Rack of Lamb with Blueberry Beurre Rouge - Easter Lamb Roasted with Blueberries

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the misplaced enthusiastic emphasis this guy puts in explaining the recipe was hilarious, I will try this recipe, looks very delicious and not very hard to recreate

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2013 🗫︎ replies

Ah, rack of lamb. Perhaps my favorite cut of any meat. The fat around the loin is the best.

[edit] LOL, "You can not be sheepish about seasoning your lamb sauce!" Wow. This guy really loves what he does.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mousi 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2013 🗫︎ replies

I love him. He is amazing!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rentneza 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2013 🗫︎ replies
hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with roast rack alum with blueberry brugge that's right it's been a while since we've done a rack of lamb video and with the Easter feast fast approaching I figured this will be a perfect time and all Bruges is is a red wine based pan sauce but to make things even more delicious and I think gorgeous we're going to use some beautiful fresh blueberries and this really did turn out fantastic so let me show you how to put it together it's super easy so first up you need some nice rack in fact two nice racks to be exact all right we're gonna season those generously on both sides with salt and black pepper all right those are fully trimmed your standard eight bone rack of lamb right from the supermarket and then in a skillet over medium-high heat we're going to sear those in just a little bit of vegetable oil until well browned on both sides and actually forget about two sides you can go three sides if you want you can actually lean them against each other and also sear that edge which works nicely alright once that's well browned I want you to turn off the heat we're going to remove those from the pan and then we're going to paint those with just a little bit of a seasoned mustard that you're going to put together as follows take a little bit of Dijon mustard we're gonna add a little bit of minced fresh rosemary some cinnamon and a little bit of cumin and we're going to give that a stir and when that's all mixed together we're going to spread that over our racks a very thin layer this is something that we're just barely going to taste underneath the more prominent flavors okay so very subtle yet very important and there's something about a little hint of cinnamon that works particularly well Wood lamb and blueberries for that matter and luckily both those ingredients are present in this dish so I was pretty sure that was a good choice and as it turns out it was so once we have a nice thin coat of that seasoned mustard on the lamb we're going to set that aside and we're going to prep our pan sauce so I'm going to go ahead and throw a sliced shallot into the exact same pan we browned our lamb with a nice big pinch of salt we're gonna put the heat on medium and we're going to sweat those shallots until they just start to soften a little bit now I was very stubborn here usually there's enough fat left in the pan to saute these nicely but my pan was like too dry and for whatever reason I refuse to add any more oil so this took me like six or seven minutes if you add just a little tiny splash of oil those shallots will get golden brown a little quicker but no big deal five or six minutes later mine look like that at which point I added some fresh blueberries and I think this is one of my favorite scenes of the year so far I don't know why that just looks really gorgeous to me so my heat still on medium I'm going to give those a stir and as soon as they turn kind of black and shiny we're going to go ahead and deglaze with some red wine so I'm gonna dump in a cup of red wine I'm going to turn off my heat and I'm just going to stir that with a wooden spoon and as you know that liquids going to cause all those delicious caramelized juices from the bottom of the pan from the shallots and the lamb to release and dissolve into that liquid and that's going to produce a perfect base to roast these rack of lambs over so the Heat's off we're going to go ahead and place our lamb back on top and the nice thing about racks of lamb you can push those bones together to form kind of a lamb zipper and that's going to allow that to roast nice and evenly so just push those together I'm going to give the top one last hit of fresh black pepper and then we're going to place the entire thing into a preheated 375 degree oven for approximately 20 minutes or until you reach a nice medium-rare which is going to be about 125 internal temperature which is what I have right here in fact you can see those beautiful pink juices escaping from the hole I made with the thermometer and even though I use the thermometer I still like to push with my finger so I can keep reminding myself what medium-rare feels like and of course we're going to remove that from the pan to a cutting board to rest for at least five or six minutes which is perfect because that's how long it's going to take to finish this amazing pan sauce so while the lamb is resting we're going to go back over to the stove I'm going to drizzle in about a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar I'm going to put our heat on to medium high I'm also going to add a little more salt of course you're tasting throughout the process you know the drill you cannot be sheepish about seasoning your lamb sauce so make sure you're always tasting and adjusting our we're going to give that a stir and like just about every single pan sauce we've ever done we're going to bring this to a simmer we're going to reduce it by about half which of course is going to make it thicken up just a hair it's going to look something like that at which point you're going to turn off the heat stir in a chunk of butter and when the butter is incorporated you're done and by the way my camera really does not like butter in dark sauces I mean talk about saturated fat oh yeah so tossing the butter remember the Heat's off just keep it moving keep stirring keep shaking the pan and when the butter is melted and when you've given it that final taste for salt pepper and possibly off the record Cayenne you're ready to serve all right so our sauce is ready our lamb should be rested final step of course is cut into it and feast your eyes on the glory that is rack of lamb roasted over a blueberry sauce look how perfect and juicy that meat is I think there's something about it roasting over that sauce it adds so much humidity to the oven I really love the results of this technique it's almost too juicy and amazing as far as portioning half a rack is perfect for one person I usually cut that in half to make two nice chops and then you know how this story ends you're going to throw those on a warm plate possibly with some roasted potatoes you're going to spoon over your sauce and you're going to experience an incredibly flavorful delicious lamb dish like I said earlier just a regular bruges is beautiful on lamb but when you add the subtle sweetness and tartness of the blueberries and the flavor from the shallot and a little bit of rosemary and spice in that mustard glaze you're talking about something very special and something in my opinion that would make a very memorable Easter feast and of course I didn't care that much so I just spooned my sauce over the top if you want this to look fancy put the sauce underneath and yes you absolutely have the option to strain out those blueberries but I kind of enjoyed the appearance and the texture so I didn't but anyway that's up to you when it comes to lamb you are the man but regardless like I said the technique of roasting over the pan sauce I think really works well so instead of resurrecting one of those old standard boring leg of lamb recipes I thought maybe you'd want to try something new and this is definitely something a little different from the normal Easter lamb recipe routine so I really hope you give it a try head over to food wishes com for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 211,517
Rating: 4.9531007 out of 5
Keywords: Rack, Lamb, Roasted, Blueberry, Beurre, Rouge, roast, chef, john, foodwishes, meat, easter, holiday, dinner, meal, main course, Roasting (Culinary Technique), Food, Cooking, Kitchen, Lamb And Mutton (Ingredient), Eating, Recipe
Id: ooGVn_JWiYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2013
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