New GPT-4o VS GPT-4 - Ultimate Test (Prompts Included)

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I just got access to the new chat GPT model GPT 40 and I'm going to compare it in this video versus GPT 4 the paid version so it's going to be comparing the new version that is free to everyone versus the paid version in the last video a lot of people were asking well why would I keep paying for gp4 if this new model is free and it beats gp4 good question I'm going to try to answer it in this video so let me share some of these numbers they just released so accessing GPT 4 o with chat GPT in the free tier this is what they said here it will be limited on how often it is available and is completely based on current usage of the chat GPT platform so they're not assigning any numbers to it but when GPT 40 basically becomes unavailable or gets limited you automatically get switched back to 3.5 but you do get access to all these things that I mentioned in the last video you get access to data analysis file uploading browsing the web discovering and using gpts in the GPT store the vision capabilities everything that comes with the paid version of chat GPT you get it now with this GPT 40 now this is the free tier you also have it inside of teams and you have it in the Plus accounts as I'm recording this I have it in my Plus account and I have it in my teams accounts I do not yet have it in my free account so check for yourself I'll show you where to kind of find the setting I also have it in the mobile app too just got released at the same time but with the paid plan basically it looks like you get a higher usage limit so it says plus users will be able to send 80 messages every 3 hours with GPT 40 and up to 40 messages every 3 hours with GPT 4 which was the case before but it still says we may reduce the limit during peak hours to keep gp4 and 40 accessible to a wider number of people and it also says if you have the teams plan which I also have you get a higher usage but but it doesn't say exactly how many messages per hour so a little bit confusing here they're not really spelling it out but they're saying everyone now has access to this new model which I'll show you this Benchmark in The Benchmark testing GPT 40 beats gp4 turbo okay so this is the pink line here and you could see in bunch of the different tests in fact all of them except this last one it outperforms every model not just gp4 but all the other models claw three Opus Gemini and everything else and I'll put a link to this page also but let's go ahead and take this for a head-to-head test GPT 40 versus GPT 4 okay back on chat this is the URL by the way now chat instead of chat. if you come up here if you have GPT 40 it's going to show up on top newest and most advanced model gp4 Advanced model for complex tasks the very first prompt I want to show you is a text summary prompt a lot of us use these chat GPT models to summarize large amount of text so I'm going to give us some text and I'm going to ask for two summaries one two to three sentences long and another one five to six sentences long let's see how it does as a reference I'll come to this page right here and I'm just going to copy the entire page I'll go back and I'll paste that text here here's my short summary GPT 40 is open ai's new flagship model that integrates audio vision and text capabilities available to chat GPT free users plus and team tier as well as the open AI AP and this has done a pretty good job so far as I'm reading these two the length is correct the tone is really good it's not overly promotional it doesn't sound like the normal chat GPT at first glance let me also run it in GPT 4 well I noticed down here you get this little option right here where you could change the model just within the same chat smart and fast that's the new one gp4 let's click on it wow just like that I could do the comparison between the two in the same chat I don't have to open a new window a new chat really interesting I like that option okay this is now the regular GPT so ignore what's happening up here because I use that new function that compares the two in the same chat so as I'm looking at this this did a good job on the length but the tone is not as good boasting enhanced speed is something I would maybe only see in a promotional ad not what I wanted out of this summary and I usually have to refine my prompt to get it to move things like this or give it a set of instructions to go Ahad and ignore this type of tone and I tested three different web pages and so far GPT 40 gave me the tone I was looking for they both got the length right they both did a good job summarizing the text but GPT 40 is the winner right now as far as tone goes okay our next prompt is going to be comparing text output not summarizing just writing something from scratch and here's my prompt imagine we're launching a new software to help businesses track social media analytics write a short Punchy product descript deson and a little bit more all these prompts I'm going to add in the description of this video if you want to test this out for yourself let's go ahead and start with gp4 here let me send this out introducing propuls Ultima social media Analytics tool okay so let's go ahead and compare this with this new version I love this new comparison tool so this is the GPT 40 unlock the power of your social media presence with inside track pretty good name our Cutting Edge tool offers realtime analytics and then to compare it to other one I just have to click this back arrow and read through here and to me as I'm reading through this this is kind of even I wouldn't really give one a score over the other one I think they both did a good job here coming up with what we're looking for again I asked for something promotional so boosts your Roi things like that are going to be okay for the prompt that I gave it okay next on the list is multimodal understanding I want to see how good the vision capability works over here so I have this image that was basically The Benchmark that I showed you in the beginning analyze this image and explain to me in table format what's going on and this time I'm starting with GPT 4 here so let's see what we come up with okay overall it looks like he's doing a really good job he's creating the table for us is turning that chart into this table format and all the numbers seem to be okay the only thing I noticed here it says GPT 40 is red but this looks kind of pink to me and the numbers are right so that is GPT for doing this multimodal test let's go ahead and check check with our GPT 40 3.5 is not going to be available because it's not going to have Vision capability so I couldn't even Force to test that one okay this one is using data analysis here and it looks like it's a little bit slower GPT 4 seemed to answer me pretty quickly 40 right now is doing the work and it looks like it's taking a little bit longer and he gave us an error message but he still trying to create that table okay at first glance the table looks pretty good it did not make the mistake or even do the analysis of the color coding that the GPT 4 version did for us and it got this right too so gp4 made a mistake but he gave us a little bit extra so he didn't really need to do this part but he actually created this little extra part where I think it should have said pink here instead of red it says pink for Gemini Ultra which is not correct Gemini Ultra was blue okay so it got some of that color analysis wrong but this one is just completely skipped that part which is fine cuz I only asked for a table so I think this also gets a slight advantage on GPT 40 compared to GPT 4 okay now let's see image generation let's see if Dolly 3 works the same way between 4 and 40 okay so this is inside of chat pt4 this is an image of two AI robots head-to-head in battle let's go ahead and check 40 okay this one gave me a thumbnail size one so this was 40 and I actually like it a lot more this is a lot more head-to-head than what I got over here and this is square shape I did not give it Dimensions I just kind of wanted to see what an image would be without telling it I want this size or that size so if this is the case GPT 40 again beasts gp4 here too now let's see if we could do a decent job with research we're going to basically see if AI could potentially disrupt that accounting industry and I want to see if it could pull up use cases and things like that for us and give us relevant articles and ports let's see if it searches the web nice it's going to search the web over here this is GPT 4 right now is finding a website okay and it's given us eight different sites searched and this was in real time I just wanted to kind of show you how fast it was working let me click on some of these links just to make sure it's not making up links here cuz sometimes in my previous testing sometimes it made up a link okay not bad this went to the right place let's test out another link just to make sure okay same link here here let's test out this one okay good it is actually pulling up the right links over here and letting us link to them now let's go Ahad and test out the GPT 40 model with the same prompt searching very fast search Five websites it is not giving us links though but it is giving us a really fast okay there we go we got the sources on the bottom over here let me see if we give us reference to the sources typically you'll have like a little one two three here next to the these and it does not do that but it did give us the sources let me make sure these go to a real website okay accounting solution okay as I'm looking at this I like the formatting of GPT 4 when it comes to research I just think it's a lot better to have the reference and the resource right next to the bullet point that it created for us for easier citation here if you're writing some kind of research paper but this did do a good job as I'm reading it I kind of like the tone it did a really nice job giving us very practical points and very step-by-step guides over here but the reference the sources reference I just prefer the other model and they're pretty close right now so I wouldn't say one beats another in research again this is just very early testing so far I would say this research is even and let's go ahead and test this out for the very famous test of writing python code for a game of snake that we could run on our computer and ask for a stepbystep guide on how to run that on our computer let's send that up out okay this is the output of the snake game it ran without a single problem here and it starts pretty quick okay let's see if I could catch one of these and okay everything's working well let me run into the wall quit or press C to play again okay starts here all right very nice this ended up working exactly like I want using GPT 4 now let's find out GPT 40 let's see what that gives us and here's GPT 40 I started a new chat here the same exact prompt this is the game he gave us this time he gave us the step by step in the beginning the other one gave us the step by step at the end after we wrote the code so I copied the code here made a text file let me run that one okay interesting so everything looks the same it starts here but we got ourselves a score let's see if it actually works let me go ahead and catch one of these oh there you go score is one oh and the speed is actually much much slower how a typical snake game starts the other one started really really fast and this one it looks like is increasing speed as I catch more oh wow that is much much better let me run into the wall here to make sure it ends the game okay I ran into myself and it ended the game if I run into the wall also ends the game and resets the score works perfectly and in this again both of them gave us a snake game but GPT 40 gave us a snake game that increases speed as we go it doesn't start with a really fast dot it also give us a score so much better user experience here and they both worked function after that but again I got a better game so GPT 40 beats GPT 4 once again and if you're a paid user of gp4 like I am this doesn't make a whole lot of sense right we now got a better large language model in GPT 40 it has all the capabilities of the paid version so I'm little confused about the release are they going to release a much better version GPT 5 Maybe for us paid users or is this only based on the usage limit right now we have 80 messages per every 3 hours on this paid version and the free version they didn't give us a number so maybe that is going to be significantly Limited in the free accounts so if you have the free accounts and you get this option I only have it in my paid account right now and you get severely limited I could see that being a reason to upgrade that's the only reason I upgraded to the teams plan for example to get more usage when I had chat G pt4 I just wanted to go from 30 to 100 or 40 to 100 that gave me a huge bump before so if it's not the usage limit I don't really see the other benefit of paying for gp4 over G GPT 40 so a real confusing release an exciting one because now everyone has access to this best GPT model something I've been trying to get people to upgrade to for a year because it just it's a vast improvement over GPT 3.5 but kind of weird for paid users now I think we're all a little conflicted here why we would pay for GPT 4 over GPT 40 if if the limitation is not that big of a difference for the usage but we'll find out soon I'm sure they're going to give us more updates and if you subscribe to the channel and make sure I keep you updated on all the new updates and all the head-to-head testing thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: Skill Leap AI
Views: 121,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GPT-4o VS GPT-4, howfinity, skill leap ai, Ai, skill leap ai custom gpt, skills for ai, chatgpt 4o, chatgpt 4o demo, chatgpt 4o review, chatgpt 4 o, chatgpt 4 o release date, chatgpt 4 o free, chatgpt 4 online, chatgpt 4 online free
Id: aAxww6JK0Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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