ChatGPT: Grading artificial intelligence's writing

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suddenly it seems everyone is talking about  artificial intelligence and one of its most   talked about advances is ai's ability to write  almost anything from a recipe to a last-minute   report for your college class we asked David Pogue  if A.I gets passing marks I'm about to give you a   software demo that I bet you'll never forget it's  artificial intelligence that writes for you any   kind of writing you like write a limerick about  the effect of artificial intelligence on Humanity   there once was AI so Grand it could help us with  tasks at hand but it also might do harm if its   actions lack charm so we must use it with care  and command now I didn't want you to have to read   a bunch of text off the screen so I've asked voice  artist Keaton Talmadge to read chat gpt's examples   for us hey Keaton hi thanks so much for doing this  of course ready for the next one let's do it okay   let's try this tell the Goldilocks story in the  style of the King James Bible and it came to pass   in those days that a certain young damsel named  Goldilocks did wander into the dwelling of Three   Bears who were away from their home it's called  chat GPT which is just about the clunkiest name   ever oh want to know what it stands for generative  pre-trained Transformer well that's helpful point   is chat GPT can write anything letters song  lyrics research papers recipes therapy sessions   poems essays outlines even software code within  five days over a million people were using this   thing then Microsoft announced it would build it  right into Microsoft Word and then the first books   written by chat GPT have already been published  well self-published by people I think this is huge   I wouldn't be surprised 50 years from now people  look back and say wow that was a really seminal   set of inventions that happened in the early  2020s Erik Brynjolfsson is a Stanford professor   and director of Stanford's digital economy  lab most of the US economy is knowledge and   information work and that's who's going to be most  squarely affected by this I would put people like   a lawyers right at the top of the list obviously  a lot of copywriters screenwriters but I like to   use the word affected not replaced because I think  if done right it's not going to be AI replacing   lawyers it's going to be lawyers working with AI  replacing lawyers who don't work with AI but not   everyone is delighted there's this thing called  chat GPT heard of it I've been under a rock so Timnit Gebru is an AI researcher specializing in  the ethics of AI I think that we should be really   terrified of of of of this whole thing chat GPT  learned how to write by examining millions of   pieces of writing on the internet unfortunately  believe it or not not everything on the internet   is true it wasn't taught to understand what is  fact what is fiction or anything like that it'll   just sort of power it back what I what was on the  internet and sure enough it sometimes spits out   writing that sounds authoritative and confident  but is completely Bogus the first woman president   of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton served  as the 45th president of the United States from   January 20th 2017 to January 20th 2025 and then  there's the problem of deliberate misinformation   experts worry that people will use chat GPT  to flood social media with phony articles   that sound professional or bury congress with  Grassroots letters that sound authentic we should   understand the harms before we proliferate  something everywhere and mitigate those   risks before we put something like this out there  but nobody may be more distressed than teachers   here is why write an English class essay about  race in To Kill a Mockingbird in Harper Lee's   To Kill a Mockingbird the theme of race is heavily  present throughout the novel The Story takes place   in Maycomb Alabama during the 1930s some students  are already using chat GPT to cheat check this out   check this out write me a 500 word essay proving  that the Earth is not flat no wonder chat GPT has   been called the end of high school English the  end of the college essay and the return of the   handwritten in-class essay you don't need to know  structure or syntax or vocabulary or grammar or   spelling the piece I also worry about though is  the piece about thinking Jane Rosenzweig is the   director of The Writing Center at Harvard when  we teach writing we're teaching people to explore   an idea to understand what other people have said  about that idea and to figure out what they think   about it a machine can do the part where it puts  ideas on paper but it can't do the part where it   puts your ideas on paper the Seattle and New York  City school systems have banned chat GPT so have   some colleges the idea that we would ban it is up  against something bigger than all of us which is   it's soon going to be everywhere it's going to be  in word processing programs it's going to be on   every machine some educators are trying to figure  out how to work with chat GPT to let it generate   the first draft students will stop being writers  and they will become editors my initial reaction   to that was are we doing this because chat GPT  exists or are we doing this because it's better   than other things that we've already done openai  declined our requests for an interview but offered   a statement we don't want chat GPT to be used for  misleading purposes in schools or anywhere else   our policy states that when sharing content all  users should clearly indicate that it is generated   by AI in a way no one could reasonably miss or  misunderstand and we're already developing a tool   to help anyone identify Tech generated by chat GPT  they're talking about an algorithmic Watermark an   invisible flag embedded in the writing that can  identify its source there are chat GPT detectors   but they probably won't stand a chance against  the upcoming new version chat GPT 4 which has   been trained on 500 times as much data people  who've seen it say it's miraculous a very senior   person has been working he basically described  it as a phase change you know it's like going   from water to steam it's just a whole nother  level of ability like it or not AI writing is   here for good Stanford's Erik Brynjolfsson suggests  that we embrace it I think we're going to have   potentially the best decade of flourishing of  creativity that we've ever had because a whole   bunch of people lots more people than before are  going to be able to contribute to our Collective   Art and Science but maybe we should let chat  GPT have the final word I worry about chat   gpt's effects on education misinformation and  jobs chat GPT is a tool that can be used for   a variety of purposes both positive and negative  it is an important for society as a whole to have   ongoing conversations about the responsible  development and deployment of AI technology   thank you you're welcome if you have any  other questions or concerns feel free to ask [Music]
Channel: CBS Sunday Morning
Views: 186,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBS Sunday Morning, CBS News, news, openai, artificial intelligence, chatgpt, david pogue, communications
Id: 2MZs44gSIwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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