I Won The First MultiVersus Tournament

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so welcome to the ultimate 1v1 tournament in multiverse this is this game is really easy to understand so stick around till the end it's a crap ton of fun and do me a favor if you've ever played this game or super smash bros hit the like button down below the video show me some love also hit the subscribe button let's do this all right suds you're ready for the first round we are doing a six-man tournament me and zut are up first oh batman vs superman this is good all right so for your new guys this game how this works we're going to be beating the crap out of each other we'll explain when we get in there hurry up get in there here we go is that all right so all right how this game works you can see below our our name we have health right as that health starts to build up the higher we fly right whenever we get hit and then whenever we fly up here to the sky or fly over there we die we each have two lives first one to two kills wins first ready ready okay why oh so now he has five damage to himself so you know and there's a bunch of different combos like oh no stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it you need to stop it right now young lady stop it oh you know what there we go you can't see me you can't see me you can't see that i'm in here no out wait why do you have five broken bones i don't know what it hurts so if we fall down into the void down here we die right but we can also do like a bunch of dashes look at this well i'm dashing they call me dashing because i'm pretty what i mean he's kind of gorgeous he's pretty mad oh i'm laser eyes look at this you can't see me you can't see me i literally i literally can't you ready okay stop it you know what i'm about to hit you with a combo i know all these combos look at it see that combo oh you can see below like my health i have cool downs oh that's sick dude you're cool cool wait okay can i fly i have a i have i have a cape that doesn't mean you could fall around oh i will literally gut punch you oh wait i forgot i also have another ability so if i click l1 i'm holding a bomb now what is that he's got a bomb what is that what is now you got a bomb attached to you wait why wait oh wait what i don't know where it goes it's so dumb oh how did you fall for that you're literally suitable are you yeah so you see he's flying a lot higher now a power hit will knock him out sunday you know what i can charge dude let me power hit you come in here come here i'm strong superman is very strong [Applause] okay so how this works he resets down to zero damage i still have 94 so i gotta be careful don't embarrass the family why am i frosted i don't know but i think you should slow it you're so swamped out you should've meant to be fast come on oh wait though no in this game apparently nuke time okay what's that present hold on chew your eyes shoot your eyes whoever wins this tournament gets something really special so you know because the last time it was special it was the like button you guys hit the like button measures stop it come here walk in walk it thank you stop it we got oh sunday xd wins get out idiot i'm just kidding okay now biffle and sizzle are going to fight we're going to watch like 10 seconds of that fight who wins ready go oh god that's right oh yeah get out of here all right henry me and you you ready boy what the heck is that iron giant i am the iron giant bugs versus iron giant and then if i beat henwy i am saving my best weapon for last bring it henry what are you you are giant oh god we'll see how big i are giant okay okay so this bugs bunny guy he has a kit he has a thingy that i could do that is broken if i can get it to work i've been practicing i'm trying to win this so i can win the special surprise at the end is hit the like button right no i saw it it's the subscribe button oh my gosh you're here i don't like those guys give me that hey there buddy what is that this is that special surprise get him into your business oh no what oh no you are you hey i'm gonna smash you like i'm stretching this car what is that you know what give me this what's next whoa what is i have a sandwich and i threw it oh that's shaggy's attack that was shocking yeah i stole it okay so bugs bunny can steal stuff from a acme box he can give people yeah acne it you are giant i just blew your kids terrifying i could climb up the thingy how does the sandwich do anything i just do a pie oh god oh you caught me put me down oh my god oh you just grab him i'm just literally picking you up stop it stop it watch out for him then hitting the card i can fly wait you idiot i thought you're too close to the sun you're so much that's it that you guys you're going down now no way you threw that oh do the damage do the damage do the damage okay dive down here dude you just keep pulling things out of that box dude gotta go gotta go stop it stop one big hit he's out no i'm not what you're doing what are you doing wait what the heck um um don't know what i just did ultimate he's ultimately you have nukes that's cheating take a take an anvil that's a safe no it's an anvil what is that thing yeah oh god what's going no get your duke out of here yeah yeah yeah what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing i'm just crashing what about you what about you how are you doing over there okay so let's talk about this let's talk about something huh no no stay back stay back stay back let's talk about something there is something that is really going to hurt you oh my god [Applause] [Music] give me something give me something another nuke oh no that's good stop crouching like that you know it's so rude what are you gonna do with that what are you gonna do with that look at me what are you gonna do with that oh we have no oh come over here come over here come over here come and the bracket shows i move on to the finale russell make it look good what all right next up biffle versus hello i am about something that easy would be the best character yeah i'm wonderful what's up no you're level two though he's a true rainbow okay so my secret weapon is finn he has an ability and i'm not gonna say it out loud but it's really broken and you're gonna get damn done can you tell me okay real quick no scissors i'm only gonna tell you i can tell because i'm listening don't mess up and listen and listen whenever i hit you i also get to steal money from you but i don't have and then i can use that money to buy stuff look at this look at that really look it's bouncing oh i'm breaking it oh don't break it wait wait you just house no that's so sad like you're getting emoted on you're gonna emote it on you know what i'm gonna emotionally voted on let me know i'm out on you hold on let's go boy and then i can also use that money for another thingy what is this character are you throwing money at me excuse me i'll catch i'll catch come here what's up stop it what's up stop dashing on you what's up take that apple take that apple don't getting that money i'm good give that money good oh oh stop it come on i'm gonna buy these upgrades and ruin everything you love you're not gonna buy nothing on me you don't know if you want nothing stop you're so nimble yeah i know you're so nimble come here stop running for me just runs oh you see that teleport stop it stop it okay how about that combo about this about this how about this how about this take this take that take that uppercut what are you gonna do um what is that he has a sword yeah he's been there the whole time give me that money give me that money give me my money back no that's my money stop running he's actually just being a thief you're literally a thief come here i can't even get near him nope that's the whole point whoa that yep coming for you pink mode stop it he's so scary you know what i'm going to buy him oh that tank mode i can't hit you nope yeah welcome what are you trying to buy huh you're so nimble i can't i'm gonna take i can't oh my god all that money hey watch this buddy watch it thank mom oh come here oh my god you're so annoying give me that money give me my money back i'm watching right now dude dude [Music] i gotta buy stuff too hold on come on come here i'm so sick of this i'm so i am so sick of this did his buddy get his money oh my god he's literally calling me i can't do anything he has all my money he's so obnoxious come here are you throwing the money out i don't need it dude that's it oh my god he's so this dude is so annoying i just gotta get you a little bit more damage before i die take that apple you're getting embarrassed you're getting embarrassed shut up central's you got out round one exactly he's getting perfect oh i need that money i need that money that money i need the money how much money do i have 200 i hate you something where are you going this dude's dashing and teleporting like you know what i'm thinking i'm taking this give me that money i'm sick of this bill you're about to get sick no stop it stop it you're scared [Laughter] he's so much okay we hit those i hate this game i i can't i can't fifa all right oh dude [Music] something i'm gonna save him i might wanna buy something i'll buy the thousand dollar thingy oh my god that money give it a little give me the money give me that money no stop it i got the money how much money do i have stop it oh my god he's so difficult embarrassing oh you're embarrassing to look at i can't i literally couldn't move are you kidding me okay finn is broken are you kidding me it's disgusting 1v1 tournament my surprise is i'll tell you next time wait what no i want to know guys hit the like button that's a surprise hit the subscribe button dab on your dad
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,994,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6xs8rcosaoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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