We Use Randonautica To Find Money Part 1

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i am back doing another rando nautica video and since you guys thought i was being irresponsible for bringing my kids i'm bringing my kids again and also to prove that the app cannot manifest your intentions we are going to be looking for cash we're going to be looking for riches our intentions are cash money riches monetary value we're gonna prove to you we're not gonna find any money let's have fun let's get out there and randle nautica [Music] right [Music] we are at our first location it's west queen and playfield we are looking for our intention of cash or money or riches or monetary value coins let's see what we can find that's a mask that's not quite money or uh although it does have high value it does have high value right now uh there's a playground over here we'll we will walk around there soon we're gonna case the perimeters for any cash a bug [Music] no money yet oh here's some coins what have we got there robs pennies and a dime so so far that's three 16 cents four 14 that's 15 cents 15 cents that we found we're we're rich we're finding riches the app actually works set your intentions guys 16 cents so far 15 so far this is our first location and also we're not even done with this location who knows what else we might find maybe another penny we're gonna come down here by the baseball fields and see if we can find our intention down here 15 cents that is not bad not bad for a first location sounds like aubry found something aubrey found a penny we're at 16 cents where was the penny here's another penny oh that's not a penny what is that that looks like some sort of firework thing yep we got x punk not a penny but it looked like a penny so you set your attentions and everything will start looking like your intentions but see that's cardboard let's recycle that right let's move on if you guys watched our video when we did that geocaching up in queen anne this is the park that we started off at and uh actually we started over there that is the queen anne aquatic center that was our first location and then our second location was this baseball field uh if you go back and watch our video on geocaching it was geocaching the history of queen anne we had a lot of fun doing it and a lot of fun learning about queen anne and the history of queen anne oh and here's recycle so we can recycle that cardboard that we found maybe we'll we will find some cash down here or some money some coins so far we're just finding coins a diamond and pennies but that's uh better than nothing find anything else you know i thought maybe we can find some coins here from people pulling stuff out of their pockets what's this say do not leave food for the molester huh that's strange let's keep walking around here we are looking for coins and cash we are looking oh what's this that's five cents set your intentions guys i'm telling you this app i i think this app might be magic that's so so 15 20 21 cents in my pocket we can't buy anything with 21 cents uh 21 pilots let's move on we're gonna walk in here we are actually part of my belt we are on the baseball field this is the lower baseball field at uh west queen and playfield look at that baseball mound that's pretty funny it's made out of some sort of uh like rubber material it looks like and not like your standard standard dirt mound let's check out this dugout [Applause] what there's another nickel i don't know how i missed that i was looking in the other corners that'd be 26 cents 26 cents can we walk through this here all the coins are in my pocket right now see if i can get them out using one hand there's some baseballs let's see all right we're gonna walk across this baseball field oh let's check out these bleachers how did i miss these bleachers i bet there's something okay we're gonna we're gonna walk around this get these bleachers let's stop this video or stop this and then uh when we get to the bleachers we'll start again there's money over there for sure while we're walking over there we're still looking for riches let's paint it on rock what's to say it's gonna be okay just remember that guys no matter what you are going through it's gonna be okay you can change your life and destination it's going to be okay these aren't the bleachers that we're looking at i'm just walking over slowly seeing if i can find any any coins nothing yet and yes we're still out here in seattle wearing face masks it's required right now to be around other people and so we're playing it safe so we don't get sick and we don't get other people sick these are the bleachers what get my shadow out of there look at that some trash i was going to start walking along each one of these and then make my way up and around and where we find that's a dollar bill what and another 16 cents what in the world wow so this is going a lot better than i expected so at the end of the video we are going to add up what what money we find and maybe we'll find enough money to to buy lunch telling you guys set your intentions this is insane this is the aisle that we already we found the dollar sixteen at there's some trash up here i made some cash with it no love and be kind i agree a lot of trash around here we should have brought a trash bag so we can clean up well look what i just found guys that's another dollar that's so i don't know where our count is at but two dollars plus it looks like that is it for the waitress we already looked over here all right we're going to move on ready to move on knobs we've decided to move on because this is a very large park and we can spend a lot of time here so we are headed to the next location because we're both excited to get to lunch and we're going to kick this ball back to these kids not a very good kick [Music] right [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have made it to our second location this is pretty cool i like boats i like water and checking things out so we're gonna walk down this pier this pier is our actual destination so we're gonna walk along this pier to see if we can find any cash money coins monetary value but first let's see what we have collected so far here aubry hold this thank you that's one dollar two dollars and all the coins in my pocket we've got 10 20. 30 35 36 37 38 39 40 for 142. 2.42 so far let's walk down this pier and see how many more monies we hopefully find and this fishing boat maybe a crabbian boat i don't know i don't know what they do here okay we're on the pier it's a dog uh it's called a pier aubry oh the sign says it's a dock so we are looking for any oh looks like aubry just under is that a penny yeah right there penny found now we got 43 no we have 43 cents aubry's smart she's keeping track let's check out this boat do you know what kind of boat this is is it a fishing boat or a crabbing boat yeah that doesn't look stable if you know what kind of boat this is let us know in the comments i'd be curious to know if this is fishing or crabbing or whatever yeah there are a lot of washers i keep seeing washers and i think they're dimes like that right there i get a glimpse out of the corner of my eye and i think it's a coin but it's not there's another one there we're just gonna walk crisscross this dock broken wood it's not breaking no oh there's look at that there's a dime [Music] what's that 53 yeah 253 my favorite time of day oh yeah half a teaspoon where's that tablespoon half a tablespoon that's a teaspoon that's a teaspoon they don't make half tablespoons they don't why not a standard measuring spoon set has there you go guys there's a culinary lesson for the day you can hit aubry up on her patreon at culinary aubry on patreon she doesn't have a patreon i wish he did now if that was all you taught people was the standard measuring spoons bird i guess i could google paragon boat seattle and see what kind of boat this is curious i like this dock i'm hoping well i guess this is brackish water so well that's the ballard bridge right there and this right here is the what do they call this do you remember no that the water the canal ship canal that's the ship canal i think i don't know i don't remember lake union's that way oh yeah check this out be whale wise guys because out in the puget sound we get the orcas sometimes the blue whales come through some other whales i don't know what they all are there's a lot all right we found that dime under that last wood let's see if there's more monies here nothing [Music] that sounded like chains falling but i think it was just another washer in case you couldn't read or need didn't know what that was over there that's a ladder that's some old electrical thing huh what is that oh what's that that's a stack of change what yeah what in the world here hold out your hands up let's count this 25 50 75 100. so we're at four dollars and fifty three cents yeah what set your intentions guys this is crazy i re i honestly thought that started so starting this i really thought that we would find nothing maybe at best a penny we're at four dollars and fifty three cents so far and this is our second stop get out there rent do rando nautica set your intentions take a shot every time we set your attention take a shower set your intentions set your intentions set your intentions alcohol poisoning because this that i get i'm proven wrong so far because we are finding money at every location two so far and two dollars 53 cents all right four dollars 53 cents let's keep let's let's walk this dock oh is that uh see there's washers all over the place and i keep thinking that they're changed from a distance it looks like change and that's this one's an o-ring it's like a rubber o-ring what's that oh no that's electrical connection yeah who knows maybe you guys can set your intentions for certain car a baby maybe you can find a baby or the car of your dreams with the keys in it and a sign that says this car is for you i don't know how much further we can walk down this dock i don't want to walk down onto the where people actually park their docks or park their boats at the dock so we're going to stop there at the at the beginning of the wooden dock and then turn around and keep looking for more changes maybe some cash no cash so far here but two dollars in quarters that's nuts i want to open that oh that's that's exterminator we don't want to open that this the same type of box that we found the last two dollars at there's no quarters here so far money let's show youtube what you found oh it's fish bones uh-huh i can add it to my bone jar so you can also incent your attentions for fish bones and find that good fine bones are cool to find yes this is definitely so the area that we're in this fish fisherman's terminal down in ballard or inner bay oh you can rent that pirate ship over there rent me that'd be a lot of fun so i think on the way back to the car i'm just gonna walk along and see if we see any cool sea life or i guess a brackish water life we have crisscrossed and zigzagged this whole dock it's a research vessel right i guess the we'll stop the video here and we will see you guys at the next destination where i'm really gonna set my intentions take a shot and and really think hard about cash money high dollar bills i'm moving to paris aubry's gonna move to paris on a 20 bill hey is that cash right there no just paper i wanna be sedated all right we'll see you at the next destination as we were walking back we found another penny another penny 54 cents four dollars 54 cents all right for real next time uh for real this time see you at the next destination [Music] right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] one [Applause] [Music] so [Music] we made it to our third destination and it's a it's it's a home location so we're not going to give the actual location of where we're at in fact we're not at the actual location yet this is where we're parked and we're going to walk down to the location and back around looking for our intention which once again is what is it aubrey money cash i'm very confident because we found so much money at the other places we'll probably yeah i would agree what are we at five dollar four dollars 50 53 and once again we don't have to wear our masks here there's nobody around it feels good that's hot today too especially for washington what do you think like 120 degrees we would be dead 130 maybe i think we would still be dead i don't know what the temperature is it's probably in the high 70s oh look at that space needle over there in the distance seattle oh my gosh that's where we are yeah yeah we are crow all right back to the intention cash money dollar dollar bills y'all wow this might be the the first location with no money no don't jinx it oh yeah you got to be positive when you set your intention you always have to think is that oh i thought those are these are painted rocks i thought those were mushrooms right there because we find mushrooms everywhere but those are flowers and also not cashew change or monies lavender though lavender smells good here smell that that smells nice oh it does smell really good oh my goodness were you not expecting it no stop well i was but sometimes oh there's not right near sometimes it doesn't it's not as pungent and that was really pungent not right near guys that's a beautiful sight western washington is it's got to be one of the most beautiful places i love it here back to our intention now my fingers smell like lavender i really want to smell it all we are crossing the street now because we've already passed our location and no coins no cash yet oh yeah like i was saying you have to be positive when you're thinking about your intentions i believe if you throw any negativity into your intentions whatsoever you thwart it it looks like by me being negative about our intention i have uh thoughted our collection of any coins or cash come on money money money well if you think about it though the law of averages says that you're not going to find cash at every location but you will get to experience nice things like that lavender lavender in the mouth oh yeah and we got to see mount rainier the seattle skyline space needle daisies other flowers now we're walking uphill getting exercise good work for the glutes yeah you need your glutes to be nice and yucky get nice and swollen well we are back at the car and we did not see a single money at all zero money has been had here once again our total 456. i think so whatever 4.50 let's say that we'll count it at the next stop [Music] right [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we are at our next location and we're gonna count what we found already so far so that's two dollars and with our quarters we know that we have two dollars in quarters so that's four dollars and then 10 20 30 40 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54. we have a total of dollars and 54 cents that we have found so far now we're going to search this location for any more cash change bills whatever and it doesn't need to be american money if we find canadian that works also that's still money let's look let's look for canada so this is our location we are coming down here to the lavender because because i want to smell it i think it smells so good especially fresh lavender on your hands smells so good so glamorous hey let's look for any money we came down here because this is the the beginning of the property that we're exploring gotta look high and low we have a bulkhead right here and all these plants that looks like it's a dollar bill under a rock what in the world why why is there a dollar bill under a rock somebody placed that there that was placed there for sure that's so funny all right that's another dollar what's that five dollars six well we'll count at our next stop that's so stupid i can't believe it should we take that yeah yeah if they really wanted they would have taken with them that's true that's nuts well i guess let's uh you want to check out over there i'll meet you over there i want to check this out up here aubrey's crossing the street to look for more monies here's aubrey i don't want to walk on these peoples in this garden no i know yeah how funny like those are the back legs of it cool coloring we decided we're gonna explore all sides of the our destination just in case remember guys set your intentions for something something positive like we did i i realize it's only five dollars and changed so far but that's not bad for what is this our our third fourth stop fourth stop that's right first two stops we found monies third stop nothing fourth stop a dollar that's crazy did you find anything oh i just did yep 10 11 12 13 14. fifteen sixteen a dollar and sixteen cents here so far and this quartz he's always fine oh he's finding rocks and mushrooms jeez dollar 16 here seriously guys set your intention for something positive for something positive maybe even something that can financially gain you that's this has been stupid i can't believe it i honestly i really thought that we were gonna come out here prove this app wrong that you cannot have your intentions manifested and it's it's happening when we get to the next destination we're gonna count our money again see at the next destination [Music] right [Music] so [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] is this our fifth location we are at our fifth location we have found five dollars and fifty something odd cents we'll count it soon um we parked a couple blocks away from our actual destination so we're gonna walk there um let's start walking let's see what we can find and see this is a beautiful part of seattle so if there's no cash at least we get to see some beautiful homes and there's some views that way see that look at that view no it gets better than that on the opposite side let's start walking knobs even though this isn't our destination we always keep our eyes to the ground for cool rocks and mushrooms and of course money money money what's that what's that aubrey that's the money dollars jeez [Music] so what's that that puts us at ten dollars yeah let's move on that's crazy that's the cash we found so far oh yeah that's cool love for all i agree cloud dude some blm that wasn't even our location and we found a five dollar bill yeah yeah the universe is being very very generous and here comes the location here comes our location up here did you just find a penny [Music] let me see that penny it's pretty sweet it's a shiny one yeah my goodness let's add that to the collection put it in the pocket oh my gosh here that you can hear all that change in my pocket that's all the changes that's not greed anybody can start rando nautica set their intentions to cash money yeah these do smell nice huh smell that flower it smells like a flower it smells like a rose a rose by any other name something something something shakespeare yeah that that one's from uh um what's that one come on guys what's it called tell tell me in the hamlet isn't the shakespeare oh i was thinking him i was thinking of what's that uh how i was thinking hamilton i heard oh yeah look at all the lavender it smells so good oh this is rosemary some rosemary smells so good oh my goodness smell that you're acting like they can smell it i don't care they can find it themselves and smell do some random nautical and set your intentions for herbs and smell this they won't find drugs well yeah i guess herbs can be anything look at that this is what rando nautica is all about is finding destinations like this the jogger just jumped past me people down there paddle boarding boating beautiful that's elliott bay over there downtown seattle behind this poplar is uh west seattle alki beach but that's not our intention our intention is money money money what do you find money money money thank you randall nautica 5 10 15 16 is that 18 that's 25 to 28 cents what in the world five dollars and 28 cents at this location that's why i was going to come down and sit on this bench and then show you guys the view and aubrey found the cash coins whatever the money money money we're gonna walk around a little more but let's enjoy this view for a second now right near off in the distance gorgeous day in western washington which way you want to walk all right we're going to head up the road a little bit to see if we can find some more cash a lot of people in the comments of our last video said that this app is evil i think it's only what you make of it yeah this is a secret trail back here that people are gonna go check it out we're gonna wait for these guys to come out of it thank you hi popper we're gonna check out the secret trail we'll see what's down here maybe some more money actually those guys probably found it so a lot of people think this app is evil and i have not watched any other randall nautica videos i don't know what other people are doing at all i do know about a month after we made our video that some kids found a dead body at a park i don't know any more than that i didn't watch the video i didn't look into it i just saw and read a news article about it wow out on this bluff it looks right down to the ocean or the sound beautiful this is incredible yeah it smells like the ocean for sure so many boats yeah a lot of boats out today that's where the real money is yeah that boat right there look at that thing that is in the same boat it's hard to tell from here but you can tell that that's a custom custom yacht and probably very very expensive so yeah so we made our rando nautica video wow it was posted about a month ago and i think we made it a month before we posted it so we made it about two months ago and when i when we made the video i knew nothing about randall nautica um i didn't do any research about it before we we tried it and we just we just did what we did not knowing a single thing about it and then a month after or a couple weeks after i posted our rando nautica videos when some kids found a dead body at a park in seattle and i think because of that people think that the app is evil obviously it's not we have found we'll count it before the next destination but we're over ten dollars now so and beautiful views yeah so how can an app be evil if it's manifesting cash for us i don't know capitalism is pretty evil yeah this isn't capitalism though this is finding free money this is gorgeous i'm glad that you saw the sobs or that those people directed you to it here's another area on the bluff western washington my friends it's just the place to be one of the most beautiful places in the world ready to walk on yep let's get out of here are we walking up or we go to the next destination all right we'll see you guys at the next destination where we will count our riches we are going to count our riches so far it's five six seven eight dollars in bills and lots of coins lots of coins we know we have two dollars and quarters so that's two dollars and quarters and then that's 10 20 30 40 50 sixty seventy seventy one seventy two seventy three seventy four seventy five seventy six seven seven seven eight nine eighty one eight two eight three eighty four eighty five eighty six eight seven eighty eight eighty nine dollars so what's that eight nine ten dollars and 89 cents we are at our next destination we're gonna walk around a bit and look for some cash so once again rando nautica brought us to a neighborhood it's a residence so we're going to walk around the side of the street that it brought us to and then also the opposite side looking for any cash or change foreign or domestic we don't care oh that that's cool that's petrified wood that's so cool you can probably hear the change in my pocket found a lot of change so far no neither do i i keep hoping we get lucky like with that dollar that was under a rock that was i think that was the craziest that and then the the stack of quarters yeah and we found that five dollar bill underneath some plants so i keep looking underneath plants now and aubrey keeps reaching into plants hoping she finds money it's a nice texture it does feel cool no no lavender here and so far no monies this might be the second place that we get stumped is that the right word stumped so it's such a such a weird word i mean not a weird word to use for a situation like this skunked maybe is that what i'm trying to think of i don't know striking out how about that not really though look at that you can't strike out with something like that especially in the pacific northwest and getting hang out with this kid do you think i'll call you a kid for the rest of your life probably you'll you'll be in your 60s and i'll be in my 65s and i'll be calling you a kid it's not off we're only five years apart these bees big bumbling buzzy buzzy bees collect your pollen bumblebees go feed your colonies actually i don't think those guys live in colonies i think they're more you think so i think the big bumbling bumblebees live in colonies i'm gonna search that one if you know let us know in the comments do bumblebees live in colonies or do they live like individually hollywood not the hollywood a hollywood flyby [Music]
Channel: Hanging with the Holleys
Views: 17,246
Rating: 4.3950615 out of 5
Id: 49ToO3sSnm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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