Quillbot Premium for Free using chatGPT | OpenAi chatGPT Replaces Quillbot (chatGBT Explained)

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please is this sentence correct I was to come today so please is this correct I was to come today so let's find out if we can also serve as a grammar checker if he does that very well took wheelbot I'm sorry the answer it's giving us is no the sentence is not correct it should be written as I was supposed to come today guys come on come on hi my name is Sam FICA boss and you're welcome to something about Academy and in this video I'm going to be showing you how you can replace wheelbot with charge EBT that is you stop paying subscription fee for peel Bots and use charge gbt to do all the work that quillbot does for you so if this is something that you're interested in let's dive in so first I would like us to see what keyboard can do that will better guide us through the process so basically keyboard is a paraphrasing tool and for you to paraphrase a long test you need to pay a huge amount of money to be able to paraphrase a long test but if you don't want to pay money you can actually paraphrase it bit by bit so you will keep copying 120 words and then paste it you copy another 121 paste it you know it can be very stressful and if you don't want that you will now have to pay but thank God GPT is here I'm going to be showing us how to do all these things with charge DBT and you won't have any need to pay for real Bots anymore but first let's look at the pricing for the peel box so that we can best understand how much rgbt is saving us look at the present for billboard premium so cubot premium paranum is built at 49 that's about fifty dollars right paranum semi-annum it's built at 39 that's about forty dollars and monthly is built at ten dollars that's 9.95 now this is the amount of money that charge EBT is going to be saving you it's totally free to use and you can do the same thing that you want to do on keyboards in charge gbt and you are good to go so without further Ado let me show you how to use charge GPT to replace crewbot completely and use all the money that you would have spent on Billboard to shop life all right let's quickly test people to see how it works and then we can now move over to chat GPT so here is an article that I just opened about affiliate marketing affiliate marketer definition examples and how to get started so let's say we are writing an article about affiliate marketing or we want to write a book on affiliate marketing of course we're going to be using paraphrasing tools if we're going to be needing any information on the internet you can use it like that because you're going to be charged for plagiarism so that is why we need to paraphrase and hence why they created the two Quail bots so here is the article understanding affiliate marketing so I'm going to go ahead and just copy this text and I hope it's more than 125 words so let's go to Quail bot this is cool but and all I have to do is copy paste here and as you can see it's modern 125 words it's actually 215 words but when I hit paraphrasing tool something amazing is going to happen so here you see what happened it took out 125 words out of the 215 words and paraphrase the 125 words right so if I want to do this again I have to find where this one stopped and then hit paraphrase again and keep doing that you know keep copying and pasting which is going to take a lot of time so but you can see it paraphrased it nice and clean but if we take the same text and go to chat GPT for instance and use the keyword [Music] phrase this then you paste the text that we copied you paste it and then hit enter two seconds later so here you can see that it has paraphrased this text completely and you can see it's quite different from this you can see how long this is I don't want to waste your time so I don't want to read all these things it's going to take your time I respect your time a lot but you can try it on your own time and then go through it and see if it makes sense but from what I'm seeing here it makes absolute sense so again you can hit on try again that is one of the things that I Love About Cha gbt is conversational so now it has given us another variation and it's perfect it's perfect like this so we're not only going to be looking at the paraphrasing so we're also going to be looking at the grammar checker the wheelbot summarizer so all these things are things that we're going to be trying out with chatibility and see what happens and we can completely say goodbye very well the next thing we want to do is to go back to billboard and check for any other thing that it does I think it does summarize it so what we are going to do now is to ask chargpt to summarize this text for us and it's going to go ahead and do that please summarize this so now you can see it has summarized it and this is the second thing that peel Bots can do that charge gbt has done for us for free so we're going to try the third one and that is grammar Shaker so we're going to go ahead and type one crazy grammar here and see if he's going to check it if it's wrong or right please is this sentence [Music] correct I was to come today so please is this correct I was to come today so let's find out if we can also serve as a grammar checker if he does that very well took wheelbot I'm sorry the answer it's giving us is no the sentence is not correct it should be written as I was supposed to come today guys come on come on come on what is going on here here come on I was supposed to come today and he gave us another variation I was supposed to be here today in this first sentence was supposed to indicate that the speaker had a plan or expectation to come that day but something may have prevented them from actually doing so in the second sentence was supposed to be means that the speaker was expected to be present at a particular place at a specific time but it's not clear if they actually were there I'm beginning to be scared of this chart gbt because I don't understand how he knows that first this grammar was wrong and then he's breaking it down for me to understand it perfectly well why the grammar is wrong and how I can write it the next time and it's giving me two variations of the same sentence that I sent to it can you imagine that and this is one thing that squeebot cannot do for you it doesn't have this kind of conversational functionality can you can you beat that now let's see more things that quickbot can do and try it out on chapter now we have done the paraphrasing we have done the grammar checker we have done I think in my previous video if you have not watched it please go and watch it it's right here and learn how you can write a complete book with Chad GPT if you have not watched it please go here right now to click on it and watch it of course after this video by the way if you're still here up until now and you have not liked this video please go ahead and like the video so that more people can see it and benefit from it thank you very much for doing that you can see summarizer we have also achieved that with 3gpt so the only thing that we have not done is Citation generation so let's see if it can do that as well please can you generate a citation for this two seconds later please can you generate a citation for this and you can see I am sorry but I am unable to generate a citation for you citations are used to give credit to the sources of information that you use in your writer so here you can see that 10gbt cannot generate citation and that is for obvious reason that is not connected to the internet that is it doesn't search the internet for any information so whatever information is outputting for you is information that is generated by itself and there's no way you can source that to another person right so that makes sense so that is the only thing that you can not do with tajibty as regards to all the services that qbot offers but then since you're writing original content since you're going to be writing original content you don't need any citation and if you're going to need any Citation for whatever reason it's something that you can easily do by yourself because if you can pull two texts from somewhere and for instance if I say I want to do Citation for this particular article that we use for this tutorial all I have to do is to go back here and cite you know do Citation for this because this is where I lifted this up from so if I want to do citation and I don't want to do paraphrasing I just want to use some part of the article and I already know where I lifted it up from so all I need to do is to ask rgbt to please summarize this for me then I personally add the citation from this place that it's this place that I copied it from it doesn't have to be done by a bot or AI so for me personally I'm going to be giving charge EBT 99 over 100 and quill but of course you know chargeability has completely run them out of the market so let me know what you think I want you to tell me in the comment section what you think about this do you think charging PT has completely replaced piobot do you think that this is a successful test also let me know in the comment section if you think that charge EBT is going to ruin a lot of businesses is going to kick a lot of businesses off the market because from what I'm seeing here from from the pattern I'm seeing from the things I can come up with that I can use chargeability for are things that I originally pay for in the past but now I no longer pay for them so that is one customer lost and if we have a thousand of us that's 1 000 customers lost and if we have a million of us that's one million customer lost because why pay for something and now charging beauty is free and you remember I copied 215 thereabouts words straight to charge gbt and it was able to paraphrase it for me without any restriction but on quill Bots it can only do 125 at a time so yeah I mean it's in chargeability is free and it does that smoothly and faster so it's going to save me a whole lot of time assuming that I'm using the free version of keyboard so now I can copy the entire internet and put it on charge gbt and charge gbt is going to paraphrase it for me and I go ahead and move on with my life without having to be copying 125 words 125 words no it's create so I recommend that you watch this video next so that you learn how you can make up to five thousand dollars from the comfort of your home without doing anything serious just with your phone or your computer and nothing else
Channel: 7figureboss Academy
Views: 12,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Make money online, How to make money online, Personal finance, digital skills, how to make money online 2022, Affiliate Marketing, PayPal, Online make money, remote jobs, make money online fast, make money online from home, Make Money from home, investing, chatgpt, chatgpt explained, chatgpt to make money, chatgpt coding, chatgpt trading bot, quillbot, quillbot premium, quillbot premium for free, chatgpt use cases, chatgpt how to use, chat gpt how to invest, chatgbt, chat gpt
Id: Qx-WeHo7qJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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