Bourbon Pepper Pan Sauce - Food Wishes

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like his cooking style and recipes but I can't stand his cadence. AHHH! But this looks delicious.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/smimic7 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

papa bless

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/duelapex 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love chef John!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cindyavocado374370 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ingredients for two portions:

1 clove minced garlic, sautéed in 1 teaspoon butter

1 ounce bourbon

1/2 cup chicken broth or veal stock

1/3 cup heavy cream

2 teaspoons cold butter

salt and cayenne to taste

black pepper to taste


Cook steak (he used New York Strip) in pan

Remove steak, turn off heat

Add garlic to pan, then one teaspoon butter. Saute

Add bourbon. Don't blow yourself up!

Add stock, turn heat back to high and bring to boil. Deglaze pan.

Add heavy cream and reduce to desired thickness. Add spices to taste.

Turn off heat, add 2 teaspoons cold butter, stir

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RubySapphireGarnet 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with bourbon pepper pan sauce that's right at least once or twice a year I'd like to do a video that features a pan sauce since for me it's one of the most important techniques for a home cook to master and by adding this very easy to learn skill to your repertoire you'll be producing things that most mere mortals only can get in a restaurant so with apologies to professional saucier severy where let's go ahead and get started and I'm going to begin by generously seasoning this New York Strip and that's going to be in coating the surface with a generous application of kosher salt as well as a very very very heavy application of freshly ground black pepper all right extra credit if it's a little bit coarsely ground and of course we're going to do that to both sides and we'll also use the excess on the plate to get the edges and we really do want to be generous here especially with the black pepper all right believe it or not using this method we're not actually gonna add any black pepper to the sauce it's all gonna come from the surface of the steak or at least that's the plan and by the way the whole idea of a pan sauce is to obviously make it after you cook something in a pan but something I will go over in the blog post is that if you're gonna grill your steaks or cook them in some other non pan method I'm gonna let you know how you can make this sauce anyway so don't worry if you want to use this after grilling there is a way and what we'll do once our steak has been seasoned is simply set that aside while we move on to the rest of our mise in plos which is simply a French culinary term for getting all your ingredients together besides some veal or chicken stock and some heavy cream we're gonna need about 1 ounce of bourbon and no you don't have to use the really nice stuff except I don't drink anything that's not nice so I was forced to use something a little higher end and then we'll also need a little touch of cold butter as well as some minced garlic and that is pretty much gonna be it for this very very simple sauce and the reason we get this all together before we start is because we want to be able to make our sauce in the five or six minutes it takes for our steak to rest and if we try to run and grab all their stuff once our steak is done it's gonna take too long but once we do have all that set we can head to the stove where I'm gonna cook my steak over medium-high heat and a little bit of duck fat just cuz I had some left over but you use clarified butter or any other and if that if you want oh and let me give you a little New York Strip buying advice never buy one that has a membrane going through it like this one all right that is the last strip that they cut from a loin and in my opinion the least desirable so I was not paying attention but you should be but anyway I ended up cooking this for about five minutes per side shooting for something hopefully close to medium-rare and besides giving it about five minutes per side I also like to sear the edges a little bit for mostly aesthetic reasons but more browning usually equals more flavor and if you're wondering about that dark spot forming at the bottom of the pan that's what we call the Fond Fon D and all that is our meat drippings and juices caramelizing onto the metal along with of course a good amount of black pepper and as you'll see once we remove the steak that's going to form the foundation of our pan sauce okay so for step one we're gonna cook a steak to our liking in a steel pan hopefully forming any fabulous fond in the process and what we'll do is remove that steak to a plate to rest and turn off the heat repeat turn off the heat there is more than enough heat still left in that pan to do the next step which is going to be to quickly saute some garlic which I'm going to toss in and sort of press with the back of my spoon just to sort of bruise it up a little bit and bring out a little more flavor and I know the pans dry but that's fine we'll just give that a quick working over with our spoon before adding a little chunk of our butter and again the heat is off and as you can see that pan is still really hot which is why we're only gonna let this garlic sizzle for a few seconds at which point with the heat still off we can go ahead and add our bourbon which is quickly gonna vaporize and form a very flammable cloud which if your flame was still on could explode into a fireball but after just a second or two all the alcohol should evaporate in fact I tried to ignite some just after a couple seconds and I got nothing no alcohol vapor left and besides not burning your eyebrows off the other reason you want the heat off here is because of how fast that bourbon reduces I mean in the time it took me to change the camera angle it had already reduced down to a sticky glaze and had we had the heat on that could have burned but assuming it did let's go ahead and add our chicken broth or even better veal stock if you have it and then once that's in we can go ahead and put our heat back on to high and as we stir this that liquid comes up to a boil it's going to dissolve all that beautiful peppery goodness off the bottom and what once was something that most people would scrub off with a sponge when they were doing the dishes we've just easily reclaimed to help create an incredibly flavorful sauce okay so we'll go ahead and declare that pan with our chicken broth until the bottom of our pan is nice and clean which is only gonna take a couple minutes and by the time this step is done don't be surprised if your stocks reduced a little bit maybe by as much as half which is exactly what we want and then what we'll do at this point is go ahead and stir in our heavy cream and basically other than final seasoning this sauce is done when it's reduced to the exact thickness you want and by the way you probably want to stay pretty close to this and keep an eye on it all right start to finish this sauce took me exactly six minutes to make and I know they say a watched pot never boils but trust me this one will and if you're not around it will boil and then burn and while I will give this a taste for final seasoning later I knew I was going to need a little pinch of salt as well as a little shake of cayenne so I toss those in while I was waiting for this to reduce oh and I should mention this recipes gonna make enough sauce for two steaks I'm only cooking one because I'm home alone but just something to keep in mind and I'm not gonna tell you exactly how far you should go but when we were talking about rich decadent sauces like this you don't want to go too thick so right here I was getting very close but I did want it a touch thicker so I let that boil for another 1/2 minute or so and then once we've decided that's reduced long enough we'll go ahead and toss in the rest of our cold butter and immediately turn off the heat and with the heat off we'll keep that butter moving until it disappears and once that happens other than giving it one last taste for seasoning our bourbon pepper pan sauce is officially done which means we can go ahead and plate up with our steak and please be a professional and use a warm plate and of course if you feel like decorating this with something go ahead I mean you are after all the Bob Ross of your pan sauce so if you wanted to scatter over some happy little herbs feel free but I decided to serve mine as is and its purest form and there really is no rule that a pan sauce has to be a gorgeous color but I think it helps and this one certainly qualifies but anyway I grabbed a fork a knife and and for taste and for me what makes it such a great steak sauce there's not just the richness from the butter and cream but that play between the sweetness of the bourbon and the spiciness from our black pepper just work so so perfectly in this so I really do love how this sauce comes out and like I mentioned earlier if you're not cooking your steaks in the pan and you're gonna do them on the grill you could just start this recipe dry from the point where we cook our garlic and butter and just continue on from there and then simply keep the sauce warm until your steaks are ready and even though you might have to add a spoon of freshly ground black pepper to the sauce that will still work and you could be enjoying pretty much the same sauce we're experienced in here and know my steak knife has not that dull this grass-fed beef was not super tender hey but at least I had that membrane in it but anyway the sauce was so amazing and flavorful I didn't even care about that oh and one last thing if you're not into beef this sauce would be absolutely fantastic on things like grilled pork chops or grilled chicken but no matter what you use this honor under I really do hope you give this a try soon so head over to food wishes comm for all the ingredient amounts of more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 691,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sauce, Bourbon, Pepper, Wishes, steak, sauces, recipe, chef, john, food, wishes, meat, summer, fathers day, cooking, french
Id: lxwJpK8n9f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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