RAID 5 vs SHR Test - Performance Comparison

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to continue our look at SHR versus traditional raid we've already looked at the read/write speed and upload and download and aria raid reconfiguration speeds when comparing these two redundant arrays but today we're going to look at this raid 5 configuration here on my right and this SI child configuration on my left and we're going to look at the performance differences between them and then we're going to action a critical event we're gonna pull a drive from both of them live and then see what happens when we try to interact with the storage or what kind of speeds we're looking at because in theory we should still be able to access the data you to utilizing the parity and therefore the read and write speeds will be dictated by the CPU inside that nas but also the rate configuration we choose to use so what I'm going to do is Michael I over to the screen which is presumably somewhere around a pool in front of you and then I'm going to start doing some tests so here on the screen on the left here we've got that raid 5 in operation then again all that storage or I think there's a little bit more data on this raid 5 but again it won't make a huge amount of difference to this test they're near enough identical I think the difference there was some bytes and surveillance operations that were being conducted on the site and I think that has left the device with a little bit more storage on there so don't worry too much about that slight difference there it's so small it won't make a difference so first things first between the two of them let's check and this is going to be very very small check here we're just going to see what the reading right difference is between them between raid 5 and SHR if we upload a bunch of files so again we'll go to my will go to 10g test files or both of them once again we are just going to chuck some files in this and I'll recorded stuff and this is ten point six bigger files which I'm now going to upload to both naz's together what we'll do is we'll get a clock ready as well reset that clock from last time my god that writer and for those who didn't see last time the raid reconfiguration of turning a raid 1 into a raid 5 versus adding a drive to shr this was the result the time difference between them the SHR was finished well I think it was at 90 something percent something very close ninety nine point seven seven there when we took this picture whereas traditional rate was still only forty two percent complete but lack for the other videos but for now what we're going to do is we're going to get our club getting ready to start it and I'm going to start chucking these files over to each nurse respectively so there's ten point six Peaks there and ten point six key there we're not really gonna need the clock so we've got the notification but we're gonna leave it there anyway just so we've got something to focus on there in between the two of them we're gonna ditch that and we're gonna leave both of these open again this I don't know if this will be far worse his file one could argue the fact that I've started one as first might make all the difference but I don't think it will in a network setting we are connected via a pretty good switch here and it will be well distributed but between the two of them in theory there should be almost no difference at all and then afterwards we're going to do a test where we're going to copy these files into a new directory on the NAS just to see which one can build the new directory quicker in theory it should be absolutely the same but for those out there that do wonder about the performance differences internally and externally between a raid 5 and an SHR this video should be of some use to you but again we're seeing very similar speeds there I'm not going to say there's much difference between them they're much of a muchness and we're gonna let that complete while it sends all of those files over and now as we go to the closing stages we can see that they've again still maintained that pretty much neck and neck speed there and if you look at the minor difference between the one it was between copying the files on to the first node and then the second you can see that the differences between SHR and raid 5 in this test show that they're both got the same upload speeds and write speeds to those individual Nazz it's so next up we're going to now make a complete clone of those files within each of them so again on each mass what I'm gonna do is copy all of those files or about the clicking there for those that listening as you can see where we've created it 10.6 kick off data there so we'll do is we'll copy that internally then same goes for the second unit same thing again I'm sorry about the annoying clicking noise it is super annoying from my side as well from there ten point six three again we'll start the clock now and on both of these now's is what we're going to do is create a brand new folder to copy that data into same on that side and now we're going to do a copy internal action to see which one can do it quicker so once again we're going to see both of these two devices now creating a clone of this data internally so get about ten gig and it is duplicate files that are already on the NAT so in theory it shouldn't take too long we can see the read and write speeds displayed on screen but again that number is going to fluctuate wildly due to the density of these files so we're not going to be able to rely too much on the read and write speed there the time difference between them is again so small as if to make not much of a difference and given the both of these devices are doing their read and write procedure separately that means there is no network intervention here whatsoever and so while this is being done weakens again clearly see that both of these devices are working of pretty much the same speed the left one every time it leaps up fifty 8.17 the other dies the other device respectively goes up fifty eight as well we are seeing the tiniest and I really do mean tiniest pinch of extra speed in the raid but again we are talking second less than two seconds here so I'm not gonna count I'm gonna call that an anomaly and maybe the file that's being handled is slightly different the default type obviously they deal with the same files overall but right now I'm not going to give any advantage to ride or SHR in this test it's clear that they're both run at the same speed that said the SH are suddenly taken a little bit of a lead and now it's lost it so differently the weights handling the files are in a different order they're in the background as well but the SHR manage to get ahead which is quite impressive actually finished a fraction quicker than its contemporary so now we're going to move on to the last part of this test namely the drive poll I'm gonna pull a drive from both of these devices and on both of their respective screens you're probably going to see them come up with an alert to say a drive has been removed so the same time as this I'm going to try and put the resource monitor on both of these devices so now you'll be able to see just how hard they're working so we're gonna get real that we're gonna get the resource monitor open same thing goes for this bad boy over here we're gonna pop that there then you get the resource motor open we're gonna close the storage manager because we don't need that and what we want to look at mainly here you want to look at is the CPU and the disk everything else obviously the memory is going to be quite useful we're not going to see as much there as we will from the others so turnout I'm now going to I don't know if this is on screen right now who knows but I'll smile for the camera and I'm going to pull the drive out of both of these devices I'm going to go for the drive bay closest to the usb on both for them three two one now both of them of the day drive completely removed from one of the bays in the raid environment and we're going to see how these two devices react to this kind of behavior there you go both beeping lot of Goodin so degraded mode is now being registered on both of these devices and what that means to say is that both of them are now waiting for attention and they will continue to be rather annoyingly so I'm sorry about that guys we can't acknowledge this alert tonight they're letting us know they drive needs to be attended here so again once again I am sorry about that big guys but for now what we're gonna do is we are now going to write more data onto both of these devices so on both of these devices we're gonna go into the robot test folder from a previous video and again we're going to copy the same data on to both of them and we're going to see how well the device does it this time because again we're still writing data I still write day to these devices and we're going to see how long it takes them and which one does it quicker so again we're gonna put that's a bit late for the clock we're going to do it anyway and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fast-forward to see which one transfers these files quicker on to the degraded volume even though it's lost one hard drive in the redundant raid array [Music] and here we come towards the last file and straight away what we can see is that both of them have maintained exactly the same speeds so I'm going to do one more test I'm just going to quickly get that beeping muted sorry about that guys and we'll move on to the last test our final test is going to be downloading data from the nads itself both of them they've still got their degradation it did raid status if we go to the storage manager of both of them we can see the both of them have suffered that drive failure that we tossed earlier so I'm going to download some data now and what we can do is we can download let's go with how big is this father Tindouf are looking waiting big right now we're looking at the Autobot test that's Tinky so let's download the a foe bot test folder from both of these masses and see what kind of speeds were going to be getting so without further ado let's download there and let's download there oh we can have a look at the bottom left there because obviously when you download from an ass the zip is what you see and straightaway I think we're seeing now is that the raid is definitely giving us the raid 5 configuration is giving us better speeds to download from directly once again the fact that it was done first might make a difference but there's definitely a big old jump between these two in terms of that download speed and that gap is only getting larger I do think I mean a 10 gig can I reckon we're gonna see a difference of about 15 to 30 seconds so it's not the end of the world but once you start dealing with bigger quantities than 10g because remember this was around ten point six gig overall I think we are still seeing a slight increase there from the raid 5 over the sh r now we've already done a test already about reintroducing a drive into a raid environment after a failure and getting the raid rebuild so we're not going to do that with these two here but while this does this I will say that if you guys have got any recommendations any queries we're testing you want to see between SHR and ready to do let me know I'll put it in other videos in the meantime I'm also going to do is some black magic speed test and I will say that both of these devices even with the degraded raid did give pretty good performance figures with regard to the black magic speed test if I open up here in the background and we choose one of these two devices so we'll go for Z Z was the rate configuration with Y being the sh r configuration again we're probably not going to get great numbers while we're doing this download but if we do a black magic speed test there of the raid box what we're seeing there straight away is the read and write speeds that we would expect we're seeing here a write speed of about hundred and for the read has definitely suffered I should say I'll correct myself there the read has suffered quite substantially from the knife but again that might be because we're downloading so what were there to do another test of the other Nass but right now we're looking at over a hundred Meg's for right and somewhere between 25 and 30 Meg's for that read so we'll stop that test and we'll trace the other mass while it's doing that other stuff in the background and for this one probably move that box over ever so slightly you can see the other one and for this one where you're going to go for the other that's the whiners do the same test right speed as originally singing around about 100 Meg's and the read speed there when we get that clocked up again somewhere between 25 and 30 it will creep up a little bit so again in many many regards there is no huge difference between choosing between raid and SHR in a typical environment what of course once you get to bigger storage volumes things do make a difference and if we do take a moment just to look at the performances cancel that read/write we can see how these two devices are performing because remember the raid problems still there in the background and once we introduce a new drive then we'll see some definite figures but we can see that network speeds are pretty much identical deal though we are seeing better upload there and even though it is still lagging a fraction behind the right with that DEP getting just a little bigger all the time not a lot but just a little but CPU utilization seems to be pretty consistent on the right where it's in SHR there has been a couple of spikes along the one a disk utilization if we have a look in theory these should be near enough identical but strangely they're not the spikes do change between the two of these two devices as well as the volume utilization and access not enough data to really make a call on that one but right now it doesn't like the ESO chart does work the pinch the tiniest bit harder but once again we're not really going to criticize it for that okay we're gonna leave that to complete and I'm gonna wrap this video up here thank you so much for watching hope you've enjoyed this I don't know where this video is going to end up as a two-part or just the one who knows but otherwise thank you so much watching make sure you buy your nails from the guys at spank on the experts do remember to learn about math at NASA compares comm what we review and check out as is all the time to let you know which is the best and finally if you've got a question send me a message via Twitter at Robi on the tube thanks for watching
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 20,340
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Id: I2zwZoORGiQ
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Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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