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20 20 20 20 give me something related to 20 20 come on this is weird I don't you guys can see that sign literally right there it says 20 20 what's up guys welcome back to a brand new video my name is Angela welcome to the channel so what we do here on exploring with Angela's normally we adventure off into abandoned places haunted places or just weird obnoxious strange places so lately I know a lot of people have been trying this app it's called the random Nautica app we've already actually tried it on most channel on two or three different occasions we probably have by this point at least two videos out on his channel I want to give you guys one on my channel as well because I know a lot of it does have been asking and requesting for this video to be done so this app is truly random and strange like it literally I don't know it just brings you to weird strange places that are somehow tied into what it is that we're thinking so I'm actually gonna go by myself randomly I guess picking spots around Ottawa and then you know figuring out the app doing our thing letting it decide exactly where it's gonna take us on this adventure first things first so something really annoying happened as you guys might know if you guys watch these videos on a regular basis I wear glasses so something kind of strange happened and I'm assuming it might actually tie into this app it's very very weird the first time we actually tried this app on most channel if you if you saw his first video you'll see that we ended up going to like this abandoned farm while we didn't actually go into the property but we flew the drone into it and we actually realized it was an abandoned farm which was a strange one so last night something odd happened I was with Rennie and Moe and we all kind of had our own in ten so Moe I don't even know remember what Moe was thinking about maybe like death or something like that I mean that's as usual intention I was thinking of money and Renny was thinking of Lassie basically the dog oddly enough the app actually brought us to a location that we've been to before we were where we found a dead dog and we ended up going last night if you watch Moe's video you'll see exactly what happened but I was actually hoping for money and I kid you not I actually ended up finding $100 I also kind of thought to myself watch I want money so I'm gonna receive some money but I'm gonna end up having to spend some money and lo and behold look at what happened my frigging glass is today all I was literally doing was adjusting them on my I had them on my face literally went like this and I heard a pop and this whole arm literally just came loose these are prescription glasses I wear them on a daily basis right now I have them taped together I'm gonna head over to the dollar store first buy some glue so I could fix these up later on yeah I don't know that that was just weird I don't know if it was part of my intention gone wrong maybe very very strange scenario anyways we're gonna go get that glue first and then we're gonna head over to just some random spot is that where we can start getting coordinates from the app and see exactly where it takes us let's go all right guys Krazy Glue acquired one of you guys on Twitter actually suggested his stuff and I was pretty happy that the dollar store had it so I bought it can I use it to fix my glasses later on but let's get the show on the road with this Rando Nautica app okay so so far this is what the app looks like on the Google phone I was actually gonna drive to somewhere random but I figured you know what let's just hurry up and start it over here so first things first you got to click this button so we got some options here now I know on the iPhone there's options too like you know get different amounts of coordinates I don't know if that's what this five means exactly I don't know how to change that let's see if there's something in the settings so unfortunately I can't seem to figure that out so we're just gonna go with anomaly set it to around 3,000 meters they're gonna select the RNG whatever that is but I remember being told to just pick me and use the way this app actually works it's supposed to use like your intention so you're supposed to think about something very very specific or even not even specific maybe just like a general concept or idea like yesterday we're thinking of things like death money it was taking us to places like cemeteries and all sorts of weird places obviously like I mentioned before the ban in place and then there was obviously the barn with a dead dog trying to think of exactly what to think of give me some ideas some suggestions down in the comments let me know maybe some ideas of or maybe some concepts of what you guys want me to think of with this app I'll do many more videos if you guys really want me to do this stuff then I have absolutely no problem like I said the main thing that we do is the haunted and abandoned places okay so I'm gonna think of 2020 for this one okay so it is it's functioning its searching it might take a little bit but 2020 2020 that's what we're thinking of just kind of waiting for it to come up with something could take a little while yeah this is taking forever I don't know why it's so slow on my phone on the iPhone it's really fast to be honest with you guys I regret getting this bloody Samsung I should have just got the iPhone eleven twenty twenty eight twenty twenty give me something related to 2020 come on it's looking for anomalies now please wait how long do I have to wait there we go okay we got something here it says Boyd okay so click navigate use my google maps where is it bringing me what the heck all right so here these torn AltaVista drive alright guys so we're gonna have this navigating to wherever it wants me to go there on the map no I don't have anybody with me to fill me while I'm driving so who's gonna have to drive there once we arrive we'll be able to see exactly what's there I guess let's get going kind of wish I had like some sort of window mount so you guys could actually like come along while I'm driving but I think my camera might be a little bit too heavy for that hold up buddy some guy is literally reversing the middle of the parking lot as I'm trying to get out here okie dokie I know it's not the greatest angle but just bear with me we'll be there in a couple of minutes I'll talk to you guys as soon as we arrive all right guys so we are arriving at our first destination here this is really hard to do because I do Drive I do drive a manual car so we're coming up to it now so at the first destination here I really don't see anything related to 2020 that's kind of strange it literally just brought me into this random subdivision okay well yeah like I'm literally right at the destination you can see where the point is on Google Maps alright my camera decided was gonna glitch out there for a second but yeah as you guys can see like I'm rate at the destination on Google Maps and I literally don't see absolutely anything so maybe we're gonna try another one oh you know what this car looks new I don't know if that cars a 20/20 you guys let me know if this I owned I Veloster happens to be a brand new 2020 because that would be kind of funny alright so first destination was kind of a dud let's go back into the app here and reset and I guess we'll try it normally again I don't know what these numbers are but the number actually did reduce if you can see that it went from a five to a four now so let's do anomaly again that noise is really okay okay so next and you let's think of 2020 again so that is the intention we're gonna have I hope it doesn't take this long every single time so 2020 2020 guys think 2020 use that thought power so basically this app is like supposed to use like quantum mechanics and things like that so it's supposed to use like brain power and thought power and that's where it ends up finding places to bring you okay so we're finding something looking for anomalies please wait all right so we got the next one this one is an attractor apparently so like the different things that we think of or whatever it finds I don't know I don't know how this app works exactly all I know is it's been bringing us to some pretty weird spots apparently some of them are like stronger than other ones like apparently one of them is supposed to be the strongest matter and I got to read like the rules again or like the list of information that this app comes with well let's navigate to the next one and I just dropped my phone let's navigate to the next one and see exactly what we find at that location see if it has any relation whatsoever it's a 2020 just checked my google maps here and it's actually bringing us to a Plaza there's like a barbershop pizzeria oh I've actually been to that pizzeria before that's weird okay yeah so we're gonna click head west on here we have a new Ford Edge Hill place okay so we got the directions here it's like I said I can't drive and film at the same time because cars stick shift so I'll just see you guys when I get okay so we have arrived at our next destination I don't know why I close these windows it is super hot out here particularly see again anything related to 2020 except I think there's a pizza Aria here some market I think it's on the other side yeah it's literally right next to here this is really really weird so my intention was 2020 I am in the exact spot that the app wanted to take me at first I noticed nothing it was literally nothing here just a bunch of businesses as you can see my cars back there this is weird I don't if you guys can see that sign literally right there it says 2020 war in the actual what are the friggin odds that there would literally be a sign that says 2020 pretty much right at the spot that it wanted me to come to like how weird is that this app is literally mind-boggling like I don't know I don't understand how they did that like what are the odds I thought this act right people but after all the weird experiences that we've had so far to be honest I'm seeing some truth with this so that was a weird one let's maybe try something different let's try some happy thoughts let's think exactly what to be sent here through another of the normal set your intention happy thoughts happy thoughts thinking happy thinking her puppies kidneys it seems to be working a little bit faster now let's see yeah honestly like I can't believe we just got that sign that says 2020 there's some literally there's some weird guys sitting out here - he's just like staring at me sitting here drinking a beer so all food all right come on okay so some reason we have an error but it says it's still got us a point I don't understand what the hell happened here all right well I mean you can navigate there see exactly what's there okay so I'm gonna set the extreme I don't reach early about five minutes away sorry I know the car is like really really loud right now but I have the a/c full blast because it is definitely a hot one today oh okay so we're gonna set up the GPS and head over almost there he wants me to go in here for some reason I don't know exactly what went to the next destination the only issue I was really having was that there was really nowhere to like stop I was on like a main road and I couldn't just stop anywhere so I've made it over to this church I mean I guess Church makes people happy right unfortunately I think most churches are probably still closed due to kovat 19 but I am trying to find a way to the spot that it actually wanted me to go I'm trying to find like a spot to park so from what I saw what I saw it was like bringing me to basically where like the river is and there was like a path I saw somebody running there so I mean it's bringing me to water water makes me happy nature makes me happy so maybe that's what the whole point was but I'm gonna try and get a little bit closer and see otherwise if I can't find anywhere to park and like get to that exact spot then I'm just going to give up on this one and move on to the next one but we'll see what happens in a couple of minutes can't exactly drive into where I wanted to get to so we're gonna have to do is I'm gonna have to walk it's not too far it's about 12 minutes one kilometer away from here so we're gonna head over and see be fine I don't know we might have something like related to our intention maybe on the way there like I said I am in front of this church right now it's a cool-looking Church actually I really like that point at the top there but yeah so we're gonna make our way over there see if we find anything at all I have no idea and I'll see you guys when we get there I guess I'm so few minutes away first things first maybe don't try this app at home because it has been bringing us to some pretty weird spots if you do decide to try the app do not trespass don't break into things that's just a big no-no you're getting a lot of trouble for doing like that so definitely don't do it good thing about this app it's given me a lot of good exercise so I'm quite happy about that okay so we're still following the map I literally have to come from over there where those like apartment buildings are across the road now we're on this bike path I can see the water from here I don't know if we're actually gonna find anything but I'll see what happens the suspense the suspense oh my god oh man what a beautiful day though okay so it's telling me to head down this path it is so hot oh my god it is like literally 32 degrees right now Celsius not Fahrenheit have no idea what that is in Fahrenheit but it's hot very very hot I've got some people over there like kayaking this is actually a real cool spot I like this look at all these little guys so cute looks like those guys are having fun happy moment for them I guess so maybe based on my intention of happiness was like finding other people having a good time you know happy with their family's stuff and found any puppies or kitties yet so we'll see what happens so the app as you can see actually wants me to go in here closer to the water that's pretty random this is actually a really cool spot though I like this like there's nothing really in here though but this is cool though this is a cool little adventure kind of feel like I'm going through the jungle here which I guess in turn actually worked this is something that makes me happy on these crazy adventures like this we're actually going on a crazy adventure next week the area that mo Reni and I are gonna be in probably won't have too much service so I don't know who listened to another one of these videos but maybe in like the surrounding areas oh this is so cool look at that let me try and actually get past here spider web sweet face lots of bugs and stuff lots of mosquitoes this is a cool spot shady it's right next to the water it's literally perfect Wow I guess this is true happiness right here alright fantastic this is a really really cool adventure I hope you guys are enjoying stuff like this if you guys want me to do more of these like I said give me some intentions down in the comments below some cool ideas of things that I can think of and go on adventures to find using this app now I have a good 15 minute walk back to the car it is really hot but this is cool this was a lot of fun so I'll see you guys in a few minutes and there's the puppy that is so funny so we were thinking your call when I was thinking of happiness I was thinking of puppies dogs and kittens and stuff like that there you have it it actually all worked out that is crazy oh I'm still so far that's hot oh man I need water I need water I'm literally dehydrating oh good lord there's another friggin dog right there more puppies it's literally working it's all coming true my intentions literally came true Wow now all we need is a kitten and it would like totally complete it but still I mean good enough so I'm literally like just walking back to where that churches down there and they're just random bang I have no idea what's in there though not a clue and I kinda don't want to find out there's literally another dog right there Wow alright guys I am exhausted I was gonna do one more but honestly like I hella editing to do I kinda want to edit this video so I could post for you guys right away because this is actually fun this is a fun adventure I like to do more of yeah maybe I'll try and do like one of these like every couple of days like I mean film it and then I'll like put a bunch of them all together for you guys but I think that is going to be the end of this video don't forget to smash that like button it really helps out the channel oh man if you're new here subscribe to notifications on guys I have merch so if any of you guys are interested there's a link in the description and it should show up like underneath the video here follow me on all my social medias and DiBona TV I've got Twitter Instagram and I will see you guys in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Exploring With Angelo
Views: 40,759
Rating: 4.9088807 out of 5
Keywords: randonautica app, randonautica experience, randonauting, exploring with angelo, moe sargi, randonautica, randonautica challenge, strange places, abandoned places, Angbonatv, random adventure, overnight challenhe, randonauting alone, I USED THE RANDONAUTICA APP ALONE (IT WORKED!), what is randonautica, randonautica tiktok, randonautica scary, scary apps, random app, 2020, randonautica tik tok, randonautica creepy, randonaut app
Id: xdxHGxq9H_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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