This Game Took 3 Days To Make (Re:Run)

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what's up dudes welcome to a game called rerun we have Biffle centrals you guys ready we'll explain this okay so let's go to level zero and then we'll start the tournament to the death all right so we already played levels well they haven't I've already played levels here just to test it out right so how this game works before I explain that guys do me a favor re-run your finger over the like button stop and hit the Subscribe button to join my foot fam what does that mean I don't think that's the dab button in the comments all right let's do this okay so how this works you saw I got that first power up right don't touch red don't touch four power-ups rewind you back to the spawn point so I got a sword now oh we have a sword okay but if we touch that red we die okay and there we go double jump hey there we go boys and what is this here's some milk for you what oh my God there's milk in this game no no I forgot how to do this first one already oh that's right we gotta go through this thing there we go okay Dash hold Mouse through the block his attacks ow oh gosh fight him fight him fight him oh press e okay there we go yeah that's right then we got a parkour this way so once we beat this first level which we just beat uh-huh we go to the next level let me know when you guys are at the next level I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready to click it I'm ready to click it all right ready then we start the race Russell show that beginning screen and then every time one of us wins the race put our face next to the picture ready yes that face oh you're going down oh and also Whoever has the most wins at the end gets to say something really cool and gets something really cool oh go oh man what do we do here where do I go oh he's shooting arrows oh wait I don't have oh no I have a sword wait oh wait no we gotta press the button hold on press the button I'm pressing currently pressing oh he's shooting okay okay I Gotta Die I Gotta Die okay so go this way so I gotta press the button first the thingy will rotate press that oh and then I gotta get that it'll teleport me back because it's a power up hey come here boy come here oh no stop it stop it blood double jump oh I just picked up double jump what's up dude I'm almost to the end I did it but you completed it I did it oh Russell Russell put my face next to the first picture Next Level you guys ready oh run or Biffle let us know when you get there almost there all right boys next level three two one oh there's a guy there okay we can't go that way because you need a sword to get through those doors I mean stand on those stand up oh they fall oh yeah I might have died to death yeah that was bad hey boy hey what's up swordman killed me oh yeah uh don't let him do that hold on can I think you can throw your sword with f oh where'd my sword go oh yeah there we go down here easy Dash It's sniper oh we should just jump over there no way oh my sword's down here okay got it got it I fell I fell good did you glad no more job fell too oh my I fell for you stop it stop gotta go back oh I knocked him up oh God Wham you dying is the worst thing boys we have double jump no I need to go up there do I need to get there I need to get up here right yeah I don't know I can't reach it what do I do how do I get over here pretty boy oh this way oh here we go hey are you okay this oh my god oh I got a block I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go yeah wait hold on I can get about it if you die you restart at the beginning Russell put this face uh next to the thingy are you guys ready for the next one I'm ready block it oh I got him throw with f i don't oh I threw over his head what do I do now can I get another sword no you have to restart dude do I oh sword dead no dude I'm good at sniping dude oh my God you already win dude I didn't even know that was the end wait did you already get the sword yeah dude I sniped the crap out of the face of him dude you got it are you kidding me no I failed again now what this one's so easy what's wrong no I did it first okay I gotta check out the take out this guy oh survive jump you don't have to kill the guy oh no all right uh put a face do a face for the next one here you go Russell you got it all right ready three two one hey oh no wait they're ready okay I knocked him off oh you have to kill those guys okay oh you do have to kill those guys oh yeah you do have to kill a knife at him what's up boy oh what's up boys I am done what's up rewind and he's dead dude what is this rewind oh oh I died to the red oh oh there's okay so we gotta touch that Blue Block to win oh oh there's Arrow boys oh no um bro I cannot win this duel you're bad you're bad bad there we go fight the red guys again does anybody know what just happened I don't know okay so there's that thingy but we gotta go this way and then I remember up here I just made a Discord huh you die here you die right now I'm gonna watch this guy coming in okay I figured out the best way to fight the blue guy to catch it yeah but the thing is if you miss dunk okay they both died yeah you can't do that yeah okay that okay got it got it wait I lost my sword yeah I told you how are you gonna fight the arrow guys I'm just dodging of dodging dip dodged wait can I oh no do you have to kill him I shoved him off could I just go this way I got a double shot say what what did you I haven't won yet but it gave me the power up why am I so bad I even knew it this is so difficult no one told me there were spikes on the map do there are yes did you not know when you're running through the stupid Map There's spikes Sunday you knew about the spikes hitting you you wait where are their spikes somebody knew about the spikes at this moment the milk had discovered it's true nature it only existed to be consumed What a Sad reality it would seem committing Sudoku was the only option that's what I'm talking I threw my sword off the map what do I do I level five of ten let's do this boys oh you think you're tough you figured handsome you think you're a handsome boy huh dude throwing the sword is insane but you don't want to lose it oh look at that skill I lost my sword already I got this though there's the button so I'm gonna need a double jump to get that button got it you you thought boy you thought I was gonna do it but I did it oh god oh I lost my sword but I took a dead guy this is easy dude this is the easy one boy double jump almost there I'm almost there oh this is easy I already got it I thought I'd oh no you didn't you didn't get it you didn't get it easy that was literally I was right there but I second guess and I didn't think I made it guess what you never second guess a Biffle that's what happens okay no one cares hey I won that one I won that one no no I'm pretty sure wait did you guys go to the next one go to the next one okay go ahead I'm going ow dude that's a giant what's up boy he hits like a truck you can actually have to fight him get the Dark Souls this dude he's Dark Souls stop it stop it I'm gonna throw it I can't okay he's so handsome he reminds me of Biffle dude what do you mean Biffle I found an exploit yeah did you also exploit them ow stop it easy did you just throw it at him over and over again move my sword back out dude though the arrows do so much damage it does stop it stop it easy stop it okay it's literally the most easy thing I've ever done guys do it wait did we get the same time uh no no I won I won yeah we already finished but I don't know okay okay uh Biffle let's do rock paper scissors you won that one ready okay rock paper scissors I win all right uh we'll split that one Russell do this face for me yeah and this face for Biffle yeah they put them together and merge them together three two one I own oh okay we got a guy there world is this one we got a dude shooting arrows sharing arrows no thank you okay okay I can't go up here I need to sword first oh sword here oh oh no dude those spiders can you stab the arrows before they hit you I don't know do you think you can I just I just I just got oh no come here Arrow boy I'm actively bleeding rewind because if you lose your sword then you look you lost it you know what I mean quick if you lose your sword you lose your hairline wait wait sizzles you lost your sword I don't know you know what I did do there we go no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on come on what is the secret room oh there's more guards there's so many cards oh wait it's the blue I got the blue you did not no no no you're lying you're lying to me you're lying to your mother but where did you go for that uh rewind oh go up and is that it oh there we go dang it sizzles won that one come on all right you guys ready you guys ready for the next one I'm ready what's the score I don't know a lot too oh wait what is this we gotta get that all right got it do not throw your sword at that guy that was a bad idea did you throw it across the map and lose it yep I got this double jump all right get out so it looks like the blue guys are glowing oh that's when we get above got it double jump reset and double jump through this I knew it double jumped I don't have my sword anymore did you see Russell ESPN that I'm in a 360 no scope I'm Russell what did I do [Music] I -16 I hit him with the sword and then I jumped back on the platform are you kidding me really I I just completed are you I hate you hate you devil when did you when did you guys like literally two seconds after you hey hey Russell you also do this face Russell make his face look stupid look make his face look even be hard got him it's true it's true I'm ready boy I'm winning this one here we go three two one why are there so many oh gosh I'm ignoring all of them I'm ignoring all of them or do you have to kill them to open up a door okay the arrows hurt you know what else hurts feelings there's a thing either careful careful everything careful of the thing oh no then why would their spikes oh I got tonight mid-air are you a giant this is giant isn't it it's like it's a giant I hate the Giants it's gonna hate the Giants football team man oh no I jumped oh that was a mistake oh no I thought it was a baseball team yeah I get up there now at him okay press the button press the button you just got to that point imagine your mouth look at the arrows coming from across no way you did that I am so mad no you didn't no way there's no way you just won there's no way there's no way oh you're so bad no you are I just made it together yeah okay hold on give me this double jump then I double jump this way here they're working on a new game jump there jump there easy easy shoot me again shoot me again dude shoot me again wiggle head good luck on this next part dude take a look at this next part dude no don't watch that that's fake it's a fake one oh good luck on the next time who won that one was the sigils no it was me it was me all right at the next level I think this is the last level let me check last level level 10 final level three two one go you know I got this i got this that we're not nervous what is oh there's arrows on the mountain oh my God they're shooting oh wait attack the castle boys I literally feel different I just want you to know these arrows oh gosh I almost dumped in my Sundee undies and I have something available now for a limited time at uh I gotta go I gotta get these archers double jump Archer one got him stop oh okay stop it guys I don't feel so good for three oh dunk guys this I need a sword I need a sword no stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it I got him oh he's right there I did it did you beat it wait did I win did anybody else beat it I got it I just got it I'm so close I didn't know that was the end I was fighting the Archer oh dude Archer brewed me holy crap that is an intense Danny that's a fun game Danny make another game that was fun Danny come on uh who won who won I don't know I think B hold on let me check the menu Russell who won Crystal that was who won okay okay so if I won I'm gonna say uh uh hit the like button and if I want I'm gonna say hit the sub button and if I won I'm gonna say comment down below who your favorite uh sword thrower is it progressively gets worse oh this is terrible um oh God bye
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,486,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7zoWX9VbIW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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