Pan Sauce "Bordelaise" - Red Wine Reduction Steak Sauce

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hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with pan sauce Bordelaise that's right actually that's not right it's really more of a red wine meat scrap sauce but you have to admit that really does not have the same ring to it so we will go with pan sauce Bordelaise for the purpose of this demo of course this is the companion' sauce video for our soon-to-be famous Manhattan filet and as we mentioned in that demo the base of this delicious sauce is going to be those meat scraps we saved when we trim the steaks so I'm gonna unwrap my reclaimed New York strip scraps and what we're going to want to do before we start the sauce is chop this up as fine as possible now if you want to dirty your food processor go ahead or your meat grinder go ahead but for me I'm just gonna take the old Chinese cleaver and chop this up real fine so basically something that resembles a coarse ground hamburger so that's looking good right about there at that point we're going to stop and transfer that into a cold skillet which we will then turn on to medium-high heat and what we're going to do is Brown this meat very very thoroughly oh we're talking full caramelization and the reason I started in a cold pan is because I want some of that fat to render out slowly so by the time this pan gets up to temperature we got a little bit of fat built up in the bottom and that of course is going to help the Browning process so basically all we're going to do is saute this terrine breaking the pieces up as much as we can until it's nicely nicely browned and do I mean like that no it's getting close but not quite so let's keep going and that's getting closer but we could go a little more until it looks like that and I know some of those pieces could go a little darker but we're not done cooking because at this point we're going to add some sliced shallot along with a little pinch of salt and we're going to continue sauteing this until those shallots are golden brown and I want you to keep an eye on your heat if everything seems to be going fine leave it on medium high but if it seems like the pan is getting a little too hot go ahead and lower to medium that's you adjusting on the fly also known as cooking so we'll keep cooking that stirring until the shallots soften and caramelize and turn a beautiful golden brown so once we have our meat and our shallots caramelized beautifully we're going to go ahead and dump in some red wine and then all we want to do is basically cook this until the wine pretty much evaporates and don't walk away that's going to happen pretty quickly the UPS guy will come back don't worry stay by the stove because just a few minutes that wines going to reduce and you're going to be able to see the bottom of the pan when you stir although I still can see a good amount of liquid under there so we're going to give this one more minute until we have this you see that we're stirring and we really don't see any wine at the bottom of the pan so that's perfect and at that point you're going to quickly add a couple cups of chicken broth unsalted please or at the very least low sodium because we're going to reduce this we got to be careful of our salt content so ideally you're using homemade chicken broth here today we're going to pour that in give it a stir and then what we're going to do here is we're going to bring this up to a simmer and then turn the heat to low and then just let this cook for about an hour to an hour and a half now of course if you want you could transfer this into a saucepan which is a little easier to control but how do you want to dirty another pan and I was going to be in the kitchen the whole time so it didn't matter and what we want to have happen is that all that flavor from those little caramelized bits of steak goes into this liquid and that's what's going to make this finish sauce so so delicious so for me after about an hour hour 15 minutes of simmering on the back of the stove this is what mine look like our the goal when we strain this is to have about a cup of product ok give or take and then once that step has been completed we're gonna carefully strain this and of course make sure you press out every precious drop from those meat scraps and once I was done straining I had about 200 mil here let me turn this around to a way more logical system of measurements oh yeah there we go it's almost 1 cup almost 8 ounces and by the way I should mention this step can be done way ahead of time and in fact if you're not going to use this sauce right now let it cool and leave that fat on the top and that will turn solid is it cools and you'll have an airtight seal but if you're ready to use it to sauce your steaks then let's go ahead and remove the fat from the top as soon as that's done we are ready to go all we need now is somebody to cook a couple steaks and as you may have already seen I was that person so there's my two beautiful Manhattan fillets we've cooked them to perfection and of course we're going to remove those to a plate to rest which of course leaves us with this the sauce EA's best friend a dirty pan alright so we're going to take our pan that has the Fond on the bottom that formed when we cooked our steaks we're going to go ahead and pour in our reduction we're going to turn the heat up to medium-high and of course as this comes up to temperature all those beautiful caramelized bits are going to dissolve off the bottom into our already flavorful liquid and we'll do final seasoning later but I am I'm going to put a little pinch of freshly ground black pepper turn and some salt in here now and then all we need to do while our steaks rest is reduce this down until it thickens which in a pan the size is not going to take very long so in just a few minutes this is what might look like so at this point my sauce is just about where I want it you can see it's thickened up beautifully and it also has a beautiful shine to it and we haven't even added the butter yet which is the next step so at this point I want you to turn off the heat and we're going to finish this in the classic pan sauce style with a chunk of butter and once you tossed it in you want to keep it moving until it disappears so we're going to whisk continually until that happens and because of the acidity in that sauce and the fact the sauce is hot and the butter is cold that fats going to emulsify into that mixture it's going to give it even more body of course flavor and richness but it also gives it an incredibly gorgeous shine I mean if I had a comb or hair I could totally comb my hair in that sauce and then of course because we're not terrible cooks we're actually going to taste this and see if we need another pinch of salt or two and once it tastes as good as it looks we'll go ahead and spoon that around and possibly over a couple beautiful steaks and that perfect pairing of seared beef and reclaimed meat scrap Bordelaise sauce is done just a really beautiful combination we could just sear a couple steaks deglaze the pan with plain red wine reduce it and finish it with butter and we would still have a great pan sauce so you can imagine how much richer and more flavorful this is using those meat scraps and I know I know you already saw me cut up the steak and dip it in sauce in the last video but I never get tired of watching pieces of meat get dragged through sauce in fact there should be a television network that that's all they show I mean come on there's a weather channel and this is way more interesting than that all right so if you do end up giving our Manhattan filets a try I really hope you save those scraps and give this a try too so head over to food which is calm for all the agreed amounts and way more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 1,529,629
Rating: 4.9009233 out of 5
Keywords: Bordelaise Sauce, Sauces (Type Of Dish), beef, sauce, chef, john, foodwishes, Food, Cooking, Recipe, Recipes, Kitchen, Restaurant, Meat, Dinner, Reduction, Red Wine, Steak Sauce, Steak (Type Of Dish)
Id: NbSYPcWd0W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 21 2014
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