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today's Sony and I play rainbow friends but there's custom hearts these custom Hearts range anywhere from the freeze heart to the fire heart and each custom heart has its own unique and Powerful ability can we beat rainbow friends with these Newfound Powers stick around to find out now this is gonna be so cool we're gonna spin a wheel of power-ups and unlock custom Hearts yo I can't wait Sonny so without further Ado spin that wheel your first custom power-up is gonna be please give me something good it's totally useless but pretty fun you got the box heart wait the Box heart means other players cannot use their boxes wait that's awesome Sony that's not useless at all dang it you're right I thought it was the one where you have to buy a new box whoops I'm not allowed to do this get out of there right now okay okay it's my turn to spin let's see what power up I unlock please don't get the fire heart please it's so op yeah I got something super cool though what'd you get I got the flying heart it lets me Force another player to run into yellow and fly away wait I don't want to get abducted by yellow but bro you're so lucky yellow's not even in the first hour oh wait you're actually right this isn't too bad Sunny good luck not dying without a box yeah yeah it's only green and blue this is gonna be easy the first hour let me just box my way through here yeah let me see you oh wow oh wow you're so cool you're so cool just wait until yellow spawns in I'm gonna make you run into that bird whatever bro I'll just land in the bouncy castle can you get some lights can you please get some lights yes I'm picking up the bulbs go away from me let's split up and cover more ground I already got eight bruh I have three but I already deposited two of them now I have ten now I gotta go deposit ten did you get the ones in front of Blue's Castle I got some I didn't get all of them though probably okay I have to hide here Green's being weird let's see light bulbs none back here that's fine grab this one in the streets I'll take the river I'll take the oh you're taking the river already I already got most of the river but you can check it out yeah yeah yeah really cool melon I'll just scoop up the laser tag Zone yes the ferris wheel has so many bulbs uh Sunny how many bulbs do you got I got eight nine of them eight nine of them I got a lot of bulbouses and I am depositing them now let's go all right I'm gonna go into the purple Slayer do you have four bulbs I have no other bulbs I have one bulb okay well then we need three more still where are they hiding I have the two bulbs I have two bulbs very good I have a feeling there's some more outside of Blues castle that you missed no there isn't maybe in blues Castle I didn't check in there I checked in there oh no it's blue I gotta run I got three we just need one more oh it's in Blue's Castle I found it you doofus I said it's probably in Blue's Castle yeah yeah yeah you did sure you did but you were supposed to check Blue's castle and you were slacking you said you were just what you I I'm so confused oh Dodge is green and and it was the last bulb hey melon I'm not skipping this cutscene you know why no because we're gonna release yellow no wait but don't we unlock our next set of custom Hearts yeah yeah yeah but then we'll have two different power-ups oh hey melon yellow's here oh oh I'm getting the next heart dibs and my new power Up's gonna be completely awesome and I'm not yet to wear a box yes the ultimate combo Now give me that fire heart give me something good and just so no one's confused the money heart equals I must buy a new box at the start of every round and if I die just gotta spend Robux for nothing I'm spinning the wheel for your next heart all right give me some good shiny give me some gay you're unlocking the the magnet Magnus let's go hit him with the Box magnet combo box in between all of them and magnets Sunny towards me yes yeah yeah yeah the magnet heart lets you pull other players towards you I get it all right Sonny uh go buy that box that you can't even wear I'm gonna go collect all of these gas canisters whoa new box the tree stump let's see where do you get that from yellow you need to chill maybe I should buy it it's a lot of gems but it's pretty cool Madeline what do you think should I buy the tree stump no no you have to unlock a box to randomly get something yeah yeah yeah let me buy the tree stump got it oh you are so weird Sonny whatever I'm also gonna get the banana crate I'm opening a box up dude no I wanted the cool stuff dang it I opened the box now I can play there's quite a few rainbow friends around me wow really cool hey is one of them Yellow by any chance potentially activating no wait yellow's over here you liar yeah it really below the very person your power works on no I escaped and Blue's here too why am I getting swarmed what did I do to deserve this oh let me just Depot these 10 canisters hey melon hey Sonny I have my magnet power at high yeah you probably don't want to use that right now that'd be cringe magnet activated dang it I'm getting sucked Melody turn it off Blue's gonna kill me no no there's no choice I have no choice you're dead bro I can't believe you would do that to me now I've got to respawn and buy a box because I died wait why didn't you just go in a box oh wait you can't hilarious just give me the banana Box come on that would have been so much cooler well I got nothing that was awesome now where's that melon I want to turn you into a flying heart really badly well I have three gas canisters where there's just one remaining funny uh that's really great I just need to find where you're hiding and deliver yes flying heart fly heart no no no no oh that was awesome it's okay sonny I have mastered the bouncy castle have you now don't get knocked out of the world or we lose it's okay I got this hey yeah and now yellow sits in their little birdie Nest now I'm gonna drop off my three gas canisters Sonny you're so weak your hearts are so pathetic whatever bro we still need one more canister so quit talking smack all right let me go find it because I know it's in purple's Lair you sure about that well did you check purple Slayer no did you no so it's probably in there oh I found it sunny I literally collected all 15 you're so useless that's not true I I think I got one no no you didn't collect any of them I collected ten and now I'm about to drop off the fifth one whatever bro you made me get captured so you deserve it I want to see the lookies explode oh they're so crumbs sonar no no no there's gonna be after it's gonna be really epic oh yeah hey melon it's time for your for your heart let's do it the wheel is picking the ability of come on come on come on oh my the fire heart let's go oh bro I'm actually so overpowered bro the fire heart gives you the ability to light me on fire and the only way I could put out the Flames is to run in the River good luck Sunny I'm spinning the wheel for myself there's only three options left and they're all pretty good either way they're probably trash I unlocked the snail heart what does that do you're in trouble melon other players must always Crouch and walk slow oh my God for the whole game not the whole game but whenever I activate it you gotta go super slow like this hey Sunny hey Sunny you're so cool in that box wow I'm so proud of you dang it I gotta go in the locker and open up a box that I can't use all right well you do that I'm gonna go find the lookies yeah yeah I'm using my super power here this is so cool come on at least give me something good no I want the banana crate ah it's the only one I'm missing all right yeah let's track down these lookies I'll check laser tag all right first things first I activate fire hard not cool I need to get to the river drop down river river melon that was dangerous bro don't do that okay I'm so sorry Sonny I'm so sorry yeah well when you see yellow I'm gonna activate my flying heart then we'll see who's really sorry no not the flying heart that I totally can't survive oh no that's it activating snail heart you got a Crouch oh my God you're so annoying Sonny yep that's what you get I hope I can pick up lookies like this I can okay yeah yeah yeah do it in slow motion please I am Sunny this is oh no yellow yellow chill yellow chill flying heart activate dagger and you are a goner wait I have the lookie wait what's gonna happen am I gonna go flying yeah you're gonna get knocked out of the map no no no no no no I don't want to die please I don't want to die I'm too young I'm watching you melon ah I got flung out of the map are you kidding me there's so many lookies at Blue's Castle I guess I'll have to handle this myself ah is there no way I can get back in you can reset your character there must be oh hey hey melon I'm gonna activate my snail heart again so now you gotta Crouch and be stuck out of the map oh Sonny stop I know pretty cringe but I gotta do what I gotta do wait magnet heart wait I don't even know where you are how am I supposed to get zucked I'm out of the map Sonny it's probably been a yellow thanks a lot yes now you have to leave the map I don't make the rules bro you sucked me straight to my Doom no the magnet heart's gonna wear off before I have to jump look I'm good see you scumbag Sunny what do you mean bro your power was strong but not that strong let me grab these lookies and finish the game anyways I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to die here the choice is yours Mr melon hey green but oh no he grabbed me are you kidding well ah time to buy a new box because I died I died to the easiest Rainbow friend he died to Green didn't you yep and buying that box courtesy of my amazing power up what is this what did I just find oh that's garbage lovely thank you ooh free lucky did I fine this is insane what are you doing out there melon can you come and help oh my God sorry I'm exploring the map some of us are capturing lookies and dodging the enemy oh no I might be dead uh blue can you come out here I've never seen this before uh melon Malik blue could chase you all the way to spawn it was op bro I didn't know that but he's so slow I'm just dodging him anyways there's two more lookies out here somewhere I'm so close to being able to get back in the map I will find a way bro give it up already no why is yellow after me too what have I done and I'm in purple's Lair this is so dangerous maybe if I go down in the mines I can find my way back up guys I gotta take the long way around through rainbow Racers it's the only safe place what the heck why is yellow there hey sunny I just saw you at Rainbow Racers I'm trying to get through this crack oh you need some help yeah I'm gonna use some help Sonny well I can't help you I'm sorry I'm about to get killed by yellow yep there we go are you really dead again I'm not dead but I'm getting a first class flight right now do you see me no so I'm in a very weird part of the map right now melon we need to get one more lookie hurry up and help uh can you uh just get him for me you know yeah I'm looking around you're looking around yes bruh and I'm not seeing the last guy anywhere but looky a little harder will you found him and he's yellow my brother I will bring you to the pen and release you from your prison wait actually no I'm putting him in a prison I just realized that's kind of uh unlucky for wait oh I was close well Sonny I will be waiting patiently it's okay I got him all 10 lookies captured let's go and it's time to unlock our final custom Hearts oh it better be good would you like the first or second heart give me the fur Hearts any all right the first heart is going to bed are you kidding you got the ice heart Sonny you might be getting eaten by Blue right now you're right you did yo no I got the power of Fire and Ice I'm overpowered the ice heart gives you the ability to freeze other players for five seconds yo I'm actually so powerful bro this is insane and the final heart is the death heart what's that when activated both players must stop moving until one person dies you wouldn't dare yeah I would I definitely would I'll just chill in my box the whole game you are a coward bro we need to find the sugar packs all right ice heart thanks me pick this up and uh what's the point there's not even a monster nearby and Fireheart close and magnet heart I don't know why you're using everything I'm near a lookie big old lookie why are you magnetizing me like this melon what is your problem no greed and Scion no no melon why oh sounds like you problem thanks and you're dead I hope you're proud of yourself get destroyed I just used all of my Powers I'm so blow chill blue chill I'm gonna activate my death heart oh Sunny I'm in a I'm in a box right now you fool you messed up did I really yeah I'm in a box oh activate my heart you have to crouch you have to get out of your box and Crouch uh Technically when I'm in a box I'm crouched already no absolutely not you have to crouch I'm crouching look I'm pressing C right now it says I'm crouched dude you're capping final Crouch even though we all know you can crouch in a box nope that's cap Sunny what if I activated my magnet heart again and it's on cooldown and also I've been cheating and running around on accident that's my bad all right well I'm not doing this either bro your your heart doesn't even work dang it bro you can't break the deathheart if you break the death heart it's over ah ah fine reactivate deathheart oh no no at least it's yellow yeah but you have to die no I don't yes you do are you kidding me Scion's killing me yes and then I chill in the bouncy castle and they don't move look how that backfired Sonny rules or rules now I gotta buy another box thanks a lot game you're welcome oh no oh no I'm dead oh my God I had five sugar packets melon you are garbage you know that there's a pinned on the bridge but I just respawned cheer what's happening melon there's so many Rainbow friends I'm gonna activate nothing cause I want to win and not have bad things happen to me yeah can we just get some sugar packets before we destroy each other with our awesome powers yes I agree entirely I have three on me and I'm doing great work oh yellow don't look at me don't look at me where you at though I'm going through the river yes I found a packet I'm checking inside of this Shack no packages I'm going in Blue's Castle I have a bad feeling about this oh there's green I don't like this I'm getting swarmed dude I only have one sugar packet I got four of them dang it blue he's on me he's after me best friends funny I'm running I hope Green's not gonna surprise me out of this other door oh yes and yellow was here I got six packets I got a Depot don't you lose those six sugar packets now Sunny I'm almost there yes I'm gonna cook up something nice cooking I'm cooking I got seven I got one right now oh I got the last two let's go okay good good good good good good good good good good yellow you're gonna need to chill all right activate flying heart oh you're so annoying Sonny you're so annoying what it's a shortcut you can use it to fly back to spawn no no no I was right next to spawn you idiot oh that's unlucky activating flaming heart no way I'm surrounded ah we're going to the river no and you're dead right yes yes you were found and I've gotta buy one last box thanks a lot you're so welcome Sonny man I've been so unlucky today uh Sunny oh just in the nick of time are you gonna deposit those activating magnet heart activating freeze heart why yes and I'll deposit them thank you and I wanna see the big lucky roll all right Sony activating magnet heart I'm so proud of you activating freeze heart activating Fireheart have fun running Sunny why are you like I can't even go to the river there's an invisible wall I don't know that sucks doesn't it ow I burned to death thanks you died yes dude you let me on fire Get Wrecked dude I'm actually about to win and you're not gonna be here to secure the dubsky this is awesome oh no Scion guess what Sonny I'm about to win without you yes let's go activate deathheart wait no no sonny why would you do this why guys I can't lean I can't lean what's gonna happen oh no wait I'm too young to die no no sonny please no it's not my fault it's the death heart Well turns out play with custom Hearts is pretty dangerous we're both losing yeah but you know what makes you not a loser pressing that like And subscribe button let's go and clicking the next video on screen
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 1,385,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qlHOj9cV1s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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