Shapeshifting Animation in Blender 2.8

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hello everyone and welcome i'm derek elliot from dirt comm and today we are finally going to be creating this shape-shifting pots animation it's one that i created a couple months back got a lot of attention and interest thank you for that into how it was done and it's done with shape keys but as you can see the tutorial does not end there sorry it's like another hour long one but i got to get all the good tips and tricks in there for you so yeah we're gonna be covering everything from modeling materials lighting shape keys of course working with modifiers some animation all to arrive at this result which i'd say is pretty close to what i created and this is of course rendered in evey that you could follow the same process and render it with cycles now one thing you will notice is that we're not going to completely cover the smoke animation what i will do is will walk you through my original file and go over the settings i had there but I actually used the old smoke simulation system and new in blender 2.8 to is a manta flow which may be better and definitely has a different workflow so didn't want to throw anyone off too much especially if you're watching this in the future but if you are interested in that there's some other youtubers they have some good videos out already and I know there's more to come so back to my original file when I created that I had not uploaded a tutorial for a while so I was feeling kind of bad for the folks over on my patreon and I uploaded the full file over there so if you want to check that out then you can join up you'll have access to tutorial files in the occasional little extra like the full file from my original animation which they've had access to for a while now and it's still there if you want to check it out so join up go on play with that and yeah thanks for being here like and subscribe let's go ahead and get started okay so first thing we're gonna want to do is obviously make our pot and I'm gonna do that by pressing shift a and adding a circle now when you do that there's going to be this little window down here that pops up and that is that's gonna give you some options so what I want to play with here is this vertices option I want to change that from 32 down to 8 normally I say kind of do whatever you want with some of these values but in this case we want to use 8 I think works pretty good just because we're gonna be using shape keys and we don't want to have too much geometry work with so so 8 is a good number so what I will do now is tab to go into edit mode and I'm gonna press E and Z just to bring that up on the x-axis a little bit and then I'm gonna select this bottom ring by alt and left clicking F to fill it in and now I have really just my very basic pot shape now we are going to want that to be a little bit smoother so I'll do that with a subdivision surface modifier and ya and so now it's smoothed out a little bit one note on this modifier I want to keep the render in the viewport setting is the same so I'm gonna turn this render back to 1 there will be another subdivision surface modifier in the stack later that I'll smooth that out even more but I'm for just getting started I think just this one it's gonna be what we want so I don't want this bottom to be rounded so much here so with that bottom face still selected I'm gonna press I to inset and that's just gonna give us kind of a nice look just a little more geometry to work with for one when we're making our other pot shapes and then also just kind of an edge loop to define that edge now I will add one more edge loop that's with control are bringing that down there and now we just have kind of a nice even pot shape and we'll be making different shapes of course that's the whole idea with this tutorial so with that there we want to give it some thickness and I will do that with a solidify modifier so I'm just gonna bump the thickness up on that a little bit something like that I think is gonna be good and yeah so with that together I need to let's now add I believe our handle yes let's do the handle so to do that just kind of what I think I like to do is just select these two faces here and then I'm gonna duplicate them and then SZ just kind of scale them down a little bit and then I'll actually scale the x-axis a little bit it's gonna intersect a little there I'm not too worried about it and I'm pressing 2 to go into my edge select mode here in here and I just want to move these in a little bit 1 press G twice with that edge selected and if I hold ctrl I can look down in the bottom corner somewhere Oh No top left edge slide I'm just gonna pick kind of any value there 0.5 looks good and the reason I was noting that is so that I could do the same thing over here and just know that these are even so you can eyeball this it's not a huge big deal but um yeah you can use the control hold control while you're dragging to keep even increments so I've got that kind of separate piece there so what I'll do now is extrude it out on the y-axis and now you don't have to do this but what I like to do is s Y and 0 just a flat that part out and then when I press 3d one to my side view and just kind of kind of adjust the shape just to get something nice now I know again want too much geometry here so what I'm doing is just using some very basic shapes to kind of make that handle now I think what I will want to do is add maybe one more edge loop right here just so they're kind of cinches up onto the pot a little bit better and yeah I think that looks it doesn't look that good so let's ahem let's scale this part in a little bit it might look a little nicer and you could even add in another edge loop there kind of just you know I'm pressing G twice to kind of edge slide these you just want to move it around so you got kind of a nice shape cuz this will be the first shape so we're gonna be kind of using this one to base the other ones off up so you just want to have kind of decent geometry going on here something that's gonna be easy to work with so I think that that looks good now what I need to do next is I'm gonna add another solidify modifier so basically I want so I want one to control the handle thickness and then one to control the pot thickness so I'll I'll need to add another solidify modifier but what I need to do first is add a couple vertex groups so that you know when you have to solidify modifiers I don't really play well with each other unless they're only working one place and we can do that with a vertex group so down here in this object data properties I have my vertex group so what I can do is press this plus sign here and that'll add a vertex group so now if I tab into edit mode and because these are two separate parts I can press L anywhere on this pot and that will select it just because it's like a mesh Island I think is what L selects I'm gonna press sign and I'll double click training in that one to pot so now if I go back over here into my modifier I can check this right here this is to define a vertex group and change it to pot so now you can see that the solidify modifier is only being applied with that vertex strip which is the pot so now I need to do another solidify modifier and this one will be for the handle so I'm gonna add another solidify modifier and then I'll tap back into edit mode go over here into my properties and then I'm gonna press L to select that and add a new group a sign and we'll name that one handle if I can spell handle that's a very tricky for me today so assign make sure that's selected and if you're when you're working with vertex scripts if you just kind of want to check things you can use this select option just to see what's selected when you press select on that on that one and yeah so those are looking proper so back over here my modifier on this solidify I want to select the handle so now I want this to be quite a bit thicker you will get some weird behavior here I think this has something to do with the vertex groups and like new geometry being created but I don't know exactly what's going on it took me a long time to figure out when I was first doing this animation but I found that if you move this solidify up and then this is gonna sound funky and then you on the other one which I should name these so this is a handle you can name modifiers by the way reading them and this one's pot so then on the pot so that if you like change the offset then it then it tends to work a little more like you'd expect so that's all fine so I've got kind of a thicker hand don't may we make that a little bit thicker even and then I've got a thinner pot so still not looking quite how we want it so what I'll do is add in another subdivision surface modifier and that's gonna start smoothing everything out a little bit so with that one on and again I'll leave those the same the render and the viewport options so with that all together we've got a much more smooth pot and you can right click and shade that smooth so now one thing that does happen with this is that you don't get a nice we're going to a wireframe you kind of get this rounded over top but I think it looks kind of nice it's fine if you if you didn't want that you might have to go into working with this little eye modifier a little bit more but for the way I did it and what I think turns out looking just fine is is just to leave that kind of edge like that and that's just a product of kind of how these modifiers are all stacked up sometimes when things aren't working out for you you just kind of have to go with what's working and make something up so that worked for me and yeah so now I'm just gonna kind of play with this shape a little bit maybe we can move this in a little bit I just want to get kind of a nice looking shape here and now this doesn't have to be exactly even I know I mentioned but this doesn't have to be perfect on the backside here the way I ended up rendering it you didn't really see this part too much and that's kind of one of the reasons is sometimes I had a little bit of trouble keeping the keeping this all nice and cinched up so so yeah I just kind of didn't show that part of the pot but anyways I think that's a pretty good looking handle you know you could play with this as much as you want maybe I want to kind of round that part out again you don't really see that such yeah let's just leave it it looks fine so the other thing I did add and again we're all still in just one object here so this is this is all together and that's gonna be one thing that makes the shape key adjustment a little bit easier is just having this all be one object now we will add the lid which will be a separate object but right now we're still just working in one object using vertex groups control where these modifiers go and build this shape out so that's all together looking pretty good maybe we want to like move this down would that be nice detail oh yeah sweet okay so the other thing I did have and I'll show you how to do it it's just another let's like duplicate this shift D Y and then so I kind of I kind of made this like a you know like I'm pots I've got those little rivets holding the holding the thing together holding the handle on and I'm just selecting those little planes there and just cut it rounded them out doesn't have to be perfect but it's kind of a nice little detail right if you don't make it completely ridiculous actually I could make it match by selecting this one shift D s X negative one with that one G X and then we would need to flip the normals those three normals there so now we got those a little chunky boys they're all rivets hanging out there poking through looking good just a nice another little detail something we can easily adjust with our shape key so with that together let's move on to mm I guess the main point of this tutorial is all shape kissing so let's maybe do that next so to add some shape keys I'm gonna go over here into the object data properties and then I'm gonna add a shape key press this little plus sign right there it's gonna be called basis which is just fine but I only have a pot one and then I want to add another shape key and I'll name this pot too so now what we need to do is with make sure you're on pot to make sure you have that selected we're gonna do is tab into edit mode and we are gonna begin and making our adjustments so for the first pot I'll just do a kind of a simple thing I'll maybe scale this inner one down let's kill this down [Music] maybe scale this out maybe make this whole part a little bit flatter s Z now when you're working with shape keys like this really the only important thing like the most important thing is just that you don't add geometry don't like add any more edge loops or anything I don't remove any you want to just work with what you have which is why we were kind of paying a little closer attention to the geometry we were setting up at the beginning is you know you want to make sure you've got enough to work with so you know at this point would be kind of too late to add too many details you might want to back up a couple steps if you're realizing you don't have all the detail you need to create the pot shape you're looking for so so that's the pot itself kind of like a like a wok shape if you will now for the handle I'll just press L to select that and then I'm just going to kind of move it over and just make the adjustments so that the handle is kind of cinched up where I want it so something like that maybe the handle on the wok is like a little bit a little bit longer maybe a thinner maybe it's a doesn't have quite such a divot maybe it's up maybe it's whatever you want it to be just play with it spend as long as well as you want as little as you want just get done with it okay I think that looks good I'm digging that so now I need to move them a little chunky boys I don't know why I'm calm chalking boys are just like these fat rivets are X just kind of move that right there and then maybe yeah back a little bit there that looks good so now when you're tabbing in and out of edit mode you'll see you lose those changes but that's because now if we have this shape you selected we've got this little value slider and we can just use that to go between them so that's pretty much it for the effect if that's all you wanted to know it was nice knowing you like and subscribe I'll see you next time but we are gonna move on to I think some shady next and then we'll talk about maybe setting up the lid if you want to add a lid to your pot and how you can make that move as well and and then some animation stuff of course so let's uh let's leave that at that and let's go over here into our shading workspace and start giving this some materials so the material I'll start with is just the main pot material so I'm gonna press new here and I'll name this pot you can even whatever you like then I'll name it pop and again you've got many options here you can choose color to whatever you want I'm just gonna leave mine pretty white maybe like a little tan I think it's kind of what I did I kind of envisioned this as like a like a ceramic sort of and that's actually the reason I ended up doing that it's kind of because of the way this was rounded over I was like oh that looks more like a you know like it was it was handmade or there's like a throne a throne pot so you know that was kind of my thought there and with that I added a little bit of some subsurface scattering just give it like a little bit of a kind of a you kind of get this nice highlight effect where the lights kind of coming through in those corners and I like that a lot if you don't like it don't do it as far as any other settings here I'll leave this pretty much how it is you can add a little texture to it if you wanted but I'm liking the way that looks so let's go ahead now and add in another material that'll be the handle you can do these in whatever order you want you can do the handle first now for the handle I will make it kind of like a like a darker a deep gray something like that and let's go ahead and assign that Michelle to where I want it so nervous L to select that and then L and L and then I need a sign and that will assign the handle material to the parts I had selected so that's on there that's looking good now the next thing I did also was add in kind of like a bottom to the pot so let's add another mate'll slot and let's name that pot bottom has one would name the bottom of a pot so to select that I want to press three select my face there and then I'm gonna hit ctrl + once just to Grove that selection and I will assign that so now we have another material there and now to see it of course let's say let's maybe make it metallic and you can do whatever you want here and you know you can make it shiny you could do like a you do like a copper material I mean just doing something like this is gonna be easiest but I will actually add a texture to it and this is a question that some people had about kind of how I did that but what I'll do is I'll press well just press shift eh I was gonna tell you how to install an over angular like I always do but in this case you don't necessarily need to do that but I'll add a texture image texture and then I'm going to navigate to where I have that saved quick quick pause the video look for all my secret information cookware texture there's the texture pan bottom as I named it oh so wait that one's pan bottom this one's pop on I'm gonna have to call it tutorial quits right here just kidding drag that in not gonna work we need to okay we still got the selected I'm gonna my top view and you project from you you project from view and then over here I can do just to a UV editor and I'm just gonna just gonna kind of move that until it's nicely aligned now while I'm doing this I will say the reason that this works is because so like will do and I guess I'll show you how to do the square pot as well but when you these circles are going to deform fine so like when we when we slide between things and let me actually drag myself out a little timeline here somebody I can show the actual transition a little bit better let's do a timeline and over here in the settings let's do the okay so pop to is insert keyframe here and then maybe in 30 frames it goes to pot too so something like that and we can just for now make our in 30 so the texture moves - you would not want to the reason it works well with the circle is because it's like a simple shape and it's gonna just deform fine but like if this text was on the edge it might start looking funky but with having that right there in the middle really helps to not get deform too much so the UVs are deforming when you change shape you as well so you just want to be careful you know an image texture might look kind of funky if you tried to you know do something like that I might get deformed weird but the texture I used here it was kind of designed to to not mess up so anyways with that on there you can have that control a number of things I think I will have a control the color but I want instead of this metal color I want it to be kind of like black and I want the the Rings to be kind of a silver so I'm going to add a color invert just to change the black the white and the white to black and yeah something like that I think it looks pretty good now another thing you could do is maybe have it affect the roughness so I'm going to drag this color into the roughness field here and then so now it should be remember black is zero white is one so yeah we got a really shiny kind of where those rings are and then the other part is rough now I don't want it so shiny or so rough so I'll actually use sometimes when that's the case like a lot of times when I'm sitting with my maps I use black and white just to have like you know one zero have clear definition but in the case of roughness specifically I usually don't want extreme rough and extreme shiny so what you can actually do is you could do that with a number of things but a lot of times you do a color ramp but what I actually like to do is use this invert and then and then what I do is I just drag it back a little bit so it's not inverting it so much or so yeah I guess I'll leave that as a point - and what that kind of does is it kind of just pulls the values together so the white becomes a little more towards gray and the black a little bit more towards gray as well so they just kind of those values kind of come together it's a little less visual than a color ramp but it works pretty good so now that these now those rings aren't quite so shiny and yeah I think it looks pretty good so do what you want there play with it as much as you want you could even add a bump here you know maybe you want those rings to be bumped out check that as tight and yeah you've got a got a little bumps now let's take a look at that you can invert it turn the strength down yeah just kind of a nice nice little detail subtle you obviously wouldn't want to turn your pot upside down because then a direct outcome would be backwards people might try to go to Mach dot carrot oh yeah that was dumb by the way I'm like finally working on my website I gotta get anyone up there but anyways that's looking good I think I'll leave my pot like that pretty close to what I had in the animation that I made so yeah that's cool let's leave it at that and let's now do some what's next what's next I think we'll do maybe we should we had another pot shape now let's add two yeah let's have the lid let's have the lid okay so I'm gonna go back into my layout mode here which I guess you don't have to you could totally do this in the other view now you could steal some geometry from this and kind of use that to recreate it since we're gonna use some of the same modifiers but I want to have kind of a fresh start here so I'm gonna add a circle and then just bring this up a little bit use the same eight vertexes vertices people always get upset if you say that wrong don't know what don't know if I got that right or wrong never remember paranoid so I'm just gonna make yeah I'm gonna make a lid oh I want to make sure that I am on one of the frames yeah so I was not so let's enlist our adds a modifier says so we're always gonna want the subdivision surface but before that I think we actually want to solidify or no yes I've divided first to make it circular we can leave that at two actually I think that would go all the way up to three well we'll leave it a actually believe it at one we'll do kind of a similar thing we did before now let's see that too okay so give it some thickness and yeah I'm just modeling a just modeling a little lid here basically so then you know this might go out something like that kind of just nests in there nicely we can shave that smooth and while we're doing it let's uh let's go ahead and give that the handle material which so that we can see in the viewport let's go down here viewport display and make that kind of a darker color just so our viewport is a little easier to understand so that's cool that looks good oh and I always forget to turn it on we can turn on cavity it doesn't make much of a difference now but it's really cool when you're modeling views this little cavity option it makes a make some ridges and valleys appear better or something I don't know so that looks fantastic is that all we need to do no I think I had a it's like hmm let's maybe add in I don't know where's the glass attached let's just have the glass kind of seamlessly merge right there or maybe you would like maybe this would come up I don't know go look up pot design on your own I'm gonna press shift D to grab this I'm gonna press F to fill it in and then um first I didn't said it what I'm gonna do now is make the class it's kinda hard to see what I'm doing here but yeah just move that uh that up something like that and because we've got all that subdivision surface modifier action happening we don't need to worry too much about routing that out you can see we've just got a very basic shape here because we're gonna be working with this as well you don't want it to be too complex so I'm just gonna kind of scale us out so this kind of intersects how I want it to oops let's get that thing okay so this will be the glass so let's say that smooth shade smooth and then for this one I will go in to the normals options turn out Auto smooth I'm just so that I can have those sharp edges be sharp now I think I want to add in maybe one more subdivision surface now so that the the roundedness matches the pot that it's on so I'll leave that at 1 and 1 so we got to first and then we got the 1 so 3 total which just was the same so we've got 1 & 2 so 3 total so that just like anytime you work with circles like if you have a different amount of vertexes on one versus the other then it's gonna look at the same vertex this again as it vertices for Texas I don't care guys I don't care I don't care so I'm gonna add in another material let's go back into our shading here we're gonna add a class material so to do that materials new new glass now for glass let's go ahead and a ctrl + to assign that oh wait ctrl + to select it and assign and to assign it okay so that's our glass of Jo doesn't look like glass we want to take the transmission value all the way up the Alpha value we'll bring down a little bit and then over here in the settings if you're gonna be rendering this in Evie which we're gonna follow an AV process for this but I rendered mine in cycles and if this I think look a little bit better in cycles but of course it takes about a million times as long so the choice is yours I'm gonna turn off shadows so I'm gonna do none and then on the blend mode I'll turn it to alpha blend and now we've got kind of a nice clear pot I'm not want the glass to be nice and shiny so let's bring that roughness down oh yeah that looks good and we've got that solidify modifier so the glass is getting thickness just as we like now how about a little bit of a little bit of a cue I'll handle for that thing let's a person s snap our cursor to selected and now I am going to add in a circle we'll use our favorite eight vertices for Texas I'm just gonna alternate you guys are gonna have to deal with it let's assign we handle material to that and now for this again do your research here but it seems like they're usually have like a little part down there and then let's shift T to you just bring this off a little bit and then easy and let's just delete that face so that now we have not what I wanted at all and just do something like that I think that looks good now you could kind of just move this down so I had this as two separate objects so that I don't have to have too many edge loops here but and you know what the more I'm looking at this I think I want things to be really sharp so I'm gonna I'm gonna get rid of this solidify yeah that looks better her sorry that subdivision and I'm gonna head it back right here so let's shade that smooth okay that's looking a little bit more like I want it now these I don't really want intersecting she had like a little screw down there if you wanted if you were gonna see that but I'm not really going to so let's go back here into a look dove and yeah got our nice little nice little thing there you could adjust that shape as much as you want or what we'll do is change it for every pot so that's our first pot that's how we modeled it so obviously we move to here it's not working for us very well so we can go into our vertex group area thing here add a shape key and in that pot one I guess there should be like what lid one and then I'll hit this plus and and lead to and now we just need to do the same thing we did with the pot I'm gonna go in and make our adjustments so I'm just gonna press s shift to Z scale the whole thing up something like that maybe bring it in maybe this part gets a comes in all of it just to kind of match the the pot that it's going on and then by the way to do this pie menu which obviously just drives me crazy your Prezi and you just drag different directions I can every which direction is right this I usually just press a bajillion times so oh wait that's what I just messed with and I didn't like the way it looked is that thing gonna do it for me there I think yeah that's pretty good right that looks good right tell me people from the future yeah so that's fine I mean like you know you could if you don't want that to get bigger every time you know you could make it do that little handle okay that looks ridiculous let's move that back again remembering don't add vertexes vertices don't don't subtract don't add just just play with the ones you got so get them get them right the first time follow the instructions okay so for this we're gonna want to change that as well so let's and we are kind of slowly moving into animation you know let's have that start with a zero and then over here it turns to one insert keyframe so now it shifts with it now you may notice some intersections and weird places when when that happens shape Keys move linear linearly from one to the other so you shouldn't have too much trouble but if you do you can just kind of play with the curve values or just adjust your object a little bit it's kind of finicky it might be something you have to mess with but it's worked pretty good for me so I'm gonna move on so yeah I got the I got that lid there let's talk just a little bit more about let's maybe do some animation so I will go into back into my layout view here actually we could we could stay in this shading just because it looks so nice and then maybe I want to change this like a graph editor nothing I'll end up using yeah okay so what I need to do let's maybe get rid of this light cuz I don't like it you're gonna have to do some lighting eventually obviously but I'm just gonna go into my camera view here and then I'll do altgr shift tilde okay so I just want to get like a nice nice of you that I completely already had I didn't need to change um while I'm doing this I'll change my resolution you know since you're gonna post this on Instagram to share with me right I'm gonna use a square so that looks cool I'll leave that right there but let's like have it tilts and move around and stuff so I'm gonna shift s it's not my cursor to selected and then I'll add a on an empty which actually don't think I want right there and let's say let's move this up a little bit and then I'm going to click this click this and then click this control P parent to object keep transform and then now in these empty I can control the rotation and stuff but not be actually changing the rotation of my other objects so maybe I want that to lean forward a little bit and maybe it starts kind of facing that direction and then it moves to kind of like a different direction something like that would look cool right you can see I'm just doing exactly what I did adjusting my camera giving myself some space maybe move kind of like down a little bit just you know get it framed get it framed nicely so now we have our very short animation and shifts looks very nice but it would be more interesting if the pot top popped off right let's have a start at the Z location of that insert keyframe have it finish also right there ends our keyframe but then somewhere in the middle here have it pop up insert keyframe and maybe even you could have a like a rotate once again following my own lead very closely here insert keyframe insert keyframe so you want to add keyframe where it starts and ends so that you know those are good and then make your little your little adjustment in the middle so it's not the way I wanted to rotate oh yeah that's like I'm pretty sick pretty sick hopefully you guys are falling along if you are like and subscribe do some comments and for real share it with me on Instagram I'll be looking forward to seeing all of your shape different yeah the shape-shifting pots or other things that I'll be great great to see it so yeah that's that's cool that's cool I'm gonna leave it like that and now since it's a little bit different people are asking me I'll show you very briefly how to do the square version so like if you want to do a square pan so let's a let's make our animation end at 60 and then I just need to basically add in another set of shape keys so so this is all rotated funky now let's go into our layout view here so this is rotated all weird and like if you wanted to go in and model it's just not a good angle to model at so what I like to do is usually when I'm rendering it's from frame 1 to something else so I like to do is just go over here to frame 0 and then just change the change the rotation back to yeah so I want this to be 0 but I didn't ever insert a keyframe so let's go ahead and insert a keyframe there so it stays back now I can change this back to 0 so that frame would never get rendered but it's good because this it's good because then when you go back to model you can just go to frame 0 and everything's nice and even now for you there's a number of ways you could achieve a similar result but that's how I like to do it so let's make that other pot shape I'll add in a shape key new let's have it be oh gosh that's a vertex group Derek not a shape key let's add in a shape key so pot three we will name that one so now for this a little bit funkier but I will now I think there's a couple of ways to do this but I believe what I've found to work out pretty well is you want to flatten those out so you want to scale on the x-axis but you don't want them to go with like that so you can change your pivot point to individual origins which since these are separate selections I believe this will work SX yes and then set that to zero okay yeah so I'm holding ctrl + 0 and I'm gonna do the same thing here with this yes why hold ctrl until you're at 0 come on 0 there we go and then maybe I'll make the whole thing a little bit narrower now you want to just for the sake of animation when I keep things kind of centered here so I think that looks good for me and then maybe you I mean I guess technically we should do these as well so that we have everything deforms nicely like I think if we if we enable our textures here yeah so the texture is kind of stretched a little bit weird I think it'll look better if we do this sy 0 and then select these ones by the way I'm in alt Aziz you go into this kind of x-ray mode SX 0 there and just like that you've created a s square so that is really the reason we're using so few so few vertex vertices in the in the beginning is so that when you want to make something like a square you don't have to move a million Curtis X's around that's gonna get bleeped out so now we need to do the same thing for this guy so let's go ahead and insert the key frame where that would be so that is gonna be a shoot you know one now okay so this let's have it be one right there insert keyframe and then right here it should be zero and it's a keyframe uh what's going on here oh wait I didn't okay so this one has to go back to zero right there insert keyframe so now they're kind of like it's becoming one at the same time so that's where you can run into some intersection issues and stuff obviously need to do the handle now as well but let's let's so while we're modeling this maybe what I'll do is set this to one so I can do the the top but I also needed to do the handle here so let's uh let's select this move it down oops GZ and just kind of make our make our adjustments here it's getting real real crinkly here G twice the edge slide now again so this is a case where it's gonna look a little funky so what you can do is just not worry about it we are not gonna see that part too much so this doesn't have to be perfect you can even have it kind of intersect a little bit like let's uh let's move this over a little bit something like that yeah that's gonna be fine we do need to adjust the DS though 200 G z sy 0 just flattening things out there a Z let's try to turn them into circles again and yeah donkey boys are back in place looking good okay so that should be good so let's let's take a look at that animation here so the darn lid is in the way alright let's make the lid now so back here at 0 let's add a shape key let's name it lid 3 you can see where we're going with this hopefully you are you kind of get it by now aye sir easier way that maybe I could just select like all these all these sy 0 no because these aren't different planes so let's actually I think that could even stay a square let's um let's select this in this and this in this a little bit of cheese process here 0 this is why you don't make square pots it's because it takes its time s X 0 whatever it takes longer on the manufacturers side to make a square pot it's got two right circles are just like how machines work circles are everywhere I love circles that's X 0 alright and we got these guys this and this and so I'd actually didn't I think in my animation changed the top one to be square it kind of looked cool when I left it circle s X is your own and then here we've got this guy and this guy and this girl and this girl that's right this pot is a multi-gender to s y 0 do we get everything no we didn't we missed a spot here here s y 0 so we have slowly but surely and created our square shape now with this shape we would want it to be sitting back down or does it have a I don't think it has it vertical value right here so go ahead and move this down into place prop on this first okay so when that is one yes it sits nicely and look will even be will even be fancy this is this is insane watch what I'm about to do sy 0 will you make this square people think you don't know about details when you're doing your animations but you show them this pot here they'll lose their minds because that barely looks square but that's fine I'll leave it so back in our camera view let's animate those other values okay so 30 it's there and then we need lid 0 or lid 3 to be at zero here and then we want it to be at 1 here and at that point this should be 0 oh shoot insert keyframe 0 so now does that move yes it do now I didn't really change my handle shape there did I let's go and change the handle shape just a little bit just a little bit just a little I promise maybe maybe like you just want people to see that you put the time into it you know I wouldn't want to leave anything uncharted there we're not gonna do any crazy circle stuff for that are some where stuff maybe like these getting smaller though okay I'm done I'm done through process that's good nice nice nice nice ok so let's add the little pop-up for this guy here so Z yes y yes right here is your key frame insert keyframe and then have pop-up pop pop and let's have it rotate the other way so that time I went negative Y let's have it go positive Y this time in Turkey right Oh boom nice nice nice now if you wanted to make it loop you could you could do that you would need to let's go back to here and then so what we got that way so lets her rotate the other way again I think it was just a zero there right boom boom boom now if you wanted to like sit for a little bit longer in each shape you could select everything here and then if we dragged out like a graph editor if you use this normalize option so that everything's a little smoother okay wow that's a mess okay so we gotta assume that I'm frame 30 is where everything is where it needs to be so let's shift D and then X and then on frame 60 was another one so like there it's it's a little bit we just duplicate those key frames so that everything stays still that's cool if you wanted to make the the lid look like it popped off a little bit more you could you could find out where that value was which is gonna be the Z location here and make it go like this so watch this now just kind of flies off a little faster cue it some more hang time bring that out make it slam down so play with these curves for 10 minutes 10 hours 10 days 10 days it's gonna look better than 10 minutes but it's probably too much so maybe like here maybe like an if you really wanted to so it good and well it depends on your experience but on mine I probably spent two hours maybe messing with all the curves of the various shaped keys and stuff to keep looking right see ya spend more time it's gonna look better now for the lighting I think what I did here I'll do this in I guess we'll go ahead do an EB so I'm going to add a plane and then because I'm all rotated weird this is not gonna work for me very well I just kind of add like a little bit of a have a backdrop here and let's just move that away scale it up make sure it's completely uneven an awkward yep that looks good let's add in a light maybe an area light when I say earlier how much I like circles let's change this to an ellipse or disc I was forget and then it bring that size up they bring that power up power up turn off the overlays here look in turn on all these darn TV settings what we got here screen space reflections yeah I probably want that refraction sounds like a good thing to me shadows I bit-depth I still don't know what that does but I turn it on because it sounds right and and then maybe back here we do like kind of a backlight do you I hate that flickering thing let's turn back on our overlay so I can see where that darn a lot is let's um oh my god okay I got to turn off Jesus that flicker and sometimes what happens in sometimes it doesn't don't know what the cause is now if you truly wanted it to look like mine you'd want to go in and add a material to this plane make it like a black basically and maybe turn the roughness up quite a bit specular maybe even down a little bit and let's take a look at this you are looking at pretty much the animation so let's let's take a look at this in oh yeah there's actually in that cool detail so I forgot about this and again I know we've probably gone going for a while here I'm gonna check oh my god 47 minutes Derek this is ridiculous I just can't make a short tutorial anymore okay but again you guys like the details right you guys like the cool stuff let's add some accent here I'm gonna do Dirk red because that's what I do let's make it dark red which it's going to be something like that some may call it orange you're wrong and then I can change this lo-fi rim to that and then I can so now the the rim gets kind of that a different color there so maybe that's like a maybe that's like a rubbery turn the value up something like that looks cool yeah dig it all right what else could we do I think that's that's probably pretty good so now what cool yeah so that's when you're gonna see us when it pops up you got that nice red red trim there now I think I do need a little bit more in the way of lighting let's uh I always like to have two views here so let's have this P rendered video and T and then I'll do my lighting over here so this light maybe you can come back a little bit this is why I always like to work with things more even but I'm at a weird angle here that's alright we're gonna manage let's turn that power way up let's move that up here so you don't see it back there and then maybe this can kind of come back this gives us kind of that nice rim rim glow if you will that looks good and then maybe we would want to have like one more light just kind of like down here I'm pressing R twice to kind of give myself up sort of a free rotation okay this light it's kind of like over here and not nearly as powerful let's see how that looks nice okay so I I will mention it in the intro I haven't recorded that yet but I'm not gonna do the smoke part now that's um I will actually what I'll do is I'll I'll open up my original file and just kind of go over some of the settings and how I did that but with Manta flow being out a lot of other great youtubers have some videos on that and and a lot more are coming out soon I haven't played with a lot I feel like it's probably the way to go nowadays with smoke simulations so I actually did mine in the old the old program or the old like smoke simulator so I didn't necessarily want to show you how to use that when there might be a newer better thing coming out soon so yeah last minute details here maybe you want this handle to be a little rougher texture I think I had a slight noise texture on it normal control T with no regular tainted object and backdoor bump a little bit of a little bit of a plasticy bumpiness here put that scale up bump that strike down just to give it a nice look sheet smooth this Auto smooth option want that on but anyways I think that's part of the soft shadows but yeah um you know just tweak things play with it some more get it how you like it don't stop till you like it but be sure you finish you don't want to spend too long do you want this to be a full-on black yeah it's just like it's just endless in those little details and stuff at this point having it playing with things moving things around so yeah let's I'll hop into the next part I'll go over some of the smoke settings but thanks so much for watching like and subscribe appreciate you watching this far if you did I know it's a long one once again but I want to show you all the all the details kinda how I did this this is a animation that I had a lot of fun doing and I wanted to be able to share that with you of course so I will stop fiddling with this I promise and yeah I'll catch ya catch you in the next part next tutorial whatever it may be thanks for being here I love you dearly see you next time I'll see you in the next part I think I'm gonna record that ok bye ok so here we are in the actual file that I rendered for the animation yes aww this is the one that's got all the smoke stuff as you can see and just in general like yeah it's just this is the more refined version now I've made this animation I was a long time ago and it took me longer than I expected to get the tutorial done but I actually gave this file to the patreon like two months ago since you know I gave it to them pretty much right after I made it I hadn't hadn't released a tutorial in a while and I felt bad so if you want this actual file it's on the patreon it's been on the patreon and so for as little as two dollars a month you can go get that have fun with it you wouldn't need to bake it yourself because the yeah the like the baked files are is huge and I didn't upload this so but let me tell you just kind of quickly how it's done but I basically have a an object down here and that is a smoke flow and not just for the sake of showing you stuff ok so that's a smoke flow when you're working with smoke in particular and I'm not sure if it'll be different in Manta flow but it's a lot of trial and error you gotta bake things a lot can be very time-consuming depending on the power of your computer it can be you know prohibitively time-consuming where it just takes so long that you're just not gonna really get a good result but these are my settings here so this is just an inflow placed below the pot and I think I actually have some shape keys okay no I don't maybe what I did oh yeah I moved okay so I'm so it's just a circle a simple a simple circle but I have it moving so that when the so it looks like right there it actually went through a little bit but so that it would stay kind of on the bottom of the pot now the pot I do have as a collision object I think yeah so I have it as a collision I know I don't know if that really worked out the way I was supposed to or not I think there was still some intersection but I also have the lid as a collision it might have done something to kind of contribute to the the way the smoke moved round it kind of it looked like it did but again it's like these bakes takes so long that I didn't it's kind of like eventually I was just like okay that looks good enough and kind of call it quits right there but so those are the things there and then the book those things really happened on the domain object so here's the settings I have for the domain domain type is gas I may have used a higher level of divisions in my final actually no I don't think I did because there's like a there's like another setting somewhere here and noise but yeah there's like I'm not an expert with this stuff I just wanted to I didn't want to leave you completely hang in you could use the smoke simulator to to recreate something similar where there's the steam and stuff but it's just very time consuming and again check out some new tutorials on manta flow I think that's going to be a really cool thing for smoke simulation as far as the smoke material itself this is what it looks like so I think the the density is I think that's a very low number so that looked kind of transparent but you know again this is just a lot of trial and area I can yes mi rendered view is gonna be ridiculous because this it's trying to it doesn't have any actual baked file in here so it's just trying to figure it out but trial and error these are the settings I used for the smoke material these are the settings I used for the you know the domain you always need to bake it I think the final bake in mine took like over an hour several hours maybe so it it's if you're working I'll just be honest with you if you're working on like a lower end laptop or something or you don't have a lot of time to kill where your laptop can just be cranking away I had high heat murdering itself then I would stay away from smoke simulation it's really fun but it can it can drive you up a lot it's really frustrating the only other thing I will mention here is that I had tried adaptive domain sometimes what that will do is it'll reduce the size of the domain so that the calculation happens faster based on where smoke is and where it's not but I had an error with mine and this is probably gonna be different in mana flow but where it was shrinking the domain more than it should so I was seeing smoke being chopped off where it shouldn't have been beyond that I don't know a lot lots of options here but yeah if you want to if you want to check out the full file mostly for the sake it was kind of pie animation how some of these textures are applied then I encourage you to do that it's on the patreon check it out but yeah that that's about it for the smoke again not it's not exactly fun it looks really cool but it can take some time and again maybe there will be some good improvements with the new Manta flow system so keep an eye out on some other YouTube channels for that it's something I may cover eventually but I haven't looked too much into it yet it's it's pretty new in 2.82 so yeah thanks for watching I think this is going to be the official end video if you have any questions let me know in comments or just you know talk amongst yourselves and um yeah I look forward to you welcome definitely something with you what you do on Instagram post it I'm sometimes I like to share some clone nations especially do something the size pots if you take the techniques you learned in tutorial and can do something else I'd love to see that so that people interesting so thanks again for watching I'll see you next time and like and subscribe yeah [Music]
Channel: Derek Elliott
Views: 103,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender, b3d tutorial, blender 3d, 3d tutorial, easy blender tutorial, simple blender tutorial, derek elliott, derrk, blender animation, easy animation, blender 2.8, blender 2.8 animation, fun animation blender, blender 2.8 tutorials, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender tutorials, blender materials, 3d animation, blender eevee, eevee, shape keys, blender shape keys, pots animation, 3d cookware, 3d pans, 3d pots and pans, cool animation, best blender tutorials
Id: zlCgVlA6hw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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