RAINBOW FRIENDS: The MOVIE (Cartoon Animation)

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don't do this what is that stuff a little chemical concoction may just for you and joy yeah oh this is not good not good friends back to his evil experiments again I thought we told him we wouldn't allow that anymore the whole monster I gotta tell the others before oh that was a close one that was almost a goner jeez purple can you find a more tactful way to wake a guy up from his nap you know how cranky I get now where's my breakfast aren't we gotta get out of here man lose me turned into a giant rampaging beast and I'll be here any second hang on you know I'm useless in the morning before I've had my tasty treats aren't I'm serious we need to go now whoa is that me purple orange now great it's just me and green left I have to save him green green where are you buddy come on he's got to be around here somewhere hey what's the big idea pal let me shh I hear them coming yeah Jesus I don't know quick get in this box move I'm squished in here he's right on top of us will you shut up it's like you want to die you quit messing around with those boxes and find the rest of the rainbow friends our mission won't be complete until purple and green transform into mutants just like you all right I think it's safe what do you think Red's plan is I don't know but he's the only one who might be able to reverse these effects we need to Corner him in his lap and make him fix this yeah foreign go on without me find a cure before we're stuck like this forever wait hold on okay this is Red's lab that's slimy little cream should be hiding in here somewhere I got you now all right friend you don't have any of your giant mutants to protect you now red what happened to you why would you do this to yourself actually I did all of this and red got what he deserved huh wait who are you I'm anti-red consider me your new boss ready take a oh where am I hey hey hold on a second don't do this I've never even met you before I'm not your enemy Red stop the procedure everyone here is my enemy and I can prove it long long ago the original Rainbow friends used to be humans in costumes but with wailing sales Red couldn't pay them anymore I know all this stuff that's why he needed us he tricked me and the others into becoming the awful monsters we are now ah so you know your history that's good but it's not the full truth you see before he turned to all of you he originally experimented on himself he tried to make clouds that could do all his hard manual labor for him that's how I came into this world a perfect copy in many ways but also completely opposite so he locked me up he didn't know what to do with me I certainly couldn't be seen by the guests from my disturbing appearance I mean heaven forbid he Embraces creation I live my life in solitude passed away from the outside world but still he needed me the science behind complete body Transformations is quite intense you know since I shared his in mind the two of us could tackle problems he would never be able to solve himself without my insight he would have taken him a lifetime to figure out how to create you and the other colors I begged him to release me for my cell after all I had to make us profitable again which is the small amount of time together we figured out a way to bring back sales and save the play place just think about the new scientific discoveries who can make working side by side as equals he seemed hesitant to trust me even though I saw I would forgive him for locking me out for so long to let the past be the past I could tell he thought better quite intensely deep within my soul I knew he was going to let me out that very night but you all had to ruin everything right on the customer my freedom you all turn them into a rainbow friend just like you after that he was Furious he came to me with devilish intention in his eyes I told him we could find a way to fix this as partners but he just needed to release me and we'd come up with a cure but his anger was too great he said that if he had to be a monster I did too so he transformed me into another rainbow friend like him with a giant head and bulging eyes Ray couldn't bear the idea of me somehow being greater than him from then on I became consumed with hate against red first and foremost but also against all of you this could have ended all those years ago but you had to drag red and therefore me down with you I will patiently dig a tunnel in my cell every day avoid detection from rabbit I use the time to plot to plan my revenge so when I was finally able to break free I knew exactly what I was going to do red always thought I was hideous a mutant so I decided to turn him and all of you into real monsters disgusting hideous monstrosities that obey my every Commander soon I'll put you all in glass containments a gross Macabre spectacle for the masses instead of being loved it like you were before you'll be vilified everyone will shriek and gag at the side of each of you your other pain I had to enjoy every day of my existence and best of all none of you will be able to do anything about it but mutant syndrome makes it so everyone with a less powerful mind than my own is unable to resist my control and none of you are smarter than me but there is someone as smart as you red you're in there somewhere you have to resist shut up you knock over lever and let's finish this Conrad find it you have to save us what are you doing that came in the accident I command you no oh what happened you guys are back to normal sure [Music] maybe your red will see he's not the only technological Wiz around these parts we gotta get out of here guys [Music] where's everyone else I I don't know what are we gonna do that was our home those were our friends we're our friends I don't think anyone could have made it out if they were alive it's all my fault okay it's just you and me now what now this might be the end of the rainbow friends [Music] hey freaks Halloween's over use that I think I'm okay it's just a bomb look what you did to my cat [Applause] why are you on a foreign [Music] get a load of these guys look at those costumes where'd you get them the uh the lame costume store I don't know they look pretty expensive you think of what I'm thinking [Music] there come on guys I got a feeling this will be worth the pretty penny thank you very much now uh what seems to be the problem exactly are those costumes stay in school kids [Music] what kind of Hotel would take us in [Music] [Applause] I don't know if I could trust you around fire anymore it's too cold for jokes [Music] that's better where was that what we needed it earlier what do we do now I don't know get jobs or something I can't work I have no skills other than stalking and evisceration I could be a mover maybe a trash man I'm not sure all I know is we're on our own now day two that the rainbow Friends Play Place things are harder than I ever imagined we don't have any money for food or a place to stay so our only option is to try and find work it's a tough world out there for two rainbow friends nobody would talk to us or even look at us and if they did look at us they ran off screaming of comfortable days of chasing humans through the PlayPlace as being subjected to Red's experiments are over sometimes you never realize how good you have it until it's all gone at least I still have purple well I just realized I haven't eaten all day me I mean you know worst case scenario oh there's got a lot of meat on him right that could keep me going for a few days that's for sure what am I doing purple's my friend unless he's thinking the same thing well okay I have an idea hey little fella it's so cold and radio but it's nice and warm in this box why don't you come on in it boy am I glad to attack you because now I won't feel as bad eating it and that's my little cupcake no it's a dog bad boy it's your cupcakes been missing for days oh you boys are just the best you could have saved your life well all the days work man yeah [Music] Silverwood so my cupcake is priceless did that really just happen strange looking fellows a hundred dollars that's way better than dog meat no need to thank me you it was my idea I caught the dog into the old like you're the reason we're in this mess what all right what's wrong with you hey that's my trash you can't have it Orange it's us we thought you were dead I thought you were dead if you escaped maybe wearing greens did too we have to find them before something bad happens to them [Music] green is that you guys you're alive you're alive oh it's so good to see you where's Red we're not sure yet but we're looking for him next when all of us band together we can definitely rebuild the play place I'm not going back there I had my fun with the rainbow friends play place but I think it's time to move on to a bigger and better things job is great people don't scream and run they smile and laugh and I get paid what sorry pal we found a new one and we don't even have to pay this guy so beat it fine let's find red where do we even start looking where does smart people go College where is my people without money go ah the library I've been reading tips to fix up a house with this knowledge we can rebuild the play place in no time but where do we get the materials we lost everything in the fire wait blue we have a hundred dollars [Music] oh no we left it in the alley green you had a job did you get paid I only worked for a day and a half so not very much how much a couple hundred bucks that money combined with the scraps of wood left over as well as my mighty intellect and Architectural talents should be just enough [Music] thank you [Music] oh Brad are you sure this is gonna work I'm getting a bad feeling oh don't worry the power you'll be granted is worth all the potential life-threat inside it that she may experience wait what already then here we go hold on tight foreign [Music] can you hear me did it work do you feel any different whoa it worked it worked orange I've given you one of the strongest elemental powers I've given you fire what why one word money you see orange we never fully recovered from our unfortunate Financial downtown we need to have something that Oddworld doesn't and that's magic or science that looks like magic in the form of a circus act soon all the Rainbow friends will be injected with special Elemental abilities and I'll be rich I don't know you think everybody will agree to that well they aren't going down a choice I'm going to give them these Powers whether they like it or not and you're going to help me why do you need me you fool I would never be able to lure that to my lab for this procedure believe it or not the others aren't too smart for that hey like this it's a special laser gun if you shoot the others with this you'll imbue them with the powers of the elements as well then why should I do that because I'm much bigger and stronger than the orange and I'm not getting you any other options whatever you say boss now go get them and whatever you do don't shoot them twice it'll remove all of their powers for good foreign even work orange what is that [Music] Bart what's gotten into you I'm trying to help you help me do what get shot by a laser if so then I'm not interested I've been given the ultimate power purple let me give that gift to you no chance there's no way I can catch up to him he knows those vents like the back of his hand but maybe I can force him out spider in the hole [Music] I can't believe that orange how could you I could have died in there you'll thank me later what do I feel so strong wow now you have poison Powers you're welcome this is incredible uh what's happening you guys look kind of funny is something going on get up I don't know what's wrong with those guys but I've Got the Feeling Red's got something to do with it I need to stop them before they can get to being green you don't have to do this don't listen to Red you'll thank me later oh my stomach hurts whoa I could shoot water this is awesome I made you even stronger than you were before now we've only got one person left to turn wants me a good fall like a hot tub made of plastic it's nice to finally get some alone time just me and [Music] green now you have the power to control plants and nature this is amazing and now that we've got all our powers it's time to go back to red and show them huh what are you talking about it was Red's idea for a new show at the play place so he's just using us as pawns again well I I guess technically but why would we listen to him we have these super strong powers and he doesn't we could overpower him easily and use our powers however we want not just to be some circus freaks you're afraid of him aren't you well yeah you don't have to be anymore you alone might be able to take him down with your firepowers but all of us combined he doesn't stand a chance oh no well orange I see you've completed your task with some unorthodox methods but nonetheless rather so is everyone happy with their new powers what's happening you don't have control over us anymore red what are you talking about do not remember our conversation I'm in charge here orange and I we're stronger than you are red we don't have to listen to a thing you say yeah we're more than a little circus freak Show you can make money off of you're not the boss of us now my friends please no need to get angry I was thinking we could all work together with your new powers and not greedy look at it this way if we make more money I could spend it on things for you the events well we'll have to replace the ball pits and how did donut Sunday sound guys let me go this instant you'll regret it if you don't I stop ordering us around unless you wanna Facebook a fire come on guys let's ditch him these Vines are stronger than I expected must have done a great job on the Elevate gun good Evil Genius red too bad it's coming back to bite me [Music] all right let's see what this baby can do [Music] ah I don't mind that at all and then I just had to use them [Music] good luck attracting customers when the place looks like this I always thought this place could use a little Greenery yeah he can't make any money if no one can even come in let's wreck it that'll show him and let's see if my mind control Powers could work from all the way over here all right gang everybody's gonna start listening to me now what I'm our new leader since it was me who gave us all our powers and if anyone should be leader it should be me oh really I'd like to see you [Music] exactly what I wanted to take each other out think there you little Charmander turtle and my watch who's the boss now not you looks like I'm the most powerful of all not even red stands a chance against huh what I knew you fools were no match for me after all all I had to do was Ted you on each other and your own powers destroyed you joke's on you they'll wake up soon and there's more of us than there are of you but what will you do without your powers without oh my powers are gone there we go the natural order has been restored I do quite like my psychic powers maybe I should keep them for a little just to try it out and it will matter what the other rainbow friends do to try and stop me now be under my control always but now oh my powers what if it is that thing I don't know but I'm not sticking around to find out it's too fast what about green should we help him he is a gunner maybe we can still make it cool blue orange then stop running it'll catch you next what did I just say what's everybody yelling about you you're the one I've been hunting for the Evil Genius that turned me into this and ruined my life forever back before I was transformed into this monstrosity I was a humble painter nothing fancy every day I would sit on our porch and paint the ocean it soothed me it made me feel whole I dreamed of becoming a world famous artist seeing my work in museums in galleries selling it for tens of thousands of dollars but that would never happen or at least it won't now painting didn't prove to be as much of a money maker as I'd hoped I was a great artist but making a living was hard and after a while I lost more money than I had made my house was bursting at the seams with boxes full of my unsold art no one wanted to buy them because they said I used Too Many Colors and the Landscapes were unrealistic I could barely stand to look at it I was a total failure a fact my wife wouldn't let me forget just like my paintings the bills started piling up too my wife was working two jobs trying to help us make ends meet but it still wasn't enough she started to resent me and I don't blame her I would resent me too I felt like a freeloader trying to make my impossible Dreams Come True while she kept us afloat she demanded that I get a real job that actually brings in money so I decided to become a fisherman and sell my catches at the local farmers market since I love the ocean I liked being on the water but each day away from painting on my canvas felt like torture I wanted to draw and be creative the boat was dreary and muted I wanted to live a life of vivid rainbow colors so against the best wishes on my boss I started sneaking my art supplies on the boat and painting something new every day each better than the last but that made me start to neglect my duties as a fisherman I barely caught anything and what I did catch was small and sickly no one would pay good money for it so I decided to go further down the coast for some bigger catches I went way far away from the usual fishing spots out so far I almost made it to Oddworld it was just Downstream of the rainbow friends play place and believe it or not it worked the fish looked a little strange to me but they got the job done it was a bountiful day at Sea just in time for the farmers market the next day I was ecstatic if I could bring in enough money I'd be able to pay the bills and my wife might finally forgive me I was ready to make bank but it seems that folks were a little put off by the fish's appearance they say any publicity is good publicity right well it turns out that's not true everyone was grossed out by the strange fish and I didn't have a single customer I didn't even sell an anchovy but hey at least I had dinner for a while I for one didn't care about how the fish looked after all it tasted the same to me but my wife felt differently she refused to eat it she said I was somehow even a worse fisherman than a painter I felt horrible I couldn't provide anything for her not even one measly meal after that things got pretty bad between us and on top of it I started feeling strange feeling a lot angrier than usual but I was also feeling a lot stronger meanwhile the fish got weirder and weirder they started to be larger and even more colorful unnaturally colorful I'd never seen anything like it but they were all I could catch the pollution in the area was already pretty bad but this seemed different somehow with no one buying my fish I was forced to get rid of my inventory as best I could at least they didn't go to waste even with everything falling apart I kept painting it was the only thing that brought me peace but even that started to feel different I couldn't get this strange fish out of my head it's like my mind was consumed with colors and the pictures in my head became harder and harder to paint and my anger continued to get worse almost uncontrollably I just started calling it abstract a few days in I threw caution to the wind and entered an art fair the grand prize was a thousand dollars and boy could I use that money I'd be able to pay off some of our debts save our house save my marriage even but as hard as I tried I didn't even Place clearly these idiots had no idea what true art was I was overcome with rage and I lost control I went on a total Rampage ruining everyone else's art out of jealousy destroying the entire fair that day ended up being the worst of my life after that things fell apart completely I lost my wife I lost the house and I could feel myself losing my Humanity as well I didn't even want to paint anymore why would I I'd never be any good so that night I went to the only place that ever helped me clear my head this colorful pollution of some kind it had almost taken over the ocean near us I was beginning to come ashore who could do such a thing dumping waste and chemicals into the ocean where we get our food where some people get their livelihood where there were living creatures but this wasn't your regular trash or oil spill I had no what on Earth it was what's happening to me what's happening to me somehow the colors something took over me I felt power coursing through my veins a dark power all I wanted was my old life back but instead I became a monster I was terrified I was confused I was angry I needed to find the source and exact my revenge upon whoever did this to me and the colors LED back here it seemed as though someone had been dumping them into the ocean fine I admit it it's all my fault I attempted to make a device that would split the color from a rainbow friend so I could transform myself back into a human but alas no matter how many times I tried it wouldn't take enough color I tried it on the other rainbow friends too but with no luck needless to say I ended up with a lot of extra color I had to dispose of them somehow and I couldn't just throw suspicious barrels of toxic color into the dumpster it was you you did this to me I didn't know that would happen I figured if the colors were extracted they wouldn't have any powers anymore and ultimate to eat radioactive fish you're trying to trick me I'm not I know what it's like to want to be human again that's why I created the color splitter in the first place you said it yourself it doesn't work and that's what got me into this mess you can't fool me you did this to me [Music] run from me [Music] you want it come and get it hello are you there finally it worked you're free from the grasp of the rainbow perhaps now I can even set myself free how did it feel did it hurt how does it feel to be human again [Applause] I guess I'll never find out what the heck is that thing I don't know but it's definitely the worst entity we've encountered yet just gotta keep running to avoid it that way how do you know I don't hahaha there the light go this way come on give up oh my God what do I do now we have no choice we gotta keep moving right no no no no no no no no how could it have come to this this that's the question I've been asking myself ever since we got to this shoddy Hotel I realized that being a blue eight foot tall monster and all nothing about my life is logical but you know what I mean anyways our story starts back at the rainbow friends play place where I was doing one final experiment to turn us all human again he assured us it will work this time but as usual his promises fell flat Reddit somehow created a doorway to another reality but rather it was our own reality just alternate it had people that looked like us and everything he claimed that waiting for us on the other side of this door was a Utopia a world just like ours where we could start fresh and be given new bodies it all sounded too good to be true but our desperation went out starting with bread one by one has rainbow France entered into the doorway and so it was just me last standing there a part of me thought about turning around finding my family and accepting myself for who I was now another part couldn't help but be curious and so I leapt in I emerged on the other side of the doorway and what looked like some weird Hotel there was no sign at the other rainbow friends anywhere this was going to be a long day hello anybody Here red orange oh man where'd everybody go huh purple come in here buddy get it off that was freaky gotta keep looking I sure hope the others are okay you think you can chase me down I don't think so I invented the whole blaring noise fast creature thing you're not gonna be having me for supper that's for sure hey that takes care of him wait what is where are you this isn't funny ah man leave it to you purple to get lost they're probably all happy with their new bodies by now [Applause] what the Yeah that's not freaky at all steak on purple stay calm it's just a bunch of demonic eyes one of those ever hurt anybody okay I'm feeling really exposed right now is there an event anywhere Ah that's better it's no vent but at least it's nice and cozy in here nothing can get to me when I'm packed this tight get out oh is someone there get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out I swear this is the last time I trust red stuck in an unfamiliar place like this I can't even rely on touch to get around anymore sorry to break it to your sister but I'm blind I can't look at anything look at me sheesh some people just can't take a hit bye I'll find my way out lots of help you are [Music] I don't understand that my calculations were correct this is Roblox isn't it why does it all look so unfamiliar turn around what was that voice no one's there show yourself turn around ah forget it come on come on you stupid thing ah there stay back orange is that you agree or am I glad to see you I wish I could say the same very funny come on that'll always slow it down for a little bit let's go follow my voice oh great where are we now as if I know orange what did you do back there anyway shh I hear something wait a minute that thing must be drawn to noise just like you it it might even be blind and met her voice down I rely on my hearing and touch this thing must too first things first we need to find an exit you mean like this one [Music] foreign [Music] thank goodness you're all right this place is crazy you're telling me first rooms full of eyeballs and then wardrobe ghosts I can't take it anymore eyeballs and work up ghosts Oh I thought was a spider are you kidding me okay now I see what you mean no no no no no no no no oh I made it but purple no one else made it out then I presume red of course you're still alive we're exactly a new products now we're good I'm afraid I must have made an error in my calculations you think not to worry I believe our Salvation is just ahead soon we can escape from this Dreadful Hotel I'm sure of it see exit just as I thought well happy so this way quickly before but the devil are you no no no no not good that's my chance all right foreign [Music] guys I think he's dead dude are you sure I think we can lose him around this corner no please I'm Too Young To Die oh no I'm the only one left I gotta take this guy down I can't let all my friends die in vain wait this is what you get oh guys I'm sorry everyone I created a robo rainbow friend I lost control it's on the loose watch out before it even blue you fool because of you no because of us the rainbow Friends Are Dead [Music] yeah I can't quite figure out what went wrong I need test subjects for it to fight orange dream I've got a surprise for you in the lab come on oh right ah [Music] Pebble get out of there you're going to block the air conditioning purple ah I know he's not really in there wish ful thinking blue I think I miss you most of all you proved away the adversary many times without you who will I have to do battle with who will I have to do tests and experiments on who will I have to subjugate but most of all who is going to make me funny it's all my fault they're gone because of me if I hadn't given that stupid robof friend too much power wait a moment I got an idea if I could figure out what went wrong with the robo friend I could make an entire fleet of them yes and I can program them to play well with kids obviously removing the laser arms they can put on fancy electronic light shows most of all obey me kids these days love technology after all there are other friends of the way of the future to get people in here we've got to get with the times who needs silly mascot costumes who needs the old rainbow friends [Music] [Music] ah must be kind of confused that's all making me think I'm seeing things what in Heavens are you Red what you are seeing is real I am the ghost of green and I am but one of the ghosts that will visit you tonight what are you talking about the ghosts of the rainbow friends will return to haunt you one by one to show you the consequences of your actions the consequences of killing us I didn't kill you directly it was a mistake the robot did it excuses excuses nothing can save you now to be haunted by the ghosts of the rainbow friends what this can't really be happening ghosts aren't real red you must be dreaming wake up wake up oh red I'm not saying this I'm not seeing this red do you remember how we all became friends kidnapped blue while he was injured from a car crash you tricked green using his blindness against him you lied to Orange filling his head with false promises and you bribed me purple into selling my life away for you [Music] none of that matters anymore it's not like I can change any of us back especially now that you're dead and gone your actions one day will come back to bite you red I have seen it my actions also gave you all new lives super strength and did exactly what I wanted they made me Rich I got what I needed out of you my new rubber friends will do all of that and more because they won't need a human Source I won't have to trick any more fools like you for you may think so but I wouldn't be so sure okay maybe I do feel a little guilty but what's that is done a little power outage doesn't mean anything back to work orange what are you doing in there I thought there might be snacks I keep trying to eat but everything goes right through me anyway I'm here to haunt you or it's just let this go you're not going to stop me oh come on red you can't just replace us with some robot guys oh yeah watch me but what about all our good times we've been transported to other worlds and worked together to get back we've even saved the day together I know we have our differences but we make a really great team when we try all the times we got to eat the leftover cake after kids parties or when we'd all get together and play those dance off games I gotta admit red you got some great moves those were all just distractions if anything your antics got in the way my blocks and wasted my time if you say so but I think the next guy might convince you [Music] hanging out of here so take me with you ah blue please and the final goes to the rainbow friends here to hunt you I am your last chance so never stop me my mind is already made up I'm going to show you a vision of the future red a vision of what will happen if you create the world if you make these Robo friends they'll lose control just like the very ones that killed us and they'll kill you next no I can't believe you I fixed the rubber friends formula and then obey my every order no without these they won't now say goodbye to your Robo friends red a little earthquake isn't going to stop me oh yeah you think this can stop you I'm begging you I'll change my ways do you swear promise idiot I created this robot friend I know exactly what its weaknesses are you can't stop my evil past blue I'm going to make more rubber friends and make more money than ever what sorry man you turn off the power but you can't get me out of here the reason I showed you was true and if you replace us we'll make sure this place Burns to the ground and you along with it and I need rainbow friends and you're dead please how can I stop you you figure out how to pass back into our bodies immediately but how I can't bring a person back to life I can't even make us human again well you're gonna figure out how and you're gonna figure it out best foreign [Music] s after all of course not after all who could replace the rainbow friends [Music] hurry up Compadre we gotta finish our test before that imposter annihilates us talk about buzzkill I'm on it Stoner remember to stay on your toes you're a Sitting Duck while in that chair destroying asteroids stoner uh it's not what it looks like come on bestie let me in so we can end this this is it I'm doomed God your Valiant efforts player but my cooldown is almost over your mere seconds away from being the final kill I need to win [Music] what the hell [Music] [Music] excuse me can you get your freakish body off of me where am I it's among us some place very dangerous this year's captain and he's an imposter no I'm not the game reset and I'm a crewmit now I swear get behind me strangely shaped crewmates love the red color by the way I'm no crewmate my name is red and I'm a rainbow friend I'm not really sure what Among Us is but I don't think I trust it my totally excusable attack on the control panel must have sent it into a frenzy and opened up some sort of Wormhole yes that must have been what happened there well you're here now so welcome to the game you can team up with me I'll show you the ropes player a word if he kills me report my body immediately red player I don't know if that's the best idea this guy seems super sus he's just a noob that doesn't make him size I'm more skeptical of you than him look at his weird eyes of his claw hands in my expert opinion is grade a sassy Baka just be careful [Music] whoa far out man I don't think I'm in the play place anymore dude you're a wacky waving inflatable I'm feeling two men that's radical why are you here you're trying to sell me a used car or something what no I'm green the blind rainbow friend and you are I'm Stoney bro we totally match I guess I'll have to take your word for it ah what are you what are you where are your arms where are your arms what's up you want to throw down bro I'll show you how long these arms are look I don't want any trouble I've got task to complete and you probably do too so tasks I'm calibrating the distributor here you fix the wiring or something this guy fix wiring or something will fix you oh come on you think for a room called the cafeteria this place would have more actual food well what the heck is going on over here did we install some sort of dinosaur mod now or something oh baby baby yeah that's what I'm not why are you looking at me like that [Music] hello is anyone here I think I got teleported here somehow go back where you came from Creighton whoa what are you talking about why'd you hit me you and your creepy red friend you things must be the imposters I'm sure of it I don't know anything about an imposter sure you don't you're all sus I say no I'm not sus but red Red's definitely up to something he's always The Mastermind Behind These sorts of things alright then let's go get him what what is this it's how we try to figure out who's the Imposter and vote them out that way they can't kill any more of us well obviously one of you rainbow freaks is the Imposter Captain I thought we were teammates rainbow friends please we're rainbow acquaintances at best guys I reported to body purple was trying to flee the scene in the vents but being in defense is his thing you can't blame him for that oh we can and we will [Music] so what task you got in here uh something to do with this thing I think oh that's easy start by pressing the button which button all of them just start spamming oh of course foreign you are the only rainbow friend who voted off purple one of your own kind I'm just playing to win yeah why are you guys so sure he's the bad guy here cause I know for a fact red came here to take over your world showing the rainbow friends and being stuck confines in the play place he's a mad scientist after all you wanted to Branch out but before he could stabilize his machine we received a signal from your world before the machine went haywire and it Zapped all of us into another [Music] I'm going to call an emergency meeting stats you're out of here no someone is in trouble guess you better go find them and forget all about the emergency meeting did we find another imposter [Music] well that was an easy one oranges hunger knows no bounds even if he was a crewmate he probably would have still eaten that eggy fellow see that's what I'm talking about I've had it with you rainbow fools you've done nothing but destroy my crew none of you can be trusted you're all going down whoa chillax Amigo my green brother from another mother is actually pretty mellow thanks stoner listen guys there's two imposters left and it's obvious it's the two remaining rainbow friends we gotta get rid of them green hang in there man who did this did anyone see I can't see what I think it was [Music] rain what you think I did it you just said you wanted to take out the rainbow friends yes but I'll never forgive you for what you've done here today you can't spell Among Us without us all those in favor of voting off captain foreign [Music] I know it looks bad but it's your buddy Brad think of all the good times we've had together like when you turn me into a monster and separated me from my family and destroyed any assemblance I had of a normal life well when you put it like that sorry rage we're voting you out we look behind you I don't see any after him I'm really not seeing anything did you woke up peacefully we'll have to take you out ourselves blue I swear I'm not an imposter why should we trust you because if I was why would I run all the way here instead of fencing come on foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] wait I know what this is don't inherit it's happening to us what the no way ah come on exactly what I thought you see I created a new Elixir one that could turn animals into rainbow friends but it seems someone was able to reverse it and instead now that gas is telling rainbow friends into animals hey so this is because of you I've been with you the whole time how could I have activated the gas well who else would have had access to it I suspect whoever we were chasing is the culprit we have to find them but all the doors are locked we don't even know which way they went well they have to have caught somewhere everyone search hurry I'm running out of air guys wait up give me a second I think they went this way green you use your claws to rip off the lock on that control panel okay blue now if you pull the wire [Music] well that works too the antidote is the antidote is we need to get him in some water whew I thought I was a Ghana you were saying something about an antidote the antidote should be in here somewhere right I'm not spelling anything they must be taking it with them we better find it before before what oh no blue can't you see I'm busy you see the effects of the Elixir are Festival but only for a while we only have so much time until we're stuck like this forever and we give in to our animal instincts you're telling me I'm gonna be stuck this slow forever you think you have it bad I'm a fish the brightest Mind of a generation now just inside a bowl at least Blue's cute wow we gotta find that antidote door I smell treats don't fall for it you need to stay with us if you want any chance at going back to normal I can't help myself great he's a God if we can't find it [Applause] we've gotta follow them who knows where they could have gone are you joking we have to stay here and make a new evidence I don't know about you but I don't want to be stuck like this forever well I'm not gonna abandon them so you're coming along for the ride [Music] where are we green blue you in here whenever we are we have to get out and find the attitude before blue what are you doing green blue listen to me you've still got some of your willpower left you don't have to do this oh myself no they succumb to their animal instincts as natural enemies we have to find the Cure immediately down boys there there purple didn't you do this to us yes isn't it exciting you're all adorable adorable you turned me in red into the lamest pets possible and we're becoming more light than every second I'm losing my Evil Genius fish only have a memory span of one minute I lost my teeth and I'm all slowed down yeah and fish only have a memory span of one minute why did you do this to us because [Music] if you remember I was orphaned after my entire family passed away in a house fire as a kid I was forced to hop foster homes a lot I always had trouble connecting with my new families everywhere I went nothing could replace what I'd lost who's there but then I discovered another type of companionship many of these homes had pets you see then they kept me company in my darkest times the unconditional love of pets was all the love I had in the world and I bonded with them much better than the fleeting mothers fathers and siblings I went through I met all types of animals cats Turtles fish no matter what kind of creature it was they never failed to make me feel just a little bit less lonely I promised myself that when I grew up I would have a house full of pets that loved me as much as I loved them then one day I finally had that opportunity I found the scrawniest little dog I've ever seen some monster must have dumped him by her orphanage but thankfully we found each other soon enough that dog became my best friend every day I'd sneak out of the orphanage to play with him or secretly give him a snack one day a huge storm came and I knew I couldn't leave him outside so I tried to bring him in you can't bring that mangy mud in here he could have rabies mad cow disease depression but I abandoned the only thing left that left me and the next time I went to look for him he was gone I was sure he was dead Swept Away in the storm exposed to the elements but then I saw him someone found my old buddy and gave him a new home I wanted to go up to him to tell him I didn't mean to abandon him but I realized he deserved better if I couldn't have a new life I'm glad he could as an adult I was determined to get a dog of my own but with my financial situation well it never ended up happening so I decided I should turn you all into pets that way I know you already like me and everything well we like you a lot less now purple I can't believe you do this to us just to transform us into your play things Red's right purple orange stay with me I'm sorry red say what you've done pepper if you don't turn us back soon we'll succumb to our animalistic Tendencies I'm not giving up on my pet buddies again here boy you want the ball oh of course you do there's no way you're gonna stop me I could use some help here green thank goodness you still recognize me ow get away from me you looks like I'm the only one who can still control myself no don't you dare I've never been happier to have legs come here good boys you want a treat I'm sorry okay can you ever forgive me on one condition you give it up that's right we're not letting you get away oh blast these infernal rainbow friends I think it's time to even the odds what's he doing oh my gosh he summoned an army that's a whole lot of bees too many this is bad that ought to keep them busy tata for now rainbow friends for impact that's us a rainbow friend in a toy of playtime Co fighting side by side to take down the ones who oppressed us for years turned us into monsters although it wasn't long ago that we were at each other's throats you see two evil men red and the Playtime co-ceo work together to merge our realities in order to bolster their own strength they pitted us against each other but what happened next they didn't expect we were able to settle our differences and realize our true enemy when the tables turned the CEO left red defend for himself good luck Randy but we weren't about to let the Crooked businessman get away that easily unfortunately the CEO is in more control of this new Rainbow playtime building than we thought with our lives on the line and an army of Huggy wuggies chomping at the pit to tears to shreds we did the only thing we could retreat [Music] must have taken a wrong turn I could have sworn this was the way to my office wait what is that I thought you were destroyed not quite I should be thanking you by merging our universe from out of the rainbow friends you me a big favor or should I say us us this is ridiculous let me go that's enough out of you red boy I sure wish I could see the look on your face not so fun when the shoes on the other foot quick help me locate the door purple what the heck's going on out there no time to explain come on foreign were you able to find that nasty CEO the CEO got away and Huggy he didn't make it hockey I'm sorry Mommy wait where are the others they're out doing recon on the new Rainbow playtime building to see what kind of Secrets it holds which means more revenge on red for the rest of us I think I'll take his eyes first now now let's all talk about this shall we all of us want to become human again right including you mommy long legs and the rest of your toy friends I'm the only chance you have of that can you really turn this back to normal don't believe his lies this is the oldest trick in his Playbook Matrix this time please you have to trust me before it's too late hello rainbow friends and hello my wonderful Creations this guy again what do you want now my Ally and I we want you to die once and for all news flash CEO we already captured your buddy red I'm afraid Red's not the Ally I speak of hello everyone long time no see the Forgotten rainbow friend Kelly Willy father Kelly Willy have merged into one the perfect being for bringing forth your destruction and just how do you expect to do that the exe virus winning some of you this whole time with a forgotten rainbow fence power causing through me I can rekindle that connection now join me ah I had forgotten this feeling my little monsters have fun [Music] I'm more powerful than ever I do now we need to regroup and move that big half a minute of yours into the vent go go go um guys I think you're forgetting someone yeah fine this way [Music] where are we this is the place where playtime co-scientists made us into toys this isn't safe here we should leave as soon as possible now it's perfect huh what do you mean red that Killy Willy creature back there said that both of our universes had run into with the exe virus hide Hazard I guess that it all went down in this room but it is here that I will manufacture a cure and save our friends how do we know we can trust you well you can't purple I've made mistakes but believe me or not it's really your only hope ah fine what do you need from us time you need to distract the others and keep them off my back while I work my magic or rather science let's hope the others aren't in too much trouble we split up to cover more ground and allow red all the time you needed alone in the new lab hoping that we'd run to our former friends unfortunately fate wouldn't be on our side the rainbow friends would face off against playtime coach toys once more and the winner would take all all across the facility are battles raged player took on Blue using his grandpaq to zip around the arena with dizzying speed unfortunately for him blue has experienced him on faster foes and was able to provide a tough fight green tackled the biggest of the toys mommy long legs neither would give an inch no matter what for the fate of both of our worlds depended on this fight lastly I contended with playtimeco's most popular toy of all the world famous honey you're alive Bill thanks to you you want me to dive and now I'm gonna repay the favor his reputation was well earned Not only was he quick but he was also extremely powerful and he knew how to pack a punch luckily my speed and stretchy body helped me to avoid most of his blows I can only hope that red could come up with his cure quickly because time was not on our side come on come on Eureka I've got it not so fast you cannot win red so why not join us you can have a place at your father's side isn't that what you always wanted never foreign [Music] [Music] I Can See Clearly again metaphorically at least oh thank goodness guess you'll never find out which is stronger the rainbow friends Rush playtime coach toys Never Say Never what the name I'm cured red did it oh my head is it over now I think it's just getting started it fine I'll do it myself but succumb to the power of the golden rainbow friend old friends help me [Music] who's next try as you might you cannot Escape my wrath stay strong everyone we've almost lost him you're sorry that the green if he even gets one hand on us we're toast I don't know about you guys but I for one am not going to be some gold statue for the rest of my life I die before no no no no it's too late for him we need to keep moving [Music] oh my head I think I broke it that's the least of your concerns now friend guys help [Music] all right enough of this spiky he broke my teeth I do have rather thick skin don't I um and damaged yourself though your statue is going to be so much less appealing now four down one to go hell no no nothing is here surely I'd remember creating such a monster did create me but not in the way you think what does that mean who are you how did you become like this I suddenly had no part in it not directly no but your DNA is the root cause of my suffering DNA I don't understand but allow me to explain before I kill you it all started many many years ago you see I grew up with an absolutely loving family my father mother and I didn't have much but we had each other just enough to get by and be happy due to their support I was an excellent student in school on every one of my papers I'd get a big beautiful gold star and it didn't stop at the academic either their love carried me through my other Pursuits I was gifted musically athletically and more I brought home gold trophies and my parents proudly displayed them on the mantle things were good very good it seemed like these great times would roll on Forever Until of course one day all of that Came Crashing Down down my father worked for a big wig at a company that was all about margins and stocks and all that business hoopla that on the other hand was much more of a free thinker needless to say they had a bit of a falling out my father called out the man for his cold on caring demeanor and threatened to take the whole place down well no one in that meeting room like that I guess I overheard my parents talk all about it when he came home my mom was worried but my dad only saw fire he wanted to work the next day more confident in his cause than ever only he never came home that night or any night after the mysterious circumstances that my father's disappearance were left uninvestigated no doubt from the poll of the company's white my mom and I were left alone The Joy had been sucked out of our house and soon enough they came for that too the company in the big wood could posed a new Expansion Project one now required a vast parking lot a parking lot they said that had to go right on top of our home due to some backroom Shenanigans who aren't even given an eye out we were displaced from the property and made homeless overnight his death wasn't enough apparently with our lives uprooted my mother and I scrambled to make whatever honest living we could I started to work two jobs when I should have been focusing on my studies just to try and help out as a result my great strongs my attendance pointed it and I no longer had time for any extracurriculars I became a subject ridicule among the other students they mocked me for being poor and for having to work so hard but I had thick skin even then their insults couldn't get to me because only one thing mattered at that point getting my revenge my family's condition worsened that it wasn't long before my mother passed away due to illness I was officially alone in the world all because of the actions of one man I didn't know exactly what I could do to him but I knew what I wanted to do and so I began training becoming bigger and stronger readying myself for some fantasy confrontation alas it never came because I soon found out that the man himself had gone missing I was distraught I had toiled for years becoming a man on a mission and yet I would have nothing to show for it until I did a little bit of research turns out the big wig had a son a businessman just like him who had started a little thing called the rainbow friends play place and so I decided that the sins of the father would pass on to his son I had no doubt that this man would be just as evil as cruel as I'm concerned with the lies he's ruined I arrived at the play place soon after I explored but something felt off about this place I entered what looked like some sort of lavatory as I wandered I nearly fell into a hole in the floor as I peered down into the hole two dark-colored hands emerged and pushed me back and flew backwards and landed into a machine the dark figure emerged from the hole and maneuvered over to a console even as I shouted to be let free a machine word to life and my body began to change my skin hardened my face distorted me into the shape of a star I can only yellow in Anger as I tackle the dark figure back down into the Dempsey qual thumb at some point I could no longer see in front of me when I landed and I was all alone I yelled up into the heavens and struck the floor with my oversized fist in a bit of Rage what happened next shocked me the entire ground the zone of impact turned into a glimmering Shiny Gold it seemed as though I could manipulate my surroundings using this newfound power I knew that I could still have my revenge I simply had to climb my way out but like I said it was a long way down and much has changed about this place since I first fell down on a whole much but not all I still want my revenge against the man and his son you you read you are the son of the one who took my family from me who told me to this pitiful existence and I will have my revenge listen to me I sympathize with your struggles my father is truly an awful man I hate him more than anyone you hate your own father lies you're just like him I I have made mistakes yes I told myself I would never end up like him and yet I've done many of the same things now shall have you what there's rainbow friends are you Barrel Theory then you turn gold they're completely innocent if you want to punish anyone then punish me but please afterwards restore them if it's in your power now do what you must I don't I don't want to be like him then perhaps we can work together to destroy him once and for all oh this will be fun foreign [Music] place it's driving me nuts all right what happened I think Red's machine worked this definitely isn't home yeah but now we're all locked up where are we some sort of jail cell you're in prison not prison how are you and why'd you put us here you're prisoners now and there's no getting out prisoners we're innocent I swear no one's innocent in this world well what can we do to get out fail community service we're great with kids oh there's no leaving my prison it's far too big for you to escape it doesn't look that big there's no way you could survive the path out of here no sir and if you try to sneak away and fail you'll die forever well you'll die in this world and then you'll never make it back to whatever freak Show realm you came from so my advice don't even think about it so what do we do freak out obviously but what if we die then we'll never get home [Music] hey you you gotta get me caught how'd you get out of this cell to the vent right up there that's the easy part this place is like a maze you've really gotta have guts to try and Escape oh we've got guts yeah we need to leave we'll never have a chance at returning to the play place the who what now hey you there oh no I think I'm done for fellas you'll never take me alive and that's exactly what you lot can expect if you get caught so stay put look maybe this isn't so bad there's bunk beds who doesn't love bunk beds it's like a slumber party no we need to get out of here he said there's a vent on the wall right how do we get up there we could probably climb up the bunk bed later sneak over the pipe and rip it right off the vent that'll definitely get us out right I don't know if it'll be that easy I'll go first I know me a good vent looks like an escape [Music] oh we're really gonna be careful I've got a feeling this is only the beginning didn't that guy say it was a maze don't worry I'm sure it'll lead to a way out oh great we're right back at the beginning if he sees us we're toast speak follow my lead and don't make a sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] not this again you'll be fine just take slow careful steps Center yourself and who did I tell you no breaking out [Music] say goodbye Green Man no no I'm Too Young To Die oh green come on Blue we can't stay here he'll find us okay I think I got it just a little bit more [Music] it's now or never ah this is a much bigger place than I thought that prisoner was right how much further do we have to go I hope not too far I've never jumped this much before it's such a workout at least we can see and sell for a second right I don't see any spikes berries aren't around so I think we're good for now ah not good how did that opening let's keep going everyone's Mission well you're crushing me too bad guys swish in hello I don't think that's happening maybe if I get in first I can hold on to you and tuck you under my arms in blue you're just too big it's not gonna work sorry blue we hate to do this to you but thanks guys wow purple we let him get killed there's nothing we can do orange we've got to keep moving forward it's what they want us to do is it snowing indoors this place is insane Barry really doesn't want us getting out makes me wonder what some of these prisoners did to end up here oh careful orange these floors are pretty icy how are we supposed to make it over these gaps if we can hardly even walk I don't know inertia what's that momentum gravity we got a running start then slide and jump at the perfect time we'll shoot right over the gaps and make it to the other side and then I'm sure we'll be free How will I know when to jump you'll feel it in your bones what foreign like that but I'm so much smaller than you what if I don't go far enough don't think like that you can do this all right little eggs I know you weren't designed for distance but I believe in you let's do this I'm flying oh oh my God I made it all right I just gotta do that a lot more times here we go one more to go this should be easy purple no orange you gotta make it to the end don't let me and the others die in vain be a hero but I don't want to be the only rainbow friend but Fred makes a bunch of new ones and they're even lameer than you guys go orange avenge me Mary my friends are all dead because of him I'm gonna bring him down no matter what it takes [Music] I made it out but how do I get back without a teleporter ah I could really use the others right now going anywhere not on my watch good thing I picked this bad boy up again orange I knew you could do it now let's get the heck out of here and back to the play place oh I call Shotgun If I make this thing go fast maybe it'll work the same way as the teleporter and send us back everyone seat belts on are you crazy come on come on hey guys this is Zach Taggart with ghoulie hunters and we have just made our way into the rainbow friends play place and let me tell you this place is spooky abandoned long ago there have been rumors of a paranormal presence Within These halls and believe me if there is one we're gonna find it foreign [Applause] did you guys hear that something is definitely here come on come on get in there this is gold this is for all the suffering you caused red we're sick of you and this place we won out and the only way out is with you out of the picture are you seeing this folks these horrible creatures seem to be sacrificing one of their own in some sort of bizarre ritual don't look at me look at them no no you'll regret this oh it's over not quite look oh my God they saw us looks like it's your unlucky day [Laughter] they look tasty what are you what are you planning on doing with us I'm blue and I'm a rainbow friend all I want to do is tell our story you see we're all innocent victims of the one you just saw us destroy we were only getting revenge victims you mean you're not monsters not at all we might look scary but we were once humans just like you you see it all started when we were drawn to this place through false promises lies and deception this blue attack to the camera crew I could hardly believe what was happening our story was actually going to be told and what's more I started to think we were finally free of this place for good if only it were that easy blue went on to explain then and there in front of everyone how exactly each of us was tricked into coming to place he talked about his phony job offer and the resulting crash and how he was dragged to the play place and turned into blue and then he spoke of green the bullies that tormented him and eventually how red tricked him into coming with the promise of fixing his eyesight next he spoke of purple of his tragic upbringing how he was guilted into one more theft and how he paid the ultimate price for it lastly he turned to me and explained to the whole world about who I used to be reduced to the pitiful creature they see now he even spoke of yellow and ducky everything we were everything we are now all aired out like dirty laundry and soon the entire world will know the true story of the rainbow friends but what happened next I would have never guessed we left the play place behind with the camera crew and we did so peacefully we were finally free of that place for good or so we thought but more on that later for now the people the public they loved us our story had gripped the name apparently it had everything love loss tragedy deceit they ate it up soon enough the rainbow friends were a household name the tape of blue detailing our struggles was delivered to every news agency and they began airing at 24 7. you couldn't walk down the street without hearing the newest Buzz around the country's newest and most lovable celebrities we began getting offers to make merchandise of our new forms cameos on Primetime TV shows and even release a musical album we were the rainbow friends quartet and we were on top of the world soon enough we were invited to share our stories on a morning talk show finally we'd all get a chance to speak we all sat in our undersized chairs across from the host the city street seen behind us through the glass windows Legions of fans holding up signs of adoration it was one of those feel-good shows and they had invited all of our family and friends to attend and reunite with us it was great to see my family again we all couldn't be more happy until it became the blue show every time the host asked a question blue would jump right in to answer it the rest of us hardly got a word in everyone began to associate us as blue and the rainbow friends as if he was above us or some sort of leader chance of we love you Blue and you're an inspiration blue we're heard from the crowd it shouldn't bothered me but it did we all suffered the same as him so why should he get all the fame and Glory my thoughts didn't mean much because even blue started to buy into his own Fame he was constantly surrounded by a group of adoring fans much to the annoyance of the rest of us he started wearing sunglasses and leather jackets to maintain his bad boy Persona he even started recording solo albums what's worse he no longer seemed all that friendly of a rainbow friend weakened arguments often until one day he snapped he told us that he was a rainbow friend no longer and that he was above the rest of us and would make his own way in the world fine I said in response but deep down I was heartbroken blue was one of us and I just let him walk away from it all we weren't like everybody else we were different couldn't he see that soon demands for the rainbow friends started to wane without blue we were just three weird looking guys with not much stage presence the call stopped rolling in and the offers for TV appearances dried up we were at Rock Bottom blue on the other hand was soaring higher than ever he had his own sitcom launch and even got a role in one of those big budget superhero movies I didn't Envy the yellow spandex but I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous for the attention people used to love me for my ability to eat it was a big deal the biggest guy in the room now I'm just one of an assortment of freaks and even then my star was falling fast I knew that I needed to bring blue back into the fall for me to be in the spotlight again so I orchestrated a bit of a trick I managed to convince one of the big shows that we were going to do a genuine reunion of the rainbow friends live on air people love a good reunion after all the network Executives ended up they only had one condition blue had to be there I told them that of course he'd be there he orchestrated it in truth I just tricked blue into coming under the false pretense of a big meeting for a multi-picture movie deal when he got to the studio and saw the three of us at a large audience waiting in anticipation he wasn't very happy nevertheless he was still a professional and the audience still loved him so he sat and begrudgingly played along everything was going great until all of the sudden it wasn't I don't know what started it exactly stop before we watch the ending did you know that less than 15 percent of you are subscribed to the channel that's crazy do yourselves a favor and hit that subscribe button so you never miss out on more awesome rainbow friends content all right back to the video the four of us were at each other's throats years of pent-up frustrations with one another had built up to this and we went at it the resulting chaos was quite impressive let me tell you the audience fled immense the destruction and soon word of our Rampage got to every household of the nation we were no longer the cute lovable rainbow friends but rather a dangerous scary pack of monsters AKA what we always knew we were soon afterwards now that his 50 minutes were over blue made up with the rest of us he realized that the attention got to his head and we all forgave him after all that's what friends do they forgive each other with nowhere else to go we all came back to the one place we could comfortably call home but when we walked through those doors none of us were prepared for what we saw a group of fangirls all holding up signs with our faces on them they were cheering and smiling and just oh so happy to see us it appeared we still had fans after all but something inside of us had forever changed after our brief stint in the public eye we exchanged a series of knowing looks between us and readied ourselves then we got right back to doing what we did best [Music]
Channel: GameToons
Views: 6,889,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -HGYE2-HR_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 43sec (5983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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