PLAYER Family Reunion?! (Cartoon Animation)

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[Music] what are you showing me let me go you'll miss the best part yes that's it [Music] go ahead and open it player it isn't every day a toy receives a letter it says from your secret admirer yeah to get you to open it ten to one there's deadly poison in there come on open it up are we even affected by poison we're made of plastic right you spent the day as a spider mutant because one bit you remember yeah but it says secret admirer [Music] yes yes well it was nice knowing you no i'm fine must have just been some dust here let's see what it says my beloved i've pined for you since the day we met meet me at the train station alone at eight o'clock and i'll confess my true feelings to you love your secret admirer she signed it with a kiss great so you shop at the train station alone and prototype eats you alive sounds like a great evening it's already 7 30. i gotta get ready now wait at least take your grab pack i'll follow him hello secret admirer maybe huggy was right i'm gonna be alone forever what's that kissy missy [Music] player [Music] hey what's the meaning of this you can't be with player you're supposed to be with me [Music] i've been looking for you for so long player i'm so glad we found each other player snap out of it there's something fishy going on here there is only one of you only one of me there's a million of those who i'm not afraid i'm not afraid i'm not afraid what a great night kissy missy you're the best oh you're so sweet player i always knew we were perfect for each other whoa whoa hey we got him we finally got him we saved him what have you guys done you're ruining the best night of my life you with us player what what happened thanks to the we're just in the letter you almost smooched that player where'd you go i thought we were having fun we gotta get out of here before if you leave me you'll regret it do it it's okay player i'll find you there must be something wrong with her kissy isn't usually like this uh when isn't she trying to eat me alive i meant the whole secret admirer thing that's very new player why do you keep running i thought we had something special kissy's almost here go on without me no way we aren't leaving you behind grab my hand kissing missy doesn't love me anymore i have no reason to go on only because she's under some kind of weird spell we can fix this and get both of you back together i promise really yes now grab my hand before she eats this hole what do we do what do we do what do we do please come out and dance with me she isn't gonna take the hint i think i've got an idea an idea that'll work uh hopefully hello are you listening to me i'm sorry i got mad okay i get it you are just playing hard to get so you can come out now please [Music] please guess you saw right through me huh player i knew it you loved me all along but how do i know you won't leave me again easy i got some proof come in and look see i captured the monster who is trying to ruin our date you yeah me lucky lucky don't you recognize me don't you remember the love we shared silence what planet i have is beautiful i won't let you destroy it please i've loved you for as long as i've known you don't you remember even before we took these forbs we meant something to each other [Music] get out of my head no no no now puppy yes bulva am i what did i do huggy is that you yeah it's me it's me [Music] we did it she's back to normal [Music] celebrate while you can player i'll find another way to divide you soon you and your little friends will be at each other's throats no no just call her off please should have read the handbook zero tolerance for tardiness bon appetit long legs that's it you're doing splendid yes i think you're finally ready find baby long legs and end him you have your orders remember the long legs are smart but they're not invincible it's your job to find a weakness and exploit it i warded you down pick up the piece i smell a fresh kill nearby enough to feed the both of us for a week if we're smart mommy can i ask you a question how come i don't have any siblings do you want the long answer or the short answer i don't know the short answer is you're all i need and more the long answer is life in this factory is too cruel and dangerous for me to bear bringing another kid into it so i'm gonna be an only child forever afraid so but it's not all bad you have me mommy mommy where'd you go [Music] don't worry about her she's fine trust me who are you wait you mean mommy longlegs never told you about me i'm long legs your long lost twin sister whoa really of course boy am i glad i found you i've been searching for ages can you help me find my mommy we got separated and sure but aren't there some fun sibling things you've always wanted to do come on there's a whole day's worth of fun waiting to be had a whole day of fun where do we start i'm glad you asked mommy [Music] [Music] wow you're really good at missing oh let's go again so let me get this straight you want me to go down that ramp through the flaming hoop around the swinging axes over the spike pit and through the loop-de-loop on a tricycle yes duh unless you're scared i'm not okay here i go hey what's going on here player meet my sister long legs huh so you have a secret twin as well how convenient what are you suggesting is she trying to get you to write down this death trap classic evil twin i'm not gonna hurt him it's just gonna be fun you're not afraid of a little fun are you bro of course not let's do this thing i won't let you way too dangerous what would mommy think oh that player's just mad because you have a new best friend so this much are you player no way i just don't want you to die well if you're truly my friend player step aside is my sister and i want to make her happy no matter what it takes uh your funeral pal you think i should go after him [Music] mayday oh bad fall but don't worry it's nothing a little rest won't fix now go to sleep ah where am i no no home sweet home no go back to sleep this has to be a nightmare i'm afraid your situation is quite real thanks to the efforts of my greatest creation yet you called no it can't be you mean all that stuff we did together all that fun we had was a lie are you even my sister of course not if i would relate to you do you really think i'd admit it you're a loser no i'm not ah lives with mom check best friend is a mannequin check need i go on that's it admit it to yourself you're a loser and you just did what losers do best you lost but don't worry i wanted to eat you alive but the ceo has bigger plans for you what are you talking about he's gonna take you from zero zero surgically please don't do this please would you be quiet when this is over you'll thank me i'm going to make you into the fiercest deadliest monster this factory has ever seen fire top [Music] what was that 75 charge we're almost there 80 percent ninety percent i knew it he's here i told you it would be mommy your dinners come to us how convenient i knew something was seriously wrong with her i'll take the ceo you deal with that you don't scare me a shame i wish i could have played with you longer i'm not out of the fight yet [Music] you're going to regret this [Music] come on baby we're leaving i don't want to stick around here a second longer than i have to ah baby look legs wait those are terrible last words you can't leave me here tattoo sister i'm the only chance you have i've got all the family i need poppy what what happened who are you [Music] oh look looky here two prisoners for the price of one it must be my lucky day [Applause] what what happened what is this place i'd pick your questions wisely player mommy doesn't have much time [Music] poppy what's wrong i think the crash messed me up pretty bad on the inside one of those flowers can help stabilize her the other will entertain in a different way you mean it's poisonous which one heals her tell me of course if you can find me this room is full of fake daisies only one is the real deal can you spot the difference they all look the same what do i do play her daisy could have killed us but she didn't everything she wants someone to talk to so talk yeah maybe she'll accidentally reveal which one's the right one hurry okay daisy i'm dying to know did you become a flower toy willingly or was i forced it's a long story and you won't like the ending try me very well my story begins in a tiny orphanage not far from here where not a single green thing grew except for my daisy which i tended myself there you daisy you want to tell me why your flower is in my window it's not your window gretchen it's the window we all have to share it says who well i say it's my window anyone got a problem with that [Music] let's put it to a vote who here would be upset if i grabbed daisy's stupid plant and smashed it on the floor no you can't see daisy [Laughter] [Music] no [Applause] next time i bet you'll think twice before taking something that isn't yours what's a problem [Music] now look who's in trouble i'm sorry is that what you want to hear she killed my only friend and i fought back i'm sorry just please please please don't kick me out i can't be alone again what this isn't about any of that it's good news someone wants to adopt you really he's waiting downstairs his name was mr green and he knew even more about flowers than i did even his house was covered in them as the years passed they met each plant in his living room i learned their names how to tend them make them blossom daisy thank you before you came his house was haunted by death and now there's so much life mr green what's wrong i can't talk to you to stop calling me that [Music] it's okay you're okay the ambulance is coming no tell them no this is where i want to be over the next few weeks i watched him struggle you should tend to the plants without water they'll dry out i'm not leaving you i should have listened is that smoke i was afraid if i looked back i'd see him so i kept walking ears blurred into each other i don't remember them i wasn't myself again until i hadn't felt hope in so long at first i thought i might be dreaming but when i told the company how lonely and desperate i was they gave me the job immediately [Music] with my help playtime co's play care center went from a barren warehouse to lush paradise and it stayed that way until the kids arrived yummy pretty no hey give me that back you'll pay for what you did daisy what's the meaning of this he destroyed my flower well we'll have to make ourselves a new one won't we i wasn't awake for the procedure but my dreams were full of spores and when i woke up it looks like this so which one's the real me ready to take a guess player i uh they still all look the same you better choose quickly your friend is running out of time [Music] i'll just try the purple flower purple looks good no we can't afford to risk it i can do this um it's okay to be a little slow player i was a late bloomer myself just think about the story she told maybe you're right what are you doing ending this my way daisy tell us which flower to use or i'll burn this whole place to the ground you wouldn't you'd die too and so would all your plants are you willing to lose everything a second time [Music] better choose quickly fine it's the red one the red one much better [Applause] who's the birthday boy for the last time bunzo neither of us oh right i keep forgetting it's your death day that's almost the same thing uh not really i made you a cake to celebrate why does that cake sound like a bomb because it is silly when the candles burn down we'll all go up like a big firework you're insane i'm not insane and i can prove it who's ready for story time oh no we gotta get out of here that bomb could go off at any minute just keep distracted while i um try to wiggle my way out of the chains it's only chance yeah uh fire away banjo can't think of a better way to spin my final moments that's the spirits now where to begin yes it all started in this very room long long ago okay kids who's ready for some magic who's that he looks kind of lame uh and his trusty sidekick bonzo the bunny whoa i love bunnies isn't bunzo great but really he's only a small part of the act i'm the star here no don't take him away but i've got a bunch of other magic tricks no more bunzo more bunzo come on the bunny thing is so overdone you ever seen a guy do this nah a bunch of times my dad does that trick all the time over here check this out oh whatever fine you want to see something really exciting watch me breathe fire for a tiny second they were spellbound i had him in the palm of my hand and then everything went wrong [Music] buddy what did you do i just wanted them to have the perfect birthday oh my god he's burning give me the ceo you called me at the right time with a little luck we might be able to save part of him part of him what does that mean i'd hate to spoil the surprise what followed were the most painful moments of my life [Music] i woke up sometime later had it all been a bad dream but then i saw my reflection and it all made sense [Music] i had heard horror stories about the toys at playtime cove but i never assumed they were real would they make me kill for them i knew i wasn't a monster they tried to make me into one i'd have to fight back welcome back bonzo [Music] but i was wrong the surgery made me happier than ever suddenly i could throw birthday parties seven days a week no days off no need to even sleep the kids loved the new me bunzo the birthday bunny it was a dream come true unfortunately even in this body i was still clumsy oh no bunzo you've got to be more careful i'm sorry i got carried away it was an accident accidents don't happen here at play timeco never again what happened oh where am i hello down here bonzo what did you do to me we just relocated you to a different department how can we hold birthday parties in here i'm sorry bonzo but you won't be doing birthday parties anymore we need a monster for our memory game a monster i'm not a monster the child you nearly struck would beg to differ but look on the bright side this way you can bang your symbols all you want and if you scare a few subjects that's icing on the cake enjoy your private hangout you see what i did there hang out very funny sir hey wait wait you can't just leave me by myself but they did i didn't need to eat or sleep so i lost all track of time i hung there for what seemed like an eternity all right just press the colors in the order they appear on screen okay finally a new friend blue red green okay blue red it's happening i'm free howdy new friend what's your name wait wait don't send me back up there please well done for years contestants would come in for training blue green violet orange j i learned all the patterns and i loved when the players failed relating every chance i could come down from that ceiling to attack eventually player came along and hit the hazard button breaking the machine and releasing me from my prison are you free yet [Music] almost there keep snowing and now you know everything about me so make a wish before i wait a minute uh bonjour no interruptions i'm sorry there's just one thing i don't get why are you so into birthdays yeah what's up with that well if you must know the reason i'm so into birthday parties with all of their fun little games plates of delicious mouthwatering food huge stacks of presents and heartfelt friendships nothing ever seemed to go right for me no matter the occasion in fact i've been on my own for so long i don't even know what day my birthday is when i got a job at playtime co i vowed to make every child's birthday something magical to give everyone a chance to blow out the candles and it looks like the candles are almost gone which means you've got only seconds left so choose your last words wisely death day how about heads up what go faster why there's no way you survived a blast like that naughty naughty leaving a party early is so rude playtime co is the preeminent toy making factory in the entire world its creations fill the shelves of every major retail outlet mall and department store but it never seems like there's enough supply to go around for the hordes of fanatical playtime co-shoppers there was nothing people wouldn't do to get their hands on the latest and greatest toy from elliot ludwig but it wasn't always that way in fact there was a time when playtime co nearly went out of business due to poor sales every idea they put on the shelf was a complete and total failure i like toilets for two reasons number one and number two sir poops a lot was disgusting oh in the oven gave people horrible second and third degree burns and the pet rock was just plain lame they were thrown away like garbage left to rot away and die in the depths of the reject warehouse but hate has a way of transforming toys here at playtime co their quest for revenge allowed them to survive is that thing still chasing us [Music] what do you think him out quick we're about to eat dino snacks power's not working i'm on it fire you're a genius just close the door already [Music] time for plan b [Music] now run for it that thing's not gonna hold them back for long this way i know a shortcut whoa i've never seen these toys before what even is this place a reject warehouse sunny buddies surprise hairs barrel of huggies this place is home to all the toys that didn't quite make the cut for one reason or another rejected item kick me paul reason for rejection nobody likes him left at a presentation meeting when revealing kick me paul [Music] i can see why this thing stinks in fact all these toys are kind of terrible i'm glad they never got released to the public player don't be rude we're on the dinosaur he escaped we gotta get out of here no player look wait are those mommy long legs dolls rejected item mommy long legs concept v1 and v2 reason for rejection too freaky for target demographic designs need a simpler color palette and simpler body shapes man and i thought the final design was scary looking enough these dolls are extra terrified uh poppy where'd you put those dolls i didn't move him those little freaks are alive it sounds like we've got bigger problems not this guy again can't you just go extinct already quick this way dead end well looky here another trespasser the boss is going to want to take a look at you for sure what's going on where am i all in good time little one first we have to make sure you're one of us wait i recognize you you're the guy that saved me from being eaten by brown the dinosaur that's right but that will be a cakewalk compared to what we'll do to you if you don't answer our questions now now be polite to our new friend we don't want to scare the crap out of him yet allow me to introduce myself i'm sir poops a lot this is my right-hand man oh in the oven well my name's player and this is hey what did you do to poppy our questions first why were you snooping around in the reject warehouse we were running away from brian well what is a new invention like you doing in the factory anyways shouldn't you be on a toy store shelf somewhere waiting to be sold oh well i'm not exactly a toy show he's lying cheap plastic filled bright primary colors he's got commercial product rented all over him owen please need i remind you that i once took you in under my wing sorry boss if you're not a toy then what are you more of a mannequin i guess just a placeholder for this grab pack device if not for this thing they might have tossed me into the reject warehouse too undoubtedly they would have you know player i spent a lifetime helping those that were dumped down here by the heartless suits of playtime co through it all i built an empire a home that made every misfit feel important and complete but in order to do so sacrifices had to be made normal toys had to become defective somehow deformed they had to become one of us [Music] i believe you are a misfit an ugly monstrosity no one wants or cares about uh thanks but your little friend poppy playtime is anything [Music] to but you're one of us you must be the one to transform her which no i can't poppy's my friend we're your friends now in fact we're stronger than that we're family don't be stupid and flush this opportunity away start the machine do it now never get up with pleasure [Music] oh yeah you gotta get me out of here these freaks are crazy trust me you don't have a half of it if you can't handle the heat stay out of the warehouse why does every toy have cool powers but me you have your grab pack [Music] wait my grab pack you're a genius this could have all been so simple where are we somewhere that should be awfully familiar let us go too late you had your chance to join our home willingly now you'll both be transformed beyond recognition i'll twist you into freaks incapable of speaking or walking all you'll be able to do is sit and contemplate your mistakes if you do that what youth will we be yeah think about this rationally sir poops a lot every home needs a door matter too no this is it we're doomed whatever we look like after this i hope you'll still be my friend of course papi always no thank you vile animal back i say nobody likes a party poop what's going on no no you can't do this now's our chance poppy honey wait come back please don't leave me at long last i have everything i need to create more baby toys yes please let us go we're not babies not babies yet [Laughter] [Music] nice try player but you're too late your friends are all ready gain what did you do there if you know what's good for you player you won't follow me these babies are my property if i save them first keep crawling where he's coming where he's gonna get us scatter oh no what are you guys doing oh boo hoo did your friends abandon you at the first sign of danger how typical why not come home stay away from anybody they're all gone i'm all alone peek-a-boo puppy bundle anybody wait what's that it's okay probably just the friendly toy too shy to say hello hey what are you doing creepy hand you want me to follow you you think i was born yesterday this is why i'm just gonna follow some creepy dish and ratchet hand into the shadows of wait a minute wait up wait for me hello pj banjo stop fooling around we gotta save the others no chase me chase me [Music] punch you stop stop what player you gotta be more specific you wake up you know who [Music] what's there to worry about the huggies love me let's have some fun buncho please i'm begging you who's the birthday boy stop now look what you did player what i did let me go let me go shut up we got to get out of here [Music] step on it they're gaining on us hope the others are having better luck bring me a road rabies road where are we now so something's coming towards us we got monsters on both sides what do we do just close your eyes maybe it'll be over quicker that way pj it's you destroy is such a strong word i prefer remodel actually you're doing neither ceo you saved us saved is another strong word i'm protecting my investment i won't let you take the babies ha let as if you have any agency over the matter i'm warning you i'll make this nice and simple hand over bunzo and pj or pop goes poppy no so what will it be player don't keep me waiting i i it's okay player you don't have to choose poppy's our friend and we want to protect her no you can't give yourself up i won't let you it's not your choice to make player now come on pj you coming or what brits what she would do for us ha there we go was that so hard now come with me we've got so much to discover follow us and i'll end them [Music] now what do i do if he sees me he'll destroy the babies but if i stay here they're as good as toast no i gotta go after them there's no other choice finally all the pieces are falling into place [Music] actually to keep the board happy i most certainly do have to do this you understand it's a competitive market ceo stop this player so nice to see you what good is an inevitable super plan without a stupid robe trying to stop it i won't let you use the babies for profit any longer they aren't your property actually player they are i've got the patents right here you know what i mean ah just once try to see things my way will you this holiday playtime co will release the greatest line of baby toys the world has ever seen parents will fight like dogs to get their hands on quality like ours it'll be black friday every day of the week and come christmas kids nationwide will unbox the most realistic the most loving dolls they've ever laid eyes on when i imagine the happy smiles on their faces and the heaps of money we'll make i just get all warm and fuzzy inside warm and fuzzy can you see what you're doing is hurting them progress always hurts player as ceo i shouldered the burden gladly i bet the paycheck helps it's just supply and demand not many executives are bold enough brave enough to go as far as i do i'm the rare kind of leader who'll push playtime go forward no matter the cost thanks to me a glorious future awaits us if you stand down player give up the self-righteous act maybe you can be part of that future not interested you'll have to try harder than that to get me player i wasn't aiming for you freedom buncho make some noise you got it hold still why are you ready we're free what's the time [Music] here we are bob sweet home you and kissy missy lived here a little while until play dubco found other uses for us it feels so weird to be back we're locked in what's that noise here comes the neighborhood we're surrounded but i got an idea you sure this will work it has to ready ready i'm starting to get a little dizzy they're closing in on us we need a way out that exit door is still locked come on tank think look that's our ticket grab on huggy through that bench hold on i think i can grapple us out of here that was amazing we really hit that jackpot jackpot we barely escaped with our lives but i bet they won't we got him all thanks to your great idea won't argue you there [Music] wait what's going on i thought this was like a big old exposure player look toy recycling so all those huggies are gonna fatal energy surge detected locate [Music] run that was a close one one hit from that and we're toast how are we gonna beat this guy he's unstoppable that voice said fail safe maybe there oh uh hey there okay grab the thing now [Music] flash dark how is this gonna help this guy's like a rainbow he's powered by the colors inside the little hookies the colors disappear in the dark you did it dang looks like we won't get another shot why did they even invent that thing why did they turn me and my eso into homicidal muppets why did they put a human brain in a dull body why is there a whole family of elastic spiders living in the vents okay okay i get your point we'll need a bigger one of these to put that freak away for good any idea where we could find one this is advanced prototype technology if it's anywhere it'll be on the innovation floor no time for ominous pauses we gotta go now [Music] hopefully this place still has power welcome to the innovation floor whoa how come you never took us down here before because of him playtime co's nastiest guard dog can he see us it attacks movement step a little too fast at one time it'll stomp us into pancakes so be careful relax huggy careful is my middle name [Music] you idiot we're done for shh don't move clubsy much don't blow this for us cheer up will you i think i found what we're looking for spot dark yeah that's the machine that shoots a darkness ray we can use it to defeat rainbow hooky we just gotta tip to our way over there and start it before he shows up too late he's here [Music] looks like we're not the only ones you noticed [Music] oh what do we do player what do we do run for it while he's distracted come on hurry huggy this way i bet this joystick lets me control the beam do you even know how to use this thing uh not exactly but it can't be rocket science right you never know with play dough i think i just have to charge it up and when rainbow huggie comes we'll be ready [Music] they're gonna tear this place apart hurry up and get this darkness be ready i'm trying but the beam's still charging please tell me that thing is fully charged now i don't know how much longer this fight is gonna go on but no matter who wins if this beam's not working we're mincemeat almost there 98 99 100. i can't get a clear shot that stupid dino robot is in the way just wait it looks like rainbow huggy is about to fetch him [Music] there fire no with pleasure say goodbye rainbow freak what you gotta be kidding me led to the password do it dashword123 playtime code for life poppy150 nothing's working huggy and it looks like we only get one more attempt before we're locked out vague player what's the number one thing this company cares about more than anything else profit dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign huggy you're a genius less than gig more firing the giant laser babe [Music] hey huggy yes player i gotta be honest i hate your family the treetops when the wind blows the crater will [Music] ever since her creation mommy longlegs has always been violent towards the workers here at playtime go and the immense nature of her abilities made her nearly impossible to control but one day they discovered that she would do anything to protect and care for children exposure to various kids that roamed the playtime co game station made mommy longlegs docile compliant to demands so they decided to build her a child of her own baby long legs the plan worked mommy long legs loved her new baby more than anything in the whole world but there was a major downside if at any point baby longlegs was removed from her side mommy would go ballistic destroying anything and everyone in her path all right baby longlegs player to the rescue player is that you what are you doing here i'm here to save you from your oppressive mother come on i'll break you free no it's too dangerous if she wakes up she'll tear you limb from limb um [Music] phew just get out of here no way baby you're my friend i'm gonna get you out of here don't worry i have a plan [Music] i can't believe that actually worked i told you now come on time to get out of here hold on is that you sweetie you want a little cuddle what do you call a dinosaur that's a noisy sleeper a tyrannosaurus [Music] player you stole my baby from me what's your big plan now smart guy [Music] now she's trapped for good i wouldn't be so sure of that oh right yeah i forgot about mommy longlegs long legs run for it where do we go she's right on her tail to the train even mommy isn't as fast as a locomotive good idea did you really think i was going to let you escape with my little baby boy that easily well there goes our ride hurry this way [Music] faster baby your stupid mom can stretch infinitely i know when your birthday is june 28th are you filthy little rabbit oh happy birthday oh happy happy birthday oh happy birthday happy birthday to you how many times have i told you every day is not my birthday oh i'm sorry i just love birthdays so much give it up mommy you can't get us in here player you don't know who you've locked yourselves in with please keep baby long neck safe what does she mean by that yeah bunzo you're not dangerous right of course not bunzo is totally normal you got nothing to worry about right well talking about yourself in third person doesn't exactly help your case now whose birthday is it not mine me neither it has to be someone cuz i'm here and i'm the birthday bunny and i it has to be gotta i don't know what to tell you pal i'm getting a bad feeling about this guy yeah we're just gonna skedaddle [Music] you guys don't seem to understand i'm not locked in here with you you're locked in here with me [Laughter] you can't get away from me little ones [Music] nice one baby long legs no no no not fair let's get out of here where'd you know over here to the wacko lucky game come here you two the bunzo still has to blow out your candles for good oh no somebody shut off the entrance it's a dead end make a wish no one hurts my little boy [Music] i think we're safe for now cool so now we just have to get that train back on are you sure you can do that i'm a pretty tech savvy guy i bet i can figure it out easy peasy wow that sure looks complex i can't believe you know how to work this stuff i'd be totally lost yeah i uh totally do so just uh shut up and let me work hello new playtime co-employee this video will help you learn the basics of the control room here at the game station including how to turn on the power to the train choo choo oh thank god i know you're in there player give me the baby long legs and i'll make your death quick and ready to be painless not exactly an attractive offer mommy but before we get to that let's start with a quick 45-minute hr mandated safety regulation seminar you gotta be kidding me what are you doing uh-oh the evil giant spider crawled down the massive and [Laughter] eureka before mommy gets here i'm sorry player i'm not going with you what why my place is here i know she's attacked you at least a dozen times but mommy longlegs is my family she loves me and i love her but then why did you come along with me this whole time i had to make sure you got away she would have killed you otherwise mommy will do anything to protect me goodbye for now players [Music] you
Channel: GameToons
Views: 7,771,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EU_wBzBal8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 33sec (3933 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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