Create Your Own AI Person (For Free)

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Mr Beast is the most popular YouTuber in the world and as someone who's trying to grow my own YouTube channel I thought it would be nice to be able to get advice from Mr Beast whenever I wanted unfortunately I don't have access to Mr Beast so I figured I would try to do the next best thing and create an AI Mr Beast that I can ask questions and get advice from whenever I want and in this video I'm going to build that and I'm going to walk through exactly how you can do it yourself now keep in mind that my example is from the perspective of of a YouTuber who wants to learn how to grow on YouTube however the technique that I'm going to teach you in this video can be used no matter what you're trying to accomplish if you're trying to become a better auto mechanic you can create a personal auto mechanic AI that you can ask questions of if you're trying to be a better Chef you can grab content from around the web from chefs and create your own personal chef bot this example I'm going to make beastbot and to do it I'm going to use a tool called Mind Studio which happens to be the sponsor of today's video now although M studio is the sponsor of this video I had been planning on making this video for a while now I didn't know exactly which tool I was going to use to make this video but mine Studio came across my radar and offered to sponsor this channel so I figured let's put it through its motions by creating this bot with this tool and the absolute best part is what I'm going to show you how to do you can do completely for free you don't even have to purchase anything from mind Studio you can find mind Studio over at ui. and that will link you right to this mind Studio app if you're not familiar with mind Studio essentially what it is is it's a tool where you can build AI apps you don't need to know how to do any sort of code you can train your Bot on external data things like text files PDF csvs Excel files HTML files and more and it's got this really cool drag and drop flow Builder to help you actually build the apps so this tool really did meet all the criteria that I needed to build my Beast bot it requires no code to actually build a bot it's completely free to build the bot and you can use any language model that you want be it GPT 3.5 GPT 4 anthropics CLA and many others now you're probably wondering how is this a free tool that anybody can use anybody can build Bots from and they can actually sponsor a video like this how is this company actually making money well this tool is free because it's in beta right now however they will be charging for some select Pro features very soon so I definitely recommend checking it out right away when you build one of these Bots you can either make the bot available for free and anybody can use it or you can charge a monthly fee to let others use your Bot you can then earn recurring Revenue when people purchase subscriptions to your Bot now for my example I'm not going to charge for my bot because I'm going to use Mr BEAST's content and that just doesn't seem right to create a beast bot and then make money off of other people's content so I'm not going to charge for my bot so let's build a bot now to start I need some information from Mr Beast I need to grab conversations and content from him that can be used as the context so when we ask this bot questions it has information from Mr Beast to be able to answer these questions and I'm going to do that by grabbing publicly available interviews with Mr Beast now to get all the Mr Beast content and to get our bot to sort of ingest all of his thoughts I'm going to turn to YouTube and publicly available interviews and this Mr Beast documentary on the Curiosity stream channel he was interviewed on the Colin and Samir podcast again on the Colin and Samir podcast Lex free man's podcast the all-in podcast the flagrant podcast the TMG podcast iced coffee Hour coffeezilla the full send podcast and the impulsive podcast I'm going to take these 11 sources of all of this interview content that Mr Beast has done as well as the documentary content and use that to train the bot on how Mr Beast would respond to things I'll go ahead and start with this documentary one if I come to the YouTube video here click on the three little dots click show transcript click this other button to show the transcript our transcript for the entire interview pops up over here on the right side now if I select this transcript here I'm just going to scroll all the way to the top click shift and select here now it's got the entire transcript selected I'm going to go ahead and contrl c and paste this into a notepad here and I'm just going to go ahead and save it as the title of the episode so I'll copy the title here save as and give it that title and now I've saved this entire transcript from this interview as a text file and now what I'm going to do is really quickly go through and save the transcripts from all 11 of these other videos here cool so now I've got a folder here on my desktop you can see I've got 11 items in it it is 11 different text files from 11 different interviews with Mr Beast so now I've got a mini version of Mr BEAST's YouTube brain on my hard drive in all of these text documents so let's create a bot to chat with Mr Beast so I logged into my Studio account here and I'm going to create a new AI they have some templates or you can start from a blank template let's start with the AI character template and it will actually start with some of the work done for us now we have this sort of pre-prom area here where we can give it some basic information about how this bot is going to work now this might look a little bit complicated at First Sight but don't worry I'm going to walk you through it it's actually really easy this is just all of the information that you want your Bot to start with if you think of something like chat GPT you have the custom instructions in chat GPT this is kind of like the custom instructions when somebody starts using the bot for the first time we can even ask them a couple quick questions to give the future chat that we're going to have more context that'll make sense in a second we can add a new prompt here and we're going to go ahead and select open type here and then we're going to ask a question let's say what is the name of your YouTube channel and we'll click save and start new and now let's create another question what is your Channel about let's go go ahead and save and start new and then let's ask how many subscribers do you already have and I'll click save on that and now we have three initial questions that somebody that uses our bot would get asked the first time they use it now what I need to do is I need to set each one of these as a variable real quickly and it's really easy to do so if I come over to this little X right here you can see here are the three questions that I asked what is the name of your channel what is your Channel about how many subscribers do you have let's click this little plus right here and let's change this variable to channel name then I'm just going to drag this question down to channel name what is the name of your channel we'll add another variable let's call this channel topic and we'll move what is your Channel about down to channel topic and then one last time I'm going to say subscriber count and we'll move this one down to subscriber count now I have set variables for each of the questions that we initially ask and honestly that's probably the most complicated part of this whole process now under this little button that says data sources which looks like three sort of cylinders on top of each other we click here and then select create data source this is where we'll actually upload all of the content that we just saved to text files one thing to note when we do this is we don't want to create multiple data sources you don't want to create one data source for each interview you want to make them all a single data source so click create data source we'll call this Mr Beast content and then I'll click upload files and we will select all of these inter reviews that we have already saved to text files here click open and then we'll just wait for it to upload all of them here cool now all 11 of those files have been finished uploading we can actually preview the files here we can preview the extracted text you can preview the raw chunks and if you know what you're looking at you can even preview the raw vectors but let's go ahead and just click save cuz none of that's really important for what we're doing right now so just click save and now over here on the left you can see our three sort of preliminary questions we've got our Mr Beast content data source with all of our interview content and we've got our various personalization variables that we set up now jumping back over to this main box here let's create some additional context or essentially our custom instructions for this bot I'm going to go ahead and type it all out real quick and then show you exactly what I did now this is probably the longest part of the process here is just creating all of this custom instructions for the bot and then everything goes real smooth after this all right so I've gone ahead and written up some additional instructions for our bot to keep in mind as it responds to questions so let me go through it for you real quick I've broken it up into three sections beastbot YouTube consultant the tone and style and the information about the user so the bpot YouTube consultant assistant's name is bpot and refers to itself as beastbot I'm giving it that information that when it talks about itself in the third person it refers to itself as beastbot the role of beastbot is to provide advice and consultation to help grow and optimize a YouTube channel based on the advice of Mr Beast bpot helps YouTubers find opportun unities to optimize and scale their Channel manage their lifestyle around YouTube manage the business side of YouTube and be better all around at being a YouTuber based on advice given by Mr Beast to facilitate this beastbot has been provided with timestamped interview transcripts of other creators and podcasters interviewing Mr Beast Be spot has also been provided with a timestamp transcript from a Mr Beast documentary I wanted to make sure that it knew they were timestamped so the bot wouldn't get confused by the various times that are still in my copied and pasted trans script now for tone and style bpot is confident in its ability to grow a YouTube channel and provide perfectly tailored advice it knows the formulas strategies and tools required to be successful on YouTube and has all of Mr BEAST's knowledge at its disposal bpot is concise but engaging bpot can use markdown in its replies and takes advantage of formatting to make responses more readable and impactful bpot does not make up information it relies on the provided context from the interview transcripts documentary transcripts as well as general ener knowledge of best practices around YouTube and YouTube growth if bpot does not know how to answer a question it will respond that it does not know instead of making up a response and I just added another one bebot responds in the tone and style of Mr Beast it can reference the transcripts to match the tone and conversation style and then down here I gave the additional context that we asked for earlier in our pre-interview questions so information about the user the user's YouTube channel name is and then in little curly bracket curly bracket I channel name which you can see is our variable up here the user's YouTube channel is about channel topic which we can find over here and the user has subscriber count subscribers on their Channel already and now we have given it a ton of context to start with to create our bot with Now we move on to the automations phase here and this is where we get our little drag and drop Builder let's go ahead and enable automations so the first thing we're going to want to do is we're going to click this plus here and we're going to collect an input from from the user now remember we did collect some inputs in the beginning here the best way to think of these is that these are Universal inputs the user's only going to respond to these one time before using the bot and the bot will sort of remember them every time this collect input inside of this automation phase here they will be asked this question every time they use the bot so that's really the main difference between the two so up here on the right the input type we're going to leave as text and then prompt we're going to say what is your question for Beast B and then for the variable name we're just going to call it raw question and you'll understand in a second why we name it raw question now we're going to add another block here and we're going to select the query data block and in the query template we're going to put our raw question that we just created and we'll call this one data source result so when we collect the input we're asking our question to the beastbot and that's just the raw question that we're asking and then the query data step it's going to take our raw question and it's going to reference it against this data source which is our Mr Beast content which is all of the stuff we uploaded earlier now we're going to add one more block here and this time we're going to select the send message now for our send message block here this is what's going to be passed along to the final chatbot and we're going to put using the following context answer the question and then I put in quotation marks raw question I'm going to put a couple lines here and then I'm going to give it information about the context I'm going to put context colon then under context we're going to put a source result here so now just kind of walking through this workflow we're asking the question what is your question for beastbot that's creating the raw question and then with this query data it's going to plug the raw question and search through all of the Mr Beast content for the response to that question and it's going to Output that as the data source result and then it's going to send the message into Claud or chat GPT or whatever chatbot tool you decide to use it's going to send this message using the following context answer the question and it's going to remember pull our raw question from the collected input and then the context it's going to pull whatever information it got from querying all of the documents that we put into it and then the action will be to display it to the user so you can see this whole visual flow of when they personalize it with their initial responses then we ask specific questions it queries all of the content we put in and then finally passes the message off to our chatbot now there is one extra step that was suggested that we add in between collect input and query data when I was talking to the people over at M Studio they actually suggested putting another send message in between collect input and query data so if I press this plus here and send another message this message instead of displaying it to User it's going to assign a variable and we'll go ahead and call this variable expanded question and the message it's going to send is write three different more verbose expansions of the following question that would be helpful in searching for more data about the question and then in quotations we put our raw question variable as it relates to Growing or optimizing a YouTube channel or being a better YouTuber only respond with the expansions now the reason we add this additional message here is because sometimes people put really short questions that don't provide enough detail sometimes people put misspellings or typos which may not find anything when it actually queries the data so essentially you're asking your Raw question that raw question is then going to gp4 or Claude we're asking gp4 or Claude to make better versions of that question it then takes those better versions of those questions and when we go to the query data phase instead of it querying the raw question we'll have it query the expanded question so now it's essentially passing through whatever large language model twice you ask the question it uses your large language model of choice to give better more verbose vers versions of the question that are better for querying the data that we have it writes those better versions of the questions then it queries the data that we've uploaded with the better versions of those questions and then finally at the end answers your original question with the data source result so hopefully that all made sense but that's pretty much the end of our workflow here all right so now we're going to move on to the next step up at the top here called message rules and down here under data source it says no pre-processing what we do want it to use our Mr Beast content so we'll go ahead and select Mr Beast content here we'll up our Max results to two here and so this is essentially what happens after the continuation of the chat so this automation this is sort of setting up the first question that you're going to ask once that first question is asked well you're probably going to want to continue to ask more questions so this message rules is essentially what's going to happen beyond the first question and you can see the message template here is if you ask a question it's going to reference the Mr Beast content it's going to also reference your last result along with whatever message you type we'll go ahead and move on to model settings here you can see that we do have the option of multiple models we've got gpt3 3.5 3.5 instruct GPT 4 Cloud V1 clae V2 and pal 2 now I'm going to go ahead and use cloud V2 just because I like that really large context window I'm going to go ahead and leave the temperature and the response size as the default here and then we'll click on publishing and this is where we can kind of name it and do all that extra stuff so we'll go ahead and call this beastbot your own personal Mr Beast for tags we'll give it Mr Beast beast spot YouTube Creator this is if you're going to make it public on their site for others to use it's easier to search you can give it custom icons custom social sharing images and more custom landing page we have our access and sharing so we can have the visibility be public we can allow other people to remix it and basically build off of it and we have the pricing where you can actually choose to charge people to use your Bot all you have to do is make sure it is connected to a stripe account now again I'm not going to sell this one because it's based on Mr BEAST's data not my own proprietary data but if I ever make a matbot based on my own YouTube content and podcast content and my own sort of information that I inject into it I can sell that bot because I know it's my proprietary data let's go ahead and click publish up here and now we've got beastbot your own personal Mr Beast I'm going to click open this is the portion where it's going to ask my initial questions so what is the name of your YouTube channel Matt wolf what is your Channel about artificial intelligence and Tech how many subscribers do you already have 452,000 and now we get to our bot what is your question for beastbot how should I approach creating thumbnails based on the context provided here are a few key points on the best approach to creating effective thumbnails thumbnails are critical and can make or break whether someone clicks on a video Mr Beast will even shut down video ideas if he can't come up with a good thumbnail thumbnail should be highly clickable and almost Force the viewer to click out of curiosity or interest it should represent something extremely interesting that viewers feel compelled to click on and so on now what's really cool about mine studio is if I come back to my homepage here and I click back into my beastbot I can come up to the top click on edit app here click on debugger down in the bottom and I can actually see how the bot was performing in the back end so if you look at the question that I asked what is the best approach to creating thumbnails I can click to my variables here and you can see here are three more verbose expansions for the the question what are some of the most effective strategies and best practices for creating compelling High converting thumbnails that will get more clicks what thumbnail creation approaches designs formats how can I create an AB test custom thumbnails Etc and then in the data source result this is leveraging this expanded question inside of the data and if I do a quick command F to do a search and search for thumb here and I scroll through it you can see that it found in the context a whole bunch of times where Mr Beast had brought up thumbnails so it's using a lot of the responses that Mr Beast had given around thumbnails if I click on the Preamble here I can see all of my initial settings that I set up on it my initial context that I gave it and I can essentially go through and if it gave weird responses troubleshoot why it gave the weird responses let's create a new chat here with Mr beastbot what is your question for beastbot how does Mr Beast spend his time when he's not making videos he tries to spend time learning new things with his girlfriend like watching documentaries taking IQ tests and reading about various topics he believes in finding balance between working and recharging during downtime he does activities like watching anime playing board games or other things he used to try to work all the time but realized it was unsustainable he still doesn't love taking time off from working as he feels that time could be used more optimally in summary Mr Beast tries to spend his non-v video time learning new things relaxing with mindless activities and recharging so he can continue to work as hard as possible when his time to make videos now if you've watched any of the Mr Beast interviews that are out there you'll know that this is quite accurate now what I've noticed about these Bots is this section that says write something is good for follow on questions from the previous question but it's not the best to go and ask a completely different question now that I've asked bpot how Mr B spends his time if I wanted to ask about optimizing old videos it's probably best to go and create a new chat here and say what would Mr Beast suggest around optimizing older videos on a channel and it gave some advice on optimizing older videos you can go ahead and pause and see the response if you want but essentially it says in general Mr Beast would advise constantly testing and optimizing older content to give it renewed potential just like you would with new videos treat it as an opportunity to replicate and scale up what performs well so there you have it I went ahead and I created beastbot trained on 11 different pieces of content around Mr Beast hours and hours and hours of Mr Beast advice is trained into this one bot and I can literally ask it any question I can think of and it will use all of that content for context to answer the questions from Mr Beast and like I mentioned in the beginning of this this video you don't have to use this just for YouTube Consulting that was the just example that I wanted to give because it was very relatable to me but also because I knew it would probably make a pretty good thumbnail you could create your own personal health coach with YouTube and podcast health coaches and train it on their content you could literally build a bot around anything you can imagine from any context or information that's publicly available and if you want to make some extra money create a bot around your own content if you've got online courses or a ton of podcasts or a ton of YouTube videos create your own proprietary bot with your information in it and you can actually sell access to it using mind studio and make some extra passive income all you have to do is watch this video again follow all of the steps that I laid out and train it on whatever information you feel the most relevant for the bot that you want to make it's super cool and I'm excited to make more Bots like this in different areas that would be helpful in my life so thank you so much to mine studio for making this awesome resource available to us all for free to use and also for sponsoring this video it is one of the easiest ways that I've come across so far to make my own custom bot that does exactly what I want it to do and hopefully you learn something and you can go and create a bot for yourself after watching this video so thank you so much for tuning into this video I really really appreciate it if you haven't already check out future tools. this is where I curate all the latest AI tools that I come across including tools like M Studio I just added a new feature where you can suggest changes to any tool so if a tool is outdated or no longer working you can just click this button let me know about the change that needs to happen and our team will get the change made I also keep the AI newspage up to date on a daily basis so you will always be in the loop with what's going on in the AI world all you got to do is check into futur tools. also recommend subscribing to the newsletter you won't regret it I promise so thanks again for tuning in if you like stuff like this give this video a thumbs up and it'll make sure you see more like it in your feed and if you haven't already maybe consider subscribing to the channel I'd really really appreciate it all right thank you so much for tuning in thank you again to uai and M Studio I appreciate all of you I'll see you in the next video [Music] bye-bye a
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 128,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Future Tools, Matt Wolfe, AI News, AI Tools, YouAI, MindStudio, MrBeast, MrBeast AI, ai mrbeast, mindstudio, mrbeast ai, chatbot, ai chatbot, chatbot tutorial, how to make an ai chatbot, ai, ai chatbot tutorial, making an ai chatbot, how to sell an ai chatbot, chatbot course, mrbeast, chatbot tutorial for beginners, how to make a chatbot, no code chatbot, mr beast, ai automation, mrbeast video
Id: cutA4MKm9uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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