Randonautica Experience | A REAL First Time Randonauting Adventure

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all right what's going on guys welcome today we're in the car we're gonna be heading off on a Rando Nautica adventure if you guys don't know what that is it's basically an app that'll give you random coordinates to go to a lot of people have been finding some messed up stuff someone literally found a real body in a suitcase now obviously that doesn't happen every time some of the things you'll find will be like happy they'll be cool but the whole point is you kind of go out with a specific focus in mind and with that focus it'll give you a set of coordinates and you drive there or walk there whatever house depending how far it is and you see what it is and you can keep going to different points after that so you know we're just gonna go into it with the open mind I don't know what to expect we'll try a few different things and see what happens but hopefully nothing too crazy we don't want anything terrible but you never know we'll have to find out what we see but let's get started okay so I am with my girlfriend and we're gonna be doing basically our own version so we'll go with mine first or hers first we haven't even decided but we'll go with one of ours first and then we'll do the other person so for mine I think I'm gonna choose like treasure or wealth now obviously we'll probably not find any treasure but that's just my choice who knows maybe it'll be an amazing viewpoint and that'll be like the treasure so we have the out pulled up so now what we can choose is a few different options here and it tells you right here if you want to read it but I think should we go for the void yeah let's do void all right how many points we'll do two for this one this one we do phone right try doing the end you like just to seem like it won't load yeah cuz the servers are quite overloaded right now with everybody I'm interested in this app so there it's searching you can see little Sami down here he's coming on this adventure with us hi Sam Sandi okay so we've got our point and now we get to choose how we want to see it so we'll do Apple maps and we'll find out where it is and start heading that wellnot is driving yeah we've got a tough little left turn here there's just a ton of cars coming on this big road we don't want to walk this area just isn't very Walker yeah and we might end up going pretty far like Athena suppose to go to another point after this one and stuff so we'll have to see okay it's very bright here so I can't really see my phone screen but the first place that we pull up to it's on silver Lane and it's actually a high school out of high school rather on silver Lane so silver of course that actually is a bit weird like I don't know how many roads around here are named something like gold or silver or money so the fact that it's silver and we went for wealth is a good first step and we'll have to see what part two takes us soo sorry about the brightness here but in part two we're gonna be doing an anomaly and we'll go for one yeah and we figure out this will actually work this time around with the servers usually maybe okay this is actually a little bit weird I'm not trying to act like it can read my mind perfectly but it is Country Club Road I mean country clubs are usually known for being like quite rich and wealthy so we've got silver lane and now we're heading to Country Club Road I don't even know what that point is but we'll have to see off to an interesting start say balloons Country Club Road it's actually a church right here and this is some side street I don't even know if we're supposed to go back here to be honest but we're kind of just gonna do it anyways now where are we headed her head okay I think we're gonna have to stop here because there's not really anything else to do all right at the end of Country Club Road we've actually just found a little parking lot on the side of this church so we're gonna get out it's actually a little field there's a little like play gated area there and then over here there's actually quite a nice field it's quite big all right we're hopping out of the car let's check it out and see what's going on okay we're just walking around not really anything yet it's very peaceful around here and we've never been here before but not necessarily anything relating to wealth and treasure so far but who knows maybe the piece is the treasure not exactly what I was after but you know you could take that ok guys at the end of country-club in fact you can literally see the sign there this is Country Club Road we just actually found this solet's and associates wealth preservation so just for fun I was thinking of my intention is my like future career and like just that because I don't know I'm very lost about that in like the last few months I've been debating whether or not I should go to law school like if I should take the LSAT all that stuff and we pull up to a law firm yeah but not even just that not just the baiting like she actually has been studying she's getting ready to apply probably so like this is a real thing so the fact that I was kind of thinking about the wealth side of things and we literally have what did I say wealth and treasure that's the words I said and we have wealth management at the end of Country Club Road at a law firm which is her side of it that she's kind of been thinking in the background that's a bit weird I don't think you can really say that that's such a coincidence because that's exactly where it told us to go we didn't really see it at first because we pulled down the road a little bit but you could see the sign it was right there Country Club Road and then in front of the sign of Country Club we have that okay well the fact that it led us to literally something that says wealth I think that kind of proves the point that that one is kind of done lawyer wealth all that stuff pretty telling on the road names as well so we're gonna do another one now you know I wasn't exactly planning on finding like buried treasure so I think we'll take that as it took us to where we thought we would Bend up something like that now for the next one we got a distant a little bit weird or something that might actually end up being you know showing us something kind of odd so I think we've decided we're gonna do creature as kind of the thing we're going after what that means what we'll end up seeing we have no idea but creature it's kind of interesting let's go for it do that one and creature we want to find some sort of creature something along the behinds something kind of freaky and odd like that I don't know why I didn't keep recording but I was just saying imagine if it like takes us to the river look at this good pasture Island Road not obviously that doesn't mean we're gonna find a creature but if you're thinking about a creature where you're most likely fun probably near a river or some body of water so here we go yeah it's just like sure exactly okay we just got here this one's actually quite weird there's literally this path there's literally a path right here that goes well we can't really tell but it looks like a head steward to the river I see some sort of railing I don't know if we're supposed to be here it's like kind of a company industrial area yeah we'll be quick to check it out if there's nothing and we'll see what happens so what's that out there and find our creature we're gonna find a creature this is the type of spot to find one huh I see some oh my god that squirrel went flying bro and that's one sort of creature there's something what is out there actually why do they look so weird oh it's like their bottoms up yeah well it's certainly taking us to a nice spot there's a few little creatures plenty of little animals squirrels ducks and things not necessarily a freaky one the baby ducks area though it actually did take us this hour we've never been that's quite amazing there's dragonflies there's baby ducks there's squirrels there's peace what is going on down here though dude what is is that just some Lightning moss formation there's some creatures living down there that's for sure they're all the dragonflies this is about the most creatures that you're gonna find in one spot around here no way look at the birds the Ducks rather just walking through over here they just disappear okay we are currently stopped literally writers believe me there's a whole herd of them family we're crossing the road well guys that's where we're gonna wrap that up we didn't really know what to expect as you can see it did definitely work to a certain extent obviously we didn't go for the craziest things ever we could try that in the next video we just wanted to test it out don't go too crazy but we could try something like a little bit more scary a little bit more terrifying along those lines so if you guys do want to see that drop like and subscribe for that next video and let me know in the comments down below what you think we should go forward but it was definitely unique experience and you know I went into it thinking that was gonna be stupid it's pretty cool I mean obviously it wasn't like we found some treasure chests but it's exactly what we asked for just not in the way we realized it so thanks for watching guys we'll see you guys later let me know what you thought in the comments down below and peace [Music]
Channel: NoahDB5
Views: 59,176
Rating: 4.8202248 out of 5
Keywords: randonautica tiktok, randonautica, randonautica experience, randonautica explained, randonauting, randonauting explained, how to use randonautica, randonautica how to, randonautica scary, randonautica dead body, randonautica how to use it, randonautica stories, randonautica adventure, randonauting adventure, exploring with randonautica, scary randonautica experience, real randonautica, first time using randonautica, first time randonauting, randonauting tiktok, randonaut
Id: FXdyCRm-mdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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