Make a Lowpoly Car in Blender 2.8 #blender #3d #lowpoly

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hello everyone and welcome i'm derek elliott from dirt comm and today's tutorial was gonna be showing you how to make this entire kind of car or racing animation but as with most of my tutorials things were going a little slower than i intended and i realized that making the car itself was taking about 30 minutes so even though I know you all don't mind long tutorials I figured well let's just go ahead and release this part first give everyone a chance to make their car and then we can kind of all follow along together with the next part which I'll release in about a week and and I'll walk through how to make this entire kind of racing animation if you are watching this in the future and both tutorials are already out good for you but that probably means you aren't subscribed so that's no fun go ahead like subscribe let's go ahead and make that car and then I'll look forward to seeing you in the next tutorial or we'll go through how to wake this entire animation thanks for watching CIA all righty so let's see what we can do about making that little car I'm going to I've got a pretty much a basic blender scene setup here as you can see I'm gonna leave the cube for once and I'm gonna delete the lamp here and the camera just press X to delete those if you accidentally deleted the cube out of habit you can of course by shift a and add back in that cute now we have to I don't want that this tutorial is moving very slowly I'm gonna move the tutorial faster I'm gonna move the cube up on the z-axis that's just pressing G and Z and then kind of holding ctrl to snap so that's sitting nicely on our ground plane there but uh hopefully yard you know those hotkeys if you don't this tutorial could go a little slow of course it feel free to check down here you can see my my screencast keys are turned on so you can see how many times I'm willing up how many times I'm wheeling down how many buttons I press anyways let's just go ahead and move on so I have press tab but to go into edit mode another very basic hotkey today I'm gonna scale this out on the y-axis s and Y and I'm just gonna kind of start building that car shape and so I'm gonna create a loop cut here I'm pressing ctrl R and then you can scroll up and down to add more I'm just gonna add two there man I'll just let that be and then s and Y just to kind of move those parked a little bit now I've done this a few times of course so kind of know about the direction I'm going here but this may take you longer than me hopefully it does because uh you want your car to look nice and pretty and I just want to teach you how to kind of make a car so I'm just doing some basic stuff here kind of scaling things and moving things around I'm just trying to get the shape to something I like you know of course you don't have to do a car maybe yeah maybe you followed my tutorial with the boat and you just uh yeah super love your your boat model and you want to make the the boat go on a track just I'd be kind of weird but I'm not going to stop you from doing it so this is looking uh it's a bit boxy as we as we had kind of expected but uh let's see looking at a press control are just add a big fat edge loop around the outside there S&Y just kind of bring that out oh yeah it's coming together now got a nice so Kurt back window it's looking a little bit like a truck you could of course make a truck if you want but I'm going for kind of like a like a hot rod Hot Wheels style sort of thing you don't have to do that I already told you that you already knew that not like in the not like in the boot here you uh you British folk just selecting all these faces and is that what I just did did I just redo what I undid no no no that's a little bit different okay so that's that's cool and by the way you might notice I'm switching between vertex edge and face select with one two and three along the top my keyboard that's really convenient especially when you're doing something just like this to kind of move things around a little easier so in edge like they're just got to kind of move those back maybe want to pull this out a little more again this is really it's all completely stylistic and you don't even have maybe you just skip this part maybe you're not listening to me right now maybe you're uh you're only like 30 minutes into the tutorial which hey maybe we can get this tutorial done in a less than an hour doubt it no but seriously I guess you can probably you can look and see kind of how how long it actually is but uh I'm just getting started I have no idea how long this tutorials gonna be so I'm liking the way that looks I think next thing I want to do is maybe add kind of a grille shape here so I'm gonna press I and and by the way you might be wondering Oh Derrick why don't you use a mirror modifier so that is convenient we probably will use one eventually definitely for the wheels but when you're doing something like an inset here it's a little easier when you don't have a mirror modifier on and this shape is just it's so simple right now that I'm not too worried about just kind of having to do things on both sides so I want to I want to slide these up a little bit so I've got a little bit of a sort of a bumper setting versus G twice that's just G & G that is what G twice means and just kind of drag that up a little bit that'll slide it along the edge you know if you had pressed G and Z it's kind of you know get you a funky angle which I'm kind of like in that shape but anyways this is G twice mu that okay that looks good and then what I want to do is just select these faces and then press e to extra in its gonna extrude along than normal which is a little bit of a funky angle so eventually that would pass through and I don't want that so I'm just gonna right click the extrude command still happened though so I need to press G and why you're starting with those straight back I think something like that's gonna look pretty good just you know kind of a nice little bit of a it's just a small detail this is really like I said or maybe it didn't say just you know this is a pretty small element of the animation we probably won't get any closer than like you know that maybe so we don't need to do a whole lot there and you'll see in a second that I'm not even gonna model the wheel wells if all you came to this tutorial for was how to model wheel wells and I should have done it a little inset earlier getting myself into a little pickle here let's uh let's go ahead and select these two just trying to give the whole car a little bit of a taper as X kind of bring that in a little bit okay I like that so that's uh it's looking pretty cool pretty cool diggin it looking a little bit like a car does that look like car I feel like if someone saw that I'd be like no it's gonna look car if you don't think it looks like a car then you'll work on your own car make it look like a car so I'm just pressing I with both those faces selected and to inset and then I'm going to press e in this case I will let it go along the normal just down a little bit again very small detail that'll end up being like pick a window there well let's do the same thing over here but like most cars or at least the cars I looked at there's a kind of a break right here so I'm going to kind of put that about like that just again edge loop and now I kind of need to do this this would be where a mere modifiers a little bit helpful but I just need to actually know what I can do okay so if you select them together it will inset it as one but if you select it individually it will just do that one so let's go and do the back one there so that I will do odd incense looking good you don't have to be exact again this is just a yeah it's not a car modeling tutorial okay probably looks like it's so far but it's not so now I can just like these at the same time press I just get that kind of lined up with the other one and let's just same thing here so I to incent and then I wish I could extrude these all at the same time but I like the fact that when you press e to extrude I'll go along with normal and if you do it with two of them at the same time on opposite sides I think it's gonna yeah it's gonna go kind of at some weird angle so well we could actually since these are on the scene or we could do those together so let's go ahead and press he dashes screw my knee if you're if you're trying to catch my hot keys you're probably like then gay nice curls up and down on his mousewheel so much I can't see anything I should I should do that control if you hold ctrl and any pressed down the middle Moscow you just go in and out look how look how calm it is down there in the bottom left as opposed to uh dude cutesy tomorrow okay um so now I don't even know if I'm in the middle that's true or not getting so sidetracked e to extrude bring the in a little bit give ourself a nice viewership out into this cold dark quarantined world which hopefully you're watching this in the future and that's all over but if it's not remember us folk from 2020 who dealt with such disaster okay so what are some more details we could add here I think I want to add maybe like a bumper in the back let's just upper shift D extrude this up and I'll just press ctrl+ to kind of select the whole thing then let's just bring that out a little bit boom bumper if I'd be like you know what it probably cool if this was kind of coming out a little bit SX tada it's beautiful we got a bumper let's add a little bit of a like kind of a grill detail again you don't have to do all this stuff I'm just gonna kind of move that in and then now let's go on our side view here that's pressing 1 7 or 3 on your number pad or you can use these sub buttons up here if you're on a laptop oh gosh I lost my view which if you lose your view if you get crazy you can press period on your keyboard and I don't know where else you'd press period maybe you put the period button on the floor it's on them it's on my keyboard though you press period and you will zoom to you will frame the selection which in my case I use that so much that actually bound it to the like one of the very few buttons on my mouse which you will see you when I press it is button for mouse so if you can't find button for Mouse it's because you might not have that setup press period on your number pad that I'll do it for you so back with what I was trying to do let's go into side view here you're gonna kind of move this up and then again I can press ctrl+ just to grow that selection and I can press that infinitely and since it's just that one object it will a lot it's just kind of a quick way to select the rest of it someone if I shift D just kind of move that up a little bit and then I can repeat that action shift our shift our shift our and kind of fill out the rest of our little a little grill there looking good and so that we can take full advantage of blender to mornings beautifulness let's turn on cavity we even turn on shadow let's not turn on shadow that's looking nice so now we can see those edges nice and crispy clean looking good okay so what else what else what else do we want to do let's let's add a freakin this spoiler because yeah I think I have a cool idea how to do this let's duplicate this back move it up sy backwards direction motion angle move this over how intense we want this angle to be how fast are we gonna be going maybe we won't pretty fast all right that looks good now let's now we got to connect it gosh okay let's uh let's press ctrl R to give ourselves an edge loop I could move this over but then I'd have to get it even on the other side so I'm just can't let it go in the middle there again could be using a mirror modifier here now I want these two instead of having one there I want to have kind of two so I can stir it down something to do a control be double that that's control B to befel that should be like a song lyric or something control B to bevel that select those faces ignore my bad song ideas Derek what do you do and just teach us how to use blender move that in this is all super stylistic I'm gonna use my ctrl + + + + which if you deselect is something you can also just press L with your mouse covering up hovering over it I'll select that mesh island I'm thinking maybe I don't need to go point that finis let's so kind of its kind of tain that back a little bit alright that's looking dope probably not gonna be able see much out that back window with that and tints spoiler alright this is the tip stuff that gets me in trouble with this tutorials taking forever but I just kind of had this idea let's make it cool I don't know if you guys ever played a need for speed yeah I had some six spoilers okay that's a little bit ugly but I don't wanna mess with any more so let's just leave it at that now this hood done this before I did the windows do the windows like last because if you end up making changes like this kind of you got to select more things I could have just selected one edge and now I select all this all this stuff but it's all coming together to make our cool little hot rod I am liking the way that looks last thing I want to do maybe is add some kind of like headlights you could do this actually this I might do as I'm with them your modifier I'm just so that they're even and then I'll join it back onto one object I really just want this to be one object in the end because it's just yeah it's just I don't want it I don't want it to be multiple objects so what will Heidi I'm gonna add a moat I want to make sure those now my grill is all screwed up that's alright we'll leave it I'll leave it should we leave it okay we'll leave it now you should fix it though so I want to put my headlight right about there so I'm just gonna select that vertex shift s snap my cursor to selected tab edit mode shift a and I'm gonna add in a circle mesh circle which I could use just cylinder but I just some reason don't like that it's like it's doing too much for me like blenders say save some work for me so I have to add a circle and extrude so anyways 32 vertices sounds like too many because this whole thing is a freaking box so 32 it's probably a little bit too round let's bump that down to something like a 24 maybe even like a teen they're running low on vertexes their vertices classic conundrum a vertex Percy alright so I'm adding that there I want it to be on the other side too though so I need to add a mirror modifier which is not gonna work very well as you'll see so I want it to mirror across the y-axis but a mirror modifier works based on the origin so you'll see that that is my example didn't work anyways the origin needs to be the middle so let's press shift actually this yeah okay so that origin is in the middle shift asked cursor to selected and then I'm gonna set this origin set origin to 3d cursor okay so it was working just did something wrong maybe it is the x-axis okay okay so now we got on both sides so let's um let's make our little headlights I'm gonna kind of move this in here and then let's just kind of screw this out on the y-axis he and let me scale that up a tad we're gonna be making some kind of cartoonish looking headlights here scale that in maybe bring that back just it just a little tad F to fill it in and let's go wild but we're going hyper duper camera wild over here you guys watch the phone tutorial you'll get that reference the hyper duper reference hahaha Derek you're so funny oh my god okay cool headlights what about taillights let's make some taillights shift D duplicate pop that guy in the back I'm not gonna need much taillights that because we aren't slowing down or won't bast we're cruisin well we will be cruising this tutorial it's probably not cruising I know you guys don't mind a pen - Charles along but I'm really self-conscious about it it's like teryn just explain yourself faster there's always that one guy in the comments it's like yeah this could have been a ton amount of datura but then there's hundreds of you praising me for leaving nothing behind all the details okay I'm liking the way that looks it's a floating car which is pretty dope but I will add wheels to it so I'm actually gonna duplicate this object actually we can use a lot of that because it's circles so let's duplicate this and then I'm gonna go and I'm right-click and then going to edit mode on that one I want to delete everything except hmm except this now you know what I'm gonna delete absolutely everything the reason I did use that object those because I already has a mirror modifier and I'm someone approached shift hey add a circle I would have duplicated from this ring around the headlight but I think for the circle I want a little bit more and vertexes vertices damn can never get it right 32 we'll go back to our default who that's kind of cool so we're gonna put that there and if you head clipping on you would not be able to pull these apart - they'd be stuck they'd be clipped together maybe that's where that comes from anyways let's move this out to come on G X out to there and we can turn on let's move a gy we can turn on this that the Y thing that's looking good so now we've got crazy big wheels that's too big let's scale these down a little bit looks like we're gonna pull our whole car down I think something like that's good I'm gonna press F to fill it in and then let's move it let's move it out just a little bit G X and I'm gonna press e to extrude bring that in just a little bit like you know wheel dimensions oh and by the way another thing you guys like to get on me about this dimensions like Derrick that cars abused his car this car is 7 meters long I don't know how big that is I'm an American I'm sorry seven meters what's that like 21 feet hey that's actually that's not too far off the dimensions are decent pressing I there'd incent let's just bring that in press I'd in said again bring that out just making our little uh making our little wheel there look pretty sweet I'm liking it it's a little bit too far back that we also let's uh let's move all of it in just a little bit I liked at the front wheel position and then let's move this car back a little bit you can see I'm doing these changes in edit mode oh we're gonna have through the headlights too and the taillights I'm doing this in edit mode so that my origin stays where it was that looks good okay I think I'll leave that there so let's just move this back to where it goes which is gonna be egy something about sound look good looks good that looks good g1 think I want maybe we'll have that smaller light kind of sunk it in that looks pretty pretty sweet if you ask me still looking good in the back okay wow that's a car if that's not a car now then I don't know what is that's sweet we'll leave it at that let's add some materials to it real quick though and first before we do that let's go ahead and apply all these modifiers and click click click ctrl J now we have one large object which I can shade smooth and then I can turn on auto smooth which is right here fun fact the other one thing I have in my quick favourites hotkey menu which is just press Q is the auto Smith feature because it's another thing I use a lot and it's just too many darn clicks to find this little green triangle to press this little other triangle and then press this other triangle and then press this to make a check mark which is triangle-shaped I don't know why I got on a triangle tangent there but I don't like all that stuff so honest moves just basically tells blender to make angles greater than 30 degrees it's sharp so if we drag this down it would make angles greater than 0 sharp which is like everything so I want that at just basically until that tire doesn't look like that so I want that tire to be round so that's looking good and it is gonna round that because that's a slight angle which I'm fine with I'm cool with that okay so we're looking good now would be a good time to press control s and save your file which I haven't done because they've done this so many times I'm not worried about I'm a heavy making cars all day long but yeah ctrl s save yeah I probably should actually save let's press ctrl s don't look and that stuff those are secret projects go to the Dirk tutorial folder yeah oh there's where we're going look at all that cool stuff let's say this as actual tutorial which if we go with this recording you can see here I haven't actually done it before this is the first recording and I'm feeling good about it got some good jokes in there right do you guys like this who am I asking if this is the one you're watching this is someone you're watching but anyways looking good liking that let's go ahead and add some materials first material I'll add is going to be called car and that's gonna be the it's gonna be the car it's gonna be the paint of the car that's that's what I'm looking for so let's go into our viewport shading mode there and that will just give us a preview so this is all just kind of white now which is fine if you want your car to be white I think for at least for this portion of the tutorial I'm gonna make it like a UH like a that color sort of a Turkish red and yeah I like I like that it's good now I will maybe make it shiny so we'll drink bring the roughness down a little bit something like a point point one nice and shiny and then let's start adding some more material so I will add a new material art car window and that's gonna be the the wheels just kidding it's gonna be the window looking good bring the saturation down a little bit something like that color is gonna look sweet now it's tab into edit mode and to apply that to the window let's select all those windows Donna Donna come all and press a sign that's looking good we got windows now now for the windows you could make them this is an Eevee viewport here so you could turn on alpha you do no shadow and you could do alpha blend and then you can make them kind of see-through which I kind of like that let's turn the roughness down so they're shiny and then yeah okay so if they're shiny right now again we can shine there yeah we are getting shine glimmer and shine makes this carmine bill okay you could change it how figure to make them more transparent oh the transmission I think that's what we want to turn out so that's um that's kind of cool you know play with these materials we're not gonna really dive into too many details about how this all works but um that's uh what that does yeah transmission makes it transmit light then you can bring the house down but then you'd see the inside your car and yeah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna be done with that Derrick done Derrick is done Derrick is done talking about that all right let's make a new material I'm gonna make it car metal metal which if you want to make it look really cool you could follow my extremely unpopular three-part very time-consuming series called making metal materials in blender which no one watched so yeah it's all I got to say about that what sup metalheads grab that guitar and let's hit the stage because in this tutorial we're gonna be making metal materials who should have applied this before I applied my mirror modifier ah shoot all right so we're gonna dang it now we got to select all this stuff there's probably some options I could use okay actually I'm gonna select face face face face and then when hit ctrl + ctrl + + + + + I'm gonna assign the metal Matt y'all right there ok I said that worked we will obviously need a tire material before we do that let's um let's select Lee use I'm pressing L here to grab those because they're separate mesh islands let's assign that got a little grille in there maybe we make this a little shinier - something like that and yeah yeah yeah that's looking good now I'm not liking these supposed to be just doing materials now Derek not mess with the car anymore I want to make this a little smaller just because it's disturbing me Segrest period on my number pad in edit mode remember in object mode or maybe that's number had period maybe it was number pad period that goes to frame selected anyways I'm all about the button for button for Mouse I want to scale these in but if I do that it's gonna bring them all towards each other so I need to scale based on individual origins which will take kind of the individual like centers so I'm impressed period and then go by individual origins and now I scale it they'll all go in just like that there I don't know why those very small detail but I like it better and I feel better now so yeah now for these let's press Alt + left click kind of on an edge selecting edge loops can explode with practice must like this guy right there watch Oh gotcha and assigned a metal material there just said that those are metal probably should have got these other rings too should have done this all when the mirror modifier was still on no screw myself up alright so those are metal - maybe we make these rings here metal assign what else could we make metal oh yeah I think it would be cool to get these middle your like these inner inner parts here again skip all these details if you want to Here I am talking about how so if the car is a very small part that's the animation and just like going go nuts here on the details let's get these edge loops and press a sign okay looking cool I like that got some metal details now let's go ahead get the tire in new car tire now I'm adding car before all these because once I start you know working with this as part of kind of larger scene here and everyone use quite completely black once I start using this as part of a larger scene there's gonna be a lot of other materials and I just want the car materials I'll just be in their own little place so I don't have to you know fiddle around finding them so I made that in homeless black let's turn the roughness up and let's select gosh this is gonna be okay here's what yours ll l well then I want I don't want to assign it to those parts so now I can select the metal and then deselect then I can select the car tire and present a sign so now that's working now my metal I want it to be a little bit to the lighter colored that's looking much better we got a pretty sweet car coming along let's add some oh you know what else needs to be male that bumper assigned okay cool cool diggin it liking it a lot maybe the bottom gets this too which a fun little selection thing here select one of those shift G and select similar coplanar that will select things on the same plane which this is pretty darn close but it didn't get it because you have this threshold option which is oh gosh coplanar did it get I almost got some the top there anyways I think that's just getting what I want so I can you know you're not really gonna see the bottom of the car but just in case you did and got a nice little black undercarriage there so headlights let's talk about headlights let's Adam car oops car head lights let's make this a emissive material just click on over here you could have do this all on a shader editor but you can do a lot of stuff with materials right there you can actually do everything right there but it's a nice a little difficult let's uh press ctrl+ and let's assign the car headlights material now to really see these glow let's turn on bloom tap out at edit mode and let's go back to that material i'll try to strength up boom now we are blast a hole with some light looking pretty sweet let's uh let's give the taillights their own little glow as well so I'm gonna I'm going to I want to add a new material and I will make it the car headlights again but then I'll press this button right here new and we'll name that car Oh God come on I know I should just delete the whole thing and retype it trying to save myself time tail lights and then let's go ahead and so we got that that ctrl + make sure all kind of thing over there selected still and change this assign and then let's make the car taillights red as if we were ever going to be slowing down on this crazy fast path okay guys and girls and all folks who watch Dirk tutorials we're happy to have you we got a car and I think we're gonna leave it at that add as many details as you want add some textures put a big sticker on it you know I am and you know catching the next part where we are gonna make this guy zip around track like he's having a blast but his wheels won't actually turn because we added them all on one object in a in object mode if your friends asked why are the wheel strings you just go into crazy detail about object mode and edit mode and you know it's hard to rig the car and okay this part of the tutorial is over thank you for watching I'll catch you in the next part like and subscribe maybe a good idea alright see you there alrighty so now that I've kind of decided this is just gonna be its own tutorial modeling this car figured I'd throw in a little bit of bonus content where I'm pretty much just gonna you know I'll I will provide commentary as I do this and I thought about doing it as a time-lapse but um I'm just gonna kind of work with this model a little bit more and just give it some give it some more details just you know just because you know now this is just a it's not just a um or now it is just a car modelling tutorial I figured hey let's just go ahead and use some in that time that would have gone towards animating and yeah just kind of spice up our model a little bit fix some things I think I will go ahead and turn on maybe at least for a moment I'm going to turn on a mirror modifier because I'm going to be making some changes here so now we got our beautiful beautiful half car let's add a mirror modifier and the whole car is back together once again so I wanted to fix let's um I'm gonna hide these ll H to hide them and then I just want to kind of pull these over so let's see what would the best way to do that B that's just G X and then G X I was the one detail just kind of kind of bugging me by the way I'm recording this the next day so uh so I had nightmares about it no I'm just kidding but this was this would be one of the things which again extremely small detail oh that's cool so I don't use that hide feature that she's very much but I guess when you go in and out of edit mode it it rehires so that's cool one thing I did on my animation that I failed to do in this at least yet was do a little door handle so I'm going to do that that's s zsx flatten it out whoops ry I'm just just going crazy here moving this thing around let's go ahead and apply our metal material to that just so I can see it a little bit better and then let's just kind of slide that over something like that maybe yeah maybe we'll give it just a little bit of a a roundedness if you will let's like that face and just give it some give it some thickness and then just move it out just a little bit okay so modeling wise there was much else I wanted to do you know I might well go ahead and add a bumper here I think like we did on the back shift D and then I'll just bring that out on the y-axis a little bit I could probably go ahead and turn on clipping here so we don't get that intersecting intersecting effects you can see what's clipping on at that all I'll stay all nicely together so I'm gonna just extrude this let's being on the y-axis just in a little bit like that and we can maybe maybe do we want that angle I don't think so let's uh let's some sx0 to flatten that and then GX to just kind of bring that out so we've got a little bit of a little bit of a bumper on the front as well so let's select that with L and assign the material there okay so now I got a little bit of a front bumper another idea I had was we could maybe add in a little tail pipe here so I'm gonna snap my cursor to selected and then I'll add in just a little circle here in this one can have maybe just like 12 vertices and I think I need to turn off clipping you'll see it before if we try to move this it's gonna like stick together I don't want that someone to turn off clipping let's power X 90 who's our X 90 okay let's try that again our X 90 there we go don't know why that wasn't working may have had something to do with sometimes if you're in like face mode and you're selecting something with no faces you can get some weird behavior which could be what happened right there so let's just let's maybe extrude this out on the y axis and then just bring this in which where should those come from I mean maybe from like the bottom here that might be kind of cool and then maybe I would like so like that make sure it got at all and then you can just kind of like make that go up a little bit so it looks like it's kind of coming out and then maybe this bumper let's uh oopsie and I think I had not had clipping on there obviously let's uh make sure okay that's a locked up so I was gonna move this up a little bit just said those tailpipes can come out and then I will also let sound extrude this in a little bit and then just extrude that back on the y-axis low just to give it a little bit of thickness and then I'll press L to select that whole island assign the metal material that's a big fool maybe we want to double it up alright let's at least bring this in a little bit and then shift D X oh yeah that's looking pretty sweet okay I like that the spoiler shape is another thing wasn't totally loving so maybe we just brain let's just grab that face I think and bring that in on the x-axis yeah just to give ourselves kind of a little bit of a little bit of a curve there I think that looks good and then maybe we should bring the whole thing down a little bit again this we're not really gonna do much new ear this is just kind of talking out loud a lot of times you know what I'm doing a tutorial I I do kind of I want to cover the bases really quickly just to make the tutorial not too long but anytime I'm posting like a final animation or work I'm usually doing a lot of this type of stuff which is very small just adjustments and they're kind of boring to watch hopefully hopefully you're finding some entertainment with it but it's really just it's kind of those little things that you need to do to to create something that's just a little bit more polished than you might normally do now I'm gonna try to make a hmm no I don't wanna do it I want to make a little license plate thing here let's let's snap our I keep pressing shift D shift s is what I want cursor to selected and then let's add in a little bit of the license plate I'm gonna I'm gonna apply the mirror modifier and then I'm gonna add in a because we could go ahead and use let's just do a plane and then our X 90 scale that down and scale it a little bit GZ and then I'm going to just bring this out and then let's actually let's make it a little bit bigger than we want as Z and then I press I to inset and then I thinkwell to is grab that and bring it out just a little bit okay and then with that I will assign me a metal material there assign just so we've kind of got like a cool little license plate thing and maybe we could bring this in oh that's not what I wanted to do but it's kind of working gy just kind of want to bring it in like that and maybe we'll scale down tad which realistically I think the license plate would be down here but just to give it the back a little bit of interest we'll just kind of put it right there so I added some tailpipes played with the spoiler just a little bit maybe want to make these like a little bit thinner s-x well you know what I'm probably still an individual origins yes I am s X little taper there looking cool like in that I don't think there's much else here one thing though I definitely wanted to show you guys is how to add some textures here so usually I will tell people just go and watch the Box tutorial but in this case why not just show you how to do it right here in the tutorial so I'm going to load in an image texture that I've used on a previous project I might actually use the one from the Box tutorial I think I will just because I've got like a assortment of random Derk stuff on it so much changes to a shader editor shader editor and then press ctrl T to add a texture ooh relax kind of cool that actually looks really nice that black compared to the red oh and let's just follow an edit mode lets alt H Sheila on to hide those things just in case we confuse ourselves a little bit later with that okay so I wanted to add let's open up an image texture and I will use the did it let's go up here and let's find the box tutorial file you'll see a bunch of incomplete tutorials in there textures okay so yeah this was the the sheet I use sticker sheet to we'll use um yeah we can use that one that 22 are actually kind of cool so let's um let's just select the car material here and then I'm going to open up a new window and let's make this one a UV editor and then I'm just going to let's just use smart UV project for now okay and it's going to do all that and I'm just gonna move it to a light area here and now okay so on the side of the car like this panel right here I will make a let's actually do both of those so let's let's you and unwrap I mean let's take those panels I'm just going to take one of them here so it looks like that's the the left side panel and move it over to the 22 something like that and I'm just gonna make it so it fills that whole thing pretty big and actually this will be good so we didn't add any detail to indicate like a door but maybe having that texture kind of go off the edge there a little bit will sort of give us that implication that there's a seam there there's kind of cool cool yeah I don't know if I like that that's uh maybe do it over here something like that I still wanted to clearly read as a 22 if you make it too close the edge will look like you messed up if you overlap it enough it'll look intentional which is what I'm going for okay so let's do the same thing on this side I got that one selected okay and then I should just scale is down it's just I'll select everything so I can see what that other UV is and then I'm just gonna I know it's this box right here so I'm just gonna kind of line it up so I know they're about the same but that one like that and then rotate it and then let's maybe lose our let's maybe bring that one forward as well something like that cool like that and then license plate on the back we can obviously make say dirt what else would you do let's rotate that move that negative one I think that's pretty cool-looking all right you just move that come into place there and again you could obviously make a custom texture oh gosh my poor little puppy woke up I had a new kendhi puppy and she hasn't uh she doesn't like me recording tutorials but my my fiance Caitlin sounds like she just scooped here okay so got a couple little textures on there next thing maybe maybe we'll do like a Dirk on the hood here so let's just go to the top view you project from view find where that is move it down I'm just kind of scale it up so we got a nice nice Dirk there and kind of that down I think that looks pretty sweet yeah that looks good and then what else could we do we could do it Dirk calm maybe on the you kind of on the spoiler remove the top the car let's do it on spoiler so let's select this maybe just this whole face well yeah let's select the whole thing I don't think we'll use the whole thing now you project from you you project from view and let's put the Dirk calm yeah we'll just do it real big kind of oversized that might look nice yeah maybe we could spin it around the other way okay so that's pretty cool if I wanted to get my colors back I could color this texture because right now the white is just coming from the white of that texture but the way I think I'll do it and I'm gonna I mean just leave it white because honestly I like that a lot but what I might do here is add a converter color ramp into here and then I will just pick the so the white area I want to be kind of a similar red to what I had and the black I want to be a white material yeah okay I do like that I think I'll leave I think I'll leave that so that's it's pretty cool I like that I'm trying to think if there's anything else I want to do here we've got the bumper we've got this spoiler we could put like a little antenna on it or something I don't think I want to do that I think we'll leave it at that so yeah this was just a little little bonus part of the tutorial once I decided it was gonna be just about modeling the car I figured I'd throw in a little extra tidbit so you guys could kind of see see those last little final steps I do you know maybe it didn't watch this part but uh hopefully you did hopefully you got something out of it and by the way I've mentioned this before not to tourists but sometimes you need to reshape smooth when you're adding new new geometry okay so I think that's about it maybe what I'll do is now I was gonna add another another taillight there and I think it looks cool it's just the one and I like the double up there we're gonna have like a light bar on top like those uh I'll go and call them jerks on the road they have huge light bars that turn them on when they're right behind you yeah don't do that if you if do that got no shame and saying that I'm disappointed maybe we can add a bevel here we don't want this we're trying to keep the style here we don't want this to be too too detailed yes probably thought I was wrapping up and then Here I am doing more stuff okay so the front that's just a little detail on the back I think I like which that probably means you know what this will actually probably look cool make a little bit like a rally car something like move that out like that is that cool I kind of like that maybe we can uh should bail that edge a little bit oh yeah that looks good I'll probably end up posting like since this is gonna be its own dirt or I'll probably make some posts with just the car so now that I know I want to be seeing it a little bit closer you know want to add some of those details so that's about it I think as you see me looking very hard for something else to do oh we could put a little steering wheel on there now I think I'll leave it at that anything else I do will be of course available to the patrons who will get this exact file but I think I will leave it here so fear not you're not gonna be missing too much if if you see some changes when it cuts the animation project but hope you guys in joyed guys/girls whoever is watching thanks for being here I'll see you next time
Channel: Derek Elliott
Views: 99,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender, b3d tutorial, blender 3d, 3d tutorial, easy blender tutorial, quick blender tutorial, simple blender tutorial, beginner blender tutorial, derek elliott, derrk, blender animation, blender 2.8, b3d, fun animation blender, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender tutorials, blender materials, 3d animation, learn3d, how to 3d, asmr voice, lowpoly, low poly, car, low poly car, car design, blender car modeling, modeling tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 54sec (2874 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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