Random Weapon Upgrade Challenge (UpGun)

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so of course you guys know rounds and fortnite when you combine them you get a gun as you play you get more upgrades which means you can shoot explosive bullets lasers and teleport everywhere and dude stick around till the end I get an insane combo and dudes do me a favor teleport your eyes down below the video and hit the like button make it turn blue what hit the Subscribe button let's do this all right boys this is up gun all right so how this works we get cards after every round my three upgrades are helmet drastically reduce head damage disappearing an impressive explosion when you die and increase bullet precision I'm with the boy we got time to grind we got Gary we Scott sigils you boys ready let's do it so I'm running how this game works you can see top Center this is round one we're going to round 20. you press tab Whoever has the most score after round 20 wins after every round you get another upgrade you can see in the bottom right I have a grenade and my ammo oh oh no leave me alone leave me alone see in the bottom left we all have health once you take damage ah get out of here oh oh oh sigil you just got lips bring it I didn't like it all the damage the damage so you can see in the bottom left I'm at 72 health I can't read gen unless you get an upgrade for it wait why can't I see Gary right now because I'm a ghost you can see me oh new upgrade okay so my first upgrade is I shoot more condensed bullets so if I shoot faster and more wait your bolts will pierce through thin walls okay wait does it shoot through all walls what oh no oh we're gonna we're gonna throw it no no no we win those dude I just lit you uh I see you in this Wheatfield boys it's so good oh okay I had x-ray what is this rage to run your damage is proportional to your velocity wait what is this shrapnaget x-ray shrapnel your bullets shatter every time you hit a surface is that good like my strong muscles or I can get extra I'm gonna do shrapnel so I shoot faster I have precise bullets and I have shrapnel oh I just melted you now you want to talk about it you want to talk yeah can we talk about I want a shrapnel do your grenade in here with me how does that oh no oh I'm a ghost now look at me wait what's the score oh I'm winning boys if you think I can keep this lead hit that like button make your mom Proud by hitting the like button what does that mean here Gary I got you Gary I got you who's gonna win that's my decoys okay okay I got a new upgrade new upgrade what we got we got we got increased fire rate again so you can whenever you get a buff you can increase the buff and make it a little bit different so I can fire even faster or my bullets explode My Bullets have shrapnel and they explode oh jeez what happened oh that's fun oh wait you just killed me like that oh gosh are you guys going on a rampage apparently well I got him down to no health and now it's you versus you can easily win because there's a bot we got these with these oh you got a dash oh no oh don't you dazzle me boy so there is an upgrade that I want launch a disc and teleport wait hold on wait hold on yeah you throw a disc and then you can like press the disc again to teleport exactly where it is wait rip oh oh you guys get out here get out of here oh wait can I shoot through this floor oh I blew myself up oh no oh god oh Gary Gary Gary I you're so far oh [Music] wait what hey how did you get behind me take my grenade Gary I have 20 Health dude you will not win this one scary oh gosh okay what is this hooker shotguns here oh the shotgun's dude I don't want a shotgun increase bullet speed or I could Dash do I do bull speed or Dash bullet speed I'm gonna do Dash I'm gonna do Dash I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do that I got so much oh no oh no dash oh no look at that Dash is so good oh here we go throw that throw that no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Gotta Go Gotta Go I really want the Grenada what is this King will make you slide uh I don't want to slide do I want to slide it's fun dude it's fun dude wait I got more movement hold on oh my gosh I move everywhere oh you've got to be kidding me you don't want this noise bring it bring it bring it oh there was two of you oh I am dead bring it Gary painted when I'm dead oh oh no oh no oh no dash no you're so funny dude I Dash delete throw a disc what is this increase bullet damage your grenade will stick to the first surface it touches oh so I can Dash on you and stick your grenade to your face will that work no no no no no hiding in the bar between me where's Gary don't worry about that dude I am definitely in the best spot in the game right now he's in the wheat field S no here we hit us Gary we hit those questions oh no oh no oh no stop you're always winning guys I'm losing hit the like oh what is this shoot multiple bullets at once oh I have that it's baroque can I upgrade that oh dude I just dropped you and am oh no no no oh no oh where'd you go where'd you go we hit those we hit those grenades oh maid dude the double bullet spray oh he's over there he's over there what are you doing over there what do you do oh that hit me oh no oh no I need help oh oh oh get him in get him get him you were you were like the flash ah Dash Dash okay what's the next secret I want to get the grenade upgrade path smoke grenade laser adds a laser gun to your rifle uh what is that good I'm using it I'm getting the laser oh it's a laser dude so I think I'm middle Mouse click for that yep oh what was that oh geez oh oh I do so much damage made up there I've been watched you into my grenade okay here we go we have one of those Belinda gotta go what does that laser do no way ow no oh you got lips gotta go okay guys dude I moved so much who is this who is this [Music] oh no oh that's so broke oh what is this hard-hitting Dash dashing through a player inflicts damage I'm gonna do I'm gonna do that if I Dash through somebody they get hit oh my grenade stuck be careful oh oh not today oh not today that is broken look how many bullets I shoot at once Ian let's get it oh gotta go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go I also gotta go with wow no way no way no oh no wait I'm still winning the boys I'm still winning but why do I keep saying that what is this lifestyle lifesteal regeneration slowly regenerate your life the last five bullets will create do I regen in my life or whenever I shoot people I regain health I have a ton of bullets I'm doing lifestyle boy I'm doing like this I'm at honor Health if I take damage I'm gonna heal it out cause I'm dabbing you I'm saying I'm gonna hit that little dab can I shoot through this oh are you oh my gosh oh my gosh is this fun for you I'm having fun oh we threw a grenade at me I didn't like that I don't see anyone oh I see someone hiding okay my grenade launcher you're out running my grenade launcher dude the movement oh oh that is insane you didn't want to get distracted by my uh they're not they're not they're not with you um oh gosh your shots kid dude he's healing he's throwing everything at you he possibly can you guys are both missing all your stuff no he's so low dude oh no that was the longest round ever oh we got this we got this we got this oh non-regulated studs landing on a player inflicts massive damage increase your magazine capacity slowly regenerate your life I'm gonna increase my magazine oh I got 30 instead of 20 now oh oh dude of course I just blew up you're fake no dude please don't bully me I'm getting bullied I'm getting beat up oh I was at what about what was that he was just watching us in the face last five bullets will crit throwing knife throw your knife increases massively your melee I'm gonna throw my knife how do I throw my knife please don't beat um it's it's the yeah whatever the melee button is oh oh did that did that laser hit you almost oh that flew right how did you not how did you not just die there I'm almost dead we hit those or through my knife oh no oh oh oh oh give me that kill okay I think you I left how did you know I was there how did you know I was there I watched it go by my face I'll follow you boy I got 30 bullets oh dude oh Gary you're so low you're sorry lifesteal too wait releases grenades when they explode oh grenadeception your grenades released grenades when they explode oh no thank you or lifesteal too I'm gonna do multiple grenades so whenever I throw a grenade it explodes and it'll drop more grenades just like I'm a grenade yeah Grenade oh didn't you just get a double kill with their grenade we all spawned on top of each other dude [Applause] while you're standing on the open oh no oh oh oh oh oh oh I forgot oh you landed on my grenade 15 rounds uh reload Ace reload faster double your life steal for some of your life no I don't want to do that shrapnel shrapnel two we got more shrapno boys we got more strap now what does that do you bullet strap I don't know what that means oh scary Scary Gary Gary Gary no please I have a family you do not Gary I stuck you Oh I thought I stuck oh no oh no I'm low I gotta run I gotta run I gotta run wait can I heal off of your robot I don't think so all right here give me a hug come give me a hug give me a hug up there what give me a what just happened wait what happened I got an upgrade where when I die I blow up oh no that is wrong oh I got that upgrade too should I get it I'm not gonna get wait increase your odds of shooting Critical Hits oh boys I'm about that crit I'm about to crit your face no thank you no thank you oh my gosh you got melted flying up in the app Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go I don't want to give me a oh I forgot I have the laser where's the laser at home okay the laser does 33 damage that's insane killing a player resets the timers for all abilities so if I get a kill I can throw like nine grenades yeah like you could just keep throwing grenades oh that is broken 62 damage with that laser all my abilities are off cooldown now will you put them back on cooldown immediately oh oh somebody clipped that no Gary stop it Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go oh dude I cannot oh man okay this is fine this is totally boys I'm a ghost okay [Music] all right what all right boys let's do this let's do this let's do this all right what's this next upgrade repair man killing robot spawns Health increase head shot damage your grenade spawn smoke does increased headshot damage work with my laser I don't think so dang it I'm getting it I'm getting it because I head shot some I think I was scissors I hit him for 60 damage I have a Crosshair which is crazy I can right click what does that mean we all have crosshairs 33 33 where are you at I'll be over here if anyone needs me where are you at don't worry about it oh the Laser's so I hit him I don't know I just know ow my health you don't get help I'm hiding in the background where are you oh that should have hit what oh no oh no no I'm out of bullets oh oh that's what I'm talking about okay okay shoot multiple bullets again wait does that mean I shoot four bullets or three I got multiple shot wait I shoot it's like five bullets bullets where are you going Gary I'm running I'm safe Gary I'm nowhere no oh that was you that was your thingy no we hit those no let me get away let me get away oh no [Music] grenades out I just danced on you what if I dance to you you died oh geez oh oh no you exploded me with yours oh I win though hey boy that was close though oh hey I got a new rare item if you want to play this again hit the like button hit the Subscribe button that was fun
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,596,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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