Synology DS3622xs+ vs DS3617xsII NAS Comparison - Worth it?

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hello and before we start today's video i just want to give you guys a quick reminder about the big giveaway at the end of the year 2021 where i'm going to be giving away a bunch of stuff that's been featured here on the channel big small and somewhere in between in order to enter all you've got to do is during the course of this video i will mention a christmas movie i'll try and subtly weave it into this dialogue and hopefully you guys will spot it don't get me wrong i know a lot of you are just going to go through the comments find it and go well i'm going to copy and paste what he put for the record a lot of you seem to be getting them wrong in the other videos so maybe double check before you go ahead and do that but once again if you do want to enter for the giveaway at the end of the year all you got to do during the course of this video i mentioned a christmas movie at some point all you got to do is run that in the comments of this video or if this video is being shared on a nas compares channel like the facebook or the blog or something like that stick it in the comments underneath that i will be able to see it nowhere else will count just those one entry per person and without that you know without the weight let's crack on with the video [Music] that is right today we are looking at the brand new synology ds3622 xs i think it's the third or fourth time we've talked about in the channel thus far and although we kind of all agreed we've all sat down and gone do you know what this is one of the best bloody nazis that's anonymous you've put out there we've got to at least accept that it's architecture bears striking similarity to its predecessor the ds-3617xs2 which had a two on the end we'll cover that at one point now big nasties like that old one or this one the three six two two xs plus are insane they are unquestionably the best out there and to have one of these in your office have one of them in your home doing all your stuff well it's a wonderful life let's be honest but it's not perfect there are things about it that may not be right for you you know it's size it's scale it's power it's sheer storage volume maybe way way way outside of the spectrum of your needs and if you are looking at the best desktop solution from synology you may already have a budget in mind what to spend so in today's video we're going to go through the main key differences between this the 362 xs plus and its predecessor which is hopefully sort of going to be on screen but given the size of this i'm not going to do my usual side-by-side graphics stuff the 3617xs2 these two nasties although very very similar have very important differences between them and one of the earliest important differences let's crack on early doors is that price normally in technology's architecture of releases in their portfolio when they refresh a new series with a new follow-up version be it desktop or rackmount you generally find that the price remains roughly the same you know adjusted for inflation adjust for market trends that sort of thing a two bay with an intel celeron processor two gig of memory and one gb on the rear is gonna be roughly the same sort of price all the way through the family lines with an increase somewhere of around three to five percent each generation of two to three years in the case of this device however its predecessor came out in two in the 2017 or 1617 window for them and it arrived and it's currently available for around 2 499 let's call it two and a half to be on the safe side now that price does fluctuate that's unpopulated and when it originally arrived it was a little bit more expensive than that and now the new units out there has to be said that the older generation unit now is seeing somewhat of a price relations there arriving in some places as low as 2 300 that sort of thing and that price is obviously as the new one remains in the public kind of visibility the old one event of that price is going to start dipping down a little lower and lower so what is that price difference the new unit the 3622 is arriving at 2 999 in most shops and again this isn't just amazon this is your bmhs this is down to your ebays if need be a lot of your on time retailers they've kind of got that static pricing it's quite new there's not a lot of flexibility of pricing so that's quite a lot of money given that this old unit is 500 cheaper at least on the high sticker rrp and once you look around you can actually get that difference to be about six close to seven hundred dollars between them so as we go through this comparison you gotta factor in that as we can as we look at all the things that are on this unit on on the previous unit that's kind of where your money's going even if you were to not tap in for that slight inflation price difference tech etc it's a big old jump so let's talk about one of the um internal big differences between them and this is an area of slight contention it's to do with the cpu this system uh both its predecessor and another unit arrive with an intel xeon it's an intel xeon inside the z on d series down the old unit factored in a quad core d1527 that um xeon processor there had 2.2 gigahertz clock speed per core it was a full core cpu and each of those call could be burst up to 2.7 it doesn't feature embedded graphics great uh background caching on that chip and handling fantastic file handling structure there from one gig uh one give you connectivity 10 as well um so all of that connectivity there is a high high quality level and handling of files as well as the handling of dsm itself being particularly good on the ds17 xs2 now the ds3622xs on the other hand it has a better cpu but whether you would call it an upgraded cpu is a matter for debate it has the same family cpu as eond 1531 it is 2.2 gigahertz it can be burst up to 2.7 but this is a six core processor so two extra calls it also has slight tweaks and improvements in the cash handling um but you know that's not an enormous jump they're both from the same family line both of these cpus arrived in you know the last quarter of 2015. they're server grade they're great server-grade cpus are still in circulation and synology you've clearly done a lot of r d on this chip to get the very best out of it for dsm and handling you can't you know there's no questioning that but still there's no enormous difference there so i don't think that cpu makes up the lion's share of the price difference now i think it's you know a decent little chunk but not all of it another big difference between this device and that of the older device before it i know you might like blinking you miss it is the memory they both arrive with 16 gig of ddr4 memory that can be upgraded up to a weird 48 gig because of the placement of some of the slots being near enough impossible to get to without dismantling this thing completely the new unit arrives with ecc memory error code correction or error correcting code memory this has creates an extra check sum during all data being passed through it that it compares against and therefore it file it heals data as it passes through it if any kind of corrupting takes place while being managed and handled by the memory of the cache so again that is a small small distinction but something that's knowledge already been rolling out a lot of their devices and i think it's a bigger deal than it gets a lot more credit for in a lot of places when people compare the older new generation units in the most recent 12-month 12-month refresh of a lot of those series of devices now i'm sure a number of you have already thought this but it's worth detailing for everyone else uh probably one of the biggest differences between this and the older unit is 10 gigabit this device has two 10g ports on the rear both copper based um 10g base t there this device arrives with an additional potential 2 000 megabytes per second external connectivity 2 gigabytes connectivity there and again the old unit had four 1gb ports this has got two tens two ones and a management port an out of band management port there that can be used as an additional line in for troubleshooting so extra little differences like that are genuinely appreciated by a lot of people that liked the old unit but even when it was released in the 2017 year a lot of people were kind of where's the 10g and synology always kind of held 10 gigabit ethernet at arm's length they had 10 gb nazis out there but the pre until 2020 the majority of their 10 gbe offerings were either super enterprise anyway and it was an expectation at that level or they arrived with an element of uh let's just say compromise in the cpu so some of them arriving with fairly low grade cpus although you had 10 gigabit ethernet connectivity externally you'd have to get some pretty good media to max those out with a processor that's kind of uh so again with that cpu and this 10gbe those are the big things that make up that price difference between them and this device in every other regard has got the same usb connectivity it's got the same expandability as the newer device device unit it's got the same pcie gen three times eight slot there and of course in the time that's passed between the release of these two units synology you've hammered it hammered it hammered it of the pcie upgrade cars that they have released they've released now they've you know dip monotone into 10 gbe with lots of 10 gigabit ethernet cords and single and dual port then you've got fiber channel cards after 25 gig dual port cards then your cash and cards your upgrade cards that allow you to add nvme ssd upgrade slots onto this something a lot of people kind of assumed would be built in anyway but okay then you've got combo cards like the ones behind me that allow you to have both 10gbe and m2 ssd caching inside then technology released their own and vietnamese then technology released their own hard drives their technology released their own this that and the other and again soldiers have changed a lot as a company since the release of the predecessor now one of those things is a reason that you might not go for the new unit because i think it's very i'm gonna you if i'm gonna put my yes minister hat on here and say it's a very courageous decision uh by synology here with their support of hard drive and ssd media on these devices for those who aren't aware these devices now from synology that enter into the business or enterprise level bracket they are all seemingly now arriving with a much more streamlined um compatibility so what that means is get that drive out of there is that the wrong drive did i put them in the bottom yeah i was doing the other drive um they have stated that these solutions are only compatible with and supporting synology's own hard drive media range currently at the time of recording available in 8 12 and 16 terabyte capacities do not be surprised if they launch an 18 tb very very soon because toshiba just released their mg9s um but a lot of users are having their feathers slightly ruffled by the idea of having such limited compatibility now bear in mind yes you're thinking to yourself well i'm just going to ignore them i'm going to stick in my own drives if you do non-technology drives inside this or at least drives are not on a compatibility list because there's a few exceptions what will happen is once you get log into dsm 7 which is a default on this you can't go 6.2 it will stop you from moving those drives into a storage pool you're not able to drag them over because they're not on their compatibility list synology have stated they're not going to support people using unsupported configurations now a lot of that is because they have tailored and geared their systems with in-house development which you know can be good for the industry a lot of people would also hear that and say no it sounds like you're trying to flog your own wares and again it's a hell of a tight rope to be like dabbling with there so if you are not in love with the idea of having drives that are locked to a certain brand or in this case to the very first party brand fair playtime they are good drives are there about in the past i'm just not sure i feel about the idea of kind of limited choice um if you're not in love with that the older generation unit does not have that kind of smaller supported capacity of drives by capacity i mean range of course um with that you can use wds you can use cigarettes you can use to achieve as you can use their own drives and their own drives are good you know firmware updates out coming out of the wazoo great performance a price point there's an um enterprise level driver a pro class price they are good drives it's just that restrictive choice then and remember both of these devices arrive with five years of manufacturers warranty which is great you know that's what i want if i'm an enterprise business user but it's also worth highlighting that if you buy the old unit right now if you did you know you you saw the three six uh one seven xs two brand new on sale from a you know a real retailer there with you know invoice receipt whatever that five year warranty still gonna count moving forward which means if you buy it in 2022 that warranty is gonna last until 2027 and again don't be surprised if three or four years if something does happen and again these are damn reliable devices but if something does happen that really necessitates replacement do not be surprised if sonology then go we haven't got any of the old one you're gonna have to have that brand new one yay bear in mind of course synology does support the migration of old drives so that's drives that are non-synology to be migrated over into the new device once you use the migration option you can use old drives in this system and not um result in your warranty be unsupported in that way but you have to use the migration tool in order to do it it's too restrictive not to so again the main differences between these two systems as we as we've outlined are that cpu which for me is more of a side grade than an upgrade it is the memory being ecc which i do really really like it is the inclusion of 10 gigabit ethernet massive tick from me and ultimately a device that can do more and if you are wrapping your business around dsm you're not just using it as idle no face backup storage this is a great choice nancy it is definitely one of my favorite answers of 2021 and i do recommend it so again go for this if you want the very best desktop experience from synology that's available right now consider the older generation device if you want all of that stuff you're not fussed about 10 gbe or are happy to upgrade later via pcie and you want to use your own drives but this has been what's the difference between the ds 362 xs plus and the ds3617xs2 i told you i'd say what it was that too by the way at the end i've made a video about it already it's simply that they changed the power supplier out for a newer more efficient model simple as that nothing more thank you so much for watching if you've enjoyed this click like if you want to learn more click subscribe in the bell to be notified i hate seagulls we got so close didn't we um and don't forget about that christmas um entry there into the comments for the giveaway thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NlkfgJLGeeU
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Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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