Low Poly Vehicles | Easy Beginner | Blender 2.8 Tutorial

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It's a nice tutorial, there's a lot to learn here for a beginner like me :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Awpossum 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone welcome back to another blender two-point-eight beginner tutorial in this one we're gonna be creating some low poly vehicles so this should be a lot of fun it should be really informative getting used to hard surface modeling in blender 2.8 and we'll even finish off with showing how to render our car nicely in Eevee also you might notice I have a new chair and this is thanks to UN or a Singh they sent over one of their awesome gaming chairs and this chair has been super comfortable I've been using it for the past few weeks and it's been a huge upgrade over the cheap $70 chair that I had bought off Amazon a few years ago and I think good seating is really important if you can't be spending countless hours at your desktop you don't want good seating as you don't want to ruin your back at a young age you can even do this so they'll be a link in the description where you guys can check out the even racing chairs and what I think is the coolest feature about this chair is it really makes you feel sort of like Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars yeah join me and the blender community together we can a rule of the unit and I'm excited to announce that this video is sponsored by our very own fellow blender instructor Zach Reinhart from CG boost Zach goose has recently finished a complete in depth blender 2.8 tutorial course suitable for absolute beginners so if you don't know anything about 3d or blender it's a great way to start learning this in-depth course contains 15 hours of premium content split into nice short easy to digest videos and with it you'll learn all the important principles techniques and workflows to create a full 3d animated scene from scratch the course actually has a 4.9 rating out of five stars with over a hundred reviews and on top of that there's a 30-day money-back guarantee and I have a special offer for the first 50 users to sign up with the link in the description you guys will get 20% off of the course and when you sign up at the link in the description below you're also supporting me as well as Zach and creating more high-quality blender tutorial content so where as I mentioned in this blender 2.8 tutorial we're gonna be creating some low poly vehicles in fact we're gonna be creating a low poly sports car in this tutorial series we want to go over the complete steps necessary to create something like this from scratch starting with the default cube and making an awesome-looking a low poly model like this suitable for low poly renders game engine work and animations all kinds of stuff and it's a great way to get comfortable modeling in blender 2.8 so I hope you guys are excited to create some cool low poly vehicles and without further ado let's go ahead and jump right into it so let's get started right off the bat a in blender 2.8 we're just gonna open up a new default scene here and before I get started I like to use a background image as reference it's gonna get a lot more accurate results quicker if you just use a reference image for a car when you're modeling there trying to do it all from memory you can open up any sort of background image you want if you want to create sort of a different style of car or something that's really cool and in blood a 2.8 we have new options for importing background images so I'm just gonna hit 3 and my number pad and then shift a and then under the add menu here we can get onto image and then choose background here we can open up any image we'd like and this is just a basic basic car image I'm gonna hit Z and go into wireframe mode so we can see our whole background image there and it's just a basic sedan car kind of a cool-looking car model again you guys can use any sort of car you want but this is gonna be the outline of the one we're modeling today and we're gonna use our default cube so I'm just gonna hit G and kind of move my cube right over the center of the car here and then I'm going to tab into edit mode I'll hit seven to go into top view and then go control R and click twice to put a cut straight down the center of our cube now I'm going to grab this face along the edge here you can either grab the face right here or hit 3 on your keyboard and this will allow you to switch to face select mode and then I'm just gonna hit X and delete vertices this will delete half of our cube there and if I go over to our modifiers tab here I'm going to add in a mirror modifier to mirror the cube on the other side so all we have to do is model half the car and the other half will automatically be handled with our awesome mirror modifier so go add modifier mirror and you can see we right away have the other half of that cube there if I hit Z and go into solid view here if I edit something on this side of the cube it does it on both sides now the only option I need to change in the mirror modifier here is I want to enable clipping so go ahead and choose clipping right there and now I can make sure I'm in edit mode by hitting tab hit a to select all of our mesh and then hit 3 to jump back into our right side view here here I'm gonna scale down our cube with s and move it just to the front end of our car here towards the hood and we start off by just or of modeling the car from the bottom up that's why I'm starting out over by the hood here I'm just gonna make sure that I have the cube sort of placed right around whether you windshield should start there and then there's hit s to kind of scale it up a little bit more now I'm gonna grab just that face on the end there go back into right view and hit e to extrude the mesh out again so we're making a nice longer mesh here and I'm gonna pull it all the way out to about this start of the tire there so ever dump in a side view here now and move around using my middle mouse button you can see that we have a rectangle form in here and I'm gonna hit Z and solid view so we can kind of see what this is looking like and then up here I'm going to choose the show x-ray so this will allow us to still see our background but we have a little bit more mesh visible hitting for me to go back into side view I'm going to continue extruding out our cube here so I'm gonna hit a and extrude it one more time and this time I'm going right towards the center of the tire and then I'll hit E and extrude it out again now I'm gonna go right to the edge the tire here again but just like I did on this side but you can see that the back end of the car should come up a little bit here so I could either grab edge select here or just hit two of my number pad to switch to the edge select and I'm gonna grab that bottom edge there go back into side view and then hit G and Z to grab it just along these z axes and we'll pull it up to be right around where the bottom of the car there should be perfect now I'll go back to face select mode by either clicking there or hitting three and my number pad grabbing that face and then extruding it out to follow out to the end of our car here is where it comes to an end and you can see we have a little bit of a flare in the back here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit Jeep kind of move that face up a little bit and then I'll hit E one more time to extrude out to the end of sort of this flare in the back of the car here and then hit to pull it up so we kind of are modeling that flare that you see right there and it looks kind of cool and then I can just hit you one more time and scale us along these Z so s and Z just scale on the Zed and then I'll pull it down to kind of fit their last bit of our car right there so if you're ever confused about what sort of key presses I'm using you can see down here I have all the key presses being registered and you can just keep your eye there if I don't mention what I was pressing it will be visible right there so now let's go ahead and finish out the front end of the car I'm gonna grab the front face here on our long rectangle I'll hit three to jump into right view again now instead of using the G key to move your faces around you can always grab the gimbal here and this allows you to move it by using handles which is a little bit more comfortable maybe for some people and so on I'm just gonna place this right over the edge of our tire here just like we did it the back end of the car here and then I'll hit E and extrude it out right to the center of the tire and then I'll hit E and extrude it out right beyond the tire and now I can just extrude out to right about the end of the car here I'll just switch to edge select mode by hitting to grab that top face and pull it down using our handle here we can pull down to fit our background image same thing with this edge here I'm gonna grab edge jump back to the side view here and pull it down you can see we have a nice shape already of our car then we have the outline at the bottom half of our car now let's go ahead and jump to top view by hitting seven and you can see that our car is a little bit narrow for my liking I'm going to grab everything and then pull out along the x-axis here until we have about the right thickness for our car somewhere right around there looks like a decent thickness and there we have it so now I'm going to extrude out the top end of our car here so switching to face select mode we're gonna grab every face that is in line with the windshield here so I'm grabbing this face holding shift and then grabbing these next two faces all the way back to there looks about right yep that will work and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit eat and extrude them upwards all the way to the top of that windshield just clicking as soon as we hit the peak of it right there and now I can jump back to edge select mode grab this edge and we'll pull it right on over to the end of our windshield here same thing with some of these we're gonna kind of line them up to be right in line with our windshield now what you might find easier than instead of jumping back and forth between views here every time you need to grab an edge and then jump back to right view maybe this gets a little confusing for you what you might find easier is you can split your window by grabbing in the top corner here and pulling over and if I just hit n to close off our properties tab there we can clear that out what you can do is you can leave this viewport in top view for example and then edit over here so for example I want to pull this edge down now I'm going to pull it down to be right about to back to the car and then you want to select this edge you can just select it right over here and then move it in this viewport so it makes it really handy for not having to switch views if you don't want to and I'm just moving around here with my middle mouse button and shift and this might be considered a more efficient way of working so you're not jumping around your viewport as frequently so I kind of recommend you guys try it out and see if you like it so now I'm gonna grab this edge right here so grab that edge right there because it's a little hard to select even top view and sitting in side view here then I'm gonna get G and I'm just gonna hit G and pull that edge down right about there so now we have the nice top hood section of our vehicle is looking just fine and now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna work on the wheel rims here a little bit so I'm gonna go with control R and we can put a cut all the way along the horizontal axis of our vehicle here so I'm just going to click it and slide it until the vertices here are on top of our wheel just about there if you want to be positioned a little bit you can do that but double tapping G and we'll just position it so it's right around there at the top of our vehicle and now I'm gonna go ctrl R and do one more cut and put this right along this black rim that you see along here on our vehicle as well perfect so now that we have those two cuts I can hit one or click the Bob option right here switch two vertices select now we can start moving around these vertices because I'm gonna be in this view for a little while now I'll go ahead and close off this window as I'm just gonna work in one window at the moment and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab all these vertices and sort of make a basic shape of a wheel rim around our car here making a nice basic circular shape around each wheel we'll do this for the front as well and for this area we have two vertices that we want to select so grabbing both of those by just hitting B and box selecting it we can pull those back a little bit there something like that and then we'll jump to the front of the car and do the same thing and now we have the side view of our mesh sort of model down we're gonna go ahead and jump back to top view and I'm gonna grab everything by hitting a and pull it in just a little bit more narrow because what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna grab every face along the side here by double tapping a to unselect everything and then I can hit C to start selecting things I'm gonna grab every face except for those wheel rims so grab everything but those wheel rims they're all along here except for those four faces on each wheel rim so you can see we have it there go to top view and if you selected any of these faces just hit B and then using your middle mouse button we can unselect all of those so we have just the faces on the side here and only the top few hit either extrude and then we're just gonna pull those out until we have about the right length of a wheel well now the whole current might need to be pulled in a little bit just to kind of get the right thickness of a car there I think that looks about right about there and now you can see if I jump to side view here that we have some wheel rims on our vehicle and that looks very nice so now what we can do is we have this extra geometry from extruding that out is I'm gonna switch to edge select mode here and at times it might be easier to turn off the x-ray mode right here so just go ahead and click that and also we don't really need our grid floor as that's just kind of getting in our way and making things hard to see so what you can do is you can go to the viewport overlays right here and we can just turn off our floor and our X and y-axis to make things a little bit cleaner and then I also like to change in the viewport settings here by making this drop down I like to turn on cavity and shadow and this just kind of makes your edges even easier to see and it's really nice to have turned on when you're working in low poly so that makes it just a little nicer ok perfect so now we can kind of start modeling the corners of our car here a little bit so on top we want it to come in a little bit so I'm going to grab these edges pull them in something like that we can go ahead and continue this with this face here to pull this one back a little bit and this one a little bit as well just kind of giving that right amount of roundness towards the top of the car was kind of grabbing every other edge here and moving it so we have about what we're looking for just grabbing the handle there to move it nice and straight on the axis and that's looking already quite a bit better I'll pull that in a little bit more and we can pull this one in just to kind of match the keeping kind of nice square geometry here that would kind of round off our herd here a little bit by grabbing some of these edges here and pulling them down as you can see the hood was just a little bit squared off there that's looking better already and now let's sort of model our headlight so I'm gonna jump to side view and turn on the x-ray mode here again so we can see what our headlights supposed to look like so now I'm going to grab this edge right here and I'm going to go to side view I want to kind of pull it back to be the headlight here so hit G and pull it back a bit as you can see here but I'll hit one to switch two vertices select and pull just that top vertice back a bit to kind of give it that angle that we're looking for now the front here I'm gonna grab this bottom vertex here and pull it over a bit just to kind of give some nice angle to those headlights we can pull this one back a little bit as well we're just sort of shaping what we want those headlights to look right now so I want it to kind of come back here a bit kind of routing it off that hood there a little bit more and pull that back there as well I'll pull that face down just a little bit and once you're pretty happy with the shape of your headlight as you can see I'm getting there I might want to pull some of these these in here just a little bit as well something like that once you're happy with the shape of your headlight you can grab the face select grab that headlight face and then we're gonna hit I to inset just a little bit and then hit E and extrude it inwards something looks like that very basic but if I turn off x-ray mode there you can see we have a nice sort of fancy looking headlight we grab both these faces here and just pull these in just a little bit if you want to make those headlights just a little bit bigger and I think that's looking pretty nice maybe tap into edit mode hit wanted to go to our vertices select mode and it hits C to select all those vertices right there all you guys make sure you know all and pull that out just a little bit maybe it's a little too much angle there so looking just a little bit better hit ctrl R and we'll put one more cut down our car here now the reason for this is I can give the hood just a little bit more shape I'm gonna grab these vertices right across the top there and pull these down just a little bit so we kind of get that a ripple in the hood that looks kind of cool right there as you can see we can grab the front end of the hood here and pull it outwards just a little bit so we have a little bit of roundedness to our hood and I pull this one up a little bit so we have sort of a cool-looking shape of a headlight right there something like that is looking very nice and now I'm gonna work on the front venting of our car here so I'm gonna grab the face select I'll grab both these faces hit ctrl one to jump back to the front view like I did a moment ago and I'm gonna hit e to extrude and then s to scale down now you could inset this but it would add an extra face in the middle here that we don't want so that's why I hit E and then cailed instead of in setting so go ahead and scale it down a little bit more and then we'll extrude it one more time to give a little bit of inlay to our car there and that's just that nice little center vent there and the last bit that we want to do is some of the bottom venting along the bottom end of our car here so I'm gonna grab my vertices select grab all of these vertices here and I'm just gonna double tap G to kind of slide them up our car a little bit to make this edge here a little bigger because this is where the venting is going to go so now I'm just gonna grab the three faces along the front end of our low poly car here and hit e to extrude and s to scale well scale it down just a little bit there and then hit s and z to scale along with that access a little bit and now I can hit E and extrude it inwards now I'm going to do the only thing I'm going to do different about this event is I'm gonna grab this face along the end here and extrude it in eaving a little bit deeper this could kind of be those front sort of fog lights or something on a car if I turn off x-ray mode there you can see just looks kind of cool now the last thing I want to do for the front end of our car just turn back on x-ray mode there and hit C and select all of the edges along the front of the car here making sure that we don't select the edge ones here I'm gonna use middle mouse button and C to unselect those and we don't need that one there and I'm gonna pull out the front end of our car a little bit by pulling that out just to give it a little bit of that roundedness and you can see we also want to select these edges then to pull them out a little bit as well and now I'll pull that out just to kind of round off the front end of our car there you can see we might want to pull back this vertex here so I'm gonna hit one to switch to vertex select grab that vertex and just pull her back right there okay so next up I'm gonna work on sort of shaping the hood here so let's grab the faces right here and right here and we'll grab that one too and I'm gonna pull these inward a bit I kind of want that angle there as we get from the hood we can do the same thing for these sort of fender vertices here and the corner of the headlight there make sure we select all of them in there if you're having a hard time selecting them all we can always turn on x-ray mode right there I'll just pull these in a little bit there just to kind of round off the corners there it's looking nice grab those faces one two three and extrude em inwards just a little bit to give us that sort of inlaid windshield look that's perfect right there so that's perfect for these front end of the car now I want to add a little bit more detail to the side of our car here so I'm gonna go control our to added one more cut so we can grab the top vertices here just by hitting C and selecting those and pull these up what I can do now is grab these three faces as well and this time I'm going to hit I to inset them just a bit and then we can extrude them inwards I'm gonna pull them down just a little bit here as well and then extrude them in where it's just like we did with the hood now we might want to pull these faces inwards just a little bit there so we have sort of that shape and that's looking really good and now I don't kind of work on the side of the door here so I'm gonna switch to edge select mode we'll hit three to go into our side view and then turn on x-ray mode and you can see we kind of have this shape here on the car but I kind of want to replicate so I'm gonna hit one switch and do vertices select to grab that vertex and we'll pull it right to that corner there and then I'm gonna pull these vertices here just by hitting box selected grabbing all of them pull them over right there yeah now I want to grab these vertices just along there whoops make sure we get the right one there not you if you get the wrong one you can just hit C and middle mouse button to unselect it I'm gonna pull these out a little bit and this will kind of just give us the faces nice and visible there if I turn off that of that shape of the car I want this line here to be a little bit straighter so I'll pull this vertice up just to keep that nice and straight for the door there on the back here we can kind of round off the end of the car here a little bit just by grabbing these vertices and rounding him out a little bit these faces here maybe it could be tucked in just a little bit here pull it in and you can see a car is coming together quite nicely but I think it's time to give this car some wheels so what we're gonna do is going to stay in edit mode and I'm going to put my cursor right at that point thereby shift or right clicking to place the cursor and I'm gonna go shift a and add in a circle the circle we can have some settings for it right here you can see the add circle settings if you just click that button there to open it up I'm gonna change it to 16 vertices and I'm also going to take these scale down because if I don't take the scale down is going to sect with the mirror modifier here and kind of connect in the middle we don't want that all right now we have that I can grab it and pull it out we'll hit R and 90 along the y-axis by hitting our 90 and then Y and if I hit side view here we can scale that tire up to be approximately the right size right around there looks about a good scientists me we might have to kind of adjust our our fender here a little bit once we have our tire and I'm just going to hit E and extrude it out along the x-axis to give ourselves some nice thickness there let's pull it out till we have about the proper thickness of a tire now I'm gonna grab the rest of the tire here hit E and scale I'm gonna scale us down to be the right thickness for our tire if you hit three any number pad you can kind of use that image actually as reference there and then I'm gonna hit s and X to kind of scale out because the tire kind of bulges a little bit like that so we're gonna have a little bit of bulge there there we have it and now I'm gonna hit E and extrude again let me sort of the rim right there and that's looking pretty fine now I'm gonna hit E and scale along just the X access to pull this in a bit tighter something like that E and scale this is just extruding it in a scaling till we have about a center point about that size and now I'm gonna hit E and scale along the x-axis again just scale it out and now I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab just that ring there by alt left clicking it and then hit face so we have that nice sort of wheel ram and if you want it to be really detailed you can get the inside of that wheel rim there as well and face it off okay so now all we have to do is add the spokes that are on our rim here and to do that I'm gonna grab face select mode here I want to grab every other face around the inside of this tire jumping around here there we go it should be a total of eight and now I'm gonna hit e to extrude and s to scale and here's where the magic happens we just scale those rims down towards the center there and then I'm going to pull them inwards a bit and you can see we have something like this looking pretty good but we want the wheel to kind of come out a little bit further so all I have to do is grab that Center face there of our on our wheel hit ctrl + and this will allow us to select all the nearby faces and I'm just gonna hit + until I have all the inside faces there and now I can pull this outwards to be right around there and maybe I'd want to pull my Center faces out there a little bit more as well and you can see there we have a nice-looking low poly tire rim now you can kind of adjust like I said the rim on your car a little bit grabbing those inside edges and kind of positioning that rim to be a little bit more accurate to where your your car wheel is I'm going to tap into edit mode hit L to select that tire shift D to duplicate it then I'm just gonna hit G and Y to move that duplicated tire along the Y access to the back of the car I'll just line it up right about there you can see this rim might need to be adjusted a little bit as well and you can see um we have some tires on our sports car and it's looking mighty fine now if I do say so myself this could kind of be tucked in at the back and I'm not gonna really focus on much of the detail on the back here you can also add your headlights here if you want it to but just to keep the video short we're gonna mainly focus on a front render of our car and the last thing to do on the modeling of our basic low poly car here it's first off we could kind of pull in these bottom edges here just a little bit tuck those in a little bit right there that looks pretty nice and of course we need some review mirrors you can't see behind you without rear view mirrors this this won't be roadworthy right now and now to add in those rear view mirrors it's really simple I'm just gonna grab a face right off our car here hit shift D pull it out a little bit here I'm gonna scale it down along the y-axis so s and Y to scale it down a bit and I'm going to just place it right around where we want the the rearview mirror to be coming out of the car here I'll rotate a little bit and pull it right inside of the car and then hit E and extrude it out here I'm just gonna grab some of these faces along the edges here and kind of square it off a little bit you could say maybe grab a edge there and round it off a little okay now I'll grab that face there pull it out to be about the right angle of our headlights I'll hit e to extrude and then s to scale it up a bit and then e to extrude it one more time and now I'm just going to do a little bit of mesh modeling on this to make it look a little bit better so we'll scale that back face off a little bit pull it over there we want this Reva me to be facing our driver so I can just hit L just like that whole loose part rotate it along the x axis to kind of rotate it up and then R and Z to rotate along the is that axis kind of facing it towards our driver there a little bit more and now I'm gonna grab that edge right there by hitting - and then you're selecting that edge pull it out I'll grab these edges in the back here pull them up just some basic modeling to quickly come up with what looks like a low poly a review mirror here that already doesn't look too bad so we can just kind of pull it around a little bit we have these edges and pull them into the car a little bit more easily or hidden alright so there's our finished car model you can continue tweaking it if you like but I'm going to show you guys how to quick render and Evi so you have a nice final results to share I'm gonna hide our background image there just by selecting it and hiding it I'll go shifty and in a plain scale it up we're gonna grab it by hitting G and Z just to be the floor of our car here it doesn't have to be too big we can scale it back down a little bit the top view and hit G to kind of Center it right over our car though well grab that lamp well delete it but then we'll go shift date and add an another light and this is going to be if sunlight we're gonna change it from a strength of 1 to 7 and just position it on top of the car pointing straight down is all you need to worry about now I'm gonna go to our world settings here I'm going to open up an HDR for some additional lighting click that box right there and choose environment texture and then open up an HDR I'll link to a cool one from HDR Haven in the description below now if I switch to rendered view here by clicking that button there you can see that we're rendering in TV and we can have a little bit more shadows on this scene so with our lamp selected I'm gonna go to the lamp settings here drop down the shadow option and choose contact shadows those makes it look just a little bit nicer now I'm gonna jump to our Eevee settings here and I'm gonna choose ambient occlusion and screen-space reflections I'm going to crank up the distance a little on our ambient occlusion here to give it a little bit more blacks and now I'm gonna give our floor ie a material as well no material just make it nice and dark there and not too reflective so I'm gonna try a little bit that specularity down maybe give it a little bit less roughness though so we see just a little bit of a reflection cuz that's kind of cool now let's give our sports car a nice sporty car like car so I'm gonna choose a base color here of a nice hotrod red I'm just trying to specular down a little bit on it down to about a point for now let's give our headlights some color so I'm gonna go plus on the materials and a new material there this one instead of being principled we're gonna make any mission shader the grabbing mission right there give it a nice LED light color blue and then crank the strength up to about a five now I'm going to tab into edit mode select that face right there by grabbing the face select grab that face and assign our new emission material to it now let's go ahead and add some materials to our tires I'm gonna tab into edit mode I'm gonna alt left-click that ring right there around the tire and I'm gonna hit ctrl + to increase in that selection to the whole bit of the tire there now if I hit the plus key here and in a new material this one is just gonna be a dark tire material as you might have guessed and we don't want too much specularity a tire as it's not very reflective it's sort of a rubber material and so we're also going to increase the roughness on this one up to about eight point seven is good and now all we have to do is click a sign to see that material being added to our tire there now I want sort of a shiny material for those rims so I'm gonna add in a new material I'm gonna make this one just a sort of gray material here and I'm gonna make it a little less roughness to give it a little bit more shine and with tab in edit mode grab that Center face and hit ctrl + a few times just to select everything in the middle there and I'll hit assign on that new silver material let me make that just a little bit darker but that looks pretty cool now we need a windshield material so I'm just gonna hit that plus key again we're gonna make this sort of a nice light blue the tab in edit mode to grab those windshield faces and of course our side windows here as well grab all of them there and assign that windshield material to it and something else you can do if you want a little bit of transparency on your window here I didn't do any modeling on the inside but if you wanted to you could go ahead and down here change the blend mode to be additive here and you can see through the window a little bit there it's kind of cool if you want to see through it even more you could turn the alpha value here down now of course we don't do the back tire there cuz we're a dummy dumb so just go ahead and select that rim and assign that to it right there you might also want to assign your tire material to the inside rim on the car here so just go ahead and select these faces here and assign that darker tire material tool so now you can see that that looks kind of a little bit better so we'll do the same with the front there and man I gotta say it's a lot of fun working in Evi materials because all a while you're making changes and stuff it's just looking super cool so now I want one more gray material for the front end of our car here so we're just gonna hit that plus key scroll down and give this sort of a darker material there tap it edit mode and we'll grab these edges along here at faces and assign it to it I knew but you at the bottom actually I want to make this rim there red still cuz that's just kind of cool maybe black oh yeah a little bit of definition there that's kind of cool I'll go ahead and assign that color to the ones in the middle there as well last but not least let's add a little bit of color to our tree view mirror there because it's kind of nice and I like it so it deserves a little bit of color a little bit of love and attention grab some of those faces there and assign the type material to it there we go a little bit of black on there as cool oh yeah give that the class material duh can't see behind you if you don't have a glass material there but that is gonna wrap up the tutorial guys I hope you've enjoyed it last thing you can do to add a little bit of cacao punch to your car here is turn on the bloom and then of course you're gonna want to turn the threshold way up so it's just blooming off of those headlights but hey it's kind of cool oh the last final thing to make this kind of a cool render grab that front tire there pick your view and then hit R and Z and oh yeah give those tires a little bit of rotation there oh and there you have it if you guys want to render it with the background you can otherwise you can go to film here and choose transparent just so you can see a car only in the render I'd like to turn off the overlays there as well so you can just see what your car is looking like and yeah you can make any sort of tweaks now still to the mesh that you want in evey even so just grabbing some of these edges there kind of pull those out a little bit so that wraps up this low-poly vehicle creation tutorial series and blood of 2.8 hope you guys have had some fun and I like to again things AK from CG boost for sponsoring in this video tutorial you guys can check out his complete beginners series with the link in the description it goes into even more depth in this tutorial all kinds of things on animating and creating a final scene and blender from beginner to end so a very nice elaborate in-depth course from Zack and if you guys use that link in the description you get that discount that I mentioned as well as support me and Zack not creating more blender content for you guys so definitely check that out if you're interested in diving even deeper into low poly and scene creation that link will be in the description but that's when do it guys I also want to give another shout out to un racing for sending over their nice share making me comfortable as I'm making these video tutorials for you guys you can also check out their chairs with the link in the description below also if you guys create a cool vehicle like this one I love seeing your finished creations so either post it in the comments below or send it over to me on Instagram or Twitter I always enjoy seeing everything you guys create you guys are super creative but that's been do it and I'll see you guys all in a future video tutorial ba ba
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 718,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Low poly, Blender, Easy, Tutorial, Beginner, Car, Vehicles, Sci-fi, Eevee, render, hard surface modeling, game engine, Blender 2.8, Cybertruck, Tesla
Id: Zkg7Ol2jEjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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