GPT-4o Fully FREE Now & More AI Use Cases

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all right so we just had several AI releases or updates that are what I've been talking about since a while these tools are getting integrated into apps that you actually want to use so there's no time to waste so let's have a look at all the pieces of AI news from this week that you can actually use starting with chat GPT and let me tell you this is the one that gets me personally the most excited out of everything that I've covered across the past few months because now everybody has access to cat gbt 40 the new the modal model no the system that's not available yet that's coming over the course of the next week but gpts are available to everybody the GPT store is available to everybody and all gpts are now using GPT 40 but there's more as outlined in this email that I received from open aai all chat GPT free users now have access to the GPT so it's not soon it's now they tweeted that everybody has this now plus this is something they weren't clear on so far all free users actually have access to the browse feature which allows you to browse the internet and pull in external context 3 to five Links at a time the vision feature that allows to upload images as context to your prompts you can give it a screenshot of a website and then say rebuild me this website and it does it for example data analysis which allows you to manipulate data with the new interactive tables visualize it and do so much more and gpts which are specialized version of chat GPT and if you're interested in this I actually created a video this week covering multiple prompting techniques for GPT 40 so if you're a beginner that's a great place to start but there's also some Advanced prompts in there there and one of them actually packed into GPT of my own I call it the custom GPT Builder if you want more details it's in that video but basically you click this one prompt you tell it what you want your GPT to do and it works way better than the GPT Builder that they have surprisingly I'll stand behind that and I'll have a do a live stream showing you 10 20 use cases and doing before after comparisons that this Builder works better so now everybody's ACC to this even if you're a free user you have access to the store you could use gpts now this does leave one plan why should I be subscribed to the plus plan well one the rate limits are way higher it's super limited on the free plan you can only run around 10 messages and then it Taps out which is not a lot like that's one or two conversations 10 messages right secondly you can't build gpts you can only use them and thirdly and probably most importantly the new voice assistant that will come over the next week will be a plus feature but yeah I think this is absolutely massive news because with over 100 million active users now all of them can use the gpts that you build all of them can take advantage of the prompts that you have crafted over the course of the last year potentially everybody can use this now you can show your grandma what you have done with AI what you're working on or what you discovered they don't need a paid subscription anymore to use the best model possible absolutely huge for this space and this is a great opportunity to bring some of your friends in and show them some of the productivity improvements that you've been unlocking week by week by following channels like this so yeah that pretty much covers it and let's move on to our next topic which will probably won't use but stick around because I think this discussion is going to be a very interesting one now before I show it to you I need to establish two things first things first this is a glimpse of what the voice assistant from openi promised to deliver and I think the tutor use case is one of the main ones that really blew people away in there right now you have to tutor but most people think of tutoring when it comes to something like school or University or maybe career progress public speaking Etc but for anybody who's not aware I want to bring your attention to the fact that the gaming industry globally already in 2022 is larger than both movies and music combined okay and not just by a bit in 2022 music generation 26 billion and the movie industry generated 26 billion in total okay gaming 184 billion so even though you might not be engaging with games this is a big deal and a massive Trend that is only growing okay so now if you take this massively popular entertainment industry and you combine it with AI tutoring you get something like this Tyler one's AI League of Legends coach let me Briefly summarize what this is about so League of Legends is the most popular Esports on planet Earth it's one of the deepest and hardest to learn games there is there's like 150 or 60 characters with unique skills and it's incredibly competitive I don't say it lightly when I say this game is way more complex and higher octane than something like chess there's just more variables they change every millisecond you need reaction times you need game knowledge if you're not familiar with how competitive and toxic this game is this is like the nerd Olympics but every second person is mad and just shouting at each other especially at the higher levels cuz they try to climb the ladders and then what this app is about is a popular streamer called Tyler one that actually reached the highest rank on all five roles plus by the way he got into chess recently and he's a 1900 ELO rated chess player now too so just an ultra talented gamer launched his own startup now that offers AI coaching in this game and I think this pulls so many strings together because you're seeing an AI tutor and something that's very popular very competitive and the reason I bring this up and cover this is because I see this as the beginning of a massive Trend I think we're going to have tutors for all sorts of things AI tutors okay so the very first tutor that you can have here is Tyler one himself you can have his voice in your ear and him speaking to you as he play the game coaching you on how to get better and how to climb this ladder Su up welcome to backseat AI for new ingame bud but already they announced it's going to be other creators that where you can switch the voices matter of fact with AI translation today you can actually translate his voice into Mandarin and have Tyler one coach you in Mandarin if that is your jam so again for everybody viewing this video you probably won't be using this but it's a fascinating example of what is coming here and what is starting to become available today people will build this from anything from games like League of Legends but also chess all the way to tennis and driving and you will have these AI tutors that are going to be relatively cheap available for any activity that you might be into so the next tool I want to show you is a game changer for businesses and creators that want to get into short form video and it's called Munch and they sponsor today's video look if you're entrepreneur or marketer I don't need to tell you that staying on top of creating social media content is a struggle it can feel impossible to create enough content to satisfy the algorithm trust me even after a decade of video production experience and having a team of editors and content managers that are helping me it's a constant challenge but this is where Munch really shines their platform lets you quickly transform long form content into short form Clips perfect for social media platforms like Instagram YouTube shorts or Tik Tok now here's the key to actually using it well you need to give it a video that can be chopped up easily so ideally you want to give it a podcast recording a speech of yours a meeting recording something that is long form with not many edits present then Munch can go in and it streamlines theed edting process it uses AI to quickly choose the best Clips it adds subtitles and gives you the final output that it's ready to be published on your socials you can use Munch to create dozens of clips for you to pick from from just one single presentation or podcast it even includes automatic subtitling and cropping which are both a must it effectively reduces the editing time from hours to just minutes and on top of that it connects to all top social media sites you can publish content directly from within their platform so if you're looking to step up your short form video game you can click the first link in the description to get started with Munch today thanks again for sponsoring this video and now let's move on to the next piece of AI news you can use which is a feature that Google actually shipped to your phone and the feature that I'm talking about is actually a super convenient one that you might want to consider you can download the free Google photos app onto your phone this works for both Android and iOS and once you're in the app you do need to give it access to all of your pictures so sure there's privacy concerns with that and the feature that implemented here is some magic Razer and just from the name of that you might already imply what it does it raises objects in a very int intelligent way and it works super well let me show this to you on one of these kite surfing pictures that a friend of mine took of me a few weeks ago look it's a fantastic picture beautiful Portuguese Beach right kite up in the air wind was pumping but there's this one kite on the water back here right I would like to erase this now look it's as simple as going to edit then going to tools and here you have the Magic Eraser that is brand new in the Google photos app okay it does a suggestion for you you could erase that but actually I just want to go in here I'll paint over this and it's gone uh what it's gone simple as that the edit has been completed and I tried this on multiple pictures let me tell you this works super well look I just take this other picture and inhale I'll do the same thing but now we'll have more subjects right so in here let's remove the different people the different kites this should work perfectly how about that one and then one more here and now it looks like a lonely Beach ha perfect so you get the point these things could be done with Photoshop but this is just super convenient it's right there on your phone it's free doesn't require subscription and I believe that this is a functionality that you do not have in the photos app on the iPhone for example as of today but hold up that's not the only AI related thing that Google is releasing matter of fact there's this new research prototype and brother what's that okay to be fair this is not something you can use but it's also not something you really want to use have a look at this they just released the chat director which is a research prototype that brings 3D avatars and automatic layout transitions to your 2D laptop screen have a look at this what were they thinking how can they release this I guess this is a Google meets extension Zoom has these I just saw this recently but yeah basically brings multiple people into a meeting room this is quite terrible what happened I mean what's going on Google seriously someone explain I just wanted to share this and now let's look at the next tool that you can actually use today which is canva and I got to say their recent update was quite amazing but it's not all incredible it's a bit of a mixed bag okay so let me give you the overview of what's new here and which parts of this actually really matter so look this is going to be somewhat of a first look if you want the full overview they have a separate keynote a 1H hour long keynote with all the details of this flesh out but basically canva probably the most popular social media post design tool had a complete overhaul and integrated a bunch of AI features in the process and some of these are really significant so one of them is this for example magic design okay and every time they say magic it pretty much means AI powered so for example magic designs right here if if I just say Instagram post for an AI learning YouTube channel it will automatically create various templates for me now look this is absolutely a combination of some AI tooling and a lot of templates that they already have but it mixes really well this is the nice thing about tools that we look at here week by week being integrated back into applications that people are actually using like canva like Photoshop like Lightroom and I think this is pretty great to be honest because look if you don't like what you're looking at you can just rerun it and look these are all AI generated sort of right so the images are AI generated the text is AI generated and I'm sure it uses a lot of templates under the hood just like they had before this but nevertheless this is one of the simplest ways to create content right inside of something like chat GPT you can't really do this because just with one click I can go in and edit this text like so change out the images and then I can use some of the other features they have now to work with all of this what are some of the other features well one of them is actually right here resize and Magic switch okay so with this new tool I thought this one was particularly good you can transform this into a document okay so let's say we want to turn this post into a blog post let's say not much information here but let's just give this a shot and it's going to use AI to reposition everything to reformat it to fit the format of a blog post it's probably using the cat GPT API in the background to generate some of the text of the blog post Etc nevertheless in just one click you can go from Instagram post to document same goes for PowerPoint presentations you can just transform these things into each other and look at that this is pretty neat a draft for a blog post right away now I can go in and edit it and here's the next feature they have if I just select this they have this magic right thing here this is pretty straightforward you might have seen this in every other app on the World by now it's just a chat GPT integration with some presets here so if I want to shorten this if I want a custom prompt I can do that too it's just all of these features that we know coming together and being integrated into software that people are actually using yep there you go works as expected there's a few more here okay so so one that I won't even touch on because you might be familiar already Adobe podcasted this a year ago it's a audio enhancer okay if you have lowquality voice recording and you want to edit with canva which is a fantastic option for beginners you can use an AI voice enhancer in there too no need to roundt trip to Doby podcast and then bring the audio back in that's fantastic this one I was a little confused by it to be honest because it feels like this has been in PowerPoint since 15 years I mean please correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't something like this been inside of PowerPoint since forever different animations for the different elements automated I suppose there might be a AI element to this as this seems to work pretty well but then also this is the demo so I don't know I suppose time will tell but let's talk about these two down here cuz there's now a video generator and a text generator inside of canva now the video generator is pretty simple to explain because it simply uses Runway under the hood if you're not familiar Runway Gen 2 is probably the best video generator now it's arguable all of them are kind of terrible at this moment everybody's waiting for Sora and then there's the Google vo model that has been announced we don't have access to it it looks a bit better than Runway but way worse than Sora that's kind of an overview of the AI video space right now so this uses Runway right in here as they partnered with them so you can expect those types of results in here which are decent results if you watch our videos You'll see b-roll Clips made mostly with Runway when I turn into robot that's Runway and then we also use it for various other visuals now that's pretty clear so let's talk about the image generator here and I was curious to say the least to see what they did with this because image generation has become so good at this point there's multiple models that are virtually indistinguishable from real life so I was really curious to see what it did here and if I go here and say a cat with a hat as I always do and I always do this one just because I ran this prompt like a billion times okay that might be exaggerating but you get the point but I think it's really good to have a go-to prompt because then you develop an intuition for what a cat with a hat is supposed to look like inside of a good image generator and let me tell you this is not the best cat with a hat I have seen I can't confirm this I couldn't find exactly what model they're using under the hood but this looks like a very basic stable diffusion which is decent you know it's good that it's in here I think it's usable for certain things but it's definitely not the best so if you want the best results for this I think you know mid Journey still takes the crown and then there's models like Firefly do free and Leonardo or Kaa that we are about to look at later on in this video that are still best for this nevertheless it's nice that they're integrated and I expect this to improve over time because they're actually going down the route that I love to see they are partnering with various companies to bring their Imaging models to themselves so if you share my opinion and you're not a big fan of the image generator they have then down here you can see you can integrate di imagin you can integrate a image enhancer and all these other Integrations into canva so let's say I want to use Del then I can do that but here's the thing they don't really State what version of Del this is is this Del 2 or free and yeah this definitely doesn't look like d free this is the old one so you know I wouldn't recommend using this one I hope that eventually it will get some of the top apps like a mid Journey integration in here but this is definitely a great start now you have everything integrated with a tool that people are already using to design social media content create videos all of this and you have some of these magical tools in here that are using AI under the hood there's a few more here like magic edit where you just brush over something roughly and then it uses AI to detect object and you can prompt on top of that and change it you can magic grab which is similar to the magic razor that we saw with Google photos but here you can actually move the object and it just fills in the background for you as you move it to a different spot and Magic expand is just a resizing tool that fills in the blanks so overall fantastic update and I should add that you do need a Pro Plan for most of these tools and I do have one I actually I didn't even get it for this video this video is not sponsored by them at all I would always disclose that no exceptions but it's just something we use internally it's the quickest turnaround you can have with multiple people on the team that use Photoshop which you might be able to see by the thumbnails we're doing recently but if you just want quick and easy results canva is the way we do it and now we have all these tools in here so we'll become even more efficient which is lovely if you're enjoying this video don't forget to leave a like it really does help the channel and with that being said let's move on to the next use case Okay moving on there's two new things that have been released by Kaa if you've been following the show for the past few months you will know about the different tools that K has because I do like to cover them they have a super simple user interface and the quality of the results you can get with it is actually very high considering how simple the interface is so there's two new things here that have come out over the the course of the last week one of them is their new video generator which allows you to combine multiple images into a video and then you can key frame them so one thing can morph into another and it works decently well and then secondly now they're rolling out a video enhance in their beta version if you're not aware as of right now the state-of-the-art for video enhancement still I think is topaz AI I use it here and there it's a really good upscaler for video footage but it is paid I believe it cost $300 for a lifetime license which means that if you're not a video professional it doesn't make sense for you at all but now tools like Crea are about to integrate this into it but with that being said let's have a look at this little video feature I took an image of myself here okay this is generated with stable diffusion stream boo which for everybody asking that is what we do use for the thumbnails on this channel and it's just me in a Spice Market okay and then I have the second image of Spider-Man which I actually generated in here okay so I just said Spider-Man in a Spice Market on a sunny day and then the nice thing here is you have the Crea Creator right in here so you can do something like where with with a smile on his face and you can see this updating in real time yeah there we go now we got pretty close and now we can generate this video because here on the left I have one image and here on the right I have a second image and now if I click generate video it's going to create the frames in between that and more of the one image into the second and as you can see while this loads this user interface is super intuitive in the middle you're seeing the generation I had before this that didn't work so well let's see if this one is a little better this is my second attempt at using this mind you I did use the exper experimental preset here in the bottom left so if this doesn't look good again we're going to try one more before moving on because you know the experimental ones are usually a little trippy psychedelic probably not what you want for your typical social media post but maybe a great idea if you're doing a music video or just playing around and actually I just noticed this new popup showed up that I should reload for new version of the app and this is when the upscaler here appeared look so we can upscale videos in here now okay so obviously this is not the result we're looking for at all kind of just wanted to see these two characters morph into each other experimental didn't work let's go back to film generate one more time okay this is way closer to what I imagined now it's not done rendering yet so let's give it a few more seconds look at that now this is actually pretty good I got to say the only problem is that it doesn't really look like me right so that is a big limitation this original image looks way closer to what I look like in real life that's why we like using green boo but here it's a bit different nevertheless it kind of works and then I could even upscale it if I'm on one of the plans I believe right now I don't have any plan at all and you can just try this out yourself just like I'm right now by logging in with a free account I think playing around with this makes a lot of sense if you're into video creation you can transition things from one to the next with the power of AI really easily with an interface like this and with that being said let's move on to the next app and this will be a super quick one CU this is just a quick sunno updates they release 3.5 and if you're not familiar sunno is one of the two best music generators sunno and udio are the two most popular ones with the best results and there was one major limitation here that they crushed with this update you can now generate 4 minute long songs I think that's the main point of the update plus the te that V4 is coming soon which I'm excited for because V2 to V3 was such a massive jump that V4 sounds very promising to me they also say they have improved song structure and vocal flow and there's a few more updates here but essentially this 4minute length is the main update so if you're using sunno you will be happy with this update okay next up this one also just came out after the cut off on when I record and when we start editing we take a lot of time testing and editing these apps so usually I record on Wednesday and this one came out on Thursday mid Journey rooms very simply explained if you're a mid Journey user you can now create rooms that you can either make public like the rooms in here and you can just kind of look at what people are creating or even better if you have a community or if you have a group of friends you can create your own room and generate in there and see what you guys are creating so this is really a feature that is aimed at avoiding Discord you can just create a room set a password for it and then you and your friends could be generating in a private space without having to open Discord at all pretty neat good to know about let's move on and here's a good REO that I just found out about nevertheless I wanted to really include this in this video cuz I thought this was super interesting it was recommended to Me by Matt vit Pro a fellow AI YouTuber by the way if you're looking for longer form exploration of things like sunno or other apps he does that on his channel so if you've seen the segment on the sun update you're like ha God I wish you would talk for 20 minutes 30 minutes about this one particular tool and not just brush over it that's what he does on his channel you can check that out anyway thank you mat Pro for showing me this because this looks really promising I unfortunately didn't have the time to dive into this yet I will do that we could even do a separate video on it I could see that because this is really a fleshed out version of chat GPT this is all the little features that would make the interface more clumsy but would give power users like me and many of you more functionality now you do need the very very very basics of development knowledge to make this work you need VSS code you need to install a python package called Pi GPT but if you do that you can run this locally on your computer and use this interface to interact with cat GPT as you can see there's many many features in here what particular caught my interest and what I plan to explore more over this weekend is the ability for other things to plug into it okay so cat GPT is a pretty close system you can have your own API end points and access them in a GPT but in here you can actually link to things like Google search or you can use various text to speech models just by inserting your API keys in the settings here or and this is something I've been asking for in chat GPT since forever is there's presets and there's a lot of presets that are already in here but you can also create your own so look this is something very similar as to what I share in the free template that you get on signing up to the newsletter you have different jobs and different presets for them the difference is that these are very basic look this quantum physics expert just comes with a very basic system prompt from what I can see here and here's one that really caught my attention this is something I also wanted in chat gbt it allows you to modify calendars okay so you could build an assistant that is set up and customized to manage your calendar for you and when new mails come in you can just feed it to it and it can alter your calendar and this is actually what match shared because what I did is I shared my new GPT with him that allows to create custom gpts in just one prompted it's very simple I'll also link it in the description below basically hit the one prompt and tell it what you want the GPT to do and it creates a starting point and what Matt shed here is that I actually took this created a calendar GPT and then inside of Pi GPT here he now has an assistant that helps him manages calendar now again I just discovered this a few minutes ago I'll have to look deeper into this nevertheless I like to share those things because I feel like everybody can gather inspiration and at least see where the space is going and how the tooling we have is evolving day by day and that's kind of what the show is about right okay moving on this also came out last first day or Friday I think this is a overhaul of Leonardo AI we covered it before but now they have a brand new user interface a lot of overhauls happening this week right so look I didn't even prompt this it just took the images I had here before but essentially Leonardo tries to be an all-in-one studio for AI image generation okay so canai is focused on being a Content creation studio and Leonardo is a image creation studio with all the various features like cutting out backgrounds using reference images to generate new ones they always had a variety of models that are really good realtime Generation all of these features that we talk here about week by week they all have in one Studio what I always liked is that they have these fine-tuned models which is the way to go if you want specific and consistent results you can pick one of these this is new though and they also have this drawing tool just like Ci so look if you upload an image here there's a few new things in here the one that really caught my attention is the character reference and basically here you can upload an image of yourself and create others I always check this out in new tools like my journey and now Leonardo because usually they're not similar enough to be used for something like a YouTube thumbnail what I'll do here is I'll take this older Steve Jobs looking image of myself and see if we can recreate this and I don't know what's with this animal theme but I'll just turn my into a penguin zookeeper and see how this does okay so it should reference my face and it should look just like me my journey is usually really far away because it goes into its training data and pulls out the closest resemblance to me but it doesn't actually generate images of me that's why something like stable diffusions dream boo is really good because you have multiple reference images and then it recreates you really well as you can see in our thumbnails I got a say this is a it's a it's a bit better than maoury but it's not perfect it looks similarish but yeah it's it's not quite there I like this idea I should turn myself into a zookeeper more often though nevertheless it's a really simple way to do it right and I just give it one image you can do the same with Styles or other content then it maintains the artistic style or the composition of the image and you can recreate things like this and the great thing is that now all the features are even more accessible as this new interface is pretty clean you can change the aspect ratios you can change change the model to different fine tunes in here you can create your own fine tunes and I believe you can now also upscale the images yes exactly right so the Alchemy upscaler and video generation are all in here now it's all just easier to access if you need an all-in-one image Studio this is one of the good options for sure and there you go this is using stable diffusion video under the hood so the results are they're okay I suppose but you now have this all-in-one interface which is great so that's all I got for today I hope this was helpful and inspirative to you check out the video about prompting tricks that we we uploaded this week it's a really good one if you haven't seen that yet and other than that I'll see you next week
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 71,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, ai, chatbot, advantage, artificial intelligence, gpt-4, openai, ai advantage, igor
Id: QFezSy6iKPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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