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[Music] it's no secret that 2023 has been incredible for gaming but the role-playing game genre has seen some especially great additions from Deep Odyssey into Fantastical worlds to Serious action RPGs with excellent combat there was something for everyone here are our picks for the best role playing games of the year number 12 Diablo 4 not counting all the controversy surrounding Blizzard Entertainment and former staff Diablo 4 had a rough start when it launched in June despite praise for its open world and overall presentation its build crafting was fairly simplistic while the end game was decent at best and grindy at worst nevertheless the development team stuck with it making several much-needed improvements reducing the XP grind and quality of life changes if you want a solid action RPG looter Diablo 4 is in a much better State and worth checking out number 11 Lords of the Fallen announced 9 years a ago Lords of the Fallen finally launched this year xworks delivered a massive world five times larger than his counterparts introduced a dual realm mechanic that impacted the gameplay and combat and stuffed it with a dark fantasy aesthetic it also didn't hurt that combat felt mey and responsive with a variety of spells and weapons to dip into the game isn't without its issues like some rough encounters with too many enemies but over two dozen patches splitting PVE and PVP balancing new spells stability and performance improvements and more have made it an even more appealing game to soul genre fans even if it's far from the best Souls likee experience this year which we'll get on to soon number 10 Dead Island 2 if we had a dime for every title considered vaporware that miraculously released this year Well we would have two dimes blah blah blah you know the rest but it still applies because Dead Island 2 is fantastic set in post zombie outbreak Los Angeles the first person title emphasized combat and creative ways to SL slay over a deep story though the lore is still interesting or an open world despite this you can customize the six Slayers in interesting ways thanks to skill cards customize weapons with different status effects discover unique armaments and more there's a healthy amount of side quests ranging from the straightforward scavenger quest to the bizarre body Arts not even once most importantly the combat is as strategic and visceral as you'd like while rewarding straightforward hacking and slashing number nine everspace too it's incredible how the everspace series started as a Rog light space shooter especially with the sequel offering in-depth action RPG mechanics and Bol loads of handcrafted content there are extensive systems to explore allies to recruit each providing unique perks and tons of loot to discover including unique ships while the story may not be for everyone each system is packed with things to do whether you jump into massive battles against Capital ships or Venture into endgame Rifts the incredible Fidelity makes the space hopping that much more endearing number eight wild Hearts Omega Force's wild Hearts admittedly didn't pass much muster when it was announced to be a hunting title in the vein of Monster Hunter thankfully the gameplay spoke for itself showcasing a unique approach to action RPG with some inventive combat the kakuri mechanic which facilitated building different tools to explore and fight added some spice to battles each weapon from the aerial Brilliance of the claw blade to the unconventional bladed wagasa is fun to use couple this with memorable kimono to battle massive regions to explore and a sizable endgame to go with the campaign and wild heart stands capably on its own number seven Horizon forbidden West Burning Shores a year after Horizon forbidden West blew our expectations away with its gorgeous visuals deep skill system customization and combat burning Shores came along to remind us of its quality set in a separate region where lava streams and water meet the expansion adds lots of new content memorable new characters and quests and one of the most epic Final Bosses yet whether you're venturing underwater or soaring through the skies combing through new Franken clouds while avoiding lightning burning Shores further Builds on the base game's Brilliance and offer some great development for aloy's character number six lies of PE it's 2023 and no bloodborne remaster or remake not even a hint that it's ever even happening enter Neo whiz's lies of PE a Bella a poke a action RPG that is based on the tale of Pinocchio this time however you venture through the ruined city of crot battling killer puppets to find jepetto and hopefully set things right the mood is already on point it's the combat and pasting where lies of Peace shows its hand special attacks and Legion arms customizable and unique weapons memorable encounters against challenging enemies it had everything a Souls like fan could want number five cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty with how extens update 2.0 turned out cyberpunk 2077 alone is a noteworthy RPG experience however Phantom Liberty does more than add new content including Courier missions to steal vehicles or airdrops to claim loot before rival gang SC it has a compelling setting a spy fantasy r with Intrigue and betrayal of course for combat junkies there are Relic abilities from emergency cloaking to sending enemies flying with Gorilla arms and if that weren't enough Phantom Liberty added new cyberware altogether it's A fitting finale in cyberpunk 2077 Redemption Arc number four Final Fantasy 16 Final Fantasy 16 means many different things to different people Final Fantasy 16 may not have catered to everyone's wishes especially those craving different things but it certainly excelled with its combat and gameplay mechanics the world in Darker presentation fit the more mature tones well even as the protagonist Journey went through ups and downs the combat is also incredibly on point especially when you gain more abilities to diversify combos stunning environments and an incredible Graphics round out the package and while it could have used a bit more extensive side quests deeper roleplay mechanics and more complex dungeons Final Fantasy 16 is still a fun and enthralling action RPG from start to finish number three Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Legacy offered something most potterheads have desired for years a proper AAA title to fulfill that Wizarding fantasy Hogwart School of Witchcraft and is captured in immaculate detail coupled with a memorable setting and some great side quests shuffling between spells during combat especially turning someone into dust felt great but it was all the little things which really cemented the fantasy all that's needed is actual classes to attend and quiddit and hogwart's Legacy will be perfect number two balers Gate 3 6 years in development with a lengthy period in Early Access balers Gate 3 is an intriguing roleplaying game game the range of customization in combat caters to The Dungeons and Dragons fantasy of letting you roleplay as who you want it's bolstered by a strong setting decisions with far-reaching consequences and incredible visuals that stay with you even over a 100 hours in there's plenty to criticized like act three's performance but the developer has been working hard to address other complaints whether you started at launch or are jumping in today baldder Gate 3 is a masterpiece number one Starfield Bethesda game Studio Jo's Starfield is our role playing game of 2023 narrowly beating out some stiff competition don't get us wrong several areas could be improved from the user interface and variety of weapons to point of Interest generation mods also needed to be added you know yesterday however for those who get into it Starfield has a quiet appeal as you wander the desolate Planet create an outpost to either settle down or mine resources and just soak in the atmosphere the sheer range of stuff to do from surveying and Space Battles to smuggling and bounty hunting is pretty solid and backed by some responsive shooter action where it goes next is anyone's guest but Starfield is currently an intriguing sci-fi adventure with tons of content it's certainly not for everyone but those love it like us will have one of the most memorable gaming experiences of 2023 and with that we reach the end of this video have anything to say let us know in the comments below also we upload new videos every single day on gaming Bolt so please consider subscribing as it really helps us out thanks for watching
Channel: GamingBolt
Views: 106,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best rpgs of 2023, top role playing games of 2023, rpgs of 2023 you need to play, lies of p, starfield, wild hearts, horizon forbidden west burning shores, everspace 2
Id: 8DiNFJnYgqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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