I used the app RANDONAUTICA and it took me here... 😳 *creepy*

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the word oh my hi guys I hope you having the best day ever if you're not having a good day hopefully me and Casey can make it a little bit Lily a few in this video I'm joined with my sister Casey and today we are doing a very spooky video um if you haven't seen it's mainly on tick tock people doing this thing where they use this app called random otter car I actually know if it's called that anyway this this app that like gives you a random like a random set of coordinates near you and you go there and it's meant to be either like spooky or it's meant to be something like like that it's a sign for you like for example it could take you back to like a childhood memory place so yeah we're gonna be going there and seeing like where it takes us anyway it's kind of weird to think like how would it know our childhood memories yeah I know like some people case wait hang on let me talk are like for example some people who did it like they went somewhere and like they went somewhere and their name was like written on a sign yeah creep is creepy it was on a tick tock video it could have been like fake but yeah I think because it gives you places that are like pretty like hashtag near to so I think we'll do like yeah yeah 3 seems good yes it basically it gives you location and then it like gives you a link to Google Maps so that's what it looks like as you can see it's literally just like a set of numbers number so as you can see it gets no I can't read I don't know if you can see on my web there's a car a Rachel there's a hashtag and hate him so nervous because my car I feel like it's gonna crush him and it's kind of a monster of a car I'm so nervous I'm so nervous Oh as I was saying that's what it looks like and we have no idea where it's gonna take us so I'm just gonna put this here in my phone holder it's 11 minutes away and okay you ready to go case me turn the camera back on when we get to location number one where I've got a really light cache like what I do we can be this location number one at the same time they look like willy nilly okay ready location and you didn't do it well location location number one I feel that I was good enough right look at my eyes my eyes also guys and to show you my diets my friend communities and if you didn't know that I'm kind of like that says yeah my first tattoo was originally going to be like a set of dice I will do even though I like about the bits because like I don't know to me they like represented taking breasts I mean though that that's the point of the prettiest thing I've ever said but I don't know I don't even know if that's why I just really like die faint you can I show you then make them or anything and the cherries as well yeah sure and also there is another few cute things then a little more wine a thing cause if you didn't know we loved the water Kaitlyn got that yeah and then we got cherries do they send yeah those are my cherries yeah that don't make the class smell really nice but she does I know wait taste film and show that where we're going we're literally in the middle of nowhere Casey's face behind the camera right now because I just said to her that this is the kind of place like if you wanted to bury a body you'd literally go here where a this there's no one there's literally no one around I've never been here for you there are I like a few quite early honey there's a few like old house stuff but we like proper deep into the countries are difficult a cuss but for some reason I thought it was going to take us to like a building or something but it's nothing like this literally gonna like huh like all stable or far no that I thought it was just going to take us like build it go for like I don't know we're on a five it road and the road is so bumpy it's saying go there's a gate basically we've got to like as far as we can go on the road and there's this massive gate in front of it and if I see a man I don't know if you can see but like over there there's this creepy looking and let's get out the cop yeah so basically it's taken us to this gate but the actual destination is that house winter oh yeah so basically this is where it's taken us to this creepy little house first destination is kind of like creepy terrifying and do I really want to walk up to that old abandoned looking little heart not really because do I really want to be the main character in a horror movie no so I think we're just gonna go as a should we go to the next location on the map there was like a like see like dowser blue stuff yeah that is so true on the map when we were on the way here it said that we that thing was right by like the sea but case that doesn't make any sense because we're nowhere near the sea I know but it did say that on the map yeah or mainly blue means like some yellow but you mean sea way yeah maybe we should just go to the next destiny anyways that was the first destination kind of weird vibes but also kind of like nice like let me actually show you like it's actually really nice where we are it's like really like nature vibes have mother nature how are you but also we're on my word get in the car get in the car gate oh my oh my that was not nice basically can you fill me percent case basically we were at that game and I don't know if Katie Coyle on camera but this man started like walking towards us a really creepy with a capital C wait does creepy stove the KRC yes II what kind of a guy listen in the banter to come in and number two what kind of a guy wears a blue tuxedo like are you okay in there come I just dry drive like five minutes yes should we just drive a little bit further and shared in case and then I'll do the next occasion like I'll remember him but it's got Kylie hand he's got blue if they say you click on that button there then they say what one do you want like Anna normally avoid or there's some other options but I click anomaly everytime and then it says say how many intention driven quantum points would you like to look for okay so you pick a number one two five or ten one one okay so you click on one and then choose your end top rafi source for the quantum random number generator so then what should we choose temporal phone yeah okay and then and then then this little like dial thing comes up I don't even know if it's focus I hope it is and then it gives you a location finding a location focus on your internet so then it takes like a few seconds we'll see so now it's given us a location you click on maps we've click on maps exit navigation you could call maps and it gives you a new one oh it's five minutes away case what would you do if it took us back there we're not going back there right but it's not it's taking us far away I've put my phone in there and we are now going it's location number two location number two Casey's a little bit creeped out right now because the next place a it's taken us to is it's like the complete opposite of the last place it's like in a really like built-up like loads of houses area but it's taken us to house number four to my favorite which is Casey's favorite number and bin just so you know like I'm not just saying it like Casey's favorite number genuinely is 14 but case it could be a coincidence I don't let it creep you out but that is that is quite weird so yeah like let me just show them so as you can see the house that is taken off - is number 14 and then there's like a Morris next to it location - wasn't that significant apart from the fact that it took us to number 14 which is Casey's favorite number or like lucky number um but I think we're gonna leave now cuz there's nothing else apart from that right so oh look at the column of the garage I've just noticed I don't get creeped out it's fine I've just noticed people look everything that we're doing this just like dramatic effect but we're not we're literally not so basically the house numbers number 14 and looked at the garage and the garage is mint green which is a very specific color and that is Casey's favorite color favorite that's weird I'm not gonna lie that is quite weird but anyway we're gonna drive to the next place now and how are you feeling so we just parked up in where does that come from when we start I start doing that oh yeah that one basically something happened in little ones we won't say what cuz it's kind of an embarrassing story for Casey yes in fact I was 504 yeah she was 504 when this happened but we were on holiday somewhere and Casey's Lee in Italy and I'll see you scared to go to the toilet and McDonald's good set of colorful they're robots and so she went through a way on the floor in little and left a massive puddle in the aisle for everyone to see I don't know I remember but say that's my little story time if you said what's this videos yeah I love being able to talk English if you're still watching this video right now please comment hashtag yeah comment nod come at hashtag little little for life is kind of a tongue twister I'm about to use random Oscar and find the third location but before I did I just say if you're still watching please leave a like and subscribe if you're not subscribed because like that would just mean a lot to me and it will literally take you like zero two seconds hit the subscribe button and like it also follow me on instagram my name is hair anyway that's enough let's go to need you dude no not little let's go to are you ready to do the number three or is about to give us the third and final location oh here we go Maps derp derp derp derp five minute drive again it's always like really close which is nice and whilst we're driving to the third destination I just thought we'd have a little chat with you and give you a little like update because a lot has changed since my last video but hey learns a lot I haven't filmed for like a month just because I there's no like deep reason behind I've just been really busy and I haven't been that well and like lots of things have been happening but basically to give you like a little update I have moved house so I now live in like this place I'm so happy and I literally feel so blessed to be there so nice and okay yeah yeah so it's my new place is on the river and if you've been watching my channel for a while didn't even know that my original plan was actually to move to Spain obviously so I'm gonna be living in England for another year which at first I was like sad about but I'm like at the point now I just like I'm such a believer and everything that happens for a reason and God's timing is the right timing so yeah I'm gonna be living in England for another year and then see what happens next - if I'm so happy in the place like I'm in and also I got so excited there that I nearly crashed the car also I have bought a van [Applause] yeah I've got a van and I'm so excited it's like a camp fan so it's got like a bed a double bed at the top and that you can fold out the beds at the bottom as well it's got a little Freida little hob and I'm just so excited to like go traveling in it like you travel around Europe and stuff and because like I've always wanted to do something like that like to travel around here where like I don't know like it just like sounds like sighs good vibes to me I'm just so excited yeah you do look pale I think it's cause of the lighting anyway so that's that sort of like my little life update Katie do you want to give them your little life update what's been happening in your life treehouse don't film just yourself everything well I've got my treehouse we've been walking my dog I've been facetiming my friend yeah because he made his case he's currently on lockdown so she's not going to school so she's been having to get used to homeschooling haven't you yeah we how're you finding homeschooling well I mean is better than waking up early miss do you miss your friends though yeah but I can still FaceTime tell them about your zooms sleepovers that you have oh yeah when they've had a zoom zero with my best friend a professional Tiffany and then my second best friend we did one and like but close when were old um think it might make your pet house with loads of pets we've been doing a lot of studying about animals understand that is our little life updates we are now one minute away from the location so we will update you when we're there okay so we've just arrived what would you describe it as a broken-down house it's life in a house out hang on let's show it it's like we just arrived and it's this it's this like old I don't know a gal car no do not feel safe hey you stay in the car and I'll get out quickly or do you want it you want me to stay with you okay I went out this case doesn't want me to but let me open my window it's basically like this abandoned like I don't you'd call this like a container and it's for sale this is the mat this container that's for sale just I just realized something about it look at the color of it mint green again and mint green isn't even like a popular color that is really weird yeah so this is the third location is also a little like trash can over there a little doubt I don't really know what to say about it it's just like I've broken down like Locker thing it says on it it says on the side it's for highest sale service and repair so I'm guessing it used to be like a repair shop or something like that but I feel like that one's not too bad like there's nothing like really that interesting about it I mean anyway that is Arthur II ran to Moscow locations I hope you did enjoy I quite enjoyed filming it too yeah it's like fun like we got to drive around and have like a little chat should we write all three of them out ten yeah I hey location number one yeah location one for like what it's meant to be was like a ten because first of all it was really spooky it was an old abandoned like cabin thing in the middle of nowhere and a man came out hello yeah so that was like 10 out 10 for like spookiness and then location number 2 was the one that was happy number 14 NIC's yeah and i was like a 6 out of 10 and this one like a - yeah but there's just nothing really to it anyway guys we're back now I hope you did enjoy that video if you did give it a like subscribe and comment down below any video ideas that you have for me and also follow me on Instagram and yeah I hope you enjoyed the video and I'll see you in my next one bye
Channel: Rachel Does Things
Views: 42,314
Rating: 4.7197604 out of 5
Keywords: Randonautica
Id: OIxuTwOxBj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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