Sunny Was MURDERED In Minecraft!

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so today in Minecraft I'm dead this is so awesome hey you're supposed to be crying at all sad and stuff like the video right now if you think Sunny was always super mean to me yo that's not true comment Sunny emojis to bring me back to life or melons with poop emojis if you think he's mean cow's gonna need your milk cheap can you just be quiet for one second all right well that's not gonna work oh this job is terrible bro all I hear all day is the cows moons the sheep sheeping and the chicken's chickening oh hey melon how are you enjoying your new farmhand job bro it's so boring and loud and honestly I really don't like it can we go out here where I can actually hear yeah sounds good yeah those animals are super loud but I thought you loved animals dude I love animals but bro I'm tired of taking care of them well you should have invested in my real estate project cause I'm living pretty good as you can tell by the gold diamonds and emeralds dude your idea was stupid I have no idea how it worked I figured I'd just live a humble life on the farm yeah bro while you were living off the fat of the land I was getting rich yeah the Investments have paid off and now I run this town everybody reports to me and I control the taxes speaking of which uh you know how taxes are normally 10 per week yeah I'm gonna increase that to 70 percent that cough it up 70 taxes there's bro no one no one yeah I wouldn't be so sure everyone else has been paying their taxes according to the new regime and it's time all right well I only have three milk buckets so you can take two I guess put it in the shulker Box put it in the tax box okay yep I got you yeah hold on on the tax box don't worry you are a criminal it's fine it's only your first offense I'll let it slide because I'm so rich now I'm gonna go tax everyone else hello there Alex yeah it's tax time you know the greatest time of the week and yeah I'll be taking your diamond helmet off your hands and I'm thinking I could use some new boots yeah we'll call it even on the 70 pleasure doing business oh I look good oh gross the chicken just pooped all over me want a new job I could probably use a little lawn care service over at my Mansion you know what Sony if it's tax-free I'll do it uh uh yeah it's tax-free yes all right steel is a deal hey guys I'm gonna pay him less than the minimum wage ah yes what a privilege it is for you to be working on my estate so please start carving up all the grass I don't need these weeds here yep I got you I got you I'll arrange your payment okay let me just work on that as guys tax free money is the best money okay melon are you done cutting my grass yet no sonny dude it doesn't take just two seconds chill it's a time thing all right well I'm gonna give you your cash payment in advance because I just don't feel like checking in on you so you could collect that milk bucket when you're done that's it just one milk bucket yeah isn't that generous bro this whole lawn should be like five emeralds at least oh maybe if you put your back into it I'll reconsider the offer my Mansion is beautiful that's it I'm just not gonna cut his on anymore whoa this place is insane Sonny mind if I come in yes you're welcome to take a tour of my Mansion as long as you prepare me lunch okay okay there should be some food in the fridge all right well I want tax-free payment for this lunch yep and one more milk bucket got it I'll prepare a cheeseburger for you don't worry hold on here you go sonny where you at where are you at I'm upstairs I'm about to take a nap I'm pretty tired I've been working so hard here's your bacon cheeseburger oh thank you melon I'll just store it here for when I wake up yes all right Sonny I guess I'll let you take your midday nap while the rest of us are working like hard-working civilians we are and you're only taxing us 70 which is like really cruel and you probably shouldn't be doing that I know I've been really exhausting myself taxing so many people I'm pretty tired good night all right guys come to think of it it is getting pretty late I guess I'll go sleep in my barn in the chicken coop covered in poop good morning world yes another beautiful day in Minecraft just gonna go on my balcony and enjoy the view is look at those peasants over there all right guys time to go clip Sonny's lawn again make them some breakfast ah yes a beautiful day to observe the peasants at work hey good morning melon I guess he's just really focused on trimming my lawn it's a little rude I said good morning melon man I hope I get paid more than one milk bucket this time oh I guess he's just super in the zone ah I'll go back to relaxing time to go collect my pay hey let's go well I'm at it let me just grab a little snack fridge thank you very much Sunny hey sunny Sunny hey Sunny what the heck happened to Sunny bro he's actually dead who's gonna pay me who did this who could have possibly killed Sonny what's this Ruckus melons going on about bro I'm fine I'm right here what the hell I'm a ghost oh no not like this melon can you hear me hello guys I've gotta figure out who killed Sonny I don't know how this happened I'm gonna have to follow melon around and see what we can find out there's gotta be some kind of Clues around this house let me think here Sonny raised the taxes by 70 percent that gives a motive for the murder who would be the most upset by this tax raise maybe Bob The Miner I've gotta check this out Bob I know you probably maybe had something to do with this hey guys melon's gonna go around town and investigate everyone and that's not a bad idea after all I might have made an enemy or two by raising the taxes so much I just gotta stay right behind him and maybe we'll gather enough information to find out who killed me ah yes Bob's Minds oh I just felt a weird chill go through my body must be Bob doing something sassy uh guys I just ran through melon's body and I think I gave him some chills hello Bob holding Dynamite I see what are you using that Dynamite for potentially murdering somebody melon that is the dumbest question I've ever heard if you use the dynamite there'd be an explosion and it'd be pretty obvious that it was Bob huh what do you mean who got murdered is everything okay why are you freaking out Sonny was murdered last night and I just find it quite suspicious that you have a murder weapon on you well I use this dynamite for the mines it's how we get the oars mind down here way more effective than a pickaxe okay yeah that actually does make sense I see an explosion here and you are a miner okay okay well what do you think about Sonny raising the taxes by 70 yes finally melon's asking a good question I'm certainly not a fan of the tax hike but I would never kill anyone over that okay very fair what is your friendship with Sonny are you mortal enemies no no it was pretty neutral we never talked much although I did see him a few days ago and he complained about someone stealing cake and milk from his fridge milk and cake huh that gives me an idea see you later Bob White suspiciously we have a Dairy Store here owned by none other than Sunny himself hey Steve so how do you feel about the taxes being raised by 70 percent come on Steve admit it you know you loved it I was pretty shocked by it but I've always been fond of Sunny until a few days ago what happened a few days ago oh I remember that now someone did put poop and melon seeds all over my house wait Steve you're still holding the poop I'm so sorry for you you shouldn't have to go through that maybe Sonny kind of deserved what happened to him wait what no I didn't that's it I'm giving melon chills everyone through his buddy until he's Frozen feeling a little chilly right now all right thank you for your information Steve I'm gonna go in to view the next suck spec guys I'm not gonna lie I'm highly suspicious of Steve he has a crazy motive for wanting to kill Sunny he's literally holding my poop that Sonny made him pick up that's insane wait did melon just say it was his poop guys this is us I don't know what's going on here I thought melon was the investigator but he's pretty suspicious himself elf well let me interview the last person on my list Alex's armor shop Alex did you kill Sonny what me killing Sonny no I love that guy he was one of my most favorite and consistent customers I liked him as a person and he bought most of my armor why would I kill him we always had a good laugh together and he always brought me plenty of money so what if he raised the taxes hmm you seem to have a good relationship with sunny perhaps too good of a relationship Sonny and I were talking the other day and he was complaining about his movie disc getting stolen and come to think of it melon I was working a late night shift and I saw you going to Sonny's house really late at night so if anyone is being suspicious it's you are you trying to accuse me of killing Sonny I know I didn't kill him okay I didn't I couldn't have because I don't remember it Alex you're being way too defensive you probably killed Sunny In Cold Blood and now we're trying to blame the crime on me that's it we'll see what the police think of you huh uh guys I think this is just getting out of hand here melons accusing everyone of the crime but the real question is who took my movie discs I was gonna watch those guys I forgot about one last person the quandale dingleberry 10 himself Cordell no melon can't be serious there's no way quandale could be the killer he's too awesome come on Dale so why did you murder Sonny he didn't Madeline he's quandale he would never do that why on Earth would I kill sunny I know you two longer than anyone else we work together we hung out together you bought stuff from me I always helped you you always helped me it doesn't make sense for me to kill sunny and no it doesn't bother me that Sonny put the taxes at 70 percent because as you probably guessed I have more business than just this stupid shop so this is not my main source of income therefore I have no reason to be upset all right Cornell you actually make a really good point hmm what's that I know Sonny's Mansion is super sick and has all this fancy security it should have a security camera room somewhere oh my God how could I forget okay I've got to check his Mansion now there's gotta be security footage somewhere oh yeah that's true I forgot I installed those cameras uh it's over here where's this footage uh where would the room be containing all of the footage maybe in this gigantic movie theater room probably in here wait these are the movie discs Alex was Frozen SpongeBob the movie and minecrafty in the movie these are all my favorite discs what a weird coincidence oh yeah oh that hits the spot oh beautiful dude what is that there's a blood trail leading to the kitchen and it's the burger I made for sunny this dude this is actually really gross let me get rid of this wait is melon cleaning up the crime scene he's removing my blood uh what is this wait he's at least found my security room whoa what is this place camera monitor whoa you can look at these tapes this is gonna tell me who killed Sonny yes okay goats why don't you comment your predictions right now who do you think killed me was it Steve quandale Bob Alex or Melon okay we'll start with six out of 16. and play the footage wait why is that me I'm stealing Sonny's cake and I'm drinking his milk I don't remember this at all this has to be faulty what the heck well it kind of deserves it for only paying me milk let's check out this next camera six out of 17. and boom yeah I'm gonna check out this video with melon that's disgusting why is melon pooing all over my house uh I kind of remember doing this but I thought it was just a dream still deserved though he deserved that poop everywhere all right all right 6 out of 18. I'm getting a little worried here though not gonna lie what I don't remember doing this at all bro what is going on and I have a really bad feeling about this this last camera monitor might reveal something I'm not ready for uh wait you've got to be kidding me melon was sleepwalking and killed me what I can't believe I do it there's no way I do it I killed Sonny that's it I'm gonna get my revenge guys I forgot I Sleepwalk on a full moon it must have been all the built up Anger from Sunny raising taxes and underpaying me and just being not a good person well I guess he kind of deserved it wait Mel is saying I deserved it the guy literally killed me in my sleep and in his sleep that is so ridiculous that's it I'm gonna figure out a way to get revenge there's gotta be a creeper around here somewhere that I can possess come on come on guys no one who's sleeping the chicken coop again oh wait ruins living at Sonny's Mansion I might as well just make it my home no way Mel is gonna break into my mansion and sleep in my bed he and then he's stealing my house look guys a creeper I've just gotta figure out a way to possess this mob and then I'll be able to get my revenge on melon come on yes yes it worked I'm a creeper and now I've just gotta sneak back into my own mansion and detonate melon are you kidding he's already asleep I can hear his snoring from out here he's got a problem and I have the solution he thinks he could kill me in my sleep but take my house wait what the heck is he doing he's sleeping inside of my bed and he even left my head here this guy is weird that's it he's gotta go and Say Goodbye to your watermelon oh wait what the heck just happened wait why is there a creeper in my room die smelling it's you're dead now dude what do you mean I'm dead welcome to the shadow realm Sonny how could you well you killed me first bro well I mean I didn't really technically kill you it was unintentional I was sleepwalking and also you definitely deserved it just like the viewers deserve to like And subscribe I gotta gather these flowers for sunny yellow was always his favorite color the poor guy you never knew it was coming well actually he did know it was coming he uh failed the water bucket clutch take these dandelions and Poppy I'll collect some more for you feels like I've been asleep for a while where am I wait what the heck is this I feel like I'm in a tomb Sonny wait is this my grave the last thing I remember is melon challenged me to a water bucket clutch competition no don't tell me I missed how did this happen he jumped from that Peak right over there and he just missed he couldn't do it I tried to tell him he doesn't have the skills like I do melon you think I can't water bucket clutch I'm gonna destroy this competition but you're first yo this is gonna be light work hey let's go I'm actually crazy I got this respawn no no I got some more sunnies for you Sunny by that I mean sunflowers and Azure blouettes and poppies and red tulips and I even got you a whole melon I'll come back and visit you every day to put flowers in your chest I promise you melon I could hear you bro please please melon talk to me good please wait maybe if I punch some grass I can't I can't aggress I'm a ghost melon where are you going come back I'm all alone in my graveyard at least Melody said he'll come back every single day so I could hear his voice and watch him sobbing because he misses me so much but this is terrible how am I supposed to get his attention wait a second I can open the chest I should have done this I could take his flowers and his melon wait a second maybe maybe I could use this to communicate Malika back please I'm spamming the chest you hear it guys he's too far he left and went back home already if only I knew I could open this chest sooner I won't give up though I'll find a way I could come back to life it's Minecraft after all there's no way I'll be stuck as a ghost forever I have been wandering the world for so long melon I miss you bro whoa what is this I've never seen this structure before what the heck am I looking at this place looks golden it's crazy it's like a netherite castle what did I just find please tell me there's something here that can help me I've entered the castle wait a second I feel funny I feel kind of funny yo I'm a ghost I can see myself but I'm not really alive yet I'm a ghost okay there's gotta be something around here somewhere that can help me this place is giving me the creeps wait what is this there's a book yo it says sunny and has coordinates take the book I think I know what I need to do let me check the coordinates yeah this where I'm standing stand tension and he could come help me out melon I'm bringing a book bro I need your help guys when I leave the castle I'm no longer a ghost uh this is gonna be pretty tricky to communicate with Melon now I'm almost back at the house melon please can you hear me eyes I am so dead right now I could go through blocks wait does that mean I could click on things no I can't break blocks I can't even give the book to melon dude I'm trying to punch him no I went inside of him what is this I've possessed melon um I just remembered he said he was gonna visit me every day so uh I'm really tired I'm melon I should totally get some sleep oh it's getting late I think I'm gonna hit the hay now go to sleep call it a day oh miss that guy Sonny before he wakes up I need to plant a seed is it sunny first thing in the morning okay that should work when melon wakes up he's gonna come straight to the graveyard and I'm gonna put this book in the chest please work please work yes I can put the book in now I just have to wait uh what a gorgeous day oh I gotta visit sunny I got him in Sonny's grave come on come on I have his flowers I have his flowers in my inventory sorry I'll pay tribute to you it's melon he's coming to the grave site Sonny I shall give you these flowers in the name of you wait there's a book in here it says sunny wait what the heck is this I gotta get his attention guys please take the book take the book wait what's going on bro why is the chest opening so much bro this is scary get out of here get out of here no no read the book melon please please read it what does this book say sunny and it looks like there's some coordinates here what the heck does this mean um I guess I've gotta go to these coordinates what the heck could be there yeah he's going to the castle this is perfect when he gets there I'll be a ghost and hopefully I could talk to him wait what the heck is that what is this bro I just found a gigantic castle what is going on and wait what is that yellow thing up there where are you melon I can hear you sonny what the heck happened to you I transformed into a ghost bro there's something special about this Castle cause when I was in the graveyard I was trying to talk to you but you couldn't hear me you couldn't see me but in this Castle I become a full ghost bro what the heck Sonny maybe there's a way I could bring you back to life dude I hear something I'm gonna go check this out zombiel zingleberry bro are you quandal's cousin that got turned into a zombie bro I can't understand what you're saying Sonny maybe because you're dead you can understand him okay melon let me give it a try uh Mr zomedale jingleberry what is this Castle exactly and can melon do anything to bring me back to life or sunny to return to life you must complete the four Pillars of Creation once you do you must collect the totem of undying melon I know what to do you've gotta complete the full Pillars of Creation to collect the totems of undying follow me Sonny what does that even mean it's just over here just gotta come into this area I can't complete these challenges because I cannot interact with the world of the living but you can melon I can do this I can do this bro I can't do this I can't do this yes you can it's the only way I could come back to life whoa I just got some crying obsidian I guess it's because you're pretty sad that I'm dead wait dude that block is an undying block that's why you can use it okay let me through yes make these jumps melon you've gotta complete the first challenge I will do it for my people and my people is one person that's Sunny please please smell it don't let me down oh some bread that's actually really useful I needed this now melon don't mess this up or you're gonna have to restart everything well I won't mess it up I'm too goaded for that going quick going real quick all the speeds take your time bro don't speed run it's too risky let's go no no oh I have to do it all over again melon don't go anywhere wait what's going on I have the solution check it out you just gotta go here and here and then you'll be good bro you got ladders too this is so easy don't mess this up for us melon don't mess this up don't even worry about it I got this please save me I don't want to be a ghost anymore oh no a ladder jump ladder jump yes melon you're so good at parkour just remember that water bucket clutch if you could do that you could do anything you're right you're absolutely right Sonny yes I made it to the first creation I could feel the Life coming back to me well actually I can't feel anything but I assume that's what it would feel like if I could yes of course uh what the heck is this bro full netherite armor Don't Mind If I Do melon uh don't uh Don't Look Down bro it's a bit spooky I got so many could loots give me it all give me it all got steak now there I pick oh dude I'm actually overpowered this is sick yo my hot bar just transformed into instant splash potions of Health I can keep you alive down there let me down there water clutch oh wait I'm dead bro what is this yeah melon you've got a lot of enemies to defeat just warning you time to mess up some mobs let's go what the heck happened bro there's so many zombies all of olives I didn't mean to melon I'm sorry bro smash potion of healing bro we use those splash potions yes I can help I can help bro I need your back up to so many there's so many I'm destroying them that's it I need to break the spawners I need to break the spawners one down I got your back I got your back aerial support I only have one left melon yo Make It Count Sonny I got the rest of these mobs yeah I got no potions left you're on your own uh that's okay bro I'm op yo skeletons get out of here bro you're the most annoying mob ever I die yo I gotta pick up this XP there's so much give me the loot yeah you're absorbing it you're gonna be so powerful I am all powerful I gotta get rid of these stupid spawners wait a second melon you're getting distracted bro there's more important matters at hand you've got to get access to these security doors yes bro but I gotta get rid of the spawners first silly and die wait what did you say about security doors look at them they're security doors and we just need to figure out the passcode bro in one of these chests there's gotta be something that helps me out please yo there's a note that says one two three I gotta try this out one two three dude it doesn't work maybe it works on these doors come on come on yo it does gotta take out these last spawners you got this bro you got this maybe there's another treasure chest in there with the next hint I spawners yes bro there is another chest you're right please tell me the code yo three two seven eight three two seven eight okay I'm gonna try it I'm gonna try it three two seven eight mellow go through yo you can interact with doors Sunny only in the secret Castle bro this is sick I'm going all the way up I'm right behind you brother now I'm in front of you being a ghost is awesome I know I can fly around but if I leave this Castle I turn into just an invisible dead guy that no one can hear and talk to that's so sad bro what's in this yo we got another totem let's go let's go let's go two more two more two more and where are these last two yo there's two pillars right here what the heck they're not activated though bro they're missing I of them uh melon I'm a bad feeling you've got to go down the Waterway yeah melon down here there's a lot of iron blocks for you but it's protected by evil mobs that's okay I'll pop a potion of strength and I'll defeat them where are these evile mobs I shall defeat them well they're in these little spawner cages but maybe you could get in there quick before they come to life all right bro just gotta tear this down and give me these iron blocks yes hey what the heck so many creepers oh they're done easiest mob to take on unless it snuck up on you then you're dead hey let's go now I gotta collect the rest of this iron yes give me it all melon do you have enough iron to fix the beacons not yet bro oh there's so many magma Cubes but I gotta go in there I've gotta go in there die save me melon please be my hero I need a hero I need to do there's so many just die they're multiplying melon watch out behind you yo oh bro what's going on this Castle is so haunted I need a potion of regen need my potion of regen and my steak you got this bro you're so close the mobs are almost dead bro die you stupid magma cubes bro they won't die destroy the spawners before more come to life bro I can't all right I'm going in I'm going in going for the spawners yes one down nice three down now I shall destroy you magma cubes you got this Chop Em Up chop them into little magma bits bro only had a creeper right now uh melon there's two Creepers on the way oh this is perfect this is perfect yeah time to farm me my iron blocks and then melon it looks like there's a fast water path out of here you just gotta ride the magma blocks yo easy game let's go take me up this path bro what the heck oh that's a lot I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here now sorry melon I think I got possessed by the skellies oh let me up yes I made it out of there just barely alive it's time to start these beacons yes one's up just one more to go that's so beautiful the fourth pillar of creation activated let's go yo the barrier around these chest is down please tell me yes they have more totems bro I've collected the four totems of Life melon we just gotta go back to zomedale zingleberry give him the totems of life and he'll revive me yo we got to get to zomedale and there's only one way to do it sunny Madeleine I know what you're thinking and it's a very bad idea water bucket clutch let's go on the goat that water bucket clutches no Melanie the water oh it's okay I'm a ghost here it goes honey you're okay oh don't scare me like that dude zombiel what do I do with these totems how do I bring Sonny back to life please give us the answers we seek what the heck where'd zomedale go I don't know but something tells me I have to put these four totems in here and you should be revived please work melon I feel funny and why is the world shaking Sonny you're alive you're actually alive yes no melon no I'll bring flowers to your grave every day and remember you sonny wait what's happening why is the world shaking what's going on wait what's that sound what's going on what's going on bro don't tell me don't tell me oh oh oh no oh no the laser oh I just survived that was so close the castle it's completely gone almost like it never even existed wait Sonny how are you alive bro I just pressed the respawn button and teleported back to the house but this is why you can't no you monster plus melon will die Sonny stop why would you do that two reasons number one you killed me and number two the viewers need to click that like And subscribe button and click the next video on screen right now before I kill every watermelon no
Channel: Sunny
Views: 398,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Kg-wB88zD-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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