Dr. Randy Clark | The Scope of Healing | Voice of the Apostles

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several years ago in Toronto the Lord spoke to me and said you're playing it too safe this is 1995 the beginning of the year and 95 actually 94 in October the first catch the fire conference he said you hide behind words of knowledge and when you give what you have words of knowledge you have faith but I want to do more than what I'm telling you I want you to believe I want to do more than what you have words of knowledge for and so I told I went to John Arnott and said John I feel like God's told me I'm supposed to do something I'm supposed to just open up to pray for people a night that need healing that there's no words of knowledge for after our time of praying for word of knowledge and John said Randy you know there's about 5,000 people there and II don't do that if you do that you'll be here all night I said I know I might be but I felt like God said I'm supposed to do this he's gonna show me that there's more healing that he wants to do than just the work through words of knowledge and so I Johnson will do whatever you want and so I said okay I'm gonna go for so I announced it said after the time of tonight with word of knowledge if you didn't get healing you need healing just remain I want to pray for you and if we didn't go all night it was done by 5:00 in the morning and but I'll never forget that night anybody know the name of the person that in Chicago is over this thing called the hub you know it Nancy Nancy Madeira Madeira she was not able to sleep through the night years of shoulder pain wake her up she couldn't sleep she just was not getting sleep we prayed God healed her I lost a few hours and she years of not being woke up and God so touched her and made her so appreciative that she actually has done so much in the Chicago area for revival and it was less like one little object lesson there's something about just the acts of obedience I told Paul while ago said you know Palma took a lot of faith to say that he's gonna yield over 132 people in one song if I would have let doubt fear come in what if you're wrong I'll never know if I was right or wrong if I don't go for it there's something about stepping out so I obeyed at an inn I went to three months later four months later I said where Rock Church started chaeyeon's Church Old Pasadena but was name of the sinner mocked yeah we were at the Mott Center is about a couple thousand people there and I had studied for about two weeks I'd read through and I and outlined and read through it two or three times Christ the healer by FF Bosworth which I still think is a classic and and I'd say I'm gonna teach what I learned in Christ the healer and I and what I intended to do was I was gonna teach the truth or what I've learned and as I'm getting ready to get up like within 2 or 3 minutes I get this idea this thought don't just teach it do it and the thought was I want to honor my word and I want you to tell the people that I'm gonna heal them while you're teaching the word people are going to get healed during the sermon I thought Lord I've never seen that happen anywhere anytime I that's kind of a crazy idea that's is that that is that the enemy trying to set me up for failure or is that you I know it's not me because I had I don't even like that idea it scares me to even think about doing that and I I felt like it was the warning I didn't hear anything more so if I'm going to be disobedient I'd rather if I'm gonna miss I'm not disobedient if I'm gonna miss I'd rather miss trying to be obedient then not believing and actually but not because I'm not believing become a disobedient and so I told the crowd said I've never done this before but this is what I think I heard God say and we'll find out if it's God or not before the message is over and I told them if you feel heat or energy or power come upon your body I want you to stand up until I see you and say I bless you and then you can be seated and at the end of the message I'm gonna see how many of you are healed and so I started the message and I got through two thirds to three fourths of the sermon and I am the longer I'm going and nobody has stood up the more nervous I'm getting and the more pressure I'm feeling and then it started all we needed was the first one to stand and before is over I forget now but there were scores of people who were healed man I was so excited I thought that's that's the most fun way to preach it's like God illustrates his own message he backs up his word it's like he doesn't have angels watching over it to bring it to pass doesn't return to Him void it was God and so I'm down in the church about 5,000 in Guatemala City El Shaddai church and and and so I'm so excited it's just a couple of weeks later I prayed this way Oh God can we do that again I want to preach that sermon can we do that again and this is the way I prayed Lord if you do not want me to do that again tell me and if I don't hear anything I'm doing it again but if you don't want me to just tell me not to otherwise I'm going for it and I got into the introduction not two thirds not three fourths through the message like the first time now this is the second time because now I have faith that I thought was God now I know is God now I got more faith and because I have more faith you know what it didn't take near long I'm in the introduction and a woman stood up over there in a nice suit in this tent seats about 2,500 people she stood up I saw and I said you'll been digging in a number - hey Suze and bam she hit the floor and she shook through the one iron message that was translated into Spanish for a second hour and she shook the whole time she went to the hospital she went to the hospital the next day she's supposed to had that day a complete hysterectomy because she had a tumor in her uterus that was the size of a cantaloupe and the doctor told her she's supposed to have surgery that day she said no I'm gonna go to this meeting tonight and when she felt the power God come on her she stood up God's power hit her and she went back the next day and she said that the doctor said before you operate on once you give me another exam and he was upset because he didn't believe and healing the senior pastor told me my wife goes to the same doctor he is a really a skeptic and in it I believed if she had been a poor woman she'd be missing parts today but she wasn't a poor woman she was from a wealthy family and he said that's just a waste of money she said it's my money I believe I've been healed I want you to give me another exam he did brought her in and and said I don't understand it yesterday when we examine you you had a tumor about that big today there's none then he said this she was in her 40s and the uterus looks like a 20 year olds woman instead of a 40 year old I saw her five years later another country and Latin America she came up to me she has been five years I've never had any problem since then that night there were so many people that were getting healed it was amazing I want you to know that I have never preached this sermon sense without inviting you into the truth that it we hear the word of God and believe the word of God his Spirit is going to honor the word of God and so that's just not a story about in the past that is a in invitation into a reality that can be tonight and so it's not he didn't say if you just stand up because you need a healing he said if you sense God's touching you in some way it might be emotionally it might be he's just building this faith you feel this faith rising up and I bless you in the name of Jesus I started to preach this and read in one time I thought I was never gonna get to start on the sermon it's just yeah and it was like 50 people stood up before we ever said a word I bless you in the name of Jesus is when his Spirit comes and touches you I bless you in the name of Jesus alright we're going to look at the word of God because he said I bless you in the name of Jesus because he said he would bless his word this is not this is not a healing by word of knowledge this is not healing because of the presence of glory and worship this is healing directly connected to the promises of His Word and it was his invitation to us to expect healing tonight I want to start out in Exodus in Chapter 12 of Exodus it's the the event the Exodus event and God spoke to the is Moses and they told him tell the I bless you in Jesus name that the Jewish people I bless you in Jesus name telling this you take a lamb LM without blemish a young one take it from it and and kill it and take its blood and you put his blood over the doorpost and then the lentils and when the Angel of Death passes over that's where we get toward Passover your firstborn will not die but if there's no blood on the doorposts and the lintel the firstborn is gonna die and that night they did that and we we have we understand the typology we understand that by the blood is but there's a salvation the nerves of deliverance through the blood of Jesus we really haven't understand that it's easiest for us to capture even in the Lord's Supper that the connection there's and and so we understand the power of his blood watch I'll wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus what will make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus but the Protestant church needs to understand the power of his body and so that night he said and I want you to eat the flesh of the land and in the next morning when they were led out of Egypt it's believed to be about two and a half million Hebrew people came out and Psalms 105 verse 37 and the King James Version says and there was not one feeble person amongst them another translation citizen that was not once sick another translation said not one person even stumbled when you have two and a half million people and you do not have one feeble person and now anybody knows anything through the demographic you've got some older people in there you would normally have some sick people out of two and a half million you'd have some people that's got problems but it says there was not what is one of the greatest moments of healing in the Bible I actually I actually believe the greatest moment of healing recorded in the Bible is this one and I believe it happened when they ate the flesh of the lamb and there was a miracle of healing that took place well it wasn't long after that that in Exodus chapter 15 the latter part of verse 26 he says he's using almost one of his seven covenant names for I am Jehovah Rapha I am the Lord who heals you I bless you in the name of G let you in the name of Jesus I bless you in the name of Jesus I bless you in the name of Yeshua names you to bless you and they bless you in the name of Jesus I see and so that's one of the things I want to say to you tonight is God wants us to know by his covenant name that our God is a God who heals us as a matter of fact Michael Brown in his book Israel's divine healer he talks about that any god of the mesopotamian area every god was believed to be the God who would heal them and a God who couldn't heal was not worthy of even having the title God and they all believe but there was what has happened in Jesus a blessed name it in in the in the scriptures I bless you - name of Jesus the blessed name of Jesus it's miraculous again Michael Brown in his book Israel's divine healer blessing Jesus thing he said this healing and is almost always through the prophets in the Old Testament but I bless you in Jesus name healing was a stream in the Old Testament other than this flood right here it was a stream but that stream became a flood in the New Testament because we have a better promise was based on better with a better covenant better promise based on a better sacrifice bless you and you and you in the name of Jesus and I bless you and they may bless you in the name of Jesus thank you God and so one of the first things I want to say is we need to know that our God wants to be known as the God who heals us to not have to not emphasize the healing ability of God and wiliness is to misrepresent God and to detract from his glory and the reason I bless you in Jesus name the reason why we wanted his he and I want to get some testimonies tonight just not say I bless you didn't find out who got you more than this I'm gonna have I'm gonna have some testimonies night because you need to hear them so that you can know what God has done will try to select just some a few because of time but I just know that in the name of Jesus there's been more power to heal that's what causes people of other faiths to come to Jesus the reason why the Europe was caught was a Christianized was through the power to cast out demons and heal the sick in the name of Jesus there was a dissertation historical dissertation by storing that at a yale university about the Christianisation roman empire's how did it become christian when it was illegal religion it was because of the power the number one way in the number and this two way was these cast out demons in Jesus name and heal the sick in Jesus name whenever the church loses that focus the glory that our God deserves and is worthy of his detracted from and we begin to misrepresent a God who wants us to know I want you to know who I am by my name I'm Jehovah ruffly now I want you to turn to Luke chapter 7 verse 20 through 23 and I wanna say the second thing is that God wanted us to know who the Messiah would be because the Messiah would be noted by his healing ministry when the son of God would come in the Messiah would come and in Chapter 7 verse 20 through 23 when a man came to Jesus they said John the Baptist sent us to you to ask are you the one who was to come or should we expect someone else at that very time Jesus cured many who had diseases sicknesses and evil spirits and gave sight to many who were blind so were replied to the messages go back and report to John what you have seen and heard the blind receive sight this is prophetic fulfillment of the prophets that's why he's saying is they want him to know I am fulfilling the prophetic word of what the Messiah would be like the blind receive their sight the lame walk those who have leprosy are cured the Deaf hear the dead are raised and the good news is preached to the poor and then they put this on their for John and blessed it is the man who does not fall away on account of me because John's faith was wavering because he didn't be like I don't think he expected to end up in prison he's encouraging now this is not only the calling card of the Messiah this we are the body of the Messiah on the face of the earth today we are the body of Christ Christ is not Jesus second name Christ is the Greek word formas Hebrew Messiah the English transliteration Messiah and so he's wanting us to know this is how you're gonna recognize when I was a kid growing up in the southern Illinois we had all these arguments and there's really a horrible time that as far as I'm concerned in the sense of the church was so splintered and everything you know the Church of Christ believed they were the only ones going they were really there they were the New Testament church we Baptist believe we were in the New Testament church the Catholics believe they were the New Testament church the Church of God believe they were the everybody and on the radio on Sunday morning is everybody cutting everybody else down is everybody putting everybody else down if you're not with us you're the wrong group Jesus isn't coming back for a harem he's coming back for a bride and I want you to know the bride of Jesus Christ he likes her he loves her Volusia sness she's not Twiggy she's so much bigger than most of us think and she looks beautiful to him and he wants to adorn his bride with gifts so that she doesn't look like a widow but looks like a bride who's loved by the groom but he still does this today he's still healing people I remember I went to the first trip to Argentina I had a man from my church was with me I bless you in Jesus name a man from my church was with me and I bless you and you and Jesus name bless you in Jesus name and he spoke a little Spanish that's why I took him with me because I couldn't speak a bit of Spanish and he told me we were eight we're sharing a room getting ready go to bed one night in the hotel and he said I realized how skeptical North America really is I said what do you mean he said tonight I prayed for a woman who was deaf in her left ear and blind in her left eye I'm praying for her I had faith to pray he said I think I had more faith to pray than faith to believe though because when her ear opened up and when that white I went brown and I saw with my own eyes Here I am within one hour two hours after watching it with my own eyes and I'm sitting there thing did I really see that he said I'm having trouble believing it and I'd know Randi if you told me somebody else told me that that happened I would just be skeptical but I saw with my own eyes and I'm still skeptical and I'm having to tell my brain brain come in line with what your eyes saw and don't let your prejudice and all this stuff you've been taught that God I bless you in Jesus name that doesn't happen it did happen and I saw it happened tonight I bless you in Jesus name I took my secretary also to Guatemala sometime later in the night that the woman that mean that yeah the woman is healed where they had the big that had the tumor that same night my secretary is with me I had taken a team about eight of us down there I bless you and I bless you in Jesus name and I don't advise you by the way if you don't if you want to keep your administrative assistant or secretaries don't take them with you on these types of trips especially don't take them to Brazil because you know you're gonna lose them so what happened she came up to me later she said Randy I'm turning in my resignation here is my two weeks notice I'm saying you're what I brought you down here to Guatemala and now you're resigning is that the way you show your appreciation I don't get it why would you quit I've just treated you so nice I gave you this she said Randy I just prayed for a young man who was blind he used to be able to see he lost his eyesight I prayed for him his eyes open he recognized his cousin all the way across that huge ten of 2,000 people started waving to him calling by his name Randy I know why you're so excited I know why you're so happy I know why you love what you do and I can't be your secretary anymore because once I've touched this I'm gonna come back here I'm gonna become a missionary and I'm gonna pray for the sick I lost my secretary that day Jesus still opens the eyes of the blind the fact that the way we'd recognize us through this miracles we see it again in Luke chapter 4 verse 18 all of you would know this first Jesus stood up in the synagogue and he prayed said this the Spirit of the Lord is on me because he's anointed me to preach good news to the poor he sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind to release the oppressed and proclaim the year of the Lord's favor now several years ago I took my doctor I still lived in st. Louis I took my doctor and his wife with me on a team we had fifty Brits and 250 Americans and I took them with me and my doctor's wife who is a masters and in something I forgot what it was about speech anyway she had never seen a miracle in her life beef in four days she saw eight women all of them blind that got their sight when she prayed I mean god that's not fair well hard I haven't seen that what that was I bless you in Jesus name Lord why and then I realized don't try and figure it out just praise God for all that he does but it's a sign of how to recognize the presence of Jesus how to recognize when he's in our midst he told me you know say well why did you do this tonight why did you have the idea why would you go for what you just did one day there's 153 healings I'll tell you why when we were still planning a church in st. Louis and didn't have a building meeting in a school one Sunday morning we had an awesome worship experience and I remember thinking that that we hid a place in the glory of God in that worship that that's the best worship we've been in and the next day I woke up from a deep sleep early in the morning I raised up in bed and I heard this strong impression I want you to know by the way I don't wake up like that I wake up slowly real slow I do not wake up alert but I woke up to alert and it's clear today I heard this and that's what gave me the faith years later to do what we just did tonight first time is in Dominican Republic I want you to know this is what the Lord said I want you to know that when my presence is in your midst in worship so was my power to heal he said I want you to wake up to this fact that when my presence is strong on you no not ever notice at certain times and worship there's a certain song see if they're like whoo it's in that moment the wolf when a Spirit of God just begins to fall our people need to know that spirit that we're feeling of the Holy Spirit is there and he is ready to heal and we quicken them to believe at that moment and God when he specialist speaks it to it honors our faith so I want you another thing about healing I'm talking about the biblical basis feeling are you standing up over there I just thought you standing against the wall I'm sorry I bless you in the name of Jesus and I bless you in the name of cheese I bless you in the name of Jesus I bless oh yeah I bless you in the name of Jesus I don't have to bless you here you're already getting it I bless you in the name of Jesus I bless you in the name of Jesus I I want you to also know that the Bible teaches us that every one of you have a commission to pray for the sick every one of you has a commission to heal and be involved in the healing ministry hey Robby would you get a clock up here sometime let me know what time it is here late that's one of the things that I just I can't find any clocks in here and so how do you say wait a minute I don't have a commission I want you to say would you say this with me say this after me I have a commission from Jesus to heal the sick now I want you to know he didn't say I'm commissioning you to pray for the sick he said I'm commissioning you to heal the sick you say wait wait wait am I thought that's just the Apostle uh-huh no champ I want to show you worse at Matthew chapter 10 and and in verse 8 I love this passage and by the way when I first came into the things the Holy Spirit is kind of like my experience affected my faith level so when I first was filled the Holy Spirit my church was first touched and we knew nothing hadn't seen too much yet I would read this passage like this and as you go even before we first got touched I'd read it this way as a Baptist pastor not yet touched as you go preach this message the kingdom of heaven is near and since I'd been healed I believed in healing heal the sick raise the dead cleanse those who have leprosy drive out demons and then after we saw a man in my church get healed of a rare skin disease that the doctors couldn't hear heal I read it this way as you go preach this message the kingdom of heaven is there heal the sick raise the dead cleanse those who have leprosy drive out demons and then after we saw within two weeks our first demons get cast out after the anointing of God fell on our church I read that passage this way as you go preach this message the kingdom of heaven is near heal the sick raise the dead cleanse those who have leprosy and drive out demons and then Isaac my spiritual father after memberid passed away a Southern Baptist Jack Taylor and Assemblies of God clay to Keith in Kentucky to be my spiritual fathers I'm preaching at Clay to Keith's church I don't want to preach this message I don't ever forget it I'm going through the scriptures I'm gonna read them all before and I'm on this and I'm reading it kind of get it all in my head and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said you don't like that passage do you and I said no Lord I don't lie bless you in Jesus name I bless you in Jesus name I bless you and G and they bless you in Jesus name bless you and G and they bless you in Jesus name bless you in Jesus name bless you eat him as even as you're just walking I bless you in Jesus name I bless you in Jesus name bless you and you and Jesus name thank you God I want you to know that there really is power in the blessing in Jesus name there's power in the blessing in Jesus name well anyway the Holy Spirit's focus you don't like that verse do you I said no Lord I don't like this verse he said why I said Lord this is an embarrassment to read this verse is an embarrassment because we're trying to get the sick healed and you're telling us to raise the dead and that's just embarrassing to even think about how much of a failure god I don't know of any people that's ever been right I will take that back god I only know of two people that's ever been raised and I've never seen it and I got rebuked now listen this for every pastor I want you to listen to this because I'm so sick of being told you guys aren't Word preachers you're experienced preachers you Pentecostal charismatic Third Way people you just preach your experience I want you to tell you what the Holy Spirit spoke to me about this verse he said don't you dare then it was in that tone in my heart in my head don't you dare lower my word to the level of your experience don't you dare become an experienced based preacher and if you have not experienced that you won't preach it don't bring my word down to the level of your experience preach the word let your experience rise to the word but don't bring the word down to the level of your experience and so I told the only story the two people had been raised by Oh mark up a tear I told those stories that day a few weeks later the electric guitar player on the worship team yes five year-old boy is killed hit by cars his tricycle got out in the road and he had been there he had heard the story I told Lao Oh mark I better had taught me said I called his name her her name his you drown back into her body I called her name back into her body and he remembered it and he's got his little boy this guy's just graduating EMT training he knows what death is he's been trained to not understand what death is all the signs of death are there they've called 911 already they got an ambulance on the way but the boy is dead he's in his arms and he said I begin I remembered what you taught nothing thank God I was faithful to obey and I taught what the Lord said because that man hadn't heard it he would have had the faith to do this he wouldn't have known to even try it but he remembered the message and he cried out calling his son's name back into his body and after several minutes all of a sudden there's this gasp of air that came back into him and he came back to life and it was a resurrection from the dead there's more to the story but I don't have time to give it except I will just say that every bone is broken he isn't a body cast from here to here and they said again you cut it down to internal we can't cut it down to inches we're just checking to see if he's starting to be healed yet I bless you and bless you gonna bless you bless you and I bless you and bless you and I bless you in the name of Jesus I bless all of you in the name of Jesus I bless you in the name of Jesus thank you God because it's Jesus not Randy Clark I didn't die for you I did I wouldn't hung on a cross for you I didn't I wasn't straight I wasn't stripped for you I wasn't scourge for you he was he was the son of God he was the perfect sacrifice he was the one who brought the kingdom of God into our present he initiated the new covenant healing that was a stream in the Old Covenant is a flood in the New Covenant and we declare over you tonight healing based upon the Word of God that became flesh and the Word of God as we preaches becoming life so anyway the doctor came out and said we don't know what happened his bones are all healed they should just be started just this should have taken weeks and weeks and we don't understand it they're already healed we're cutting the cast off of him and this father told me he looked at me said I figured it out resurrection power that brought him back to life healed those bones much quicker than normal we now I've heard many many stories as a matter of fact I never had seen anybody healed of a stroke until I begin to hear about all the people being raised from the dead in Mozambique and then we saw on one night three people one night two people in the next morning another person in another city healed of strokes after 30 years a praying and never seen one stroke victim healed we begin to hear this testimony God is raised in the dead it made a difference because I understood I'm actually interviewed some of the people that had been used of God and the thing other people have been raised I bless you in the name of Jesus and this is what understood they've been dead for over an hour it only takes several minutes you got brain damage and and they've been dead for over an hour and I'm begin to think of thinking think about it differently yes I know a stroke victim or cerebral palsy it's because they didn't get oxygen to the brain and part of the brain died but when God resurrects the dead and they've been dead for hours some time are over an hour sometimes hours he's got to rebuild every cell if he can raise the dead he definitely can heal the stroke victim and so we can never approach that it's like the testimony changes our should change our expectation what God is doing now I said that you have a commission you said well this is not to me this is the the 12 well over in mark chapter 6 we can find another commission now it's still the commission of the twelve but I just want to show you how central these Commission's are because I'm going to get to another Commission later and I want you to know I believe the Bible intended for us to interpret the last commission won't talk about in light of these commissions because these are the paradigms by which we're to understand the latter we need to know what Jesus commanded his disciples to do and what was at the top of the list in mark chapter six verse seven calling the twelve to him he sent them out two by two and gave them authority over evil spirits verse 12 they went out and preached that people should repent they drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them in in Luke chapter 9 he got a parallel of this but in Luke chapter 10 it's not just the Apostle this is why it's important you got to say oh yeah that's the Apostles that's the Apostles but we're not the Apostles that's true I understand that I'm going to prove my point to you in just a moment but after he sent out the twelve he sent out 72 those 72 were not the Twelve Apostles and when they came back even the demons are subject to us in the in your name they had ad healings they had ad healings and they had been told to do the same thing cast out demons and heal the sick I bless you in the name of Jesus and I bless you in the healthy Lord in the name of Jesus I can just tell you right now there's no way I'm going to be able to complete all of this message this is definitely a message that needs to have two or three parts to it and and but we're going and we run out of time and then we'll quit it'll be a crash hard stop okay so Matthew 28 that's where I wanted to get to and then we're going to get to the heart of this whole matter in Matthew chapter 28 this is called the Great Commission and beginning in verse 18 then Jesus came to them and said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Oh lots of us want to put a period there there's no period there it's a comma what are we to do after we baptize them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit he's in verse 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you and lo I I'm sure lamb with you always to the very end of the age what is it that we are supposed to equip and disciple how can we have discipleship classes and not teach people how to pray for the sick and cast out demons when that's at the top of the list this is this healing is evangelism dinner-bell it is the most natural way of bringing people to Jesus Christ I bless you in the name of Jesus and when we're in the places where there of another faith it's just like it's almost like an apostolic anointing to come where you see even more healings than anywhere else now in America you said I bless you in Jesus they might say well where could we expect to see the most healing in America go to the poor go to the lost and go to the broken and that's where you can see the most healings now I'm gonna try to get through this next point because this is actually the most important part of this message there's what I'm getting ready to share with you next what is the well it's two points what is the scope of healing what I mean by scope what can we expect God to do what is our expectation I want you to turn me to Psalms 103 verse two and three Psalms 103 verse two and three and Josiah pretty soon we're going to need that video not yet I'll tell you when but you just kind of get it ready Psalms 103 two and three praise the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits now this is Hebrew parallelism which means that's the first part of the parallel it's kind of like the amplified bible now the next part he's going to explain what he was talking about that were to praise God for Oh mind he's speaking to his soul so I want you to praise God for all of his benefits and next verse is are those benefits that were to praise him for who forgives all your sins I bless you in Jesus name who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases I bless you in Jesus name get it ready Josiah just a second well that's gonna be more in a second I was in the largest Pentecostal church in Louisville Kentucky in 1995 and there was a man there and I didn't he asked me if he ever seen anyone healed of Lou Gehrig's disease have you ever seen anybody healed ALS I said no I haven't I've heard about one person being healed but I I've never seen it I don't know anybody that has he says that's what I have I have ALS and I said but there's a passage of Scripture it Psalms 1 or 2 3 and 4 and I quoted it to him and I said all your diseases is inclusive of ALS even though I've not seen it healed it's in the all and then we prayed I think let's go go ahead Josiah it was a case of 20 years ago that I begin to have difficulty with couldn't hold a glass of water in my hand he ended up going to see doctors and Lexington clinic so dr. Robertson and saw dr. Blakey and they confirmed that I had Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS and so at that particular point in time it was a shock and they told me that I had probably three months or six months to three years to live and so with that when I left the doctor's office they said you know there's something you want to do in the next six months do it now because in six months even if you can you won't be able to and so they were thinking Disneyworld travel whatever on the way back home that evening I said to my wife and it was kept between me and her that I would like to go to a healing service because I had never been to one and I also would like to speak in tongues and you were Baptist and I was dropping the Baptist Church and so in that the next week my wife didn't tell him a friend of mine that was more charismatic than I was sort of sheepishly called me and said he had this service that he wanted me to go to in Louisville so in that process I asked him was a healing service and he admitted that it was there was this guy Randy Clark was up in Louisville but never heard of and so I went to that particular service was sermon on missions at the end of the service we had a call for healing my friend looked and said are you going forward and I said Here I am sitting in a healing service with a terminal illness be sort of stupid not to go forward so I went forward Randy came to me and explained to me that the previous week case of ALS had been healed it was not his service but it whenever God says that he will can heal our diseases ALS was one of those and so he prayed for me and this is the most amazing thing I'd seen before people were being slain and all of that and even while he's praying for me a person gets slain beside of me and I just felt warm it was like warm water I did not pass out but one water just overflowed me and just was a good feeling then I went on home on the way back to Winchester I spoke in tongues then went on and while rescheduled we go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and went there went to a battery of tests that week he said you got some problems but it's where there was no way up lass came back the doctor was mad because he knew they were confused and were giving me false hope he sent me to dr. Koo Sarkis who was ALS for UK he told me there was au active neurological disease that I had go see doctor ago SIA a surgeon maybe I had instability in the back saw dr. Tibbs he said there's nothing for me to cut on and so moved on from that saw dr. Koo Sarkis a year later for a follow-up and he says remove ALS from your vocabulary [Applause] and this is this is the real proof if anybody needs proof somebody's been healed or something it's the next thing one of the things that I noticed at the beginning is you look at it you say I don't have the life insurance don't have the things that I need to take care of for my family and so forth so I applied for life insurance and it came back standard rights thank you thank you John the problem with that testimony is it I heard it last year but it was 20 years after he was healed I never knew it and he I I was back in that era and he came to him he said can I have lunch I want to tell you a story about healing when he prayed for me said sure I like stories of healing I was blown away and I said I really wish she would have told me earlier I could I've had so many people not so many we have probably had 10 people with ALS but but I do know this somebody got a hold of that testimony and they put it on the ALS support group and it's caused to stir and there's there was a man here I don't be still here or not but he had seen that and had watched it over and over and over and came to this meeting we've been praying for him and and he never felt like this warm coming over him but it's been happening and we're contending for him believing for see once you know you've seen it happen I believe God says he can't go back to your expectation where it was I got it I'm gonna hold you to a higher account because now you've seen this I expect you to have more faith it's like Jesus and the boat they're complaining about though we don't have any bread and he said how many people did we feed you know with four loaves how many people with five loaves do you remember that guys he's kind of like saying hey how can you be complaining about you don't have any bread after just saw those miracles all right so what have we seen the scope of healing well ALS we've seen ALS if there's no cure there's no hope three years max you'd be dead we saw Tucson Arizona a woman a young woman get healed of paranoid schizophrenia obsessive-compulsive disorder and anorexia all in one moment we saw man in Bergen Norway who had been disabled for 23 years from a he'd had these pains but it hit him really hard now so we went and we prayed begin to pray I bless you in the name and when I said name of cheesy but he wasn't in any pain - I said that so I knew it was a spirit affliction we cast that out I bless you Roger in Jesus name we cast that's I bless you in Jesus name bless you in Jesus name we cast that out and his pain left he got off disability he when I talked to the pastor five years later he had never had another pain after that then his problem that was undiscernible they didn't know what was cause I was the spirit of affliction we saw him get healed we saw in the first couple of weeks in in Toronto in the early in 1994 two girls a one girl her name was Heather and Heather was for thirteen years old and she was reading at the second grade level she had severe dyslexia and she was healed she had a dream and it was knocked out she's in a literally out for 45 minutes she sees as she's out an angel come and rewire her head she woke up said mom bring me a book she ran for the first time in her life she read fluently without any difficulty they thought they drove because there's a snowstorm and they had to drive down to the Tennessee border and when they got there she the next day her best friend has the same thing and both of their parents who were the pastor's the co pastors of the church were professionals prior to this as mental health professionals and her best friend Heather so it was best friend was what was her name ah Monica and she said Monica Jesus is going to heal you and Monica went boom and Monica had the exact same mental picture of an angel coming and rewiring her head they both also had severe allergies they got healed of the severe allergies and bolt them were healed of the dyslexia and every time we give a testimony of these things in this meeting let it cause faith to rise up that what he did because bill was telling me they see more people get healed of dyslexia more people get healed of these emotional and mental issues through the testimony than it then by lay even laying on of hands so grab ahold to what you need we were in North Carolina in Greensboro North Carolina this there's two brothers they both had a DD and they were always getting troubled school and so he come up I prayed for them couldn't tell anything that happened but the mother came the next thing said my son's came home today with a paper from their teacher and the paper said what happened to your son's because they didn't get in trouble they acted normal and they were healed of the a DD it's all the scope is what I'm getting at it's all types of things can be healed we in Knoxville Tennessee we had a nurse who had severe diabetes taking so many shots and we prayed for her and over three days she's just kept reducing her insulin to where she's totally off insulin six years later I'm still trying to get a testimony a verification from her doctor I bless you in Jesus name her doc I bless you in Jesus name her doctor will not write her anything that says you've been healed but she says I haven't had any insulin in six years he said I don't care it's impossible to be healed I'm not gonna write did you been healed when I know scientifically it's impossible to kind of diabetes you've had it's impossible it's just not possible I'm not gonna ride it he said but I don't have any symptoms for six years I don't know how long you got to be symptomless before you comes I think that's pretty good we were in Louisville Kentucky you know a friend of Mines church and they brought this couple brought this little girl to me she's seven years old she had been adopted from Russia as a baby and at seven she developed unusual on what we say bizarre behavior they took her to a Christian psychologist and they said she's borderline sociopath and we believe she's gonna need to be institutionalized and locked in a room to protect herself from herself and protect society from her and that was the diagnosis well we laid hands on the little girl she didn't shake her eyes didn't flutter she didn't get hot there's no nothing you could see in the natural that make you think that God healed her few weeks later the pastor told me called me and told me the story they noticed within a week they noticed change in behavior and a few weeks later they've knows who it's gone they took her back to this very same Christian psychiatrist that give her the first battery test gave her this gave it to her again and said she's normal what is the scope of healing I'm just saying all includes all all includes all but our faith is based more on what we've seen and God said don't lower my word or your expectancy to your experience let your expectancy ride upon my word rather than our collective experience we were in Tucson Arizona we saw another person no I ain't you Joshua Canada I bless you in Jesus name and I bless you in Jesus name and the other person get healed of schizophrenia just a couple of years ago then in 2003 on one trip in Brazil we saw 10 tumors disappear three people who were who had AIDS verified they were healed of AIDS a paraplegic guide 25 years old who had been shot in the stun make who's the bullet had severed his spine was told he had never walk again because of a severed spine we're not talking about a lot of people have paralysis beside the spines not severed it it just doesn't work it was killed of the spot this is a severed spine the guy who prayed for him from North Carolina had never prayed for anybody in life on our teams first person he ever prayed for that boy got out of that wheelchair and walked in on that same meeting we saw 60 deaf people and 15 blind people get their sight and their hearing what is the scope of healing bless you in the name of Jesus would you say it with me oh he heals us of all our diseases I bless you in the name of Jesus I bless you in the name of Jesus you know that's not moving oh that's what time it is oh my gosh I'm thinking I got 9 minutes and 42 seconds left I kept thin it's stuck it's stuck on 942 I just did huh sorry guys no no no No hey all I want to say is this we are halfway through the sermon and so there's a whole lot more promises you have to take me on faith by that I just want to pray everyone I bless you in the name if you got tired of standing I didn't see it go ahead and stand up again and what I want to bless every one of you and then I want you to check your bodies out everybody that stood up once you check their bodies out again I bless you in the name of Jesus I bless you in the name of Jesus I bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of Jesus I bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of Jesus but she under name is you bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of Jesus but soon her name is you bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in her name and she has bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of deer bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of Jesus you and her name is Jesus bless you in her name it read bless you in the name is you bless you in her name idiot bless you she already got healed thank you God bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in her name it to you bless you in her name it to you bless you in her name is Jade bless you in her name it seems the bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in her name is G I bless you in the name is here Bush you anonymity I bless you in the name of Jesus bless unit name is Jesus bless you neighbors even bless you never cease bless you in the name of Jesus bless you and her name is University your name it's use bless you in the name of Jesus bless you name it bless you and her name is you bless you in the name of Jesus bless you and bless you name is you bless your name is you bless you in the name of you bless you and her name is bless you in the name of jihad bless you name it is bless your name in here bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name it is bless you and her name is you bless you in the name it Alessio name is blue in the name is you bless you in her name it is bless you in the back the name is over there bless you and her name is your blessing on your nephews bless you name is bless you in the name of Jesus bless you in the name of Jesus bless you and her name is Jesus bless you and her name is bless your name is you bless your name is you bless you and name is you bless your name is JP bless your name you bless your name it is bless your name of Jesus may bless you in the name of Jesus [Applause] bless your name is bless your name is what's you name is les you names you bless you names we bless your name cheerful is your name is you bless you name is you bless you in the name of Jesus okay now everybody that I pray their bite stood up and I pray bless you in the name of Jesus I want you to stand up again right now everybody and I want you to check your body out now for some of you just had about twenty seconds from the teachers got blessed in the name of Jesus that's you know so check your body out if your pain now by the way some of you I know there's no way you can know if you've been healed because you'd have to have a test to know but I do want to say this there are sleep earlier you will know there's ways you can test it your pain will be less your function to be restored you'll do some things you couldn't do before but for those of you that you'd have to go to the doctor and have a test just let me comfort you we have a high percentage of people who I can't prove it I have to have a test but if there was if there was literally this witness of God's presence that came upon him a high percentage of them find out when they go to the doctor that they really work you and so I'm gonna make a distinction between those who can know and those that you just couldn't know you have to go to a doctor but you believe you've been healed because of the power of the Spirit that's touching your body now we're not going to include you in the count because that could be we can't prove it and I don't want to I'd rather err on the side of we don't know for sure if they're healed or not and so we can say with these the ones but they we know that's eighty percent or more and but then also say but I believe there's a whole lot more that God healed and when you do and you go get your tests you should tell your pastor and you should asked for permission to give your give your testimony in your church okay check it out if you are at least 80% better I want you for two minutes to wave your hands to your wrists cross both of them if you're at least 80% better just keep awaiting just keep waving just keep waving thank you or just keep waving keep waving keep waving here weak somebody just stood up again here and thank you God stand so they don't miss you stands Liam they can be easily missed it's hard to from up here to get to see if you just need to give him all the glory guys have you got them all counted yet yeah we've done counting okay let's see what happened now I want to point out something no one nobody had hands laid on him and neither was there a prayer for healing yet so what do you give me a report Marcus just right now what happened 45 people healed during the sermon and at the total of how many Marcus took for 198 remember what I've said that usually it's 5050 so whatever we're at now we're not done yet we're getting ready to ask the team to come up and lay hands whatever we get now we often have approximately 50% so we can you know I said 300 Oh me of little faith okay how many of you listen how many of you you don't you don't know if you've been healed because you have to have a test but you believe you were because of the power of God that touched you would you just stand and wave one hand at us and let's just say look 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 and we're not gonna add those but I believe that there many of you will find out that you've been healed but we want to we want to acknowledge that 38 people felt the presence of God touch them and it's give them giving them faith and I believe that many and will find that they aren't now here's the next you're not 80% better but you are better but you're not 80% better or more but you're better would you stand up just hold one hand in the air like this I'm going to start praying for you and I want you to wave your one hand slowly like this when I'm praying for you and I want you to pay attention to your body and the power God comes and takes you past that 80 percent threshold which is a process of being healed then you're gonna take and add your second arm and you're gonna make them cross like this because some of you are going to get healed because I just see this happen all the time god I just thank you I want you to agree with me Church God I thank you for what you're doing and we bless what you're doing we bless everyone that's standing up because you have already started the process of healing then your power is on them and you are ministering to them we say more Lord we bless what you are doing bring it to pass complete what you started we command pain to leave and we speak healing in the name of Jesus to come into their bodies in the name of Jesus we speak healing God release your power release your gifts of healing release the Angels to come and help us in the name of Jesus we command pain to go we declare healing to be released over you in the name of Jesus now check it out again if you weren't at least 80 percent while ago but now you are wait both hands over your head one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen more thank you thank you God you may be seated [Applause]
Channel: Global Awakening
Views: 23,262
Rating: 4.8720002 out of 5
Keywords: randy clark, global awakening, blessing, healing, healing service, voice of the apostles, voa, message, global event, preaching, preacher, christian, conference, toronto blessing
Id: vMyG1eKnEO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 10sec (3970 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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