should jump down so this is the perfect double shot there's someone to your left oh my God that was that was painful that's what that was is he going to go for the shrine yeah exactly he's in or not he's surging there's AOG there body shot y he's hurting the body shots are are also uh devastating especially when he doesn't have a chest piece on at this point there's like I'd rather loot than waste my time yeah sure oh my God I'm not used to not having ears i' heard I'm a mile away's opening that door there's someone right here oh my God it's it's all right it's all right all AP comes from the portals yeah unfortunately you were right about that do you run around and uh Zone portal yeah I run around the edges okay okay this guy is just too not worth it what I like to do sometimes when they're really weak like you could tell they're like in uh like almost over gear yeah you just leave them alive you kill them in Crips and you get double the loot basically oh okay they're you're just using them as your little looters yeah okay also if you meet teamers just go down and I just spawn Rush every spawn and really while they're separated that's how I get all my that's how I deal with teamers just take the down portal and you deal with them cuz you know they're teaming together yeah you know they're teaming so you just you just rush spawns okay cool okay wraith gives points so do you just go up on the uh you just go up on the little roof yeah I I may supposed to like look down without cheesing but I still haven't got it down so Oh I thought they fixed that oh I I don't know I'm not having a lantern I'm I used to okay even know you can jump up on that one like that okay I I always jump up on the double CR on the right side person oh you good yeah yeah we're good he that's the same guy no he's going to run from you now he has a bll pull out you jiggle Peak okay I'm Rusty fighter nice hit oh he's done that's a rogue that just got hit yeah he's One Tap I could punch him to death at this point why are you not running full speed here people would shoot him but I think just chasing is better just need to chase until you get a good angle unless he has static which would suck oh yeah that's right I don't have moose speed yeah okay maybe then I should probably just shoot him no you're you're at 305 isn't that what you said you want to be at that I said that was the bare minimum oh okay yeah how is not oh my God close nope okay this is he's too far yeah I mean he might die by the darkness I think people are scared of the the gloves and the appearance you just run away also once you get hit once there's someone right there I see the damage nice hit I should have head shot right arm man no one wants to fight huh I'm I don't blame him I don't blame him I'm not used to this I'm used to barbarian's W King no no the only class easier to kill than a barbarian is a cleric I will never ever try to a bar I mean you've never met the Smite torches that's the problem here I mean it it doesn't matter I'm telling you you you you you can literally three shot clerics they're just they're throw your throw your torch all you want but the problem is when they're holding right click to aim their torch their movement speed is slowed and I'm getting a free head shot on them all yeah I guess yeah I'm curve or recurve don't raise your hands at me so you won't you won't pretend to be friends and then betray oh I never I just kill on everyone that's probably the one of the scariest R Rogue builds he's in crossbow someone's behind you he died that was a good head shot two people maybe teers what is he do I thought I heard someone right there like a something dude it's the ballista I love it love it when when they nerfed the long I'm not used to one shotting people so when they nerfed the Longbow with the um with so it only shoots two instead of three with quick f with quick shot everyone said that it was not viable but I am telling you it's still so so good oh yeah there's no doubt that longa is strong it's just when there a barber on the corner and I didn't notice him then I'd rather have a recr that's like the difference only difference oh dude I was so quick fire triple shot recurve I couldn't even hit all three shots cuz I'm not used to shooting so incredibly fast oh my God shotgun yep yep he's running good that was very good I thought I had a heard a rogue now if I had [Laughter] ears so let me ask you this does ears does ears help you hear Rogues if they're running the silent footsteps perk no it's all the same sound it's just a distance okay but like you will always hear them before they could hear you so you'll know like people Rogues will hear you without you hearing them and then they would like go quiet but if they can't hear you in the first place like before you hear yeah that totally makes sense they're not going to try their Shenanigans if they don't think you're there um hit those crates after you uh or you might not have time now all right yeah don't go for that yeah I I usually just uh no I was going to campire anyways I just know you're not used to yeah yeah I just know you're not used to Breaking crat I used to run pickaxe oh nice oh Bab oh yeah I think H I think hot good I don't know like statistics on like how to farm AP properly or like anything I just like go by year and usually what people tell me is correct I don't even know how much the like protection TR give you I just opened them anyways yeah it's funny with this uh with the stat increase on all the gear when I'm running a Vigor a lot of vigor on my Ranger the heal shrines are not fully healing me what a bigger Ranger yeah like 10 and like when you have like 33 health I think was my big my big uh it's heavy leather leggings it's uh Ranger uh Ranger hook Forest hood No Forest Hood sorry Forest Hood leather cap um it's a pat tunic and then it's the uh plus six all addes I see that's wait then you can't have Ranger H oh yeah you're right you're right then it then it was without the ranger H yeah cuz it cuz I was running the scarf I had like a like a 150 set HP it was though oh my God yeah yeah I haven't run anything in terms of gold I've only ever run scarf and cloak I've never done like the the gloves or the tunic or anything yeah after the after the Patch like for for like uh for a couple days the uh the gold had the old stats the non buff stat yeah and I sold all my gold gear then CU I thought it was useless and then repaired it so now I'm gold po how much did you get for it oh like like 10 ing each you should I always sell them for yeah what I always sell for one key no matter what the piece like I only make one key worth of if it's not one key I won't make it well isn't pretty much I mean isn't three addes with bad stats one key no no I mean I I do I I like the stats that so quick I'm not going to sit and trade for 15 minutes for an extra 10 ingots do you ever use Fen fencers no I didn't really hear of them that much do you know what Fen are when people sell it for you right yeah yeah yeah it's like the collector's uh oh collector's gu collector skill they just there's someone to the right I thought those people only like accepted like really good gear and stuff uh I don't know I was reading I was reading a couple of fencers who said they'll sell stuff for like one of them said as long as it's 500 gold but yeah a lot of it is like you know gold and multi key stuff stuff and artifacts and okay is a warlock kind of feel so sorry for warlocks because of how bad the matchup is Wizard he could still kill a ranger but but yeah yeah haste invis and then they double zap you you know I I did die to a curse of pain a double curse of pain killed me once I was very upset oh yeah the highend warlocks are super scary oh yeah I don't have I don't have bursts I can't really kill his Hydra that's what you usually do you wait for his you put he put his Hydra he puts both curses that's when he quick shot triple shot inst secul it he's minus like 30 Health that's interesting I push Hydra cuz they're I just strafe their shots and I push the warlocks because warlocks think that they are uh safe when the Hydra is alive yeah this guy is just ah I'm not really confident with with that with these perks p no no no boy I I I definitely get where you're going from like I usually just like I moow him down by now okay he just wasted like a ton of HP oh big head shot he's done oh okay now just wait for him he's on yeah exactly yeah you got this easily wait he's healing though from my thing oh he's one what how is he not dead okay I'm dead oh no oh no I head shot W leg shot wow and then it kicked to more so I guess you need to hit your body shot head shots I'm not used to that I'm just usid car me yeah what' you think Give me the give me the um the unfiltered uh you know I know the F the first thing that I noticed when you got in there was how slow you uh Drew your weapon yeah I I don't know a world where I can't put nibble heads in my y y I had for spear any day so when I don't play spear when I wasn't going to hell I was playing Nimble hands but uh the problem was there were multiple teams in in hell and I would they would be pushing and I just like having the spear and not having to reload um I can just swap out to my uh to my boat any times what do you think about the super slow reload uh that didn't really like I I think in my build if there was a perk to go it would be quick reload okay like it's it's not that bad like you just have to play space But the thing that I didn't like most is I can't push anyone that confidently because I mean I know you're probably used to it but oh I'm us I'm used to pushing but still having space to run like a totally safe push but like this you have to go all in you know yeah no you're right you play higher move speed and and you hit that triple shot I just I was firing so fast I didn't even know what to do with myself what's uh what's a good um social media to reach you at if people want to watch you twitch uh or just yeah yeah or just Discord I guess Discord okay cool and your name um on Twitch is the same as your name on Discord Vincent yeah with the seven at the end with the seven at the end cool cool man and then uh lastly um I'm trying to get I'm I'm trying to start a series of a clip of the week um which is why I started this Discord so if you have any clips that you have saved or if you get any later on in time then uh I'd appreciate you posting it in the uh Discord and and uh hopefully I can get a little montages for each week of different people with different clips and kind of putting them together yeah I I have a lot of Clips so cool awesome awesome all right man well uh is there anything else that you want the that you think could improve the ranger uh play style before I go uh just don't sleep on moose Beed please okay I was sleeping on it I was I was tucked in like a cocoon on move speed but I'm going to I'm going to try out uh your build and I'm going to I'm going to see it cuz a lot of people do run the Divine Divine bow so I'll try it out okay all right Vincent well I'm gonna I'm GNA end it here but I appreciate it man hopefully we can get together play again and I'll hit up um I'll hit up uh Nolla and see if we can all maybe get a trios going yeah that sounds great all right dude I'll talk to you later yeah see y see you man well that's going to be the video um lot of information I know it was like an hour long there's actually so Vincent took my build he ran with it as we saw while I also took his build and I ran with his and uh it went pretty well I got some kills and uh I actually ended up dying from um not getting a portal at the end very unfortunate but my Discord was uh messing up because I was trying to stream on Discord and record um and it just it just messed up so I'm going to make a separate video of um Vincent I'm going to buy a build off of Vincent use his kit and then he's going to coach me through um a high roller solos Ranger uh game using his you know recurve and uh quick shot and quick fire and um High move Speed high Agy stuff like that so if you liked the content please subscribe so that you're notified when I post videos like this um if you are a high ranking uh like top 10 player in any category at all solos Duos trios on any class hit me up in the Discord shoot me a um DM and I'd like to uh potentially make a couple more of these videos um real quick I just wanted to go over some of the stuff I made a list uh uh short brief list of some of the stuff that we learned from Vincent he said that uh he went over Ranger threshold um which is move speed needs to be above 305 to be able to kite you need to be able to be above the most common move speed which is 300 it allows you to jump further which helps your kiting it's more uh effective kiting survival bow is terrible alone but with true Fizz like 11 true Fizz it's really good true physical damage ignores limb head armor hand um also ignores headshot multiplier uh and when I say ignores those I just mean uh according to Vincent I haven't done my own research on this but according to Vincent um if it hits the hand if it hits the head if it hits the limbs the truth is is just uh doesn't take into account the negative or positive um uh multipliers right because if you shoot someone in the hand it does less damage if you shoot someone in the head it does more so additional physical damage does take into account the armor but it also amplifies the headshot damage that's the difference from True Fizz and additional Fizz true Fizz is what allows you to kill PDR Fighters hearing perk is op I'm going to try that out uh reload headshot damage hearing Nimble hands those are the perks that Vincent uses quick fire and triple shot uh quick shot so quickfire and quick shot those are the skills that he uses quickfire Stacks with quick reload which makes reloading faster than shooting a single Arrow survivability is priority in solos you have to sacrifice damage to stay alive Vincent's kit he uses Divine bow Rapier with a lantern Ranger and cleric are the most rare classes in Solo according to him field rations helps the Ranger versus Ranger engagement Scout for abilities move speed health and PDR strongest build in the game is forceful shot quick shot survival bow with Tru Fizz um that's what Vincent says I've never run it I thought that survival bow was trash I still kind of do but I'll I'll try it out truease is the best damage stat according to Vincent and um to fight the goblin cave bosses you you can you shoot while you're inside the room as a ranger and then when it when the boss aggro you you pull out of the room the boss will then lose aggro onto your teammate and then you can go into the room and shoot it again and that's about it so um hit up the Discord and subscribe to YouTube and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: TheDarkHarvester
Views: 15,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark and Darker, DaD, PvP, Ranger, Barb, Duo, Trio, Crypt, Ruins, Best Kit, Best player, Leaderboard, Number 1 ranger, best ranger, Vincent, vincennt7
Id: ZwoRWMC1lM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 42sec (3402 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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