RAINBOW FRIENDS, But the COLORS are MISSING! Rainbow Friends 3D Animation

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[Music] what do we have here nice please help me oh what do you want from me I gotta run no please wait don't run for me I'm not about birds on player why don't you trust on me I'm blue oh well no thank you bye and this goes here huh what is hey I'm here oh no you have to help me please let me go [Music] why he's running hey buddy why are you crying he run away from me don't worry I'm here for you are they hugging oh I need some company I'm alone really alone um don't worry there's gonna be a solution here's your solution what say your last voice cause I'm gonna end you yeah I don't think so oh please you won't get away with it oh yeah that's what you get for messing with you what a day all right I got better things to do jeez oh God what just happened guys I guess I judge you look who player I think I found the solution [Music] hey orange why don't you take some of this oh they're really weak hey green don't you want to no don't approach me uh what's going on here hey I want some cool take some blue what's the problem I don't know what to do but we're gonna find the solution uh what with all the paint stains does that come from uh-huh finally I got the colors of their souls now it's time to stay there what was that I'm gonna borrow this huh where are my colors they're not yours come back here I gotta get out here's the deal you're gonna give them back to me or you'll see I won't do that okay I'll shoot you there guys you you're here all right buddy now you'll get what you deserve what oh oh no it's time to recover yourselves now do it for myself this must be the one whoa look at that shiny skin it's my time foreign [Music] [Music] what this is [Music] did he really mean that what is he planning guys your arm is too heavy ah somebody's coming they were killed over there we should check them out buddies what happened to you all right I guess you know bud why you did this for real we gotta do something about this what they're playing me now he will be stopped unless your only job did you hear that where is he hiding now God they really think it was me huh well there's gonna be something I can do too it wasn't me it wasn't me oh what do you need there's a battery over there now I just gotta find them you gotta hurry dude we don't know I know I know okay now that was Cece all right the other stuff should be around oh batteries I didn't even try uh-huh Lori seems to be nearer I swear I could hear something over there no pleasure where are you guiding oh man he took it too bad the light bulb uh oh there you are come on it'll be quick stay away from me why would you do that Grandma's get on time I must get him whoa the battery hey quick snack won't do any bad [Music] I gotta be quick come on I thought I heard something anyways turn around please and turn around front of my food let them pleasure gotcha no the stuff where do you think you're going I'm just trying to fix your bodies you better let me go you're not going anywhere please don't you pay for what you did I'm just trying to save blue and green oh really well that's a new one who is that what hiding no I haven't seen anything don't lie to me tell me the truth or you'll suffer go finish the job I made it oh no guys this is some serious damage Terry come on almost there come on we're gonna be faster that's it just a little bit more wait let me explain let me explain oh Jesus is the one who killed you right it's not true you're not getting away this time hey happy ending I'm so sorry I chased you please don't do anything I promise hey player throw me the cube do it it's over for you oh no what um all right thank you [Music] where did he go I can't find him that's crazy hey guys you made it to the next level for your next mission you'll be filling the food machines isn't it fun go to it now no I don't but where are the machines let's look for them go get those silly players for me yes sir I'll do it take care yes everything going as expected um where could that bag be oh found it that was easy [Music] and we're done whoa there's three bugs here they don't even know if I can take so many kidding I'll just take them all oh there you are no please [Music] where did he go now that's kinda weird anyways is he gone that was freaking close time to run now oh Wendy you think you're going little boy oh I'm dropped where do I go now I hope this works for me think I'm down you I was really starving where is everybody huh no don't you dare take my friend green monster oh come on run whoa whoa as players we're almost there he's coming I'm right behind you don't you even think about it fine fine I did it they disappeared oh I almost got them whoa fine you did it now look at this light bulb you're gonna find the rest otherwise you'll be eaten by monsters more challenges let us rest yeah but what else can we do today yeah come on you better do your job this time I don't want them alive [Music] oh I found the first one guys easy peasy where could they be oh found one that was fast and easy is that a light bulb well I hope so I gotta hurry oh we got most of them right let's do it we got most of them but there's one missing hmm we gotta stay together wait I found the missing one wait I want to um but fine you do it [Music] Jesus you look scary do you want this yes please well take it good boy I wonder if she made it oh my gosh symbol side guys with guys very well done who would have thought [Music] no silly players fine but you're missing the batteries yes right let's do it don't leave me here again let's see oh found one guys found another one this is my battery what should I do think think oh no what are you saying bud are you tired of playing so you think you won the game let's see if you surprised [Music] come on follow me [Music] stupid Blue Monster I know it's okay or pleasure hey guys guys come back here I can see the stars huh no say your last words how about this is not my fault her no I don't care my strength is being sucked it warts is he gonna take our clothes too oh no please don't do it oh pathetic give me your color oh come on we're gonna find a place to hide [Music] I don't want my life to be sucked out is he gone is that you guys it's gonna be fine we must stay together holy two left to collect oh no come here you gotta get yourself killed get in there come on he's coming oh boys what are you hiding I need some help [Music] look foreign [Music] oh my God he's pretty upset is he completely gone [Music] up more Bots I'm sorry couldn't save you I must take revenge on this year from whatever you are where are you looking for me what I'm right here come after me so you wanna play huh take this thing is getting in my way oh Jesus he's fast oh come on no oh no this is a good place to die isn't it why are you even research purposes oh I finally collected all the colors let me go are you gonna give us back your colors are you willing to cooperate we'll do it the hard way then I said let me go see it come on my strength again right yay um
Channel: Hornstromp FNF 3D
Views: 6,416,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hornstromp, hornstromp FNF3D, hornstromp rainbow friends, rainbow friends, rainbow friends But the COLORS are MISSING, rainbow friends color missing, roblox, roblox 3d animation, rainbow friends roblox, roblox 3d, Rainbow friends 3D, blue, blue rainbow friends, green, huggy wuggy, rainbow friends chapter 2, rainbow friends funny moments, rainbow friends world, rainbow friends animation 3d, rainbow friends vs poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, rainbow friends fnf, gametoons
Id: RFeovX89H30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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