Overview & Performance Testing the QNAP TVS-h1288X Xeon ZFS NAS

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This is a truly great review of the TVS-h1288X.

I can only hope that you do a detailed review of the QNAP QHora 301 router when you get one, in the same detail that you just did here. (I hate those power point presentations - this review is a REAL review).

Bob Zelin

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BobZelin 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jeez.... I want one of these sooo badly.

But I only brought new TVS-1282 and TVS-473 about 4 months ago...I could sell these and buy a TVS-h1288X and TVS-973AX. But is ZFS really worth it?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fluffer_Wuffer 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] okay hi everyone um so my name is craig i'm the technical manager here at qnap normally you'll hear from my colleague uh tom but he's got a lot of building work happening outside the front of his house right now so rather than put all that audio through through to you guys um we're just going to jump straight in without a bit of an intro um please remember to ask questions throughout the sessions we're going to keep the session open at the end for any more questions that anybody has um so it's a live session not recorded so feel free to ask whenever you see something either on one of the slides or part of the live demo please just speak up we'll uh we'll try and um get to the question immediately for you if it's a question we just don't know the answer to we need to go ask somebody else one of the product managers perhaps we will get back to you after the session as well okay so today's session is about the enterprise desktop range and we're going to do a performance demo at the end so i'll show you how the the whole setup is at the end just what i've had to uh enable to try and drive the performance of the product we're going to demo because it's so high performance i've got a lot of different devices on here so that we can try to show you what it's capable of so first of all we'll have a bit of a refresh of something we've talked about in a past session which is our existing enterprise units that have been on sale now for a few months which is the tf-h-686 and the ts-h886 um so very very capable units um much smaller than the ones we're going to talk about today so the ones we'll we'll go through and demo today i've got a bit more on these ones but very capable you've got xeon cpus in here lots of mix of hard drives nvmes ssd base uh if we scroll through to the side you've got the m.2 bays that are in the side there gen 3x4 slots so nice and capable there to get the maximum out of any m.2 ssds that you've got and as you move through to the rear of the product you've got two uh gen three type eight pci slots and you've also got four two and a half gig ethernet ports on both which will also work at one gig or 100 meg as well a couple of usb ports just for any extra options that you've got and fairly efficient devices there at 61 watts and 76 watts respectively and i won't hold here too much on the hardware spec all this information is available on the website um but the main comparison here is these ones have um xeon d cpus whereas the uh the new 88x series which we'll cover next have the z on w with a lot more a lot more power and options that we've got there as well so we'll move straight into the brand new units so on the left there you've got the 1688x and on the right you've got the 1288x um so much much larger units so they're about the same width as each other they've got the eight bays along the bottom but the one on the left is obviously quite a bit higher and so the real thing that you're getting here is a lot more drive bays which can drive a lot more performance as well so more drives usually equals more performance from the unit you've got a bigger pool of megabytes per second and iops available to you when you've got more drives from the storage pool um if we go and look at the inside and i put the inside picture of both here because it's a slightly different layout on the m.2s and the larger unit on the right there has a sort of t shape to uh to the arrangement there but they're covered by the uh the fan shroud that goes over it to try and keep them cool there as well as we move to the rear quite a bit of a difference from the the smaller 86 series that we just mentioned um so these have four two and a half gig slots uh ethernet ports just the same as the other units we've got one extra pcie slot so one of them is a gen three by eight and two of them are gen 3x4 much larger power supplies on these so the the previous units only had a 250 watt power supply because of the size of these user units and the extra things that you can add into the pcie slots perhaps gpus for graphics acceleration for a vm multiple thunderbolt cards things like that we've got a much larger power supply available to these units the power consumption under normal operating workload with all the drive bays populated is still quite low though 97 watts for the 12 bay unit and 109 watts for the larger 16 bay if we move into the hardware spec this is where you see some of the big difference here so the main thing there would be the cpu and the drive base so the cpu is very very powerful so it will burst all the way up to 4.7 gigahertz and it's a 6 core cpu so the cpu between the two sizes exactly the same the main difference between the two units apart from drive bays is the amount of ram we supply it with both have the same max ram of 128 gig um but yeah you've got the the two options there somebody who's asking uh what are the fan sizes um i will confirm that to you after the session geo and get back to you uh somebody's asking any versions of thunderbolt 3 or thunderbolt 4 coming um yes i will come to that we're actually going to demo thunderbolt 3 for you on these units so we have no news on thunderbolt 4 just yet and it says do you have gpu power connectors internally yes we do there are gpu connectors internally if you need to um power some extra power to a a high-end gpu that you've got there the psu does have some spare cables inside uh right next to slot one which is the slot that you would use the gen 3x8 slot that's the slot that you would need to put the gpus in because that's the longest slot the the the gen 3x4 is on the other side the fan shroud won't let you install a gpu in that side so the gen 3x8 is probably where you want it anyway the fastest slot and so just just to answer geo there so here we've got the qxp t32p card which is a thunderbolt 3 expansion card um at the moment at launch this is only available in the two units we just mentioned so the 1288x um and the 1688x so you can add this you can add up to two of these into the chassis and so you put these in the gen 3x4 slot so as you're looking at the back that's the two slots on the left hand side and that will give you a total of four thunderbolt three connections um added to the nas it may change later that we add support for these two more more different nas that we have um but at the moment the only two nas it's certified for is the 1288x and the 1688x and i'll demo this card um added into the 1288x in a minute uh somebody john's asking here how much faster are these than my tvs ec 1080 uh quite a bit john i don't have the exact numbers but yeah quite a bit because we've just got more capabilities more pcie more thunderbolt 3 connections there's just so much more inputs and outputs you can do we've basically got bigger pipes in and out of the unit and but also the the processor's got quite a lot of horsepower um but yeah the tvs ec 1080 plus is still a very very powerful unit for the nas that you've got there as well uh just some extra pcie options so yes we've got graphics card options you can go all the way up to 40 gig on the next we've got the qm2 card options as well which is a fantastic way to add more storage i've actually got one of these qm2 cards installed in the nas so i'll show you how that looks as well and we've also got fibre channel options and the new wi-fi six adapter as well so there's a lot of different combinations you can do and because the nasa and every now as we've just mentioned has multiple pcie slots and you can do lots of different combinations of these different devices as well okay so we'll move straight into looking at what the product looks like so i'll give you a summary here so this is the tvs h1288 x and so this has got a xeon w1250 six cores um i've got this one absolutely jam-packed with with hardware um so if i scroll down the list here and look at the different options i've kept it at the default 16 gig of ram that this one comes with and as we scroll down though we've got m.2s on board so i've got the two m.2s added in i've got eight hard drives added in as well as four two and a half inch ssds and at the bottom i've also got an extra four m.2 nvmes added to the qm2 card and you can see that down at the bottom here we've got the qm2-4p-384 and i've got that pushed into the gen 3x8 slot as well so there's a lot of different information that you can get from this this system status screen so if i come out of that we'll go to a look overview of what the storage looks like so while we call this the h 1288 x um so that would imply it's a 12 bay because we've got the first two digits there are 12. you can actually see i've got 18 disks in it so i've upgraded it quite a bit so if we go through and have a look at the disc we'll see what we've got it populated with so in the onboard m.2 ssd slots you can see from the picture there so in here i've got the wd i think it's the sn 750s the wd blacks they're one terabyte in size each and i've also matched these same ssds down into the pcie bays as well so the the qm2 card has the exact same ssds added into it i've got four two and a half inch ssds and these are four terabytes um sa500s the the wd red ssds there as well so i've got those added in and i've got those configured if you look at the the color chart here there are sort of light blue so they're configured as a cache and they're a cache for the very fast hard drives we've got installed as well so these are wd red pros um and i've got eight of these at 10 terabytes in compa in capacity inserted inside the device as well if we go over and have a look at the quick performance test figures that we were achieving for them you can see that we're getting a very good performance from the storage pool on this device and so the the first volume which i've classed as the system volume which is the two m.2s here at the top nice 3.24 gigabytes a second and down on the qm2 card where we've got four of them about the same result as well and the two and a half inch starter ssds all giving quite nice figures there nearly 550 megabytes per second from each um and about 250 megabytes per second off the uh the hard drives that are added together um so even the hard drives alone when you've got eight of those hard drives working together that still gives quite a sizable megabytes per second to you so if you're all about um the bandwidth the megabytes per second that'll give you a lot of power anyway without actually investing any ssds but with the ssd options added in there especially the nvmes they're just so much faster than everything else and you know we don't even write megabytes per second for those it changes to gigabytes a second because they're just so fast the number is easier to write when it's gigabytes a second um so with the uh cache acceleration options here we can see i've got a full-on cache going on here so i've got an eight terabytes worth of cache um all set up so it's a read cache um with a zil right log as well so it's able to accelerate the zfs file system these units do run uh quts hero um just like uh some of the other nas that we've talked about in the past as well and you can choose to run qts if you are moving your disk pack from an older nas such as the question earlier where somebody has the tvs ec 1080 if you want to keep your data intact um with the ext4 file system and you're moving your disks into a newer version and you can still run qts on this device so that you can port your disks over without having to wipe them and start again if you wanted to as well um i see a question there from yusuf um can qnap devices take advantage of the intel optane ssds um i'll have to check yusuf um we do have a compatibility list um listed for each product on the compatibility list so i'd have to go and check if they're on the list or not if they're not though we can usually get them added so i can ask the testing team to test them and we can get them added if um if that's important as well so we can get those put in um so just to illustrate some speed advantages of this uh listeners if i open up virtualization station i've got a windows vm and an ubuntu vm here so if i come down here um on this vm i'm just going to open it up so you can see exactly how quick it starts up and so this is a full windows 10 vm so i'm going to hit the start button there so that it starts doing the boot up so i haven't given it um any more than four gig of ram this this vm so this is just going to boot up a full copy of windows within the nas um it's very rapid it's very capable for you to use as a as an os you can even output um these vms to the hdmi outputs of the nas and you can put a keyboard and mouse in so you can use them as a pc directly if you wanted to um but that booted up in less than 10 seconds so that was a nice fast um boot period there so um well we'll leave that one running for a second and then we'll go fire up we've also got an ubuntu vm here as well uh so i can start that up this boots up even faster as well so once you click start it boots up in i think about five or six seconds um so that both vms running uh within the nas at the same time and because this nas is connected with a lot of different connections with thunderbolt with 10 gig things like that um you're able to use use those ports directly through the vm to do any interactions that you want and so i do have a few different um servers set up here so if i look at my my full maze list just to illustrate the testing environment i've got a lot of different nas set up here because i'm trying to turn lots of things on with 10 gig connections to try and drive the performance to this nas um so on two of the nas the tvs882t here at the bottom and the tvs 872 xt on both of these i'm actually running a container so if i go across two of them i'm actually running a container on these for iperf3 um for anyone familiar with with iperf it's a benchmarking tool so i've got it running as a iperf3 server on both the tvs 872 xt so if i was to click in just to illustrate the ips i'm going to be testing out i'm not trying to deceive anybody here so if i go down and have a look at the the network information this one's on the 192.168.50 so that one ends in 40. and if i come across and look at the tvs882 i've got the exact same thing set up but on this one i'm using a different ip range so i can do a dedicated 10 gig link so this one's running on so that's how i've got the testing uh set up on these two now and these two now both have 10 gig connectivity built right into them so that's what i'm going to do test with them directly to those so just to illustrate how fast it can be within a vm if i open up this vm here if i do a terminal session um so i've got iperf 3 available on this so if i do c which runs it in a client mode i'm going to do a connection across um to the 50.40 iperf3 server so it's going to illustrate just how fast the connection can go um so here i've got it almost maxed out at the full 10 gig running there on this um this test so this is a 10 second test so there we go so that just transferred in 10 seconds um looks like 22 gigs of data roughly there so you've got 10.9 10.9 received and so added together that's a nice amount of data that happened in just 10 seconds now that's not so impressive because that's just a single 10 gig port lots of our nas can drive the single 10 gig connection so we'll just get rid of these vms we don't really need them for anything else so we'll shut those down there we go close those okay so those vms are now going to turn off so what i've also done is i've actually installed iperf3 as a client into this nas as well so here with this nas this is on the ip address of 192.128 so if i come over here to the terminal section so i've actually sshed in so i've gone command line uh with the now so you can see at the top of each window i've i've done to the same ip address of this now that i'm testing and what i've got down here is i've got the two windows open because one is going to test down the 1003 server which goes across to the tvs882t and i've also got the 50.40 address to test over to the tvs872xc so i've got a dedicated 10 gigs of bandwidth to each of those um so if i was to run this test i've actually specified this one to run with a t20 so it runs for a bit longer so if i go and push enter on both of those at the same time oh was it not letting me do that there we go okay just turned out so they're running now so both of those running simultaneously both doing about nine and a half gigs a second for both those connections that are running um to those of the two now so this is all data sending and receiving from this tvs h1288x and so that's just trying to illustrate the performance so here if we add all these numbers together and so this is roughly 22 gigabytes that was sent and received on both units there so we can see here if we add it all together that was about 88 gigs of data that was sent and received in that 20 second test between those two connections that we've got there now that's still not quite impressive enough perhaps so what we can also do is we can add thunderbolt 3 into the mix as well so i've actually got a teamviewer connection across to a mac mini i've got this system information up here just to show you how old this is i'm working with what i've got here hardware wise to drive performance and lots of my kit only has one gig connections on the laptops but this older mac here has a thunderbolt 2 connection at least so i've got a thunderbolt 2 to thunderbolt 3 adapter on this nearly 6 year old mac here that's connected so if i click start on that one that's going to go to the public two volume that's mounted in the 1688 in the 1288 x sorry so that's going to run a continuous test i'm going to come over here to my own mac so this has thunderbolt 3 so the results should be a lot higher and so here we've got the test running so that's now running a test in so nearly 10 gig speeds on that one as well so those two are running simultaneously and just to throw it in the mix as well we'll run these two tests off as well at the exact same time so we can see that we're now driving quite a significant chunk of performance uh to this tvs h-1288 text so it's very very powerful to get all this data going through it now i do have all the ports maxed on this because i do have the qm2 4p 384 card inserted into it as well and i've got a 10 gig card in one of the pcie gen 3x4 slots and i've got the qxp t32p card added in as well and so with all those tests done that was giving me some quite significant bandwidth push through to the unit and so that we can really drive as much performance as we can from the device okay and so other things that you can do with the nas is the same with anything else that we've got in the product range so you can still do things like hybrid backup sync 3 so you can still do backups to and from the device and but probably one of the primary use cases for this device is going to be customers wanting to upgrade from perhaps the older tvs 1282 t3 the the the old thunderbolt unit that we had so as that one was able to put the four thunderbolt 3 ports on it we can do the same on this one it's just that one was sold with either a quad core i5 or an i7 cpu and it had a max ram of 64 gigs on this unit we can go much higher on the ram we're taking advantage of the quts hero operating system um which has got lots of different options within it for inline compression data deduplication things like that you can do a lot with this device with the quts hero operating system and so it's going to be great for the creative professionals but also those users that don't want thunderbolt but want a very high spec unit you're not paying the price for thunderbolt because it's not sold with thunderbolt built right in it's an extra card if you need the thunderbolt you can add it in if you only need two ports today you can just buy the one card if you need the four ports you can buy the two cards or you can add the second card later so there's a lot of different options you can do there and as i said with the qn2 card that you can add in there you can add a lot more performance with the unit as well okay so i think that really covers off most of the the different features and functions and the performance of the unit that we wanted to go through today um so if anybody does have any questions it's a bit of a shorter webinar today but if anybody does have any questions or wants to ask ask anything specific and we'll keep the session open for a bit longer uh just so you can get those in thanks a lot okay good question there from yusuf i'm asking what does the h signify in the model numbers uh so the h stands for quts heroes so that's the hero models anything with a small h right after either the ts or the tps part if it has the small h it means it comes pre-installed with our quts hero os which gives things like zfs file system data deduplication inline compression um but all of those units that can run a quts hero on the very first install of the operating system there is a question that will let you switch between um qts the normal ext4 file system as well as quts hero so you can switch at any time it's just your data can't keep intact so if you do have it with qts and you decide you want to go to hero and the drives do need to be erased for the swap but you can change your mind later if you want to you just have to back your data up first uh somebody else yusuf again asking uh you have a tvs-1282 t3 can that run the qts hero operating system um not currently it might change in the future but right now we are concentrating on launching um products with quts hero embedded sort of designed for it unit um i think it's a lot of steps to try and get it rolled out onto nas that we've already got on sale a lot of compatibility questions to make sure that the hardware that was included with nas not designed for hero and to make sure that they can work on it and so currently the answer is no on that user but that might change next year a question from danny how are the storage pools configured can you mix m.2 ssds on board with the ones installed on the expansion card or in one storage pool uh so if i sort of run through what i've got set up here um so i've got the three storage pools set up my first storage pool the system one is the two on-board qm2s um i could have configured this in a different way though i could have had these two on-board m.2s also working with the four m.2s on the qm2 card i could have had six in one pool if i wanted to um it's it's more important to not mix drives of different speeds in the same raid or the same volumes um but if you wanted to you can accelerate them in different ways with the ssd cache and my storage pool too here is made up of just the hard drives but you can see i've got little lightning bolts next to my volumes there and because i'm using the cache to accelerate those so the two and a half inch drives that are in there i'm using the cache to accelerate them and so you can really mix and match however you want so yes you can have the expansion card m.2s as a cache you can have them mixed in with the volume with the onboard m.2s and you can really configure it however you want you could even put some sata m.2s we do different cards that support starter m.2s instead of nvmes and you can put those on there and mix them with the two and a half inch on boards um onboard drives um there's so many different uh configurations that you can do there so see how long do nvme cash drives last uh given that they get a lot of read writes um so that's individual like there's no common answer to that one nicholas each each manufacturer has different reading rights specified within them uh i'm just having a look here at the box for the uh the wd one that i've got here to see if it says on the box what the terabytes written limiters and i don't see it written on the box but each manufacturer is slightly different so you can usually see that when you go and purchase your ssds you'll be able to see what the recommended work rate is for each of them uh johan's asking what is the typical use case scenario for the tsh1288x um so it depends whether you put thunderbolt cards in or not so for the thunderbolt three card edition especially if you put two of them that's going to be an ideal product uh for the creative professionals so somebody that's doing video photo editing maybe they're a photographer maybe they're a production studio um having thunderbolt in a desktop one is sort of essential because the longest thunderbolt 3 cable that's available today um is three meters more commonly two meters for the best speeds so um you can't really be too far away from it so you wouldn't do it in a rack unit you kind of need to be positioned quite close to the unit for that and if you're not going to be using it for thunderbolt it's a fantastic high-powered server for somebody for a company that does not have perhaps a server room infrastructure you know rack units are quite loud and noisy they need a lot of space for the rack mount the rack cabinet ideally that room will be air-conditioned and soundproofed as well uh whereas the tsh-1288x it's about half a fuss um i'll do metric about 50 centimeters away from where my microphone is um and you probably can't hear it it's a very very quiet unit the fans spin less than a thousand rpm the fans are positioned well right behind the the hard drives ride base just to try and keep the heat and noise down and so it's a very very quiet unit um so my little home office here is only about um two meters by about three meters and it's in here quite happily with me and it's not bothering me with any level of noise it's a very quiet unit um somebody here is asking please give a few examples on how graphics acceleration can be used but exclude vms so a great question john so you can use it for um media server applications so we have some different options like the k in media sign player so that's a an option that you can add in to support some extra formats and do transcoding with our video station application and if you're using something else like the plex media server you can use plex media server to use hardware accelerated transcoding from those graphics adapters um and so yeah there's a lot of different options probably the the most flexible use would be with vms though because obviously you can do anything you want in a vm it's not limited by what the qnap can do um okay somebody so john's asking will you see performance improvements for all data operations with ssd caching or is this limited to specific operations um vms versus file storage basis a great question john so there's a few different settings you can do within the cache acceleration so if i go into manage the cache and you can see here i've got it on cache mode to accelerate all i o so if you're going to configure the cache storage you will be able to change the the option here so here in the cache mode you can do random i o now random i o would prioritize really the the smaller blocks the smaller items that you've got so um things like if you were running virtual machines from the nas or if you had databases hosted on the nas it would more prioritize that type of data we do give two different options here so all i o will accelerate absolutely anything that you do on the drive so long as it will fit in the ssds depending on how much cash you allocate and random io will reserve the ssds just for the tasks that are really going to benefit from an ssd cache such as the aforementioned um virtualization or database applications that are there let's have a look so nicholas is saying i currently use a synology with hybrid raid setup to allow for easy replacement of failing drives is there a qnap equivalent so we don't necessarily use a hybrid raid or anything like that we use proper raid mode so anything from raid 0 1 5 6 50 60 there's all these different raid modes that we use but yes easy drive replacements is still easy if a drive fails you just pull it out and you replace it with a new one um it's very simple to do the best thing about quts hero nas is is they only do raid rebuilds on areas of the storage where you actually have data on them so for example if you wanted to set up a a very large volume um with eight 14 terabyte hard drives for example um there's no waiting hours and hours for the raid to build it's ready to go in about 10 seconds uh with quts hero it's one of the best things about the zfs file system is it doesn't waste time rebuilding raid on empty space it only does it where data's actually living question from johan i would like to run a duplicate of my laptop via virtualization station on a new qnap from work or from overseas via vpn uh would you advise updating um it depends on the qnap you've already got johan but yes if you want it to be as fast as the one that i was sort of illustrating uh within this session then yes that would be advantageous to go with a more powerful nas um of course you can still do virtualization uh within the qnet range all the way down to i think it would at this point be something like the ts-251d which is a dual core celeron um it will quite happily run um a desktop os linux windows uh windows 10 something like that uh i just see added you've got a ts253 pro and so yes that would actually be better than the base model that we offered today because that's got a quad core celeron um you might want to upgrade the ram to the max of eight gigs so that you can give a meaningful about amount of ram to a windows vm um if you've got four gig in there you might only be able to allocate 2gig to the windows vm which might limit what you can do within it um but yes that would be quite a capable unit but if you wanted it to be obviously xeon powered and as fast as the one we've got on screen here and instead of a boot time of 30 seconds you want a booth time of less than 10 seconds that's what we can give you with this this unit we've talked about today got a question from yusuf saying are there any provisions to migrate licenses if you've already purchased qvr licenses from one nas to another um so if you're replacing your existing one or let's say you're now supposed to fail and we rma you were a replacement one and there are mechanisms in place for us to transfer you between one to the other but we do have to make sure they are disabled off the old nas before we can enable them for the new nas um it's it's a case-by-case basis so just get in touch with tech support uh with the scenario and i'm sure we can help you out uh we've got ronald here asking a question uh will a windows 10 vm perform on a tsh-886 how many windows 10 vms can be activated with exceptional performance um yes you can i actually did a a previous uh session it's up on our youtube channel there ronald so you can go look at the tsh 886 i'm pretty sure in that session i actually ran a windows 10 vm in the demo for that unit now the question of how many windows 10 vms can be activated with acceptable performance is a difficult question to answer because it really depends what you're doing with each windows 10 vm and how much ram that you want to allocate um obviously you can give quite a lot of ram to the h886 so you know if you're giving 4 gig of ram to each windows 10 vm um you can have less of them than if you gave 2gig of ram and it really depends what you're doing in each one um to to see exactly what the performance is if i fire up the vm over here again once the vm's running um it isn't actually doing too much so i won't click into it this time i'll just power it on so that you can see these charts of how much the cpu usage goes up and how much ram is actually used so on the boot up you'll see that it does spike a couple of times up to a few percent there so there we go 70 percent 80 so it's it's using all the calls to its potential to get that vm booted and we can see in that little thumbnail it's actually already booted and now it's up and running and ready the cpu pretty much goes down to an idle rate so you know i could run a hundred of these vms on there if i had enough ram to do so um because the actual cpu usage isn't really doing much because i haven't clicked in and i'm not telling it to do any tasks we can see it bumping up a couple of times there that might be windows update checking for updates or doing some things like that but once the windows vm is up and running and booted it doesn't actually use a lot of cpu in the background so it's very capable for you to run multiple vms at the same time uh somebody is asking here is a drone is asking if i use a cache acceleration to use four plex uh does size then matter the size of the ssds um it does in it depends how much stuff you're accessing on a i guess a repeat basis or on a constant basis um i definitely notice when my ssd cache acceleration is not enabled um i'll probably discuss that more in the next webinar in two weeks our next webinar is all about configuring and setting up plex um on a q net nas um so i'll go into it in more detail um but when you click um play for example on a movie on plex if i don't have an ssd cache in my plex libraries just on a hard drive back end you know it might take three or four seconds for the file to start playing but when you've got an ssd cache it's playing in about half a second so the ssds for me are really good for plex i really enjoy using plex with ssds sort of powering the back end of my media library it's definitely a lot snappier and even just browsing the content it's it's so much faster when you've got an ssd cache built into it so a question from danny i heard about new models with u.2 slots included coming are these comparable with the shown models u.2 has a benefit of hot swapping in case of failures instead of shutting down the system for m.2 replacement um so m so u.2 is is pretty much the same as an m.2 nvme um so it's a faster slot but it's in the form factor of a two and a half inch drive bay um we've got a video on the youtube channel of our ts-h973ax that i did just last week and that's got two u.2 drives it's the first um at desktop now as we've done with u.2 drives built right into it um for these nas that we're talking about today we've still opted to go with the m.2 just the form factor the only way we could have fit some extra u.2 base would have been to remove perhaps the um lcd screen that's on the front perhaps or removing the u.2 drop at the app the two and a half inch starter drive bays on the front um and we find that especially for the thunderbolt created professional use cases those 2.5 inch starter ssds they work great as a scratch sort of editing drive for them to use and so we didn't want to get rid of those out of the out of the system um but yes you can use udot to you on some of our nas and we've got the the brand new tsh 2490 fu um a 24 bay 2u rack mount powerhouse with the with the amd epic cpu um that has 24 u.2 nvme bays on the front of it so yes u.2 is definitely in our future we've already launched um uh two main units with it and we've of course got the um the unit we launched a while ago which is the ts-2888 um the real big uh sort of tower now it's so big it's actually got wheels on it uh we didn't cover that today but it is on the website if you want to go see that one uh i think you can specify that with up to an 18 core xeon and it can also have four gpus in there i think four 1080 gpus will fit in there and the the power supply is big enough and has power connectors for up to four separate gpus in that big one okay we'll keep the session open just for a couple more minutes in case there is any other questions um just to give you some information the the next webinar is in uh two weeks time um sort of i think it's the second week of december maybe the first week of december around the 9th and that one's going to be all about setting up plex on the nas um so very very easy to set up plex within the the nas i think we'll use a qts base nas for that that's what most people are using for the flex and so we'll go through all the the best practices the setup um a tv tuner hookup things like that with it as well um if anybody wants to see anything about the uh the current setup that we've got here just let me know i can i can do anything custom anybody wants to see and so if anybody wants to go through any any setting changes wants me to do something run and run an app that i perhaps don't already have installed i might be able to set it up quickly for you if you want to see that in action just let me know and we can do that a question there from john to compare twanky to plex into it i might mention it john um i probably won't demo twanky um it's it's more about plex that one but yes i'm gonna do it uh yusuf yes this is a recorded uh webinar it will be added up to our youtube channel within the next couple of days so you can go see that just google qnap uk youtube and you should be able to re-watch this if you need to so john's asking for the qu firewall can you see what the block packets are um i haven't actually used qu firewall yet that's pretty much what i get to play with uh next week um when i'm between webinars so um i will come back to you john i'll have your email address from the questions at the end of this so i will try that one of the first things i'll try when i have a little play with that and i'll let you know how that goes um i'll be testing it in conjunction also i'm getting the the q horror dash 301 w um the new wi-fi six sd1 router that we've um we've just launched as well so i should be able to do some testing for you yeah i'll let you know on the explanation there on the firewall software as well no problem that's just for those interested who want to have a play and we do have an option in the app center for that qu firewall software so anybody that does want to um have a try of it um i believe it is available for quts hero it's definitely on my qts base nas so let's have a look here it might just be a qts beta that's happening right now so yeah i'm not seeing it here on this unit but on my uh my other nas so if i was to go to that one here let's have a look cs877 so yeah in the app center you can um you can access queue firewall as i say it is a beta app at the moment but yes it's going to be an option that we uh we're going to be using uh soon we go to quts essentials maybe they're not putting it in the qts essentials because it's a brand new one are we adding it under utilities let me have a quick search for it well there you go you've got to search for it to find it but it is there if anybody wants to use it you can install queue firewall which is a new tool that lets you configure your qnap as the firewall for your internet connection if you want to okay i think as the questions have stopped um we'll call it uh call it a day there and if anybody does have any other questions or thinks of anything else and you can email us at uk sales qnap.com now that's uk sales qnap.com and to get in touch with any of us at the team so there's myself tam and tom that will look at that and we'll get back to you as quick as possible um if there was any questions that came in that i missed i'll go review the questions after the session and i'll come back to you any questions where we we couldn't answer such as geo at the start asking about the fan sizes things like that i'll come back to you all right after the session here just to uh that's clarify those points for you okay see you in a couple of weeks with the uh the plex webinar hopefully thanks a lot guys bye you
Channel: QNAP UK
Views: 4,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTRFS vs ZFS, NAS Server, QNAP 2020, QNAP 2021, QNAP NAS 2020, QNAP NAS 2021, QNAP NAS REVIEW, Qnap review, QNAP TVS-h1288X, QNAP TVS-h1288X NAS, QNAP TVS-h1688X, QNAP TVS-h1688X NAS, QNPA ZFS RELEASE, TVS-h1288X, TVS-h1288X NAS, TVS-h1288X-W1250-16G, TVS-h1688X, TVS-h1688X NAS, TVS-h1688X NAS Drive, TVS-h1688X-W1250-32G, xeon 10gbe nas, Xeon NAS, ZFS vs EXT4, ts-h686 nas review, qnap zfs nas, qnap nas server, qnap quts zfs review, ZFS performance, performance testing
Id: PwJnuL_TxEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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