Healing Service With Dr. Randy Clark (November 2, 2017 - Thursday PM)

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[Music] tonight I want to speak to you about healing and that's what I want to speak to you about tomorrow night and that's what I want to speak to you about the next night and the daytime will speak to you about healing as well [Applause] and then tomorrow at 2:30 we will talk about impartation in Matthew chapter 4 and verse 17 it says from that time on Jesus began to preach change the way you're thinking because the kingdom of heaven as is near now you say well mine doesn't say that mine says repent because the kingdom of heaven is there we have mine does too but actually Metanoia the the literal meaning of Metanoia that greek words will repent means to change the way you're thinking that's what repentance means and the fruit of repentance is the evidence that your change the way you're thinking I used to be as an evangelist I would as when I was younger I started preaching at 18 47 years ago so I say you know you're walking this way you think you're going the right way and all of a sudden you realize I'm going the wrong way this is the way that leads to death and so you do this I said that's repentance what anybody ever heard that it's wrong it's not true it literally that's not true here's what's true I'm going this way I think this is right way all of a sudden I realize this is the wrong way this is the way to death I'm no longer thinking I'm walking the right way I'm not I realized this is I've been wrong that was repentance this is the fruit of repentance so my friend Bill Johnson says this we've done a lot of things together a lot of people have repented enough to be in the kingdom but not enough to see enough of the kingdom or more of the kingdom what does that mean it means that according to the Word of God as was taught or you studied or somebody shared with you you realized that you needed to be born again you needed to be forgiven you needed to have this change in your life because you had scripture that pointed that out to you and you did it but afterwards there was a failure of the in the study or the teaching to realize that having done that now we're invited into a life of power and we're invited into a life of the supernatural and that one of the one of the main things that we are to do as pastors and leaders and everyone who is a teacher a pastor an evangelist a prophet or apostolic all those five offices are to accomplish one thing to equip the Saints for the work of ministry now in the commissioning that everybody has a commission that I believe every Christian needs to know how to lead somebody to Jesus every Christian needs to know how to pray for the sick every Christian needs to know how to set the captives free the deliverance and every Christian needs to know how to bind up the brokenhearted this is part this is the Commission this is the Commission that Jesus identified so with in Luke 14 when he's quoting from Isaiah the Spirit of the Lord is upon me and and the Spirit of Lord is it to be upon us and when we look at the Great Commission in Matthew chapter 28 he said that we're to go into all the nations and all the world all the nations were to make disciples of all the nations weird go and make disciples of all nations not just people but even nations baptizing them these people groups in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit now the church has done very well at the first half of the Great Commission but it's like we put a period there rather than seeing a comma and it goes on teaching them who the people that we baptize teach this is part of discipleship discipleship is more than learning scripture this psycho ship is more than learning good principles and morals discipleship is more than memorizing scriptures we that's wonderful and we should do that but but if we stop there we have stopped way short of the biblical model of discipleship we all are under the Great Commission we receive the we have a col mission when we are in submission to the Commission as we give ourselves to doing my said and so our job is to realize that we are to multiply by being healthy sheep that have his spirit upon us and who understand that if we are not just to be good and try not to fall into sin until Jesus comes back that there's more for us to do than that and there's actually more force to do than even worshiping the Lord we yes that everything flows out of worship we need to be worshipers yes we need to be people who study the word yes but we are also to be under that commission that Jesus even as he said in John 22 his disciples he blew his disciples and said receive the Holy Spirit he said as the father has sent me even so send I you and so this commission is to in Matthew 28 is to be understood as we look at the Commission in Matthew 10 of the 12-man Luke 9 of the 12 and Luke 10 of the seventy or the 72 when we look at the Commission's the actual Commission's healing and deliverance is at the top of the list along with preach the gospel of the kingdom God's kingdom God's power God's rule is it him now if we do not understand that a lot of what doesn't happen in church is because of a lack of understanding I believe that there are people who actually did perish in a literal sense of death anyway prematurely because of a lack of understanding of what the Lord teaches now about healing never I believe that's true I also believe that there are wonderful people who are full of faith who died prematurely and it wasn't because of a lack of understanding and they they did have faith but they were not healed and I don't have the answer to that except I don't want you to hear in my first statement a criticism of people who were in a full knowledge of an understanding of healing and who waged a wonderful war against the enemy and against sickness and disease and it did not turn out the way they hoped or you hoped or I would have oh I couldn't have been a pastor for over thirty years and not have plenty of stories of disappointment so I believe both is true that there are people who died that could have lived if they had been taught better and I believe that there are people who had a fullness of teaching and they're full of faith that didn't receive the healing that they believed for and I don't have the answer why except I do believe that more people could be healed if we had more people praying for healing I believe that when more people could be healed if more people had a better teaching about healing and yet at the same time I have to recognize that there are what I call these disappointments I'll be speaking on this tomorrow morning in the thrill of victory as a message is followed by the agony defeat which is another message and I think it is important that we teach people about faith but we don't beat people up by the same message or by a part of the message that makes them feel that if unless they were healed then they must not have had faith I don't think that that's not what I want to do it's about what I'm here to do I live with the mystery I don't understand it I don't understand why my grandmother was healed and I grandfather died at 62 of cancer I don't understand why kids got healed on the first week of Toronto of what my own son had the same severe learning disability and he wasn't healed until his senior year of high school I don't understand it I'm not going to pretend I do I just want to teach what the word says and live in that struggle sometimes between what I believe and what I experience and they're not always the same but I'll get into that more tomorrow tonight I want to speak about healing and I'm gonna I believe that we're gonna have healing that we have a water 300 people here you think tonight okay I will be very very very disappointed if we don't have at least 30 people healed before the service is over and and if we and if we have a better than normal service if we have a really good service we're gonna have 60 healings we'd have more according to the major faiths yes mat fact I want to tell you a little bit about my story about healing just a little part of it after toronto happened for three or four years everywhere I went three percent of the crowd was getting healed I just kept track in my head I just I'm weird about that I'm I just you know and I realized over time that 3% of the people were being healed and so if we had a thousand people I would say there's gonna be at least 30 people get healed and I was at bill Johnson's church first time I went and we were there for eight days and they had several hundreds of healings I think it was over 400 healings I haven't written in my Bible but anyway the first one of the nights anyway I was preaching and we'd gone into praying for the sick from the platform by word of knowledge and and normally if we had 30 people healed three percent of a thousand 15 would be from the platform and 15 would be when the team prayed and to this day it's still if we have a larger team it's about 50/50 you know fifty percent from the platform 50% from the laying on of hands and and sometimes we have a very large team it can be more than that or very small team it could be less than that but you know I still believe we have at least 30 people get healed tonight so that night I prayed by word of knowledge and and prayed for people from the platform didn't touch anybody no laying on of hands and what normally would have been 15 people get here but we had 25 already and as I was getting ready to quit and I had a strong impression from the Holy Spirit I want you to pray like Abraham did for Sodom and Gomorrah except instead of going down I want you to go up ask me for more according to your measure of faith okay I thought I think that was the Lord Oh only way I'll know us to do it that's the only way you learn if something's God or not you have to go for it and then get feedback and if you don't get feedback you don't know you never know if is God and that's why there has to be the testimony that's why when people are learning about words of knowledge they have to get feedback that's why in church it's very important as soon as your conditions called out you stand up immediately so the person will know they were right because only in that feedback loop do the team of your own people learn I was right I was wrong and even if someone you weren't really wrong and they come up to you later but you looked like you were wrong you have to forgive him and pray for him anyway because some people are visiting I remember one woman came to my church three times and I had a word of knowledge for every time and she never stood up and then she came to my house and we had a home group and I gave another word and she had it and she's that did I surrender and she told me at 3:00 and she was from a Southern Baptist Church wasn't used to this they said three times in a row I came to your church three Sundays in a row and every time you had a word of knowledge and I wouldn't stand up because I'm not used to this and I didn't know what I thought about it but tonight there's only like 15 of us in your house and you gave a word and I'm I have it so pray for me so anyway back to the story so I was at Bill's Church and I said I think he wants God wants us to pray like Abraham did for sonica more except go upset it down so I'm gonna ask and I asked told him what everybody what I thought I said how many of you still need to be healed of something because you can't get any more healings if nobody's if everybody's 100% healed saw we had people that still need to be healed say so okay let's ask for fifty so we gave some more words of knowledge and prayed and we had 57 healings total now total of 57 so we had 25 we had you know more weight 132 I guess something like that I don't know math wasn't my so I asked God for more I said lord I ask you for 75 and we gave words knowledge and prayed and we counted and now we had a total of 75 so we went for it one more time I had never done this in my life and we asked for a hundred and then I don't remember it 125 or 135 people 135 conditions had been healed that night so somebody then came up to me said why'd you waste all that time why didn't you just start out at 100 I said well you didn't hear what God said God said to ask him according to my major of faith and when I was at 25 I didn't have a major faith to ask you for a hundred when I was at seventy-five I had a major faith to ask so I and for four years now for many years I have done this so particularly in Brazil and I have a woman who used to work for me and and she's a young woman her 20s and she's my translator at one point I've had three or four different translators at different times in the 19 20 years have been going to Brazil and so I we had a large church I mean I don't know how large it was but if it's a you know probably 2,000 people there in the crowd that night and I said we'd already had some healings accounted of and said God I'm gonna ask for 50 and she said that's not enough that's my translator [Applause] I said well I mean do you think we ought to asked for she said you need to ask for ninety I said that's not one mate that's not where my major fates that right now I don't you do is I will and she asked God for ninety and she started praying and when she done we had over 90 people but I need conditions that had been healed she she got the lesson she she got it so I believe that we'll see people get healed and if we have what I say thirty would be fifteen upfront and word of knowledge whatever we get my word of knowledge we'll probably have that many more by laying on of hands there's a lot of emphasis on healing that's on faith your faith I actually think I'll say this tomorrow faith is the most important aspect of healing I really believe that but I've had much greater success when I quit focusing on your ability to come into faith and start focusing on God's ability to create faith in you I've just seen so much more when I'd switch the emphasis to what have what God does to create faith and this software teaching comes in a few weeks ago William was with me we were in this large Baptist Church at about 4,000 members then it was traditional Baptist and in the last three four years four years I guess God's opened the door for us to work with the largest Baptist churches in Brazil that are not the charismatic batteries these are the traditional Baptist and they are so hungry and we got there kind of late on the first night and so there wasn't an opportunity to teach we went for healing without the teaching and it was hard had to work for it now we still had probably 20% of the crowd and as I think there was a 2,000 people there something like that and so we had like 400 people get healed but it was hard we had to really work at it but the next morning I got to teach and I got to explain why we do what we do and it was so much easier and the the numbers of people was high again it was over 400 but it was so much easier and it broke I'll tell you where it broke I was teaching about you can get healed which I'll do this after a while I was teaching how you can get healed before there's a prayer that's what I was teaching on and as I was talking about that a woman in the back by the sound booth stood up and she I'd already claimed that this is our sign that you're at least 80% better explain that to later and she started doing that well that's the breakthrough because once she stood up and started waving her hands like this it just started happening all over the church other starts then her active obedience to acknowledge publicly that she had received healing and she is at least eighty percent better her acknowledgment of that shifted the atmosphere and caused the people to say what he's talking about it's just happened and within just to within a minute I say we had five or six more that were standing up healed and we'd not said another word it's just there was a response to her that's what I mean about practices there are certain practices that actually hurt healing and one of them is rooted in the fear of man that you don't want to stand and testify to what God has done because the enemy has made you think it's a source of pride and drawing attention to yourself but it's not it's drawing attention to what Jesus did now if I take credit for what God does tonight I am touching his glory and we all know that's not a good thing right we understand it's not a I mean we want to be touched by his glory but we don't want to touch his glory and take credit for it ourselves it's a bad thing ministers can do that parishioners can touch his glory how do parishioners touch his glory they touch his glory when they don't testify to what God did do in their life because they're thinking I'll wait a couple of weeks and see if this lasts I don't want to draw any I'm talking about strategies to the enemy I don't want to draw any attention to me I'm so humble we have really a fear of men because it the testimony of healing is not about you at all also about is you had a condition and God just healed it it's it's it's him and the way number one way God gets glory in the Bible the number one way God gets glory is through what he does and the testimony of what he does brings him glory so when something happens supernaturally that the Lord has done in our midst and we as a congregation do not talk about it the next week we touched his glory when the individual that got touched doesn't give doesn't let people know that person has touched his glory I promise I'll try not to touch his glory tonight and I ask would you promise that you will not touch it either that you won't be faithful that if he touches you and you are at least 80% better that you will stand and wave your hands like this that's all you have to do then some of you are last to give a testimony but we don't have time for all of you to give testimony but some of you we will talking about the glory God the glory God we will see more of the glory of God when we understand the ways of God that's what this whole sermon is about tonight explaining and and this week the ways of God understanding his ways in Exodus chapter 33 Moses spoke to God and he says if I found favor in your sight show me your ways if I found favor in your sight show me your ways that I may know you when we understand the ways of God better we recognize God in our myths more and we come to understand more about him this is extremely important I believe that one of the great and I believe it's important to have evangelist healing evangelist I believe in them I am one but I also believe that they are not sufficient alone that the the the weekly responsibility of the pastor teacher to teach and educate his congregation or her congregation about the the ways of God and the Word of God and to teach faithfully and and and and and to emphasize what Jesus emphasized which is it's it's you know he fulfilled the New Covenant so the Holy Spirit could be given to us and the Holy Spirit is a source of the power he's the administrator of the gifts and this this this whole aspect of the power dimension of the Spirit resting upon us is one of the major emphasis of Scripture it is possible that we could be Bible preachers and never preach anything but Scripture and failed to preach the emphasis of Scripture our emphasis should be the scriptures emphasis so in teaching about the ways of God these few days together some of the other ways of God is about that particularly about healing is that God will use words of knowledge to create faith I'll explain why later he'll use testimony to create faith that's why we use videos he will use declarations to create faith what I did at the beginning of the service I said I believe we will have at least 30 people get healed if we have a good service would be a better service we'd have 60 get healed that's the declaration I do not believe that as a new agers teach that you can change and make your reality by your declarations because they're independent and they can just make their declarations but as Christians we can't Jesus couldn't even do that or he wouldn't do that because if he had if he would have been disobedient to his father in John 5 he said I only do what I see my father do I only say what I hear my father say I can do nothing to myself only what I see him do and so when we're talking about these declarations they need to be declarations that we believe is rooted in the will of God for that particular event that particular time that particular service and so my wonder if I when I sign books the the the only scripture almost I ever write is second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 which is one of my favorite passages because I was going to this Baptist Church in Brazil when I went there and had 303 years later it had 3,000 several years later it had 9,000 several years later it had 23,000 members in it and they asked the other Baptists passionate why is it that your church is growing so fast and ours aren't and he looked and said this stuff you don't like it's the reason that's the reason because there had been such a empowerment of the people so that passage says as is written we believe therefore we have spoken now he's quoting David there and in context David is talking about this little problem he was having but Paul does not continue the text in its context and I think he makes an application of that principle even though it's not in the same context of a David's situation when he said it and he says those Paul said as is written we believed therefore we have spoken and then he says and in that same spirit of faith we to believe and therefore we speak so on my way to that Baptist Church I was just telling you about the Lord quick in that scripture to me and I didn't know where it was at the time and and he showed me a passage of it and I found it and I look at I said God I get it we can say we believe but it doesn't cost us anything there's no risk in we if we think God is going to do something and it there's no risk on our part and when we used to say faith has spelled our is K until we say what we think God's about to do but if we really believe God has showed us what he wants to do and we honestly do believe that then in the declaration it can shift the atmosphere how well I went to Argentina and worked with Omar Cabrera who's a famous healing evangelists and the I went to six cities I preached about it 18 churches over 21 days and Omar was probably one of the greatest healing evangelists of Latin America and I learned almost everything I've learned I learned either from John Wimber Blane cook or Omar Cabrera and my own experience but those are the three men had the most impact on me and I had learned about words of knowledge and when I learned about loads of knowledge I began to see more people get healed on a monthly basis not seen in first fourteen years of pastoring when I learned about words of knowledge I just most of the time almost most of what we see happen in the meeting a high percentage of it is related to word of knowledge and word of knowledge actually creates the faith either in the person praying or the person being prayed for but I have never seen anybody healed till I prayed and I had had about eleven years after I her first work learned about words of knowledge and I had about eleven years where I would see people get healed but they'd be healed when I pray from the platform I'd only mean laying on of hands they get healed that way too but but they I never seen anybody get healed till we pray so I go down to one of salaries and I'm with Omar and I have a translator and Omar had told me you've got to teach your people about words of knowledge before you before you pray for them because if you minister word of knowledge where there's no understanding it does not create faith it only creates curiosity to the degree that your people understand it creates faith and that's true it's so true and when I'm in a church and they don't understand it and we're trying and I didn't do a very good job I'm not blaming the people I blame myself if they don't get it it's my fault it's not third fall and but sometimes it's just that way they don't they don't get it and you try by word and it seems like it's hard like it's so hard people aren't getting healed like they normally do but if you sue I just cut your losses switch the laying on of hands because they're used to laying on of hands and people start getting healed because of a lack of understanding they didn't have faith that word of knowledge but it's the other way to where people have great understanding of word of knowledge it creates great faith so Omar taught me about this and I've been teaching word of knowledge this connection to faith but I've never been in one of his churches and so I told the people I said listen if I call out what you have learning this mom or I want you to stand up immediately if you have the condition I call out once you stand up immediately the moment you're at least 80% better I want you to wave your hands like this over your head and I asked Omar one time when I was down in Guatemala City why do you say that's first time we work together said I watched you why do you say why don't you just say when you're healed wave your hands he's a trendy you don't understand something I'm going to inspect for healing within minutes and sometimes seconds after I give a word of knowledge and there will be some people that'll be a hundred percent healed in seconds but there'll be others that are in the process of being healed and there'll be a lot more and you said don't go twenty-five or fifty percent because that's not enough to create the all factor in people they need to know that this is a significant degree of healing so start 80% or more that's what he said because if you do that the people will see what God is not only done with some a few but what he's continuing to do with others many and there'll be many many more times and network when people see what God is doing it will create more faith now saying God is doing something when he isn't you what that's called hi what is called lying but a nicer word is height and a lot of and some ministers hide their meetings I don't think God needs our help and height really doesn't incur height doesn't over the long haul increase faith what it will do over the long haul is no one will believe he's coming out Chicken Little sky is following this kind of phone they'll believe you for a while after a while they're not gonna believe anymore so if you say God is here in such a powerful way this is the most powerful meeting I've ever been in God is really moving but he's really not but you're trying to get him to move you're trying to create faith but you're creating faith on the basis of something you're saying it's not true I think it hurts in the long term saying God's doing something when he's not hurts faith doesn't help it not recognizing what he is doing when he is the opposite of height also hurts faith because we're not aware of what God is doing and that's what we need to be aware of and so that's why we'll ask you after a while if you want to stand up if you have what's called out and the moment you begin to feel something but your hand in the air if it increases wave one hand and I never get people to do that but I keep trying to get them to for 19 years now but at least when you're at least 80 percent better do this so and I and I said and and don't do this because you're believing for your healing I understand it I know why you say that and I but I want to be honest in our testimony I'm not looking for your confession of healing at the cross 2,000 years ago that's not what we're talking about we're talking about the manifestation of that healing that has come into your body tonight and you're at least 80% better and if you had the manifestation not just the don't do this if it's the confession because I don't want to confuse confessions with manifestations I don't want to say we had a hundred people get healed when fifty and walk out with the same problem they walked in with I don't want to confuse I want it to be that if you are 80% bail you wave your hands now knowing where you're at is important I went to a friend of Mines Church one time he was a in West Virginia as the Word of Faith Church and there's about 400 people and I said how many of you need a healing tonight how many of you need healing and that not one person raised their hand is the first time I'd ever been in church not one person raised their hand and and I thought boy he's done a good job on teaching about healing he's got everybody's church healed I mean there's not one sick person this is like you know in the Psalms and they came out of Egypt they was not one wanted stumble there's no weak person among them there's no sick one among them depending on translation and then I realized hey you're in order to Faith Church you didn't ask the right question I said okay let me ask that again how many of you are already healed at the cross of Jesus but it's not manifested yet boy I had a bunch of hands go up so you just got to learn the the language of the the people you're with I know people I have a book called the healing River and it's contributing streams and the word of faith stream is based on the faith care movement which is based upon the promises of God in Scripture and it's not trance III don't you think I have an axe to grind against where the face I don't I used to I just get real mad at him I'm not mad anymore because God's told me said they love me and they've given up their lives to go plant churches and I don't like your attitude at first I thought it was only my attitude he didn't like and then he starts surrounding me with people who they had received healing as they stood on the promises of God a woman in my church and I started the first vineyard church in Illinois the second one in Missouri and she was the first she and her husband they were Southern Baptists background were the first couple to commit to me in her 80s now and she's had a lot of health problems for many years and she told me once it all I have to keep me from becoming totally depressed and she fights depression and despondency is the promises of God's Word and standing on those promises and yet we were kind of antistick Oh antithesis to word of faith teaching and but she said and I realize there's truth in all the different streams of healing and sometimes the truth we need maybe in another camp other than our own may not be in our stream I I used to think unless you were in my stream Europe a foul-smelling tributary without any visible means of propulsion but then I realized that my stream is not so pure and there's truth in all of these streams so if you hear me say something it's not there's things I may not like about something or portion of the teaching or something where it may be pushed to an extreme but it doesn't mean that I think there's no truth in the teaching by the way the guy who came from the CMA the pastor your founder AV Simpson was one of the key leaders in the faith care movement I just want to lay this real quickly just and then get off the subject the confession possession isn't related as we've been taught by the critics of faith cure in metaphysical fall it really was based upon the holiness teaching within Methodism of the shorter way of coming into sanctification by confession until you entered into the possession that's where it's really rooted and they say that's the way we received salvation this is what the word says bill bright Injuns fact faith feelings this last we put our faith in the fact what Jesus did apart from any feeling it follows that's the same logic in the Word of Faith camp for healing it's just a different subject but it's the same method applied so we can just be nice toward each other and love each other and and say you know you would probably have something I could learn from and I may have something that you could learn from we learn from each other and we'll be stronger amen Jesus you know I'm a father four kids I don't my pet peeve as a father was when my kids talk bad about each other and hurt each other and my favorite thing as a father was when I could see my kids building each other up I think our Heavenly Father looks at the church that way at his kids too so I want to try and build up instead of tear down so in the end of the 33rd chapter of Exodus Moses no longer says show me your way he says now show me your glory it's really interesting in the same chapter you've got to show me your ways to show me your glory and it's when we understand the ways for us I think we'll see more of his glory so I was down in in Brazil and Oran in Buenos Aires and I said don't waive this because your your confession it needs to be a manifestation and so I gave about 20 words of knowledge and people stood up I don't know how many but probably around 50 I don't know 70 and one-fourth of the people stood they stood up doing this instantly I said to my treasurer they don't get it tell him not to do that tell him not to weigh their hands until they're healed I thought they were confessed seen before their manifestation so he told him and I gave some more words of knowledge and again one-fourth the people that stood up stood up waving their hands I said we still hadn't prayed I said this we have a problem here communicating they still don't understand tell him not to do that until they're healed he told him again I did that four times and the fourth time I said they still don't get it he said Randy they're the ones that get it you're the one that doesn't get it and and then he said to me Randy you're in a church that was founded on healing through words of knowledge Oh mark Cabrera has you could not be in another congregation in where in the world would have a better understanding than words of knowledge than the one you're in right now there is so they have such an understanding that for some I'm not on but at least the four for the ones who stood up their understanding was so clear that's all it took for them to come into a faith that brought about their healing now we pray for others and they got healed and but the point I wanted to make in that yes it was their faith but it was created by a grace slip it was created by the grace of the gift of word of knowledge because word of knowledge when you understand it you understand according to first John chapter five verse 14 if we if we know that we ask anything that is according to his will we know that he has heard us and that we've received that for which we asked the key there is according to his will now if I ask you how many of you believe it's God's will to heal probably everyone I'm just gonna raise your hand if I ask you how many do you believe that it's God's will to heal you you're gonna raise your hand if I ask how many of you believe it's God's will to heal you tonight and you're certain your healing will be tonight not hope not believe it's possible but certain it's gonna be tonight not as many will raise their hand and and and I understand why because it's one thing to know the general will of God and to know the specific will of God in a specific service like so I went to six cities in Argentina 18 churches and I saw that happen every time but I had never seen it happen in America and I had prayed for people for 11 years by word of knowledge it wasn't like my methodology of praying for the sick changed but what happened when I came back from Argentina I told the church in North Carolina where I was that I said I just came back from Argentina I told him what I just told you and I asked him do you think God is strong in America as he is Argentina and they said yes I said do you think cancer is stronger in America than it is in Argentina and they said no I mentioned some other diseases and I said then the only difference between what I have seen happened in Argentina and what I've seen happen in the United States the only difference is what you're expecting because I'm the same God's the same sickness is the same I have never seen it happen United States I saw it happen every Church in Argentina and so I challenged him let's believe God let's understand that the word of knowledge is revealing what he wants to do so if you have once called out specifically what's called out and you have it it is create faith in you to know tonight's my night ten people have a word of knowledge and not get healed yes why he didn't understand because if you understand it does take you into faith as a gift the gift of word of knowledge creates a gift of faith it'll either increase your measure of faith or it will take you all the way into a gift of faith and when you have a gift of faith you have absolutely no doubt I believe that that passage of scripture that Kenneth Hagin quoted all the time from mark 11:22 or says have faith in God I believe that if if Bosworth was correct and many others and there's also a German a Russian five English translations including the passion that translated not have faith in God because have faith in God puts the burden on you have faith of God is receiving as a gift the reason why I believe that this is the better translator to have the faith of God is because the only other place in the scripture where it talks about having faith so as to move Mountain other than Matthew 17 and mark 22 11 22 minutes after twelve thirteen verse two and he's talking about if I have all faith so as to move mountains the only other place that talks about moving mountains is certain reference to not your Metron not your major faith they just talk about the gift of faith because in chapter 13 he's talking about all these gifts that he that he had just enumerated in Chapter 12 and so we know from that that that gift of all faith that will move mountains is the gift of God God's faith God's gift of faith when we understand the ways of God it's easier to come into an understanding of his will that makes us have faith but he creates it so at night in North Carolina people got healed before I prayed that was around 1995 that's 22 years ago almost a hundred percent of the time now and healing means we see somebody get healed before there's a prayer if I'll talk about it and if I don't talk about it you don't explain it it doesn't happen why because people don't expect it to happen that is why in the declaration what you expect God is going to do it's honest and true it can shift the atmosphere another quick illustration is shift in the atmosphere I was doing my first meeting in a San Paolo and in a arena it was the largest meeting I'd ever done at the time there's about 8,000 people there is a covered arena and as it was so loud and I'm just I'm just amazed I'm a country boy from Southern Illinois I mean there's only 50 people in the village I grew up in there was only 2,600 people in the county seat I mean the biggest town within an hour's drive was 25,000 only one of those I mean I'm from a small place so this place is big I'm impressed by how many people are there and I asked how many people are here and they said 8,000 I got up and I said this I believe before the nights over 800 healings will happen and you could actually hear that you could you could hear that ha and I'm thinking you know that really wasn't faith that's what I'm thinking that really was a statement of faith because I had been watching God heal at least 10 percent because at bill Johnson's church it went then at night 2 to 10 percent or more it went over to and it never went down so am I kind of like benchmark its least 10 percent is that a statement of faith no it's a statement of probability because we see that so constantly but we also see it go higher so we had well over 800 people it was healed that night yeah you know their healings happen happened that night so and the illustration went to I went to Dayton Ohio and we were doing a meeting but done a lot of Street ministry and now we're having a meeting and it's at night and I'm getting ready to do this illustration the illustration I usually would pick somebody up out of it pick somebody out of the crowd and asked them if Jesus appeared to you in a vision and said to you I want to heal you tonight how would that affect you and some people get too intellectual and I said well I would I would I would think I'm going to be healed and I said no I wouldn't that's what you were thinking I'm asking how it would affect you know Jonathan edgers talks about religious affections and how important the affections are and and so how would it affect you and sometimes they don't get it I have to ask him several times and so and enormous in doesn't what I'd be happy and then I say well would you have to feel anything before you were or would just his word to you I want to heal you tonight would that be all it would take to give you that excitement that joy that that that it's there because you actually believe it's going to happen and she said well so as the illustration I was going to use that's my supposed to work but over here on the left hand side was an african-american lady in a red coat and I just think I'll use her for the illustration so from the platform I said you know if Jesus has appeared to you and that's gonna get somebody run over there for microphone because she's pretty far out as if Jesus appeared to you tonight before I could finish the illustration she jumped up and she did a little jig and she's oh my god oh my god oh my god and she said you don't understand I sit out in that car for two hours I'm so sick I got so many things wrong with me and the fact that he just picking her out took her into faith and she was healed of all of it she came up from the stake she she she she she couldn't move her knees I mean she got him she she ruined my illustration but she Illustrated it so anyway a few weeks a few weeks ago I was in Netherlands and I'm going to use this illustration and I look and there's an african-american woman in the Netherlands with a red coat on and I just think this is too this is too bizarre anyways she got healed too so so I one time I was in Brazil and my team my young guys does I'm training they thought I had so much faith I mean they even commended me on how much faith it took to to do this illustration cuz away after there's several thousand people the way off to the left I see this woman I think she's blond because she's not blond she's great but I thought she is blonde and and and I said like that woman right over there and I did the same thing with her but as I'm walking toward her I realized she's not who I thought she was she's really getting older too the closer I get and gray hair and then I see the crutches underneath her chair and I'm thinking why in the world did you pick her you know and and so I she didn't get healed right then but she walked out the crutches over her shoulder healed before the night was over but she wasn't healed right then a lot of the times the people we call out gets healed right then sometimes the Lord speaks so gently you think you're just having your own impression and it's him I mean once I've gone to illustrate I just randomly picked some woman out and I I you know I didn't just want to say what and I forgot what the condition was I don't know now what it was but I just mentioned some say let's say God appeared to you and he told you he was gonna heal you off and I mentioned something and she started crying instantly and I realized I thought that wasn't I didn't think that was God I thought that just me but that was God because she had what I said and she got healed so I went to another church I'm telling that story I went up to one says I really tell you to do that and the other one starts crying it was the same condition she had the same thing and I'm and what the Lord was saying I speak sometimes so gently that you don't know it words of knowledge if you understand what they're for they create excitement how can you really believe you're about to be healed I not be excited they affect affections let me give you one last raishin and we're going to do something else the vineyard came to my Baptist Church no we know nothing about any of this stuff and and for three days we watch family members and church members get healed through words of knowledge and and healing it's kind of like here's the we began to understand this cause-effect chain the gift of God of Revelation and word of knowledge and prophecy are both gifts of Revelation and they work very similarly gives us an understanding of the will of God in a particular situation that creates faith and sometimes even the gift of faith which releases the gift of healing there is a cause-effect a chain reaction now that's why it's so important that people value the gifts of the Holy Spirit because the only one that really for you is tons you build yourself up with all the others they happen through you but they're not for you they're for somebody else and they bring blessing and they make the love of God so tangible so we've watched members get healed family members get healed and the leader the speaker the ordained guy has gone to a church of 6,000 and my little Baptist Church to reseed 150 packed out and my wife's on the front row and she's introverted she's never been delivered from that she's still introverted opposites do attract and she said it seated on the front row and this guy who's going to be here this week I think his name's Ken fish he was on the team and and so he said this morning when I was taking a shower God showed me he's gonna heal somebody that has TMJ my wife was two weeks off of work with medical leave TMJ really bad gonna have to have surgery for it and she's seated on the front row when he said that my wife did this and ran to the front now for an introvert to do that they have really got to be excited and then she told me she said oh my gosh I was so embarrassed because I realized they hadn't asked me to come up and I thought maybe I did something wrong as she turned around and bearson starts to walk back to her seat and realizes she's healed nobody prayed for her there was not a prayer from the platform I mean it was just the word of knowledge and her understanding that's me that created that joy in that excitement and why was she so excited because she knew it was her when you have a word of knowledge for you and it has it doesn't produce a change in affections you haven't really understood yet what it is and its purpose because when you come into that understanding and somebody calls out exactly what you have and that's why the more precise a word is and the less likely it could be just something that it you know like it doesn't create a lot of faith to say somebody's got a lower back pain but that's create faith you go out what it feels like and where you know is it Paul saying is it is it sharp is it moving to the right or to call out what verse what vertebra it is or sometimes God will give the name of the person but you don't know what's wrong with them why not last illustration before we do a video that's a few minutes long I was in via DS narrow the largest traditional Baptist Church in City and I felt like God had given me a word of knowledge that there was somebody there who's name was either her Naldo Orhan Algie but I have no clue what's wrong all I got is the name and that's I thought sometimes that's all you're here we don't know what's wrong with you but this is your name you're hearing you have a need of healing this is your name but as I start as I'm starting to give it then I get another impression that he's a pastor so I said there's an outdoor analogy you're here in your pastor would you stand is for physical healing and three stood up and then I had an impression that it's for his child and all but one I mean to to remain sane once this was seated and that I said I think it's a daughter there's only one man left standing I said is your daughter here he said no she's not I said can you've come tomorrow morning Sunday he said yes I'll bring her he's pastor so he brings her no 15 to 17 years old and she's Caucasian but from from the first joint of every finger the first joint up has turned black and obviously it's it's got something to do probably with circulation but the doctors don't know what's causing it and her fingers the enzyme are like dying and they don't know how to treat it but that word creates so much faith in her in her father and also in me I got his name knows all that stuff made it it is for you we prayed she didn't feel a thing and there's no change instantly but by the time Sunday night rolled around that same day healing is already manifesting in her hands and that blackness is leaving and the the pinkness is coming back in but I value standing on the promises of God's Word I value believing and and and and and contending for healing I I'm not saying that's not important what I am saying is that we also need to know that there's is also the side where God does for sometimes what we have maybe been standing for four years and in that one moment he he creates a gift of faith in us to receive a healing I'll tell you more about it Morial stretches tomorrow what a so what have we talked about tonight we've talked about the power of faith to be created by words of knowledge which released then gifts of faith and brings us in the gifts of healing we've talked about the importance of and why make certain statements that I believe these things is going are going to happen because it helps people come into more faith for example when we show video which I'm about to do right now I'm practicing I'm just telling you what I'm doing it while I'm doing it so you'll know what I'm doing and for those of you who are pastors and leaders just to say oh I understand why he's doing it now if I show a video and don't talk about it in a sense of as you watch this video some of you can be healed watching it before there's a prayer we show those videos and almost never is anybody healed watching it show the same video but this time remember tell them that they can be healed watching the video tell them the numbers of people that you've seen get healed watching the video and what happens shifts because now the congregation is just not watching a video but the congregation because of the declaration which is the truth because I have seen almost every time that we talk about it somebody get healed watching the video so in this video you're about to watch it's called the Bethel compilation almost all first of all these are not just healings several these are actually creative miracles that you're gonna see one will be a person who's had all the bones and the eardrum destroyed by a disease they're not present that's why she's deaf in that ear and now she's hearing now that hear that's not a healing that's a creative miracle he had to create parts that were not there so it's not just an organ isn't a dis-ease state we're talking about an organic healing if something's not there but the this this is the one with the crowbar but it's not the one about the leg okay and the the last the last one the last testimony you're gonna see did not happen in bill Johnson's Church a meeting we did there it happened in friend of Mines Church in Albuquerque New Mexico and it had happened than the night I was praying Lord I think you're saying you're given knowing more words than what I realized and I've been playing it too safe because I didn't want to miss and I think you've been whispering to me and I've been missing it and so I missed a lot of words out of fear of missing so tonight well this is my dear friend we're very close friends it was in our demon group with the sim they're not demon but Doctor of Ministry groups and I said I'm just gonna I'm gonna write down every slightest impression and I will give him tonight I got to find out and there were at least least five I remember one of them was and I actually thought I gave all the words of knowledge because I failed him in other ways I knew these because of experience for many many years I knew these were from the Lord but these others I actually I didn't think they were I honestly didn't think they were so I saved him to last if you're gonna miss don't miss it the front miss on the end you know was trying to learn so I said I don't know if these next five words are from God or not they're they just came by impression and some of them I'm almost certain aren't the Lord and that one almost 17 staples the next was I don't know if I heard Artesia or artisan I don't know how to interpret that another one was well by the way I was in the middle of a desert I was in Tucson Arizona a maritime accident and they laughed at me I said I told you it wasn't sure it was God and the last one was I even said I am sure almost positive this last one is not God I'm missing it crowbar that was the written word of knowledge crowbar you know what you know what a crowbar is you know you know okay all right there was somebody that stood up that had surgery and had 17 staples in her surgeon had complications from it there is an hour an artisan from the little town I didn't even know existed called Artesia that was there there were there was a pastor friend of mine who had gone to the east coast and it got hurt on a boat and the last one you see at the end of the video so let's watch the video watch it with an expectation because I so I so expect somebody's gonna get healed watching it that as soon as it's over I'm gonna ask everybody stand up and test her because sometimes you don't know if you're healed - you try to do what you can't and so I can tell how much faith is in the room by how many people actually move so at the end I'm going to ask everybody stand up and try to do something you can't do test it out and for then for those of you that are at least 80% better you can wave your hands like this okay let's watch it [Music] my name is Eli belie yeah what was your problem a metal plate sticking out of my arm for years and in front of everyone like this upper arms I've always been that I just swing down I don't go flat got it in an instant I watched it go flat as we were praying over her it disappeared the plates gone [Applause] all this the screws that had come out were in my muscle they were embedding and so can I just I love to duck out like a mound on her like it was gnarly yeah perhaps a bunk since like 2006 so for eight years or nine years yeah plate coming out of her arm he's just had this huge plate coming out of her arm like a mound on her arm that was so visible and I watched it as we were praying instantly [Applause] in 2012 I got saved at the Healing Rooms in Santa Maria and I got healed of HIV and my heart valves got healed and I've got the proof the medical proof to prove it and so I didn't think God would do more for me and then they stood up and prayed for my arm and He healed me again so I had a disease in my ear and it's called colossi automa and it ate away all the ear bones and the eardrum in my left ear and I could only hear very loud noises like tractors and airplanes but I couldn't hear the TV and I couldn't talk on the phone and I couldn't hear my very quiet friend and this weekend I I think that just changed and I I think I can hear out of my ear just fine and I can hear little tiny noises like rubbing my fingers together in this ear and that is a total change completely so you said you had no EBO --nz no eardrum and you could only hear very loud sounds and now you're saying you can hear a gentle rub of your own fingers in the midst of a crowd is that right yeah in this noisy room I can hear my little fingers and I can hear my quiet friend just fine incredible praise God [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] it also affected my back [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] on it on a scale of one a zero to ten Kent is excruciating what was the level of your pain before you got here can I say over 10 yes a lot of times like I couldn't even make dinner for my husband or do anything with my Greg that's it what's the pain level man I was one of the people that stood up when he said crowbar and everybody kind of giggled but um I stood up because God had told me earlier when we were in praise and worship it's the crowbar you're still holding on to that a reason is is that I suffered domestic violence and I was beaten with a crowbar my neck was broken my jaw was broken I suffered loss of hearing and this year I couldn't hear at all I wear a hearing aid the associate pastor and so I could attest they're my in-laws they're my brothers me so their mind that I can't hear but we were praised the words if he said now I'm gonna wash you clean and I was there I was kind of embarrassed but I was just soaking it was just getting wet and I snuck their take off my hearing aid or else I'm not gonna be able to hear it's not gonna work cuz they get wet they don't work so I took it off and then I was saying wait I could I could hear I don't know how good I could hear it but I've never heard you before preach even with a microphone without the hearing name and denied I didn't wear the hearing aid it went right into my Bible pocket and I haven't put it back on because there was the ProGuard we have broke my neck and my jaw and God healed me inside my heart because he said it's not the hearing that you want it's the healing inside that now the Lord had spoken to her and told her before is this correct before I gave the word kro-bar he told you he was going to heal the crowbar issue for you tonight and then we get this crowbar so thank you for coming and giving that testimony we and thank you Lord yes everybody stand and check things out I believe somebody will find out that you have been healed already so check it out take 20 seconds and then I want you to if you're at least eighty percent better till you'll put both hands above your head and wave them this way until they cross check it out in Korea I don't have to say check it out they're watching a video like that and they're out there you know bending over just doing everything you know it's don't have team same thing ten more seconds I remember we were in a church in Brazil and this guy had a screw in the clavicle and it broken he had metal in this area and he would not quit trying I mean others are good he just he just kept going on and he got his healing another guy in a Baptist Church here de Janeiro out in the near fidella slum this Deacon had 16 screws in his back for bars and 16 screws and he could only lift his arms up level his shoulder then he tried and he didn't want to distract from the meeting because we went on he went outside and for the next half-hour he kept trying to lift those arms and then he came in with full range of motion it had happened so it's it's I don't encourage you to just keep checking things out it's all right anybody 80% better if so wait there's one woman here one woman there it's two people thank you God any others thank you lord all right all right you may be seated one last illustration before I had the team come up and give words of knowledge and the team from the local church as well your Minister team if you have words of knowledge for physical healing this is not this is not a prophetic conference it's a healing conference and so we want to focus on on healing so in that aspect of revelatory give the one place when I show you the scripture the the power of word of knowledge and how a word of knowledge works but it's not a word of knowledge it just illustrates it you know I'm okay it illustrates how where knowledge works blind bartimaeus heard that Jesus coming by he yells at Jesus Jesus son of David have mercy on me one of the disciples came and hushed him up and told him to be still we still have a lot of too many disciples trying to get people to give up and quit crying out to God so for be careful don't be that disciple and then he just kept crying Jesus under David have mercy on me Jesus hurt him but Jesus did not go to him Jesus sent a disciple with a message for him that's what a word of knowledge is if Jesus giving a disciple of his a message for somebody else and so the the the disciple of Jesus went to blind Bartimaeus and he said on your feet that's my scripture for asking you to stand up if you get a word of knowledge on your feet be encouraged why four words he is calling you when blind bartimaeus bartemaeus heard that he went from what I believe was desperation because a lot of people cry out in desperation it's not saying it's crying out in faith there is a difference between desperation and faith now I believe those four words he is calling you took him out of desperation in the faith and he took off the cloak the Sanhedrin had given him which was like his social security benefit card his Medicare card it was his way of getting arms when he see this certain cloak it means we've checked him out he's not running a scam he's not a con artist this is a legitimate man who's worthy of your arms you you need to give him and he took that coat off that identified him as blind bartimaeus that cloak threw it to the ground because he knew I'm not gonna need that anymore there was an act that showed faith had come when he heard those four words Jesus is calling you that's what a word knowledge is to do so be encouraged if you are the recipient of a word of knowledge tonight I'm going to ask the team to go ahead and come up from that these are students from our school and William of course is has graduated from the school and and is now on staff and then if there's anyone from the local church on your ministry that has a word of knowledge come as well and as they're getting ready I want to give a homonym will just pray for you afterwards if you have a problem in your right kneecap it's actually in the front of the knee and the knee cap on your right knee I want you to stand after him 1 2 3 4 5 just two questions is the number-7 mean anything to any of you has the kneecap is there any way you can make a connection as it was at seven years old he got hurt heavy had seven surgeries as it's been seven weeks and been prayed for said I don't know I just when I got that I had an impression with the number seven I don't try to interpret them when I don't know what the interpretation is I just give it and let the Holy Spirit interpret it because that makes sense to any of you then be encouraged by it before I go on I really want here's another thing you can be healed by an act of obedience John's Gospel has seven eight actually eight signs but seven that six of the seven are preceded the healings the miracles are preceded by an act of obedience and the seventh one is implied that there is an act of obedience I've seen this happen a lot so I believe some of you can be healed right now by doing something and I saw a sweat on the whole here's what I believe can happen some of you will be healed when we pray some of you may be here when we lay hands on you I say we literally but some of you can be healed right now and I believe that all you have to do is just you know take your knee and just do seven kicks and then check it out and I believe that somebody it will already be healed 80% or more just from doing that and it's just seven times when you get 70 and quit now check it out or whatever you need to do to check it out okay if you are one of the ones we haven't prayed yet we're but if you're one of the ones you already are at least said 80% better wait both hands over your head there's one two three four five thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord okay now is there this impression so I don't know you know I don't know if this is the Lord or not on this is there someone that your name is Dorcas or Tabitha okay I don't know what else to do with that one unless you're a cell or a purple all right are you you identify with her I okay the mid now I'm back to comfort mid-back right in here it's not the spine at all it's over here in this area on the right side in the middle of the back you have discomfort right there who's that okay all right underneath the ankle of left foot on the outside so it's in the in the ankle bone down right underneath the ankle bone and maybe a little bit behind it but in this area down below on the outside of your left ankle who has a problem there okay all right and then is there someone here by the name of Josiah I have a son by that name but I'm just is there some what it was coming to me while in office I guess an impression and misery Josiah okay that wasn't the Lord oh there is a josa know somebody got here and ankle or knee what was healed the left one I wish your name was Josiah what is your name you had a fracture all right thank you lord thank you lord all right okay the ankle one I just believe you know he just got healed and I didn't even have him do anything because I was tempted to fight I really want to encourage you all the ones who stood up for all those words before we get the other words would you just stand back up and try to do something first I don't know though the yeah let me put it that way just try to if you need to roll your ankle you know these are what I call them acts of faith and I just want to see if anybody else gets healed before we pray and William are you keeping track of the numbers of things thank you God thank you God all right anybody else 80% better have what was it that you were healed Oh ankle left foot ankle good thank you Lord another thank you God okay let's go ahead and all right I got a lot of pain in the right side but with the kidney kidney issues or you know kidney stones anybody and then also got the right ankle and it is on the outside like right on the bone and a burning pain into the foot so right foot ankle injury there alright so got chest pains and so I'm but I felt like it's almost like a heart issue but it's actually a spasm that's causing severe pain in your chest okay alright and then anxiety like you just have this uncontrollable anxiety and you need peace I have neck some somebody has an upper neck issue in their neck also someone with a tailbone you have a tailbone issue I also got a word of knowledge there's a child that needs healing in the service somewheres um I also got hurt issues I don't know if there is somebody that has an actual heart issue left shoulder I got left shoulder I got someone that has a cane somebody came in with a cane I saw a cane you have a cane okay I have somebody with a throat issue you have a issue with your throat I have I don't know if this is cancer somebody that has cancer and I have someone you have a issue with your jaw and also saw someone that's loose in their sight your was in your sight do you know which jaw was um the jaw I always thought I was just the job okay George okay lower jaw yeah okay pain in the head in there in the left side specifically pointing I'm pointing my finger in the left side of the head with a lot of pain also lower back right side a muscular tension basically here in the right side is specifically here pain in the left eye like with vibration or jumping pressure in the tongue left ear blocked and you experience sound like that kind of bother sound the left ear blocked allergy in the right ear this is for a woman pain in the right breast pressure in the right ear right cough cough the muscle here pressure in the right zone of the neck and pain in the left side of the back below the scapula this part okay I have TMJ pain in the left big toe and as migraines it's it's almost to the back of the head and bulging discs marrow fused in the neck toward the left hand side it's almost hard for you to turn your head without pain irregular heartbeat right leg I saw a picture of a right leg from the knee down and the picture of a soccer ball if that means anything to someone pain in the stomach like a sharp pain like right there somewhere around the diaphragm area like right here and partial deafness in the left ear and pulsating pain in the mid back toward the left hand side like it's not it's not the spine but toward on the left hand side like right there you're already 80% yeah guys the soccer ball already 80% all right thank you God and there's uh I'm not sure about this I just saw a picture of boiling boiling water in a pot I don't know what to do with that and I don't have anything else but just if that means anything to you or if it's it's it's a trigger for something a memory or something that happened a boiling water in a pot then the date September 17th and diabetes get an achy pain in the right eye now so later got it the same kind of ache in the left eye pain in the top of the right foot just behind the toes an issue with the right breast not necessarily pain but right breast and under your arm the outside of the right knee just sharp pain left ankle the whole ankle and the left heel the bottom of the left heel pain in the back right down the spine right here you don't have to stand for this one but I believe God is healing mental illness and I got the name Jamie Shh [Music] [Applause] painting the right side of the back by the ribcage left knee hernia fibromyalgia shhh PTSD right shoulder and a sharp pain in the right thigh okay wait I just have a sharp pain in the chest and it's actually causing shortness of breath I just keep getting a bit absence of that is there anybody here raise your hand oh yeah if you're standing you have a second word you can just wave at him say yeah I got that too okay another guy healed here that's awesome come on see you thank you yes thank you Lord yes thank you lord I keep having this severe abdominal pain right across my stomach here this abdominal pain as well lower back pain almost going down to the tailbone so I don't know and I have this image of someone falling down on their backside and it caused damage in the lower back and um tailbone also I keep having this pain on the back of my head I don't know but I feel like it could be a growth or something like that underneath the skin that's attached itself to to the brain or or something like that it's kind of what I sense I would also have a pain in the left eye almost behind the eye is like it's a a sharp pain that shoots through the eye that makes sense did anybody okay dr. Clark okay also remember who called out your condition because after I pray from the platform if you're not healed from the prayer from the platform because he said you shall lay your hands on the sick and they shall recover we believe in laying on of hands as well so remember who called out your warden you should go to them the one who had your condition one lesson of that I wanted is right here and it's just right there and I think that is around the fifth lumbar vertebra and so if you have a problem just right where the but the where the belt would be are a little bit below the belt if you if not for me they even told you it's a fifth lumbar vertebra disc or verb itself then you know I really feel like that God wants to heal that and all right now before we pray if you've already waived your hands that you've been healed of something don't do it again but if you have not waived your hands and before we pray now just check it out if you've not waived your hands but you realize you are 80% better would you wave your hands you're 80% better that you haven't all right there's one keep waving for a minute there's one more two more three more four more thank you God five more thank you God thank you lord so five more and it so all so we're already at 17 and 18 and this is usually 50% of what happens okay now we're going to pray what I want you to do is this if it's muscular or skeletal and there's anything you can do to test it out while I'm praying I would like for you to do that if it's an organ it has nothin to move there's really no loss of function but just it's in a deceased state if it's appropriate put your hand wherever it is I just thought the other night I knew I had to down low on the left side and my it's not it's in the growing area but it's more to the right of the groin area and soft tissue in here and what would be there but I just felt that pain while goes on if you have that problem go ahead and stand up as well now put your hand wherever you need the healing or move whatever they are you know if you have trouble hearing you know you just start doing that with my one of my special son Brazil had ordered like close three hundred deaf ears open down he just I watched him you just do this do something you know to and when they started see it happen so anyway father thank you for what's about to happen and I thank you God for the 17 or 18 people as healings that have already happened God we thank you we come in a line with every word that's been given and so according to st. Corinthians chapter 2 chapter 2 Lord we just speak Amen so be it let it be done so the Amen is spoken by us to the glory of God Paul said and so we say Amen to every one of these words because we know that you're not a man that you should lie Lord we know that you watch over your word to bring it to pass we pray father in the name of Jesus would command pain to leave we break every curse we the Lord speak to any causes of pain that's related to a spirit in Jesus name we break your power cancel your assignment command you to lift off of them god we just speak to the problems and the shoulders went through the problems in the the stomach the problems in the digestive system the problems in the the eyes and the pressure and the eyes problems and the back problems in the ribcage every word that was given by any one God we come in alignment with it in Jesus name and we say release your power release your energy let your energy as Paul said we labor with all his energy that works so madly within us we pray for your power and your energy to flow into them in the name of Jesus pain leaf we command pain to leave and we speak regeneration to where there's been degeneration they've been told your problem it has something to have degeneration we speak regeneration in the name of Jesus and we thank you God we thank you God in Jesus name now check out your bodies one more time if you waved your hands earlier don't wave them again unless you're healed of a second thing if you healed of a second thing or a third thing you can leave them as many times to get healed if you are now 80% better or more and you have not waived your hands do so as a result of the prayer we just prayed both hands like this way both hands like this there's one two more three more thank you got four more thank you God thank you Lord now how many of you how many of you you say you know i'm honestly Randy I'm not 80% better but I'm better I feel God's touching me my pain is getting better my condition is getting better you may not feel anything except your pains getting better condition get better but you may even feel heat or injury some power on you would you put only one hand in there say that's me now reason why I'm asking if I was praying for you as an individual and you said that to me I would pray again you know what Jesus prayed one time the guy didn't get healed instantly he said what do you see I see men like trees walking what's he doing he prays again so this is our model so father we thank you for what you're doing and we bless them and we just bless what you're doing we honor you by taking this time in Jesus name and we bless them God we we just speak in alignment of these words it's been spoken over them we thank you that they're getting better we thank you we praise you we give you glory complete what's been started all pain leave in Jesus name pain in the disc pain in the vertebra leave in Jesus name pain in the muscle in the back and both on the right and left side and in the ribcage we command it to leave in Jesus name in Jesus name we command those migraines to leave in Jesus name God we command pain in the left hip area in the front of the hip bone to leave in Jesus name and also someone has a pain in the shin of the right shin bone in the middle kind of we command it to leave in the name of Jesus God we give you glory we give you glory in Jesus name in Jesus name them one more time check things out now if you were not able to wave your hands while ago or you've been healed of a second thing wave both hands over your head if you're at least 80% better now there's one more two more three more four more five more six more seven more eight more thank you God thank you God thank you God it's 31 another one 32 think you got another one 33 thank you God thank you lord thank you lord thank you God we give you glory alright now here's the good news we haven't started laying on our hands yet but we're going to let you go on pretty soon it's past 10 o'clock you say that's good news yes because the greatest healings most always the greatest things we've seen happen after 10 no seriously I remember the first time I ever went on a trip I wasn't in the vineyard I'm still a Baptist pastor and John Wimber met with it and said pay attention to the people who come to you for prayer late in the evening it means that they're desperate and they have faith or they wouldn't have stayed and often some of the greatest miracles you see and it's been true it has been true now the good news is also that we've seen a lot of good things happen before 10 but before you leave I would like to ask out of the 31 people could I get five of you that you you you can say hey here's something I could not do and and you had this problem for quite a while and and that's and now I can do it or I couldn't do it without pain now there's no pain I'd like to get just because what happens if people see it but they don't hear the testimonies it doesn't build enough faith and so we need a few of these test points so we have one right here could I get four more volunteers all right the guy with the foot come on up - need three more would you come yeah and we do want okay one more all right you rested you can be seated for a moment so what's your name and tell us what happened my name is David whoops I mean the other Mike too for the this is just for this one no this is just for the mic the camera yeah my name is David and I got into a incident during an arrest hurt my foot June 29th probably diagnosed with a fracture at first so it's been it's been quite a while it's been quite a journey dealing with the injury I've been home from work and been unable to do the common things I've been in the boob and I was told it'd be about six weeks and I haven't been feeling proper healing in this foot and came in tonight with the boot ironically my wife actually broke her foot just a few days ago as well her same left foot but uh you know they put the video on and I'm watching the video and you know I've been hobble around here all night and I can't say after the video or as the video was going on and I'm watching it I did feel something going on in my leg down to my foot but I really thought that maybe I just sat on it was sitting in the wrong position for too long but when the video was over you know I said I need to test this and took this off and I'm able to roll my foot I'm able to move it and push up all my toys yeah thank you Lord the only the only thing I have to say is that I really should have come with two shoes here tonight thank you thank you Jesus so so I so I have I was in 2003 started having bad sciatica and the right in my right leg started seeing massage therapists and chiropractors and got x-rays and you know it was obvious I had severe distant generation between s it was actually l5 and s1 and and and and some above - and and I you know because I was seeing chiropractor massage therapist I actually avoided seeing a doctor till 2012 when things finally started getting worse and I finally got an MRI and when I took the results of the chiropractor I was seeing he said oh I'm so sorry to hear that this is a lot worse than I thought so you know it's three herniated discs in the lumbar spine also some spinal stenosis and and you know the the district generation is worse on the right side which causes the sciatica but you know after there had been speaking some you know one gentleman that spoke of the herniated disc and then there's something about tail bones - I also did fall on my tailbone years ago which I think after this had even started and made things worse which started just affecting my hips - more recently I also have in the last year's been having a lot of pain with my left hip and my left leg and specifically coming from this area I'm a massage therapist so I know a lot about my body and you know to start with I was trying to bend back so when you have sciatica and you have nerve compression you when you do this so specifically with stenosis it's even worse you can't do this because it instantly starts creating pain right and dis compression so the more I did this and realize that I wasn't getting the pain because initially I was feeling some pain and it just yeah thank and then when we spoke of this dislike to me or this hip so I started you know palpating around because that's what I do I'm a massage therapist and I know that this area is usually painful when I start poking around and that's not painful anymore but I had already been feeling tingling in this leg when we I think before that when there was something else that we had discussed too but I wasn't really sure yet so amen amen you know how many of you have metal in your body some type of artificial material put in your body and we're going to go for that one of these nights walk tonight but just a couple of weeks ago or a week ago at the vo voice of the pasta we had 18 people who had metal in her body that got healed out of probably around 30 18 of them were healed I appreciate that herniated this thing I've had nine herniated discs and two pinched nerves three different causes and I got healed of all of them in different times so I have freely received freely give so I said what tell us about your story um I'm Barbara and my left knee and it's weird because we kept saying right right and I just say no left yes said left knee and so I stood up right away and I got horrible pains in my whole leg and in my knee it was like worse than I'd had I've had this for several months now I'm going to physical therapy three times a week and and I said no I'm gonna you know it's she said it it's God's doing it and the longer I stand here the better it's getting how much better is it hundred-percent all right thank you Jesus Thank You genius now let's see just let's just if we can just get it on the video so he can say hey the word was right here's the guy that got hurt we're just curious a little a little more information hi my name is pat one of the members here at church last night I was playing soccer and on the very last play of the game I went to kick the ball for a pass and I originally had ripped this quadricep here a few years ago it's like dented last night it happened again and when my friend here you know it's kind of strange like soccer ball right leg go and it was also and I felt this warm sensation and there it is feels great a man hey man thank you lord okay I'm gonna ask that the team would come back up and the team from the church if you would join us your ministry team and we're going to pray if you had a word of knowledge and you stood and you were not healed 80% or more yet come to the person who called it out you say well what about I I'm here but I didn't have there was no word of knowledge for me we're gonna do one prayer for the play I'm gonna pray once and then we're going to ask you to come up but I need the team from the church to come on up and join them now they didn't give any words of knowledge so if you're coming for something different come to one of them so that they can can pray for that if you came tonight and there's no word of knowledge for you and you wanted wanted to be prayed for go ahead and stand I'm going to pray for you all right now and then we're going to have the pastor come and dismiss you and you can either come forward for prayer or or leave I do hope you can come back tomorrow and this we probably we had faint 31 healing so far that's probably half of what's gonna happen tonight so it's gonna be a lot more than what we said so if you're need healing there's no word of knowledge for did you stand that where you're at in your seats put your hand where you need the healing or begin to try to move or operate whatever is not working right I'll pray for you other starting to pray here and I too want to pray for first of all the words I gave that if you weren't healed I want to pray for those nightmares and if you're suffering from a bad nightmares come and let her pray for you okay father I pray for everyone that's standing and I did bless them in Jesus name and I pray God that you'd release your healing gifts we we welcome the angels of the Lord we know that they often are involved in healing as well and so we thank you God and we pray for reap new parts to be given we bless them we bless them God in Jesus name we pray for just as the people are being prayed for up here in front now there'll be a lot of people get healed in the name of Jesus God we bless them we speak your healing virtue to go through their body your energy your heat your power and if they have an infection that won't heal that even the coldness the opposite of the infection causes heat as infection that defense a little girl he got a new kidney she is rejecting her second kidney she had is being rejected it's really hot I said what do you feel she said gelada is the Portuguese for cold and she was healed so Lord we bless them in Jesus name thank you for everything you've done we give you all the glory God weight and we just declare we're just partnering with you and we can do nothing only what we see you do and so we bless them and thank you for every healing is taking place in Jesus name Amen now check out your body one last time those who stood and if you received a healing eighty percent or more as we just prayed just put your hands in the air and wave them like this so we see if anybody else got a healing right then before we dismiss you if so wave your hands till they cross anybody else a healing okay just go ahead and come forward people be praying oh the other thing a team everybody this praying before they go back everybody team global team and the other team asking if they're better if they get eighty percent better clap 15 times loudly that's the sign to get people know people are getting healed somebody just got you yes [Music] you
Channel: Harvest Time Church
Views: 31,906
Rating: 4.7562327 out of 5
Keywords: Randy Clark, Global Awakening, healing, words of knowledge, miracles, Gifts of the Spirit, Greenwich Connecticut, Christian
Id: 3t3oqrM_lSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 33sec (7113 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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