Using a SEMICOLON - Punctuations | CSE, IELTS, and UPCAT Review

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we already talked about commas dashes and the colon today we're going to talk about the semicolon hi there thank you for checking out my channel thank you for clicking on this video if this is the first video that you're watching from my channel i make educational motivational content so if you don't want to miss any of my new uploads don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell icon now like i said in the intro kanina we're going to talk about the semicolon today but you know what's happening at any bangla punctuation marks if you haven't seen the videos yet for them the link is i button if you're watching this on youtube okay and now before we dive into the discussion i think just a quick little plug if you want to help support this channel and our cost of democratized education in the philippines you can do that by buying our merch it's a that is where young shirts hooties and stuff that i designed for this team can be bought so samabu milena my what's alamed and thank you for showing me when you wear them because it makes me so happy and for those you're helping me help more people through this channel all right and now that we have that out of the way i'm going to jump into you adding discussion i'll see you in a bit all right so this is our full lesson on using the semicolon metro check it out i will also compare kung ang what are the functions of semicolon and we'll talk about two of them right now first is when you're separating items in a list so if you have a list or a series of items tapas may among additional information about them we'll talk about that later and then you follow is to join two independent clauses now if you notice this is exactly like your discussion nathan when it comes to using the colon but there are more more specific na uses nang semicolon versus colon or semicolon versus comma and we'll talk about that later okay guru mata is the first one first one is again dividing items in a list or series now let's take this example you know sentence net and it says my family is scattered all over the philippines in these areas hold on which is again uh is my function yeah to introduce a list of items now at the next party instead of just commas i okay instead so again if you have further information about the items in the list to separate each item from the list including descriptions semicolon which is joining two independent clauses now when do you use a semicolon versus a column three things or three details number one when the two independent clauses are related number two lang conjunction and number three when there is a conjunctive adverb now it's a mouthful nope when the two independent clauses are related so these are independent clauses semicolon instead of period okay so you example that in here it says jenna likes to use watercolor lyco likes to use acrylic paint now if you notice again you could use a period lung dito in between but related which is preference now art materials these two independent clauses are related okay my relationship is art materials but then time limitations semicolon another thing that you have to look at would be an relationship is something more than that further explanation it becomes a colon so let's take this example no janna likes to use watercolor her portfolio was filled with soft flowers done in watercolor so again it on the lavon independent this time there they are both about janna and new second statement portfolio i put watercolor in the flowers actually adds or explains your first part so that gonna revert to using a comma or or a period instead but a bit of a note needs not at all nothing comma splice where there should be a column or a semicolon instead nagi king malidi shaminsan okay so again when is the first one since the two independent clauses are related you use a semicolon relationship into emphasis or explanation if malala in your relationship you use a column okay yeah so again when you're joining two independent clauses and when those two independent clauses are related perro the latter or important independent clause does not emphasize or explain the first related in the emphasis in the explanation you use a semicolon instead of a colon now the second instance would be when you're joining two independent clauses and there is no conjunction in this case it says hilly sleeping soundly and she is snoring loudly there are a number of things that you could do to tweak this sentence the first one would be to eliminate and she okay emphasizing punctuation okay so haiti's sleeping soundly and she is snoring loudly semicolon she is snoring loudly he doesn't really emphasize anything it doesn't really explain anything then it's related pero hindi nomadic douglas explanation but it's just another thing now another way to use the semicolon when you're joining two independent clauses is when there is a conjunctive adverb this is the part that gets a little bit weird so it also makes sense now okay instead of using a comma before in a comma after i'll just use a semicolon before and then a comma after now let's take this example you don't have to be a child member to be part of team leica however being one would help us help even more people so again two things you don't have to be a child member to be part of team leica that is the first thing i think first na independent clause impala is however being one would help us help even more people however however nyan is one of you adverbs no at the okay however however it stays these two things are related but you have to separate it you have a very long sentence a quick tip london if you want to kind of impress your employer or impress your teacher sama papers nino if you know how to use a semicolon in a column properly and most of your classmates would probably be using just a comma or this is a real statement no but if you want to know how to be part of team leica and how to be a channel member here here on youtube you can click right here side button to find out more about that okay so again thank you salatama child members rookies at mvp snap then thank you for making it possible for me to turn out this content now euthanasia quick quiz not in so again punctuation semicolons i'll give you time all you have to do is to add new semicolons to the paragraph where they are missing okay and if you're ready with your pen and paper your timer starts now do all right let's see how you did so it is so it says here i set out to reach and teach as many students as possible therefore i must create content across multiple platforms so again you know their version is a very telling clue that is a conjunctive adverb statement i must create content across multiple platforms they kind of are related no they are kind of they actually are related so what i would do would be semicolon right here before therefore okay next here are some of the things that i do on a regular basis that's melancholan so lead or explanation among a sequence or things the indian numerical so we have full video lessons on youtube that is one shorter video lessons on tech talk the smell of interjection of which by the way need to be under three minutes long which is live teaching sessions twice a week number one full video lessons number two you know shorter video lessons on techno and number three you live teaching sessions and my additional information about them full video lessons on youtube semicolon shorter videos on tech talk which by the way need to be under three minutes long that was another semicolon right here and then you last and live teaching session sessions twice a week okay so now you have one two three atlanta semicolon next doing all these requires serious work keeping the schedule requires serious rest so again it on doing all these requires serious work is an independent clause keeping the schedule requires two years rest also is an independent clause the question i hear would be should i put a column or a semicolon now they are related doesn't explain the first one so i would put a semicolon here in the sentence it may be exhausting but it's always worth the effort we have one two three four but again if you want to add a semicolon what you would have to do would be tatango semicolon okay so it may be exhausting it is always worth the effort but again this one right here is forced optional without moving things around into the paragraph network so i hope you got all of these correctly if you didn't that's okay i'll be posting more questions or quick questions in my instagram account so if you don't follow me yet you can follow me at leica marvel on instagram for the new quick quiz questions at the instagram story that is where you will find human baggage post and that is also where i ask you on your topic solution focus happen next and uh you can also follow at teamlight for the throwback quick quiz questions and announcements some of the upcoming events in that then and if you're on tech talk you can also find me on tech talk at team leica for the math and english video lessons we have 200 around 200 videos there right now so you can start binge watching those one to three minutes london and at la camavilla for the more personal stuff motivational videos advice videos my vlog type now content if you want to get to know me a little bit better that's where you can turn to you also have you attend podcasts right now so if you want to check it out i'll flash along the links to them spotify the trying hard podcast is my personal podcast and you can get tired podcasts for those of you who are looking for a job these can help you all right see you guys online all right i hope you love you today if you did click thumbs up make sure that you share this video with your friends exams and as always if you want to reach out to me directly get the reviewers that i made join the online or library events you can go to teamlica for more information thank you guys subscribe if you haven't yet hit that bell icon you have more videos coming up and as you always see the channel that will never stop learning and i'll see you next video and bye for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Team Lyqa
Views: 30,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civil Service Exam Review, Civil Service, Civil Service Examination, SAT, SATs, SAT Review, English, Language, Vocabulary, Team Lyqa, CSE Review, Homonym, Homonyms, Homonym Horrors, Vocabulary-Building, ESL, except, exempt, UPCAT, UPCAT Review, ACET, PUPCET, Grammar, Grammar Rules, punctuation marks, punctuation, quotation, quotation marks, comma, commas, apostrophe, apostrophes, ommission, contractions, using apostrophes, using apostrophe, colon, semicolon
Id: gar2EzA7sAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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