BIRTH to DEATH of PLAYER... (Cartoon Animation)

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okay easy goes it gotcha i could have shaved myself with my grab pack hands you know why do you two want to meet in a ventilation shaft anyway it's not the vent that's important it's where it leads hello anyone in here needs saving screaming pain if you can hear me huh i'm not seeing anyone who sent the note saying someone was in trouble we don't know it was anonymous i'll answer that mystery it was me the ceo yes i had a favor to ask you and that seemed like the easiest way to get your attention no man was there even anyone who needed saving of course there was him but it can't be who is that that's blair back before he was turned into a toy yes this poor boy is in danger you see he lost his human body and only i have the way to return it what this here is one of the rarest potions in the factory in fact it's the only one in existence and it's the only potion with the power to turn you human again no way very much yes way player i'll give you this potion if you do a tiny favor for me i have the need for this small microchip if you get it for me the potion is yours simple as that however you only have one hour don't make it back in time and i destroy the potion and you stay a toy forever good luck [Music] can this be real me human again is it really possible so boyer was turned into a toy yup while back he was a regular boy then he fell into the make a friend machine he's looked like this ever since we tried to figure out how to reverse the transformation but all our experiments proved it was too dangerous wow the same thing happened to me i used to be a nice lady then i was turned into a toy monster when i came to this factory looking for my boyfriend turns out he's also been turned into a toy monster boy people around here really have bad luck about turning into toys that's it player i know just how you feel if you have a chance to become human again then i'll do everything in my power to help you thanks kissy wait why did we go through the dusty event when there is a perfectly good door right here i thought you guys liked vents right guys over here i found the chip we've got it i'm going to be human no i've got you almost got it you might want to hurry up that alarm noise could attract anyone almost there run i'll hold her back are you sure player needs to get that potion i told you guys i'd do anything to help what are we gonna do we have to save kissy we can't go back now i'm running out of time don't worry guys i'm [Music] fine got to get this chip to the ceo are you kidding kissing needs medical attention but time's running out her time may be running out look i need to do this why because because why because i don't want to be a stupid toy anymore do you think i am a stupid toy that's not what i meant i i i've got to go [Music] they'll understand i just need to get this chip back in time come on hurry up uh well at least i'm in a nice elevator instead of a gross vent come on you a players right into my mouth let me off let me off [Applause] let him go and why should i do that because because he's got a chance to be human again human i remember when i was human before they turned me into this fine i'll let you go this one time oh become human you'll be tastier like that anyway uh thanks poppy why did you save me well maybe a jerk sometimes but you're still my friend if this is important to you i'm going to help now get in that office before the timer runs out ten nine eight wow i genuinely thought he was going to make it you jerkly i've got your dumb microchip wonderful now eat it eat it why well there's one other part of the arrangement that i forgot to mention you see i've grown fairly tired of you ruining my schemes i keep trying to have you killed and frankly it's doing a number on office productivity but i'm a fair man i'll let you turn human again with my potion however once you do you must leave this factory and never ever return what that microchip is a little insurance policy it's a targeting beacon for my security lasers after you've swallowed it you'll never be able to come back if you try these lasers will fry you before you even cross the threshold so do we have a deal leave the factory forever what are you going to do [Music] no deal what have you gone insane there are still so many people in this factory that need my help so many other people have turned into toys sure some of them have tried to kill me but a lot of them are my best friends and they deserve all my help i'm not saving myself until i can save all of them ah suit yourself laser guns fire at will get rid of [Music] stupid targeting system shoot the toys the toys ring don't worry i'll catch you [Music] i told you i could do it wait why aren't you human the potion was destroyed that's okay if it could be made once it can be made again besides i have a lot of really great friends in this factory and you know what it's not so bad being a stupid toy [Music] give up ceo i've gotten through all your traps i got past your security guards your lava pit and your swarm of huggy wookies now release kissy missy i'll admit you've been particularly impressive today but i'm afraid i've got one last trap up my sleeve will son [Music] you can save kissy missy you just have to go through that player it's impossible just leave me no if there's one thing you should know about me it's that i always find a way let's see i just gotta divide the arc of the blade times the speed of the wind plus the circumference of the room and of course booyah hold on that doesn't count a bomb was supposed to go off at the end you need to go back and do it that again incredible what'd i say i always find a player here's the last bomb oh no that conveyor belt leads to the trash compactor i have to save him i i i did it i actually won [Music] no [Music] and that was the last thing player ever did come to save me i still can't believe this is happening he said he'd always find a way sometimes i still believe he will poor player [Music] does it feel real our next speaker sharing memories about player will be brawn i've never been good at speeches only jokes so here in honor of player is a funeral stand up routine knock knock who's tired not player anymore [Music] well we don't have player at least we have his grab pack hopefully that will help us remember him oh it'll help you remember all right and much much more well i suppose it's time to wake up the man of the hour ah i'm up i'm up huh this place is a little dirtier than i expected heaven to be hello player ah this can't be have enough prototype this year of course not idiots you're not dead i'm not i'd never kill you when i could use you to help me build an army of mind-controlled minions [Music] i've created a special toxin once someone breathes it in they become a brainwashed zombie unable to do anything except follow my bidding i just needed an event to release the toxin at an that's my funeral huh pretty good crowd it's a great crowd for some reason all the morons in this factory like you which makes your funeral the perfect excuse to bring them all together that's why i faked your death it was i who made the vital explosion go off after that i secretly removed your body before the trash compactor crushed it then i attached a bomb to your grab pack a bomb yes and once it goes off it's touching time baby now if you'll excuse me i have to go give my first orders to my soon-to-be zombie minions oh no that thing's going to blow in 10 minutes and now bunzo has prepared a 20-minute poem about player bunzo no if i don't get out of here my friends are doomed [Music] there dang it's too high what's that music it sounds like a party come on wilson loosen up players dead players finally dented oh right wilson why aren't you dancing i finally destroyed player it's a party hey can you hear me it's player player but you're supposed to be dead yeah there's actually a funny story about that oh no play as a ghost i'm terrified of ghosts but sir don't you spend every day working in a factory filled with frightening monsters yeah wilson monsters not ghosts they're very different hmm the ceo is afraid of ghosts maybe i can use this uh yeah i'm a ghost oh ooh and whatnot i'm angry that you killed me so now i'm gonna haunt you forever not if i have anything to say about it [Music] wait sir quiet you imbecile i've got the poltergeist to vanquish player player skin so yellow boy you were a real nice fellow stop oh hi liar how is this possible [Music] it's a long story but here are the important parts i'm not dead and also this is a bomb [Music] don't worry guys i just need to get this thing out of you here i didn't plan for you to make elastic and rescue now you're trapped you're just like them oh here they're sealed shut don't panic remember i always find a way come on think think there's gotta be some way to blast out of here that's it brian lift me up to that vent but player some of us are too big to crawl through there just do it [Music] mr ceo it's me the ghost of player back again huh i thought i killed you if you want to eat me for good you're gonna have to blow up the factory chapel with pleasure sir i'm not so sure about it you heard the ghost wake [Music] booyah wait no [Music] you did it blaire you saved us i told you i always find a way wow this is one creepy area of the factory why did kissy missy want to meet me here hello oh hey kissy missy thank gosh you're here i was starting to think something bad was gonna happen oh no something great is going to happen just walk a little bit closer i can do that by the way did you do something different with your fur it looks a little more purple than usual claire wait that's weird that mirror makes you look far away it doesn't show me in it or that knife wait a knife step back kissy missy it's my time to shine it can't be is it really you who who is this oh that's that's my twin sister you took everything from me kissy missy now i'm gonna do the same to you oh no oh no no no my hair's in a lot of trouble hmm something smells like a campfire kissy missy help for the last time i'm not kissing missy i'm her sister lovey-dovey i'm sick of people confusing us well you were the one who sent it no pretending to be her i had to to get my sweet revenge revenge for what ever since we were born people always said we were identical twins there was nothing really identical about us missy was better at everything than me she was better at school oh teacher wants to see me after class me too she was better at sports i finally made it good job only three more laps to go [Music] she was even better at theater for our production of romeo and juliet the role of juliet will be played by our favorite student missy it was like that my whole life no one would notice me with missy around by the time we got older i couldn't take it anymore i didn't even want to be around her missy always offered me rides to work but i took the bus instead it was on that bus that i first saw him huggard hugh said he was the most handsome man i'd ever seen normally i'd never have the courage to ask a man out because i knew he'd pass me over for missy but my sister wasn't there this was my chance [Music] um excuse me i was wondering would you love it you dope you left your stomach pills at home you know your stomach pills for your terrible gas problem missy this is a bad time well it'll be an even worse time if you don't take your gas problem pills hello there hello yourself what's your name i'm huggard wuxen i work at the toy factory what a coincidence i love to play with they were toys and girlfriend before the bus had even left the block once again my perfect sister had taken everything i wanted and it remained like that for months you need to help me hugert has gone missing have you heard from him at all my hoggard is in trouble i know it i have to do something but she never came back days passed and missy still hadn't come home after a while though i realized that this could be a good thing with my sister gone people might finally notice me finally i get the attention i deserved not my sister we're here on day three of the missing missy crisis the disappearance of our town's most popular woman we here at channel 4 promise not to stop talking about missy until she is found i couldn't believe it somehow missy was getting even more attention than ever even in her absence my sister was everywhere i didn't leave my house for weeks i couldn't take it then one day mercy had sent me a package when i looked inside there was only a doll the tag said playtime co of course the factory where hungered worked missy had run off with him and this doll was her way of bragging to me she got the man i wanted and she had him all to herself i couldn't let her keep doing this she ruined my life so i was going to ruin hers i went to the factory that night my plan was simple i find huggered pretend to be missy and steal him away but when i look for records to show where they were i learned the shocking truth they've both been turned into toys if missy was a toy there'd be a way to pretend to be her so i turned myself into a toy honestly it hurt a lot but it was worth it because now i'm here with you my beloved hogart wait what i'm sorry i had to capture you i just needed to make sure you stayed still while i explained myself now we can be together forever uh that's a cool story and all but i'm not huggered what no but i saw you and missy on a date together oh that must have been when we both got josh with his love potion it was a whole wacky thing funny in hindsight though but i'm not huggard wuxen my name's player no no no she filed me again that's it if i can't destroy her relationship then i'll just destroy everything lovey-dovey stop that thing's gonna blow i don't care i do oh great it's my perfect sister he had to cry because i messed up again i don't brag then why did you send me this doll lovey did you ever pull the pull string pull string lovey it's your sister huggart and i are trapped at the factory and i don't know if we'll ever get out i need you to stay away from here because it's too dangerous go live a good life without us see i wasn't trying to ruin your life i was trying to save it because you're my sister and no matter what there's no one i'd rather be identical to than you messy what am i doing uh guys [Music] missy i'm sorry i tried to kill you and i'm sorry i thought this guy was your boyfriend you know sis since that isn't huggy it means he's single oh really can someone please untie me stop running player i hate it when my dinner gets all sweaty [Music] oh no there's no exit it's a dead end bingo okay i just need to find the lifts power button and i'm out of here what are you kidding me there you are come on come on it's gotta be one of these stupid buttons i finally caught you player i've been waiting for this moment for so long [Applause] [Music] it worked i wonder what machine i turned on baby mode uh-oh you didn't do what i think you did did you uh maybe hello mommy hello daddy is that what you think i did oh this can't get any worse mommy long legs i got the flowers for date long legs it's not what you think yeah this isn't anything serious me hungry you made a baby with the love of my life okay well when you put it like that it does sound a little serious something similar happened with huggy wookie and it did not go well if i combine my plastic dna with the kissy missy mold allow me to introduce your son kissy player junior [Music] i'll destroy you player you have that thing [Applause] stop i won't let you hurt an innocent little spider even if it is half an idiot hey don't say that about yourself oh wait you were talking about me weren't you dang sorry but that abomination must be destroyed and you're gonna have to go through me yes this is just what we need didn't we already try this with player and kissy missy i made some alterations now all babies created by the maker friend machine are designed to grow up into adulthood rapidly once the baby reaches full size the mommy long legs dna will kick in and he'll devour player but what if players dna makes the baby grow up to be good you fool mommy longlegs is much bigger than player so she'll have given more dear day uh i don't think that's how parenthood works [Music] [Music] gosh what am i doing mommy we shouldn't be fighting each other it's player who got us in this mess we should be working together to get him you're right we'll split up and each go after him but you have to promise that you won't touch a hair on that little one's head i promise because i don't need to touch his hair in order to destroy that little twerp for good [Music] why do you feel heavier it's almost like you're already growing me hungry we'll get you food soon i just need to find a way out there yikes this bridge isn't too sturdy i'll get you food soon we're almost there hello player give me the baby if i do you'll kill me oh trust me i'm going to kill you either way no baby [Music] oh my god i get it how do you even feel heavier already [Music] why do you always make this so hard [Music] baby what are you doing way to go for that you definitely get a treat hey you might want to slow down there i take that back speed up speed up that way nope nope the other way the other way there we go we're almost to safety i don't think so no now i've got you i had a perfect life with mommy longlegs until the two of you ruined it now i'm going to destroy both of you please mr longlegs if you're gonna attack someone go after me but let baby play your long legs go i'm sorry player but the baby needs to be destroyed if life will ever go back to normal for me wait where's the baby look at that i'm growing up now i'm still so hungry yes yes now his evil dna will take over player is done for i'm not so sure [Music] it looks like you've come to your spider senses baby how about we take on player together huh i've had enough of this [Applause] [Music] what no i knew it dna doesn't decide if you're good or evil you learn from the way people treat you shut up you idiot hey look at that i'm pretty strong growing up [Music] did you really think a little growth spurt would make you powerful enough to take on your old man you can't beat me alone hello darling i was just uh i know what you were doing you broke your promise come on mommy be reasonable we don't need this little brat let's take him out and go back to the way things were i don't think so yes yes they did it they did it oh you're gonna shock me aren't you oh yes come on come on hello player ready to take a dip kissy missy please you don't need to do this i know the real you is inside there somewhere oh hi player what are you doing in that cage you put me here i did that doesn't sound like me it all started this morning the first time someone tried to kill me today where did you two run off too you're making me work up quite the appetite hurry kissy missy we gotta break out now mommy's almost here it's no use our web is too strong oh god it's so sticky there you are a little stuck far away wait player hold on i almost got it why you little see that the perfect escape what is this place i've never been here me neither and i've been chased all over the place temco secret experimental technology lab huh it probably shouldn't touch anything here look a huge tv i'm gonna take it player some of this stuff could be dangerous oh wow look at this gorgeous choker looks good doesn't it and it comes with a remote no you goof that's for my sweet new tv now let's take all this stuff back to your place [Music] where have you been i was worried sick oh someone tried to eat us but forget that the important thing is new tv all right we should have a movie night great idea you set up the tv and player and i will make some food all set now i just need to turn it on perfect hey kissy can you give me a knife sure player i can give you a knife what did you say uh kissy missy it's not working i said sure player i can give you a knife okay just bring it over weird maybe i just need to press it harder [Music] there you go huggy kissy's gone insane she's trying to kill me oh player not everyone in this factory wants to kill you just slop of the people now come on let's watch a movie are you enjoying the movie player yeah yeah it's fine can you turn the volume down it's pretty loud oh i should check the dessert boy this remote is busted what remote this one the one you brought for the tv wait a minute of course that's what's doing it hooky quick give me that remote oh i see what's going on here you think you're better at pressing buttons than i am well i'll have you know that i'm great at pressing buttons i've been pressing buttons since before you were sparkling your pappy's eyeballs like you press buttons hard i can press button i can press fast forward kind of slow hey i'm one of the best button dressers i know uggy what do not press that button anymore well all right the darn things broke anyway [Music] oh man i've almost missed the best part so then you brought me out here locked me in the cage and got ready to push me to my death oh player i'm so sorry i'll take off this horrible caller and we'll never have to worry about it again great let's just hope no one presses that remote again and the remote just won't work hmm have you tried pressing the button a bunch i did but i guess it couldn't hurt to try again [Music] oh come on here let me try no you're not doing it right let's try it together hurry kissy take off the collar now you did it sorry bro i think that thing's busted what was that i'm not sure it's got control of my hand [Music] kissy missy you saved me come on hand you don't want to let us all fall do you play we're about to drop oh no kiss he hates it when i don't clean up [Music] [Music] too bad that was a really nice color on me well at least it's all over well how about that the tv's real remote has been here the whole time [Music] help please someone come help me poppy where are you don't worry i'm on my way oh that's not great poppy keep our factory clean by disposing of trash in the nearest specified waste receptacle what it's just a recording but who would set up the megaphone so i could hear it a gas mask hello is anyone down here remember to keep your workstation sanitary and write down any please don't kill me [Music] i'm not going to kill you the gas will yes huh nice try bite but i've got a gas mask right here a gas mask with a crack in it uh can masks with cracks in them protect you from gas wait yes phew dratz he's getting away wait were you the one that lured player down into the basement of course i was wilson it's taken years but i finally found that miserable masked cretan and now i'm using him to get rid of player for good it's a foolproof plan you say that phrase a lot for someone who always seems to lose shut up you imbecile oh great a spooky abandoned orphanage just where i wanted to go okay i just gotta wait him out until i can escape stupid gas mask a lot of help you were what the a note weird if you're reading the snout it means i'm already dead or worse well that's a heck of an opening line might as well keep reading for now maybe i can learn its weakness or something it all started when i began working at the factory before that i was dealing with all sorts of money issues i made a lot of bad choices early in my life that put me in a lot of debt i've been hired to work as a security guard specifically i'd be helping out in the orphanage on the factory grounds this is our play care program it was really important to the company's founder we had big plans for this place and now we have even bigger plans what's that nothing enjoy your work it was a fine job and today a playtime call was never born but then one day mister do you want to play with us what oh i don't know if i should oh come on we need one more person so we can have even teams oh all right the children and i always had so much fun we played board games built block towers even play dress-up i'm the king everyone in the kingdom has to obey me oh yeah well i'm the wizard i can do spells are they paying you to do spells magic man oh hey daisy i was just messing around don't worry i won't tell why are you taking those xavier wanted my rarest flowers to use in some experiments not sure what i don't ask questions i just grow experiments oh no that monster must have been one of the experiments and i must have killed the guy who wrote this and now it's here to kill me gotta hide bingo [Music] phew better wait here until he's gone might as well keep reading hey boss i was wondering what kind of experiments you doing here oh were you well why don't i show you what do you think of this rat toy ah it's cool i guess the best part i made it out of a real rat what how i've perfected a way to turn living things into toys soon playtime will have the most advanced dolls ever especially when i move on to human testing what human would ever let you test that on them oh i have some ideas and that's when i realized what his big plans for the orphanage were that night i crept down to the lab i had to stop xavier any way i could i started pulling wire ripping up top secret documents dumping out all their toxic chemicals unfortunately he'd seen this coming so you thought you could stop my experiments huh i won't let you perform these sick tests on these kids i was never going to test them children are this company's main customers you're our primary subject so long monster man i hope he makes it out okay he didn't that leads upstairs ugh what a perfect time to lose my crab pack wait stop you don't want to do this please don't kill me mister security wait a minute you didn't kill the guard you are the guard it's gaining on me i'm a goner [Music] wait no a mask there's got to be something else in here i can use there there's no way this blocks everything but it's the best chance i got wait i know you're not a bad guy they did this to you i'm just a kid stuck in this factory same as all the kids you used to protect [Music] i just need your help [Music] oh what are you doing throw me the pit of toxic gas destroy him wow it looks like deep down that security guard still wants to help people you gotta respect that i'll find a way to come back for you okay i'll save you mommy longlegs what do you see in front of you [Music] player and how do you feel about player oh that miserable goodie two shoes i want to rip his head off and drink his blood eat him he's just so cute that's what i thought dear player meet me in the cafeteria love your secret admirer well i'm here time to see who my secret admirer is hello lover boy i take it back being single isn't that bad come on player oh i just want to hug you and tell you first now wilson we've experimented with love potions before first we made kissy missy fall in love with player hoping huggy woggy would get jealous and kill him then we let mommy longlegs fall in love with player in hope that daddy long length would kill him somehow players survived both times so what do you think we do next maybe give the guy a break oh this time give you a kiss we try both experiments at once kissy this isn't you you've been dosed by the love potion again i know isn't it romantic ah you've gone head over heels for me and now you've just gone oh player we're going to be so happy together i'm not going to let you out of my sight ever player again oh you shouldn't have [Music] you really shouldn't have played her where are you okay i'll just hide in here until this all blows over so you're the guy trying to steal our girlfriends again guys i can explain get him player player oh honey if you liked playing hide and go seek on dates you should have just told me oh hello mommy longlegs thank you missy what are you looking for my boyfriend his name is player oh that's funny i'm looking for my boyfriend his name is also player he's mine you sketchy jerk you wish furball player oh baby i'm coming yes with all this chaos going on someone's got to destroy player well yeah but they might bring the whole factory down with them eh it's in short we're gonna flatten you just like you flattened our hearts guys i'm not trying to steal your girlfriends likely story your name literally is player listen the ceo must have gotten them with the love serum again if we work together we can make an antidote and why should we help you [Music] because if you don't the women you love are going to kill each other fair point [Music] layer oh there you are i'll be down in a second and this loser will be down a whole lot faster no better get started on that antidote thank you you're ready for the kiss of death when i'm done with you i'm gonna use your long legs to floss my teeth it's go time you're dead there the serum's ready now we just need to fill it with hate hate yeah to counteract a love potion we need to make a hate potion so tell me what are things you hate i can't think about hate right now all i can think about is how much i love kissy she's so smart and brave i feel the same way about mommy longlegs she's the fiercest woman i know and those long legs they go all the way from here to there and then they keep going they're very long legs oh come on i'm risking my life to help you too and all you can do is talk about how great your girlfriends are i hate this so much perfect it's ready [Music] i'm gonna get you you wish hey mommy longlegs yeah do you think it's weird that we've been fighting for hours over some dumb guy you know i did think it was weird then i remembered that dumb guy was player and it all became worth it good point i love player no i do i do ladies please stop wait he's almost there just a few more steps before we talk i brought a drink so we can all do a toast to love just let me oh oh i'm tired of waiting player admit you love me more no he loves me more well you're gonna rip me in half who cares because of your clumsiness we'll never get the woman we love back that's it frankie daddy longlegs say all that stuff that you told me in the lab the stuff about how much i love kissy yeah well i was just saying that she's the best part of my life then every moment with her brightens up my day it does and i was just saying how mommy longlace is the best person or killer toy monster i've ever met i am do you hear them fight the love motion it's them you're supposed to love huggy daddy [Music] what happened they were supposed to be under the influence of our serum it may be so sir but no matter what chemical concoction we come up with it will never be as strong as true love hey let me go someone anyone no one is coming to save you player they couldn't even if they wanted to their nature prevents it you're wrong i have lots of friends here they'll come and rescue me that's where you're wrong they're not your friends not before not now they're monsters that's what this place does to people it turns them into monsters and so i'm gonna let your inner monster come out hey what are you doing stop no we'll do this together i'm i'm alive oh i feel kind of woozy but i also feel good player there you are i've been looking everywhere for you a flamethrower huh yeah this'll do hello earth the player are you listening to me you know it's fitting that you'd be the first to go hey what's gotten into you you sound different this place it's infected run to the core i realize that now you you're just a symptom player you're scaring me yeah someone help players gone crazy good call them all bring them to me so that i can destroy them players step out of they get back here beautiful isn't it do you have any idea who i am unbind me at once i know all about you mr ceo and believe me you're in no position to be making demands you may have been in control of this place once but i'm running the show now you're just a madman with a crutch that's where you're wrong i have a vision a vision for the future and you my friend you have a front row seat player will destroy your creations your life's work and only after i make you watch your empire fall will i allow you the sweet release of death and i thought i was evil you are evil everyone here is i'm like this because of you can't you see that i'm not even the one who made you into whatever you are now not directly no but she funded the man who did unfortunately that idiot got himself eaten before i got the chance to kill him myself so you'll have to suffice the show's starting back up we don't want to miss the best part oh no something's wrong with player i gotta go find him and save the others hmm he couldn't have gone far player can you help me find my mommy these hallways can get so confusing of course i can baby longlegs don't worry i'll take care of you and after i do you and your mommy will be together forever stay away from him mommy longlegs i should have known you were slinking around here so you finally decided to show your true colors threatening my precious spider sand with the with uh is that a flame thrower he sure is you know it's funny before all this i had a family too a mom a dad a sister she was always afraid of spiders my sister when she saw one in her room she'd call me in freaking out shouting kill it kill it i would always just let them go outside but now now i know there's only one way to get rid of a pesky spider to kill it with fire yes yes or more flames burn it down burn it all mommy i'm scared what happened to player i don't know but we need to get far away from him he was dangerous before but no she's absolutely lost it what are we going to do in here hmm now where they sneak off to don't worry baby huggies got you thanks huggy what is this place the furnace this is where toys die in playtime co or at the very least become forgotten kelly willy what are you doing down here wait your fur did player burn you too player i haven't seen him in a long long time but he's the reason i'm stuck in this eternal torment going through one furnace ignition after another it's melted me to my core and yet hate still keeps me alive well trust me he's only gotten worse since you've seen him he started attacking me with a giant flamethrower out of nowhere plus he's wearing this really creepy looking mask now a mask you say like a gas mask yeah why what are you laughing at mister i just realized whose game you're all playing you know who's behind all this oh another one of xavier's twisted experiments like you i call him simply the masked man there you are poor huggy you don't realize what's about to happen to you by gathering here you made my job a whole lot easier no he's going to activate the furnace oh yeah don't do this please you're a good person i know you are no i'm a monster you're all monsters and as monsters we need to be destroyed player it's the mask it's controlling your action somehow fight it i can't [Music] poppy no get off of me i won't let you take it from me you got this use those tiny arms i said get off oh wait what's going on why are you guys all standing in the furnace player just to have your back player now [Music] oh you think this is funny do you i suppose it is but what's funnier is what comes next [Music] it's clear to me that i can't rely on others to do my dirty work no i alone have to wipe the slate clean by burning it all down
Channel: GameToons
Views: 6,407,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eheWaVQBERo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 3sec (3963 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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