FIRST DAY IN ASGARD.. I HATE IT HERE | God of War Ragnarok - Part 8

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oh my goodness my dude doing the freaking Mr Smith from The Matrix going on Creek kitchen and welcome back to work I'm thinking about I'm about to say Ragnarok back to God of War yo my mic I think my mic couldn't take that um guys good evening really I was about to talk to my audience foreign guys we're back like a heart attack on part eight damn but last episode was crazy all right we saved Freya now she can realm travel we just had to battle this insane interdimensional serpent thing yeah that was kind of wild but then after that Kratos and Freya made up and it was like the most wholesome thing ever she also made up with her brother freyjer and now she's a part of the squad after that a treas freaking ran off because everybody was saying how he's dumb for trying to meet with Odin now we're back at midgard stranded fighting all this bull crap yeah do you see this so with that being said this is boy Rock of the day Simple and Clean design on my back go crazy though don't sleep 200k likes for part nine tomorrow part nine we own some 2016 Cory Kenshin right now did y'all know my Evil Within Series has like 20 something Parts imagine do when doing a 20 car play through these days I don't know how long this game is though yeah I'm trying to blaze through this part I don't I really don't like a treasure right now just need some place one oh you had some place warm at centuries pal you getting that strength though I can figure out where to go next all right uh that doesn't look good who is that what what what is this thing some kind of white what the frick is happening you know what nah get over here get over here bro fight this thing oh no [Music] come here come here come here get this summoned boy can I get the get the hell a chance turn around Dodge this way atreus oh it's bouncing off of it you find an enemy that controls more I remember these come here is it garbage are you serious with those first he thinks I've been to asgar then line oh my I'm trying to save your life you big jerk if I go to Asgard following the prophecy where father ends up dead right if I stay locked up at home there's nothing I can do to stop it wrong you can plan be smart I could at least keep an eye on Odin keep it spy find out his plan take control of this bro do you think you're in a video game right now oh well Odin's Ravens we know oh who am I kidding I can't go to Asgard thank you for having some common sense yay yay wait are those red leaves freya's house oh no what happened Charlie Charlie please please [Music] hey all right so clearly this from the first game I don't remember hey big guy [Music] you want some herbs some more [Music] you're gonna have to stand to let me into that house I think you can do that [Music] come on Charlie you have to do the first aid kit I I can't help if you don't Emily Emily [Music] what does that word mean good boy you ain't getting now now what a mess [Music] I know buddy no it's cold in here right I need some raid should close that window if we're snooping around okay Freya hasn't been checking on you free I got her Freedom she's like Deuces too busy hunting us down come on let's get you warmed up I can't believe she never came back to check on her house to check on you that's not an excuse dang did he just rip some pages out of that it's respectful little want you know we about to do that trays about to put him on Scared Straight get some sense into him you're welcome where do I go now beats me stay can't let my dad die too there's got to be something I can do uh go to Sentry's house but he needs a Mystic gate EO it's okay buddy think he's here for me uh I'll be okay I think oh shoot this is Odin [Music] oh my knee [Music] I'm ready he's take me to him no ah a oh my God atreus no oh look at him smiling Frank is wrong with you foreign this is the welcome treatment I gotta come to ascard drenched yeah I'm going home already I'm not feeling this place foreign before midgard froze over hello I'm here Odin bird is this Asgard hey wait up all right first of all this game is freaking beautiful look at this whatever this is winter second of all how you gonna bring me to as well this is Asgard hold on I'm coming and then I gotta walk like you couldn't just drop me off in the city [Music] let's give a trace benefit an adult he's a child he's a child going through puberty learning magic everything's happening simultaneously he's getting Prophecies of his dad dying he's just being very irrational wolf versus wolf from the other side of that wall hey how do I get past the wall I never came up from a mere story about princess the stonemason sun builds a flaw into it he only told Frey about it not anything to ask hold on I was spray at the house did she move in with us you know what Focus Loki me just sitting through a trace talking to himself for 45 seconds wait [Music] that sounds like people really it's his eyes you need help you look a little lost oh I'm just getting my bangs well there's I can see this way except the big wall is there a gate to go through nope not unless you're an AC or God but I guess you know that if you were an ace of your God me no I'm from Edgard what no me too I'm skilled here Loki hang on are you all from midgard yep the uh All fathers say this from the Desolation gave us a safe place to settle but we don't go in there tell me this dude don't got the breath of the wild link starter kit on can't get into the city unless you know Magic you you don't know magic do you well I know magic a little bit yeah what no do you walk through walls no not yet you think I am Nightcrawler couldn't I just climb over it that without any gear no aren't you afraid of dying oh yeah I mean look at that look at the nails but oh no wait you know the old father um sort of his Apprentice what is he teaching you I'm not sure look at kids how many are students I don't know how long you stay you don't know okay I'm gonna go climb that wall now well This I Gotta See you need help I appreciate it but wasn't gonna climb with you I may owe out in my life but I don't owe him my death not that I think you're gonna fall forget I said sure sure I appreciate your uh faith in me is that Hogan is who can your guide who Odin's Raven you know from Hogan and moonin pretty good guy nope sure he'll know too much about climbing sound like a band from the 80s bro let me do my climbing all right well Loki you seem like a good guy I really hope I am not about to watch you die thanks me too you know not to look down right yeah I like looking down shows me how much progress I've made I know and you're about to be dead you doing Loki thanks gielder I hope you're right Gilder here we go oh my bro that just fell on somebody made it more wins hey you again how about I tell you a story once there was a giant named Loki who thought it'd be a good idea to accept Odin's invitation to ask Odin tested Loki expecting him to climb by himself all the way up printer's wall Where'd I go so oh so what did Loki do he kept climbing where his arms hurt his fingers went numb it got hard to breathe Loki you have climbing one butthole at a time much respect all the way the top I mean you shouldn't even be here in the first place but this does look pretty hard nowhere to go but uh okay okay keep going come on can't stop now like if he falls like what's the game plan come on bro what I was just like on the fall movie yo y'all gotta see that movie just just like that do this I can do this almost there all right wait wait wait man's going crazy they're about to be standing right there hello who is that hi so what part of the enormous wall made you think oh visitors must be welcome oh shoot oh shoot I was sent for actually by Odin the all father sent for you great the yellow is free then why are you out there and not in here good question why don't we ask them together oh it's real is what they come back bro you better pull me up before I call my dad over here are you finished now a little zesty with that hand oh Father King of the Acer possibly want with the likes can we have this conversation when I climb up there that's between me and Odin oh he didn't like that one what pull me up or no I don't think I will I think maybe I'll drop you no no no no no yes I'm going to drop you goodbye and come at the All fathers father to be when when he finds out you killed his guest Loki of the yote Gnar the other enemy of my people oh I am not your enemy [Applause] I will be the judge of that yeah you're about to get Bodied please tell me we about to fight this dude [Music] come here this way Loki okay wait is that gjallarhorn are you handle obviously now feel free to drink in the Splendor of Asgard this is a rare sight for Outsiders especially Giants time doll huh yes why not steal anything that is not nailed down that is sure to impress your hosts it's like I'm getting my hackie just ask your questions already how do you know I had questions it is my job next question what is your job I protect the realm I love from trouble and you think I'm trouble you just met me and I can already see you are eager to prove yourself probably due to an overshadowing father figure you can never live up to good guess I would also guess that you are disrespectful entitled and impulsive you don't know me at all three hit combo oh you are here to help people hmm no no you are here to help yourself hey to manipulate and lie to whoever you have to to get what you want hey I know you're young your voice probably dropped while you were climbing the wall but what a twisted little soul you have you are chaos in a spiffy Archer suit um I watch you a mouth move and I see cities burning thank God it's going to come from you being an Asgard oh my goodness bro he literally just told him everything about himself and it was like all facts I'll be honest that's it if you are here to Aid the Our father and have no treacherous intent I guess that makes us allies cool topper who loves me the most who loves me the most what the freak is that wow that's almost as impressive Calder had the luxury of not caring how badly he got burnt I oh dominate them fair and square all right we literally in House of dragon look at that thing back there no bro where's vegar at that flying island has to be around here somewhere why don't we ask Lou Ceres where he's at hahaha whoa here's all Easter Gods what you think all Acorn Gods but skilder told me that only well skilder told you clearly whoever that is must be the authority on Acer Gods Not to the Ace of God you are currently talking to you literally know nothing of our culture do you I know why would I I know a giant who are y'all a giant built the wall that keeps out the Giants I know the whole story of these I truly cannot wait for you to Regale me with the revisionist tales of asgard's architectural history man this dude is like overwhelmingly sarcastic Palace do you think the all father needs to Puff himself up like some Mortal Chieftain I guess not that is the great lodge which the all-father built with his own hands I'm sorry if that is a letdown for you yeah this is this is kind of true real power you see does not need to float it emerges when the time is right don't you agree I guess oh dang hey helmets I brought you a practice damn it I thought we were going to own it you see the thing is you too treacherous intent so I am not letting you anywhere near the old father I got something for you as soon as I'm done with them are you talking about bro I can't even hear you up too busy putting these mannequins got something for you what's up girl right in your freaking head come on come on come on oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah you thought it was over well that was pouring guess who's next you sure you want to keep up by the waiting funny thing I am sure about that yes I am feeling very sure this is so epic come here wait what oh no arrows ow here he's playing with him oh that one felt super clear come here oh my goodness you're not gonna stop me from nah this dude is saucy yeah oh he's flossy bro the way he just walked up onto the battlefield oh arrows I'm so afraid just smack this freaking my dude doing the freaking Mr Smith from the Matrix like I gotta put some respect on heimdall's name for that he got it from your brain whoa what sure completely ineffective Soul all right we gotta figure something out transform all right so that's not doing is that it all right is this all you have to show me yotin maybe I can can I take his animal oh okay oh my goodness wow I do have to say okay I am profoundly unimpressed oh my goodness you should probably stay down oh great get that out of here like it or not he's all father's guest oh shoot I thought I smelled something take one more step you're not gonna like other sins really and how do you intend to stop me looked into my eyes you tell me oh very sick man sick man what is that made it I am so honored I I see you've met Heimdall why did you he reads Minds for me the boy is false all father this young man who is my guest is covered in mud care to explain he means to betray you is that true Loki you're a little trickster oh they're just messing around of course he means to betray me huh Heimdall why else would he come I've given him no reason to trust me not yet but he's got some very big questions and I have so many answers to get what are you up to dismissed go gladly and you clean yourself up oh my God will you just relax were you intending on killing me first thing see he's like I mean what that's not good enough for you get out of here yeah Scott scream has it is a lot I know very perceptive but sometimes he just forgets to think you know that's where it's like yeah I got some places to eat yeah bro this is so how'd your father take the news that you decided to accept my invitation oh I snuck out they just gave me like two racks of XP I don't think we should talk about my father that well huh can't blame them between my ex-wife and my disgruntled former employee he's not exactly getting an unbiased view but you you're curious open-minded Valkyrie is important priest Mist carry on pretend I'm not here if I'm being honest with you Loki you're lucky my offer still stands I went and sprung tear but I suppose spending time with him is punishment enough isn't it at least my mayor never lost his sense of humor bad luck yeah that's all behind us now I like to keep looking forward hey hey hey I want that train not decapitated just keep it below the neck all right is that really what you do when I'm not here ain't who you are all ready for your blessings that's why I'm here isn't it hmm guess there's a new Valkyrie Queen great soldiers oh boy they tend to come out of Valhalla a little foggy I do what I can for them help them remember who they were in life look how tall the Valkyries are a sense of identity gives things meaning moon feed nothing growth guard say nothing warm what is he doing don't see nothing Tiana [Music] don't do that to me okay next up ever this is ah the Box good those are for him I understand you're an avid reader these are just a few things from my Personal Collection uh thanks this better not be mushrooms I smell listen I appreciate your offer but I'm really not sure what you're expecting from me right now you're just visiting Loki One Step at a Time study there calm but with all respect you need to know came to study not to serve another servant is the last thing I need I need someone with drive with curiosity someone will take initiative that looks good he's that raised but why me sad because I'm half giant big deal so Thor AirLand try to stay awake for me okay but look don't overthink it I have a project I think you'll be interested in a major learning opportunity Thor is half giant um I'm still caught up on that who's Thor's mom again fiorgan so Odin was getting around dude what about my family my friends I need to know nobody's gonna get hurt why would I hurt anybody the truth is all I've been asking for from the start if you recall look you're here now stop worrying it's all gonna be fine almost to your room my room yep just over here feel free to come and go take what you need poke around as you please you're not my prisoner and more importantly I'm not your father all father there's a situation that needs your attention Chef you missed welcoming our new house guest say hello to Loki this is him who is this here in our home yeah how nice my Diplomat hey look how long her hair is being all right new midgard new midgard the refugees are fine the situation is with the dwarves you know who is back yeah it's always something put those books down we got another stop to make uh right now I mean the room I got a feeling we gotta oh we could meeting Sith was really in current position she could get bodied if she trying to try me yeah all right I'm here where is he he oh uh just over there oh Father yes sir what's happening oh oh shoot Chief it's been too long what's the issue now no issue at all if you're trying to build volatile death traps I approve these designs personally and not all that recently I might add did you just wake up with the urge to be a pain in my ass yeah who's the cut are you training [ __ ] Pockets you know what darling Eureka cheap Mead and that is by far your most endearing characteristic okay [Music] okay now listen up it's me your entire economy speaking I want you to know that I have confidence in you confidence you can deliver me these machines as promised on time on budget and of course safely the dwarves have never let me down and they're not about to start now right good I mean so far Odin doesn't seem that bad but we know we know we know we know the dude is horrible let's do catch up when you're ready to get to work and start getting those answers meet me in my study down the hall okay cool oh and help yourself to a change of clothes as guardian garbs all right check wardrobe before visiting your study this is uh not too shabby I am a little bit homeless right now so this will do Acer uniform collect that guess I could try this on it has less mud on it anyway AC or bow nice runic recharge whoa I can use this all right we'll craft the Acer boat all right foreign form is like literally the same as this one I'm gonna rock it when in Asgard we do Asgardian things let's get it popping donk whoa gotta say the irony of this isn't lost on me this was his room you know his who's my brothers your brother Modi Modi oh ah your brother my bad really I had no he should have been like Modi who does that Modi I have never heard that name in my life yeah uh-huh and now it's yours enjoy oh thanks doctor through relax Thor's Daughter you got some pretty small shoes to fill dang just going in on your brother like that [Music] without him looking [Music] trust me [Music] okay walk with me [Music] uh don't forget your sword ah [Music] the trees get your weight up bro uh someone will clean that up get your weight up bro all right everybody here is friendly so far I mean well what kind of Sword is that it's new one of a kind my father gave it to me for valkyrie training you're in Valkyrie training got time to talk about it I was just heading to the Great Hall but if you need to go to work grandfather's study is just down those stairs that's my room used to be magnes guess I'm moving up so how do you become a valkyrie first I try and tell them the best I can be then I wait till grandfather notices and then I hope he and my dad can convince moments okay you know my father and I we encounter your mom a whole bunch of Valkyries What where promise to tell me everything I promise mother did you meet Loki oh now he's got you involved with this involved with what I'm being friendly isn't that diplomacy you understand who this is right what his father did he want him here we'll talk about so this is Thor's wife huh all right Thor I'll see you my boy I will sorry about her mom's right so did you want to look around some more or do you really need to get to work with the the meat no I'm I'm interested I like this place so far listen whatever grandfather is having you do remember this is your chance to prove yourself that's all that some of us want oh yeah I'll try to do some good you're hearing about talking at the table please do not involve me in your pathetic attempts to impress one another huh come on you haven't had enough Heimdall in your day let's go freaking lame look at the Asgardian that's where Mom and Dad sleep ever hear a Thunder God snore because you're gonna you don't want to bother for seti he's all work whose room is this that's where balder stayed when he stayed anywhere all right well the tour was awesome catch you later through catch you later yes I I understand that was yes insane do you see me nodding and saying yes I understand I I uh yes yes all right he really liked talking to them Birds relax you see this is you not letting me talk no hugin I I don't need my ears clean I need you to stop croaking and and and accept the answer you know I'm about to give what the freak I was just looking at this that old thing I've had that since huh who can remember whoa that's like freya's sword you you have a name Ingrid really sure why not take it if you like it that much for real consider it a perk of the job whoa whoa thank you I mean really and they say I am the bad guy come on let's walk no you are I think giving me a sword makes you a good guy freak out of here hmm [Music] oh that's clean that's clean [Music] all right can I steal anything into here everyone's got me all wrong you think War drives me or power well is my drive is about power we say hungry wait up you know what drives me what I really want I want answers same as you see Mortals have it he's when they push up against life's big questions they can look to us they give them meaning Divine Comfort we both know that's a sham but when we have questions why are we here to give meaning to Mortals while living without it ourselves no more than that I found something that proves it this is such a strange Odin what is it that's what drives me you'll feel it don't you feels like is that a tear in the universe knowledge truth false truth all the answers we could find out why we're here learn how to change our Fates stop Ragnarok for good maybe save the people we love how the trees it was a young God when I found it spent lifetimes studying it following every clue down every dead end looking for and finally unearthingness you see that shares the same mystical energy it opened the crack can we just look inside I wouldn't recommend that oh what's the broken mask for recognize any writing on it these aren't from the nine realms there obsidiani's Pizza it's from smoldered Earth and obsidian Spark and a field of battles never fought are you certain if that's the clue I know what it means and what's that keep working with me to find out you don't have to kill anyone you don't have to betray your father or yourself come on I know you felt what I felt the answers are in there let's get them I mean you translated this language like it was nothing nobody else can if I do help you what's next you're not going to tell you that door get down here oh Father don't do that what's next is chasing this down take this and this stealthy side of beef let's see where it takes you and don't promise anything my nonsense freak Happy Hunting and you go easy on him you hear me oh this kid I killed my son we are with the bad guys moose behind the rest of the Mask is here that's where all [ __ ] dropped us what do you think take that do your damn job favorite character favorite character we get to travel with my favorite character where are we going what the [ __ ] am I supposed to oh Father you know what you're doing so do it right here between the eyes just like they did Goliath it's guidance mask is a tune and Trace gold beard well it seems like we go through this rock is gonna get that with those arms this game is fire bro this we literally traveling with Thor on a mission from Odin this is crazy what up Thor yo oh burning Clips I'm trying to look at his face oh all right let's get it wait what the let's see what Loki in that shiny toothpick [Music] wait what I was angry oh that sword is clean okay come here where are we supposed to head now I'll check why don't you freaking help Thor this way up there it looks like there might be a ledge we could reach if we too slow hey I was gonna pick something up you can't just grab people like that no what else are they gonna do that oh my God oh my goodness I just want to watch him fight [Music] okay shot hey shot come here oh yeah wait what we're fighting with Thor I'm freaking out I'm freaking out things up there hitting up with fire yeah I got it all right oh my goodness come here yeah yeah we can't lose we literally can't lose oh my God this is free money I took my blood payment from your father for whatever my sons but I haven't taken it from you yet what do you mean later don't want to keep the all father waiting speaking of which mask right or what you mean by that blood payment listen I don't deal in blood currency all right you know I got some haggy you know so uh first let me see what's over here I want to check here real quick a fire squirrel that's lit see y'all really be sleeping on me y'all really be sleeping on me man we need to head through those rocks yeah go ahead hey can you must say wide open yeah that just imagine oh you want to talk about blood payment what about the Giants you killed oh they were my family oh Farm War Broner they were your people too the Giants were blight on the nine Realms and I reveled in every single one of their deaths change the subject no uh last time father and I were here we beat everyone at starter's trials don't play me what are you talking about do you beat the trials or not you got drugs or not wait hold up oh okay I'm just about to watch this is not awkward at all right dang he's still got that Mark from when Kratos slashed him in his stomach Modi had some problems but he was my son and the only reason you are mush right now is because of that broken piece of wood look clearly neither of us can do this Mission alone and I want to impress the all father just as much as you do you don't have to like me but we're gonna have to trust each other just a little bit oh door let's do this insanely powerful go crazy sword come here you think you're doing what do you think you're doing what do you think you're doing Bob oh yeah oh yeah it might work come here get this summoned get this summon get this Summit not aggressive enough in my opinion you're more than welcome to step it up this is me trusting you whoa get the freak back it's so many particle effects on my screen right now can I okay so where's the mask saying go that combo was crazy hold up let me restart my camera real quick this way the mask is uh pulling this way we'll have to find some way down I wasn't playing you by the way the trials are fun don't you ever have fun you're so different from your daughter she said come look at this all right all right oh Thor what the huh Sutter Shrine you didn't die over there did you now I'm here he is so much more agile or uh what's it called when you can move um mobile I guess then Kratos he can fly he can do all types of stuff and I was thinking well that's your problem and he just kills trousers might be something you would do it again first we deal with them come on board just check them out what have you got to lose bro why are you talking freaking dying over here that's right just try it a what holder I need the help buddy I need that help buddy oh yeah bro why are you in that thing come here come here R3 R3 R3 RT okay all right two holders two holders Little Words can I get some help here 's short on time all right let's kill one of them this sword is crazy bro vulgar's like it was nothing the All fathers waited hundreds of winters he can wait a little more it's fun fine stay right here yes sir stay right here he literally went to go do the trials by himself okay these are summons we could do these birds yeah I think we're gonna keep doing this one that should keep him busy for a while hopefully come on come on give me a challenge that's so Thor now to get to that shrine I just went over there to fight you can hear him over there fighting so we're still busy I should get to that shrine oh I get it this is this part is crazy man hey Ingrid do you trust the ace here I mean I know I can't trust them I just need them to trust me but that's only gonna happen if they think I trust them my father and I visited this place the last time we were in Moose behind it was like forever ago I feel like this sword is an AC or sword like I wouldn't even trust the sword at all they could I mean Odin could be listening through the sword like we just don't know anything oh shoot oh shoot okay [Music] where are these things coming from right here got it get in there get in there oh I think 600 bones oh shoot oh shoot okay you know for someone who was trained as a warrior you are tragically easy to startle what are you doing here I didn't what are you doing here how can you travel the girl can't visit a shrine everyone militia you're here for sorcers Marvel Maybe you're out looking for more giant marbles um you know what this looks like right like the life story of one of our people and also maybe a storage closet no this looks an awful lot like to find destiny the question is what are you doing here rewriting my story Odin gave that to you it's not well you did you know what it is I'm not working with him I would never tell him anything about Ironwood that's where you're worried about and I'm definitely not serving him prophecies words not mine I've got a marble to find you're welcome to help if you want fun are you sure you're up for breaking the rules like this there aren't any Prophecies of you collecting any marbles yeah what endings haven't been written right come on yeah I thought we I thought you had an adhere to your murals oh hello there sentient sword yes my new sword names starters no soul in it though so we still out there somewhere a while back you talked about how the Giants left you ever think about them all the time they're far from here far from Odin and Thor but I wonder what lands they've gone to but Seas they've crossed why I want to find them I'm Gonna Save my father and then I'll find them get all the Giants back together starting who is that not certain that's for sure look at all that Frost Cinema hmm don't think I've heard of her before and here comes certor wow this must have been some fight until it wasn't it just stopped oh no no no look it's because they fought together looks like they even became friends more than that uh good friends yeah are they yeah I think they are making out well that's good for them but it looks like they're [Music] love caused them to combine into some kind of huge creature Ragnarok and then Ragnarok destroys asgar right I saw that in grow a shrine well that was something oh hey remember the snake we put that soul in can't really forget that I saw it it's getting bigger like faster than normal bigger really yeah I had a feeling that would happen huh so that's how ya suckers knew I'm gonna hang back here don't want your uh friend to see a giant he missed of course just be careful please please you too Loki everybody out here got powers bro hey Ingrid I think Thor died from you thought you could defeat this gun oh bro he's up there going crazy bro of course that was fun we were mountains of corpses by the time I finished cut down like extrude are you gonna help hey what's taking so long oh you can help I don't know if you knew that um come here come here I got something for you come here you wouldn't believe the scores of these things I just killed it was glorious bro how about you kill some more [Music] never should have come here never should have come here Skyrim never should have come here another one bro can we blast them off oh okay thank you could have done that at any time you seem to be handling yourself well enough I was trusting you aha very funny so we're too let me check it open looks like we need to head through that gate Thor ain't that impressive real God stuff you are a God you're damn right and so am I it's here this is the spot well where is it in the lava I don't know ah damn it some advice sticking your hand in Marvels did it though I wasn't thinking good it's better that way all right let's get out of here come on try to play me again you're an okay kid still a giant and a revolent killing me too why did he hate giant so much Loki the rift got brighter look you did it look one of these phrases is complete now we can read it all but you can't translate it not yet see I got a little Theory I think if we can find the rest of this we can use it to look into that without you know losing an eye or worse look at this we make a good team don't we don't we make a good damn team just like you and father you both behave out there or was really great I learned a lot from him you learned something from him really now okay what did you teach the kid nothing what could I possibly teach him exactly oh I got some uh I was wondering where that went actually I had a pretty good idea change of heart I'm not really sure why I came to Asgard but I realize now it wasn't to be a spy I need you to know you can trust me oh you're laying it on if I'm going to help you take this to the end I need to be able to trust you and trust is earned I get it take this figure out the rest of it if you're staying that is you're going to tell me what you're really looking for in there translate that and I'll tell you everything nah we got to do it young man trust me don't translate it bruh don't do it oh treasure more XP ah dang it I'm saving up for this one you always this hard on Thor seems like you're mad at him or something getting nosy getting personal no I get it but it's nothing like that it's well to be honest it's the only language he understands I'm serious go ahead and try being nice to him see where that gets you though about the sword is Ingrid the name of the Soul inside it I wonder why I can't hear soul who said anything about look son some free advice you don't want to let anyone catch you talking to your sword all right it's a bad look all right come along Hogan oh they're leaving hey you're back how was it did Father behave himself yeah I mean better than I would have expected I guess is that the sword from grandfather's study oh yeah her name's angry [Music] hi Ingrid I love that it talks well father must really trust you well glad you survived your first day hey me too tomorrow we talk about Valkyries definitely this is so cool and it sucks because like you know we got to kill all of them I'm not thrilled do you think that I would be well I'm not angry I'm concerned you know that's not what I want for her you don't want her to have a sword it's not about having a sword it's about it's about what you use it for I think you know what I mean yeah I do and I don't want that for her either okay you don't have to worry she's a smart girl smarter than her father well [Applause] when you're right you're right uh come here oh okay [Music] um what are they talking about I'm assuming they're talking about her interesting well this has been a weird day exactly let's level up our stuff Talon Bowl maxed out yeah [Music] hmm [Music] what the freak [Music] so confused how that just happened was to move Kratos was to move good morning brother no news I'm afraid but I have a plan do you not hey you know once you've found them once could you do so again I could try but I don't see how that works how are the fates of these lands are they not I would know what they know you may not find them Cooperative as long as I find them where do we search midgard but if atreus is an Asgard there's no getting him back without an army we should be raising one yes nothing like a catastrophic don't shed a tear the boy seems quite capable perhaps if you simply give him some time you are not free of blame here in confusion I do not seek war but if Odin has stolen my son do not doubt the links I will go to your Nature has always been clear Kratos but you phrase backhanded or as a first Resort that's not the Freya I knew I hope the norns can give you the counsel you need perhaps mine is no longer of use here tear stop this is no time matter of fact go back to the broom closet sit please you have been quiet frankly I'm surprised you of all people would seek out fate but your instincts haven't let us down so far let's find the norms yes sir yeah yes sir [Music] [Applause] back with our boys I only hoped to help the boy find his answers and I failed what's my role in all this now dear you're at the center of this you always have been that's why Odin imprisoned you in the first place he's terrified of you I doubt that very much it's the truth and not just because of prophecies no one has ever United the Realms as you once did but that is not who I am anymore I know you feel that way now I've lost myself before more than once but believe me there is something beyond that and what is that purpose purpose is the path that leads you to yourself so you would have me accept my fate lead your armies into war secure your vengeance it's not about securing our Justice yeah is not your purpose then find another for your own sake it's about freedom let me free with us looking for you with us Warriors battle dress oh yeah does it hurt oh this only when I worry you got smacked in the head oh where the trace get to Asgard I'm sorry but you'd have to ask Odin he's got control of every path I know how highly you esteem our expertise on such things so I'm sure that's disappointing nah he's just been one step ahead of us it's all good bro it's all good all right let's upgrade Leviathan Acts all right let us proceed hang on I got something for you hopefully it's good Sandy coming before you go traipsing off into the dawn I thought you'd like to have this back my first shield well don't go getting too cheery about it but you're welcome I've collected what we need to find the norns shall we go indeed Freya indeed Guardian Shield I suspect we may have consequences to look forward to hey squirrel ah Master Kratos my apologies Madame neathog's disappearance weighs heavily on my mind of yours less a friend than another long time tenant of the tree she was here even before I arrived and that was ages ago oh shoot to even think something could keep her away from her babies terrible just terrible if Hogue is dead whoa we could do side missions guys we're gonna do them which sucks because you use side missions to get stronger for the main story but I know this game was that long going into it we are certain the choice could not still be in midgard I was just there and found no Trace if Odin invited him he must have provided away no walking tell me where we find these norns I discovered some of their threads near the frozen lake I stashed one for spell crafting but we may also use it to find them just remember they really don't want to be found well at least things will be difficult for a change your sarcasm isn't lost on me dear mamir we should take your sled and head to the lake Frosty the Snowman was a snowman bees and gusts and constant radar attacks so that's because they believe Kratos is responsible for thimble winter and that killing him will end it where would they get an idea like that from me of course of course thanks Fred uh still the hole in the roof for when uh Thor smacked the freak out of me for you're welcome to come inside I'm not sure why you never come inside my house okay there's some over here one over here hey y'all know I'm looking for the hacky the hacky make me wacky come on quiet she is a friend now better they get this from you once the wolves have the scent of the Norms we'll just need to follow their lead I will open the gate stop whining their fur is matted when did you last brush them they are wolves and matted fur leads to disease take care of them and they'll take care of you see we need a motherly figure like this burritos you're too tough all right matted fur leads to disease what they saw a mailman or something thank you brother all right what exactly do you intend to ask the Norms oh I may find my son nothing more I don't imagine it's a chance to clear up all this mess about prophecy absolutely a second opinion on your alleged demise you didn't tell me you had a death prophecy when atreus and I reached your time we found a hidden mural the Giants they yourself that were seen our entire Journey long ago who would meet who we would fight all of it has it happened but you are not dead time yet to come I see you've never struck me as someone who fears death that's not the problem is it no that's gonna have me when it earns me that's the hardest quote he said death can have me when it earns me spoken like a true Spartan then maybe it's not the future that bothers you what face sent you on your journey and she made sure you'd see that image at the end of it and you're still not sure why I wish to speak on this no further oh you don't want to talk huh [Applause] that's all right we're gonna figure it out on the lake how will we find the norns watch The Wolves closely see how their heads point the way oh my goodness bruh well the leak of nine has certainly seen better days videos have made themselves not sure I've been back to these parts since had a great battle with secret enough we will continue later all right that was funny how he just got back we can get off and get off Secrets speaks highly of your great battle as well you know of that she told me all about it when she phoned me she believed you could be an ally long before I believed it from the valkyrie Queen I'm the valkyrie Queen a secret was stubbornly determined to remind me I guess it was secretly helping you to cover yourself it's so loyal why ever oh to see where you're coming from they said there's an older distracting it's not somebody's life the norns use it to mark their way when they're outside of the well the Nords live no The Well of Earth their home is hard to explain the freak is that it's in no fixed Place entrances come and go a place holy under their influence where the intangible becomes tangible like being inside your own mind are we going together are we in each other's mind not so sure I like the sound of that let me see if you don't want us to know maybe you wouldn't counter these norms not personally now then from what I do know of the north there's right we have ways of discouraging visitation who didn't meet his share of efforts wouldn't talk about what he found I didn't give up or he wanted to forget what he saw foreign as I was seeing Tales of time travel always strain credulity it is the truth the threat of Fate span all life and time the sisters of Fate abuse when I challenge them they threatened to undo my existence so I killed them and turned their power on Zeus that's the most dangerous and irresponsible thing I've ever heard these Norms have no such magic nor does anyone in these Realms that I've ever seen I can you imagine it existed Odin would have it and if Orden we'd be five Shades more when we are all ready I would not ask them to change the past they could I only want information and that's quite dangerous enough in my experience so there's a guy in here um I tried to fight him but I feel like we're supremely over leveled or under level I'll give it a shot just so you guys see look how much health he has literally did nothing look at it look how much look how much else it took he hit me one time and he just transformed to a super boss [Music] oh I think I can oh [Applause] God jumps [Music] [Applause] okay one mistake and we're gonna call it here so we got a lot done but in the next episode we're gonna find those norns also the enemies are becoming an issue all the enemies are level four five yeah leveling leveling is going to be an issue I don't know how but we'll figure it out 200k likes part nine tomorrow hopefully you guys enjoyed it this is the samurai slice that like button subscribe today to joining Samurai and until next time my brothers and sisters foreign [Music] perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 5,993,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war ragnarok, god, of, war, ragnarok, game, gameplay, part, part 8, first, day, in, asgard, hate, it, here, gow, atreus, thrud, meeting, odin, thor, team, hateful, boss, battle, hardest, difficulty, heimdall, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, edits
Id: nUXtkH5-fFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 52sec (5092 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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