Rainbow Friends Chapter 2 Hide & Seek!

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Zoe today we're going to be playing rainbow friends rainbow friends ice game oh okay I think it's good 15 seconds till the game starts and let's go oh what's happening okay Zoey oh gosh oh I'm prepared I think we're all running yeah and there's a guy trying to open the fence that's interesting hey don't do that oh gosh I guess he's opening it for us what a nice guy you know what the what is the world be doing out here you know to be honest I don't know uh and then this guy is just I don't know what he's doing monsters you say I didn't say that I'm sure it's just your imagination imagination no sir I don't think you know of the rainbow friends okay now we're in a different cut scene oh gosh is that a rainbow friend I think so oh gosh what is the ugly shaking uh this is going to be fun Zoey I think we're gonna need to hide from them and if you press B we can hide it's a boxer no we gotta hide now okay okay go go go just hidea okay uh Zoe we gotta be very very careful okay okay let's stick together I agree definitely I think we need to find these light bulbs Zoe so we need to help on the search come on okay oh gosh so would you hear that wait so we uh let's just exit the building real quick okay let's go proceed with caution oh gosh you know what I'm just gonna hop in the Box ers excuse me let's go this way let's go this way go go go oh gosh and Rockstar Freddy try to mess with them okay I'll get out of the box I think we're good and we have to bring the light bulbs here so oh I see maybe we should hop on the search well I just got inside a box oh gosh so use the zip line right here zip line oh gosh what is that guy is that a person oh is that the Monster uh actually I don't think so oh Nico oh okay uh I think we're out of here I think we're good now okay oh my gosh he's right there what happened uh wait I think we did yeah we did hey did any of you here uh I don't get it wait there was actually an SOS light I mean wow you guys were speaking of fighting pigs is that blue oh no come back here was a mistake we need to find a way out of here fast I agree sir definitely everyone 's gonna help us what the heck is this I think we need that to bust out of here Zoe most likely oh gosh is there a new guy in town I think that's a new guy a new guy look who decided to show up oh gosh what guy's been now we got 12 people left okay okay what do we do with this thing looks like we need to find some kind of power source yeah [Applause] what just happened my gosh someone just got abducted uh be very careful Zoe proceed with caution proceed squishies right there we're gonna eat us oh gosh oh gosh no he's gonna find me oh my gosh I died respond oh my gosh I gotta spin Roblox give me a second guys uh okay I'm back oh my gosh is a great deal there were you serious there was a jump scare died okay okay guys uh where are you oh gosh over here Nico you guys need to find gas canisters that's the goal right now and we found zero oh boy this is gonna be hard oh gosh okay okay I'm gonna go outside find those gas canisters wherever they are I don't know how to find them where's the mine you're going oh well uh I have no idea what that was I don't know if I have a feeling something dangerous about to happen yeah me too I'm not gonna lie but that's why we just run away oh I just I just hate next to me I see the green guy in the water over there but I'm not worried at all where are these gas canisters anyway you sound kind of funny uh the Greek guy it was literally right next to somebody oh gosh what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that sound what is that yeah are you serious okay uh okay okay we gotta keep a classic gasket upstairs where are these things right there gosh you've got to be kidding me of my eyes oh no okay I gotta guess canister Porter here okay perfect I gotta get back to the lobby come on come on come on buddy let's go here's the green the girl clear here what is that on the floor oh my gosh are you serious respawn oh my gosh this is crazy and the green guy's here again why is the green guy always here when I respond stop looking at me I know you're looking at me oh look I just got taken okay come on come on yeah I know this is really scary wait are you guys together right now oh my gosh I'm still in this room oh gosh the minor might have to use his respawn oh crush is that the guy right here right there oh my gosh oh my gosh how is this guy still alive next to me this guy is truly this guy oh my actually yeah I don't know how this is happening right now below me but you know what I'm just not gonna question it uh we still need to find three gas canisters oh my gosh I have one nowhere seems safe Zoey I'm not gonna lie yeah everything seems dangerous don't worry about it me and the biter had to experience it okay I'm back out in the wilderness hopefully I'll be fine over here you know things are nice and dandy is your monster right behind me oh gosh only need three more gas canisters I don't know what we're doing oh gosh blue car right there okay and the other guests are highlighted they're over here I gotta go for them hey look you guys right there be very silent Nico be very sad da yeah that green guy can find you with the bug I've died like four times already are you serious ah I'm back there you are Nico what are you hiding from Zoey yellow guy the yellow guy is scary we just gotta run we're just gonna run boy the blue guy watch out for the hands watch out for that what do you mean that he's awake you do not know about dance just like a restaurant okay okay where's the gas canisters oh gosh wait no they were highlighted but now they're gone I wonder I don't know hopefully I think we got that let's hope this works come on please work wow oh gosh what just happened he's okay yeah me too all right everyone well gosh wait is this the evil villain again wait collect all the lookies you just released and let the old man live and this time there's a timer oh gosh we have limited on to time for this Shelby oh gosh we only have like five people left okay we gotta go we gotta go go okay you got that one so I'm gonna get this one over here come on Monsters monster stay away scary monsters do not eat me thank you oh okay there's nothing here minor we go back okay I have a fourth one oh gosh please please please please please please please please please please please let's go [Music] meet me please okay I just gotta go behind the blue guy just like this I got a place [Music] I see the green guy right there I'm just gonna go past the green guy oh Nico you might need to get it what what do you mean oh my gosh I repeat it is the blue guy and it's the green guy oh gosh and we're just gonna run we're just gonna run we're just gonna mind our business and we're gonna run we're just gonna keep on going helicopter guys oh my gosh Joey Zoe I have two monsters on me right now okay I'm just gonna hide in this box pretend like nothing's going on oh okay please please please please please okay I think you should just fold so we'd be very few more of these eyeball things keep searching around [Music] hide you can't yeah I'm ready no I can't run I'm ready are we back up sorry so you die good job everybody okay is he saved oh he's saved let's go what now oh I can unbox here there's one more way to get out of here oh my gosh we got Escape I knew that place would have been good oh okay we gotta find this guy a slice of cake sounds good to me oh gosh what is that oh is that another glass oh my gosh he's also blue you know that's my favorite color but gosh that's gonna be scary all the people yes wait basically just us no there's like five people here though or six you know I have no idea where can we get some cake what are we thinking I'm looking around everyone stick together oh gosh oh gosh okay I'm going over here I'm going over here can we find cake in here Miner I don't think so to be honest with you yep let's hop out find sugar packs to take them to the laser lag Plaza okay sounds good at me where's the sugar pack I don't know but I just watched this guy get three I'm jumping it wait you saw a guy get three yeah yeah what it's you like a professional I think so oh gosh uh green guys right there oh I thought I'd be very very silent they will not see you Nico if you just stay silent wait I could sit in the seat we need one more one more oh gosh oh I think I know what they look like now oh gosh do you see me oh gosh one more sugar pack I'm fat I have to go to the laser tag Plaza oh gosh oh gosh I got it I got it I got it I got it oh let's go okay uh let's see if you eat the cake uh wait is he actually going for it let's go it work let's go okay okay we gotta go fast and oh gosh no one died wow thank goodness okay let's go come on there's candy no wait Zoey Zoe do not get distracted oh okay okay okay I'm running oh we gotta go Crystal Caverns what is this place whoa It's like a roller coaster oh gosh we just gotta hop in yeah [Music] can I join your card Zoe yes sir wow it's all good oh my gosh I really hope we don't get hurt yeah me too why is it there's a mighty rocket yeah I think we have to move oh lean your body to follow the court okay sounds good so are you driving [Music] how do I just I think we I think it goes automatic it's our path guys okay ready you gotta dish together let's go okay nice wait why did we go towards the monster oh gosh uh everyone else is going that way oh no wait okay never mind uh it worked okay we're seeing lean early and hold it to choose your path okay wait oh hold up wait never mind we're already over here okay I think we're good oh this is pretty cool though this is pretty pretty stupid worried about it look at all okay this is so cool though you really wonder what's over here yeah I wonder [Music] I think we might have lost we I think we were supposed to choose a path oh gosh foreign oh gosh okay nice nice nice okay following this thing over here guys following this thing right here are they gonna go any faster nice okay uh lava beware lava beware guys I think we need to turn soon we need to turn it down okay just nowhere to turn there's nowhere to turn nowhere to go oh my gosh okay come on come on whoa we are going faster oh my gosh we are going fast I can barely keep track of the thing okay and we just gotta follow that ball come on turn right turn we don't know which way okay goodbye okay we got we gotta follow this we gotta follow this thing left forever oh it's definitely that way definitely that way okay let's go you know to be honest I don't know and why this roller coaster so long thanks for visiting that way we'll see that way wow [Music] wow what was that wait guys guys oh gosh I thought we were made it out [Music] here oh gosh go this way hit the two right okay okay right behind us too oh my gosh okay crashing a Crusher okay okay nice nice do the service come on come on elevate elevator I think you're stuck there guys or maybe he's the chosen one oh I think he's the chosen one uh so are we good if you don't know which one nickel blocks Adventures the cooking on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe subscribe bye
Channel: NicoBlox
Views: 1,070,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Zoey, Nico and Zoey, Roblox
Id: yHmP6-Yrl8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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