Using ONLY ONE COLOR In Minecraft Build Battle

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this is a Minecraft build battle but we can only use one color hey but I have two colors well you'll have to pick only one red it is then yo goats tell us what your favorite color is in the comments I could use a bite to eat what the heck melon you clogged up the sink with watermelons again Sonny I told you I'm trying to cultivate and grow a beautiful Farm I'm tired of your complaining that's it what is this the melanator turns house into one of those don't flick that too late ah what have you done oh our house is disgusting now I'm out of here I can't stand you I'm gonna go live on my own I'm done with you sonny I told you two things when I moved in with you one I can't remember the first one but two that there must be at least 50 watermelons in the house at all times yeah well you know what I think about your wander melons this what are you doing what are you doing get out of here get out of here I'll kill you I swear it's fine I don't want to live there anyways guys I'm so tired of melon always putting watermelons all over the house they're gross he doesn't understand they get old and they start to rot and then they smell so nasty I can't believe Melody's so annoying wait who's this guy hello needs you get in the car now if Claudio needs me I'll do anything let's go activating sleeping powder wait what do you mean sleeping powder true wait what who's there is it sunny wait that's not Sunny hello melon uh hello dude needs your help quickly get in the car there's no time I do anything for my boy quandale I love that man more than I love Sonny activating sleeping powder wait I don't feel so good oh wait is that sunny sunny what are you doing here melon this is fault first you turned her house into water this man into wherever this is it's your fault why would I do this Sonny why would I do this I'm trapped here too it's probably you you're probably trying to get revenge because I turned the house into watermelons no you've got to be behind this cause I broke a watermelon I wish I was behind it because I don't like you welcome to the 89 57th annual Intergalactic uh what the heck where are we wait what what battle the ultra build battle [Music] what is carbon based life forms have anything to do with this uh because we went in a car to get here Sonny oh I get it yeah yeah carbon cars yeah it makes sense makes sense [Music] wait it's melon it's melon not lemon I'm sorry sunny and melon let the build battle begin Sonny you're going down after I defeat you I'll make the entire world melons yeah there's no chance you could be beat me goat let's do this whoa oh it gave me creative mode just in time I did not get creative mode what is this your garbage wait guys I have creative mode now it's time to build the ultimate uh wait what are we building again lemon you fool it's houses you're building a house dude it's not lemon it's melon yeah bro we're building houses let's get moving let's see here I'm gonna need uh maybe some bricks yeah I'll do a brick house guys I'm gonna make a melon house it's the most structurally sound material out there I'm speaking to you directly now I'm going to deploy some Dynamite sticks for you to use against melon to ruin his builds good luck whoa thank you alien that's quite handy now how exactly am I supposed to use these against melon wait there's a secret door yo there is okay time for me to deploy the prank and turn his watermelon house into honey blocks what the heck just happened to my house why is it all of a sudden a honeycomb my beautiful melon creation was about to be complete and then I'm gonna strike it with lightning oh wait there's a giant Dome on top that didn't work uh how about some Dynamite yeah what the heck what is going on why why what happened in my house it's completely gone oh that was close he almost saw me the heck where did those Dynamite sticks come from anyways back to building my beautiful Brick House oh man my house is coming along so well just put my spawn point right about there oh I need a crafting bench some side tables and furnaces so I could cook in my new home it's so beautiful we feel a little bad for you melon so we're gonna give you a homie missile to get revenge thank you so much alien overlord with this I'll be able to throw Sunny wait you said there's an invisible door somewhere I don't see it right right here right about here whoa wait this is a bell where I saw the dine it might come from Sonny the scumbag probably used this door to troll me look at this idiot he has no idea what's coming for him and my roof is almost done it looks so awesome let me just put him in survival real quick what else do we need here wait what is that sound why is there a muted Snow Golem outside of my house and now guys I'm gonna spawn in a muted creeper what is that sound why is there a mutant creeper outside of my home why am I in survival why is my house breaking hey buddy we could be cool we could be friends oh wait they're fighting isn't how it's supposed to be they're supposed to destroy his build together this is fine I'll be okay oh oh the muted Snow Golem is dead where's that creeper going why is there another one no no get away from my house stop stop this isn't cool I was just trying to make my creation to win build battle little creepers oh that's it I gotta fight back with my Dynamite explosions versus explosions die oh that that didn't work at all I think I'm dead uh what is this why is there a funky TNT in my house what happened at least the mobs are gone finally but they destroyed most of my home and for the cherry on top ow what just happened guys I gotta get out of here now where's the door where's the door where's the door there it is I'm out of here wait hey what the heck my whole house is gone all that's left is one slab uh gotta start from scratch guys I tried to throw a homing TNT over and destroyed uh quite a bit of my wall well pretend like that didn't happen and now I gotta work on my build too huh start over I guess guys I think I'm gonna make a nice big red house because red is the best color and just a couple more blocks thanks to the alien technology I've been able to build and construct the most awesome Sunny house ever turns out having my Brick House get exploded was actually a blessing in disguise look at this place it's gorgeous all that's left for me to do is add my furniture and then my build is complete and just gotta add in this wallet boom my build is sweet so I know it was supposed to be only using one color but look yellow is like 99 of my build I just needed a few colors I hope they don't disqualify me hold on a second guys this wood is technically not red and I am a rule stickler I need to fix this okay guys I'm grabbing all the yellow Furniture I can get my hands on I'll even grab a yellow Porsche oh that's gonna be fancy and now I will make my couch for my television this is diarrhea yellow I realize that but it'll have to work and then we get the nice chairs look at that that's got a big lounger in here we'll have a bathroom that looks kind of cool and we need a nice big pooper right here and then next to the toilet there'll be a big shower yeah that's perfect double-headed shower you love to see it then we'll divide the shower away from the toilet cause uh nobody likes that yeah this is one of those fancy open concept showers beautiful you just walk in enjoy a nice bit of the rain shower then you scrub up after and you've got a mirror on the wall and just like that my house is completely red and I don't want to hear any complaints about this this is red Sandstone so it counts even though it looks orange I should probably add some furniture though oh yeah the patio it totally needs a grill station so we can barbecue there there's a cooler next to it for the supplies a little bit of counter space to show off all the food and then a little toolbox just in case we need some work to do and perhaps a little crafting table over here with some fancy chairs and last but certainly not least our fancy sports car oh that thing looks epic guys I just need to add an toilet somewhere I feel like that's pretty important wait I didn't get down to my toilet no how are they gonna use the bathroom melon you don't even have a toilet bro it's okay your whole house can turn into a Compost Facility sunny I bet you you didn't even build a good house yeah get wrecked dude let's allow the alien Intergalactic Association to decide whose build was bad after a very analysis of the builds the jury has decided the winner of this match which is part of the 8957th annual Intergalactic Ultra build battle is a contestant Sunny yeah let's go I told you I was better than you melon I'm the go dude there's no way how did you beat me let me see your stupid build yeah come on through dude what the heck how did you build this isn't she beautiful sunny you're a trash Builder how did you cheat in this building contest well there's these little things called sponsors you know that Dynamite that hit your house and Sonny this isn't even yellow this isn't yellow this isn't yellow there's so many things that aren't yellow I took a few creative Liberties okay what is this door isn't it awesome how do you even what is that block I know it's cool uh okay not gonna lie your house is insane I know check this out I even have a bathroom dang it oh if only I had a bathroom I would have won if you had a bathroom melon you would have won are you kidding me I was one toilet away from Victory let's go I'm the best I'm the best I'm the best Sonny will be receiving 20 filmers which in Earth's currency equals to 10 billion diamonds whoa I'm the richest Minecraft player ever suck your melon you're garbage hey why don't you come in here coming here and rinse off all that fill I'm out of here Sonny tune in in a few minutes to watch the live execution of contestant living wait what my name's Melon No no then maybe you're safe maybe they actually have another guy named lemon oh sorry folks we met melon like big man melon the one time I wanted them to call me lemon all of your diamonds are packed in the Escape pod and you're ready to go sir thank you Mr alien this is the best day ever and plus I'll never have to see another watermelon what the heck why is there a watermelon in my ship there better be a lot of diamonds there better be a lot of actually guys come to think of it I can't possibly leave my brother melon here to die I'll miss him as annoying as he is I don't want to leave him behind just need this and hey what's that over there guys I'm too scared to die I'm too young yes and now I equip my disguise I am an alien no one shall suspect a thing be Max and blogs I'm one of you one of you hello melon I'm here to escort you to your execution oh no I don't want to die I'm just a young melon right this way big man melon okay okay are you sure you want to do this like I just lost a build battle I didn't do anything wrong it's my job don't talk to me about what I want or don't want to do I'm just following orders this way please this way yes right this way and please enter this and just up here a little further yes yes uh this look does doesn't look like an execution area where are you taking me please take a seat in the cargo hold dang it dude probably taking me to another spaceship to kill me um no that is not your seat that is my seat I need you in the cargo hurled oh oh okay uh yeah I'll go in the cargo hold can't even get a good seat before I die see how it is yes but before you go in the cargo hold I have something for you yeah what's that wear this for your safety melon I don't want you to die it's me your brother Sonny yo Sonny thank you so much we gotta get out of here quick why do you think I'm stuff you in the cargo hole that way no one sees and now I get into my space shuttle driver's seat and ignite liftoff let's go whoa I think we're almost home that's gonna be the landing thrusters we're piercing Earth's atmosphere let's do it I have no idea where we are I'm stuck in a tiny hole oh Sonny we just cried why did it sound like you poop uh uh I don't want to talk about it oh I don't feel so good I need to get outside yo we actually made it home oh it's beautiful melon the sky is blue the air is fresh the birds are chirping and the poop is stuck melon finally a desert we found it let's go bro we need this green dye so we can make the most epic melon house no melon it's so we could get a zombie sheep Army no Sunny I'll kill you right now it's for the melon house it's for the melon house okay okay it could be the melon house just don't hit me again what the heck is that Sunny what did we just find this is not normal bro I've never seen a desert pyramid like this before bro this structure is not supposed to be in Minecraft what is going on it's the biggest most goaded Temple of all time let's check it out bro what's in here oh and while we're at it maybe we get this Cactus just in case all right Sonny what the heck do you think this is maybe this is where Herobrine was born I hope not dude I don't want to disturb his Temple are you crazy wait a second melon I bet you there's something really epic up there there's a hole in the ceiling what do you think's in there I don't know but sunny I can't place blocks in here for some reason wait I wanted to build up to it we can't build up no we're gonna have to use ender pearls or an elytra or something bro we don't have an elytra we'd have to go all the way to the end City for that are you stupid all right well hopefully we can find Ender Pearls or something wait bro what the heck what is gordimus doing here wait does he have good trades Gordon Miss Maximus let's see here scrolling scrolling yo he sells ender pearls yo let's go how many Emmys do we need five emeralds equals one ender pearl so we're gonna need to gather at least 10 emeralds somehow we're in the middle of a desert desert and there's no Village around what are we gonna do melon I have an idea this is a goated temple in the desert and what do most desert pyramids have flute and lots of it there's got to be some items here somewhere just keep your eyes peeled man there's gotta be some loot here yo Sonny I found it found it in one of the corners is it what's in it oh bro it's just a bunch of rotten flesh okay I'm gonna check the other Corners then this chest whoa we got emeralds and Rod and flesh and a saddle I'm gonna ride a little pig into battle yo wait how many emeralds do we have uh only eight of them but I think Gordon has had a trade for Rod and flesh yo wait I got eight emeralds in this other chest and is saddled and Bones let's go okay last chest what they have golden apples 12 more Emmys and a bunch of rotten flesh I'm rich bro let's get us some ender pearls right now all right Gorge I'm gonna give you some emeralds and I won't end up pearls not lapis okay no I don't want glowstone either ender pearls yes yo chill melon let me get some of these too okay I need into Pearl trades I got four pearls come at me now wait I'm gonna get some more oh wait melon how much on flesh do you have uh shiny I threw all my emeralds at him and I can't grab him back can you get me an ender pearl you are really stupid melon gautamus you deserve that payday this melon is not but I got four pearls because I'm goaded like that here I'll give you one of them thank you sonny now all I need is one Pearl One mission one melon on a mission to go did I mess you up yo I made it yes wait what's up there wait for me wait for me I'm throwing it oh I didn't make it sunny you are trash my dude no hey melon the only good thing about dying is now I have a bigger head all right let me see if I can make it this time I just gotta angle the Pearl like this please please please I think I'm good I think I'm good I think I'm good yes I'm up bro let's go I can't wait to scavenge for epic wait what the heck's this bro there's a map in here called y72 I know I grabbed it what does it say it doesn't say anything melon it just shows the temple that we're standing in what does this mean wait a second why 72 sunny press F3 oh you're right it's a coordinate wait we're at y99 right now yo we need to get to y72 right that was it that was what it called yes good thing I have an extra Ender per let me go lower let's see it's okay I'll just uh use this and then go like this and be okay oh survived on one heart let's go yeah you have one heart yeah go chill chill what's wrong what's wrong relax relax Sunny relax okay melon just for the record we're at y78 we gotta go six blocks slower what is this map saying yo wait something's funky about this wool yo I can break it wait I'll kill this for you what was that it was from my ender pearl bro that is so weird wait speaking of what is it what the heck did you just find I don't know I found a secret area bro there's a red banner here what's going on let me check our chords dude this is why 72 we're inside of the temple yo but what are we supposed to do here it's just like underneath of the temple and there's nothing really going on yo chill check the corners for loot there might be loot in the corners yo you're right I'm checking the corridors come on this last Corner over here better have me some nice chest loot I expect to be going no payday come on uh nope that's just the outside world no chest Sonny something's weird about this Banner something tells me right underneath this lamp what did I just find Sonny uh melon uh dude I'm going in water water yeah wait for me yo what did we find Sonny loot there's loot There's No Loot There's No Loot yo what the heck happened bro and how did I survive uh melon what happened to you is right you're black and white you lost all your color wait what happened to you bro you're black and white too what do you mean don't tell me no my colors are gone bro what happened what did we do melon this TNT was cursed we knew this Temple was too good to be true why did we come down here Sonny there's got to be something we can do to get our colors back it looks like there's a secret hallway that got revealed down here surely we can fix this I hope so bruh follow the secret hallway I need to see and color again my world has been ruined [Music] wait what the heck I used to be so beautiful wait yeah what is it what is this chest uh yeah what's going on in here password protected chest honey do you have any idea what the password could be yeah one two three four okay 69 69 uh you try something what do you think uh six nine four twenty dude I have an idea have an idea the name of the map is y72 why don't we try letter Y 72 what letter of the alphabet is y I think it's 25 right x y z yeah 25 72. it worked there's two books in here oh no this is cursed what did you do Sonny what did you do one book is named sunny and the other is named melon I'll let you grab yours out of there yo so what was it 25 72 yo melon book surely we can restore ourselves come on melon's Quest eat watermelon what the heck wait let me check my quest eat golden carrot that's my first one Sonny I don't think I can eat a watermelon how am I gonna do this but I think you have no choice bro it's the only way you can become the one true wander melon all right uh I guess I'll do what I have to do I'll see you later Sonny it's all for my color nah dude I'm coming with you I want to witness this bro you are so mean you I found a village and no they have watermelons I mean it's what I need but I don't want to do it it's okay melon I could do it for you you just have to eat it I can be the one to destroy it no no sonny I need to do this myself I'm so sorry this is the best day ever and then all I've gotta do is eat this and I'll be okay uh sunny I gotta I gotta work up a little bit of an appetite real quick just let me uh run around a little bit yeah get over here I'll help you with that just need to get you one of these ain't all right I'm chilling I'm chilling eat it up and eat melon you have some of your color back in your face yes it's working I'm so sorry my melon Brothers I'll lay the rest of you to peace please be with you and then I'm gonna steal them and eat them later let's go what the heck hey melon so no why I can't let you eat my watermelons like that needlessly I just hope this Village has some carrots for me keep your eyes out melon I need carrots and gold all right Sonny I think I found some carrot plants over here really yeah where right here oh I saw some down here let's go okay I need to harvest these carrots yes yo you're being really crazy right now Sonny sorry I'm just getting excited I needed these carrots I'm gonna see so clearly and all the vibrant colors will restore me to Greatness but wait I need gold still melon we need to go mining uh fine I'll help you get some gold oh wait maybe we can melt down this gold subscribe button click it quickly sunny I found a crazy cave and there's tons of gold meet up with me I'm on the way I'm on the way dude this place is crazy oh just made it uh Sonny I did not make it oh I just barely did yo Steve is after you wait no let's cry wait keep fry away from me bro I don't want to deal with that boy right now I just need to harvest up some gold which is right here keep these creepers off me okay sonny I'm gonna Farm some gold for you too I think I only need one piece to tell you the truth oh wait really is that all it takes for a golden carrot yeah then I gotta smelter down and turn it into golden nuggets after oh no there's quite a lot of skeletons down here uh oh this is not good Sunny be safe melon be safe I'm collecting some deep slate Cobblestone so I can make a deep slate furnace Sunny there's an upside down mob after me yo dinner bones after me Nolan what are you doing okay I'm crafting the furnace that looks good then I put furnace down I give it a little fuel add the gold my gold is melting one golden ingot turns into nine golden nuggets which then surrounds a carrot melon I did it one golden carrot let's go melon get down here you need to witness this no the zombies they're gonna overwhelm me I just want to eat my gold carroted piece I'll keep them off you sonny thank you I'm eating I'm eating no no no no no no no no what else is attacking bro eat the carrot they're everywhere yo Sonny you look like your color's returning let me see let me see yes the golden Karen it actually worked a bit dude you got the green back on your head it kind of looks like I got spray painted in yellow a little bit yeah bro let's continue these quests I'm checking my other one quest number two defeat a mutant blaze what the heck let me see my quest too defeat a mutant husk bro these are so hard Sonny I'm gonna go grab these diamonds over here we're gonna need these if we want to win uh yeah melon you also have a monkey chasing you I'm not making that up by the way okay uh oh you're not wrong bro oh give me these diamonds real quick wait no the monkey it's turning on me what do you want what do you want Venice oh I killed him he was actually a really weak monkey melon I got more diamonds if we Harvest enough of this we're gonna have such overpowered gear let's go bro we're so geared up and ready to fight all I gotta do is summon this big boy melon what do the viewers have to do to help me find a mutant husk uh they need to press like right now and the Subscribe Bell [Music] Yelp melon melon what is that he actually showed up look at the size of this Behemoth but oh he's been hitting the gym Sonny Sonny we need to take him down let's go he's gonna kill me yep very very hard I'm losing all of my health melon this is not good he's distracted I'll hit him just keep running keep running okay I want to do some hits too though maybe I don't want to do hits I have three hearts Shield keep me safe get out of here Sonny before he kills you yo he spawned in little baby husks okay you handle the baby husks I'll take on the big boy boom please don't die oh you scared huh he's scared of me die little baby husks Melanie's doing a big body slam oh Sonny spawned more little baby husks this isn't good I'm running low on golden apples I have one left yo is he dead you he's dead let's go I feel the colors returning to me melon it worked look at me I'm almost back to normal yo you just have one more Quest left and you'll be normal again sunny or so we hope at least how about you bro we gotta get to the nether and defeat a mutant blaze dude I got the obsidian let's do this and I'm gonna need your help at this place cause he's extremely strong one two three yeah you're right I'm gonna put my armor back on that would be really bad without it and another portal is complete light him up and let's go let's do this yes yo what the heck said he is right here be careful be careful be careful how are we gonna slap this man I gotta get it oh I'm on fire Sunny this is not good I'm dying this guy is insane he's got a smoke and fire tornado covering him oh boy Sonny I've got him distracted you take him down okay I destroyed one of his Shields I'm trying to break his defenses oh Sunny I'm burning to death I'm burning to death yeah I'm getting hit with a mega Blaze right now oh boy my hearts are on super fire I think I'm dead I'm dead yep I got absolutely destroyed yeah same here I was burnt to a literal crisp I don't think we're strong enough for this melon yes honey we are not strong enough for that mutant blaze hopefully gordimus has some better gear for us yeah let's go chat him up see if he'll take any items in exchange for something like say sharpness a thousand that would be beautiful let's see all right Gordy where yeah I require a powerful weapon I'll give you everything I have so Gort I got this really cool treasure map called y72 have you perhaps been looking for this oh really you've got a sharpness 1000 ax for melon deal let's go yo sharpness ax come on please tell me yo sharpness level 255. that's insane bro melon chill bro that's the maximum damage in all of Minecraft and you just smacked me with it it's okay sunny I'm gonna use this to defeat the blaze I just had to test it and make sure it was real let's go yo you ain't surviving this time mutant blaze let me pop a golden apple and I'm going in for the big old hit melon he spawned in many blazes I'll handle the small guys you take him out bro I'm doing Mad damage to him he's scared he's scared die yes I've destroyed him good cause these little guys are destroying me bro oh I just survived what are you gonna do oh get everywhere are you good yo Sonny I'm returning I'm almost back to normal dude look at you you got spray painted and some melon red you're coming back to life bro it'd be a real shame if something were to happen uh Sunny something really weird's going on at base at the temple there's a bunch of iron bars and gortimus is being really weird right now wait what's the third Quest again totem of coloring what does that even mean what's that Court what in order to acquire the totem of coloring I have to kill Sunny wait what's going on I can't move I'm teleporting melon I just landed in the temple and why do I have these items Sonny there's only one totem of coloring and it's gonna be mine oh yeah you're right there's only one totem up there that's gonna be mine bruh she about that sonny get wrecked Get Wrecked paddle jump off the 360. you don't want this you don't want this heat melon you don't want this heat man through the water nice try Sunny nice try yeah nice one too oh this is not good guys oh Dodge oh are you trying to break my shield huh trying to break my shield eat this and this oh you're done you're done let's go the totem shall be mine yo the diamond blocks came down and the totem of coloring his own mind yes it's so beautiful hey melon hey babe kill me let's go I feel great again and if you guys want to feel great make sure you like And subscribe wait a second melon I'm still black and white half my colors are missing please this is Minecraft hide and seek but we're spinning a mystery wheel that decides which blocks we can't touch I better not get yellow if you guys want to see more epic mystery Wheel videos comic goat emojis And subscribe yo melon it's time for a hide and seek but today we've got a crazy twist what's the twist Sonny you didn't tell me Well the twist is melon that we're gonna spin a mystery wheel of colors and whatever you get you cannot touch it if you're The Hider so if it lands on red you're dead if it lands on green you're doubled chill okay give me the first spin the wheel's spinning melon and your can't touch color is green it's legit green oh Dad okay we've been over this the inside of my watermelon cap is indeed red so I'm okay I won't die because of my own head hey melon hey melon hey melon you better start running Miss let me hide I'm putting the blindfold on melon and then I'm coming to destroy you but in the Big Time where'd you go melon I can't see you bro where are you uh don't worry about it okay guys we were my first hiding spot I'm gonna enter this gigantic skyscraper because why wouldn't I do that that's sick plus I don't have to touch anything Green in here there's no green in the skyscraper just gotta be a little bit careful make my way up oh there's leaves here gotta make sure please tell me none of these carbs oh my God it's a green carpet very careful around this carpet make sure I don't touch it and run through this all way now where do I wanna hide yo this could actually be a sick hiding spot oh hear me out an a little bit of creative mode grab myself a secret door yes break down these two blocks place let me place my door sweet now I have my secret door and it leads to this right here so I can peep out and look at Sunny through this window and the best part is these flags are extra hiding my door so I'm super secreted and he'll never find me yo melon bro you're right you're right I'm there's only 30 seconds where'd you go chill chill now time to firstly close these two doors and enter my secret room alright Sonny I'm ready let's do this time to remove my blindfold see and breathe again this thing is so hot so hot anyways it's gone and also melon I've got some super powerful Green item number smack you in if you can find me Sonny because I'll give you a little hint I can see right now where is this stupid melon hiding so I've got three questions I can ask and for the very first one I'm gonna ask something pretty normal melon are you up super high or down really low I would say I'm up super high if I had to say so much oh my God that was close that was way too close yo that sucks if you're up really high why is there an emerald block on this route I don't know bro that's so weird I totally placed that there to throw you off that doesn't make any sense dude you can't even touch green so this shouldn't be you coming through anyways though I just needed a little bit of dirt first and now I could go up find this ugly hideous disgusting rotting melon dude I'm not rotting I'm actually quite ripe just so you know oh true sorry this juicy melon I'm gonna make him into a treat there's just a button on an emerald block up here the heck is this for well you're not up here mystery song oh that was weird into the pool oh no the only other place really high up on this map melon is over here at this tall skyscraper I don't know what you're talking about Sunny well I'm gonna find out you wanna ask a question maybe maybe I'm in there maybe I'm not all right fine I'm asking a question melon are you the skyscraper yeah but no I wasted one of your questions dude you are dumb fine I'm gonna ask another question about the skyscrapers to save time even though I have lots of it if you were looking at the buildings from the center of town are you the one closest to the center of town or farther next to the wall um I don't really know to answer your question yes you do which one you closer to the middle or farther from the middle I don't know I think I'm closer to the middle well I'm climbing up this Tower and breaking it what there's barriers dude how do I get in where's the entrance are you kidding I have to go in the other building no matter what climb the stairs and then go through a sky Bridge maybe come on yes there's a sky bridge I'm through so you're over here somewhere I just heard a door open uh what are you talking about why is there this really subtle spot with crafting tables I don't don't worry about it sunny don't worry about it oh my God that was way too close I accidentally missed click yo where's this door I heard a door wait why is there all this Redstone equipment uh don't you worry Sunny don't press that button don't press it big boss Aileen yo what up baleen this looks like a baby bro this is literally boss baby yo melon when I find you I'm gonna give you this baby head I don't know why it just seems kind of fitting oh well good thing you won't find me you only got one minute left Sonny that's plenty of time bro where the heck are you hiding wait what why are these signs openable this is so weird what are you talking about I found these two planks look like signs but it's actually a door can I climb them yeah I could jump on them why are you laughing nothing nothing dude just keep looking at a dorm maybe it leads to my spot I'll see only 30 seconds left maybe it does just maybe okay guys melon thinks he's a wise guy I climbed up the staircase and saw his little red arm sticking out of that block about two minutes ago and I've just been patrolling him ever since now I'm gonna put my hand through the wall see if he notices yo melon how much time do I have left uh you got 15 seconds left what the heck guys I'm gonna shake my butt through the wall too eat my bum eat my bum bruh yo guys I think that pixel was Sonny's bomb Sonny you only have 10 seconds left where are you melon guys no wait five no no yo melon I got something for you bro put that on your head and maybe I'll spare you with less than one second remaining the goat Sunny himself smacks melon into the next Dimension no how did you know where I was this ball was good let's go it was actually a pretty made a big noise and then I also saw your arm stick out of the wall but that was an accident I thought accidents didn't count yeah but your arms sticking out of the wall revealing your hiding spot that definitely counts oh I can't believe that why does that happen that's such a stupid glitch melon I got a new blindfold for you though you don't need to wear the dragon head just put this thing on what the heck is Eileen's head it's a baby bro it suits you perfectly you're gonna become a giant melon baby yo what I look so creepy Sonny I'm gonna be seeking you out in this yeah and find this wham bam slam yo stop spin that wheel I am spinning the wheel of colors and the one that I cannot touch is gonna be gray I can't touch anything that's gray Sonny that's like the worst color oh my God your five second grace period's over Sonny you got two minutes aside good luck not touching gray you're so annoying okay I'm putting it away can't touch gray white is safe wait I got these dirt blocks no there's little gray specks in them make the jump wait that's great everything's gray here and here melon don't punch me I'm on a mission yeah safety I'm alive oh that's great on the slab yes I have found a safe place okay guys where the heck am I supposed to hide oh gosh get this out of my inventory they got little gray Speckles on them okay I gotta think about this carefully so I'm gonna go in creative mode and get myself some ghost blocks yep that's a good start yep we're gonna need more of those and uh I don't really know where to go that's safe there's so many things with gray I want to jump into the corner of the map I think that's the safest place for me don't touch the dirt yeah this looks pretty good back here if only I could make the jump maybe I'll go here and here I can Edge climb this yes this is good guys this is so bad it's like the worst color I could have got I don't even think I have a choice I'm gonna just dig down and make it all into sand yeah that's a lot safer for your boy yeah better already and then ghost block goodbye that's all I can do guys there's nothing else that's safe for me back in survival mode and melon I'm ready finally taking off my blindfold but actually I want to keep it on because I want to scare you when I find you but it's really hard to see in this okay I'm taking it off you think you're gonna find me bruh I'm in the most goaded hiding spot of all time we'll see about that Sonny you might be in the most coded hiding spot of all time but I've got something that you're not gonna like very much yeah what's that I've got a piece of stone and I'm gonna I'm gonna whack you with it no melon you need to chill please don't don't hit me with any wrong okay I don't know what kind of Parkour you did so but I'm gonna track you down so let's see you were here wait you can't use dirt there's little gray specks in the dirt you're actually done just cause there's little pebbles in the dirt doesn't mean I'm not the goat all right I still got a good hiding spot I literally never said you wanted to go I'm gonna show you you're not to go true actions do speak louder than words no what the heck Herobrine said that was so close he's literally right here I just saw him I'm gonna jump up okay sonny for my first question am I close to you I don't know where you are right now okay well uh then tell me when you see me if I'm close to you okay okay I still don't see you okay well scrap this question first question are you inside or outside I'm outside and you can't just scrap a question because it's inconvenient no you just didn't answer it that's why I scrapped the question why could you say you're far from me because you asked if I could see you and the answer was no guys I found a super duper secret hiding spot for my next round oh this is actually crazy I'm definitely gonna use this next time Sonny's so done and now I gotta get up to the surface you got any more questions there Mr melon yeah I can question I you potentially out of the four places which one are you in I don't know let me just check like the house the big Skyscraper the tree area or I guess Carnival I don't really know what that is looks like a carnival guys this is really bad if I answer this question melon's gonna for sure find me but I don't have a choice it's part of the game melon I'm in the desert bruh you're in the desert brah I'm gonna find you bruh nah bruh you ain't gonna find nothing bruh where are you sonny yo guys that's so bad I just saw melon run past me okay I gotta find you look out for any ghost blocks I won't use the goggles of true Vision because I would kind of be cheating and I'm not like that [Music] how does this happen I can't believe I just fell into your hole that's actually hilarious wait do you have gone as a true Vision no I don't bro check me out look I got nothing on uh but I do got this yes I thought I was invincible because of the ghost blog bruh that was a speed run nice job and then I congratulate you and then you beat me up with a rock very good this is what for you did for me last time whatever bro I don't even know what you're saying I'm spinning the wheel and your mystery color is brown you can't touch Brown no not actually that's kind of easy to avoid I just gotta avoid like dirt and trees whatever dude dude you've got two minutes to hide and you got two minutes to count put that blindfold on yeah I'm gonna put the real one I'm not wearing no baby head wait where'd he go no way I didn't go anywhere okay guys I found this super secret epic hiding sewer spot last round and now I'm gonna hide in it check this out see this right here press this button and now I'm going live yo the second wait honestly I pressed this button here it doesn't do anything okay whatever this spots oh my God these signs are brown I gotta be really careful don't touch anything around I'm gonna give myself some torches it's pretty dark down here I just realized torches are brown no oh wait I could use glowstone though glowstone this should be good this is actually not brown this is all gold okay guys all gold now illuminate this place wait what does this say it says he's Cinder Bob that is French for pool I'm gonna check out this pool yo what there's a secret area to the sewers in the pool I don't even know about this this map is actually crazy what other things are down in these sewers yo there's so many secret doors there's so much to explore that rhymed unintentionally exit what do you mean exit that's not working okay wait what's this one lead to travel up here oh oh at least oh I almost touched her that was almost really bad It's gotta be another cool spot in the sewers this is another exit but these aren't working for some reason I haven't explored down here yet wait have I actually don't even know guys I'm so lost what happens if I touch this emerald block okay nothing nothing happens I'm just gonna chill down on these sewers near Bob's Pool and then I'm gonna Escape when the time is right all right it's right here okay sonny I'm ready let's go oh now I just remove this blindfold put it back in the box and let melon know that he's got some super poop with sharpness 255 coming to destroy him no don't touch me with poop that's my one weakness that's right bro and I've got the juiciest thickest turds in town they're coming to make you stanky ew don't touch me bro I'm a fresh ripe melon I don't want poop on my melon bro that's kind of like how you grew up bro you grew up in the dirts and I'm gonna turn you back into it okay Michael good luck finding me though oh no I just realized if I slap you with this it might act as fertilizer and make you into a giant powerful melon oh you fell away from my trap Sonny I'm already stewing in the poop as we speak what do you mean Stewie in the poop hold up hold up my first question is can you please explain to me what's doing in the poop mean I'm just in a dirty area where poop might flow sometimes NP flow yo what is this come on come on dude there's a sewer system on this map is that what you're talking about go through the pool and now I gotta find a new hiding spot but I gotta be really careful not to touch Brown I can make this jump let's go I can smell you chill Sunny chill this says Exit that's not the exit where did you go I can't touch brown guys I could go anywhere but I just can't touch Brown dude I'm in the sewers but there's no sign of you wait what does this sign say Bob wait Bob's swimming pool let's go I love Bob he's got a great swimming pool melon question two did you swim out of the sewers into Bob's Pool I may have maybe perhaps where did you go after that there's Brown everywhere you should have been dead I may have made a jump to safety how is that even possible is this sunny where is he I'm so scared is this is not good I gotta get higher ground and Scout him out what the heck this whole house is brown you couldn't have gone there uh you jumped to safety on the grass and then you ran across the road maybe what the heck bro for my third and final question which quadrant are you in I might be closest to the pistina Bob pool wait you're still at the pacinda Bob oh my gosh he's losing his mind did he open these what is this there's no way way you're down here bro what is this place where did you go melon don't worry about it Sonny you're back here somewhere is that you what is this there's some Vine and another bit of water 15 seconds you jump on the red carpet what the heck bro how is this fault working I thought I'd be found right now 10 seconds left no way you're in the tree no that's brown there's no what the heck I'm actually losing my mind I don't understand where you went five four three two one let's go no way melon where are you I'm in the center of town I've been in the center town the whole time what you said you were closest to the casino Bob I asked you which quadrant you were closest to and you said the pool I was literally in it I was hiding like this I'm at the pool you're not even here Sonny are you blind wait you're telling me there's two pools Oh I thought this Pond was a pool I'm sorry it was an accident it was an honest mistake there was nothing honest about it does this Pie full of lily pads and brown dirt look anything like Bob's swimming pool I don't know I just saw the water and I was spelled Jill Sunny no it doesn't the answer is no and it turns out super poop still can destroy watermelon but let me just double check yeah it works Sonny this is where all the times you've cheated all right now it's your turn don't message me when I've got the power stop it's fine I'll give you the power of super poop you can have it now and it's time to spin that wheel let's go and the color that I cannot touch is going to be a beautiful oh I wanted yellow I can't touch white you can't touch white you're literally standing on white just kill me then okay first I've gotta find something that's white to kill you with you got two minutes on good luck I'm out of here guys this is gonna be a really easy round there's barely any white on the map it's kind of just these lines in the street maybe you could say that gray on the iron doors is a little bit more white than gray but I don't know white seems pretty decent look at this I could go all here I could run all over this I can't touch these banners wool or the targets but pretty much everything else is fair game oh yo check this out guys I'm gonna go up this epic space elevator let's go all the way up please no white please no white yes it's gray we're good the clouds are white though I really want to do this I want to get to the helicopter when there's a will there's a way just gotta build and break it I might be leaving a giant trail of Glowstone but at least it'll be on the ground and not uh on me right guys this is totally reasonable and break this how am I gonna do this part though gotta go all the way around this is actually gonna take forever but it's okay I got time oh I almost touched that that was too close and go wider I'm so close to the ladder I need this this is my moment and then he makes the jump break the last piece of Glowstone and there's no evidence Left Behind up into the helicopter oh wait we said this is gray right we we agreed all right we're good jump in the car bro I don't want to jump in the car are you crazy nice got a white stripe on I might die oh the blue car that's probably made of water and slimes that's my getaway vehicle I like it bro that's epic and you know what the best part is melon's gonna see these white clouds and be like yeah there's no way Sunny could be up there but really Sonny's golden and he is up here okay melon I'm ready all right sunny it's time for me to pick my item of choice to kill you with and I know just the one yeah good luck with that bruh let me guess you've got a bone to pick with me no I'm gonna kill you with the most powerful weapon known to man a feather no not a feather now I've just gotta find you and whack you with this soft feather but because you're so fragile Sonny it'll kill you oh man melon I got a question for you what's heavier thousand tons of feathers or a thousand tons of anvils um what was the question again both are the same weight idiot they're both a thousand tons bro oh how could I be so stupid I'd even answer the question cause it melted that small melon brain whatever bruh good luck finding me dude you have less than four minutes remaining no cat okay no cap for my first question no cap are you at a place of high or low elevation I'm not sure why you would ask that bro that's mad sus I'm at extremely extremely extremely low elevation yeah like like so low that it kind of feels like I'm high up in the air what do you mean okay fine I'm at high elevation I hate you okay so you're probably in this Tower over here just gotta check the tower and build up I got a lot of flights of stairs to walk up my my caps are gonna be sore after all this take your time melon and make sure you check every room don't leave any stone left unturned I will leave every feather furled yeah I love a good fur old feather yep yes sir it happens if I place like a redstone torch in this or like button hold on I gotta figure this out button place it okay it didn't do anything I'm very disappointed I'm not cause you're wasting all of your time dude I still got eight minutes left chill how did you increase time you started with five then you had four because I make the rules yo guys I see melon running around he's on the roof he can't even see more than five feet in front of him because he's got a blindfold on he's so stupid wait jump into the circle what happens if I jump into the circle let's go oh yo look at that goofy boy oh I actually survived that let's go melon melon uh Sunny you can't see me bruh you've got a blindfold on wait no I've been traversing my ear this whole time we take it off dude your sonar is incredible I swear I heard you up there now it's time to go full out you're up here somewhere how can I get up here bro there's white cloud there's literally a water elevator this is sick yo what the heck yo there's parkour for me to do about it no we just went on the slime blocks I gotta do parkour so I can get to him climb up this helicopter jump on the car oh no I missed that when it did not go according to plan where did you go uh Sonny go back here I'm out I'm floating I didn't touch the white I'm floating oh my God you're doing so well no why didn't I whack you when I had the chance yes goat mode goat mode no what is this why'd you put glowstone at the top you're cheating what do you mean I'm just better than you I'm smarter than you I got a thousand IQ easy bro it's taking forever to break how many did you put none dude just just stop just that one and that one bro you're so toxic stop and that one and that one and that one okay I hope you break one of them just for that I'm giving myself a feather with efficiency 1000 I helped see you're drowning get up melon quick efficiency feather it's not working yeah that's right can't even get up here Bozo craft glowstone give me glowstone yeah I can't get up there you're using my weapon against me no stop stop with this I gotta go back to the blue ow ow sonny get back here you found me fair and square now it's time to hit you with the ultimate feather oh no yo I'm alive yeah you're still alive I'm gonna slowly kill you with this no as long as I don't touch white I'll be good hey yo chill I'm actually kind of good I just gotta whack you into white how how I'm over it you're dead ah hey and you're double dead you're standing on white wait you're actually floating though how are you floating cause I am the goat Oh no you're touching it that was hide and seek but you can't touch the mystery color I hope you guys all enjoyed it and if you did please leave a like on the video right now now I'm tickling Sunny so if you guys could tickle that subscribe button that would be awesome no stop tickling me just tickle the sub button it's way more fun this is a one thousand dollar Minecraft build battle but I turned invisible in order to troll melon and win every time and if you guys comment pumpkin emojis I'll turn melons build into a giant pumpkin why did my melon build turn into a pumpkin I hate pumpkins I get troll bro hey yo melon it's time for me to poop Bob slap you chill no you're getting off you're getting off you're going off you're getting off nope you're enough no I'm the best at this I'm a Spleef King oh we're both dead nice watermelon look what you did now we both died Sonny now I gotta fly all the way back up here yeah but now I can destroy the water worth it oh could you have done this I don't even care about the gold block I'm still beautiful with or without it whatever Sunny round one we have to create a famous landmark oh I'm going on my side nice nice really nice I don't even know whose side is who so you take that one I'm gonna jump the other way and make the most famousest most epic landmark from any time in history that you can build melon okay the competition is worth ten thousand Minecraft diamonds don't mess up okay I already know some of you are commenting Sonny don't cheat this time just build for real and beat melon hey guys what would be the fun in that trolling melon and making him angry is way more funny so I've got some new tricks up my sleeve today but first things first let me grab my schematic now I've got my schematic loaded all I got to do is hit paste and look at it I paid a professional builder to make one of the best most beautiful landmarks of the modern era it's the statue of villagey yeah it's the Statue of Liberty Minecraft edition look at her in all of her Liberty Glory I had to pay twenty dollars for this so you guys better like the video right now thank you guys I'm not gonna lie I'm struggling a little bit to make my build I'm trying to create the Great Pyramids of Giza but I can't build pyramids man it's gonna take forever plus I don't even think it's gonna line up at the top oh what the heck am I supposed to do oh wait is there like a world out of command I can use here uh wait there is I can do pyramid wait hold on a second if I go pyramid Minecraft sandstone and then I do like 20. oh God what did I do I gotta go in spectator what did I just create yo I just created a perfect pyramid wait a second I'm gonna actually be able to create my build no problemo okay guys well melon's working on his build I'm gonna go in creative mode and grab a beautiful invisibility potion and splash myself now I'm perfectly hidden melon will have no clue that I'm on his side of the map so let's go check out what he's built yo he's working on the pyramids of Geezer because he's an old geezer get it he actually is he's like the oldest watermelon of all time let's not even cap about it but let's see what else he's doing yo he made a tiny little pyramid over there too what is he doing yo what's melon up to bro he just spawned a third pyramid he's got three different sizes I'm not even gonna troll guys he's doing a pretty good job with his builds okay guys now that I have the pyramids built it's time for me to make myself a sphinx uh what am I gonna grab here I'm gonna need some Sandstone some yellow concrete I'm gonna pull up a picture of the Sphinx on the side I ain't even gonna go cap this is gonna be hard I'm gonna give it my best shot yo guys it looks like melon's working on another build in the meantime while he's distracted let's take a look at all the custom modded TNT chemical TNT compact TNT this looks pretty fun annoying you know I like this one butter TNT I can make his pyramid So Much More Beautiful by turning it into gold She's Gotta craft out the pause a little bit that looks pretty good if I do say so myself tunneling TNT I bet I could drill a hole straight through his pyramid with that and then I want to grab my favorite one the Shay goodbye this is the Rick Roll TNT and now I just have to go to work let's put some chemicals at the top first Everyone likes a good bit of chemicals to clean up their pyramid ah guys that was the wrong one I hope melon doesn't look up what happened to my pyramid that's it I'm unmuting a Discord Sonny what did you do to my build I'm not sure what you're talking about I'm trying to work on my statue build right now trying to work on your statue build huh okay that's real cool Sonny that's real cool yeah what do you mean I'm just trying to build a cool Statue of Liberty Monument you know what I won't cheat I won't cheat but I'm throwing something over the wall what did you just do what the heck why is my build changing guys it looks like he missed he broke my build dang it melon you blow up half of my bill that's what you get for blowing on my build Sonny you scumbag I don't know how you did it but you are trolling me somehow I didn't do anything bro why are you being so mean to me shut up you know you did something that's it goats time to use the tunneling TNT and I'm aiming it right at melon I hope this goes and blasts him yo what the heck happened to my build it worked that's it sunny I'm throwing another Dynamite over you can't be playing with me dude you can't just Dynamite me because you're annoyed the game's glitching chill yeah yeah yeah there you go buddy stop I hope your build got absolutely destroyed dude up my entire structure why you deserve it Sonny yes karma huh how do you like it oh I really enjoyed it thanks and now check this out I just gotta fly around the side place a little one of these and Say Goodbye melon wait wait first I'm gonna attract him by using the annoying TNT what the heck is going on no why are these TNTs getting detonated no worked melon why is the chat saying that you said goodbye honey stop trolling so hard I don't even have any time left no there's 10 seconds bro you'll be fine it's okay my build got completely destroyed you scumbag what are you talking about bro why do I hear a vacuum now wait you hear a vacuum cleaner that's weird sunny I guess both of our builds are destroyed are you kidding me what you missed look at the crater you made though my God and you totally cheated to spawn this in too what the heck not only are you spawning things in but you're destroying my builds now why are you accusing me of spawning this in I only paid a builder twenty dollars to make this oh my God that's even worse bro there's even an inside to it isn't it awesome dude that is so awesome Sunny wow good for you bro I'm so proud of you you're crazy what are you doing I'm not doing anything melon melon chill melon think about who killed her you killed the statue of energy no don't worry it's head's still there there's nothing left don't worry there's still some bricks there's no bricks left there's just a hole in the ground don't worry there's still some dirt okay melon it's enough you don't have to be so salty that you lost the first round ah you're such a cheater well I guess what do you think about my build your build looks a lot like you trash what the heck man let's just go to the next round hey melon the theme of the second round is farm animals farm animals yeah bro okay sounds good okay guys since Sunny cheated in the first round I'm gonna do a little bit of cheating if I type in this Command right here and just paste something in boom I have my very own own Farm now I just gotta add some farm animals give me some cows some chickens what else do I want sheep hey let's even add some goats oh they don't got goats okay this should be good spread the love okay guys let's see what melon's up to on his side just gotta go invisible and take a peek around this corner it's only been about one minute into the Build contest and melon already has this he thinks he can get away with using schematics I'm supposed to be the cheater not him that's it I'm gonna prepare the ultimate prank all I need is an anvil and a name tag collect my Johnny tag and then I grab some Vindicator spawn eggs let's do this sneak past him to the back end of his barn right around here yes dig a quick little hole in the ground and spam it spam the vindicators this should be enough then name them all Gianni yes come my Army get bigger then I Splash them with invisibility and release them yes come this way my vindicators this way and I unleash them on mellit's Farm look at it Go his animals they're all gonna get chopped what's going on why do I why are my cows getting chopped off why is there a floating ax what is happening that's it now the right ax I need to stop this they're all getting destroyed what the heck where'd this thing go yo I can see it's particles look at this his whole Farm is getting slaughtered is that a Vindicator that's it going in survival mode I'll take them out myself yeah ow they hurt they hurt oh I did it I killed them what the heck dude are there any more of those guys ow what the heck no no no no come on no ow yo he got slaughtered by Johnny bro who is Johnny what is going on dude I need to spawn more please tell me there's no more Johnnies what the heck I could see his stupid floating ax again dude I need to take care of this guy this might be my favorite favorite prank ever in melon ow ah and then his animals too it's destroying everything Sonny how much time is left I'm getting destroyed by Johnny I don't understand who this guy is you have two minutes left melon oh guys the invisibility wore off all the vindicators are visible Johnny's a Vindicator wait a second Sunny are you behind behind this I gotta go I gotta go I'm going back to my side guys I'm going back to my side and then I gotta create my barn quick before melon gets over here paste why are there so many vindicators and why are they all named Johnny that's it I'm cleaning them up this is over for them and there it is my bar fill it with animals some Piggies and sheep oh I'm gonna die my sheep too this is a little cow patch we got horses in here I got the horses in the back this is a pig pen guys trust me and then we got our sheepsis and check this out die I'm gonna make green for melon red for melon and yellow for me beautiful two yellow sheep as well and then in this last pen I'm gonna do something really weird it's a frog Farm trust me these are totally normal frogs nothing weird about this at all melon are you done your build yet bro hold on I gotta spawn something exotic in yo wait what chill choo choo and then in the front of my barn guys there's just gonna be chickens everywhere surrounded surrounded and delicious nutritious chicken okay I'd say that's pretty good that's a lot of chickens all right Sonny I'm ready yeah you want to check out my build first or yours uh let's check out your is first okay come to the Wall come to the wall hey Sonny hey dude why are you invisible I don't know what you're talking about you don't hey you look I'm Not Invisible I'm Not Invisible see where'd you go everything's everything's normal bro hey what's up with all these chickens though dude don't tear Tia chickens look at them though I don't know what chickens you're talking about bro I don't even see a single one on your base melon milk in my barn stop it you're flinging my farm animals everywhere it's not cool okay I'm checking out oh what the heck just go inside I got horses this is actually a really cool bar in it sunny like I'm not even gonna lie wait what the heck is this bro you got a toad room yo yeah these are my froggies you like them I can just sit on toad chairs yeah dude they're frogs relax show them respect and you didn't even notice my sheep oh they're so cute you got a second floor too you got any animals up here nobody have your own little living space hey bills chat this is actually quite the cute Farm sunny and I can kind of believe you did this well I did so what do you mean kind of I don't know I kind of do but I still think you probably spawned it in bro I know you cheated how do you know I cheated wouldn't you have to cheat to know I cheated I have a feeling you cheated is what I meant to say so if you cheated to know I cheated you're just as guilty as me if not more guilty than I am whatever dude bro why am I invisible wait you were behind the Johnny's weren't you I don't know what you're talking about I don't know anyone named Johnny oh I'm on the very top I'm on the very top yo melon your barn is crazy you have mushrooms yeah bro check it out I didn't see any mushrooms in your barn I had you with flowers and trees I'm gonna give you credit where credit's due you made a pretty nice Barn I paid a lot of attention to detail you feel me I feel you no enough with the Johnny's go away johnnys hey now all your farm animals are dead nice one it smells sacrifice to make for the herd to survive melon for the third build competition let's see who can make the best house yo I got this down pat this is my specialty no peeking and no cheating especially okay guys for my game plan I'm just gonna use one of these TNTs and make myself a really pathetic little brick house because I don't even care about this round I totally won the first two so I want to give melon a chance but mostly I just want to troll him so let me grab an invisibility potion for eight minutes slap that on and yeah look at this house oh it's so cool it's so nice we put a couple extra invisibility potions for later in here that looks good and I think the only other stuff I'm gonna need is a world that it wants now let's go spy on the melon this is looking fire so far I'm liking what I'm seeing yo guys he's just made a tiny little entrance to his house he's barely started this looks like a good start to the house yeah oh melon's house is coming along pretty dang well so far it'd be a real real shame if something were to happen to it all right guys time to decorate the interior a little bit gotta get my netherite sink out of course the classic netherite drawer just in case you know my house explodes for whatever reason and look it even functions as a chest this is sick bunch of cabinets on this wall yeah gotta have another right oven how are you gonna cook that looks pretty sick and let's get a crafting table and furnace Yep this looks pretty sleek and cozy time to make the second floor you gotta Build It Up from the sides okay guys this is my time to strike melon's gone upstairs he's working on floor two yo what has he done in here this man has an obsession with netherrite Cabinetry what is going on you know what I'm Gonna Fill This one with invisibility potions see if he notices and then I gotta break this block and go underneath it's time to flood it with lava and in case that's not enough I have my world edit wand let's go up here and we're gonna do this click that click that set lava oh that's plenty oh this is gonna be good it's all gonna burn she's gonna go outside and wait for melon to realize his house is on fire yeah this looks pretty good oh I like this wait what the heck why is my house burning oh this is not good what am I gonna do what am I gonna do I need water I need water right around I need water right now yo if he puts water it's gonna turn everything to obsidian that's kind of cool baby bro get rid of all this flame this is not good but now his house is just flooded it's so ugly bro what the heck just happened my house is still on fire it's like Pompeii melon are you good I hear you freaking out over there bro my house is burning down what did you do Sonny nothing but I hear there's a lot of volcanic activity in this area bro this is such cap I can't even put it out with all this water bro there's probably a volcanic eruption underneath your house bro did I did I get rid of all the fire I think I did it oh bro my building's ruined guys mela's house is so ugly now time to give him a one minute warning hey Melvin there's only one minute left wait what do you mean destroyed that sounds like a personal problem dude are you kidding me I can't even drain it in time wait I need sponges give me the sponges yes I can do it I'm doing it is there any more water right here he hasn't noticed there's still lava underneath his home yes wait there's still lava it's underneath the sink are you kidding me and now guys game with survival big man melon set lava no what the heck are you kidding me melon what happened did the volcano erupt you or such a scumbag Sonny I'll show you a volcano I gotta get back to my house and clear my effects wanna talk about a volcano huh Sonny melon the time's up let's just review the builds let's review the builds all right let's review yours first Sonny okay take a look I built this nice contemporary brick house it's small it's quaint but it's beautiful oh that's weird that you got no volcanoes erupting here it is quite interesting I'm a meteorologist I made sure to check all of the Landscapes before I constructed my home dude my house got destroyed wait what's that bro what what's going on oh no melon what is it melon what have you just done what have you done this is too much what have you done look up in the air you should have checked the landscape you just erupted Pompeii onto the entire Minecraft world well I guess this round's a draw I I think um you lose disqualification hey you did the same thing to me you were trolling me the whole time what no no evidence whatsoever of trolling was seen I was minding my own business on my side of the map and you just lit off a whole volcano call it a draw no more Shenanigans this is the final round whoever wins it wins everything let's go away creative mode please yes clutched it yeah me too me too oh no that's spectator not survival oh that was a photo finish clutch that was crazy hey melon uh the theme of this competition where are you bro yeah I'm right here Sonny the theme according to my calculations is skyscrapers and I've got a really cool build in mind I'm gonna make the tallest coolest building ever bye I've got a cool build I got a blueprint for it all right guys since Sonny's been messing with me cheating and trolling this whole time I'm gonna head into the TNTs I grabbed myself a little TNT that spawns in a few houses check this out guys please don't go over the wall yes this is perfect not only do I have my own building I have my own City spawning a few more and that should be enough to secure the dub ah melon why are there houses coming through the wall don't worry about it I'm just a very quick and efficient Builder all right this is like [Applause] most obvious cheating what are you doing I'm not doing anything bro I'm just playing the game can we just play it guys okay chill yeah yeah let me just play the game too then I'm just playing the game give me a second to just play the game okay guys I hired a builder to also construct this it cost me a little more than twenty dollars he built me the most insane Mansion skyscraper you've ever seen feed there's a helicopter pad there's a rooftop pool this thing is crazy yo I can't wait for melon to see this he's actually gonna be impressed and he's going to want to play hide and seek and he's gonna be like wow Sunny you're so cool how did you build all that and I'll be like yeah bro I invest in my builds I'm an architect all right Sonny I'm ready if you are yeah I'd say my luxury skyscraper is looking pretty close to completed let me just put the finishing touches yeah that looks just about right okay it's done yo what the heck did you build I decided to so I invested My Rewards from last time and hired a super architect to make me a luxury skyscraper Hotel this looks rather pasted in Sunny what do you mean just weird that like these blocks are conveniently one block High I don't know man I don't know it wasn't me it was the builders though so it's cool we're uh this is insane though do these elevators work uh yeah you just have to go and create a mode and fly oh that's kind of lame but this is insane yo it goes on forever you actually went all out on this build how much did this cost you I don't want to talk about it I might have gone on to one of those build discords and paid a hundred dollars for this bro you paid a hundred dollars for this you trash bro it's the same thing copy and paste it wait what do you mean this floor is the same as the floor below same as the floor below same as the floor below are you kidding me I got scammed yeah you got scammed hardcore my dude same build a hundred times it still looks really cool though check out my build though it is totally not the same thing over and over again every structure is completely unique check it out Sunny this is the most hideous skyscraper I've ever seen it's a monster bro bro it has tons of rooms it has even more rooms than your build yeah but it looks like it's growing things out of itself what do you mean guys vote whose build was better melons or sunnies I think mine was better well let's let the comment section decide Our Fate who wins the 10 000 Minecraft diamonds is it melon's ugly splattered up town or my beautiful scam skyscraper I don't know sunny but what I do know is that I'm about to set this place on fire wait why what is that melon melon what are you holding what is that TNT called don't worry about it don't even know what this is it looks like a coral reef yeah I don't really know what it's gonna do either we're gonna see though you just destroyed the ground that was it that was pretty anticlimactic melon that was so lame that I'm constructing you a new custom TNT sphere it's all for you no sonny chill I'm far away there's no way no what the heck well am I in survival and melon we're going down together game mode survival Big Man sunny yes oh no oh no I think I'm safe on the wall oh wait it's it's still exploding melon it's still exploding oh wait no we're good hey it stopped but you know it's not a scam clicking the like And subscribe button do it right now and we've got more videos for you click the one that's on your screen it only takes two seconds one two let's go click here before I fall
Channel: Sunny
Views: 526,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LpoNgqQ0Tn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 25sec (4945 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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