THOR VS KRATOS! THIS IS PEAK GAMING | God of War Ragnarok - Part 2

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no no no no no no no no what's up what's going on Corey Kitchener and welcome back to God of War Ragnarok I need to take my pills I don't we're back on this God of War and I left you guys with a nasty Cliffhanger yesterday that's my bad we're about to fight Thor and I don't know how to feel about that matter of fact I do know I'm afraid very afraid but we got this thank you guys so much for the support on part one it means the world I don't have any other announcements except for uh get your merch people I'm telling you today we rocking the Momo disgusting just like that why didn't they oh God hold on I literally thought they were gonna play the cut scene I did not seek them fight with your brother smart rage no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no jump up boom get your health back get over here all right get your ax where's my ax right without your assault me holding back like this where's my ax bro oh there's hell there's no there's help you spit on my son's memory I can't believe they lost to you wait mother was his son I didn't know that wait he got that hold up hold up wait let me get my health back all right hold up oh that was close I don't think so let me see the monster inside bro I'm so hoping to see your place oh get back get back I'm really not Thor I'm really not I promise bro I rolled you should be better than this oh I got help oh get the help please get the hell all right there we go all right here we go he's almost dead he's almost dead that's a problem whoa whoa here we go come on oh oh what sorry about your statutes yeah you think you about to turn your back on me bro if you're not fighting dirt oh did his health bar just reset look this man used the monster reborn hey you're not fighting right what the freak he got range attacks oh you're trying to remember your old move why is you calling me out like this truck first good oh shoot I'm dead oh that was close bro grab I gotta grab these pillars this is the god that murdered a Pantheon cause they hurt his feelings I don't think it was that simple for him oh shoot I can't block that get back oh my goodness oh my goodness all right Jeff we're dead I need a pillar for help somebody where's my Spartan rage no I'm not I change I change oh no I say what what I'm not leaving till I see the real you he killed him brought him back it was like nah I want more the Nick swung his body to the side favorite character favorite character favorite character favorite character oh this dude he brought me back you're gonna regret that yeah get back get back in get back in get back here oh I forgot I did that yeah that was awesome all right what's next what's next I gotta Perry that one you gotta Perry that yellow one oh where's my Spartan Race she's the foreign I was not even in range dude oh yes R3 oh my goodness oh my goodness yeah get those levels oh wait okay oh my goodness gosh this feels familiar what this fight is crazy they threw the freaking they gonna start walking around it nah that was on some anime I don't care [Applause] that was on some anime stuff bro matter oh my goodness bro okay what's up with this tree in the middle of the field yeah block that oh it's one rage let me see him bro I literally oh my goodness oh my goodness that was close get in get in cradles get the hell oh yes get back get in get in nope not happening all right oh my goodness get in get in stop don't spin him don't Spin The Hammer oh oh they're training throw it oh clever one all right well get these hands oh get back get back I'm gonna take that help get back oh I could have no all right hold up get back in keep up the attack nope R2 no get back show me the killer of God oh yeah how much I'm really trying Thor all right help help get in get in get in get back oh yeah get in nope not happening I got a group oh I see why my sons spelled you oh yeah I'm not guys lesser version of you but I am not my sons and your boy our father had plans for him oh yeah oh yeah you waking up there he is oh the ghost there's the God of War who knocked out a tooth consider your blood debt paid see it yet as here fight [Applause] ing Kratos it's syndrome that was quite a fight can we oh now Odin is with atreus oh no I'll go get a Gateway ready come on man hey babe bro first of all we beat that without dying second of all that fight that freaking fight let's check on the trails are you kidding me well good to see you making new friends ain't that me all there and Thor was playing with him I'm so happy they didn't make Thor weakling bro I thought they was that's what I pack a punch you know we made that hammer right you have mentioned I know that wasn't ever sure you were listening at least it was good to see the ax hold their own kind of the point after all bro I mean if Kratos could throw the ax and then stop mjolner dead in his tracks I mean they equal they're literally equal this will get you home bro he brought me to another Realm I don't even remember what happened it's here at your door then I reckon your protection staves busted once you chase Odin off you got another place to lay your head tonight and I don't mean that talking though it will not abandon my home oh yeah and what's to stop the old [ __ ] from spying on you or Raven pecking your house to splinters while you're asleep in it nothing you got a better idea you go get your boy and I'll speak to a certain someone about putting you up in his place in a pen yeah yeah appreciate that I got a sneeze thank you um I'm gonna be talking about that cradle store fight for the next five years I will make so many references to it that is video games hey get away from there I told you never step off the path or what practically the first and only rule around here what you're gonna do if I do a front flip off game developers I hope y'all are watching I hope y'all are studying observing spectating and paying attention I try ice boy oh I was about to look for you hey son what are you I died and was brought back mid-fight what does he want sure pay for the roof and he invited me to Asgard y I couldn't hear once he went outside I told him no obviously um he does got plans for him good why were you searching for tear Dang if I told you I was looking for him you would have said not to so you hit the truth for me I wanted to tell you I really did but now that you know there's something you should see no trust me you'll want to you have broken my trust dang then let me regain it let me show you what I found besides we haven't seen the last of Odin War Thor and clearly they can just walk in and blast holes in our home whenever they want there's only one way to get them off our backs I think I know how Goku that's it foreign busy show me time to get busy I I don't remember what these things are foreign equipment improve stats like defense to help Kratos survive oh okay so little uh intimidating but we're gonna learn what's going on here view armor this is nice uh obviously oh strength or defense you know what we're playing on our hardest difficulty I'm gonna take all the defense I can get press L2 the weapons menu Leviathan ax all right we got plus two strength I'll take that equipping items improve stats and can unlock new abilities that's freaking fire we're good it's showtime are you ready go dang he's being so cold ER than normal got that God of War theme in the back that fight with Thor woke him up go change your bastard are we going the ultimate Wildwood why it'll be easier to explain once we're there let's get to it then actually oh yeah foreign get these controls right all right I think I got it let's get it the door didn't say anything else while you were outside yeah he said he doesn't care about yodenheim anymore that the Giants can keep their secrets his averted Ragnarok his own way I think he knows all the Giants are dead I'm more concerned that it no longer matters to him what's he up to I don't know jacksepticeye what is he up to what happened here so close to home I'm readers warning with one another now those are not their arrows something else is out here yeah like health Oh I thought that was help oh dang looks like y'all had a bad time I see you just hanging out what do you see hmm just animal tracks animal tracks huh a trace you think an animal did this oh yeah oh yeah almost to the bridge oh yes the bridge gave out gonna need another path to the temple why would you come out this way a long line I had a dream colony whoa that one's still alive no look closer Ah hell Raiders now who's doing this suppose it's too much to hope for an enemy of theirs would be a friend of ours get the mirrors give me that Hill seriously who'd be stringing up Raiders like that I don't know but it said some enemies resist the frost ax so that sucks what was that something strong and dangerous beyond God oh yeah being all the way on guard bro that man got his life snatched before our very eyes this is the temple now just need to find a way around all right okay let me move oh all right this is not this is not what I want whoa what's up bro you do not relax yeah come here oh [Music] all right when did this bridge collapse oh a while ago wasn't me wasn't me remember when I said there was someone who might help us get answers about the Giants and Loki you ain't here the old God of War in these lands who is dead well from a dead man who didn't seem pretty keen on seeing he wasn't found right he knows tear could unite the Realms against him plus here was the Giant's greatest Ally so enough oh hi Chris how are you getting down oh I was supposed to go this way look out all right hold up these like Blades of chaos they have no stagger I don't like that I don't like how they can Poise through my through my attacks get my ax back out what wow they're animals all right so what we have to use the blades of chaos a trace can you at least distract one of them stop right side give me the help give me the help please yeah there we go oh yeah oh yeah look how much bro this is a regular enemy he just took a full Spartan rage foreign skills tree available oh my goodness unlock skills with XP to gain new moves alright glacial rake yeah let's get that oh and then we got blade skills blades and against frosted enemies yeah we need that bonus damage against frosted enemies and then we gotta take care of our treas too atreus draws enemy aggression when Kratos is under pressure oh we should have got that he got some really good support skills that we're definitely gonna need what's going on with this soda no he definitely doesn't care shattered room okay yeah uh that pillar wasn't in the way last time I came okay I got that move oh my bro like I was saying tear was an ally to the Giants so he'd be on our side if we find it and if anyone might know who I'm supposed to be it's him if he's out there we gotta find him how can we not those are many ifs address what do you know go see sir man just moving Boulders like they're Pebbles and I ain't talking fruity right throw that move that rope breed that's what I'm talking about easy puzzles everybody is out here trying to play chess kind of imagine what the last time but it says he has evidence to come this far let's see it oh Trace I ain't even know you was over here all right obviously he did here we should keep moving yeah we're about to start uh fighting yeah I thought so Mash triangle to charge up the blades of Chaos all right it's too late I'm trying there we go all right now he's like a regular guy hold up hold up true let me switch oh my God all right move move move I'm not about to get surrounded I'm not doing it all right here we go I don't think so get carried bum yeah atreya stop that transformation yep I'm here I'm here I'm here I got it he's a level three oh yeah shoot him there we go oh get married oh yeah get that Frost off get that Frost off foreign don't let them transform or try and stop them bro they they're literally just coming back to life hold up get to go with this uh yeah stop her dude I'm trying don't let him oh yeah I got her got her got her got her give me the rage give me the rage and I ain't talking yrg I gotta stop doing that Progressive oh oh oh oh he dropped some milk he dropped some milk go around go wrong bro is somebody chasing me one more to go there we go there we go where they at oh I got something for you asleep bro we be almost dying from these regular enemies need that need that what's this I could have used the trees I'm asleep I need it Isn't it nice how fumble winter wore down all the helpful magic we acquired yet somehow new Terrors only flourish that's a fun cue oh shoot get the blades off they are so aggressive crying there we go all right we broke it off oh yeah R2 R2 into the R1 combo that's what I'm talking about a transmission yeah wait what two he can read he can read all right well I was gonna try and save my Spartan rage for a pinch but if they're gonna just keep giving me hey hey set that up Frozen oh yeah oh yeah it's one rage perfect time oh yeah freaking piece of garbage all right so you can get Frozen really easily which is very bad for us uh okay climb on it please don't come tonight he has gotten rather good at that wait wait why is this over here you know what I'm saying they always trying to hide the goodies getting hiding from your boy he had another grizzly scene is he there oh did I do it I think I did it garbage give me that give me that I've seen my share of Bloodshed but this is an awful lot for one more oh brother [Music] atreyas just keep your feet moving yeah um I don't even know what happened dude a stalker on your card brother I think we found our predator just keep your feet moving yeah okay how did I die before yeah all right yeah it might be a weak point get up on her oh my how did my shield break all right come on I'm on fire I'm about to die foreign [Music] oh there's no time for that I don't have time it's not come on huh let me know oh God [Music] let's go that's it the moment of clear the radar store note in barging in and now stalkers playing in our Woods this is even anymore all of that for that random mini boss runic attacks access to Lion heavy weapons so we're gonna equip Winter's bite runic attack you have any heavy runic attacks no Shield how did my shield break who broke my shield hold L1 and R1 do a runic attack It's All Coming Back to Me Slowly very slowly father Shield mom gave you Thor damaged it but now perhaps the dwarfs could take a look at it yeah perhaps later nah I need that we can get in this way I know but you know they hire collectibles lower scroll what a treasure chest I need those okay remember all those shrines we found telling the stories of giants I have the pan on the left to be their origin and the pan on the right would be their fate yes we found many and I have seen them well thank you realize well the collapsed pillar is new but the shrine is just on the other side all right well I see a treasure chest things collapsing on a regular basis in these pops fimbo winter wears down all things [Music] is it just me or has his voice been deeper ever since he fought Thor [Music] all right oh that didn't help yeah all right trash move there we go come on all right hold up because there's a chest over there I didn't see that before they didn't let me go yep I remember this from the first game you watching oh he's about to do something you turned it into stone well that's new a door come on address wait yeah I don't think he's waiting bro kids man I don't even want to go in yet it was a chest over there [Music] freaking what is that slide where are we Somewhere Only Giants were meant to see these shrines tell their stories to the world but it turns out the real stories the secret stories those they kept here inside you remember the story of skoln hottie the wolf Giants Odin captured them because he thinks it'll help him control when Ragnarok starts I remember but that's not the whole story see this shows the giant setting skull and hobby free they are free hmm is this the past or the future pens when you're looking at it spoken like a giant see the wolves are safe somewhere in Vanna hunt it's all the first place Odin would look I suppose there they are chasing the sun and moon old habits until look the moon gets stolen somehow atreus see hottie's got nothing to Chase and they say Celestial theft is a victimless crime not totally sure who this is but someone comes along and rescues the moon then the moon blocks out the sun I total eclipse I haven't seen one of those in a hundred Winters but then they chase an arrow how old are you and things go back to normal what does any of this have to do we're coming to that look here's Ragnarok okay you see who's leading the armies against Odin that's a tear if he's gonna be around that Ragnarok that means he's gotta be alive right I'm here can this be Odin told me he killed Tia and he trusted me at the time or so I thought what if he didn't kill him what if he's just had him locked up some more all this time we are back to IFS enough wait we are going home wait I have one more thing to show you it's just out here you better make this good squirt what is this everything I found well almost everything let's throw it ahead anywhere nice giant craftsmanship you've been to your home again no I found it in one of the other shrines oh that's right how many have you visited I well all of them all the ones I could still get to in midgard anyway I don't know what it is but it's important just like all this hmm when I was inside one of the shrines I saw an image of tear imprisoned but I couldn't tell where so there are hints inside the other shrines you mentioned black smoke and the bleeding Earth but we can never figure out exactly we who yeah centuries been helping me dang look double but I talked him into it it wasn't his idea I just needed someone to watch my back foreign unlikely Odin's got no presence to speak of in the primordial realms for The Bleeding Out sounds like a mine eye the realm of the dwarves perhaps Sparkle Fame that's a good bet their minds did bounce black smoke and Odin's had his thumb on the dwarves for a very long time pause that's it then tiersen's fart I'll find somewhere imprisoned in a mine so what now [Music] why does a trace look 40 and 12 at the same time [Music] return home this way live even if we can start out looking for Tia how do you have us get into Sparkle fight you know audience had all travel between Realms locked up tight Sentry said he had an idea or two about that Synergy is full of ideas I got SD yes thank you that's what I'm talking about Rawhide baby huh ground looks kind of cracked there so oh there's another one can I jump over there Patrice where are you oh I think he went up there but there's a crack here all right hold up my brain's putting this together no okay it's got to be something like you go up here jump up here then you gotta what's under there you think ah back to Smashing through things look Fun and Profit lovely yeah not much they stepped outside he told us about it I wouldn't worry about the things he did not tell us yeah atreus is keeping a lot of Secrets like too many and if Odin's talking to atreus Odin has already revealed himself to be like a sly sneakster you probably tell atreyas something like I know about your origin or I know about your mom or something something that will Bait A Tres to do Odin's bidding or at least lure him into doing something that's going to get them in trouble I'm gonna take that hacks over though remember when we fought our first troll out this way I remember you lost control we must tread carefully brother danger is close it's not my first time all right I guess we about to fight and I really want my shield back I really do there's no blocking without your seal let me do my let me do my Rune attack oh yes look I'm just standing through my attacks oh my word I really just did that to him like that it would be better if we just fired almost home every time we could brother a word don't hold the large curiosity against him goes with being young in my youth we learned obedience and is that what you wish for him brother he's going to walk his own path if you don't want him walking away from you and smarten up and walk with him a while hmm okay my mirror you got kids like how you know because that if we could find a way to open wrong travel to Sparta fun I bet there'd be all sorts of useful equipment for us enough it will go really but if we do not find here you will abandon your search for good all right you won't be sorry I know I won't be now you that's another thing hey hey over here what's up breed is that atreus it's been so long how you've grown uh oh yeah well if you'll follow me Brock mentioned you needed somewhere safe to spend the night can I go home your favorite dwarves can help you out with that we're still your favorite to work you're still the only work we know I'll take it I can why can I come in here brother I think we both know it's not safe here hate to say it but we should talk to sundry would the gang let me come in here if you didn't want me in here why did you let me in here all right let's get it um who got the key to this floating lock in the air all right after you my friends better not be a trap the cleanest cabin in all the nine Realms and I'd prefer it to stay that way not looking at anyone in particular Kratos Thor incident we thought we should make up some rooms till you can figure out your next moves nearly there oh okay as you can see we've settled here in the realm between Realms it's nothing much but it's safe from fimbal Winter nothing made from Odin's eyes and you really can't beat the view if you're into shimmering grave voids that's amazing sin honestly we plan to talk to you about actually intriguing why don't we just stay here forever Odin doesn't know we're here fimbo winter doesn't reach this place right this way Kratos I'm talking to the samurai shut your freaking mouth up this place is nice does he seem mad come in definitely come in if you would just wipe your feet very thoroughly I'll wait I ain't wiping nothing you're not gonna wipe your feet all right okay then your bedrooms are there the kitchen is just over there any anybody need a snack Kratos snack I do not need a snack what we need is your help getting to Squirtle farm so we can try and rescue tear to tear alive I mean that's what it's okay I told him everything yeah have you been helping them my son disappeared yeah no I I kept an eye on him on your behalf nothing risky everything very safe somebody else speak what's important right now is that we try and open up travel between Realms again you said you know a way yes I do I just it's just there's just a lot of mud and why haven't you opened the way already man well to be frank there was something we needed your help with oh the holder Brothers finally require the services of the smartest man alive that's it precisely relax baldy how'd that get in here [Music] when the hell is anyway that is my son well what in all Yarns me to happen to him he's too damn tall now he looks like that what Dang what does that mean I Blame You now come on then let's get him something he's just getting older you dark flat didn't you ever have an awkward fees in your youth hey yes suppose what's done is done but you'll be putting your foot down from now on if you know what's good oh he's trying believe me all right let's gear you up before you go off Gallop at me why we gotta be called that like what are we doing um busted up good wouldn't you rather I just whip you up a new one nah I want that important to me well I'll see what I can do in the meanwhile how about I fix you up with something to get you by hmm all right welcome to the holdra brother shop it only got materials to make one of these in the here and now you bring me more resources we'll see what we can do bro all these shields in the game we could do this Shield or this one this one looks bigger that's what I like foreign companion armor the kid's gonna insist on getting taller best make a habit of swinging in for this gun all right armor crafted sweet so we got some armor for a trace race armor we got wraps we can upgrade it or we can just make better gear uh strength and defense yeah we're gonna go defense appreciate it uh to upgrade what does that cost 600 hack silver and iron let's continue to make more gear let's make this one plus three strength plus two defense need those what about weapons looks like thimble Winner's been hard on our girl give her here she's overdue for some Brock love what found some items you left behind tossed them in the chest what would you do without me I'm gonna go look around check out my room tell Century when you're ready thank you what's this and how's life been treating everyone's favorite as your vulgarian the [ __ ] you call me exquisite hey where's the armor I made you I used it I busted my shapely hunkers forging every manner of breastplate and pauldron and all of creation and yet now you stand before me Two Steps From butter naked maybe this go around using a little more careful ah I will not uh or you could just keep making more all right guys this is a good time to wrap it on up heck of an episode that Thor fight will go down in history it's one of the most hyped moments on the channel come see hold on hold on who room is this I guess this is where they store the food nice to have options if I wake up hungry sick let me look at my room let me look at my room no naked chicks what all right you guys um y'all know the deal 200k likes part three tomorrow in the meantime I am loving this game hopefully you guys enjoyed it if it's a samurai slice that like button subscribe today to join the Samurai and until next time my present assistance foreign [Music] perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 8,566,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thor vs kratos, kratos vs thor, boss battle, boss, battle, god of war ragnarok, god, of, war, ragnarok, game, gameplay, lets, play, playthrough, walkthrouh, hardest, difficulty, peak, gaming, this, is, video, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments
Id: 12yfjkR8l9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 23sec (3443 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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