How to use chatGPT to write a book from scratch (Step-by-Step-Guide) | OpenAi chatGPT Explained

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have you ever thought of writing a book but somehow you can't seem to come up with a good topic or a good idea for the book and even when you come up with a good idea for the book you just don't know where to start from well in this video I'm going to be showing you how you can use chat GPT to write a book from scratch with no experience whatsoever so here is 10gbt if you're new to chat DBT it's quite easy to sign up just go to click on try and then sign up with your email and password and you're good to go please make sure you watch this video to the end because I'm going to share with you how you can use this particular idea that I'm going to share with you in this video to make a lot of money for yourself at least one thousand dollars every day I'm going to be sharing the ideas with you before the end of the video so please do well to stick to the end of the video so that you don't miss that part because it's very important it's not just learning how you can use chat GPT to write a book for yourself but you also learn how you can make money off of it so now that we're logged in the first thing we need to do is to generate the title of the book so I'm going to go ahead and type in generates a killer title for a person now Finance niche you see it has written the title for us maximizing your wealth a comprehensive guide to personal finance but let's assume that we are not satisfied with this let's generate more so all you have to do is to come here and click try again maximize your wealth 10 proven strategies to effective Personal Finance Management let's also assume that okay we are not okay with this one perfectly let's look for a perfect one so we're going to hit try again again master your money five simple strategies for Financial Freedom okay so let's do it just one more time please stay with me take control of your finances simple strategies for Building Wealth and achieving Financial Freedom so now that we have full variation let's go through the four of them again so all you have to do is to come here and go back if you go back you see the third one you see the second one I see the first one so this first one is maximizing your wealth a comprehensive guide to personal finance it's not quite you know weighty so let's check the one that we can use for this 10 proven structure ages for Effective Personal Finance Management very simple strategies for Financial Freedom take control of your finances simple strategies to Building Wealth and achieving Financial Freedom I think this is the perfect title for us so let's do one more thing to this title please make this a short type so so you can see it has shortened it for us automatically so we don't have to start writing this long thing as a title so here Financial Freedom simple strategies for Building Wealth so now that we have gotten the title of the book all we have to do now is to copy it to our Google Docs here and paste it so now we have our book title and let's make this a little big so that we know that yes this is our title let's make it a little big all right so this is the title of our book you can even put it in bold so we know is there a book title all right so now we have the title of the book the next thing we need to do is to generate the chapters of the book and chat GPT is going to do all that for us so here we'll come here and say generates 12 chapter sub ties from this topic so now generate 12 chapters from this topic is already generating chapters for us can you can you imagine how amazing this is don't worry I'm going to show you more on how to use this thing to make so much money for yourself before the whole world finds out that this exists so now we have our top chapters perfectly written as you can see introduction to personal finance and importance of Financial Freedom setting financial goals and creating a budget and the rest of them you know 1 to 12 everything is in order so all we have to do is to just copy this and come here to our document and paste it so now we have our chapters all lined out and all we have to do is highlight this and add numbers and it looks amazing so now we have the chapters of our book so the next thing we need to do is to start expanding these chapters one after the other to be able to build our book you know to have weights the first thing we need to do is to copy the chapter one this is our first chapter and then ask the chart GPT to expand on it please expand this and then we'll paste the chapter and hit send and as you can see it's it's writing please if you're getting value for this video so far please go ahead and like this video so that more people can see it and benefit from it so let's go back to this now it has broken down the chapter for us but as you can see it's looking quite small it looks like a one-page chapter and it's quite small so we need to develop this more and to develop this more the keyword we're going to use here is simple please I need more details on this enter so as you can see it has started giving us more details on the introduction to personal finance so what we'll do while it's still writing is to copy this one first so we can have everything in one place copy this one and paste it here okay paste it here so this is our chapter one come here and copy this one and write Sharp cut one and come under here and paste this so now we have our chapter one and centralize this so that it looks like you know a normal book so yes this is this is this is coming up great and the next thing we can do is to just start formatting immediately so that once our book is reading it will be almost ready so here you can see introduction to personal finance and importance of Financial Freedom and that is our chapter one quite um broken down so let's check if it has written the other part so here you can see more personal finance so we're going to cooperate this as well copy this and paste it here so now we have our first chapter our introduction you can go ahead and keep asking for more details on that particular topic to keep getting more details on the chapter so that you can expand the chapter really well for the purpose of this tutorial I'm going to going to just leave it at that and then let's quickly do number two we're not going to do also I don't want to waste your time we're not going to do all but just let's do this number two because I want to show you something very important is Extreme this the topic so now it has finished writing and we can ask it for more just like we did in the other topic we can ask it for more details more details more details and it will keep giving us more details all we need to do is to keep copying and pasting and then format and our book is ready but there's something I said I was going to show you guys and that is simply to check for plagiarism so I'm just going to type please is this plagiarism free so you can see the answer he said yes the information and ideas provided in my previous responses are original are not copied from any existing sources as a language model trained by open AI I do not have the ability to browse the internet or access external information so everything I generate is based on my internal programming and knowledge guys can can you can you see this can you this is this is mind-blowing this this is on another level this is on another level so now that we know that this is plagiarism free we are going to be able to sell it Amazon KDP and also we can sell it anywhere in the world we can do print on demand we can even print and sell it in hard copy so you can use this to write multiple books in a date you can write book on any topic any topic any need so you can simply reach out to people and tell them that you can write a plagiarism free book for them and charge them something very small they'll make them agree to it immediately even without thinking it because the price is lower than the value they're going to get so that way you'll be getting more jobs and you're not doing anything the only thing you're doing is to just format the text that chat gbt is going to generate for you now another idea that I want to share with you I'm going to first show you something that will shock you then I will share the idea with you for you to better understand how you can use this to make so much money for yourself so here is let's just search for rights a book write a book so here is write a book Niche so you can see a lot of people offering that services and you can see that all of them are getting jobs and and then this one is charging 333 dollars and she or he has gotten up to 18 orders and then if you scroll way down you can see this one is 350 dollars again and then this person is charging 350 dollars and it has gotten 51 orders as well so you can see so many of them see this pressing is charging 5950 to just write a book so I Believe by now you already have an idea of where I'm going to write so you can go ahead and just create a gig on Fiverr but now it's going to stand out because you're not just writing one book you're not going to be writing one book you're going to be writing multiple books so you can do I will write five books for you for just twenty dollars now the thing is that you're not writing it yourself or you're doing yourself is just a format it and that will not take you more than 20 minutes and you're good to go I'm talking about making money with chat GPT if you have not watched this video yet please go ahead and watch it so that can learn three ways that you can make money without GPT that is totally different from what I've shared with you here in this video and if you have watched this video then I recommend that you go watch this video next to learn more ways you can make money online thank you very much for watching I'll see you on either of the same
Channel: 7figureboss Academy
Views: 152,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Make money online, How to make money online, Personal finance, How to make money, digital skills, how to make money online 2022, make money, Affiliate Marketing, PayPal, Online make money, digital marketing, social media marketing, business ideas, remote jobs, remote job ideas, Best way to make money online, make money online fast, investing, chatgpt, chatgpt explained, chatgpt use cases, chatgpt to make money, chatgpt copywriting, chatgpt tutorial, chatgpt api, chatgbt
Id: cn3_qWwjqMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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