Rainbow Friends TOP 5 MYTHS (ROBLOX)

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today in Rainbow friends we blessed all kinds of crazy myths from getting on top of the mountain in the middle of odd world to seeing what happens when you jump in the Forbidden River stick around to see them all Sonny are you ready to bust all the crazy myths in Rainbow friends chapter two yeah bruh I've never been more already myth number one you could take a watermelon and stick it in a box chill chill chill oh sorry wrong myth my bad no sunny here let me show you the first myth it's actually really awesome so you just gotta follow me Sonny we're heading to the river okay what's in the river bro so if we come to this corner right around here just gonna make sure there's no rainbow friends and we actually put our box on we should be able to walk up this Stone what hold on I can do it without my box well no sonny you're kind of ruining it bro it's supposed to be cooler with the box but you can actually walk up this mountain too there's a way to do it hold on just give me a second I'm doing it I'm doing it are you kidding me you could go up here that's insane and sunny it's funny it gets even crazier check this out look look you can get all the way to yellow's nest and you're fine this is awesome what the heck can I get on top of the mountain I can bro this myth is amazing I didn't know you could do this yeah bro this is nuts now the rainbow friends can never hurt us and now I can be like a beautiful moon in the sky wow Sunny is so beautiful anyway Sunny check this out bro look at this I'm on an invisible wall wait what okay oh no I slipped melon don't come down here uh yep didn't plan on it sunny didn't plan on it melon this is really cursed down here there's a morph with blue and green combined what else is down here this is so weird Sonny you're below the map right now we found another way to glitch out wait maybe I can find a new myth some type of secret Easter down here whoa no way no way I actually found something what'd you find I don't know if I can walk there it's animatronic blue I'm not kidding he's alive and moving why is blue mad at me right now no I fell yo what's up sonny did you not hear me I said I found animatronic blue he was a robot blue down there but you found animatronic blue that's insane yeah I just don't know how to get to him he was so far Sonny are you ready for the next myth to be busted yeah bro show me how it's done all right follow me we're heading to purple's Lair oh I actually really like purple's Lair there's gotta be a cool myth in there okay rumor has it that if you crouch in the snow purple actually can't grab you is this true bro are we just gonna die we're about to find out I'm crouched hey melon will I have to survive yo he actually can't grab me check it out are you serious we're walking through his arms like oh purple you would do something no you're too stupid you can't even feel me because I'm crouched down look at this idiot bro that's crazy how did I never know about this hold on I'm gonna put my box what he grabbed me while I was trying to box Sonny you don't box in here it's just a Crouch Zone silly hey put your walks on when he's far from you let's see what happens he's gonna eat me dude I don't want to die no no put the box and get in there don't be a coward okay I'm doing it I'm doing it let's see will purple grab you now melon he's gonna grab me he grabbed me sorry you idiot I told you wow that is hilarious and so weird how come when you're crouched he can't get you but if you're in your box you can that is so strange because the Crouch is an exploit Sonny anyways for this next myth we're gonna need yellow okay so we gotta get all these light bulbs and progress to the next stage melon hurry there's just two light bulbs left wait I found one yes one remaining Sunny I'm so confused I've checked everywhere not everywhere melon not everywhere guys this next myth is gonna be crazy we're gonna see what happens when you go in the nest and then yellow goes in the nest too ah Blues after me yes got him and I bet the last ones here in laser tag is it wait it's not actually back here I thought for sure did you check purple's Lair oh you're right cause I died in there yeah it's definitely down there there now yep I got it using the Crouch mechanic and I'm out hurry up I'll distract blue bang skip skip hold on I want to see the symbol yeah that someone's in yellow Sunny this is myth number three head up to yellow's nest and I'm gonna get oofed by yellow what will happen when we're both in the nest together whoa that's a great idea I wonder if yellow will eat me too now I've just gotta remember how to get there oh I go down to the river first and then I'll use your strategy melon putting on my box climbing up the rock this is so slow with a box though I'm in the ice cave melon and now I'm in yellow's Bird Nest hey dude can you see me I can't see you sonny but I can see yellow yellow's got me I'll be just dancing up here waiting on you sonny this is gonna be crazy I feel like he might kill you too nah he wouldn't because I got these nice moves yeah we're the nastiest destroying you ow it ripped your head off what did he do Sonny what did he do he literally ate your melon head you're dead but he didn't do anything to you no he just flew away he's like oh yeah Sonny respect you're also made of yellow so therefore I won't hurt you dang it bro I was hoping hoping you would also get the oof nope I did not get oof instead I unlocked goat mode guys I better see hundreds of emojis of goats in the comments section okay melon what's myth number four Sunny for this next myth we're gonna need to summon Scion oh let's get these gas canisters quick oh no melon I'm stuck underneath the world again why does this keep yo it's even more cursed yellow is now inside of blue and green as well this is crazy sunny every single round a new Rainbow friend gets released they probably get put down there you're right bro and I think I see like an outline of Scion in there that's creepy myth confirmed dang it I wish I could get to animatronic blue I really want to see what he's up to anyways into the void and it's time to unlock Scion no shiny we gotta do the lookies first I was gonna say don't skip this cutscene is my favorite and release the lookies I don't understand why you like this cutscene so much it's so boring it's awesome look at those cute little guys and then the old guy smacks his head because he deserves it because he's evil oh look at this little guy right here you're telling me he's not cute look at him look at him melody look at it whatever Sonny I'm trying to bust myths right now I have no time for cuteness your disgrace oh you're holding the best Lucky in the world the yellow one what this one is uh I don't know what look you're talking about I'm not holding any Loki yeah yeah yeah we all saw it anyways what do we have to do Sunny we gotta summon Scion Scion's not out yet oh oh I'm stupid my bad yes honey so we need to collect the lukies right now okay let me help you with that job I really want to see myth number four shiny there's yellow lookie in the river yeah I already got him I already captured three yellow lookies dude look at how many are in there they're so precious just one Loki remaining Sunny why don't you look around a bit harder he could be in purple's Castle maybe but I'm gonna check out Blues area first found him another yellow no way this has got to be a record most yellow lookies ever how many yellow lukies are there there's four out of ten Sonny go go and bring the yellow lookie blue is kind of chasing us I know that's why I'm going through the sewers and up straight into spawn and I'll drop the yellow lookie off and now there's four of these perfectly beautiful number one color in the world lookies there's only two red lookies what are you talking about yeah nice try Sonny check out this fourth myth okay we just gotta gather all of the rainbow friends wait you want us to gather all of them that's gonna be so hard no sonny it'll be pretty easy now I just gotta find one of them and then you find one of them and then you find the other one of them and then you find the other one of them and then we look I found blue and Scion already check this out Sunny I'm gonna debate them yeah Scion's the only thing chasing you right now and she's very fast no she's not as quick as me Sonny don't you worry where are we Gathering them up we need to gather them and then enter purple's Lair I'm pretty sure I've discovered an invincibility hack what hold on hold on follow me blue Scion's right on me I need to somehow Juke blue so I can bring him to purple's Lair oh no that's not gonna work oh it did work he's dumb and then follow me you idiot wait you've got Scion on you she's gonna eat me melon I'm going to purple I'm going to purple and Green's here and Green's here head to purple's Lair yellow's also here I'm in purple's Lair what do I do crouch crouch crouch okay I'm crouching look they can't kill us dude all the way rainbow friends can't do anything when we're crouched no way I'm gonna bait them back down hey you idiots we're down here and then ah you fool cashew yellow it's okay yellow is friendly now Sunny for the final myth we're gonna see if you can glitch using the roller coaster ride no way dude I've got to see this in action hopefully we can get on this hedge or this mountain here and find another way to climb up sunny sunny come to the roller coaster please sorry I'm currently being hunted by every rainbow friend what the heck did I do to deserve this well well they're all on me they're all after me just come to the ride please Sonny just do it without me go on without me no I need you here oh my gosh why I come up the sewers Green's waiting I go down somewhere else in the river the other three are waiting okay I made it I'm at the ferris wheel no not the ferris wheel Sonny you need to get to the roller coaster wait the green thing the tower drop thing yeah why don't you just say the green elevator whatever same thing as a roller coaster no it's not a roller coaster has tracks and it goes on a ride with a train and all that okay then why would you think the ferris wheel I don't know I was trolling you all right Sonny I'm pretty sure if I get to specifically this seat and the sheet to my left or my right you need me which suit this this seat just just get her one of them okay we should be able to hop out at the top and move forward to land on the hedges no way at the top jump oh I missed yo it worked it actually worked are you kidding me you had the specialty seat I'm coming melon wait for me oh I fell that's embarrassing dude I can't believe we've confirmed another myth let's do it again yes it works I have glitched the world can you get out try shuffling to your right I'm Shuffling I'm Shuffling dang it I slipped well still kind of a neat glitch spot don't you think yeah that's a cool hiding spot and if you guys know any other epic myths comment them down below right now and press the like And subscribe button
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 243,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6YMPacBqSy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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